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Source Article from https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/07/supreme-court-pentagon-cash-border-wall-trump.html

Hong Kong – In defiance of a police order, thousands of protesters in Hong Kong have convened in a small rural town where suspected gang members assaulted pro-democracy protesters and passersby last weekend.

What on Saturday began as a peaceful march to denounce the violence in Yuen Long slowly led to standoffs with riot police, who fired several rounds of tear gas and started advancing to disperse crowds. In some areas, there were clashes as protesters pushed back against police advances by throwing umbrellas and bottles. 

Hong Kong Police said protesters “hurled bricks and hard objects” at them and repeated their appeal for people to leave the area by 7pm (11:00GMT).

The police this week came under heavy criticism for an apparent failure to stop the violence against the protesters on July 21, when an attack in Yuen Long by a mob of white-clad, rod-wielding men left at least 45 people, including members of the media, injured.

Twelve people were arrested after last Sunday’s violence, including some with links to criminal groups known as the triads.

As the outcry over a now-suspended extradition bill that would allow criminals to be sent to mainland China for trial continues, protests are spreading into deeper pockets of the territory and reaching more remote communities.

Dubbed Take Back Yuen Long, Saturday’s rally is taking aim at “terrorism”, according to Max Chung, who applied to police on Tuesday for permission for the march to take place in the northern town.

But on Thursday, police issued a letter of objection for the rally, citing concerns for public safety and order.

“The march is triggered by the violent incidents last Sunday and protesters have shown hostility towards some Yuen Long residents,” Anthony Tsang Ching-fo, the acting New Territories North regional commander, said on Thursday, according to the South China Morning Post.

“There is a fairly high chance for both sides to clash.”

Protesters’ demands

Despite losing the appeal on Friday, Chung, a 39-year-old native of Yuen Long, vowed to push on with the unlicensed assembly.

“It won’t be stopped. One of the slogans is ‘spreading the blossoms.’ We plant all the flowers and they blossom. So until the government responds to the five requests, especially the independent investigation [into police violence], I don’t see how anything can stop it.”

Since mass demonstrations began in early June, demonstrators’ requests have included the complete withdrawal of the controversial extradition bill, which the city’s embattled leader Carrie Lam has pronounced “dead” but has not officially retracted. 

Other core demands include an independent inquiry into alleged police brutality, removing the “riot” label for the June 12 protests, the release of arrested demonstrators and the direct election of officials.

Following Sunday’s attack, which appeared to target black-clad pro-democracy protesters returning home from a demonstration, police came under fire for arriving 39 minutes late to the scene.

Police flatly denied any accusations of collusion with the mobs and claimed they were strapped for manpower as another demonstration unfolded in the city centre 30km away, where protesters surrounded Beijing’s liaison office and defaced the Chinese national emblem.


Tensions have risen dramatically since, with state news agency Xinhua calling the act a “blatant challenge” to the central Chinese government.

Earlier this week, the spokesman for the Chinese defence ministry, when asked how China’s forces would respond to the situation, referred to a law in the territory that states that the Hong Kong government may request the assistance of Chinese troops stationed in the city to maintain public order.

Earlier this week, 11 universities in Hong Kong issued a statement urging students not to partake in Saturday’s march citing safety concerns.

Phil, a 31-year-old protester planning to attend Saturday’s march, described it as “revenge” against the gangsters.

“[Danger] always is a risk, but Hong Kong people need to do that otherwise things will become worse,” he said. “Protesters have two different sides – peaceful and violent. But you can see being peaceful is not going to make the government do anything.”

On Friday, hundreds of protesters occupied the arrival hall of Hong Kong’s International Airport in an effort to spread the message of anti-extradition to travellers.

Police have placed further restrictions on another protest planned for Sunday billed as an anti-police brutality demonstration.

Source Article from https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2019/07/defying-police-ban-hk-protesters-return-gang-attack-scene-190727060117273.html

We do not envy Boris Johnson.

The new prime minister of the United Kingdom has a challenge ahead of him greater than any newly elected leader in the West has faced since the Cold War. Johnson must deliver his country from the clutches of Brussels and deliver his party from the depths of dysfunction.

Somehow, by Oct. 31, Johnson’s Conservative Party must negotiate a Brexit deal with a European Union that wants Brexit to fail while expecting no help from an opposition that wants his party to fail and amid quiet resistance from mates in a party on which he has basically just executed a hostile takeover.

Johnson’s cause, saving Brexit, is noble. It is the fight for self-determination and democracy. For that reason, it is up to the United States, the beacon of self-determination and democracy, to help him lift his heavy burden.

President Trump should do all he can to support the prime minister in his effort to renegotiate a commensurate Brexit withdrawal agreement with the European Union.

The former mayor of London is somewhat eccentric and has made some questionable decisions in his personal life. But Johnson’s buoyant personality and unashamed support for free markets are just what Britain needs.

We also note with gratitude that Britain finally has a pro-Brexit leader in charge. A Brexit party governing a Brexit nation deserves a Brexit leader. Finally, three years after Britons voted to leave the European Union, this is true.

Theresa May’s premiership was afflicted by the sense in European Union headquarters that her heart wasn’t really in Brexit. The European Union believed that if they exerted enough pressure, the British people would somehow change their minds.

Brussels, sadly, was right. In the absence of decisive leadership from No. 10 Downing Street, Brexit was delayed from March to Oct. 31. Until Johnson moved into Downing Street, it was not clear whether the Oct. 31 deadline would even hold and even whether Brexit might occur at all.

No longer. Johnson’s opening statement as prime minister made clear that he will see Britain break free from the EU on Oct. 31. If no new agreement can be reached with the European Union, Johnson says Britain will leave on Oct. 31 regardless.

The willingness to execute a hard Brexit is necessary and is not foolhardy.

Its minions won’t admit it, but the European Union has a vested interest in ensuring that any Brexit is carried out in an orderly manner. A hard Brexit would risk serious economic damage not simply to Britain but to European economies. After all, the European Union is a net exporter to Britain.

Johnson knows this, and his credible threat allows him to bring leverage to upcoming renegotiations. President Trump should do all he can to support Johnson here, if necessary by threatening tariffs on European nations that fail to support good faith negotiations with America’s closest ally.

To adapt a phrase from his predecessor, Trump ought to convey that if Europe won’t deal in good faith with Britain, Europe should be put at the back of the queue.

But Johnson’s premiership deserves our support for another reason: the prime minister’s unabashed free-market conservatism. Notably, the alternative to Johnson at this point is far-left Jeremy Corbyn.

Johnson’s spending pledges seem excessive, and we hope he will moderate them. But Britain will benefit from a leader who believes in business and in reducing the state’s influence over the economy. These sentiments fit with Johnson’s broader Atlanticist sympathies. Born in New York City, Johnson is an enduring pro-American in words and action. Escaping the European Union’s leashes, we expect the special relationship to grow closer under his watch.

That’s why we’re backing Boris. We believe he will boost Britain at home and abroad.

Source Article from https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/editorials/back-boris-and-boost-britain

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg shares laugh with her husband, Martin, at an event at Columbia Law School in 2003. Martin Ginsburg, or “Marty,” passed away in 2010.

Ed Bailey/AP

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Ed Bailey/AP

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg shares laugh with her husband, Martin, at an event at Columbia Law School in 2003. Martin Ginsburg, or “Marty,” passed away in 2010.

Ed Bailey/AP

Finding love is not easy.

But Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg counts herself among the lucky ones.

She had an epic marriage to her late-husband Marty Ginsburg that’s been detailed in many places (here, here and here), including the “RBG” documentary.

But this past year tested Ginsburg in a new way without the love of her life. She was diagnosed with cancer for the third time in 20 years late last year, and it was the first time she’s had to wage the fight without Marty.

“My first two cancer bouts — both colorectal cancer at Washington Hospital Center and pancreatic cancer at Sloan Kettering — Marty stayed with me,” Ginsburg told NPR’s Nina Totenberg in an interview on July 23. “He stayed with me in the hospital sleeping on an uncomfortable couch despite his bad back. And I knew that someone was there who really cared about me and would make sure that things didn’t go wrong.”

Don’t see the video? Click here.

Throughout his life, Marty, who was one of the preeminent tax lawyers in the country, was a principal booster of his wife. He played a behind-the-scenes lobbying role, for example, in her eventual appointment to the Supreme Court. He was even the principal cook for his wife and daughters in an era when most men took a back seat on domestic duties, and no one seemed to relish Ruth’s accomplishments more than Marty.

And he was always looking out for her, like that one time in the hospital when, without him there, Justice Ginsburg might have died.

“There was one day during [the] colon cancer bout when I was getting a blood transfusion, and Marty saw that something was very wrong,” Ginsburg said, “and he immediately yanked the needle out of me. It turned out that there was a mismatch not in the type of blood but in some antigen. I might not have lived it if he hadn’t been there.”

He encouraged her to go to a physical therapist. That famous exercise regimen of hers might not have happened were it not for Marty.

“I didn’t want to do it,” Ginsburg said. “I was exhausted, and Marty said, ‘You do it.’ And he was quite insistent about that. So, to have his loving care and yet his determination that I do what was necessary to heal faster, it was hard to be alone.”

When she was recovering from cancer twice before, Marty would cook for her, walk with her, read to her and make her laugh.

“Marty had a wonderful sense of humor, as you know,” Ginsburg said.

Justice Ginsburg is reminded of Marty every day, especially, she said, when the newspaper arrives.

“He was my clipping service with the New York Times and the [Washington] Post,” she said. “I miss him every morning, because I have no one to go through the paper and pick out what I should read.”

Now with him gone, Justice Ginsburg cherishes Marty’s memory. But, to get by, she has dove into her work at the court.

“The work is really what saved me,” she said, “because I had to concentrate on reading the brief doing a draft of an opinion, and I knew that had to get done. So I had to get past whatever my aches and pains were. Just do the job.”

Source Article from https://www.npr.org/2019/07/27/745411217/ruth-bader-ginsburg-on-love-and-other-things

The Supreme Court sided with the Trump administration on Friday in lifting a freeze backed by a lower court that had halted plans to use $2.5 billion in Pentagon funds for border wall construction.

The decision, which split the bench along ideological lines, allows the administration to move ahead with plans to use military funds to replace existing fencing in California, Arizona and New Mexico.

The conservative justices on the court ruled in favor of the administration. Liberal justices Elena Kagan, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor dissented. And Justice Stephen Breyer issued a split opinion, agreeing in part with both sides.

The president celebrated the ruling on Twitter: “Wow! Big VICTORY on the Wall. The United States Supreme Court overturns lower court injunction, allows Southern Border Wall to proceed. Big WIN for Border Security and the Rule of Law!”

“We are pleased that the Supreme Court recognized that the lower courts should not have halted construction of walls on the southern border,” Justice Department spokesperson Alexei Woltornist said in a statement. “We will continue to vigorously defend the Administration’s efforts to protect our Nation.”

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which opposes the funding for the wall, vowed to keep fighting.

“This is not over,” said Dror Ladin, a staff attorney with the ACLU’s National Security Project. “We will be asking the federal appeals court to expedite the ongoing appeals proceeding to halt the irreversible and imminent damage from Trump’s border wall. Border communities, the environment, and our Constitution’s separation of powers will be permanently harmed should Trump get away with pillaging military funds for a xenophobic border wall Congress denied.”

The ruling means the Trump administration can tap the funds and begin work covered by four contracts it has awarded.

A trial court initially froze the funds in May and an appeals court kept that freeze in place earlier this month. The Trump administration asked the Supreme Court to take up the issue.

Earlier this month, a divided three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco agreed with a lower-court ruling that prevented the government from tapping Defense Department counterdrug money to build high-priority sections of the planned wall in the three aforementioned states.

At stake is billions of dollars in funding that would allow Trump to make progress on a major 2016 campaign promise heading into his race for a second term.

Trump declared a national emergency after losing a funding fight with the Democrat-led House that resulted in a 35-day government shutdown. Congress agreed to spend nearly $1.4 billion on barriers in Texas’ Rio Grande Valley, the busiest corridor for illegal crossings, an amount well below the $5.7 billion the president had sought.

Trump grudgingly accepted the money but declared the emergency in order to tap up to $8.1 billion for wall construction. That amount includes $3.6 billion from military construction funds, $2.5 billion from Defense Department counterdrug activities and $600 million from the Treasury Department’s asset forfeiture fund.

Fox News’ Shannon Bream and Bill Mears and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Source Article from https://www.foxnews.com/politics/supreme-court-paves-way-for-trump-administration-to-use-military-funds-for-border-wall

President Trump announced Friday that Guatemala would agree to restrict asylum applications to the US from Central America — a win for his effort to stem the tide of illegal immigrants at the Mexican border.

The “safe third country” agreement would require migrants, including Salvadorans and Hondurans, who cross into Guatemala on their way to the US to apply for protections in that country instead of at the southern border.

It could potentially ease the crush of migrants overwhelming the immigration system and hand Trump a victory as he works to fulfill his campaign promises to curb illegal entry.

“This is a very big day. We have long been working with Guatemala and now we can do it the right way,” he said at the White House. “This landmark agreement will put the coyotes and smugglers out of business.”

The announcement came after a federal judge court in California blocked Trump’s most restrictive asylum effort to date, one that would effectively end protections at the southern border.

The two countries had been negotiating an agreement for months, and Trump threatened Wednesday to place tariffs on Guatemala if it didn’t cut a deal.

The president also said the US would strike back at France’s new tax targeting American tech companies — possibly by slapping tariffs on French wine, which he said wasn’t as good as American wine anyway.

“France just put a digital tax on our great American technology companies. If anybody taxes them, it should be their home Country, the USA. We will announce a substantial reciprocal action on Macron’s foolishness shortly. I’ve always said American wine is better than French wine!” he tweeted.

The president, a noted teetotaller, extolled the virtues of American vintners. “I’ve always liked American wines better than French wines. Even though I don’t drink wine. I just like the way they look,” he said from the Oval Office.

The 3 percent tax passed in France this month will affect firms such as Facebook and Google that earn $28 million from providing digital services there.

Trump also said he wasn’t concerned about North Korea’s missile tests this week because they’re just “short-range” and “my relationship is very good with Chairman Kim.”

The president also excoriated Democrats after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Jerry Nadler said they would continue investigating him.

“Democrats are clowns!” he declared. “We want to find out what happened with the last Democrat president. Let’s look into Obama the way they have looked at me from day one. They looked into everything that we’ve done. They could look into the book deal that President Obama made. Let’s subpoena all of his records.”

And he defended his weekend trips to his gold club in Bedminister, NJ, insisting he was working, not on vacation. He said he preferred Bedminister to weekending at Trump Tower because he did not want to create gridlock in Midtown — and the air conditioning on the White House was on the fritz.

With Wires

Source Article from https://nypost.com/2019/07/26/trump-reaches-landmark-immigration-deal-with-guatemala/

Frustrated by continued efforts by the Democratic congress to find a reason to impeach him, President Donald Trump fought back today, saying that an investigation should be mounted on the book deals signed by former President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle.

The $65 million in multiple book deals spawned a best-seller for Michelle Obama, with Barack Obama’s memoir scheduled for some time next year.

Trump, speaking in the White House Oval Office on Friday, also called for an investigation into the Clinton Foundation, and put in a jab against Obama for ruining the White House air conditioning system, which he says can’t maintain a comfortable temperature.

The irritation by Trump was likely in response to the Democrats in the House Judiciary Committee stating that they were conducting an “impeachment investigation,” even after obtaining little new information from their big move, this week’s interrogation of Robert Mueller.

The Democrats today are now turning to have Mueller’s secret grand jury materials unsealed.

“All they want to do is impede. They want to investigate. They want to go fishing. And I watched Bob Mueller, and they have nothing,” Trump said. “There’s no collusion there’s no obstruction they have nothing. It’s a disgrace.”

Trump continued, “We want to find out what happened with the last Democrat president. Let’s look into Obama the way they’ve looked at me. From Day One they’ve looked into everything that they’ve done. They could look into the book deal that president Obama made. Let’s subpoena all of his records,” Trump said,

 “Let’s subpoena all of the records having to do with Hillary Clinton and all of the nonsense that went on with Clinton and her foundation and everything else. We could do that all day long,” Trump added.


Source Article from https://deadline.com/2019/07/president-donald-trump-obama-book-dealls-investigation-1202655260/

President Donald Trump reportedly wants to “scuttle” the bidding process for a $10 billion cloud contract with the Pentagon and start over, CNN reported.

“Trump wants to scuttle this process and possibly reopen it back up again with extra guardrails,” a source close to the White House told CNN.

The deal in question is the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI), in which a single vendor will provide cloud infrastructure to the Department of Defense over the next 10 years. Amazon Web Services and Microsoft are the finalists for the award, though Amazon is widely expected to walk away the winner.

CNN also reported that White House aides have shown Trump a document insinuating a conspiracy to award the deal to Amazon. That document, a chart titled “A Conspiracy To Create A Ten Year DoD Cloud Monopoly,” is said to feature links to images of Amazon executives and employees, as well as dollar signs and even a heart, CNN reported.

Notably, the report also said the document was identical to one created by Ken Glueck, the executive vice president at Oracle and the database giant’s chief Washington lobbyist. Glueck has a blown-up version of the chart hanging on his office window at Oracle’s Washington, DC, office, according to CNN.

Oracle declined comment. Business Insider has also reached out to Amazon Web Services, the White House, and the Department of Defense for comment, but they did not immediately respond.

Trump could intervene

Oracle, which was knocked out of contention for the deal at an earlier stage, recently lost a legal challenge alleging that the JEDI bidding process was “riddled with improprieties” that largely favored Amazon. That loss seemed to clear the way for either Amazon or Microsoft to officially win the deal, with the actual contract expected to be awarded in August.

Read more: A top Oracle exec says that Amazon is creating a ‘false debate’ in order to help it win the $10 billion JEDI cloud contract

However, the possible intervention of Trump would throw the outcome of the deal into question once more.

Trump has already demanded more information about JEDI, and promised to look into the deal after receiving letters on the matter from lawmakers, including Sen. Marco Rubio.

However, there are some on Capitol Hill who want to see the process go through unimpeded: Four Republican lawmakers recently wrote to Trump that delaying the JEDI award could harm national security.

Industry experts recently told Business Insider that if Trump does decide to personally intervene, it could result in both Microsoft and Amazon coming out as losers in the JEDI deal.

Read more: If President Trump intervenes in the $10 billion JEDI cloud contract, both Amazon and Microsoft could end up as losers

Some of those experts have speculated that Trump’s public feud with Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos — who also owns The Washington Post, which has published coverage critical of the president — might have something to do with Trump’s willingness to look into the deal.

“The president has made his feelings about Amazon, Jeff Bezos, and The Washington Post well-known, and he may find the prospect of denying Amazon a $10 billion contract irresistible,” Christopher Cornillie, a Bloomberg Government analyst, recently told Business Insider.

Source Article from https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-jedi-cloud-contract-amazon-microsoft-oracle-2019-7

Whether Chablis, Sancerre, or Pomerol, French wine is better than American wine.

But President Trump is right to threaten tariffs over a French tax on U.S. technology companies. Trump explained his position on Twitter.

Don’t get me wrong, I support free trade. But free trade must flow both ways. In turn, the U.S. cannot sit idle when other nations take unfair advantage of American companies. And tariffs offer a rough but effective tool to force reconsideration of unfair actions.

Such is the case with France’s technology tax.

That tax is extraordinarily unfair in its undue impact on U.S. technology firms such as Amazon, Facebook, and Google. Protecting French technology firms by targeting higher-earning U.S. firms, France is punishing American firms for being better. It’s an attack on the American economy in protectionist benefit of France’s struggling socialist economy. France must know that it cannot act unfairly against America and expect us to simply sit back and smile.

Hopefully President Emmanuel Macron will reconsider his tax. France is a close U.S. ally, and both our nations have a vested interest in expanded trade and cooperation. But trade must be fair and free. Whether abroad or at home, U.S. technology firms are a crown jewel of our economy. As in this case, they deserve protection.

Source Article from https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/trump-rightly-threatens-tariffs-on-france

An 18-year-old U.S. citizen who was held as an undocumented immigrant for more than three weeks in conditions he called “inhumane” says U.S. officials never apologized for wrongfully detaining him.

“We went through something inhumane,” Francisco Erwin Galicia said through a translator.

Galicia, who was born in Dallas but spent much of his life in Mexico, shared his experience in a Texas detention facility with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes during a segment that aired Friday on “All In.”

Detainees at a U.S. Customs and Border Protection facility in South Texas were allowed to shower only every three to seven days, he said, and in between, they were given “wipes” to try to clean themselves.

“All of us at that [CBP] detention center, we couldn’t breathe or brush our teeth,” the teenager said. “We were about 60 people in one small room.”

The center was so crowded, he said, that the men took turns sleeping in the one bathroom they were allowed to use.

“We would call it the freezer because, well, it was really cold,” he said. ” … With one single bathroom for all those people — without beds or anything. And we would sleep on the floor.”

Galicia was detained at a Texas checkpoint in late June while traveling with a brother he says was undocumented. Galicia said he announced his citizenship and showed agents his Texas identification, a birth certificate and a Social Security card, but agents believed they were fake and held him.

CBP and ICE said in a statement Wednesday that Galicia gave immigration enforcement officers “conflicting reports regarding status of citizenship.”

U.S. citizen Francisco Galicia, 18, gets a hug from his attorney, Claudia Galan, after his release from the South Texas Detention Facility in Pearsall, Texas, Tuesday, July 23, 2019.Kin Man Hui / The San Antonio Express-News via AP

The Dallas Morning News first reported Galicia’s detention, and after 23 days, he was released. The teen said he lost 26 pounds while in custody.

Agents, Galicia said, threatened him with the possibility of felony charges of providing false documents and pressured him to sign paperwork agreeing to deportation.

“It was more psychological,” he said. “They said they were going to charge me. They would insult me so I would sign my deportation order.”

Galicia said his brother agreed to be deported.

CBP and ICE stated that they “are committed to the fair treatment of migrants in our custody.”

Galicia expressed concern for those who remain in custody, including men who had been detained for more than a month.

“Don’t be so inhumane,” he said. “Here under God’s eyes, we are all people. We all deserve the same respect and the same treatment regardless of your nationality.”

Source Article from https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/immigration-border-crisis/u-s-citizen-says-he-lost-26-pounds-while-wrongfully-n1035321

For months now, the big question within the House Democratic Caucus over impeaching President Donald Trump has been framed in one specific way: Would Democrats start an “impeachment inquiry?” Of the 235 House Democrats, 100 now publicly support such a move, per CNN’s count.

Members of a key House committee said on Friday that, well, they’re doing it — kind of. Sort of? Maybe? But also, not really.

House Judiciary Committee Chair Jerry Nadler (D-NY) told reporters that, as part of a lawsuit seeking records from the Mueller investigation, the committee would tell a judge they’re considering whether to use “a constitutional power of the utmost gravity: recommendation of articles of impeachment.”

But asked repeatedly if his probe should now be categorized as that long-awaited “impeachment inquiry,” Nadler demurred. At one point, he said that “too much has been made of” that particular phrase. He characterized it as a continuation of the committee’s existing investigation into President Trump’s “malfeasances” — one that would naturally consider the possibility of impeachment. Eventually.

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) mused that, well, maybe there already is an inquiry. “A lot of people believe we’ve been in an impeachment inquiry ever since we started looking into high crimes and misdemeanors,” he said. His point was that there was no official rule for how an impeachment inquiry begins. But his own preferred word choice, he said, is that “we are in an impeachment investigation.”

This hair-splitting shows the fundamental dilemma House Democrats are facing on the topic.

On one side, the party’s base is demanding impeachment, and many Democrats are desperate to show they’re doing something to stand up to Trump. Some members of Congress may fervently believe it’s the right thing to do, while others may fear primary challenges from the left.

But party leaders like Speaker Nancy Pelosi remain firmly opposed to an impeachment push. Calculating that there’s zero chance the Senate will remove Trump from office, they fear a controversial impeachment vote would harm Democrats representing districts that voted for Trump — something that could put the House majority at risk.

Why are Democrats split over impeachment?

At the broadest level, the debate over impeachment is quite simple.

One side’s position is, essentially: “We think Trump has done terrible things, so he should be impeached.” (The specific terrible things cited vary, but they include obstruction of justice episodes described in the Mueller report, bigotry, corruption, policies like family separation, and general unfitness of character.)

The other side’s position: “Impeachment will fail to remove Trump, so it’s pointless, and it also could hurt Democrats politically.”

Of course, that’s a generalization. There are some who have made the case that an impeachment push could help Democrats politically (or at least that the potential harms are overstated). There are likely also Democrats who just disagree on the substance, thinking it hasn’t been shown that Trump committed crimes worthy of impeachment. Still, these are the most common arguments on each side.

But another way to understand the divide is as a question of differing interests, among Democrats who serve different constituencies.

Support for impeachment is strongest among Democrats whose constituencies or audiences are very anti-Trump. This includes members of Congress representing left-leaning districts, as well as Democratic presidential candidates trying to woo progressive voters, and activists and pro-Democratic media like the popular Pod Save America podcast. Their very politically engaged constituencies or audiences badly want House Democrats to do more to try and fight back against Trump.

Democratic leaders like Pelosi, though, have a different goal — to protect their House of Representatives majority. To do that, they have to win again with a map that’s biased in Republicans’ favor. So they are looking out for the interests of Democrats in districts Trump won — to shield them from a hugely controversial impeachment vote that they fear could imperil their reelections.

Pelosi herself has offered a confusing, shifting series of arguments for why impeachment would be a mistake (Rolling Stone’s Ryan Bort counted seven). But at the heart of it all is likely her concern for her majority.

So on the whole, the debate resembles previous congressional controversies in which a party’s base makes impassioned demands for action, for a fight, and for doing what they feel is right — to the discomfort of party leadership, who believe it will achieve nothing and backfire politically.

What are the politics of impeachment, exactly?

Nationally, impeachment usually doesn’t poll very well, though there’s some variation depending on how exactly the question is framed and what options are offered.

  • A late June Washington Post-ABC News poll found that only 37 percent of US adults supported beginning impeachment proceedings while 59 percent opposed it. (Political independents opposed impeachment proceedings by nearly a two-to-one margin.)
  • A July NBC News / Wall Street Journal poll found that just 21 percent of registered voters think “there is enough evidence for Congress to begin impeachment hearings now,” while another 27 percent says Congress should look for more evidence before doing that, and 50 percent opposes any impeachment hearings.
  • However, there was also a June Fox News poll finding that 43 percent of registered voters said Trump “should be impeached and removed from office,” and 7 percent said he should be impeached but not removed. When added together, that’s 50 percent support for impeachment.

Overall, it’s clear that at the very least that impeachment would start off as highly polarizing on a national level if not outright unpopular.

Yet an impeachment effort would be a months-long process that would go through several different phases with different political implications.

1) House impeachment hearings: The Judiciary Committee would likely hold high-profile hearings about allegations against Trump and draft potential articles of impeachment. And the question of which party would benefit most from this isn’t so clear. Perhaps swing voters might decide Democrats are extreme for pushing impeachment, or Trump voters might be energized in defense of their man.

But numerous high-profile hearings about allegations of Trump’s criminality could also damage Trump for obvious reasons — they’d be the biggest story in the country. Then again, opinion about Trump has been remarkably stable, and it doesn’t seem that House Democrats’ hearings have particularly hurt the president so far this year.

2) A House impeachment vote: The politics of a vote of the whole House on impeachment, however, seem unambiguously bad for Democrats — because of the chamber’s math and map.

  • A party needs 218 seats for a House majority.
  • Though Trump lost the nationwide popular vote to Clinton by two percentage points in 2016, he won 228 House districts to her 207.
  • Currently, there are 235 Democrats in the House, and 31 of those Democrats represent districts Trump won.

An impeachment vote is a major problem for Democrats in those Trump districts. If they vote no, they’ll disappoint or infuriate loyal Democrats who are their core supporters and volunteers. If they vote yes, they’ll be hammered by Republicans (it could well be a major feature of negative ads here in 2020).

For the most part, they’d probably prefer not to take a position one way or the other — particularly when Trump’s acquittal in the Senate seems certain anyway. And a good speaker of the House generally tries to avoid forcing her caucus’s vulnerable members to take a highly controversial vote that won’t actually achieve anything.

House Republicans wouldn’t face the same problem. Not only is the House map slanted in their party’s favor, but the 2018 midterms wiped out almost every Republican representing a district Clinton won. So unless there’s some truly stunning new revelation, expect the whole House GOP to stand by Trump.

3) A Senate trial: If impeachment articles do manage to pass through the House, the next stop is a trial before the Republican-controlled Senate. The details of how that would play out aren’t yet clear. Would Mitch McConnell even hold the trial, or just ignore it like he did Merrick Garland’s Supreme Court nomination? Would he hold the trial but turn it into a farce?

4) The Senate acquits: Should a trial happen, though, the ultimate outcome seems clear. It takes a two-thirds Senate majority to convict an impeached president and remove him from office. Since there are only 47 Senate Democrats, that means 20 Republican senators would have to vote to oust the president who remains overwhelmingly popular among their party’s voters.

Unless some opinion-shaking bombshell unlike anything we’ve yet seen in Trump’s presidency is found, this will not happen. So at the end of the road is defeat and disappointment for Democrats, and Trump still in office.

Whether Trump and his 2020 reelection effort would be helped or hurt by the whole months-long spectacle isn’t clear. (The conventional wisdom is that Bill Clinton’s impeachment and acquittal was bad for Republicans. But George W. Bush ended up winning the next presidential election anyway, and Trump’s alleged offenses are different.)

Still, looking at this whole likely sequence of events, it’s evident why Democratic leaders don’t want to go down this road — it doesn’t end anywhere good, and the politicians put in the toughest spots are House Democrats in districts Trump won.

So where are things right now?

Impeachment supporters argue that we’re in the midst of a major political crisis, that Trump has committed serious crimes and is getting away with them, that responding with politics as usual is the wrong approach, that Pelosi is myopically focusing on reelection rather than what’s right, that depending on how impeachment plays out it could actually end up hurting Trump’s reelection chances — and that it’s simply the right thing to do.

“Dr. King reminds us that there are times that you have to do that which is neither safe nor politic nor popular,” Rep. Al Green (D-TX) told Politico.

“If Pelosi treats Trump as an aberration and continues to be passive in the hopes that we can all power through until next November, there’s no accountability mechanism built into our system of democracy that has any real credibility,” Elizabeth Spiers writes in the New Republic.

Impeachment’s Democratic critics, meanwhile, think a focus on reelection isn’t myopic, but rather quite important — if Republicans retake the House, a new Democratic president would be seriously hemmed in, and a second-term Trump would be able to try to pass sweeping new conservative legislation. They view impeachment as a performative stunt that would achieve nothing beyond the (temporary) emotional validation of Democrats’ anti-Trump base.

“He’s just not worth it,” Pelosi has said.

With this divide persisting, the position many in the party have gravitated toward is supporting an “impeachment inquiry.”

That does not commit to a vote in favor of impeachment. It sounds like an open-minded effort to get more facts. And also, when Democrats’ supporters ask them why they aren’t supporting impeachment, it’s something they can say in response: “I support an impeachment inquiry.” 100 out of 235 House Democrats have now taken this position, per CNN.

Still, once an inquiry gets started, it will likely be difficult to bottle up. Pressure will then build for the next step: the actual vote that Democratic leaders so dread.

That’s why, despite Pelosi’s insistence on Friday that she’s “not trying to run out the clock” on impeachment, many believe she’s doing just that — avoiding it and putting it off until it’s too late to make it happen before the 2020 elections.

But the pressure may eventually prove too much for Pelosi to withstand. Take, for instance, Nadler’s shift. When the year began, he frequently insisted he would only proceed to impeachment if he thought he could win over some Trump supporters. But he’s been hammered by activists and constituents for months — as well as a primary challenger.

Nadler still isn’t publicly calling for an impeachment inquiry, but he’s reportedly pressing for one in private. It is, after all, what his voters want.

Source Article from https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/7/26/8930708/trump-impeachment-inquiry-pelosi-nadler

President Trump announced Friday that Guatemala would agree to restrict asylum applications to the US from Central America — a win for his effort to stem the tide of illegal immigrants at the Mexican border.

The “safe third country” agreement would require migrants, including Salvadorans and Hondurans, who cross into Guatemala on their way to the US to apply for protections in that country instead of at the southern border.

It could potentially ease the crush of migrants overwhelming the immigration system and hand Trump a victory as he works to fulfill his campaign promises to curb illegal entry.

“This is a very big day. We have long been working with Guatemala and now we can do it the right way,” he said at the White House. “This landmark agreement will put the coyotes and smugglers out of business.”

The announcement came after a federal judge court in California blocked Trump’s most restrictive asylum effort to date, one that would effectively end protections at the southern border.

The two countries had been negotiating an agreement for months, and Trump threatened Wednesday to place tariffs on Guatemala if it didn’t cut a deal.

The president also said the US would strike back at France’s new tax targeting American tech companies — possibly by slapping tariffs on French wine, which he said wasn’t as good as American wine anyway.

“France just put a digital tax on our great American technology companies. If anybody taxes them, it should be their home Country, the USA. We will announce a substantial reciprocal action on Macron’s foolishness shortly. I’ve always said American wine is better than French wine!” he tweeted.

The president, a noted teetotaller, extolled the virtues of American vintners. “I’ve always liked American wines better than French wines. Even though I don’t drink wine. I just like the way they look,” he said from the Oval Office.

The 3 percent tax passed in France this month will affect firms such as Facebook and Google that earn $28 million from providing digital services there.

Trump also said he wasn’t concerned about North Korea’s missile tests this week because they’re just “short-range” and “my relationship is very good with Chairman Kim.”

The president also excoriated Democrats after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Jerry Nadler said they would continue investigating him.

“Democrats are clowns!” he declared. “We want to find out what happened with the last Democrat president. Let’s look into Obama the way they have looked at me from day one. They looked into everything that we’ve done. They could look into the book deal that President Obama made. Let’s subpoena all of his records.”

And he defended his weekend trips to his gold club in Bedminister, NJ, insisting he was working, not on vacation. He said he preferred Bedminister to weekending at Trump Tower because he did not want to create gridlock in Midtown — and the air conditioning on the White House was on the fritz.

With Wires

Source Article from https://nypost.com/2019/07/26/trump-reaches-landmark-immigration-deal-with-guatemala/

With former special counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony having come and gone, the White House is trying to turn the tables on President Donald Trump’s political opponents by portraying the years-long Russia investigation as a total waste of time. Toward that end, administration spokesperson Hogan Gidley went on Fox News on Friday and proclaimed it now has been “proven” that Russian interference had no impact on the outcome of the 2016 election.

“It’s now been proven by every metric that Russian meddling had no effect on the outcome of the election,” Gidley said.

This talking point is meant to help Americans rest easy, secure in their knowledge that Trump didn’t wind up in office in part because of crimes committed by a foreign adversary on his behalf. But there’s just one problem: It’s not true.

Hogan’s position would be defensible if you interpret what he’s saying very narrowly: Neither Mueller’s 22-month investigation nor the Senate Intelligence Committee’s own two-year inquiry found any evidence that any votes Americans cast on Election Day were changed by Russian hackers.

But the reality of Russia’s sophisticated, multi-pronged effort to meddle in the US election went much deeper than probing states’ voting infrastructure, and the circumstantial case it had an impact is overwhelming. What remains in question is just how decisive that impact was.

Russia helped Trump, even though it didn’t change votes for him

First, it’s worth remember what Russia was up to: Contrary to what the conspiracy theory Sean Hannity and Trump pushed during their latest Fox News gabfest on Thursday, Moscow was not attempting to aid Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Both US intelligence agencies and Mueller’s investigation affirmed that Russian hackers wanted to help Trump win office and committed crimes toward that end. Trump even acknowledged it at one point.

A Senate Intelligence Committee report released on Thursday indicated that beyond hacking and propaganda campaigns, the Kremlin’s efforts included attempts to penetrate elections systems in all 50 states. It also affirms there is no evidence Russian hackers messed with vote totals or were able to change votes. So in that very narrow sense, the claim that Russia didn’t affect the outcome of the election is defensible.

Gidley, however, went much further.

Votes not being changed doesn’t mean votes weren’t affected

To determine whether Russia had an effect on the 2016 presidential election (as Gidley ruled out), you wouldn’t just need to look at Moscow’s attempted penetration of voting systems. You’d also need to consider how the Kremlin’s $1.25-million-a-month online propaganda campaign and WikiLeaks’ publication of emails hacked from the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign played in American voters’ minds on Election Day. While there’s no incontrovertible proof that those efforts swayed voters in Trump’s favor, there is a convincing circumstantial case.

Earlier this month, for instance, a University of Tennessee Knoxville study funded by the Defense Department found that Trump’s polling upticks during the 2016 campaign correlated with social media activity by Russian trolls and bots. According to the study, every 25,000 retweets from troll and bot accounts connected with Russia’s Internet Research Agency predicted a 1 percent bump in Trump’s polling.

Damian Ruck, the study’s lead researcher, told NBC’s Ken Dilanian that his findings indicate Russia played a very key role in Trump’s victory:

In an interview with NBC News, Ruck said the research suggests that Russian trolls helped shift U.S public opinion in Trump’s favor. As to whether it affected the outcome of the election: “The answer is that we still don’t know, but we can’t rule it out.”

Given that the election turned on 75,000 votes in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, “it is a prospect that should be taken seriously,” Ruck wrote, adding that more study was needed in those swing states.

He points out that 13 percent of voters didn’t make their final choice until the last week before the election.

There is also a strong argument to be made that WikiLeaks, which published the first tranche of emails purloined from Clinton campaign chair John Podesta by Russian hackers just hours after the Washington Post published the Access Hollywood tape of Trump on October 7, swayed voters during the final month of the campaign. In this period, Trump overcame a string of sexual misconduct allegations and a 7-point deficit in the polls to win the election.

As Harry Enten noted for FiveThirtyEight in an analysis of WikiLeaks’ impact during the campaign’s closing stretch, the case remains circumstantial, but Americans were definitely paying attention to WikiLeaks. Enten found that for much of October, there was almost twice as much search interest in WikiLeaks than there was in the FBI, which was also in the news that month because of a letter then-Director James Comey sent to Congress publicizing the Clinton email investigation. Here are a couple additional important data points from Enten’s piece:

Trump, for instance, won among voters who decided who to vote for in October 51 percent to 37 percent, according to national exit polls. That’s Trump’s best time period. He carried voters who decided in the final week, when you might expect Comey’s letter to have had the largest impact, 45 percent to 42 percent.

It’s worth remembering that Trump’s closing message centered largely around WikiLeaks. He mentioned Julian Assange’s operation about five days a day during the campaign’s final month, but now pretends that never happened. (“Problematic is an understatement,” Mueller said on Wednesday about Trump’s promotion of WikiLeaks.) Is it possible the Clinton campaign email dumps and Trump’s relentless hyping of them on the campaign trail had no impact on the outcome of the election? It seems exceedingly unlikely.

So while it’s impossible to prove that Russian propaganda and/or WikiLeaks played a decisive role in swaying anyone’s vote, that’s not what Gidley said. He claimed it’s “been proven by every metric that Russian meddling had no affect on the outcome of the election.” Not only is that not true, but it’s a particularly brazen piece of gaslighting.

The Trump administration has self-interested reasons for downplaying Russian meddling

The president and his Republican enablers in Congress have a vested interest in the narrative that Russia didn’t play a role in Trump’s election, as disconnected from reality as it may be. But the impact of this narrative goes beyond confusing Fox News viewers — it also provides Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell with a pretext to block a number of bills meant to prevent foreign meddling from happening again during the very same week Mueller warned the country that it’s an ongoing concern.

It’s worth noting that Trump’s denialism about Russian interference goes even further than Gidley’s. During a press availability shortly after Mueller’s testimony, Trump not only indicated he’s not taking the Russia issue seriously, but went further and dismissed the entire investigation into election interference as based on “a fake set of facts that the Democrats used, and others, to try and do really an illegal overthrow, but we’re going find out about that.”

Then again, perhaps expecting Trump to take Russian interference seriously is too much to ask, considering that a full accounting of what happened in 2016 could potentially undermine Americans’ sense of security that their president beat Hillary Clinton fair and square.

The news moves fast. To stay updated, follow Aaron Rupar on Twitter, and read more of Vox’s policy and politics coverage.

Source Article from https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/7/26/8931950/trump-russia-meddling-mueller-gidley-no-impact

President Trump announced that Guatemala is signing an agreement to restrict asylum applications to the U.S. from Central America.

Carolyn Kaster/AP

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Carolyn Kaster/AP

President Trump announced that Guatemala is signing an agreement to restrict asylum applications to the U.S. from Central America.

Carolyn Kaster/AP

Updated at 5:22 p.m. ET

President Trump announced Friday that Guatemala has agreed to sign a so-called “safe third country asylum agreement” as part of Trump’s strategy for reducing the flow of migrants to the U.S.

Trump made the announcement before reporters in the Oval Office as Guatemalan interior minister Enrique Degenhart signed the agreement.

He called it “a very important” signing. “It’s going to be terrific for them and terrific for the United States,” Trump said, adding the agreement “will usher in a new era and investment and growth for Guatemala.”

The agreement comes after days of threats by Trump to Guatemala that included potential tariffs on Guatemalan goods, taxes on remittances sent home by Guatemalans living in the U.S. and, a potential travel ban on Guatemalan nationals to the U.S.

Under the agreement, migrants traveling through Guatemala from countries such as Honduras and El Salvador would have to claim asylum in Guatemala instead of the U.S. Getting Guatemala to sign the agreement was a key component of Trump’s strategy for reducing illegal migration to the U.S.

Earlier this month, Guatemala’s high court blocked its government from signing the deal with the United States, which led to Trump’s threats.

And it’s not clear whether the agreement is legal or how it will be implemented. The Guatemalan Congress is supposed to ratify such treaties.

But Guatemalan business leaders had pressured the government of President Jimmy Morales to make a deal with Trump. The U.S. is Guatemala’s top trading partner and tariffs on Guatemalan goods coming into the U.S. could devastate the country.

Trump said another component of the deal will make it easier for Guatemalans to legally come to the U.S. as farm workers. He said other countries would also soon be signing similar asylum agreements with the U.S.

Refugees International President Eric Schwartz said Guatemala is “in no way safe for refugees and asylum seekers.” He said the agreement “also violates U.S. law and will put some of the most vulnerable people in Central America in grave danger. At the moment, it is not clear exactly what arrangement has been reached in light of the Guatemalan Constitutional Court’s provisional decision against a third country agreement.”

NPR’s Brett Neely contributed to this report.

Source Article from https://www.npr.org/2019/07/26/745727128/trump-signs-agreement-with-guatemala-to-limit-asylum-seekers

A human smuggling investigation by the military led to the arrest of 16 Marines on Thursday while carrying out a battalion formation at California’s Camp Pendleton, a base about an hour’s drive from the U.S.-Mexico border.

Lenny Ignelzi/AP

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Lenny Ignelzi/AP

A human smuggling investigation by the military led to the arrest of 16 Marines on Thursday while carrying out a battalion formation at California’s Camp Pendleton, a base about an hour’s drive from the U.S.-Mexico border.

Lenny Ignelzi/AP

Updated at 4:32 p.m. ET

The Navy has apprehended 18 Marines and one sailor over their alleged involvement in human smuggling, drug offenses and other crimes, the Naval Criminal Investigative Service said.

Sixteen of the Marines were arrested in highly public fashion at a major West Coast military base Thursday.

On Thursday morning, after some 800 Marines gathered in formation at Camp Pendleton north of San Diego, Marine officials working with NCIS pulled out 16 people and placed them under arrest, as NPR’s Tom Bowman reported.

NCIS spokesperson Jeff Houston said three other service members were also apprehended on Thursday, but did not provide details about the circumstances. “Out of respect for the investigative and judicial process, and to protect witnesses, NCIS will not comment further until the investigative and judicial process has completed,” he added.

The Marine Corps has not provided details about the alleged crimes, saying in a statement that they include “various illegal activities ranging from human smuggling to drug-related offenses.”

Maj. Kendra Motz, a spokesperson for the 1st Marine Division, said that the suspects had not been charged as of Friday midday. She added that their commanding officer “will act within his authority to hold the Marines accountable at the appropriate level, should they be charged.”

It’s rare for such a large group of Marines to be arrested, Bowman said. “Marines I talk with say they don’t recall a number this high being arrested for alleged illegal activity in memory.”

Another human smuggling investigation provided the information that led to the arrests. Two Marines who were also from Camp Pendleton were arrested on July 3 for allegedly helping three migrants enter the U.S. from Mexico. A senior Marine officer told Bowman that investigators were tipped off to the alleged activities of the service members arrested Thursday by going through the first two Marines’ phones.

Those men, Byron Law II and David Salazer-Quintero, have been charged in federal court with “transportation of aliens for financial gain and aiding and abetting.” Both have pleaded not guilty.

According to court documents, Law and Salazar-Quintero were apprehended by a U.S. Border Patrol agent as they drove on an interstate highway about seven miles north of the border. There were three passengers in the back seat, who stated they were citizens of Mexico without immigration documents. They told authorities that they planned to pay $8,000 to get into the U.S.

Both service members allegedly told authorities that that was not their first time picking up migrants, according to the complaint.

NCIS is also investigating the two Marines’ actions, Motz told NPR, and they are currently confined at Camp Pendleton.

Camp Pendleton is about 60 miles north of the border. As The Associated Press noted, “authorities said the base, cut by Interstate 5 leading to Los Angeles, sits along a well-traversed route used by migrant smugglers.”

In addition to the mass arrest Thursday, eight other Marines were pulled out of the formation for questioning about separate possible drug crimes, the Marines said.

The Marines said that none of the accused personnel were involved in the Southwest Border Support mission, where troops are assisting U.S. Customs and Border Protection to secure the U.S. border with Mexico.

Motz, the spokesperson for the 1st Marine Division, said that all of the Marines arrested and questioned were of relatively low rank – from private first class to corporal. According to Marine Corps Times, they were from 1st Battalion, 5th Marines. That regiment “deploys as a Battalion Landing Team,” according to its website.

“1st Marine Division is committed to justice and the rule of law, and we will continue to fully cooperate with NCIS on this matter,” the Marines statement said. “Any Marines found to be in connection with these alleged activities will be questioned and handled accordingly with respect to due process.”

Source Article from https://www.npr.org/2019/07/26/745566318/mass-arrest-of-16-marines-over-alleged-human-smuggling-drug-crimes

Even after a 30-minute Kumbaya meeting Friday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and freshman firebrand Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., cannot erase their differences forever, “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace predicted.

Appearing Friday on “America’s Newsroom”—both before and after Pelosi’s news conference on Capitol Hill—Wallace told host Bill Hemmer that she does politics the “old fashioned way” and Ocasio-Cortez, decidedly, does not. He said Ocasio-Cortez and other freshmen progressives are looking toward “more dramatic changes.”

“There’s a very different view of politics, very different view of the direction of the party. But, I think that both of them—and certainly Pelosi—believes if you’re going to have this fight, have it inside the tent. Don’t have it outside the tent, where it splits the party and weakens the party and its efforts to re-win election and hold on to the majority in 2020.”

Pelosi is 79 and Ocasio-Cortez is 29; there are 50 years between  them and they’ve gotten off to a rough start. Signs of tensions between the two political dynamos have been visible from the time of Ocasio-Cortez’s congressional orientation, when she joined a climate protest outside Pelosi’s office.

During an interview with “The New York Times,” Pelosi criticized Ocasio-Cortez and the recently nicknamed progressive “Squad” after its four members voted against a version of a border funding bill that Pelosi promoted. Pelosi noted that the group was only four people strong. Ocasio-Cortez, in turn, accused her of “singling out” women of color.

Ocasio-Cortez and her chief of staff took to Twitter to criticize the Speaker and other centrist Democrats. Pelosi then called out Ocasio-Cortez and the other three freshman congresswoman in a caucus meeting: “You got a complaint? You come and talk to me about it,” Pelosi said, according to a source in the room. “But do not tweet about our members and expect us to think that that is just OK.”

Ocasio-Cortez responded by saying it was “outright disrespectful” for Pelosi to repeatedly single out newly elected women of color.

“It got kind of nasty,” Wallace said.


Following special counsel Robert Mueller’s public testimony on Wednesday, President Trump told reporters the Democratic Party is in shambles: “They’ve got the Squad leading their party. They are a mess. This was a devastating day. For the Democrats. The Democrats thought they could win an election like this. I think they hurt themselves very badly for 2020.”

But, with the barrage of attacks from President Trump and the standing of the Democratic Party at stake, an olive branch was extended. Pelosi said their meeting was “nice” and Corbin Trent, a spokesman for Ocasio-Cortez, said, “It was a very positive and productive meeting about progressive priorities.” Pelosi told reporters, “I don’t think we have that many differences.” She said there was never any “hatchet to bury.”

“I think that they will try to turn down the heat and get along more,” Wallace said. “But there are some differences here and you can’t erase them forever. And, they’ll come back up—particularly as we get into 2020 and the direction of the party both in terms of the presidential candidacy and also in terms of the House and the message it’s sending out as it tries to—Democrats hold on to the majority.”

Reacting to Pelosi’s Capitol Hill news conference Friday morning, Wallace called her post-meeting appearance a “master class.” He told Hemmer that the legislative leader showed “real confidence and competence” handling the “split” with the Squad, “herding cats,” and tackling “diverse elements.”

“The line she used, Bill, that I thought was very interesting, she said, ‘I am pushing the boldest common denominator.’ Because, obviously the left feels she’s not moving far enough, fast enough,” he added.

“We always have to remember: for all the attention that the Squad has gotten, the reason that the Democrats took back the House was because of the moderates: the people, the Democrats, who won in districts that Donald Trump won in 2018.

“Nancy Pelosi, has to kind of ride herd on all of that diversity and all of their political views. And, more importantly, all of their political interests because what will help Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with her voters in Queens is not what’s going to help a more moderate Democrat in a much more moderate district.”

Source Article from https://www.foxnews.com/politics/chris-wallace-speaker-pelosis-differences-with-aoc-cant-be-erased-forever