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(CNN)The tug of war between Los Angeles teachers and their school district may be shifting toward the teachers as picket lines keep growing, the teachers’ union said.

    Source Article from https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/16/us/los-angeles-teachers-strike-day-3/index.html

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    Wednesday’s attack on U.S. forces in Syria has stoked fresh criticism over President Donald Trump’s claim that the so-called Islamic State has been defeated renewed debate over his decision to withdraw all troops from the war-torn country.

    Around 1 p.m. local time, a suicide bomber blew himself up in a popular area of downtown Manbij, a northern Syrian city that’s been controlled by U.S.-supported Kurdish militias since it was wrested from ISIS in 2016.

    Four Americans were killed — two service members, a civilian Pentagon official and a U.S. contractor — and three more injured, U.S. Central Command confirmed in a statement, reportedly marking the largest single loss of American life since the counter-ISIS campaign began. Nineteen people are believed to have died in total, including civilians and local coalition partners, according to monitoring group the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

    ISIS quickly claimed responsibility. While the group has not so far offered physical evidence to support the claim, critics have been quick to link the attack to President Donald Trump’s decision last month to withdraw all U.S. troops from Syria.

    “Trump’s order was reckless and driven far more by domestic political concerns than it was by facts on the ground,” Charles Lister, a senior fellow at the Middle East Institute, said on Twitter Wednesday.

    Trump defended the troop pullout plans on the premise that ISIS had been defeated. The decision triggered rebukes from numerous lawmakers and security experts, who warned of the extremist group’s resurgence and lamented what was seen as an abandonment of local partners.

    “Sometimes reality catches up quickly with wishful thinking and political spin,” Michael Rubin, a former Pentagon official and resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C., told CNBC on Wednesday. “Historians will likely file Trump’s tweets announcing the ISIS defeat and U.S. Syria pullout alongside Bush’s 2003 ‘Mission Accomplished’ speech and Obama’s 2011 withdrawal from Iraq.”

    ISIS’ return in Syria is ‘inevitable’

    The counter-ISIS campaign, started under the Obama administration and continued under Trump, has decimated the group’s territorial hold and its numbers compared to what it controlled at its height. In January 2015, ISIS held an estimated 50,000-plus square miles in Syria and Iraq and fielded close to 100,000 fighters, according to some estimates. In December, top U.S. officials told CNBC the group only controlled 1 percent of what they once had.

    But the Manbij attack, and continued low-level kidnappings and attacks elsewhere in Syria and Iraq, are a reminder that its sleeper cells exist and its ideology has yet to be defeated.

    “The attack in Manbij demonstrates clearly that ISIS still has an extensive network of operatives throughout the areas it used to control in Syria, and that it wants the world to know that,” said Nick Heras, a Middle East security fellow at the Center for a New American Security and former research associate at the National Defense University. “ISIS likely timed the attack to send the message to Trump that he hasn’t beat it yet, and to the world that the Americans will lose the long war against it.”

    However, it’s important to note that this type of attack, carried out against U.S. personnel in a civilian area, “is a low hanging fruit operation” that ISIS could execute with or without Trump’s announcement of the Syria drawdown, Heras added. The group’s predecessors in Iraq carried out similar attacks frequently, and we should expect more of them in Syria moving forward, he said.

    “ISIS has an incentive to demonstrate to everyone that it is not dead, that it has agents and capabilities everywhere, and that its return in Syria is inevitable.”

    The White House has not commented on how the attack may impact U.S. plans to withdraw troops from the country, though the process has already begun, according to the Pentagon. White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders expressed condolences to the families of those lost in a statement Wednesday.

    Just hours before the attack, Vice President Mike Pence told a group of U.S. ambassadors gathered in Washington that “The caliphate has crumbled, and ISIS has been defeated.”

    While Wednesday’s attack appears to prove that assertion wrong, terrorism analysts point out that “defeat” of a jihadist group may no longer even be relevant as a term if used in the sense of conventional warfare. ISIS, like many of its counterparts, can survive as an ideology without commanding a physical territory or army, they say, meaning that regardless of a territorial defeat, individuals and cells acting independently can theoretically carry out the group’s mission forever.

    Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass drove this point home.

    “The apparent ISIS attack in Syria a costly reminder that there is no such thing as victory in any traditional sense vs terrorists,” he said on Twitter. “This is one reason why ‘war’ is not a good term in this context as classic wars have an end but struggles vs terrorists are unavoidably open ended.”

    Source Article from https://www.cnbc.com/2019/01/17/isis-claimed-attack-on-americans-in-syria-renews-criticism-of-trump.html

    Federal agents posing as potential terrorists and munitions sellers arrested a Georgia man in a plot to blast his way into the West Wing of the White House with an anti-tank rocket, according to court papers and prosecutors.

    Hasher Jallal Taheb, 21, of Cummings, Georgia, met with undercover agents on Wednesday and traded his car for semi-automatic assault rifles, remote-controlled explosives and grenades, and an anti-tank rocket, according to an FBI affidavit.

    He planned to blow out a door of the West Wing to gain entry, using as many weapons as possible to inflict carnage, court papers said. He also told at least one agent that he wanted to fire a rocket at the Statue of Liberty, the FBI said.

    Unbeknownst to Taheb, the weapons he received on the back of a tractor-trailer had been rendered inert by the FBI. He was arrested within moments of “obtaining” the weaponry, according to prosecutors.

    “It is important to point out that this investigation and arrest were the direct result of a tip from the community, another example of how important it is to contact law enforcement if you see or hear something suspicious,” said Chris Hacker, special agent in charge of the FBI in Atlanta.

    It wasn’t immediately clear whether Taheb had an attorney who could comment on the allegations, the Associated Press reported.

    The tipster alerted authorities that Taheb had recently become radicalized, changed his name and planned to travel abroad, the FBI affidavit said.

    The affidavit says Taheb told a confidential FBI source in October that he planned to travel abroad for “hijra,” which the agent wrote refers to traveling to territory controlled by the Islamic State. Because he didn’t have a passport, he couldn’t travel abroad and told the FBI source that he wanted to carry out an attack in the U.S. against the White House and the Statue of Liberty.

    Federal authorities say Taheb appears to have acted as a lone wolf in the plan.

    “All potential threats have been neutralized and under control from the inception of this case. Again, I want to clarify that there were no threats posed to any targets located in Northern District of Georgia, nor was the upcoming Super Bowl a target of his alleged activity,” said Byung J. “BJay” Pak, U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Georgia. 

    He met with the undercover agent and the FBI source multiple times last month and was also in frequent contact using an encrypted messaging application, the affidavit says.

    During one meeting with the agent and the source, Taheb “advised that if they were to go to another country, they would be one of many, but if they stayed in the United States, they could do more damage,” the affidavit says. Taheb “explained that jihad was an obligation, that he wanted to do as much damage as possible, and that he expected to be a ‘martyr,’ meaning he expected to die during the attack.”

    At another meeting, Taheb showed the undercover agent a hand-drawn diagram of the ground floor of the West Wing and detailed a plan for attack, the affidavit says. He asked the undercover agent to obtain the weapons and explosives needed to carry out the attack, and they discussed selling or exchanging their cars to pay for them.

    Taheb told the undercover agent they needed a “base” where they could regroup and where he could record a video to motivate people: “He stated he would be the narrator, clips of oppressed Muslims would be shown, and American and Israeli flags would be burned in the background.”

    Taheb said they would approach the White House from the back road, causing a distraction for police and proceed to use an anti-tank weapon to blow open a door and then take down as many people and do as much damage as possible, the affidavit says.

    Taheb is charged with attempting to damage or destroy a building owned by the United States using fire or an explosive.

    Contributing: Associated Press

    Source Article from https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2019/01/16/georgia-man-accused-wanting-blow-hole-white-house/2600164002/

    President Trump’s approval rating is slipping, and it’s largely due to cracks among his base.

    Win McNamee/Getty Images

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    Win McNamee/Getty Images

    President Trump’s approval rating is slipping, and it’s largely due to cracks among his base.

    Win McNamee/Getty Images

    While the longest government shutdown in U.S. history continues, President Trump’s approval rating is down, and there are cracks showing with his base.

    A new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll finds Trump’s approval rating down and his disapproval rating up from a month ago. He currently stands at 39 percent approve, 53 disapprove — a 7-point net change from December when his rating was 42 percent approve, 49 percent disapprove.

    And the movement has come from within key portions of his base. He is:

    • Down significantly among suburban men, a net-positive approval rating of 51-to-39 percent to a net-negative of 42 percent approve, 48 percent disapprove. That’s a net change of down 18 percentage points;
    • Down a net of 13 points among white evangelicals, from 73-to-17 percent approve to 66-to-23 percent approve;
    • Down a net of 10 points among Republicans, from 90-to-7 percent approve to 83-to-10 percent;
    • Down marginally among white men without a college degree, from 56-to-34 percent approve to 50-to-35 percent approve, a net change downward of 7 points.


    Don’t see the graphic above? Click here.

    “For the first time, we saw a fairly consistent pattern of having his base showing evidence of a cracking,” said Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, which conducted the poll. “Don’t know if that’s temporary — tied to the government shutdown — or a broader problem the president is having.”

    The percentage of people now saying they strongly disapprove of the job the president’s doing is up to 45 percent, the highest for President Trump since December 2017.


    Don’t see the graphic above? Click here.

    2020 headwinds

    The president also faces some significant headwinds for re-election in 2020. Just 30 percent of registered voters said they will definitely vote for Trump in 2020, while 57 percent said they will definitely vote against him.

    Just 76 percent of Trump supporters, 69 percent of Republicans and 58 percent of white evangelicals say they will definitely vote for him. Many, if not most, of them will likely vote for the president, but their softness in supporting him for re-election is a sign of vulnerability.

    For context, in 2010, when asked about then-President Barack Obama, just 36 percent said they would definitely vote for him, while 48 percent said they would not. Obama went on to win with 51 percent of the vote.

    But for Trump to have more than half the country already saying it definitely won’t vote for him indicates he is facing a difficult re-election.

    “The president has had his base and not much else,” Miringoff said, “and when you look ahead to the election … he enters with a significant disadvantage. His re-election prospects would definitely be in jeopardy at this point.”

    Trump has a lot of work to do to be able to reassemble the coalition that voted for him narrowly to win in the Electoral College in 2016. He lost the popular vote by almost 3 million votes and won just 46 percent of the vote. He won by about 70,000 votes combined between Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan, all states that have trended away from the president during his first two years in office.

    The Democratic field

    As for who Trump would face, former Vice President Joe Biden stands apart from the Democratic field, in terms of how Democratic voters feel about him compared to others.

    Biden is the best-known potential Democratic candidate, and is very well liked — 76 percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents have a favorable impression of him. Just 12 percent have a negative view.

    “If he gets in, he automatically becomes the front runner with numbers like this,” Miringoff said. “He becomes the candidate who you have to get into the mix with and be competitive with him.”

    Barbara Carvalho, director of the poll, added, “It is unusual to see a candidate, who’s been part of the Washington scene for so long, have such a low unfavorable rating.”


    Don’t see the graphic above? Click here.

    Bernie Sanders, the principal challenger to 2016 nominee Hillary Clinton, is well-known, but between 1-in-3 and 1-in-4 Democrats have a negative opinion of him. There are a lot of questions about whether Sanders will be able to keep his base of activist supporters together, four years later, now that Democrats have so many more options.

    Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren has an almost equally high favorability rating as Sanders, but is not viewed as negatively. Others are potentially well-positioned, too. New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker, Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke and California Sen. Kamala Harris are in a next tier and have a capability of taking off if they make a good impression as voters get to know them.

    The poll isn’t good news for all potential Democratic contenders, however. The Democratic primary electorate does not appear ready for a billionaire. As former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg weighs a run, Democrats are evenly split on their views of him, while about half of them haven’t yet formed an opinion.

    A primary challenge to Trump?

    There has been talk of a primary challenge to President Trump, but no candidate emerges with particular backing.

    Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Mitt Romney are viewed more unfavorably than favorably with Republicans and Republican-leaning independents — 24 percent view Kasich favorably, 28 percent view him unfavorably; 29 percent view Romney positively, while 48 percent view Romney negatively.

    Romney has been an outspoken critic of Trump, and the GOP base does not appear to appreciate that.

    “There is no strong support” for a primary challenge to Trump, Miringoff said. “Kasich is not well-known, and Romney is not particularly popular.”

    In the mood for compromise

    As this shutdown continues, 59 percent said they mostly blame President Trump or congressional Republicans for it.

    And more than 6-in-10 are in the mood for compromise — 63 percent said they want their elected officials to compromise with people they disagree with rather than stick to their positions, including a majority of Republicans. Just 31 percent overall said they want their elected officials to stick to their positions no matter what.

    Strong Republicans (50 percent), African-Americans (51 percent), Trump supporters (53 percent), Latinos (55 percent) and Gen Xers (56 percent) are among the least likely to say they want their elected officials to compromise.

    “People are looking for compromise right now,” Miringoff said.

    But neither side is seen as doing a very good job of it right now – 57 percent think the Trump administration is doing too little to work with Democrats in Congress; 55 percent think that Democrats are doing too little to work with the administration.

    Neither party is making a very good impression, either. Only about a third of Americans have a positive view of congressional Democrats (34 percent) while a majority (53 percent) disapprove of the job they are doing.

    An even lower number (29 percent) have a positive view of congressional Republicans and more view them negative (58 percent).

    The survey of 1,023 adults was conducted from Jan. 10 to Jan. 13 by The Marist Poll for NPR and the PBS NewsHour. Results for all Americans have a margin of error of +/- 3.8 percentage points. There were 324 Republicans or Republican-leaning independents surveyed. Where they are referenced, there is a margin of error of +/- 6.8 percentage points. There were 417 Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents surveyed. Where they are referenced, there is a margin of error of +/- 6 percentage points.

    Source Article from https://www.npr.org/2019/01/17/685539207/poll-trump-approval-down-slips-with-base

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi took the extraordinary step Wednesday of urging President Trump to delay his State of the Union address until the partial government shutdown ends, or submit the address in writing.

    The president has been slated to deliver his televised annual address to a Joint Session of Congress on Jan. 29. But with no compromise in sight to resolve the standoff over government funding — a stalemate that extended into its 26th day, with the impact deepening for furloughed federal workers and others — Pelosi, D-Calif., suggested Trump put those plans on hold.


    “On January 3rd, it was my privilege as Speaker to invite you to deliver the State of the Union address on January 29. The Constitution calls for the President ‘from time to time give the Congress Information of the State of the Union,” Pelosi wrote, but noted that “since the start of modern budgeting in Fiscal Year 1977, a State of the Union address has never been delivered during a government shutdown.”


    She concluded: “Sadly, given the security concerns and unless the government re-opens this week, I suggest that we work together to determine another suitable date after government has re-opened for this address or for you to consider delivering your State of the Union address in writing to Congress on January 29.”

    Pelosi detailed the need for proper security at events such as the State of the Union, citing comments made by Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen who recognized the “need for the full resources of the Federal Government to be brought to bear” to “ensure the security of these events.”

    “The U.S. Secret Service was designated as the lead federal agency responsible for coordinating, planning, exercising, and implementing security for National Special Security Events…” Pelosi wrote. “However, both the U.S. Secret Service and the Department of Homeland Security have not been funded for 26 days now – with critical departments hamstrung by furloughs.”

    A senior Homeland Security official later told Fox News, however, that they have been preparing for months for the State of the Union event.

    “We are ready,” the official said. “Despite the fact members of the Secret Service are not being paid, the protective mission has not changed.”

    The official added: “It is a ‘no fail’ mission.”

    Despite Pelosi’s suggestion to come to an agreement on a new date, Pelosi did not rescind the president’s invitation. That decision ultimately rests with her, as speaker of the House.

    The address, historically, has not always been delivered in person. Thomas Jefferson started the practice of submitting the address in writing, and it was not until Woodrow Wilson’s administration that the speech was delivered in person again.


    Pelosi’s letter to the White House comes as the shutdown, the longest in history, has left more than 800,000 federal employees and contractors without pay. Some employees are deemed essential to government functions and are required to work without pay. Others have been furloughed, and also do not receive paychecks.

    The government first ran out of funding on Dec. 22, as the president requested $5.7 billion in funding for border security and construction of a border wall or physical barrier along the U.S.-Mexico border, citing an “invasion” and a “humanitarian crisis.”


    Pelosi, and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., have vowed to block any spending proposal that includes funding for a wall.

    Negotiations between Democrats and the president have grown increasingly contentious. Last week, a tense White House meeting ended abruptly, with the president walking out of the room after Pelosi maintained that she would not accept a spending package with wall funding.

    Pelosi, after the meeting, said Trump was “petulant,” and Schumer added that Trump slammed his hand on a table in frustration and had a “temper tantrum” — a claim Trump, Vice President Pence and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., later denied.

    This week, Trump, instead, decided not to invite Pelosi to a border security meeting at the White House, but reached out to other rank-and-file Democrats to join his lunch with Republican members of Congress. All of the Democrats invited declined the president’s invitation.

    “The President offered both Democrats and Republicans the chance to meet for lunch at the White House,” White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement Tuesday. “Unfortunately, no Democrats will attend…It’s time for Democrats to come to the table and make a deal.”

    Sanders added that Pelosi and Schumer “refuse to negotiate.”

    However, some Democrats — including Reps. Josh Gottheimer, D-N.J.;  Abigail Spanberger, D-Va.; and Vincente Gonzalez, D-Texas — attended a meeting Wednesday with the Problem Solvers Caucus at the White House.

    “There is strong agreement across the aisle and around the country: We must reopen the government.  Our security, safety, and economy have been compromised, and millions of families are suffering,” they said in a statement Wednesday. “There is also strong agreement that if we reopen the government, the possibility exists to work together and find common ground to tackle some of our country’s toughest problems and fix them. But that conversation can only begin in earnest once the government is reopened.”

    Sanders on Wednesday said the meeting was “constructive.”

    “They listened to one another and now both have a good understanding of what the other wants,” Sanders said in a statement. “We look forward to more conversations like this.”

    Meanwhile, Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Chris Coons, D-Del., are leading a bipartisan effort urging the president to support legislation ending the shutdown in the short-term to give Congress more time to address his border security request.

    In a draft letter to the White House obtained by Fox News, Graham and Coons “respectfully requested” that the president support a short-term continuing resolution of three weeks, to re-open the government and “give Congress time to develop and vote on a bipartisan agreement that addresses your request,” including “debating and voting on investments on the Southern border.”

    Congressional aides told Fox News that the senators were still gathering signatures in support of their proposal.

    The president has repeatedly said he is willing to “compromise,” calling that a “win” for everyone involved. But Trump continues to insist on a border wall, even threatening to declare a national emergency over the lack of funding for border security. This week, the president warned of a “big new Caravan” heading up to the Southern Border from Honduras.

    “Tell Nancy and Chuck that a drone flying around will not stop them. Only a Wall will work. Only a Wall, or Steel Barrier, will keep our Country safe! Stop playing political games and end the Shutdown!”

    Trump and Pelosi have clashed several times throughout the partial shutdown, with the House speaker on Tuesday blasting the president for holding the paychecks of hundreds of thousands of federal employees “hostage.”

    Meanwhile, House Democrats have tried to pressure the Senate to take up bills funding parts of the government, to no avail. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., announced Tuesday that if the government remains shut down, the House will not have its planned recess next week.

    “If the government is not open, we will not have a recess,” Hoyer told reporters on Capitol Hill Tuesday. “That does not mean we will be here every day, members will be on 24 hours notice. We’ll have some votes next week…we’ll be here next week to do business.”

    Fox News’ John Roberts, Mike Emanuel and Chad Pergram contributed to this report. 

    EDITOR’S NOTE: A previous version of this report misidentified the state that Rep. Abigail Spanberger represents.

    Source Article from https://www.foxnews.com/politics/pelosi-urges-trump-to-delay-state-of-the-union-until-partial-shutdown-ends

    However, as special counsel Robert Mueller continues to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, Giuliani conceded that “if the collusion happened, it happened a long time ago.”

    Source Article from https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trump-giuliani-cuomo-cnn-collusion_us_5c3ff0a1e4b027c3bbbdf224

    In our never-ending search for cheerful news, today we note that Donald Trump’s nominee for attorney general says the Mueller probe is not a “witch hunt.”

    On the downside, William Barr doesn’t seem to think the final Mueller report on Trump’s Russia ties should be made public. While the innate leakiness of Washington will overcome this problem, it’s still a bad attitude. We’ve been waiting so long for that report to actually come out, we’re in danger of forgetting everything Robert Mueller was supposed to investigate.

    So let’s try to get back up to speed on all things Russia. Well, some. Pick the right answer:

    Source Article from https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/01/16/opinion/collins-trump-russia-quiz.html

    The preliminary count, which includes nearly all schools, was 132,411, about 27% of district enrollment. This figure compares with Tuesday’s adjusted total of about 35%, which was a slight improvement over Monday, the first day of the strike.

    Source Article from https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-edu-lausd-teachers-strike-20190116-story.html

    Britain’s House of Commons is at its best when members of Parliament deliver passionate, persuasive speeches on matters of national consequence. We saw one such moment on Wednesday, when environment secretary Michael Gove of the Conservative Party attacked Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn.

    Gove’s address came just before a parliamentary confidence vote in Prime Minister Theresa May. That vote was won by May a few minutes later. Still, Gove’s speech was a tour de force. It was angry but not fanatical, passionate but not somber, and intellectual but simply put.

    Gove focused on what makes Corbyn most weak: his policy positions. Gove described how Corbyn rejected NATO, seeks Britain’s unilateral nuclear disarmament, opposed military action against the Islamic State, and repeatedly deferred to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Gove asked, “If he cannot support our fighting men and women, who does he support? Who does he stand beside?” Gove answered his own question by recalling Corbyn’s homage to the graves of Palestinian terrorists.

    But then Gove moved to his climax. Raising the concerns of various female Labour MPs that they have been subjected to harassment by Corbyn’s supporters online, Gove asked that if Corbyn couldn’t protect his own parliamentarians, “How could he possibly protect this country?”

    It was a good question to cap off an excellent speech. It speaks to why Corbyn and his crazed supporters continue to trail May in the polls.

    You can watch Gove’s speech below.

    Source Article from https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/michael-gove-annihilates-jeremy-corbyns-leadership-credibility

    The agency’s deliberation spanned several months before and after Mr. Trump took office.

    Fearing public controversy, which might damage the government’s financial interests, the agency did urge that Mr. Trump divest himself of his financial interest in the property in a Jan. 31, 2017, meeting with his oldest sons, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, the report said. After his election, Mr. Trump turned management of the business over to them.

    The contracting officer on the case “pushed hard for divestiture” in that meeting, but did not insist upon it because he did not believe that the new president’s interest in the property, a historic building known as the Old Post Office, created a problem that constituted a breach of the lease, the report said.

    Two months later, the contracting officer, Kevin Terry, issued a certificate declaring that the Trump Organization was in full compliance with the provisions of the lease and that the lease was “valid and in full force.” Although Mr. Terry knew the constitutional issue was open, “nonetheless, he did not qualify his certification,” the report said.

    Agency officials acknowledged that they may be forced to revisit the lease, depending on what the courts decide. But the inspector general, Carol F. Ochoa, noted that the agency has already agreed with the Trump Organization that President Trump’s interest does not violate the lease’s language prohibiting profits to elected officials. The report identified that as a “problem.”

    It recommended that the agency’s lawyers conduct a “formal legal review” on how the emoluments bans relate to the agency’s business.

    In his response to the report, Jack St. John, the General Services Administration’s general counsel, said he was “gratified” that the inquiry found no evidence of political interference in the agency’s decision-making.

    “In fact, your office found no undue influence, pressure or unwarranted involvement of any kind by anyone, including the Executive Office of the President,” he wrote in response to the inspector general.

    Source Article from https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/16/us/politics/trump-hotel-emoluments.html

    Kirsten Gillibrand will finish out her Senate term as promised. That’s because she will never be president.

    Well, OK — there’s one scenario that could actually give her a minute but tangible shot.

    Gillibrand’s positions have flip-flopped on everything from gun rights advocacy (she once had a 100 percent rating from the NRA) to immigration. She now supports single-payer healthcare and tries to posture herself as a champion of the people all while waiting on Wall Street on bended knee for campaign cash. The former proud moderate has the single most anti-Trump voting record in the Senate, “evolving” into a #Resistance hero, coincidentally just in time to run for president!

    [Read: Kirsten Gillibrand launches 2020 bid for the White House]

    Gillibrand’s electoral issue, however, is less about her blatant political opportunism and more about the current landscape of the Democratic Party. The socialists and hard-leftists don’t trust her coziness with Wall Street, and she hasn’t exactly positioned herself well to claim the mantle of centrism or Rust Belt friendliness. She’s a white woman running in a primary race where as many as half of the voters have heard of “intersectionality” and think it actually matters. Although she doesn’t suffer from the same obvious unlikability factor plaguing Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Gillibrand hardly oozes charisma.

    Plus, an entire coalition of Clinton and Al Franken acolytes already have their knives out for her. Gillibrand, recall, spearheaded the push to oust Franken from office for his sexual predations, and she also denounced Bill Clinton’s treatment of women.

    But this is where a target on her back can become an asset.

    There’s just one issue that Gillibrand has been earnestly consistent on, and that’s advocating for sexual assault victims. Although her push to oust serial predator and former Sen. Al Franken from office earned her left-wing ire, it was probably one of the most honest and genuine things she’s done in a very opportunistic political career. We cannot know her motive, and it’s fully possible that she turned on Franken out of political expediency. But given the continued grudge held by Franken fans and donors levied against Gillibrand, it seems unlikely that she did so out of sheer political calculus. Her advocacy for sexual assault victims has spanned from those in the military to college campuses over her entire career in national politics. If Gillibrand has one “passion” that doesn’t seem to have come from a public opinion poll or campaign strategist, it’s justice for women.

    Gillibrand doesn’t have a real constituency or base yet. Her biggest selling point at the moment is that she’s not as insane as many of her peers and has actual experience with a legislative record to speak of, unlike (ahem) a very popular failed Senate candidate from Texas. But what if Gillibrand could turn the Franken and Clinton outrage in on itself, making lemons into lemonade?

    It would be bold and extremely risky for Gillibrand to open fire on hypocritical liberals who were more than happy to destroy Brett Kavanaugh’s life without a shred of evidence, but proudly defend Al Franken and Bill Clinton to this day. But it would be a masterful relitigation of 2016 and a stunning rebuke of President Trump at the same time. If executed correctly, it could even could have bipartisan appeal. If Gillibrand went kamikaze on her own party, forcing Democrats to take sides on #MeToo, either to expose themselves as hypocrites or stand with her, then she could buy herself time to build a base.

    Then, if she did secure the nomination, she would have an easy pitch to suburban voters in the general election: I’m a non-insane Democrat who stands with women instead of groping them.

    This isn’t a likely scenario, but it’s the only one where Gillibrand emerges with her image empowered instead of corrupted and her career doesn’t fade into irrelevance.

    Source Article from https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/kirsten-gillibrand-has-only-one-narrow-path-to-the-presidency-but-its-a-very-exciting-one

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has proposed that President Trump postpone his Jan. 29 State of the Union address until after the partial government shutdown ends, arguing that a lack of funding for Homeland Security and U.S. Secret Service agents presents a serious security risk to the White House and Congress.

    The agencies charged with protecting the nation’s lawmaker, however, are disputing her suggestion that they are unable to perform their duties on account of Washington gridlock.

    “The Department of Homeland Security and the US Secret Service are fully prepared to support and secure the State of the Union. We thank the Service for their mission focus and dedication and for all they do each day to secure our homeland,” Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said in a statement released hours after Pelosi first pitched her proposal in a letter delivered to the White House.

    Nielsen’s pushback is especially notable considering she is mentioned by name in Pelosi’s letter.

    “In September 2018, Secretary Nielsen designated State of the Union Addresses as National Special Security Events (NSSEs), recognizing the need for ‘the full resources of the Federal Government to be brought to bear’ to ensure the security of these events. The extraordinary demands presented by NSSEs require weeks of detailed planning with dozens of agencies working together to prepare for the safety of all participants,” Pelosi’s letter reads.

    It continues, explaining that the Secret Service is the agency responsible for planning and protecting “National Special Security Events.”

    “However, both the U.S. Secret Service and the Department of Homeland Security have not been funded for 26 days now — with critical departments hamstrung by furloughs,” the letter adds. “Sadly, given the security concerns and unless government re-opens this week, I suggest that we work together to determine another suitable date after government has re-opened for this address or for you to consider delivering your State of the Union address in writing to the Congress on January 29th.”

    Pelosi’s supposed safety concerns are unfounded, according to a Secret Service official who spoke with NBC News.

    “It’s a no-fail mission,” the official told NBC News’ Pete Williams, adding that the “intelligence and protection functions” are “fully staffed” even though the government is shut down. “We’ve been planning for this for months, as we always do. It didn’t start up 29 days ago.”

    Of course, did anyone really need remarks from a Secret Service official or Kirstjen Nielsen to know that Pelosi’s stated reason for wanting to postpone the State of the Union address is almost certainly political theater?

    The speaker extended the invite to President Trump on Jan. 3, 12 days into the partial government shutdown. We’re to believe that she just now decided that a lack of government funding might potentially create security risks for the president’s televised, in-person address before Congress? Come on.

    Pelosi, for her part, is sticking to her story, contradictory statements from the people charged with the president’s and Congress’ safety notwithstanding.

    “I have made it clear,” Pelosi told the Washington Examiner’s Susan Ferrechio Wednesday. “This is a continuation of government issue that we have the proper security for such an event.”

    Source Article from https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/pelosi-claims-state-of-the-union-could-be-postponed-over-security-threats-homeland-security-and-secret-service-say-shes-wrong

    Fox News national security correspondent Jennifer Griffin reported that a senior foreign diplomat had told the network that the deadly suicide attack on U.S. troops in Syria was a “direct result of the announcement made by President TrumpDonald John TrumpVeterans groups demand end to shutdown: ‘Get your act together’ Brown launches tour in four early nominating states amid 2020 consideration Pence on border wall: Trump won’t be ‘deterred’ by Dem ‘obstruction’ MORE that U.S. forces are pulling out.”

    “U.S. allies remain up in arms about the U.S. announcing it is pulling out of Syria,” Griffin reported on Fox News chief anchor Shepard Smith’s newscast on Wednesday afternoon.

    “A senior foreign diplomat tells Fox News, ‘This attack today is a direct result of the announcement made by President Trump that U.S. forces are pulling out. These troops had a bulls-eye on them when the president telegraphed that he was ordering a pullout’,” she added.  

    Griffin did not name the diplomat.

    The White House did not immediately reply to a request for comment from The Hill.

    The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has claimed responsibility for an explosion that killed four Americans, including two troops, during what the U.S. military called “a routine patrol.”  

    The White House condemned what it called a “terrorist attack.” 

    “President Trump and I condemn the terrorist attack in Syria that claimed American lives and our hearts are with the loved ones of the fallen,” Vice President Pence said in a statement. “We honor their memory and we will never forget their service and sacrifice.”

    The causalities included two U.S. service members, a defense contractor and a Defense Department civilian. 

    In a surprise move, President Trump tweeted on Dec. 19 that the U.S. would pull the approximately 2,000 troops stationed in Syria, saying ISIS had been defeated. 

    The action helped spur the resignation of Defense Secretary James MattisJames Norman MattisGOP reasserts NATO support after report on Trump’s wavering Overnight Defense: Trump faces blowback over report he discussed leaving NATO | Pentagon extends mission on border | Senate advances measure bucking Trump on Russia sanctions Trump suggested withdrawing US from NATO: report MORE.

    However, the U.S. has since gone slow with the pullout, with national security adviser John Bolton saying last week that there is no concrete timetable for withdrawal. 

    “There are objectives that we want to accomplish that condition the withdrawal,” Bolton told reporters during a trip to Jerusalem. “The timetable flows from the policy decisions that we need to implement.” 

    Source Article from https://thehill.com/policy/international/terrorism/425733-foxs-griffin-was-told-by-diplomat-that-syria-attack-was-direct

    Britain’s House of Commons is at its best when members of Parliament deliver passionate, persuasive speeches on matters of national consequence. We saw one such moment on Wednesday, when environment secretary Michael Gove of the Conservative Party attacked Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn.

    Gove’s address came just before a parliamentary confidence vote in Prime Minister Theresa May. That vote was won by May a few minutes later. Still, Gove’s speech was a tour de force. It was angry but not fanatical, passionate but not somber, and intellectual but simply put.

    Gove focused on what makes Corbyn most weak: his policy positions. Gove described how Corbyn rejected NATO, seeks Britain’s unilateral nuclear disarmament, opposed military action against the Islamic State, and repeatedly deferred to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Gove asked, “If he cannot support our fighting men and women, who does he support? Who does he stand beside?” Gove answered his own question by recalling Corbyn’s homage to the graves of Palestinian terrorists.

    But then Gove moved to his climax. Raising the concerns of various female Labour MPs that they have been subjected to harassment by Corbyn’s supporters online, Gove asked that if Corbyn couldn’t protect his own parliamentarians, “How could he possibly protect this country?”

    It was a good question to cap off an excellent speech. It speaks to why Corbyn and his crazed supporters continue to trail May in the polls.

    You can watch Gove’s speech below.

    Source Article from https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/michael-gove-annihilates-jeremy-corbyns-leadership-credibility

    WASHINGTON – Federal officials who leased the Old Post Office Building to President Donald Trump were aware of constitutional provisions that could breach the lease, but “decided not to address those issues,” according to a government watchdog report Wednesday.

    The lease for the Trump International Hotel a few blocks down Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House remains contentious both because foreigners stay at the hotel, which enriches the president, and because Trump oversees the agency that holds his lease.

    A 47-page report released Wednesday by Inspector General Carol Ochoa found “serious shortcomings” at the General Services Administration, which manages federal property, for not asking the Office of Legal Counsel to study constitutional issues related to the lease.

    GSA selected Trump to convert the 1890s building into a 260-room hotel in February 2012. The lease calls for at least $3 million in rent per year. The Trump International Hotel officially opened Oct. 26, 2016 – days before he was elected president.

    The crux of the problem outlined by the inspector general for GSA is a set of provisions in the Constitution called emoluments clauses, which basically prohibit the president from profiting from foreigners or from getting additional compensation during his term in office.

    “GSA’s analysis should have considered whether the Foreign Emoluments Clause or the Presidential Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution barred the President’s business interest in Tenant,” the inspector-general report said. “GSA’s decision-making process related to Tenant’s possible breach of the lease included serious shortcomings.”

    But Jack St. John, the GSA’s general counsel, said investigators interviewed two dozen employees and reviewed 10,000 documents and found no political influence exerted to obtain the lease.

    “Any commentary resulting from the report that suggests the agency took any action in order to protect the President’s business interests is therefore plainly meritless,” St. John wrote. “We also note that the report, despite its lengthy historical analysis of the Emoluments Clauses, does not find that any constitutional violation occurred.”

    The White House didn’t immediately reply to a request for comment.

    Rep. Mike Quigley, D-Ill., who heads the Appropriations subcommittee that oversees GSA, said the agency’s disregard for the Constitution “is beyond troubling.”

    “The GSA is required to act in the best interest of the American people and is expected to hold the President accountable should he attempt to exploit his office for personal gain,” Quigley said. “Unfortunately, the GSA ignored that responsibility, turning a blind eye as the resident continues to personally profit from his hotel in violation of the lease agreement.”

    Noah Bookbinder, executive director of advocacy group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, said the advocacy group filed a complaint with GSA “seconds after President Trump took the oath of office” because of the lease and days later filed a lawsuit.

    “President Trump stood in violation of the Constitution the moment he took office, and compounded the problem by improperly holding the lease on a government building,” Bookbinder said. “The corruption of the presidency has never been clearer.”

    The uncertainty over whether the emoluments clauses breach the lease remains unresolved, according to the report.

    “According to one senior attorney, the emoluments issues did not become a hot button issue until after the election,” the report said. “One attorney told us they decided not to ‘spin their wheels’ on something that was not before them and, if necessary, they could address the issue another day.”

    More: President Donald Trump met twice with officials over replacing FBI headquarters, watchdog says

    More: House Democrats demand answers from Trump administration about plans for FBI headquarters



    Source Article from https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/01/16/trump-international-hotel-lease-general-services-administration-emoluments/2597541002/

    Kirsten Gillibrand will finish out her Senate term as promised. That’s because she will never be president.

    Well, OK — there’s one scenario that could actually give her a minute but tangible shot.

    Gillibrand’s positions have flip-flopped on everything from gun rights advocacy (she once had a 100 percent rating from the NRA) to immigration. She now supports single-payer healthcare and tries to posture herself as a champion of the people all while waiting on Wall Street on bended knee for campaign cash. The former proud moderate has the single most anti-Trump voting record in the Senate, “evolving” into a #Resistance hero, coincidentally just in time to run for president!

    [Read: Kirsten Gillibrand launches 2020 bid for the White House]

    Gillibrand’s electoral issue, however, is less about her blatant political opportunism and more about the current landscape of the Democratic Party. The socialists and hard-leftists don’t trust her coziness with Wall Street, and she hasn’t exactly positioned herself well to claim the mantle of centrism or Rust Belt friendliness. She’s a white woman running in a primary race where as many as half of the voters have heard of “intersectionality” and think it actually matters. Although she doesn’t suffer from the same obvious unlikability factor plaguing Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Gillibrand hardly oozes charisma.

    Plus, an entire coalition of Clinton and Al Franken acolytes already have their knives out for her. Gillibrand, recall, spearheaded the push to oust Franken from office for his sexual predations, and she also denounced Bill Clinton’s treatment of women.

    But this is where a target on her back can become an asset.

    There’s just one issue that Gillibrand has been earnestly consistent on, and that’s advocating for sexual assault victims. Although her push to oust serial predator and former Sen. Al Franken from office earned her left-wing ire, it was probably one of the most honest and genuine things she’s done in a very opportunistic political career. We cannot know her motive, and it’s fully possible that she turned on Franken out of political expediency. But given the continued grudge held by Franken fans and donors levied against Gillibrand, it seems unlikely that she did so out of sheer political calculus. Her advocacy for sexual assault victims has spanned from those in the military to college campuses over her entire career in national politics. If Gillibrand has one “passion” that doesn’t seem to have come from a public opinion poll or campaign strategist, it’s justice for women.

    Gillibrand doesn’t have a real constituency or base yet. Her biggest selling point at the moment is that she’s not as insane as many of her peers and has actual experience with a legislative record to speak of, unlike (ahem) a very popular failed Senate candidate from Texas. But what if Gillibrand could turn the Franken and Clinton outrage in on itself, making lemons into lemonade?

    It would be bold and extremely risky for Gillibrand to open fire on hypocritical liberals who were more than happy to destroy Brett Kavanaugh’s life without a shred of evidence, but proudly defend Al Franken and Bill Clinton to this day. But it would be a masterful relitigation of 2016 and a stunning rebuke of President Trump at the same time. If executed correctly, it could even could have bipartisan appeal. If Gillibrand went kamikaze on her own party, forcing Democrats to take sides on #MeToo, either to expose themselves as hypocrites or stand with her, then she could buy herself time to build a base.

    Then, if she did secure the nomination, she would have an easy pitch to suburban voters in the general election: I’m a non-insane Democrat who stands with women instead of groping them.

    This isn’t a likely scenario, but it’s the only one where Gillibrand emerges with her image empowered instead of corrupted and her career doesn’t fade into irrelevance.

    Source Article from https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/kirsten-gillibrand-has-only-one-narrow-path-to-the-presidency-but-its-a-very-exciting-one

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    (CNN)The tug of war between Los Angeles teachers and their school district may be shifting toward the teachers as picket lines keep growing, the teachers’ union said.

      Source Article from https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/16/us/los-angeles-teachers-strike-day-3/index.html

      The IRS on Wednesday announced that it will waive a penalty for some taxpayers who didn’t have enough money withheld from their paychecks last year, in an effort to aid people as they adjust to the tax-code changes made by President TrumpDonald John TrumpCardi B expresses solidarity with federal workers not getting paid Trump tells GOP senators he’s sticking to Syria and Afghanistan pullout  FISA shocker: DOJ official warned Steele dossier was connected to Clinton, might be biased MORE‘s tax law.

      “We realize there were many changes that affected people last year, and this penalty waiver will help taxpayers who inadvertently didn’t have enough tax withheld,” IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig said in a news release. “We urge people to check their withholding again this year to make sure they are having the right amount of tax withheld for 2019.”

      In early 2018, the IRS released new guidance about tax withholding from people’s paychecks that was designed to reflect Trump’s 2017 tax law. The guidance reflected changes such as the lower tax rates and larger standard deduction.

      Most taxpayers across the income spectrum are expected to receive a tax cut for 2018 because of the tax law. 

      When the withholding guidance came out, Treasury Secretary Steven MnuchinSteven Terner MnuchinMIT removed Russian oligarch from board following sanctions from Treasury Department Mnuchin meets with Senate GOP to shore up ranks on Russia sanctions vote Former PepsiCo CEO being considered for World Bank chief post: report MORE said he expected 90 percent of wage earners to see more take-home pay due to the guidance. The IRS also expects most taxpayers to receive refunds this year when they file their tax returns for 2018.

      But the new withholding guidance did not account for all of the tax changes made in the 2017 law, so some taxpayers may have ended up having too little in taxes taken from their paychecks last year. Those people will end up owing money when they file their taxes in the coming weeks and months.

      Taxpayers typically owe a penalty if they don’t pay enough taxes during the year. Normally, the penalty wouldn’t apply for 2018 if the taxpayer made payments throughout the year of at least 90 percent of their 2018 tax liability or at least 100 percent of their 2017 tax liability.

      But the IRS said that it will lower the 90 percent threshold to 85 percent for waiver purposes, to reduce the number of people who might have to pay a penalty this year.

      Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle had requested that the IRS waive penalties for taxpayers who didn’t have enough withheld from their paychecks.

      Senate Finance Committee ranking member Ron WydenRonald (Ron) Lee WydenMobile providers at center of privacy storm Hillicon Valley: House chair seeks emergency briefing on wireless industry’s data sharing | AG nominee to recuse himself from AT&T-Time Warner merger | Dem questions Treasury, IRS on shutdown cyber risks On The Money: Trump says he won’t declare emergency ‘so fast’ | Shutdown poised to become longest in history | Congress approves back pay for workers | More federal unions sue over shutdown MORE (D-Ore.) had asked the IRS to waive underwithholding penalties in a letter earlier this month. Finance Committee Chairman Chuck GrassleyCharles (Chuck) Ernest GrassleyThe Hill’s 12:30 Report: Trump AG pick Barr grilled at hearing | Judge rules against census citizenship question | McConnell blocks second House bill to reopen government Five things to watch during Barr’s confirmation hearing McConnell rebukes Steve King over white nationalist comments MORE (R-Iowa) said on the Senate floor Wednesday that he had “encouraged the IRS to be lenient on penalties, especially with this first time through a filing season under the new tax law.”

      Source Article from https://thehill.com/policy/finance/425747-irs-waiving-penalty-for-some-in-first-filing-season-under-trumps-tax-law

      It would be an excellent way to snub any other president, but by calling for President Trump to reschedule the State of the Union, Nancy Pelosi has only given him a bigger stage.

      It is a remarkable unforced error.

      Citing national security, and specifically the difficulties facing the Secret Service and Capitol Police amid the government shutdown, House Speaker Pelosi, D-Calif., is asking Trump either to select a later, post-shutdown date or to submit his comments on State of the Union in writing, which presidents used to do commonly before the television era. But no one should be fooled — the real concern here is that Trump is going to stand up in front of a gigantic audience and literally point the finger at congressional Democrats in the House chamber, blaming them for shutting down the government.

      Pelosi has the power to stop Trump from walking into the House of Representatives and delivering a speech, but she can’t stop him from making his case for the border wall in prime time. Just consider the address he delivered from the Resolute Desk last week.

      Trump talked for roughly eight minutes and 43.3 million tuned in to watch, according to the AP’s count. Compare that to Trump’s very first joint address to Congress, right after his election, which 48 million watched. No congressional podium last week, and arguably far less interest in the novelty of his presidency, yet Trump drew an audience nearly as large.

      If Pelosi insists, then Trump can speak from the Oval Office again if he likes. He could even march down the National Mall and deliver the speech on Pelosi’s doorstep. There could be a band. There could be fireworks. No matter what venue he chooses, there will be an audience, and it will probably be bigger now, thanks to Pelosi.

      Source Article from https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/pelosi-only-gives-trump-a-bigger-audience-by-canceling-state-of-the-union

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      Source Article from https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/16/politics/syria-attack-us-patrolled-city/index.html

      London — The overwhelming defeat of Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit deal – in a vote of 432 to 202 – has plunged the United Kingdom into its deepest political crisis in half a century. “Every day that passes without this issue being resolved means more uncertainty, more bitterness, and more rancor,” May said on Tuesday night.

      She has been negotiating her draft Brexit deal with the European Union for nearly two years, reports CBS News correspondent Roxana Saberi. Now May’s job is on the line, with a vote of no-confidence set for Wednesday evening. Front-page headlines in London say May is “fighting for her life,” and call Tuesday’s vote a “historic humiliation.” 

      If May survives the vote, the leader of America’s No. 1 European ally will now have to present an alternate plan by Monday, or ask to delay the March 29 deadline. But with just 72 days until the U.K. is scheduled to leave the EU, the landslide vote is causing even more economic uncertainty, increasing the prospect of the U.K. crashing out of the EU with no deal in place.

      The U.K. is the fourth largest export destination for American goods and services. If there is no Brexit deal, a weakened British pound would make U.S. goods more costly to buy in the U.K. 

      The U.S. farming and manufacturing sectors could be hit hardest, with the biggest exports including aircraft and machinery, as well as wine and beer, tree nuts, and live animals.

      British Parliament rejects Theresa May’s Brexit plan

      “If this continues, then we’re going to have another recession. We’re going to have another depression. It’s going to mean jobs lost. It’s going to mean economic opportunity forgone – for Americans, for the whole world,” said Shenker Singham of the Institute of Economic Affairs.    

      The U.S. Chamber of Commerce says the stakes are high for American companies that have invested in the U.K. as a way of accessing the EU markets. Some businesses have opened subsidiaries elsewhere in Europe to make sure they can keep doing business as usual.    

      Source Article from https://www.cbsnews.com/news/brexit-vote-why-it-matters-to-us-today-2019-01-16/