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Washington (CNN)The White House is preparing a draft proclamation for President Donald Trump to declare a national emergency along the southern border and has identified more than $7 billion in potential funds for his signature border wall should he go that route, according to internal documents reviewed by CNN.

    Source Article from https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/24/politics/trump-border-wall-emergency-draft/index.html

    2020 presidential hopeful Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., is proposing a new “wealth tax” on Americans with more than $50 million in assets, as well as other measures that include a significant hike in funding for the Internal Revenue Service.

    “We need structural change. That’s why I’m proposing something brand new – an annual tax on the wealth of the richest Americans. I’m calling it the ‘Ultra-Millionaire Tax’ & it applies to that tippy top 0.1% – those with a net worth of over $50M,” Warren, who sits on the left of her party, tweeted Thursday afternoon.

    The Washington Post reported the proposal involves a 2-percent wealth tax on those with more than $50 million in assets, and an additional 3 percent on those with more than $1 billion.


    Economist Emmanuel Saez, one of two left-leaning economists at the University of California, Berkeley, who advised her on the proposal, claimed it would raise $2.75 trillion over 10 years.

    Warren also tweeted: “The rich & powerful run Washington. Here’s one benefit they wrote for themselves: After making a killing from the economy they’ve rigged, they don’t pay taxes on that accumulated wealth. It’s a system that’s rigged for the top if I ever saw one.”

    Such a proposal is not out of character for Warren, who has long railed against income inequality and the uber-rich, but would mark a move to the left by the party as a whole if it were adopted. Democrats have been nervous about pitching higher taxes, although a number have said they would reverse some of President Trump’s 2017 tax cuts.

    The Post reported the plan also would include mechanisms to combat tax evasion, such as more funding for the IRS, a measure to require all those paying the wealth tax be subject to an audit and a one-time penalty for those with over $50 million who have tried to renounce citizenship.

    Warren’s campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Fox News.


    Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said earlier this month that she wanted to fund her Green New Deal in part by slapping a tax as high as 70 percent on top earners. She said that, like in the 1960s, tax rates for those with incomes up to $75,000 could be as low as 10 or 15 percent, but much higher for those earning millions.

    “But once you get to the tippie tops, on your ten millionth, sometimes you see tax rates as high as 60 percent or 70 percent. That doesn’t mean all $10 million are taxed at an extremely high rate. But it means that as you climb up this ladder, you should be contributing more,” she said.

    Warren’s plan likely would hit a buzzsaw of opposition from Republicans, who champion the benefits of free-market economics and low tax rates. However, there could be some breakaway support for such a plan from some of those on the nationalist right in particular — a segment of the right that has questioned free-market dogmas and where higher taxes on the rich are not always anathema.

    Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon reportedly pitched a plan that would increase the tax rate to 44 percent on those earning more than $5 million — although the plan was not adopted. Meanwhile, conservative firebrand Ann Coulter has shown support in the past for taxes on the very rich, particularly as she says they would be aimed at liberals and those who support lax immigration policies.


    “Forget the top 2 percent,” she said in a 2012 column. “The top 1 percent of the top 1 percent keep voting for higher taxes — and then take advantage of indefensible tax loopholes and deductions. Get them.”

    Recently, she reacted to a call by the Chamber of Commerce for an extension of protections to illegal immigrants who came to the country as children, by tweeting: “I can’t wait for the 70-80% tax on the rich. MAKE SURE IT’S A WEALTH TAX, LIBERALS.”

    Fox News’ Peter Doocy and Tara Prindiville contributed to this report.

    Source Article from https://www.foxnews.com/politics/elizabeth-warren-to-call-for-wealth-tax-on-richest-americans-report

    President Trump’s decision Thursday morning to surrender to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s demand that he wait until after the government shutdown is resolved to deliver his State of the Union speech in the House chamber is going to make it a lot less likely that Pelosi, D-Calif., gives in on the funding for a border wall.

    Sure, in the larger scheme of things, this childish skirmish doesn’t matter much. No lives are going to be affected by whether the date of a speech is on Jan. 29 on some other time. But in an ongoing negotiation with no real movement, any standoff is going to become a proxy battle.

    In this case, Pelosi’s petulant action of rescinding her invitation to the State of the Union was an effort to flex her muscles. Trump responded, first, by canceling a congressional delegation’s overseas trip and then sending a letter on Wednesday signaling he was going to show up anyway, widely seen as an attempt to force her hand. But Pelosi didn’t flinch — she has the power to block a resolution calling a joint session of Congress and was willing to use it. Instead of trying to call her bluff by showing up, and forcing her to shut off the lights on him, or delivering the speech an an alternate venue, he instead announced he was completely capitulating.

    As Mark Levin noted, Pelosi is now going to see this as weakness. Trump lashed out, he tut-tutted, but ultimately he gave Pelosi exactly what she wanted without getting anything in return.

    At this point, there’s very little reason to believe that Pelosi will give in. Her party is unified behind her, Trump is the one who’s getting more blame for the shutdown, and her base would flip out if she agreed to fund the border wall. Now, on top of this, she has even more reason to believe that he’ll eventually cave.

    Source Article from https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/trumps-surrender-on-the-state-of-the-union-makes-it-even-less-likely-pelosi-will-give-in-on-border-wall

    Opposition leader Juan Guaidó has declared himself interim president, and the US is backing him.

    President Nicolás Maduro, who retains some other nations’ support, broke off relations with the US in response.

    So who’s really in charge? The BBC’s diplomatic correspondent Paul Adams explains.

    Source Article from https://www.bbc.com/news/av/46995856/venezuela-crisis-is-maduro-or-guaid-in-charge

    President Donald Trump suggested Thursday that the 800,000 federal workers who are facing a second missed paycheck at the end of this week should essentially borrow groceries to get through what has become the longest government shutdown in U.S. history.

    “Local people know who they are, when they go for groceries and everything else,” Trump said of federal workers during a meeting on trade at the White House. “And I think… that they will work along. I know banks are working along.”

    “And that’s what happens in times like this,” Trump continued. “They know the people, they’ve been dealing with them for years, and they work along.”

    Trump’s apparent suggestion that local grocery stores will let furloughed federal workers take food on an IOU was offered as an explanation for comments made Thursday by Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, who questioned why federal workers who aren’t getting paid would need to turn to food banks for help. Ross, himself a millionaire, said workers should simply take out emergency loans to cover their living expenses.

    “True, the people might have to pay a little bit of interest,” Ross said. “But the idea that it’s ‘paycheck or zero’ is not a really valid idea.”

    Those comments were echoed Thursday by White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow, who praised federal workers for “volunteering” through the shutdown because they support Trump.

    “God bless them. They’re working for free. They’re volunteering,” Kudlow told reporters. “But they do it because they believe government service is honorable and they believe in President Trump and they’re working as hard as ever.”

    The shutdown shows no signs of ending as it heads into its 35th day. Trump insists he will veto any funding bill that does not include money for a wall along the southwest border, an idea Democrats in Congress have roundly rejected. Two proposed funding measures failed in the Senate on Thursday.

    After the votes failed, Trump and White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders backed off the president’s $5 billion funding demand, with Trump saying he would be willing to accept a “prorated down payment” on the wall.

    Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) met in the Capitol on Wednesday afternoon, but there are no details on what deal, if any, they were discussing. House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) rejected the down-payment compromise.

    “That is not a reasonable agreement between the senators,” Pelosi told CNN.

    Frustration among federal workers and contractors continued to grow Thursday as agencies like the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), which includes the nation’s air traffic controllers, grapple with “sick outs,” low staffing levels, and long hours for employees who are working without pay.

    The National Air Traffic Controller’s Association put out a dramatic statement with the Air Line Pilots Association International and the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA warning that the shutdown could stretch the country’s civil aviation system to the breaking point.

    “In our risk averse industry, we cannot even calculate the level of risk currently at play, nor predict the point at which the entire system will break,” the unions said. “It is unprecedented.”

    The current shutdown spares military salaries, but members of the Coast Guard, which falls under the Homeland Security Department, are working without pay. The Coast Guard said Thursday that the families of guardsmen who are currently deployed without pay won’t receive a death benefit if they’re killed in the line of duty during the shutdown.

    Earlier this week, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) employee union said its members may not return to work for tax season during the shutdown if they’re experiencing a financial hardship, raising the possibility that millions of tax refunds could be delayed.

    Trump’s popularity has taken a hit as the shutdown drags on, with just 40 percent of registered voters approving of his job performance in the most recent Morning Consult poll. Morning Consult found that 49 percent of voters lay responsibility for the shutdown at Trump’s door, compared while 35 percent who blame congressional Democrats.

    In a separate CBS poll that ended January 21, 71 percent of respondents said that Trump’s border wall is not worth shutting down the federal government.

    As federal workers across the country have queued up at food banks, taken out loans, and rationed life-saving medicine to get by without a paycheck, Trump administration officials have continued to insist many federal workers support the shutdown.

    “I love them,” Trump told reporters Thursday of federal workers. “I respect them. I really appreciate the great job they are doing. Many of those people that are not getting paid are totally in favor of what we’re doing. Because they know the future of this country depends on having a strong border. Especially a strong southern border.”

    Source Article from https://thinkprogress.org/trump-federal-workers-shutdown-groceries-05cfe32ab341/

    SEBRING, Fla. (AP/WFLA) –  A gunman who took over a SunTrust Bank branch in Florida apparently made the five women inside lie down on the lobby floor before shooting them in the backs of their heads, police said Thursday.

    Highlands County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Scott Dressel said another employee was in the back break room when they heard the shots and ran out the back door, then called police.  

    “We will not be releasing any other information about this employee,” Dressel said. 

    Sebring police Chief Karl Hoglund said there’s no indication Zephen Xaver intended to rob the bank, and no apparent connection among him, the bank or the victims.

    Xaver, 21, has been charged with five counts of premeditated murder in the shooting deaths of the four bank employees and a customer.

    “He overtook the bank by force. He then shot everyone in the bank,” Hoglund said. “After shooting them, he called 911″ and “told dispatchers that he’d killed everyone in the bank.”

    According to an affidavit, all the victims were found in the bank’s lobby, lying face down with gunshots to the backs of their heads. Shell casings from Xaver’s 9mm handgun were scattered on the floor.

    Another customer, Victor Sparks, told the Highland News-Sun that he found the door locked during the attack, peered inside, and saw people lying on the floor while someone walked around and between them. He then turned and stepped away, and heard gunfire. He said police arrived within two minutes after he and his wife called 911.

    Dispatchers also got a 911 call from Xaver himself, saying “I have shot five people,” police said.

    But Xaver refused to surrender, and would not allow officers to reach the victims, the chief said. After more than an hour of negotiations, the chief ordered a SWAT team in; they had to use an armored vehicle to break through the front doors. Xaver was found in an office in the rear.

    By then, all the victims were already dead, the chief said.

    Hoglund identified two of the victims: customer Cynthia Watson and bank employee Marisol Lopez. Citing Florida’s version of a victims’ rights law, he said three of the families don’t want the names released.

    The community is mourning the loss of “our sisters, our mothers, our daughters and our co-workers,” Hoglund said.

    Authorities ended their news conference after only a few questions and didn’t respond when asked how Xaver obtained the gun.

    Xaver was arrested in a beige T-shirt depicting the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Thursday morning, he wore a black-and-white striped prison uniform as he was appointed a public defender and ordered held without bond.

    His father said he’s “heartbroken for the victims” and that his son “wasn’t raised to be like this.”

    “He’s always been a good kid. He’s had his troubles, but he has never hurt anyone ever before. This is a total shock,” Josh Xaver told CNN. The Associated Press has reached out to both parents of Zephen Xaver requesting interviews, with no immediate response.

    It wasn’t a shock to Alex Gerlach, who identified herself as Xaver’s former girlfriend. She said he’s long been fascinated with the idea of killing, but no one took her warnings seriously. For some reason, he “always hated people and wanted everybody to die,” Gerlach told WSBT-TV in South Bend, Indiana.

    “He got kicked out of school for having a dream that he killed everybody in his class, and he’s been threatening this for so long, and he’s been having dreams about it and everything,” she said. “Every single person I’ve told has not taken it seriously, and it’s very unfortunate that it had to come to this.”

    Gerlach told The Washington Post that Xaver said he purchased a gun last week and “no one thought anything of it” because he had always liked guns.

    Xaver has no apparent criminal record in the areas where he’s lived in Indiana and Florida, and his school records are spotty: Two school districts in northern Indiana said he attended for several years but did not graduate. Xaver also briefly studied online. Salt Lake City-based Stevens-Henager College spokeswoman Sherrie Martin confirmed that Xaver was enrolled from September to December before withdrawing last year.

    In Florida, he tried to be a prison guard: Department of Corrections records show he was hired as a trainee at Avon Park Correctional Institution on Nov. 2 and resigned Jan. 9. No disciplinary issues were reported.

    Public records and neighbors say Xaver and his mother had moved to Sebring in the fall from Plymouth, Indiana, a small city south of South Bend. They lived in a nondescript pre-fabricated home about 4 miles (6.5 kilometers) from the bank. No one answered the door Wednesday night after police finished searching the home.

    John Larose, who lives next door, said Xaver kept to himself, but he could hear him playing and yelling at video games in the middle of the night.

    This was at least the fourth mass shooting in Florida with five or more dead in the last three years. A gunman killed 49 at an Orlando nightclub in 2016, five died at the Fort Lauderdale airport in 2017, and 17 died in February at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in a Fort Lauderdale suburb.


    AP reporter David Fischer in Miami contributed to this report.

    Source Article from https://www.wfla.com/news/highlands-county/police-describe-execution-style-killings-inside-sebring-bank/1723228973

    President Trump’s strategy of forcing a government shutdown to get funding for a border wall took another blow on Thursday when a Democratic bill to reopen the government received more votes in the Republican-controlled Senate than his own compromise bill that included wall funding.

    There is, right now, more evidence that Trump’s support is fracturing than there is of disunion among Democrats, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is showing no signs of retreat. The chances of Trump getting his border wall dwindle by the day.

    Watching how poorly Trump has played his hand on the border wall, dating back to the start of his presidency, when his party controlled both branches of Congress and he was coming off an election win, really highlights a missing ingredient that has severely imperiled Trump’s agenda. It comes down to personnel. Trump’s administration has included people who want to fight for his agenda who have little or no experience getting things accomplished in government. It also has people who have experience with government, but have no loyalty to his agenda. It has very few people who have both attributes. And many who have neither.

    This is among the most common complaint I’ve heard from people who are sympathetic to Trump, but frustrated on progress on a number of issues, whether on immigration, healthcare, or foreign policy. Just look at Pelosi and how she’s wielded her power in the border wall fight. Even on something ultimately unimportant like the State of the Union. She knew she had the power to block a joint session of Congress and thus prevent him from giving a high-profile speech in the House chamber, she asserted that power, held firm, and Trump backed down. It just reinforced a feeling that Democrats know to use power when they have it to fight for their agenda, but Republicans never do. Trump was supposed to change things, but he has not been able to, because he’s lacked the right people.

    Advisers such as Stephen Miller or, formerly, Steve Bannon, by and large, support the Trump agenda. But neither of them had the skill set to either build consensus on Capitol Hill, or wield power in a way that can muscle policies through Congress. Former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and ex-chief of staff John Kelly came to their jobs with reputations for competence, but clearly were not fully on board with Trumpism and spent much of their time trying to contain him.

    You don’t have to be a conspiracy theorist about the “deep state” to recognize that many career employees of government agencies hate Trump and want to thwart his agenda. Even many appointees have approached their job as if their purpose is to manage him rather than to go to war for his policies — a sentiment infamously demonstrated by the anonymous New York Times op-ed.

    There are other figures we’ve seen who were kind of the worst of both worlds. Reince Priebus had been an effective RNC chairman, but he was not the right fit to be chief of staff — nor did he really share Trump’s vision for the country. Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson may have been an impressive CEO, but was completely out of his depth in Foggy Bottom, and fought to undermine Trump’s foreign policy, particularly on Iran.

    Trump’s greatest successes have come in areas in which there were people working together who a) shared his goals and b) knew how to make them happen. A perfect example is judicial nominees, in which former White House Counsel Don McGahn consulted with outside groups such as the Federalist Society, who were eager to help Trump fulfill his promise of appointing conservative judges. The Trump team coordinated things closely with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., who understood what it would take to get a lot of them confirmed.

    There have also been successes in some areas of regulatory policy.

    But Trump is seriously lacking people who are true believers in his cause who know enough about how to get things done in Washington. The reality is Republicans had the power in 2017 to build a wall if there was somebody knowledgeable about both immigration policy and legislative tactics to enable Trump to harness that power. This was always going to be a major challenge running as an outsider, against the party’s establishment, with plenty of seasoned hands in the party refusing to join the administration.

    So he finds himself in the current situation — a protracted shutdown in which he lacks leverage. On the one side, people who want him to cave in and offer more fig leafs to Democrats, and on the other, people who are eager to see him carry on the fight with no strategy to win. This is the story of much of Trump’s presidency.

    Source Article from https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/shutdown-fight-highlights-missing-ingredient-that-has-impeded-trumps-agenda

    WASHINGTON, Jan 24 (Reuters) – Workers affected by the government shutdown should seek loans to pay their bills and financial institutions should make credit available, U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said on Thursday as employees were poised to miss their second paycheck.

    In an interview on CNBC, Ross said it was “disappointing” that some federal workers were not showing up to work and that “there really is not a good excuse” for affected workers to not have money.

    “The banks and the credit unions should be making credit available to them,” said Ross, a billionaire investor. He noted the government had committed to give federal employees back pay, adding “there really is not a good excuse why there really should be a liquidity crisis.”

    “True, the people might have to pay a little bit of interest. But the idea that it’s paycheck or zero is not a really valid idea,” Ross said. “They are eventually going to be paid.”

    Trump last week signed into law a measure to ensure that the roughly 800,000 affected federal workers receive back pay, but the law does not extend to private workers for federal contractors or others whose livelihoods depend heavily on federal workers’ business.

    (Reporting by Susan Heavey; Editing by Chizu Nomiyama and Andrea Ricci)

    Source Article from https://www.aol.com/article/finance/2019/01/24/us-commerce-chief-to-federal-workers-get-a-loan/23651683/

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    Washington (CNN)In the hours after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s letter announcing she would not allow President Donald Trump to speak from the room she now controls, a flurry of suggestions and proposals emerged from Trump’s advisers.

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      Source Article from https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/24/politics/donald-trump-state-of-the-union-behind-the-scenes/index.html

      President Trump’s decision Thursday morning to surrender to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s demand that he wait until after the government shutdown is resolved to deliver his State of the Union speech in the House chamber is going to make it a lot less likely that Pelosi, D-Calif., gives in on the funding for a border wall.

      Sure, in the larger scheme of things, this childish skirmish doesn’t matter much. No lives are going to be affected by whether the date of a speech is on Jan. 29 on some other time. But in an ongoing negotiation with no real movement, any standoff is going to become a proxy battle.

      In this case, Pelosi’s petulant action of rescinding her invitation to the State of the Union was an effort to flex her muscles. Trump responded, first, by canceling a congressional delegation’s overseas trip and then sending a letter on Wednesday signaling he was going to show up anyway, widely seen as an attempt to force her hand. But Pelosi didn’t flinch — she has the power to block a resolution calling a joint session of Congress and was willing to use it. Instead of trying to call her bluff by showing up, and forcing her to shut off the lights on him, or delivering the speech an an alternate venue, he instead announced he was completely capitulating.

      As Mark Levin noted, Pelosi is now going to see this as weakness. Trump lashed out, he tut-tutted, but ultimately he gave Pelosi exactly what she wanted without getting anything in return.

      At this point, there’s very little reason to believe that Pelosi will give in. Her party is unified behind her, Trump is the one who’s getting more blame for the shutdown, and her base would flip out if she agreed to fund the border wall. Now, on top of this, she has even more reason to believe that he’ll eventually cave.

      Source Article from https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/trumps-surrender-on-the-state-of-the-union-makes-it-even-less-likely-pelosi-will-give-in-on-border-wall

      Furloughed federal workers are bracing to miss their second paycheck and employee unions are warning of increasingly dire consequences since the partial government shutdown began last month, as officials signal the stalemate in Washington has no end in sight.

      The government partially shut down in December after Congress failed to pass a spending package funding parts of the government, forcing some federal workers to be furloughed or work without pay. President Trump is demanding $5.7 billion for a barrier on the southern border with Mexico as part of a spending deal, something Democratic leaders are rejecting outright.


      Those whose jobs are affected by the shutdown are now speaking out more forcefully about the impact on their own lives but also safety issues for the broader public.

      “This is already the longest government shutdown in the history of the United States and there is no end in sight,” said a joint statement released Wednesday by leaders of three associations representing air traffic controllers, airline pilots and flight attendants.

      It continued: “In our risk averse industry, we cannot even calculate the level of risk currently at play, nor predict the point at which the entire system will break. It is unprecedented.”

      The FBI Agents Association, which advocates for 14,000 active and former FBI Special agents, also released a report earlier this week of grievances from FBI employees, including one who said the shutdown “has eliminated any ability to operate.”

      “It’s bad enough to work without pay, but we can only conduct administrative functions while doing it. The fear is our enemies know they can run freely,” said an anonymous agent, described as someone working on both overt and undercover counterintelligence matters.

      On Friday, affected federal workers are set to miss their second paycheck since the partial government shutdown began. Every former secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, including former White House chief of staff John Kelly, sent a letter to the president and Congress on Thursday asking them restore the department’s funding.


      “DHS employees who protect the traveling public, investigate and counter terrorism, and protect critical infrastructure should not have to rely on the charitable generosity of others for assistance in feeding their families and paying their bills while they steadfastly focus on the mission at hand,” the letter said. “This is unconscionable.”

      Among those affected are tens of thousands of members of the U.S. Coast Guard, the only branch of the U.S. Armed Forces affected by the partial government shutdown because it falls under the purview of the Department of Homeland Security, rather than the Department of Defense, like other branches.

      A sign that officials are preparing for the possibility of the shutdown continuing for months: White House acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney is asking agencies to provide him a list of programs that will be jeopardized if the lapse in funding continues through the spring.

      “Prudent management means planning and preparing for events without known end-dates,” a senior Office and Management Budget official told Fox News. “As OMB continues to manage this partial lapse in appropriations, unfunded agencies are being asked to continue to share with OMB an ongoing list of programs that could be impacted within the coming weeks.”

      In Congress, two different votes are set for Thursday in the Republican-controlled Senate with the aim to end the partial government shutdown. One vote will be on a bill reflecting Trump’s demand for border wall funding in exchange for temporary protections for some immigrants.

      A second vote is set for a measure already passed by the Democrat-controlled House to reopen the government through Feb. 8. It doesn’t allow money for a border wall but gives bargainers more time to talk.

      Neither bill is expected to advance under Senate rules requiring at least 60 votes, leaving unclear whether this would spur revived talks regarding a resolution.

      The Senate votes come as Trump announced late Wednesday that he will postpone his State of the Union address until after the partial government shutdown ends.

      But he reiterated Thursday on Twitter that he will not “cave” on border wall demands.

      While Democratic leaders in Congress say they have no interest in making a deal with Trump to end the government shutdown if it includes new money for his border wall, some cracks have begun to show. A White House official said Thursday that Vice President Mike Pence is heading to Capitol Hill on Thursday to meet with Senate GOP lawmakers.

      The House Blue Dog coalition, the group of moderate Democrats, has written to leadership asking Congress to hold a “bipartisan, bicameral summit that brings together House and Senate leaders to hold a substantive, transparent discussion on a path forward to reopen the government.”

      “That discussion should be designed to produce legislation that will quickly pass both chambers of Congress,” the group said.

      And some House Democrats are considering drafting a new proposal to provide Trump with options for securing the border that don’t involve a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. Democratic Rep. Hakeem Jeffries of New York said Wednesday that personnel, technology and other options “are the things that would actually improve our border security.”

      Fox News’ Chad Pergram, Kristin Brown and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

      Source Article from https://www.foxnews.com/politics/shutdown-fallout-intensifies-as-officials-signal-stalemate-could-last-much-longer

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      (CNN)We’re two federal paychecks into the longest government shutdown in history and government workers are hurting. But key people in President Donald Trump’s orbit have offered little in the way of comfort in recent days.

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        “It’s not fair to you, and we all get that, but this is so much bigger than any one person. It is a little bit of pain, but it’s going to be for the future of our country, and their children and their grandchildren and generations after them will thank them for their sacrifice right now,” she said. “I know it’s hard. I know people have families, they have bills to pay, they have mortgages, they have rents that are due. But the President is trying every single day to come up with a good solution here, and the reality is, it’s been something that’s gone on for too long and been unaddressed — our immigration problem. If we do nothing right now, it’s never going to get fixed. This is our one opportunity.”

        Source Article from https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/24/politics/shutdown-wilbur-ross-lara-trump-larry-kudlow/index.html

        CNN isn’t stopping at making generic accusations of witness intimidation against President Trump with respect to Michael Cohen’s prospective congressional testimony. The network is instead doing so in, quite literally, the most dramatic terms. On “New Day” Thursday morning, CNN played a clip from “Godfather II” in which the mob, in order to intimidate a witness at a Senate hearing, has brought the witness’s brother into the audience.

        After the clip rolled, CNN commentator John Avlon broke out the old mob threat:

        AVLON: I think what’s happening between the President and Rudy invoking the father-in-law and the wife goes well beyond problematic. At least from a historic precedent standpoint, there is none. What the President of the United States and his lawyer are basically doing is saying, “Nice family you got there. Be a shame if anything happened to them.”


        That was an allusion to the fact that President Trump and Rudy Giuliani have made reference to Michael Cohen’s wife and father-in-law.

        Here is a partial transcript.

        New Day
        7:19 am ET

        JOHN BERMAN: You know what this reminds me of? I didn’t go to law school, but I did see “Godfather II.”

        JOHN AVLON: I knew you were going there!

        BERMAN: Because you’re saying you don’t specifically say I’m going to hurt the father-in-law —

        ALISYN CAMEROTA: You say it would sure be bad if the father-in-law got hurt.

        BERMAN: Or you just put the person in the audience like they did with Frankie Pentangeli’s brother. Watch this.

        [Godfather II clip]

        SENATOR: Would you kindly identify for the committee the gentleman sitting to your left?

        TOM HAGEN: I can answer that. His name is Vincenzo Pentangeli.

        SENATOR: Is he related to the witness?

        HAGEN: He is, I believe, his brother.


        BERMAN: All you do is you show the family member, you show that there might be a threat.

        AVLON: I think what’s happening between the President and Rudy invoking the father-in-law and the wife goes well beyond problematic. At least from a historic precedent standpoint, there is none. What the President of the United States and his lawyer are basically doing is saying, “Nice family you got there. Be a shame if anything happened to them.”

        This article originally appeared on the Media Research Center’s NewsBusters blog.

        Source Article from https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/mob-movies-cnn-plays-godfather-clip-to-attack-trump-on-alleged-cohen-intimidation

        On Friday, students from Kentucky’s Covington Catholic High School encountered a Native American elder at the March for Life in Washington, DC, and appeared to taunt him.

        By Tuesday, video of the incident had gone viral; longer videos, giving more context, had been released; one of the students, Nick Sandmann, had issued a detailed statement telling his side of the story; and multiple members of the media had apologized for jumping to conclusions.

        In his statement, Sandmann said that he and his fellow students were simply chanting their school spirit chants, with permission from an adult chaperone, to counter insults being directed at them by a group of protesters. He said that when they had been chanting for some time, another group, including elder Nathan Phillips, approached them.

        “I believed that by remaining motionless and calm, I was helping to diffuse the situation,” Sandmann said of his interaction with Phillips. “I said a silent prayer that the situation would not get out of hand.”

        “I was not disrespectful to Mr. Phillips,” he added during a Wednesday interview with Today’s Savannah Guthrie.

        In the wake of Sandmann’s statement and the release of additional video, some have defended the Covington Catholic students. “Far from engaging in racially motivated harassment, the group of mostly white, MAGA-hat-wearing male teenagers remained relatively calm and restrained,” wrote Robby Soave at Reason.

        But the increasingly contentious public conversation around the episode may be missing the point.

        The smirking silence with which Sandmann confronted elder Nathan Phillips was actually incredibly telling, according to Adam Howard, an education professor at Colby College and the author of Learning Privilege: Lessons of Power and Identity in Affluent Schooling. Sandmann’s expression clearlycommunicates that I’m better than you, that I don’t even have enough respect for you to even say anything to communicate,” Howard told me.

        The student’s behavior was the embodiment of privilege, Howard said, and nothing that came after the initial viral video changes that.

        I reached out to Howard, who previously wrote for Vox about the culture of elite private schools, to ask how that culture might help us understand the March for Life video and its aftermath. In a phone interview, which has been condensed and edited, he said that the video and the reactions to it expose not just the problem of privilege in America but our inability as a society to reckon with that problem.

        Anna North

        What did you see when you saw the March for Life video for the first time?

        Adam Howard

        When you saw the young man’s face looking at the elder, and just the smirk, and then having a whole group around him of his fellow classmates, all boys, doing the various things they were doing — chanting, doing tomahawk things, racist behaviors — this is what privilege looks like. This is what he has learned not only from his schooling but also from other sources of education, which include family and the larger national context.

        What he’s learned is this contempt toward others, this kind of privileged white male gaze that communicates, “I’m better than you, I don’t even have enough respect for you to even say anything to communicate, but I will communicate everything I need to through my body language.” That overconfidence, and that sense of entitlement, all of it was being performed in that moment.

        As I was reading the articles, the ways in which people were trying to make sense of that initially, none of the conversation really focused on privilege and that these were a group of privileged boys from a privileged institution.

        Anna North

        What was your reaction when you saw additional videos released after the initial viral video, and the conversation around those subsequent videos?

        Adam Howard

        Even in the other videos, [Sandmann] was still looking stone-faced, smirking. That privileged white male gaze that every minority is very familiar with — when that gaze is upon you as a minority, you know what it communicates, and it communicates that “you’re inferior to me, I have a particular kind of perception of myself that places me above you.” That performance was also being reinforced by all his classmates kind of cheering him on.

        Silence plays an incredibly important part in that performance, because as soon as the boy says something, then we can confront him, we can dissect it, we can challenge it, and so part of it was that he wasn’t even giving anything over to be challenged in any way.

        We don’t know what he was exactly thinking at that moment, because he didn’t communicate anything verbally. That’s how privilege works — it’s constantly performed and embodied in particular ways where it’s hard to challenge it.

        Anna North

        It sounds like you’re saying we can see privilege at play in this video regardless of Sandmann’s statement or the longer video that was released later. Is that right?

        Adam Howard

        Yes. And therefore, it would be useful for us to begin to ask the questions of, how do young people learn those lessons that allow them to be okay with showing such contempt toward others who are different from themselves? Do they learn that through their education? Do they learn that through their religion? Do they learn that through their family? [Do they learn that through] the national context, and what’s going on in our country and what’s going on in the larger world?

        I would argue that all of those things are teaching them incredibly important lessons, and we need to be more mindful and intentional about the kinds of lessons we want to teach young people.

        Anna North

        Earlier in our conversation, you mentioned that the video reminded you of something that happened at your institution. Can you talk about that incident?

        Adam Howard

        Several years ago, we had this incident on campus, and it sent shock waves throughout our small, elite liberal arts college. It involved members of a male sports team. Shortly after this incident, I was asked, along with another faculty colleague, to lead and facilitate this community conversation.

        Several hundred people attended, and it was a three-hour event, and it was emotionally charged — people crying, and raised voices every once in a while. It was very obvious that a lot of people were affected by this in pretty profound ways.

        What was interesting is that the first two rows of this gathering space were all teammates of the guys who were involved in this incident, and they sat there and didn’t say a word for the entire three-hour period. They had that smirk on their faces, their arms crossed, and even though they didn’t say anything, their contempt for what was going on, everything they were communicating without saying a word — it completely overshadowed everything that we were trying to do.

        We were trying to heal our community, and we weren’t fully able to. It was so destructive; it was so disruptive. Anytime you challenge privilege, there’s going to be attempts to disrupt those efforts.

        Anna North

        How should the fact that Covington Catholic is an all-boys’ school factor into our understanding of this incident?

        Adam Howard

        When I research all-boys’ schools, the headmasters and others will claim that it allows students to express themselves freely, and that they’re more involved in the arts and in creative endeavors and that they’re not negatively impacted by having girls present and the peer pressure that goes along with that. I think that’s a bunch of crap.

        I think it instead reinforces very toxic ways of thinking about what it means to be a boy and what it means to be a man. The fact that you don’t have women there often limits the opportunities for you to develop healthy, productive relationships across gender.

        Often you have this kind of mob mentality that forms, because elite schools, part of what they do is teach their students to always prove that they’re the best. So what ends up happening is that it’s always a contest of who’s the best man. A lot of that is connected to sexual conquest, proving certain things that just aren’t very healthy ways of thinking about what it means to be a man.

        Anna North

        What can we learn as a society from this whole incident — the first video, but also the longer video and the reactions to all of it?

        Adam Howard

        What’s problematic from this larger incident, if you take [it] from the moment this goes viral to now, is that we easily dismiss things that need to be discussed. People are trying to find holes in the original narrative, and as soon as they find those holes, then that gives us permission to not discuss what we need to be discussing.

        Part of that is, what are privileged, white, young men learning about themselves, not just through their education and their family but through what’s going on at the national level? How they are making sense of themselves, others, and the world around them, and then how are they acting on that? Those are the types of conversations that we need to be [having], and I don’t know how we get there. It requires us to actually be willing to get past, “This narrative is flawed, therefore there’s nothing to be discussed here,” to, “What can we learn from this?”

        Source Article from https://www.vox.com/2019/1/23/18193174/covington-catholic-school-native-american-students-video

        SEBRING, Fla. — Five women were killed after a gunman entered a SunTrust bank in Sebring on Wednesday, January 23, and opened fire on four bank employees and one bank customer before calling 911 and telling dispatchers he killed five people, according to authorities.

        Two of the five victims of the shooting were identified after their families told officials they want their names to be known to the public. Cynthia Watson, 65, a customer in the bank at the time of the shooting, and 55-year-old Marisol Lopez, an employee at the bank working when the shooting occurred, were the two victims identified by police during a press conference on Thursday.

        At a news conference at 4 p.m. on Thursday, a third victim will be identified by family members. The third, fourth and fifth victims’ ages were 37, 31 and 54, according to Scott Dressel, the Public Information Officer for the Highlands County Sheriff’s Office.


        The remaining two victims’ names are being withheld in accordance to Marcy’s Law, which protects crime victims and their families.


        Officials held a news conference on Thursday to release new information about the shooting. During the news conference, Sebring Police Chief Karl Hogland said the incident began at 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday when Zephen Xaver entered the SunTrust bank, located at 1901 US Highway 27 in Sebring, wearing a bulletproof vest and armed with a 9 mm handgun. Xaver immediately contacted bank employees and a customer and took the bank by force. He reportedly shot all five women in the bank and then called 911 and told dispatchers about the shooting at approximately 12:36 p.m. At 12:40 p.m., units from the Highlands County Sheriff’s Office arrived on scene and Sebring Police arrived two minutes later. Crisis negotiators established contact with Xaver and at 12:44 p.m., SWAT was called to the scene. The Highlands County SWAT team made a tactical entry to the bank at 1:54 p.m. and Xaver was taken into custody at 2:28 p.m. after surrendering to the SWAT team.

        Sebring Police Chief Karl Hoglund said there is no indication Zephen Xaver intended to rob the bank and there was no apparent connection between him and the bank or the victims.

        According to the arrest affidavit, the victims were found in the bank’s lobby, lying face down with gunshot wounds to the backs of their heads and upper torsos. There were shell casings lying on the floor near the victims. Xaver was in an office in the bank with the 9 mm handgun and bulletproof vest when he was taken into custody.

        Xaver is currently in the Highlands County Jail, being held without bond on five counts of murder in the first degree.

        Story developing, refresh for updates. Stay with ABC Action News for the latest.

        Source Article from https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/region-desoto-highlands-hardee/sebring-bank-shooting-five-women-killed-two-identified

        President Trump announced this week that he is officially recognizing the president of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Juan Guaido, as the interim president of Venezuela. This move is an extremely important shift in U.S. policy that could lead to many lives saved. Canada, Brazil and other countries have joined the U.S. The ruling president, Nicolas Maduro, quickly responded by severing all diplomatic ties with the U.S., and gave U.S. staff 72 hours to leave the country.

        As Isaias Medina III – international lawyer, humanitarian activist, former Venezuelan diplomat to the United Nations, and one of the first to quit in disgust over Maduro’s policies – said to me this week, “Maduro’s induced humanitarian crisis, through weaponization of starvation and medical scarcity to remain in power, takes the life of hundreds of victims on a daily basis and has caused the forced displacement of more than 3 million people. In Venezuela, if you don’t have a 21st-century socialist apartheid card, you are walking down death row.”

        When Hugo Chavez was elected president of Venezuela in 1998 he promised free health care for all. But this promise quickly deteriorated into a health care crisis, and under Nicolas Maduro, who has been president since 2013, the health care system has collapsed into a full-scale humanitarian crisis.


        According to the Venezuelan Society of Pediatrics and Childcare, 80 percent of children under 5 years of age are in some state of malnutrition. The Caritas international relief organization reported a neonatal death toll in 2016 of 11,400 children. The Pharmaceutical Federation of Venezuela has reported a medication shortage of 85 percent and according to the Venezuelan Medical Federation, 328,000 Venezuelans die every year because of lack of medicines.

        Malaria, TB and HIV are resurging because of the poor conditions and lack of treatments. The former minister of health, Antonia Caporale, publicly reported more than 240,000 cases of Malaria in 2016 and a tripling of TB cases to 7,278 in 2015 – numbers that helped lead to her immediate removal from office.

        Caritas has concluded that 82 percent of the population is impoverished, with 15 million in extreme poverty. Out of 23 million Venezuelans, 4.5 million are eating one meal per day or less, and more than 3 million eat from the garbage.

        Heart attacks are the leading cause of death in Venezuela with 30,899 people dying of heart disease in 2013 and 11,164 of strokes, according to information obtained by Isaias Medina. The death rate for heart disease is still close to 15 percent, as it was in 1980 before there were acute interventions like angioplasty and stents or the latest medications.

        On top of all the shortages, the horrid conditions and the poverty, medical personnel are leaving. 13,000 doctors have fled Venezuela over the past four years alone.

        What should be done? With Maduro refusing humanitarian aid from other countries while at the same time strangling his own people, it is clear that he must be removed from power. As a physician, I am generally a pacifist. But in this case, observing the status quo could lead to millions more deaths. International military intervention may be necessary to save lives.


        President Trump has said, “I will continue to use the full weight of United States economic and diplomatic power to press for the restoration of Venezuelan democracy. We continue to hold the illegitimate Maduro regime directly responsible for any threats it may pose to the safety of the Venezuelan people.”

        The president’s timely statements should receive bipartisan support at home and around the world. The time for the world to intervene and remove Nicolas Maduro from power – for the sake of the safety of the Venezuelan people – is now.


        Source Article from https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/dr-marc-siegel-time-to-end-the-humanitarian-crisis-in-venezuela-maduro-needs-to-be-removed-from-power

        The Senate will take two votes Thursday to reopen the federal government and end the longest shutdown in history. Both votes are expected to fail. The shutdown will continue.

        The pageantry of failed floor votes has become one of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s calling cards in the Senate over the past few years. They’ve proven a potent tool to defuse awkward standoffs and to navigate stalemates. It used to be that a failed bill on the Senate floor signaled weak leadership, but McConnell has used them to his tactical advantage in a highly polarized Washington.

        McConnell has used this gambit before in high-pressure situations. Some Republican lobbyists in town have called it a “show them a body” strategy: holding votes you know will fail in order to break the impasse over a given issue.

        As Vox reported during the contentious health care debate:

        Observers in Washington think the Senate is preparing to take a failed vote that would bring a seven-year quest to repeal and replace Obamacare to a spectacular but definitive end.

        It’s the “show them a body” strategy.

        “I think the destination is already set. But what’s the path?” one Republican health care lobbyist, who asked for anonymity to speak candidly, told me. “They have to be able to show the electorate a body, to say that they tried and failed.”

        Now is a logical time for McConnell to call this play. Four weeks into the shutdown, Senate Republicans have been unwilling to move anything without Trump’s $5 billion for the border wall attached, and Democratic leaders are making no headway in their talks with the president. Democrats have been beating up McConnell for not allowing a vote to reopen the government. Now they’re going to get one — even if it won’t have the desired effect.

        Failed votes aren’t exactly productive legislating, but they are still useful for Senate leadership because they give the appearance of work being done and force a reset once a legislative path is blocked.

        What are the votes the Senate is about to take?

        McConnell and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer negotiated a deal this week to vote on two proposals Thursday:

        1. President Trump’s proposal he announced Saturday, which would fund the government while also providing billions of dollars for border security and temporary protections for DACA recipients.
        2. A temporary government funding bill to fund the government at existing levels — with no immigration strings attached — which would reopen the government until February 8. A corresponding version of this bill has already been passed by the Democratic House.

        Both bills would need 60 votes to advance. But there likely won’t be enough Republicans joining Democrats to pass a clean bill, and there are few Democrats willing to back Trump’s wall.

        So what’s the point? Senators will get a public opportunity to release their frustrations by voting to open the government — and McConnell will have shown Democratic leaders and President Trump that neither course has the necessary support in the Senate right now.

        Politico Playbook explained the objective of the dueling failed votes like this: “This is a pressure-valve release, of sorts.” It is not actually intended to end the shutdown.

        McConnell has “showed them a body” before

        We saw the same drama play out twice before, once on Obamacare repeal in 2017 and once during the earlier government shutdown over DACA and the wall last January.

        During that first instance, the Obamacare repeal debate was already clearly in trouble. Yet McConnell kept moving toward a vote, despite having no clear path to getting 50 votes (that bill was operating under special rules that only required a bare majority) for any one plan. He seemed set on holding a vote, even if all it would show is that none of the existing repeal bills could pass.

        The eventual vote went almost according to plan, though McConnell came closer to passing a health care bill out of the Senate than most people expected. Over a few days, the Senate took failed votes on a repeal-and-replace plan, a clean repeal bill, and a “skinny” repeal bill. The last one nearly managed to pass — McConnell having cleverly proven that none of the other bills had the necessary support, leaving the “skinny” bill as the only viable alternative — but John McCain stopped it with his infamous thumbs-down.

        The strategy led to that spectacular flameout on the Senate floor, but it also added a note of finality to the months-long health care debate. McConnell and the rest of the Senate moved on to tax reform in the following months.

        The same story played out a few months later. Senate Democrats shut down the government in January 2018 to try to force Trump to negotiate on a permanent fix for DACA recipients, whose legal status was at risk due to the administration. The president proved to be an unreliable negotiator, but Democrats still wanted some kind of concession in order to agree to reopen the government.

        What they ended up getting was another “show them the body” moment. McConnell agreed not to bring up any specific immigration bill but rather to hold an “open and fair” floor debate on immigration as long as Democrats didn’t shut down the government again. So in early February, four varying immigration bills were put up for a vote. Each one ended up failing.

        Once again, the Senate is preparing to take doomed votes on a big issue

        The ploy had served McConnell’s purposes. The government reopened that January. The president was protected from an embarrassing comeuppance if his own plan had failed while a more migrant-friendly version passed. Both sides realized they didn’t actually have enough support for their positions to do anything productive on immigration, so they just moved on — until the latest immigration standoff led to yet another shutdown, one that still hasn’t been resolved.

        Now we are set to do the same thing on Thursday. Senators will get to vote, but if both spending plans fail as expected, President Trump will be shielded from needing to issue a veto that keeps the government shut down. The votes won’t resolve the shutdown, in other words, but they might defuse the tension for a few days and give Republicans a chance to regroup.

        It might sound strange, but these days, it’s just how the Senate works.

        Source Article from https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/1/24/18194335/government-shutdown-2019-senate-votes-spending-bill

        House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has finally done it: She has postponed the State of the Union address until after the government reopens.

        The speaker announced in a letter Wednesday that “the House of Representatives will not consider a concurrent resolution authorizing the President’s State of the Union address in the House Chamber until government has opened.” The address is delivered from the House chamber at the invitation of Congress.

        Though near-unheard-of, the speaker is well within her rights to cancel or postpone the speech indefinitely, Michael Steel, former press secretary to former House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, told the Washington Examiner.

        It’s also a surprisingly simple thing for the speaker to uninvite the president. All she must do is simply say so. There’s nothing more to it than that. It’s “the Speaker’s call to extend (or rescind) the invitation,” said Steel.

        Pelosi’s announcement comes almost immediately after the White House sent her office a letter Wednesday afternoon informing her of the president’s intent to deliver his address from the House chamber on Jan. 29.

        “I will be honoring your invitation, and fulfilling my Constitutional duty, to deliver important information to the people and Congress of the United States of America regarding the State of our Union,” the letter reads.

        It adds, “I look forward to seeing you on the evening on January 29th in the Chamber of the House of Representatives. It would be so very sad for our Country if the State of the Union were not delivered on time, on schedule, and very importantly, on location!”

        This all starts with Pelosi’s proposal last week that the State of the Union address be postponed until after the shutdown has ended.

        “The U.S. Secret Service was designated as the lead federal agency responsible for coordinating, planning, exercising, and implementing security for National Special Security Events by Public Law 106-544, December 19, 2000. However, both the U.S. Secret Service and the Department of Homeland Security have not been funded for 26 days now — with critical departments hamstrung by furloughs,” the speaker’s letter reads.

        It added, “Sadly, given the security concerns and unless government re-opens this week, I suggest that we work together to determine another suitable date after government has re-opened for this address or for you to consider delivering your State of the Union address in writing to the Congress on January 29th.”

        However, both the U.S. Secret Service and the Department of Homeland Security have disputed the speaker’s suggestion that they’ve been hobbled by the shutdown.

        “The Department of Homeland Security and the US Secret Service are fully prepared to support and secure the State of the Union. We thank the Service for their mission focus and dedication and for all they do each day to secure our homeland,” DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said in a statement released hours after Pelosi first pitched her proposal to the White House.

        A Secret Service official also told NBC News last week that Pelosi’s supposed safety concerns are unfounded.

        “It’s a no-fail mission,” the official told NBC News’ Pete Williams, adding that the “intelligence and protection functions” are “fully staffed” even though they are not being paid. “We’ve been planning for this for months, as we always do. It didn’t start up 29 days ago.”

        Of course, it doesn’t take a Secret Service official’s remarks to see that postponing the president’s speech is about politics and not at all about safety concerns. Remember: Pelosi originally extended her State of the Union invitation to Trump on Jan. 3 — a full 12 days into the shutdown.

        Trump responded last week to the speaker’s proposal by grounding a congressional delegation (including Pelosi) tour of Brussels, Egypt, and Afghanistan, citing the shutdown and the need to negotiate reopening the government as the reason why.

        It’s possible Trump still shows up to the House on Jan. 29, and it is entirely possible Pelosi cuts the microphones and turns off the lights. She can even instruct the sergeant-at-arms to bar the door.

        But it won’t come to all that — will it?

        Source Article from https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/nancy-pelosi-has-every-right-to-postpone-trumps-state-of-the-union

        President Trump often receives criticism for his supposed disinterest in the tradition of American moral leadership in international affairs. Some of this is fair, some is not. But when it comes to challenging the moral disgrace that is socialist Venezuela, Trump’s record is unequivocally stellar.

        Trump took this leadership one step further on Wednesday, when he officially recognized Venezuelan National Assembly President Juan Guaido as Venezuela’s rightful president. This serves the better future of a suffering people.

        Why is this recognition so important?

        Primarily because it will force new pressure onto those who provide Venezuela’s pretender president, Nicolas Maduro, with his insulation of power. As I noted on Tuesday, “Maduro is hardly an inspiring leader. Instead, Maduro’s support flows from the assessment of powerful Venezuelan figures that he presently offers the best means to their better interest. But if they believe that Maduro’s continued power will only make them weaker, and open them up to the risk of a legal reckoning in the post-Maduro era, they will move away from the pretender president.”

        But the timing of Trump’s announcement is also excellent. After all, as you read this, millions of Venezuelans are marching through on their streets, demanding Maduro’s resignation. They are doing so because they have lived the lie of Maduro and Hugo Chavez’s socialist utopia for too long. And they know that lie for what it is: a Venezuela littered with starving children, professionals turned beggars and prostitutes, and the world’s most oil-rich nation now a political asylum.

        More U.S. action will yet be necessary. The Trump administration should work with its allies, especially Brazil and Colombia, to impose a wide-ranging oil embargo on Venezuelan oil exports. Trump should also confront nations such as China, Russia, and Spain, which support Maduro’s evil. Nevertheless, this is a good step that will send shivers down the spines of Maduro’s cronies. America has put them on notice as usurpers of democracy. They must now choose whether to remedy their misjudgment, or reap the whirlwind when Maduro’s political future reaches its inevitable destination.

        Source Article from https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/trumps-recognition-of-juan-guaido-is-bold-moral-leadership-on-venezuela

        Teachers and students in Los Angeles returned to their classrooms on Wednesday after a deal was reached, ending the city’s landmark teacher strike.

        Though a deal was reached in Los Angeles, a similar conflict seems set to unfold in Denver as teachers there voted in favor of a strike.

        The Denver teachers’ strike can legally start as of Monday, Jan. 28, after 93 percent of unionized teachers voted for the strike on Tuesday night.

        “They’re striking for better pay. They’re striking for our profession. And they’re striking for Denver students,” Rob Gould, the union’s lead negotiator, said at a press conference Tuesday, according to The Denver Post.

        David Zalubowski/AP, FILE
        Kate Martin, a former teacher and current employee of the Denver Classroom Teachers Association, unloads items for a potential teachers’ strike outside the union’s headquarters in south Denver, Jan. 17, 2019.

        Those demands echo the ones called for in Los Angeles.

        Teachers in California’s most populous city went on strike over teacher pay, class size and funding for school support staff, among other issues.

        A deal was reached Tuesday, Jan. 22, which marked the ninth day of the strike that took 30,000 teachers out of classrooms.

        Richard Vogel/AP
        Parents and toddler wave to children as they return to the Evelyn Thurman Gratts Elementary School in downtown Los Angeles, Jan. 23, 2019, following a city wide teachers’ strike.

        The contract that was reached included a 6 percent pay increase and a plan to lower class sizes over the next four years.

        The Los Angeles mayor, the schools superintendent and the head of the teachers union announced at a joint news conference Tuesday that a tentative deal was reached, and the member teachers voted on it Tuesday evening, formalizing the deal.

        Source Article from https://abcnews.go.com/US/striking-la-teachers-return-class-denver-teachers-prepare/story?id=60568454


        Majority leader Sen. Mitch McConnell and Minority leader Chuck Schumer spoke on the Senate floor ahead of a vote on the most recent proposals to end the government shutdown.
        USA TODAY

        WASHINGTON – House Democratic leaders are drafting a letter to President Donald Trump that would propose $5 billion in border security if he agrees to reopen the government, but Trump warned Wednesday that the partial government shutdown could drag on for a while.

        The Democrats’ proposal does not include money for any “new structures” along the southern border as the president demanded, so it is unlikely to move as is. It is still significant because it’s the first time Democratic leaders will broadly lay out what they might accept in a compromise to end the government shutdown, which is in its 33rd day.

        “It’s a starting point. You know, I think we all want border security. There is no question about it,” said Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee. “It’s just that some of the things that are being pursued in the name of border security we disagree with.”

        Thompson said he is involved in drafting the letter, which he expects to come from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.

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        “No new structures. The only thing we are talking about is existing structures, along with the judges and some other things,” Thompson said. He said there would be money for “some new” Customs and Border Protection agents and to bolster ports of entry.

        House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., said the letter hasn’t been finalized, but “we are prepared to spend a very substantial sum of money because we share the view that borders need to be secure.”

        The letter “is not a negotiation,” Hoyer said. “The letter is going to articulate what we believe is effective investment to accomplish border security.”

        Thompson said protections for “Dreamers,” undocumented immigrants who came to the USA as children, are not included in the proposal.

        At the White House, Trump said Wednesday the government shutdown could drag on because of the dispute over border security and his proposed border wall.

        Democrats “don’t want to see crime stopped, which we could very easily do on the southern border. … This will go on for a while,” Trump said while taking questions during a health care event. 

        In another sign the administration is bracing for a much longer shutdown, White House acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney has asked agencies to provide lists of programs that will be endangered if the shutdown lasts for weeks and even months more.

        “Prudent management means planning and preparing for events without known end-dates,” said an administration statement. “As OMB continues to manage this partial lapse in appropriations, unfunded agencies are being asked to continue to share with OMB an ongoing list of programs that could be impacted within the coming weeks.”

        Saturday, Trump offered a proposal that would include temporary protections for Dreamers as well as refugees who had been given Temporary Protected Status in the USA in exchange for $5.7 billion for his wall along the southern border. The president’s proposal would make it harder for minors from Central America to seek asylum, an idea Democrats oppose.

        Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., scheduled a vote to begin debate on the president’s proposal Thursday. If that fails to get the 60 votes required, a bill that would fund all of the remaining government agencies through Feb. 8 will be voted on. 

        “I want my friends, my Republican friends, to understand the stakes here. Reopening the government for three weeks may not sound like a long time, but it’s massively important to 800,000 public servants who have been languishing without pay,” Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., said on the Senate floor Wednesday. 

        It is unclear whether either bill will make it through the Senate.

        The House voted 234-180 Wednesday to approve a spending bill that would reopen eight of the nine shuttered federal departments and fund them through Sept. 30. The House plans to vote on a separate bill that would fund the Department of Homeland Security through Feb. 28. Neither bill is likely to receive a vote in the Senate.

        On Wednesday, 30 centrist Democrats sent a letter to Pelosi calling on her to offer a vote on Trump’s border wall in exchange for his support to reopen the government. The wall is unlikely to pass the Democratic-controlled House.

        Rep. Elaine Luria, D-Va., a freshman lawmaker who took the lead in drafting the letter, told reporters the message was “we need to return to regular order, we need to open the government, we need to take these issues to committee, we need to analyze them in a facts-based way.”

        “We promised our constituents that we would seek bipartisan solutions, and we feel that this proposal would gain bipartisan support and allow a transparent process,” the letter reads.

        Luria, who represents a district Trump won in 2016, dismissed any notion that those on the letter were breaking with their leadership.

        “This (letter) is very much in line with what we were just discussing in the caucus meeting,” Luria said after Democrats met Wednesday morning.

        “I don’t think there’s any division” within the caucus, Luria said.

        “It’s just coming from every direction, the pain that this is inflicting on people, so we just have to get the government open,” said Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon, D-Pa., another freshman. “Everything I’m hearing is the caucus is really united. It has to be.” 

        Contributing: Maureen Groppe

        More: What’s in the Republican immigration bill, and why Democrats oppose it

        More: Will government shutdown impact security at Super Bowl LIII?



        Source Article from https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/01/23/government-shutdown-house-democrats-make-new-offer-president-trump/2656117002/