Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh’s office says she needs to take time to recover from pneumonia. This comes as she is dealing with a scandal involving hundreds of thousands of dollars for her self-published children’s books.

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Mark Wilson/Getty Images

Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh’s office says she needs to take time to recover from pneumonia. This comes as she is dealing with a scandal involving hundreds of thousands of dollars for her self-published children’s books.

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh announced she is dealing with health challenges and will take an “indefinite leave of absence” at the same time her office is engulfed in a scandal involving the profits from her self-published children’s books.

Pugh’s office released a statement late Monday afternoon saying that she has been fighting pneumonia “for the past few weeks” and that her doctors advise her to “focus on her health.”

The statement continued, “Mayor Pugh will be taking an indefinite leave of absence to recuperate from this serious illness.”

For weeks, Pugh, a Democrat, has been the focus of criticism surrounding her Healthy Holly children’s book series about a black girl who promotes nutrition and exercise.

Just before she announced her leave of absence, The Baltimore Sun reported that health care giant Kaiser Permanente was seeking a contract to provide coverage to city employees and paid $114,000 to purchase some 20,000 copies of the books between 2015 to 2018.

The city’s spending panel, of which Pugh is a member, awarded a contract worth $48 million in 2017 to Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Mid-Atlantic States Inc., according to the Sun.

The mayor, according to the paper, “does not appear to have abstained from voting on the contract.”

Last month, the Sun also reported that Pugh profited from business contracts with the nonprofit University of Maryland Medical System, which runs hospitals around Baltimore. Pugh was a board member of UMMS until her resignation on March 18. Two other board members resigned a day earlier.

According the Sun, the medical system paid Pugh $500,000 for copies of the Healthy Holly books, and the payments were made for a number of years. The Sun also reports:

“Under the deal with the medical system, UMMS paid Pugh $500,000 for copies of the books while she served on its board. UMMS paid $100,000 in each of five transactions in 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2018 to purchase 20,000 copies of her self-published books at $5 per book.

At a news conference last week, Pugh apologized for doing “something to upset the people of Baltimore,” saying she never intended to do “anything that could not stand up to scrutiny.”

In her statement announcing her leave, Pugh made no mention of the scandal.

Baltimore’s Charter states that Baltimore City Council President Bernard “Jack” Young will take over mayoral duties. The change in power goes into effect at 12:01 a.m. Tuesday.

In a statement of his own, Young called the mayor’s leave “temporary” and said he understands how “traumatizing” the saga has been for the people of Baltimore.

“I am utterly heartbroken by the developments that have unfolded over the past several weeks. I pray that Mayor Pugh continues to recover from her illness,” Young said in the statement.

He also vowed to be a “stabilizing force” and promoted himself as someone who takes his “responsibilities seriously.”

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The aggressive response by Mr. Biden’s aides represents the latest indication of what they said over the weekend: that he will not be dissuaded by the allegations from entering the presidential race.

The challenge for Mr. Biden now, though, is that Ms. Flores is no longer alone in speaking out.

In her interview with the Courant, Ms. Lappos said the encounter that made her uncomfortable occurred at a fund-raiser in 2009, when she was working as a congressional aide to Representative Jim Himes of Connecticut.

“There’s absolutely a line of decency,” she told the Courant. “There’s a line of respect. Crossing that line is not grandfatherly. It’s not cultural. It’s not affection. It’s sexism or misogyny.”

She said she “never filed a complaint, to be honest, because he was the vice president. I was a nobody.”

The office of Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut confirmed Monday that the event described in the Courant article took place and that Mr. Murphy, who was a congressman at the time, attended it.

The recent scrutiny of Mr. Biden’s physical behavior began on Friday when Ms. Flores, a Democrat, published an essay in New York Magazine’s The Cut, which described an encounter with Mr. Biden in 2014 that she described as mortifying.

In the essay, she wrote that Mr. Biden had come to a rally to help her fledgling campaign for lieutenant governor of Nevada and had come up behind her, touched her and planted “a big slow kiss” on the back of her head. Mr. Biden, in a statement Friday, said he did not believe he acted inappropriately, but pledged to listen to any accuser.

Since the essay published, Ms. Flores, 39, has praised Mr. Biden for being willing to listen to concerns and clarify his intentions. But she has said she finds it hard to believe that Mr. Biden could not have been aware of how he made her and other women feel and has called his behavior “completely inappropriate.

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e}))).concat(d.config.getConfig(“enableSendAllBids”)?(t=j,o=x,p=v.TARGETING_KEYS.concat(f.NATIVE_TARGETING_KEYS),i(o,c.getHighestCpm).map(function(e){if(e.adserverTargeting&&t&&(h.isArray(t)&&(0,g.default)(t,e.adUnitCode)||”string”==typeof t&&e.adUnitCode===t))return r({},e.adUnitCode,(n=e,p.filter(function(t){return void 0!==e.adserverTargeting[t]}).map(function(e){return r({},(e+”_”+n.bidderCode).substring(0,_),[n.adserverTargeting[e]])})));var n}).filter(function(e){return e})):[]);return{Object.keys(e).map(function(t){e[t].map(function(e){-1===b.indexOf(Object.keys(e)[0])&&(b=Object.keys(e).concat(b))})})}),{return r({},Object.keys(e)[0],e[Object.keys(e)[0]].map(function(e){return r({},Object.keys(e)[0],e[Object.keys(e)[0]].join(“, “))}).reduce(function(e,t){return u(t,e)},{}))}).reduce(function(e,t){var n=Object.keys(t)[0];return e[n]=u({},e[n],t[n]),e},{}),j.forEach(function(e){C[e]||(C[e]={})}),C},m.setTargetingForGPT=function(e,t){window.googletag.pubads().getSlots().forEach(function(n){Object.keys(e).filter(t?t(n):(0,c.isAdUnitCodeMatchingSlot)(n)).forEach(function(t){return Object.keys(e[t]).forEach(function(r){var i=e[t][r].split(“,”);(i=i.length>1?[i]:i).map(function(e){return h.logMessage(“Attempting to set key value for slot: “+n.getSlotElementId()+” key: “+r+” value: “+e),e}).forEach(function(e){n.setTargeting(r,e)})})})})},m.getWinningBids=function(e){var t=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:a(),r=n(e);return t.filter(function(e){return(0,g.default)(r,e.adUnitCode)}).filter(function(e){return e.cpm>0}).map(function(e){return e.adUnitCode}).filter(c.uniques).map(function(e){return t.filter(function(t){return t.adUnitCode===e?t:null}).reduce(c.getHighestCpm,o(e))})},m.setTargetingForAst=function(){var e=m.getAllTargeting();Object.keys(e).forEach(function(t){return 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pbjs.bidderSettings[x.JSON_MAPPING.BD_SETTING_STANDARD].bidCpmAdjustment&&(r=pbjs.bidderSettings[x.JSON_MAPPING.BD_SETTING_STANDARD].bidCpmAdjustment),r))try{n=r(e.cpm,l({},e))}catch(e){S.logError(“Error during bid adjustment”,”bidmanager.js”,e)}n>=0&&(e.cpm=n)}function d(e,t){return e[t.adUnitCode]||(e[t.adUnitCode]={bids:[]}),e[t.adUnitCode].bids.push(t),e}Object.defineProperty(t,”__esModule”,{value:!0}),t.addBidResponse=t.AUCTION_COMPLETED=t.AUCTION_IN_PROGRESS=t.AUCTION_STARTED=void 0;var f=”function”==typeof Symbol&&”symbol”==_typeof(Symbol.iterator)?function(e){return void 0===e?”undefined”:_typeof(e)}:function(e){return e&&”function”==typeof Symbol&&e.constructor===Symbol&&e!==Symbol.prototype?”symbol”:void 0===e?”undefined”:_typeof(e)},l=Object.assign||function(e){for(var t=1;t=1})&&(S.logInfo(“Bids Received for Auction with id: “+v,g),b=O,t(!1,!0))}var r=e.adUnits,i=e.adUnitCodes,o=e.callback,a=e.cbTimeout,u=e.labels,s=r,c=u,f=i,l=[],g=[],h=void 0,v=S.generateUUID(),b=void 0,m=o,_=void 0,P=a,U=[];return{addBidReceived:function(e){g=g.concat(e)},executeCallback:t,callBids:function(){function e(e){var t=!0,n=y.config.getConfig(“maxRequestsPerOrigin”)||R;return e.bidRequests.some(function(e){var r=1,i=void 0!==e.src&&e.src===x.S2S.SRC?”s2s”:e.bidderCode;return k[i]&&(!1===k[i].SRA&&(r=Math.min(e.bids.length,n)),B[k[i].origin]+r>n&&(t=!1)),!t}),t&&,t}function r(e,t){void 0===e[t]?e[t]=1:e[t]++}var i=this;b=j,;var o=I.makeBidRequests(s,h,v,P,c);S.logInfo(“Bids Requested for Auction with id: “+v,o),o.forEach(function(e){var t;t=e,l=l.concat(t)});var a={},u={bidRequests:o,run:function(){var u,c;u=t.bind(null,!0),c=setTimeout(u,P),_=c,b=C;var d={timestamp:h,auctionId:v,timeout:P};T.emit(x.EVENTS.AUCTION_INIT,d),I.callBids(s,o,D.bind(i),function(e){var t=e;return(0,p.delayExecution)(function(){(0,A.default)(l,function(e){return t===e.bidderRequestId}).doneCbCallCount+=1,n()},1)}.bind(i),{request:function(e,t){r(B,t),r(a,e),k[e]||(k[e]={SRA:!0,origin:t}),a[e]>1&&(k[e].SRA=!1)},done:function(t){B[t]–,N[0]&&e(N[0])&&N.shift()}},P)}};e(u)||(S.logWarn(“queueing auction due to limited endpoint capacity”),N.push(u))},bidsBackAll:n,addWinningBid:function(e){U=U.concat(e),I.callBidWonBidder(e.bidder,e)},getWinningBids:function(){return U},getTimeout:function(){return P},getAuctionId:function(){return v},getAuctionStatus:function(){return b},getAdUnits:function(){return s},getAdUnitCodes:function(){return f},getBidRequests:function(){return l},getBidsReceived:function(){return g}}},t.getStandardBidderSettings=a,t.getKeyValueTargetingPairs=u,t.adjustBids=c;var p=n(0),g=n(31),h=n(18),v=n(203),b=n(12),y=n(3),m=n(17),_=n(20),A=r(n(10)),E=r(n(5)),w=m.userSync.syncUsers,S=n(0),I=n(8),T=n(9),x=n(4),j=t.AUCTION_STARTED=”started”,C=t.AUCTION_IN_PROGRESS=”inProgress”,O=t.AUCTION_COMPLETED=”completed”;T.on(x.EVENTS.BID_ADJUSTMENT,function(e){c(e)});var R=4,B={},k={},N=[],D=t.addBidResponse=(0,_.createHook)(“asyncSeries”,function(e,t){var n,r,a,s,c=this.getBidRequests(),d=this.getAuctionId(),h=(0,p.getBidderRequest)(c,t.bidderCode,e),m=function(e){var t=e.adUnitCode,,r=e.bidRequest,i=e.auctionId,o=r.start,a=l({},n,{auctionId:i,responseTimestamp:(0,p.timestamp)(),requestTimestamp:o,cpm:parseFloat(n.cpm)||0,bidder:n.bidderCode,adUnitCode:t});a.timeToRespond=a.responseTimestamp-a.requestTimestamp,T.emit(x.EVENTS.BID_ADJUSTMENT,a);var s=r.bids&&(0,A.default)(r.bids,function(e){return e.adUnitCode==t}),c=s&&s.renderer;c&&c.url&&(a.renderer=b.Renderer.install({url:c.url}),a.renderer.setRender(c.render));var d,h=y.config.getConfig(“mediaTypePriceGranularity.”+n.mediaType),v=(0,g.getPriceBucketString)(a.cpm,”object”===(void 0===h?”undefined”:f(h))?h:y.config.getConfig(“customPriceBucket”),y.config.getConfig(“currency.granularityMultiplier”));return a.pbLg=v.low,,a.pbHg=v.high,,a.pbDg=v.dense,a.pbCg=v.custom,a.bidderCode&&(a.cpm>0||a.dealId)&&(d=u(a.bidderCode,a)),a.adserverTargeting=l(a.adserverTargeting||{},d),a}({adUnitCode:e,bid:t,bidRequest:h,auctionId:d});”video”===m.mediaType?(n=this,r=m,a=h,s=!0,y.config.getConfig(“cache.url”)&&(r.videoCacheKey?r.vastUrl||(S.logError(“videoCacheKey specified but not required vastUrl for video bid”),s=!1):(s=!1,(0,[r],function(e,t){e?(S.logWarn(“Failed to save to the video cache: “+e+”. Video bid must be discarded.”),i(n,r)):(r.videoCacheKey=t[0].uuid,r.vastUrl||(r.vastUrl=(0,v.getCacheUrl)(r.videoCacheKey)),a.doneCbCallCount+=1,o(n,r),n.bidsBackAll())}))),s&&o(n,r)):o(this,m)},”addBidResponse”)},45:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;var r=n(14),i=n(34)(5),o=”find”,a=!0;o in[]&&Array(1)[o](function(){a=!1}),r(r.P+r.F*a,”Array”,{find:function(e){return i(this,e,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}}),n(27)(o)},46:function(e,t){e.exports=function(e){if(“function”!=typeof e)throw TypeError(e+” is not a function!”);return e}},47:function(e,t,n){var r=n(48),i=n(53);e.exports=n(23)?function(e,t,n){return r.f(e,t,i(1,n))}:function(e,t,n){return e[t]=n,e}},48:function(e,t,n){var r=n(49),i=n(50),o=n(52),a=Object.defineProperty;t.f=n(23)?Object.defineProperty:function(e,t,n){if(r(e),t=o(t,!0),r(n),i)try{return a(e,t,n)}catch(e){}if(“get”in n||”set”in n)throw TypeError(“Accessors not supported!”);return”value”in n&&(e[t]=n.value),e}},49:function(e,t,n){var r=n(15);e.exports=function(e){if(!r(e))throw TypeError(e+” is not an object!”);return e}},5:function(e,t,n){n(59),e.exports=n(13).Array.includes},50:function(e,t,n){e.exports=!n(23)&&!n(33)(function(){return 7!=Object.defineProperty(n(51)(“div”),”a”,{get:function(){return 7}}).a})},51:function(e,t,n){var r=n(15),i=n(19).document,o=r(i)&&r(i.createElement);e.exports=function(e){return o?i.createElement(e):{}}},52:function(e,t,n){var r=n(15);e.exports=function(e,t){if(!r(e))return e;var n,i;if(t&&”function”==typeof(n=e.toString)&&!r( i;if(“function”==typeof(n=e.valueOf)&&!r( i;if(!t&&”function”==typeof(n=e.toString)&&!r( i;throw TypeError(“Can’t convert object to primitive value”)}},53:function(e,t){e.exports=function(e,t){return{enumerable:!(1&e),configurable:!(2&e),writable:!(4&e),value:t}}},54:function(e,t,n){var r=n(25);e.exports=function(e){return Object(r(e))}},55:function(e,t,n){var r=n(56);e.exports=function(e,t){return new(r(e))(t)}},555:function(e,t,n){e.exports=n(556)},556:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;function r(e,t,n){e.defaultView&&e.defaultView.frameElement&&(e.defaultView.frameElement.width=t,e.defaultView.frameElement.height=n)}function i(e,t,n){var r={};r.reason=e,r.message=t,n&&(,S.logError(t),x.emit(N,r)}function o(e){e.forEach(function(e){if(void 0===e.called)try{,e.called=!0}catch(e){S.logError(“Error processing command :”,”prebid.js”,e)}})}var a,u=”function”==typeof Symbol&&”symbol”==_typeof(Symbol.iterator)?function(e){return void 0===e?”undefined”:_typeof(e)}:function(e){return e&&”function”==typeof Symbol&&e.constructor===Symbol&&e!==Symbol.prototype?”symbol”:void 0===e?”undefined”:_typeof(e)},s=Object.assign||function(e){for(var t=1;t0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:{},t=e.bidsBackHandler,n=e.timeout,r=e.adUnits,i=e.adUnitCodes,o=e.labels;x.emit(B);var a=n||g.config.getConfig(“bidderTimeout”);if(r=r||E.adUnits,S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.requestBids”,arguments),i&&i.length?r=r.filter(function(e){return(0,_.default)(i,e.code)}):i=r&&{return e.code}),r.forEach(function(e){var t=Object.keys(e.mediaTypes||{banner:”banner”}),{return e.bidder}),r=I.bidderRegistry,i=g.config.getConfig(“s2sConfig”),o=i&&i.bidders,a=o?n.filter(function(e){return!(0,_.default)(o,e)}):n;e.transactionId||(e.transactionId=S.generateUUID()),a.forEach(function(n){var i=r[n],o=i&&i.getSpec&&i.getSpec(),a=o&&o.supportedMediaTypes||[“banner”];t.some(function(e){return(0,_.default)(a,e)})||(S.logWarn(S.unsupportedBidderMessage(e,n)),e.bids=e.bids.filter(function(e){return e.bidder!==n}))}),A.adunitCounter.incrementCounter(e.code)}),r&&0!==r.length){var u=h.auctionManager.createAuction({adUnits:r,adUnitCodes:i,callback:t,cbTimeout:a,labels:o});return u.callBids(),u}if(S.logMessage(“No adUnits configured. No bids requested.”),”function”==typeof t)try{t()}catch(e){S.logError(“Error executing bidsBackHandler”,null,e)}}),E.addAdUnits=function(e){S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.addAdUnits”,arguments),S.isArray(e)?E.adUnits.push.apply(E.adUnits,e):”object”===(void 0===e?”undefined”:u(e))&&E.adUnits.push(e),x.emit(O)},E.onEvent=function(e,t,n){S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.onEvent”,arguments),S.isFn(t)?!n||W[e].call(null,n)?x.on(e,t,n):S.logError(‘The id provided is not valid for event “‘+e+'” and no handler was set.’):S.logError(‘The event handler provided is not a function and was not set on event “‘+e+'”.’)},E.offEvent=function(e,t,n){S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.offEvent”,arguments),n&&!W[e].call(null,n)||,t,n)},E.registerBidAdapter=function(e,t){S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.registerBidAdapter”,arguments);try{I.registerBidAdapter(e(),t)}catch(e){S.logError(“Error registering bidder adapter : “+e.message)}},E.registerAnalyticsAdapter=function(e){S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.registerAnalyticsAdapter”,arguments);try{I.registerAnalyticsAdapter(e)}catch(e){S.logError(“Error registering analytics adapter : “+e.message)}},E.createBid=function(e){return S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.createBid”,arguments),T.createBid(e)},E.loadScript=function(e,t,n){S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.loadScript”,arguments),(0,p.loadScript)(e,t,n)},E.enableAnalytics=function(e){e&&!S.isEmpty(e)?(S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.enableAnalytics for: “,e),I.enableAnalytics(e)):S.logError(“pbjs.enableAnalytics should be called with option {}”)},E.aliasBidder=function(e,t){S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.aliasBidder”,arguments),e&&t?I.aliasBidAdapter(e,t):S.logError(“bidderCode and alias must be passed as arguments”,”pbjs.aliasBidder”)},E.getAllWinningBids=function(){return h.auctionManager.getAllWinningBids().map(d.removeRequestId)},E.getAllPrebidWinningBids=function(){return h.auctionManager.getBidsReceived().filter(function(e){return e.status===v.BID_TARGETING_SET}).map(d.removeRequestId)},E.getHighestCpmBids=function(e){return v.targeting.getWinningBids(e).map(d.removeRequestId)},E.markWinningBidAsUsed=function(e){var t=[];e.adUnitCode&&e.adId?t=h.auctionManager.getBidsReceived().filter(function(t){return t.adId===e.adId&&t.adUnitCode===e.adUnitCode}):e.adUnitCode?t=v.targeting.getWinningBids(e.adUnitCode):e.adId?t=h.auctionManager.getBidsReceived().filter(function(t){return t.adId===e.adId}):S.logWarn(“Inproper usage of markWinningBidAsUsed. It’ll need an adUnitCode and/or adId to function.”),t.length>0&&(t[0].status=v.RENDERED)},E.getConfig=g.config.getConfig,E.setConfig=g.config.setConfig,E.que.push(function(){return(0,f.listenMessagesFromCreative)()}),E.cmd.push=function(e){if(“function”==typeof e)try{}catch(e){S.logError(“Error processing command :”,e.message,e.stack)}else S.logError(“Commands written into pbjs.cmd.push must be wrapped in a function”)},E.que.push=E.cmd.push,E.processQueue=function(){o(E.que),o(E.cmd)}},557:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;function r(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{default:e}}function i(e){var t,n,r,i,u,l,p,g,h,v,b,y,m=e.message?”message”:”data”,_={};try{_=JSON.parse(e[m])}catch(e){return}if(_&&_.adId){var A=(0,d.default)(c.auctionManager.getBidsReceived(),function(e){return e.adId===_.adId});”Prebid Request”===_.message&&(u=A,l=_.adServerDomain,p=e.source,g=u.adId,,v=u.adUrl,b=u.width,y=u.height,g&&(n=(t=u).adUnitCode,r=t.width,i=t.height,[“div”,”iframe”].forEach(function(e){var t,o=(t=e,document.getElementById((0,
d.default)(window.googletag.pubads().getSlots().filter((0,s.isSlotMatchingAdUnitCode)(n)),function(e){return e}).getSlotElementId()).querySelector(t)).style;o.width=r,o.height=i}),p.postMessage(JSON.stringify({message:”Prebid Response”,ad:h,adUrl:v,adId:g,width:b,height:y}),l)),c.auctionManager.addWinningBid(A),o.default.emit(f,A)),”Prebid Native”===_.message&&((0,a.fireNativeTrackers)(_,A),c.auctionManager.addWinningBid(A),o.default.emit(f,A))}}Object.defineProperty(t,”__esModule”,{value:!0}),t.listenMessagesFromCreative=function(){addEventListener(“message”,i,!1)};var o=r(n(9)),a=n(18),u=n(4),s=n(0),c=n(29),d=r(n(10)),f=u.EVENTS.BID_WON},558:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;function r(e){(0,d.logMessage)(“DEBUG: “+e)}function i(e){var n=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]&&arguments[1];c.config.setConfig({debug:!0}),r(“bidder overrides enabled”+(n?” from session”:””)),p&&f.addBidResponse.removeHook(p),t.boundHook=p=a.bind(null,e),f.addBidResponse.addHook(p,5)}function o(){p&&(f.addBidResponse.removeHook(p),r(“bidder overrides disabled”))}function a(e,t,n,i){if(Array.isArray(e.bidders)&&-1===e.bidders.indexOf(n.bidderCode))return o=”bidder ‘”+n.bidderCode+”‘ excluded from auction by bidder overrides”,void(0,d.logWarn)(“DEBUG: “+o);var o;Array.isArray(e.bids)&&e.bids.forEach(function(e){e.bidder&&e.bidder!==n.bidderCode||e.adUnitCode&&e.adUnitCode!==t||(n=s({},n),Object.keys(e).filter(function(e){return-1===[“bidder”,”adUnitCode”].indexOf(e)}).forEach(function(i){var o=e[i];r(“bidder overrides changed ‘”+t+”/”+n.bidderCode+”‘ bid.”+i+” from ‘”+n[i]+”‘ to ‘”+o+”‘”),n[i]=o}))}),i(t,n)}function u(e){if(e.enabled){try{window.sessionStorage.setItem(l,JSON.stringify(e))}catch(e){}i(e)}else{o();try{window.sessionStorage.removeItem(l)}catch(e){}}}Object.defineProperty(t,”__esModule”,{value:!0}),t.boundHook=void 0;var s=Object.assign||function(e){for(var t=1;t1?arguments[1]:void 0)}}),n(27)(“includes”)},60:function(e,t,n){var r=n(61),i=n(36),o=n(62);e.exports=function(e){return function(t,n,a){var u,s=r(t),c=i(s.length),d=o(a,c);if(e&&n!=n){for(;c>d;)if((u=s[d++])!=u)return!0}else for(;c>d;d++)if((e||d in s)&&s[d]===n)return e||d||0;return!e&&-1}}},61:function(e,t,n){var r=n(35),i=n(25);e.exports=function(e){return r(i(e))}},62:function(e,t,n){var r=n(37),i=Math.max,o=Math.min;e.exports=function(e,t){return(e=r(e))0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:{},n=t.labels,r=void 0===n?[]:n,o=t.labelAll,a=void 0!==o&&o,s=t.activeLabels,f=void 0===s?[]:s,l=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:[],p=(e=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:d,e.reduce(function(e,t){return”object”===(void 0===t?”undefined”:i(t))&&”string”==typeof t.mediaQuery?matchMedia(t.mediaQuery).matches&&(Array.isArray(t.sizesSupported)&&(e.shouldFilter=!0),[“labels”,”sizesSupported”].forEach(function(n){return(t[n]||[]).forEach(function(t){return e[n][t]=!0})})):(0,u.logWarn)(‘sizeConfig rule missing required property “mediaQuery”‘),e},{labels:{},sizesSupported:{},shouldFilter:!1})),g=void 0;return g=p.shouldFilter?l.filter(function(e){return p.sizesSupported[e]}):l,{active:g.length>0&&(0===r.length||!a&&(r.some(function(e){return p.labels[e]})||r.some(function(e){return(0,c.default)(f,e)}))||a&&r.reduce(function(e,t){return e?p.labels[t]||(0,c.default)(f,t):e},!0)),sizes:g}};var o,a=n(3),u=n(0),s=n(5),c=(o=s)&&o.__esModule?o:{default:o},d=[];a.config.getConfig(“sizeConfig”,function(e){return r(e.sizeConfig)})},65:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;Object.defineProperty(t,”__esModule”,{value:!0}),t.hasNonVideoBidder=t.videoBidder=t.videoAdUnit=void 0,t.isValidVideoBid=function(e,t){var n=(0,o.getBidRequest)(e.adId,t),r=n&&(0,o.deepAccess)(n,””),i=r&&(0,o.deepAccess)(r,”context”);return!n||r&&i!==c?a.config.getConfig(“cache.url”)||!e.vastXml||e.vastUrl?!(!e.vastUrl&&!e.vastXml):((0,o.logError)(‘\n This bid contains only vastXml and will not work when a prebid cache url is not specified.\n Try enabling prebid cache with pbjs.setConfig({ cache: {url: “…”} });\n ‘),!1):i!==c||!(!e.renderer&&!n.renderer)};var r,i=n(8),o=n(0),a=n(3),u=n(5),s=(r=u)&&r.__esModule?r:{default:r},c=”outstream”,d=(t.videoAdUnit=function(e){var t=”video”===e.mediaType,n=(0,o.deepAccess)(e,””);return t||n},t.videoBidder=function(e){return(0,s.default)(i.videoAdapters,e.bidder)});t.hasNonVideoBidder=function(e){return e.bids.filter(function(e){return!d(e)}).length}},7:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;function r(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:3e3,t=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{},n=t.request,r=t.done;return function(t,d,f){var l=arguments.length>3&&void 0!==arguments[3]?arguments[3]:{};try{var p=void 0,g=l.method||(f?”POST”:”GET”),h=document.createElement(“a”);h.href=t;var v=”object”===(void 0===d?”undefined”:o(d))&&null!==d?d:{success:function(){s.logMessage(“xhr success”)},error:function(e){s.logError(“xhr error”,null,e)}};if(“function”==typeof d&&(v.success=d),(p=new window.XMLHttpRequest).onreadystatechange=function(){if(p.readyState===c){“function”==typeof r&&r(h.origin);var e=p.status;e>=200&&e0})})}var x,j,C=(x=e,(j=m.deepClone(x)).forEach(function(e){e.bids=e.bids.filter(function(e){return!a()||e.finalSource!==E.SERVER})}),j=j.filter(function(e){return 0!==e.bids.length}));return g.forEach(function(e){var t=m.getUniqueIdentifierStr(),a={bidderCode:e,auctionId:r,bidderRequestId:t,bids:o({bidderCode:e,auctionId:r,bidderRequestId:t,adUnits:C,labels:u}),auctionStart:n,timeout:i},c=w[e];c||m.logError(“Trying to make a request for bidder that does not exist: “+e),c&&a.bids&&0!==a.bids.length&&s.push(a)}),t.gdprDataHandler.getConsentData()&&s.forEach(function(e){e.gdprConsent=t.gdprDataHandler.getConsentData()}),s},t.checkBidRequestSizes=function(e){function t(e){return Array.isArray(e)&&2===e.length&&m.isInteger(e[0])&&m.isInteger(e[1])}return e.forEach(function(e){var n=e.mediaTypes,r=m.getAdUnitSizes(e);if(n&&n.banner){var i=n.banner;i.sizes?(i.sizes=r,e.sizes=r):(m.logError(“Detected a mediaTypes.banner object did not include sizes. This is a required field for the mediaTypes.banner object. Removing invalid mediaTypes.banner object from request.”),delete e.mediaTypes.banner)}else e.sizes&&(m.logWarn(“Usage of adUnits.sizes will eventually be deprecated. Please define size dimensions within the corresponding area of the mediaTypes.

Source Article from

In El Paso, an estimated 15 million cars cross the U.S.-Mexico border each year. Some 7 million people walk through the ports of entry. Hundreds of thousands of trucks containing raw materials and finished goods rumble across the border. But what if all that were to stop, if President Trump follows through on his threats to close the border crossings?

“It gives me heartburn,” said Dee Margo, the mayor of El Paso. “It is critical our borders remain open.”

On the border, crossings are big business. El Paso is a huge land port. Margo, a Republican, told Fox News there are close to 100 Fortune 500 companies with factories just over the border in Juarez. Raw materials from the United States go to the factories in Mexico and finished goods come back to the U.S.

But it’s not just business. It’s also personal.

One of 6 ports of entry. Street scene near the border in El Paso
(Fox News)

Ruby Contreras lives in El Paso with her 3-year old daughter. She told Fox News, “I’m worried because I have my family over there and it’s hard for them to come over here.” She visits regularly and worries about her family if she couldn’t visit.

Sebastian Carrasco, a 19-year old student who lives in Juarez, but goes to school in El Paso, explained: “There’s people in El Paso who come and go every day. Every day.”

Most border towns are just like El Paso, with many people living, working and shopping on both sides of the border. To them, closing it would be unthinkable.


“It stops lives,” said Carrasco. “That’s what it does. It stops lives.”

A street in El Paso, near the Mexico border.
(Fox News)

If the ports of entry shut down, trade experts have cautioned the impacts would reach far beyond border towns.

“Mexico is a significant trading partner with the United States and an even greater percentage with Texas,” said Margo. As for a border shutdown? “We can’t afford that.”


Many other Americans will feel the pinch as well, experts have said. Almost half of all vegetables and 40 percent of all fruits imported into the U.S. come from Mexico.

In addition, Mexico is the third-largest trading partner with the US, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative said. In 2017, an estimated $615.9 billion was traded between the two countries.

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(CNN)Boeing’s 737 MAX jets will remain grounded for weeks after the Federal Aviation Administration said Monday afternoon that the plane maker continues to work on a software fix.

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White House adviser Jared Kushner (left) is among those whose security clearances are being questioned by Democrats.

Susan Walsh/AP

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Susan Walsh/AP

White House adviser Jared Kushner (left) is among those whose security clearances are being questioned by Democrats.

Susan Walsh/AP

Updated at 6:45 p.m. ET

An 18-year White House employee told congressional investigators that she and other career staffers denied security clearances for 25 Trump administration officials, including three “very senior” officials, only to see most of those recommendations overturned.

The employee, Tricia Newbold, was interviewed by staff of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform. Democrats on the panel released a summary of her interview, conducted over the weekend, raising new questions about how and why the White House issued security clearances to, among others, Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law.

Republicans argued in response that Democrats on the committee released “cherry-picked excerpts” of the interview with Newbold to “manufacture a misleading narrative that the Trump White House is reckless with our national security.”

According to Democrats, Newbold said that security clearance applications “were not always adjudicated in the best interest of national security” and that staff denials were frequently overturned by senior officials to grant the employees access to classified information.

Newbold said that in the case of one official, named only as Senior White House Official 1, staff denied the security clearance request after a background investigation revealed “significant disqualifying factors, including foreign influence, outside activities … and personal conduct.”

But Newbold said the denial was overturned by the director of the White House Personnel Security Office, Carl Kline. Staff also recommended denying a clearance to a second “very senior” official based on “foreign influence and outside activities,” but Newbold said Kline told her “do not touch” the case. That clearance was also granted.

Newbold also said Kline told her to change the recommendation against a third senior official, but she refused. That denial was ultimately upheld, the committee says, and the individual is no longer at the White House.

Newbold said that in addition to the two current senior officials, security clearances were also granted to contractors and other individuals in the executive office of the president, despite their having “a wide range of serious disqualifying issues involving foreign influence, conflicts of interest, concerning personal conduct, financial problems, drug use, and criminal conduct.”

She said that when she raised concerns to her superiors, they ignored those concerns. She said she is coming forward because she believes “that right now this is my last hope to really bring the integrity back into our office.”

Newbold also told the oversight committee staff that the White House security office stopped conducting credit checks on applicants to work in the White House during their initial suitability reviews. This, she said, prevents the White House from being able to assess whether applicants “could be susceptible to blackmail, depending on their debts.”

Republicans released their own memo Monday afternoon on what they called the “unilateral and partisan investigation,” painting Newbold as an employee primarily concerned about disagreements with her supervisor and unhappiness with her work environment.

The committee’s Republican staff also pointed out that of the 25 security unfavorable adjudications Newbold observed being overruled, she testified that just four to five were for “very serious reasons.”

Finally, the staff said that Newbold acknowledged during her interview with the committee that the Trump administration has begun to improve some aspects of the security clearance process.

The GOP committee staff memo also complained that they were not given sufficient time to prepare for an interview with Newbold and as such were unable to do proper due diligence.

The chairman of the oversight panel, Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., plans to subpoena Kline to force him to testify before the committee. In a letter to White House counsel Pat Cipollone, Cummings said the subpoena is necessary because “The Committee has given the White House every possible opportunity to cooperate with this investigation, but you have declined. Your actions are now preventing the Committee from obtaining the information it needs to fulfill its Constitutional responsibilities.”

But on Monday evening Kline’s attorney sent a letter to the committee indicating that Kline was willing to appear voluntarily for a deposition, but indicated the scope of his testimony would be limited. He also asked Cummings to postpone taking action on a subpoena.

“Serving a Committee subpoena on a heretofore anonymous nonpolitical government employee, who is willing to work with all parties to see if appropriate resolution to a constitutional and legal dispute can be resolved by agreement, is both an extreme and unnecessary step,” wrote Kline’s lawyer, Robert Driscoll.

The White House has not responded to repeated requests for comment.

The ranking Republican on the Oversight and Reform Committee, Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, said in a statement that “Cummings’ investigation is not about restoring integrity to the security clearance process, it is an excuse to go fishing through the personal files of dedicated public servants.” Jordan said one of the 25 people who received a security clearance despite being initially denied one was a General Services Administration custodian.

– NPR’s Carrie Johnson contributed to this report

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A woman holds a placard reading “We Want Water and Electricity” as she shouts slogans during a protest about a lack of water and electric service during a new power outage in Venezuela in Caracas on Sunday. President Nicolás Maduro announced a 30-day electricity rationing plan to help as the government works to restore service.

Federico Parra/AFP/Getty Images

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Federico Parra/AFP/Getty Images

A woman holds a placard reading “We Want Water and Electricity” as she shouts slogans during a protest about a lack of water and electric service during a new power outage in Venezuela in Caracas on Sunday. President Nicolás Maduro announced a 30-day electricity rationing plan to help as the government works to restore service.

Federico Parra/AFP/Getty Images

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro on Sunday instituted a plan to ration electricity as the troubled government scrambles to repair the country’s electrical system amid worsening economic and political conditions.

Maduro pleaded with the public to remain calm and resist violence as what he called “specialists, scientists and hackers” work to put an end to power and water outages.

“I have approved a 30-day plan to regulate the [electricity] output,” Maduro said in a televised address, explaining it will help curb the outages that have recently thrown the country into chaos for days at a time.

The announcement came on the heels of a fourth major power outage in the month of March that left Caracas and other major Venezuelan cities paralyzed without electricity, water or communications services.

Maduro blamed the Trump administration for orchestrating a series of attacks, saying the center of the electrical system was “penetrated by a virus and hacked by the North.” Without providing evidence, he said the attacks originated in Houston and Chicago, and said Friday evening’s blackout was caused by an “electromagnetic attack.”

He alleged the U.S. had instigated the electricity war on Venezuela “to drive people crazy” and manipulate them into tearing apart the country.

“We are confronting monsters who want to destroy Venezuela,” he said. He urged people not to take to the streets or take part in guarimbas, setting up blockades, setting things on fire or throwing rocks at police.

“Say no to guarimba! Say no to fires! Say no to violence!” he exclaimed.

Maduro’s speech came hours after scattered protests had already erupted in neighborhoods around the capital and near the presidential palace in Miraflores — a result of a call to action by opposition leader Juan Guaidó who had urged demonstrations against the “usurper regime.”

“There is no sabotage,” and there is “no such rationing” Guaidó, said in a pair of tweets, adding that the power blackouts have been triggered by outmoded infrastructure and poor upkeep due to the government’s corruption and neglect.

Guaidó also wrote that anti-Maduro leaders had spoken with Colombia and Brazil to import electric power while the government grapples with the crisis.

Guaidó has been recognized by the U.S. and about 50 other countries as the legitimate head of state after Maduro won a second term in an election that many international leaders assert was rigged.

“No one can put up with this. We spend almost all day without electricity,” Karina Camacho, a 56-year-old housewife told The Associated Press. She was unable to buy a chicken when electronic payment machines stopped working for the third consecutive day on Sunday. “There’s been no water since [March 25], you can’t call by phone, we can’t pay with cards or even eat.”

Venezuelan reporter Gabriela Gonzalez interviewed a frustrated woman responding to Maduro’s calls for patience. “How can I have patience?” she asked in a Twitter interview. “It’s not possible because … he has stolen everything that’s beautiful about Venezuela … including robbing the children of Venezuela of their futures — the right to education, to food” and to basic necessities, she said.

As people protested down the streets of Caracas, shouting anti-Maduro slogans and banging on pots and pans, some were met by armed paramilitary troops called colectivos, El Nacional reported. Images posted to Twitter show men, dressed in civilian clothes, carrying handguns and what appear to be rifles.

In one video posted to Twitter by Kelvis larez, people can be seen running down a street as nearly two dozen gunshots are fired within 30 seconds. It is unclear who was firing the weapons or if anyone was killed or injured. But, according to El Nacional, two people on the same street suffered bullet wounds.

Maduro encouraged all “revolutionary and patriotic” members of colectivos across the country “to defend the peace of every barrio, of every block.”

“They will not take away our peace,” Maduro vowed.

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White House adviser Jared Kushner, left, is among those whose security clearance is being questioned by Democrats.

Susan Walsh/AP

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Susan Walsh/AP

White House adviser Jared Kushner, left, is among those whose security clearance is being questioned by Democrats.

Susan Walsh/AP

Updated at 4:10 p.m. ET

An 18-year White House employee told congressional investigators that she and other career staffers denied security clearances for 25 Trump administration officials, including three “very senior” officials, only to see most of those recommendations overturned.

The employee, Tricia Newbold, was interviewed by staff of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform. Democrats on the panel released a summary of her interview, conducted over the weekend, raising new questions about how and why the White House issued security clearances to, among others, Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law.

Republicans argued in response that Democrats on the committee released “cherry-picked excerpts” of the interview with Newbold in order to “manufacture a misleading narrative that the Trump White House is reckless with our national security.”

According to Democrats, Newbold said security clearance applications “were not always adjudicated in the best interest of national security,” and staff denials were frequently overturned by senior officials in order to grant the employees access to classified information.

Newbold said in the case of one official, named only as Senior White House Official 1, staff denied the security clearance request after a background investigation revealed “significant disqualifying factors, including foreign influence, outside activities and personal conduct.”

But Newbold said the denial was overturned by the director of the White House Personnel Security Office, Carl Kline. Staff also recommended denying a clearance to a second “very senior official” based on “foreign influence and outside activities,” but Newbold said Kline told her “do not touch” the case. That clearance was also granted.

Newbold also said Kline told her to change the recommendation against a third senior official, but she refused. That denial was ultimately upheld, the committee says, and the individual is no longer at the White House.

Newbold said in addition to the two current senior officials, security clearances were also granted to contractors and other individuals in the executive office of the president, despite having “a wide range of serious disqualifying issues involving foreign influence, conflicts of interest, concerning personal conduct, financial problems, drug use, and criminal conduct.”

She said when she raised concerns to her superiors, they ignored them. She said she was coming forward because she believes “that right now this is my last hope to really bring the integrity back into our office.”

Newbold also told the oversight committee staff that the White House Security Office stopped conducting credit checks on applicants to work in the White House during their initial suitability review. This, she said, prevents the White House from being able to assess whether applicants “could be susceptible to blackmail, depending on their debts.”

Republicans released their own memo Monday afternoon on what they called the “unilateral and partisan investigation,” painting Newbold as an employee primarily concerned about disagreements with her supervisor and unhappiness with her work environment.

The committee’s GOP staff also pointed out that of the 25 security unfavorable adjudications Newbold observed being overruled, she testified that just 4-5 were for “very serious reasons.”

Finally, they say that Newbold acknowledged during her interview with the committee that the Trump administration has begun to improve some aspects of the security clearance process.

The GOP committee staff memo also complained that they were not given sufficient time to prepare for an interview with Newbold and as such were unable to do proper due diligence.

The chairman of the oversight panel, Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., plans to subpoena Kline to force him to testify before the committee. In a letter to White House counsel Pat Cipollone, Cummings said the subpoena is necessary because “The Committee has given the White House every possible opportunity to cooperate with this investigation, but you have declined. Your actions are now preventing the Committee from obtaining the information it needs to fulfill its Constitutional responsibilities.”

The White House has not responded to repeated requests for comment.

The ranking Republican on the Oversight and Reform Committee, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, said in a statement that “Cummings’ investigation is not about restoring integrity to the security clearance process, it is an excuse to go fishing through the personal files of dedicated public servants.” Jordan said one of the 25 people who received a security clearance despite being initially denied one was a General Services Administration custodian.

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A former Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor in Nevada has suddenly made Joe Biden’s all-but-certain presidential campaign uncertain. Lucy Flores says Biden touched and kissed her in a way that unsettled her during a campaign event nearly five years ago when he was Barack Obama’s vice president. Biden is disputing Flores’ story. Ed O’Keefe reports.

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LONDON (Reuters) – British lawmakers debated halting Brexit on Monday after a record six million people signed a petition to revoke the process that set Britain on course to leave the European Union.

Britons voted to leave the European Union by 52 percent to 48 percent in 2016, and the following year British Prime Minister Theresa May gave notice of the intent to leave the bloc on March 29, 2019 under Article 50 of the EU’s Lisbon Treaty.

But May has failed on three occasions to pass her EU Withdrawal Agreement, forcing a delay to Brexit until at least April 12 and leading to some for call for the whole divorce to be cancelled altogether.

The online petition to revoke Article 50 took off after a speech when May said that she was on the side of the British public over Brexit. Its website repeatedly failed as it garnered as many as 2,000 signatures a minute.

“This petition has been supported by an unprecedented number of people, although it’s not surprising because we live in unprecedented times,” Catherine McKinnell, an opposition Labour lawmaker, said as she introduced the debate.

The debate is largely symbolic and did not take place in the main chamber of the House of Commons, where discussions on alternatives to May’s Brexit plan were taking place.

Petitions on the government’s website are debated after they reach 100,000 signatures and the government must respond to all petitions with more than 10,000 names.

“This government will not revoke Article 50. We will honour the result of the 2016 referendum and work with parliament to deliver a deal that ensures we leave the European Union,” the government said in response to the petition.

The revoke petition is the largest parliamentary one ever, beating the 4.15 million signatures for a 2016 petition which called for another EU referendum in the event that neither the remain or leave camps achieved 60 percent of the vote.

More than 1.8 million people signed a petition calling for U.S. President Donald Trump to be prevented from making a state visit to Britain, leading to a debate in parliament in 2017

Reporting by Alistair Smout; editing by Michael Holden

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Justice Gorsuch rejected that alternative. Nitrogen gas, he wrote, is not authorized by Missouri law and had never been used to carry out an execution in the United States. In dissent, Justice Breyer said that three states have authorized the use of nitrogen gas in executions.

Justice Gorsuch wrote that Mr. Bucklew had also not proved he would suffer less pain from nitrogen gas.

In a concurring opinion, Justice Thomas wrote that the court had made things too complicated. The Eighth Amendment bars only the deliberate infliction of pain, he wrote, and there was no evidence that Missouri had designed its lethal injection protocol to hurt Mr. Bucklew.

In dissent, Justice Breyer, joined by Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, wrote that Mr. Bucklew may face an “excruciating and grotesque” punishment.

“Bucklew cites evidence,” Justice Breyer wrote, “that executing him by lethal injection will cause the tumors that grow in his throat to rupture during his execution, causing him to sputter, choke and suffocate on his own blood for up to several minutes before he dies.”

In a separate dissent, Justice Sonia Sotomayor criticized the majority’s emphasis on addressing delays in carrying out death sentences.

“There are higher values than ensuring that executions run on time,” she wrote. “If a death sentence or the manner in which it is carried out violates the Constitution, that stain can never come out. Our jurisprudence must remain one of vigilance and care, not one of dismissiveness.”

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Citing a growing number of illegal border crossings, The White House also vowed to cut off millions in aid to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.



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Police are searching for a driver who plowed into a 9-year-old girl in her front yard in Georgia, leaving her with serious injuries including multiple broken bones.

Laderihanna Holmes was playing with another young girl outside her home in Lithonia, Georgia, just outside of Atlanta, when a vehicle suddenly jumped the curb and smashed into her on Friday, authorities said.

A home security camera captured the terrifying scene, showing a black sedan blow past a stop sign and slam into the family’s home at full speed.

Watch the crash in the video player above. It has been edited, but may be difficult for some to watch.

The suspect slipped out through the passenger-side door as family members rushed to help the young girl. Security video showed him staggering a bit before he took off on foot, leaving behind the vehicle. The family said a second person also fled the scene.

The family shared the security footage with ABC News on Sunday hoping that the driver might come forward. The owner of the vehicle said she was at work at the time of the accident and had given the car to her boyfriend, police said.

Investigators have not released any information about a potential suspect.

“It’s hard, but I have to be strong for her,” Laderihanna’s mother, Charlette Bolton, told ABC News on Sunday. “I just want everybody to pray for Laderihanna. The community loves her, her school loves her, her friends love her and I just want the people involved to be caught.”

Bolton, who spoke to ABC News along with the girl’s father and older brother, issued a personal message to the people who fled the scene.

“You know what you did. You didn’t try to help my baby,” she said. “You almost killed my baby and I hope you do the right thing and turn yourself in.”

The family’s attorney, Chris Stewart, said two teenagers were seen running from the scene after the crash.

“Those were teenagers that were in that vehicle, so we have to learn what happened and how they got a hold of that car,” Stewart said.

He said it’s a miracle the that the young victim survived the head-on collision.

“If you didn’t believe in miracles, you should now,” Stewart said. “The video is really hard to watch but she survived somehow. You gotta believe in God after seeing this.”

“I was shocked,” he added. “I deal with wrongful death all the time, and I cannot believe she survived it. When I want to see her in the room, she does not have a mark on her face.”

The young girl’s family said she sustained several injuries, including multiple fractures to her skull and pelvis, but they’re confident that she’ll recover.

“She’s strong, and I know she’ll bounce back from this,” her mother said. “It’s just going to take a while.”

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A key House committee was gripped by infighting Monday as Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., released details of whistleblower allegations that dozens of people in the Trump administration were granted security clearances despite “disqualifying issues” in their backgrounds.

Tricia Newbold, an 18-year government employee who oversees the issuance of clearances for some senior White House aides, said she compiled a list of at least 25 officials who were initially denied security clearances last year because of their backgrounds. But she said senior Trump aides overturned those decisions, despite it not being “in the best interest of national security.”


Newbold’s allegations were detailed in a letter and memo released Monday by Cummings of Maryland, chairman of the House Oversight and Reform committee.

The move prompted a fiery retort from top committee Republican Rep. Jim Jordan, of Ohio, whose office described the publication of the information as “reckless.”

“It is extremely unfortunate and disappointing that Chairman Cummings is now using this sensitive topic as a pretense for a partisan attack on the White House,” Jordan said in a statement. “Chairman Cummings’ investigation is not about restoring integrity to the security clearance process, it is an excuse to go fishing through the personal files of dedicated public servants.”

He complained that Newbold’s interview was only conducted Saturday morning – and Republicans “were not informed of the interview’s topic or witness until 3:30 the day before.” He also said some of the 25 examples cited included “non-political officials such as a GSA custodian.”


Jordan continued: “Chairman Cummings has departed from longstanding bipartisan oversight of the security clearance process to advance his partisan efforts to attack the President. His unilateral decision to release cherry-picked excerpts from one witness so early into an investigation is far from the constructive oversight he promised.”

The oversight panel has been investigating security clearances issued to senior officials including Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, and former White House aide Rob Porter.

The letter comes about a month after The New York Times reported that Trump ordered officials to grant Kushner a clearance over the objections of national security officials and after Newbold spoke out to NBC News and other news outlets about her concerns. It also sets the stage for another fight between the White House and the Democratic-controlled House. Cummings said he will move this week to authorize his first subpoena in the probe.

Cummings said the subpoena will be for the deposition of Carl Kline, who served as the White House personnel security director and supervised Newbold. He has since left the White House for the Defense Department.

Newbold laid out her experience in the White House during a March 23 interview with bipartisan committee staff. Portions of that interview were in the memo released by Cummings.

According to the memo, Newbold’s list of overturned security clearance denials included “two current senior White House officials, as well as contractors and individuals throughout different components of the Executive Office of the President.”

“According to Ms. Newbold, these individuals had a wide range of serious disqualifying issues involving foreign influence, conflicts of interest, concerning personal conduct, financial problems, drug use, and criminal conduct,” the memo says.

Newbold said she raised her concerns up the chain of command in the White House to no avail. Instead, she said, the White House retaliated, suspending her in January for 14 days without pay for not following a new policy requiring that documents be scanned as separate PDF files rather than one single PDF file.

Newbold said that when she returned to work in February, she was cut out of the security clearance process and removed from a supervisory responsibility.

Cummings’ memo doesn’t identify the officials on Newbold’s list. The committee has previously singled out Flynn, Porter and Kushner as it sought records from the White House about how their clearances were handled.

Flynn maintained his clearance even after the White House learned he lied to the FBI about his conversations with Russia’s ambassador and that he was under federal investigation by the Justice Department for his previous foreign work.

Kushner failed to initially disclose numerous foreign meetings on security clearance forms, and according to the Times, career officials recommended against granting him one before Trump personally overruled them.

Porter had high-level access with an interim security clearance even though the FBI repeatedly told the White House of past allegations of domestic violence lodged against him by two ex-wives.

Porter resigned after the allegations becoming public.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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(CNN)House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler will authorize a subpoena this week to obtain the full, unredacted report from special counsel Robert Mueller, teeing up a showdown between congressional Democrats and the Trump administration over the nearly 400-page report.

    “We have an obligation to read the full report, and the Department of Justice has an obligation to provide it, in its entirely, without delay. If the department is unwilling to produce the full report voluntarily, then we will do everything in our power to secure it for ourselves,” Nadler wrote in a New York Times op-ed published Monday. “We require the report, first, because Congress, not the attorney general, has a duty under the Constitution to determine whether wrongdoing has occurred. The special counsel declined to make a ‘traditional prosecutorial judgment’ on the question of obstruction, but it is not the attorney general’s job to step in and substitute his judgment for the special counsel’s.”

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    Freshman Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna Pressley have in a matter of days rallied the progressive base against a plan by House Democrats’ campaign arm to isolate and discourage would-be challengers from running against incumbents in congressional primaries.

    Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and Pressley, D-Mass., both insurgents who ousted entrenched members of their own party, over the weekend criticized a policy by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) to blacklist political firms that work against sitting members of Congress.


    Their cause has been promoted and cheered by allies on the left, exposing new tensions between the Democratic establishment and an outspoken liberal wing led by Ocasio-Cortez.

    Justice Democrats, the group that boosted Ocasio-Cortez’s primary bid last year, has blanketed its Twitter feed with shout-outs to the two freshmen, while its director Alexandra Rojas is doing the same – while accusing the DCCC of being “afraid” of the Pressleys and AOCs of the world.

    The same group also thanked Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., for taking a stand against the DCCC decision – citing an Intercept story in which the vice chairman of the Congressional Progressive Caucus condemned the move.

    Saying the new policy “stifles competition and blackballs any consultant who works for a challenger,” Khanna complained in a statement to The Intercept that the DCCC policy was “heavy-handed.”

    “This unprecedented grab of power is a slap in the face of Democratic voters across the nation,” he said. “Let’s be clear. If this policy remains in place, it will mean that we will not allow new Ayanna Pressleys or AOCs to emerge. It’s simply wrong.”

    Khanna and other caucus leaders reportedly voiced objections directly with DCCC leader Rep. Cheri Bustos, D-Ill. The escalating fight marks another front in the battle between the progressive wing and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s lieutenants.

    The tensions exploded publicly when Ocasio-Cortez tweeted Saturday: “The @DCCC’s new rule to blacklist+boycott anyone who does business w/ primary challengers is extremely divisive & harmful to the party.”


    The freshman then recommended a pause in all donations to the DCCC and encouraged donors to give directly to the “swing candidates” themselves. She provided a short list of swing-seaters with links to their donation pages.

    Pressley, who upset 20-year incumbent Michael Capuano, tweeted Saturday a lengthy thread offering her view that the DCCC policy risks hurting women and people of color.

    “If the DCCC enacts this policy to blacklist vendors who work with challengers, we risk undermining an entire universe of potential candidates and vendors — especially women and people of color — whose ideas, energy, and innovation need a place in our party,” Pressley wrote.

    The DCCC previously stated in a letter that its core mission is keeping the party’s newly won majority in the House by “electing House Democrats, which includes supporting and protecting incumbents.”

    The letter then clearly states that the committee “will not conduct business with, nor recommend to any of its targeted campaigns, any consultant that works with an opponent of a sitting Member of the House Democratic Caucus.”


    Pressley warned of the “chilling effect” that creating such rules could have on the future of the Democratic Party, and called for “diversity.”

    “Our diversity is our strength,” she wrote. “When a candidate takes the risk to run, Democrats should not be in the practice of creating litmus tests or roadblocks that have a chilling effect on new candidates or those who would invest their sweat equity in support.”

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    The mother of Samantha Josephson, the University of South Carolina student who was killed after she mistakenly got into a car she thought was her Uber ride, pleaded with the judge to put suspect Nathaniel David Rowland away for life. Police have charged the 24-year-old man with Josephson’s kidnapping and murder.

    At a court hearing for the 24-year-old Rowland on Sunday, Marci Josephson was emotional as she read a statement, in which she said, “I cannot fathom how someone could randomly select a person, a beautiful girl, and steal her life away … There are no words to describe the immense pain his actions have caused our family and friends. He’s taken away a piece of our heart, soul and life.

    “It sickens us to think that his face was the last thing that my baby girl saw on this Earth. Does he even know her name?

    University of South Carolina student Samantha Josephson.

    Family Photo

    “He should never be given the right to walk free again for what he did to my daughter, or given the opportunity to hurt anybody else … My daughter’s name is Samantha Josephson. Don’t ever forget her name. Samantha Josephson.

    “Shame on him.”

    Last night, hundreds of students held a vigil to pay their respects, reports correspondent David Begnaud.

    Josephson was last seen Friday after a night out with her friends. After separating form her roommates, she mistakenly got into a black Chevy Impala thinking it was her Uber. Police say not only did she get into the wrong car, but that she could not get out because the suspect had the child safety door locks on.

    At about 1:30 Friday afternoon Josephson’s friends reported her missing. Later that day, turkey hunters discovered her body more than 65 miles away in a secluded, wooded area.

    Early Saturday morning officers pulled over Rowland while he was driving the Impala they had been looking for. He fled on foot before officers caught him.  Police say they found blood, window cleaner, bleach, and the victim’s cellphone in his car.

    According to a source, Uber does not have a record of any driver with the suspect’s name.

    Those who knew the 21-year-old college senior remember Samantha Josephson as having an infectious smile and contagious laugh. “She had a personality and a presence that lit up a room every time she entered,” said one.

    “She truly was the love of my life,” her boyfriend said.

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    On March 24, 1973, President Richard Nixon told his Attorney General John Mitchell, “I want you all to stonewall it, let them plead the Fifth Amendment, cover-up or anything else, if it’ll save it–save the plan.” That conversation, revealed in a tape during the height of Watergate, led to Mitchell’s indictment on charges of conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and perjury for his role in the cover-up of the Watergate scandal and ultimately the resignation of Nixon.

    So it’s fitting that last Sunday, on the 46th anniversary of the Watergate Stonewall tape, that we learned Robert Mueller submitted his report to Attorney General William Barr. A three page letter written by Barr did little to tell the American people what the Mueller Report found. It did, however, give Donald Trump a political advantage by creating the impression that he’d been exonerated when it wasn’t true.

    Just like Nixon and Mitchell, Trump and Barr are stonewalling.


    After a week of giving Trump the political advantage – boosted by poor reporting and repeated claims of exoneration – a backlash followed about Barr’s stonewall attempt, not only in his three-page letter but also in his refusal to say when he would release the Mueller Report and in what form. That is why on Friday afternoon Barr resorted to damage control that will only result in more damage.

    Barr announced he would make a version of the Mueller Report available by the middle of April, almost a month after Mueller submitted it to him, unredacted and with all the evidence. Specifically, a nearly 400-page report with thousands of pages of evidence that Congress and the public may never see if Barr has his way. That is unacceptable.

    Congress’ responsibility is to hold the president accountable. They can’t do their job if the full Mueller Report isn’t provided. Anything less than that is the Trump-Barr Stonewall Report, not the Mueller Report.

    Furthermore, Barr has no right to opine about the Mueller Report let alone revise or stonewall it. There is nothing in the regulations that govern the special counsel that permits the attorney general to do anything like it. Nothing. Yet Barr has opined three times to date, apparently now editing the Mueller Report, and taking a month to do it. The only job Barr has is to hand over the full Mueller Report, intact with the evidence, and it should have been done last Sunday.

    Congress can’t do its job if the full Mueller Report isn’t provided. Anything less than that is the Trump-Barr Stonewall Report, not the Mueller Report.

    Barr states he is going to redact all the grand jury testimony from the Mueller Report. That alone will result in a substantial portion of the report being redacted – and it is unnecessary.  A judge can allow the grand jury material to be made public, just as Leon Jaworski did during Watergate, and Ken Starr followed suit in the Bill Clinton investigation. They sought and received permission from federal judges to release grand jury material. Starr, furthermore, submitted his report and evidence, equally voluminous to the Mueller Report, and it was made public within 48 hours of its completion.

    The fact is there is no reason to believe Barr is an honest broker, and every reason to believe he is doing Trump’s bidding. If the Mueller Report exonerated Trump, then it would have been released in its entirety last Sunday, not sometime in mid-April with redactions, omissions, and interpretations by Barr, followed by his promised Congressional testimony in May.

    Barr, in fact, has a history of stonewalling and helping presidents avoid the consequences of investigations. The last time Barr served as attorney general, during the Iran-Contra investigation, the late New York Times columnist William Safire referred to him as the “Cover Up General” because he rejected calls to appoint an independent counsel that could have ensnared many members of the Reagan administration, including himself.

    Barr finally relented when members of Congress considered impeaching him, and appointed Lawrence Walsh as special counsel, allowing Barr to oversee Walsh even though he was under scrutiny in the investigation. It was also reported that Barr then considered firing Walsh for “misconduct,” believing his investigation cost Bush re-election.

    After the 1992 election, Barr then proceeded to help President George H.W. Bush grant pardons to six figures in the Iran-Contra case, including former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger as he was about to go on trial to face charges about lying to Congress. That action undercut the Iran-Contra investigation and Special Counsel Walsh. When the pardons were announced Walsh said, “It demonstrates that powerful people with powerful allies can commit serious crimes in high office, deliberately abusing the public trust without consequences”.

    Barr’s record of stonewalling is clear. The fact that Barr was confirmed by the Republican-controlled Senate based on his record is stunning. Now, it is clear that his record is the reason Barr was picked as attorney general.


    The only way to know if a conspiracy or obstruction of justice has been committed by Trump is to provide the full Mueller Report to Congress and to the public. The American people deserve the truth, the full truth, and nothing but the truth. As we have learned throughout our country’s history, and especially during Watergate, you can’t stonewall the truth. Not even Trump and Barr.

    And if they continue to stonewall, then Trump and Barr will face the consequences rendered by the American people and history…just like Nixon and Mitchell.


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