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Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and Jennifer Williams — who both listened in on the July 25 call between President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelenskiy at the center of the House’s impeachment inquiry — spent more than four hours testifying before the House Intelligence Committee Tuesday.
During the hearing, both Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, and Williams, a special adviser on Europe and Russia to Vice President Mike Pence, said that call gave them cause for concern, while Vindman faced repeated personal attacks by Republicans on the committee.
Here are six takeaways from their public appearance.
1. July 25 call was “unusual,” “improper”
Vindman and Williams offered stark, critical assessments of the July 25 call between Trump and Zelenskiy, which they listened in on as part of their normal duties.
Vindman said he was “concerned” with what he’d heard on the call and that he felt it was “improper for the president of the United States to demand a foreign government investigate a U.S. citizen and political opponent.”
Williams, meanwhile, said she “found the July 25th phone call unusual because, in contrast to other presidential calls I had observed, it involved discussion of what appeared to be a domestic political matter.”
Both Vindman and Williams, the first two witnesses who heard the call firsthand to testify publicly, had made similar criticisms during their closed-door testimony last month. But doing so again publicly, and with such unambiguous language, set the tone early in Tuesday’s hearing for Democrats trying to paint a picture that what occurred was harmful to the country.
2. Robust efforts to unmask — and protect — the whistleblower
House Intelligence Republicans repeatedly used their time to question Vindman about who he told about his concerns surrounding the July 25 call — an apparent effort to get him to unmask the still-unnamed intelligence community whistleblower.
During two particular exchanges, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and Ranking Member Devin Nunes, R-Calif., suggested Vindman had contact with the whistleblower, despite having said in his closed-door testimony that he did not know the identity of the whistleblower.
Both times on Tuesday, Vindman said he’d simply spoken with someone in the intelligence community. His lawyer also interjected to advise his client not to answer.
Schiff also cut in on both occasions to instruct everyone present that the “committee will not be used to out the whistleblower.”
Republicans have claimed — falsely — that Democrats coordinated with the whistleblower ahead of his or her filing a formal whistleblower complaint and have demanded the whistleblower testify.
3. Vindman gets personal
A poignant, poised and at times, visibly nervous Vindman — who was born in Kyiv, then part of the USSR, and fled with his family to the U.S. as a child — used a large part of his opening statement to deliver a stunningly personal message about how his family had come to America for a better life and how escaping an authoritarian regime instilled in him and his brothers a sense of duty to serve in the U.S. military.
He said that he never expected to testify about the president’s actions but he did so out of a “sense of duty” and said he recognized that his actions “would not be tolerated in many places around the world.”
“In Russia, my act of expressing my concerns to the chain of command in an official and private channel would have severe personal and professional repercussions and offering public testimony involving the President would surely cost me my life,” he said. (Trump, in fact, has already publicly criticized at least two of the witnesses — Williams and Marie Yovanovitch — in the impeachment inquiry and said earlier Tuesday he didn’t know Vindman.)
Addressing his father, Vindman concluded his statement by saying that, “you made the right decision 40 years ago to leave the Soviet Union and come here to the United States of America in search of a better life for our family.”
“Do not worry, I will be fine for telling the truth,” Vindman said.
4. Republicans question Vindman’s loyalty
Nevertheless, Vindman, an Army lieutenant colonel who received a Purple Heart after he was wounded by an improvised explosive device in Iraq in 2004, faced repeated character attacks from several House Intelligence Republicans.
In one case, Steve Castor, the counsel for committee Republicans, asked a series of questions about whether Vindman had at one point been offered the post of Ukrainian defense minister by a Ukrainian politician.
Vindman, for his part, said such a request occurred three times, but that he dismissed the offers immediately, reported them to his superiors and to counterintelligence authorities, and told Castor it’s no secret where his allegiance is.
“I’m an American,” he said.
That the topic came up at all seemed to be part of a clear effort by Republican to discredit the allegiance of Vindman. Several conservatives have used the same tactic, including multiple Fox News personalities.
At another point, Jordan asked Vindman about comments from Tim Morrison, another National Security Council official, who expressed skepticism about Vindman’s judgment.
Vindman, in this case, was prepared for the attack and responded by reading from a recent performance review filed by Trump’s former top Russia analyst Fiona Hill, which praised his abilities and labeled him a top military official.
In what amounted to the first account in public testimony by witnesses in the impeachment inquiry, Vindman explained under questioning that the summary of the July 25 call was transferred to a private, more secure server “to avoid leaks” and to help “preserve the integrity of the transcript.”
Vindman, however, said he “didn’t take it as anything nefarious” and that “concerns about leaks … seemed valid,” but that the decision to have it “segregated into a separate security system” was “made on the fly.”
Meanwhile, Vindman, at another point, also testified that Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company that Hunter Biden joined as a board member in 2014, had come up during the July 25 call — even though the summary of the call released by the White House did not. Vindman said he’d recommended that the summary mention Burisma, but told the committee that there was nothing “nefarious” about that mention being omitted.
6. Trump’s concerns about corruption
Vindman testified that he’d prepared talking points for Trump for his April phone call with Zelenskiy on which Trump congratulated his counterpart on his election win.
Those talking points, Vindman testified Tuesday, included addressing corruption in Ukraine.
Trump, however, did not address corruption on the call, according to a record of the call released by the White House last week — even though a readout of the call released earlier this year by the White House stated that Trump had expressed his commitment to work with Ukraine “to implement reforms that strengthen democracy, increase prosperity and root out corruption.”
Vindman said Tuesday that he wouldn’t call the readout false, but rather “not entirely accurate,” because readouts are often used as messaging to promote policies consistent with U.S. policy and indicate what is important to an administration.
Nevertheless, that Trump didn’t bring up corruption, despite the wishes of his advisers, contradicts the White House’s claims that Trump’s desire to see an investigation into Burisma was merely part and parcel of a broader concern within the administration over widespread corruption in the country.
Hotel owner Gordon Sondland, who is scheduled to testify before Congress on Wednesday, is a pivotal witness in the impeachment inquiry.
Carlos Jasso/Reuters
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Carlos Jasso/Reuters
Hotel owner Gordon Sondland, who is scheduled to testify before Congress on Wednesday, is a pivotal witness in the impeachment inquiry.
Carlos Jasso/Reuters
When Gordon Sondland arrived at the Capitol last month to provide what would be pivotal testimony in the Trump impeachment inquiry, a reporter asked the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, “Are you here to salvage your reputation?”
“I don’t have a reputation to salvage,” Sondland shot back.
Until recently, Sondland, 62, had a pretty low profile outside his hometown of Portland, Ore., where he and his wife, Katy Durant, are big Republican donors and contributors to numerous arts and civic organizations.
Now, as Sondland prepares to testify publicly before congressional investigators Wednesday, he finds himself in the middle of a Category 5 political storm.
Congressional investigators are looking into whether President Trump withheld security assistance from Ukraine to pressure the government to say it was investigating former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter, who served on the board of a Ukrainian gas company.
Sondland, who helped reach out to the Ukrainian government on Trump’s behalf, first told Congress that the president was simply interested in battling corruption. He had demanded no favors in exchange for security assistance, he claimed.
But Sondland later amended his testimony, saying the aid package was in fact contingent on an investigation into the Bidens.
A strive for prominence
The impeachment inquiry has given Sondland a notoriety he never bargained for when he became EU ambassador.
The son of Holocaust survivors, Sondland dropped out of college early and got into commercial real estate. At just 28, he bought and renovated the bankrupt Roosevelt Hotel in Seattle, where he was born.
Today, his company, Provenance Hotels, owns 14 hotels, including six in Portland.
“He sees a good property that’s kind of in the right location and makes enough of an investment in it to make it a highly desirable place to stay,” says Len Bergstein, a public affairs consultant who has worked with Sondland.
Sondland has worked hard to be seen as a civic leader and cares a lot about how he is seen, Bergstein says. When Sondland worked out a deal with local government to acquire some land for a hotel, he insisted that he be referred to as a “pillar of the community” in the press release the city put out, Bergstein says.
“He was in many ways exercising his political muscles to try and up his profile, to take him from a kind of a noted and successful businessperson in a relatively narrow sense to much larger circles of prominence in the community,” Bergstein says.
According to Oregon Business, Sondland is a big fan of Ayn Rand, whose books promoting free market capitalism are popular with many libertarian conservatives.
But he has mainly donated to moderate Republicans like Jeb Bush and even a few Democrats, according to Sheila Krumholz, executive director of the Center for Responsive Politics.
A complicated relationship with Trump
His relationship with Trump is complicated. Sondland publicly broke with him following the then-presidential candidate’s attack on a Gold Star Muslim family. Yet Sondland also became a “bundler” for Trump, using his network of Portland political donors to help Trump get elected.
“In that election he gave nothing to Trump but he was listed as one of Trump’s bundlers in 2016, and of course being a bundler gives you more clout than just giving a single donation,” Krumholz says.
Sondland also donated $1 million to Trump’s inauguration through four companies Sondland controls.
A lot of people in liberal Portland have been taken aback by Sondland’s willingness to work in the Trump administration, Bergstein says.
“It was a surprise when Gordon found Donald Trump as an acceptable candidate. That wasn’t his type of Republican that he supported,” he says.
And Sondland has already paid a price for that support.
He is sometimes confronted by demonstrators when he goes out in public. And Democratic Rep. Earl Blumenauer, who represents the Portland area, has called for a boycott of his hotels.
Day 3 of the House impeachment hearings continued Tuesday afternoon with two witnesses requested by Republicans: Kurt Volker, the former U.S. special envoy to Ukraine, and Tim Morrison, a National Security Council official who was on President Donald Trump’s July 25 call with Ukraine’s president.
Republicans want Morrison. a political appointee, to repeat what he said in his closed-door deposition: that he heard nothing illegal on the call, although he was concerned that, if it leaked, there could be political fallout.
Volker, one of the so-called “three amigos” communicated with William Taylor, the top U.S. diplomat in Ukraine, and Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, about what Trump wanted from Ukraine, but reportedly will claim he was out of the loop when it came to specific demands about investigations.
Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the National Security Council’s Ukraine expert, testified alongside Jennifer Williams, a national security aide to Vice President Mike Pence.
Here is how the afternoon portion of hearing is unfolding. Please refresh for updates.
4:12 p.m.
As Schiff began his questions, Volker reiterated his past testimony that he does not suspect Democrat Joe Biden did anything wrong.
He said “it is not credible to me that former Vice President Biden would have been influenced in any way by financial or personal motives in carrying out his duties as Vice President.”
Volker said he also didn’t believe accusations against Marie Yovanovitch, the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine. He said those were not credible either.
“I have known former Vice President Biden for a long time. I know how he respects his duties of higher office, and it’s just not credible to me that a vice president of the United States is going to do anything other than act as how he sees best for the national interest,” Volker said.
3:27 p.m.
The afternoon session begins with statements from Chairman Adam Schiff and Ranking Member Devin Nunes.
“Welcome back to Act Two of the circus, ladies and gentlemen,” Nunes said at the beginning of his opening statement.
Nunes and his Republican colleagues have staunchly defended the president’s conduct towards Ukraine and sought to cast the impeachment inquiry as a partisan attack.
The two witnesses were then sworn in and made their opening statements.
In opening remarks, Kurt Volker made note of “a great deal of additional information” he has learned since his Oct. 3 closed-door deposition in front of impeachment investigators, including details of the alleged quid pro quo effort conducted by President Trump.
“At the time I was connecting [Ukrainian chief of staff Andriy] Yermak and Mr. Giuliani, and discussing with Mr. Yermak and Amb. Sondland a possible statement that could be made by the Ukrainian President, I did not know of any linkage between the hold on security assistance and Ukraine pursuing investigations,” Volker said.
He insisted he never “knowingly took part in an effort to urge Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Biden.”
Volker said he was not aware of many key revelations that have come to light since his first appearance before the committee in October, including Ambassador Gordon Sondland’s phone call with President Trump during which the president allegedly said his priority in Ukraine was “the investigations.”
He also said he has never used the term “The Three Amigos,” which other witnesses in the impeachment probe have used to describe Volker, Ambassador Sondland, and Energy Secretary Rick Perry.
Volker said he does not think the Ukrainians were aware of a hold on military aid until Aug. 29, a day after Politico reported that the money had been frozen.
Other witnesses testified in separate closed-door hearings that their Ukrainian counterparts had figured it out earlier than that. The State Department’s Catherine Croft couldn’t give an exact date the Ukrainians found out, other than it was “earlier than I expected them to.”
Bill Taylor, the U.S. diplomat in Ukraine, testified last week in open testimony that he thinks “there’s still some question as to when they may have heard.”
When exactly Ukraine knew the money was on hold is a key point for Republicans, who contend that Trump can’t be accused of personally imposing a “quid pro quo” in his July 25 phone call because, they say, Ukraine had no idea that military aid was on hold at that time.
1:40 p.m.
As the first part of Tuesday’s hearing ended, Schiff thanked Williams and Vindman for their testimony.
“We have courageous people like yourself who come forward, who report things, who do what they should do, who have a sense, as you put it, colonel, of duty, of duty. Not to the person of the president, but to the presidency and to the country. And we thank you for that,” Schiff said.
He added that even though other witnesses have testified about remarks the president didn’t care about Ukraine outside the investigations of the Bidens, members of Congress still care about the longstanding U.S. policy in Ukraine.
“The president may not care about it, but we do. We care about our defense, we care about the defense of our allies. And we darned well care about our constitution,” Schiff said.
In his closing remarks, Republican Rep. Rep. Devin Nunes says “Act One of today’s circus is over … the Democrats are no closer to impeachment than where they were three years ago.”
The second hearing was expected to begin in about an hour.
1:25 p.m.
Democrat Rep. Sean Maloney asked Vindman what went through his mind when he heard Trump on the July 25 call.
“Frankly, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. It was probably an element of shock that maybe in certain regards, my worst fear of how our Ukraine policy could play out was playing out, how this was likely to have significant implications for U.S. National security,” Vindman said.
“And you went immediately and reported it, didn’t you?” Maloney asked.
“I did,” VIndman answered
“Why?” Maloney then asked.
“Because that was my duty,” Vindman responded.
Maloney then asked Vindman to again read the passage of his opening statement that mentioned his father.
After Maloney asked why he told his dad not to worry about his safety for testifying, Vindman said, “Congressman, because this is America. This is the country I have served and defended, that all of my brothers have served and here, right matters.”
A number of people in the audience then began applauding.
1:21 p.m.
Democratic Rep. Sean Maloney lamented the political attacks against Vindman in the hearing during his time for questioning.
“We’ve even had a member of this committee question — this is my favorite — question why you would wear your dress uniform today. Even though that dress uniform includes a breast plate that has a combat infantry badge on it and a purple heart medal ribbon,” he said.
“It seems like if anybody gets to wear the uniform, it’s somebody who’s got a breastplate with commendations on it.”
Republican Rep. Chris Stewart noted that Vindman was wearing his dress uniform “knowing that’s not the uniform of the day” earlier in the hearing, even though active duty military officers are required to be in uniform when appearing in an official capacity.
Vindman told Stewart he felt the attacks against him have “marginalized” him as a military officer. A spokesperson for the Army told ABC News they are supporting Vindman with concerns around his family’s security as he testifies in the impeachment inquiry.
12:59 p.m.
Referring to a theory put forth by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer, and President Trump that it was Ukraine, not Russia, that interfered in the 2016 presidential election, Vindman called it a “Russian narrative that President Putin has promoted.”
“And are you aware of any part of the U.S. Government, its foreign policy or intelligence apparatus that supports that theory?” Rep. Castro, D-Texas, asked Vindman.
“No, I’m not aware,” Vindman said.
The theory that Ukraine framed Russia in election interference in 2016 has been widely criticized. Tom Bossert, Trump’s former Homeland Security Adviser and now an ABC News Contributor, took aim at Giuliani in September on ABC’s “This Week,” telling ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos that the theory is “completely false.”
12:55 p.m.
Under questioning from Democratic Rep Jackie Speier, Vindman suggests he may have already experienced retaliation from the White House.
“In both your situations since you have given depositions and have you seen your experience in your respective jobs change or have you been treated any differently?” Speier asked.
Williams said she had not but Vindman said he was excluded from meetings since he raised concerns about the July 25 call.
“I did notice I was being excluded from several meetings which would have been appropriate for my position,” Vindman said.
“So, in some respects there have been reprisals?” Speier said.
“I’m not sure I could make that judgment. I would say it’s out of the course of normal affairs to not have me participate in some of these events,” Vindman said.
12:47 p.m.
Down Pennsylvania Avenue from the hearing at the Capitol, President Trump, speaking to reporters at the White House, struck a dismissive tone when asked whether he thinks Lt. Col. Vindman is a credible witness, making note of the moment when Vindman corrected Nunes for referring to him as “Mr. Vidman” and also seemed to question his motives in wearing a military uniform to testify.
“I don’t know him, as he says Lieutenant Colonel, I understand someone had the misfortune of calling him ‘mister’ and he corrected them. I never saw the man, I understand now he wears his uniform when he goes in. No, I don’t know Vindman at all,” Trump said during a Cabinet meeting, ABC’s Jordyn Phelps reports.
A U.S. official told ABC News’ Elizabeth McLaughlin at the Pentagon that Vindman testifying before Congress means he is serving in his official capacity and therefore is required to wear the uniform.
Separately, an Army spokesperson told ABC’s Luis Martinez: “A soldier performing duties in an official capacity will normally be in uniform. In cases where a soldier is detailed to an agency outside of DoD, the individual would follow the policies of that agency.”
12:43 p.m.
Asked whether Hunter Biden’s role on the board of Burisma may have presented the appearance of a conflict of interest, both Vindman and Williams responded in the affirmative.
“Certainly the potential, yes,” Vindman said.
“Yes,” Williams chimed in.
Republicans have called on Hunter Biden to testify as part of the impeachment inquiry, but Democrats have thus far declined to call him before the committee.
12:17 p.m.
Republican Rep. John Ratcliffe started his question time by referring to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Thursday news conference at which she said the president was engaged in “bribery.”
Ratcliffe, piling copies of all the deposition transcripts on the desk in front of him, claimed that not once have any witnesses used that word to describe what the president did, even if they were concerned.
Chairman Schiff then came back to this argument and defended using the term.
“I want to make one thing clear for folks watching today. Bribery does involve a quid pro quo. Bribery involves the conditioning of a specific act for something of value,” Schiff said.
He added “The reason we don’t ask witnesses, who are fact witnesses, to make a judgment about whether a crime or bribery has been committed. …. For one thing, you may not be aware of all the facts brought forward in this investigation.”
11:54 a.m.
Democrat Rep. Jim Himes also insinuated that Republicans were accusing Vindman of disloyalty to the U.S. in his line of questioning about when Vindman was offered the position of defense minister for Ukraine, which Vindman said he denied.
“That may have come cloaked in a Brooks Brothers suit and in parliamentary language, but that was designed exclusively to give the right wing media an opening to questioning your loyalties,” Himes said.
“And I want people to understand what that was all about. It’s the kind of attack — it’s the kind of thing you say when you’re defending the indefensible,” Himes said.
“Colonel Vindman, would you call yourself a ‘Never Trumper?'” Himes asked at one point.
Moments earlier, Himes suggested the president engaged in “witness intimidation” in calling Jennifer Williams a “Never Trumper” on Twitter.
“Ms. Williams, are you engaged in a presidential attack?” Himes, D-Conn., asked.
“No, sir,” she replied emphatically.
Williams went on to say that the president’s tweet “certainly surprised” her and that she did not consider herself a “Never Trumper.”
“It surprised me, too,” Himes said. “It looked like witness intimidation and tampering in an effort to perhaps shape your testimony today.”
11:50 a.m.
In the first extended effort to undercut Vindman’s credibility, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, read testimony from another former National Security Council official, Tim Morrison, who said he heard concerns that Vindman may have leaked classified information to the press.
“That is preposterous that I would do that,” Vindman shot back. “I can’t say why Mr. Morrison questioned my judgment.”
Vindman read from a performance review prepared by his former boss at the NSC, Fiona Hill, who gave him glowing feedback on his work.
11:35 a.m.
Chairman Schiff gavels the hearing back in.
Vindman said there was no “ambiguity” in President Trump’s invoking the name “Biden” during his July 25 call with Ukraine’s president.
“It was pretty clear that the president wanted Zelenskiy to commit to investigate the Bidens?” Schiff asked.
“That’s correct,” Vindman said.
“One of the ‘favors’ that you properly characterized as a demand,” Schiff added.
“That’s correct,” Vindman responded.
11:18 a.m.
Schiff asks Vindman if he would like to take a short break and Vindman says he would.
11:14 a.m.
Republican Counsel Steve Castor asked Vindman if he was offered the position of Ukrainian defense minister during the trip to Ukrainian President Zelenskiy’s inauguration.
Vindman said he was offered the position three times but dismissed it each time and reported it to his commanding officer.
“I’m an American. I came here when I was a toddler and I immediately dismissed these offers. Did not entertain them,” he said.
“The whole notion was rather comical,” Vindman added, saying he didn’t “leave the door open at all” to the offer.
11:07 a.m.
ABC’s Ben Siegel notes this exchange between Castor and Vindman:
Vindman said he recalled Sondland discussing “Burisma, the Bidens and the 2016 elections” in the July 10 meeting at the White House with Ukrainian officials.
GOP counsel Steve Castor followed up, claiming that Vindman, behind closed doors, didn’t initially recall whether the election came up. Vindman said that he clarified that later in his testimony.
“So when we asked the question, it sort of refreshed your recollection?” Castor said.
“Yes, I guess that’s a term now,” Vindman replied with a smile.
Sondland, in his updated testimony, said he had “refreshed his recollection.”
10:50 a.m.
During a testy exchange about the whistleblower whose complaint brought to light the nature of the July 25 phone call, Vindman corrected Nunes when the Republican ranking member referred to him as, “Mr. Vindman.”
In a lengthy series of questions about the whistleblower – and whether Vindman knew the person’s identity – Nunes grew frustrated when Vindman appeared to avoid answering directly.
“You can answer the question, or you can plead the Fifth,” Rep. Nunes said, referring to Vindman’s Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate himself.
Chairman Schiff interjected, telling Nunes the hearing would not be used as a vehicle for Republicans to unmask the whistleblower.
Vindman’s lawyer Michael Volkov also defended his client, saying it was not a matter of possibly pleading the Fifth. ABC’s Trish Turner in the hearing room reports this is the first time we have heard extensive remarks from a lawyer at these hearings.
10:39 a.m.
Vindman pushed back on Nunes’ line of questioning about whether he discussed President Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian President Zelenskiy on July 25 with reporters.
“I do not engage with the press at all,” Vindman said.
Republican allies of the president have accused Vindman and other “bureaucrats” in the administration of politically motivated leaking.
It’s clear the GOP suspects that Vindman tipped off the whistleblower, although Vindman says he’s not sure who the whistleblower is.
Vindman does acknowledge that he shared the contents of the July 25 phone call with a member of the intelligence community as well as State Department official George Kent.
10:26 a.m.
Vindman says he told U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland that discussion of investigations of the Bidens and the 2016 election were inappropriate when he says Sondland brought them up after a meeting with American and Ukrainian officials.
“I said that this request to conduct these meetings was inappropriate. These investigations was inappropriate and had nothing to do with national security policy,” Vindman said.
10:19 a.m.
Vindman says he had already been tracking the “alternative narrative” around Ukraine when he decided to immediately report the July 25 call to NSC lawyers.
“At this point, I had already been tracking this initially what I would describe as alternative narrative, false narrative, and I was certainly aware of the fact that it was starting to reverberate, gain traction,” he said.
He also said there was a discussion among NSC lawyers about how to handle the transcript and keep it to a “smaller group” to avoid the sensitive information from being leaked, but that he didn’t see it as “nefarious.”
10:13 a.m.
ABC News’ Mary Bruce notes that Vindman is contradicting the White House readout of the April 21 call between Presidents Trump and Zelenskiy.
“Vindman says his talking points encouraged the president to raise the issue of corruption. At the time, the White House readout of the call said the issue came up. But Vindman notes the president never actually raised the issue. And the transcript that the White House released last week shows it was not brought up,” Bruce says.
Vindman testified that he was on that call and that corruption was part of the National Security Council recommended talking points for the president, but that he does not recall the issue of corruption coming up on the call.
ABC’s Ben Siegel reports from the hearing room that Vindman also said, as he did in private testimony, that he warned Zelenskiy against involvement in U.S. domestic politics.
10:03 a.m.
In describing President Trump’s asking Ukraine’s leader to launch investigations that may help his 2020 reelection effort, Vindman relayed his experience in the military to describe why he understood Trump’s overture as “an order,” not a “request.”
“Chairman, the culture I come from – the military culture – when a senior asks you to do something, even if it’s polite and pleasant, it’s not to be taken as a request. It’s to be taken as an order,” Vindman said.
“In this case, the power disparity between the two leaders, my impression is that in order to get the White House meeting, President Zelenskiy would have to deliver these investigations.”
ABC News Political Director Rick Klein tweets this analysis: “A key point that the witnesses last week made too – that a “favor” is more like a demand in light of Ukraine’s reliance on the US”
10:01 a.m.
Both Vindman and Williams say they remember hearing the word “Burisma” on the July 25 phone call, but that it was omitted in the transcript. “It’s not a significant omission,” Vindman said, but said he tried to correct the record. Burisma is not mentioned in the transcript released by the White House.
Burisma is the gas company in Ukraine that hired Hunter Biden to sit on its board.
9:47 a.m.
Vindman, delivering his opening statement in his U.S. Army uniform, pushes back on criticisms brought forth by the president’s allies, insisting his role in the impeachment inquiry comes not from bipartisan bias, but “under a common oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.”
“We do not serve any particular political party, we serve the nation. I am humbled to come before you today as one of many who serve in the most distinguished and able military in the world,” Vindman says.
On Monday, Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisc., suggested Vindman was a “bureaucrat” who “never accepted President Trump as legitimate and resent his unorthodox style,” and indirectly accused him of “leaking to the press and participating in the ongoing effort to sabotage his policies.”
Vindman notes his brother is in the audience and then directs his testimony at his father, who fled the Soviet Union 40 years ago and brought Vindman and his brother to the United States.
Vindman said he and his siblings chose public service to repay the country that took them in. Vindman also notes that his actions, if in Russia, would have “surely cost me my life.” Then he assured his father “do not worry, I will be fine for telling the truth.”
9:38 a.m.
Williams gives her opening statement first, defending her service in the U.S. diplomatic corps after President Trump targeted her on Twitter over the weekend.
“As a career officer, I am committed to serving the American people and advancing American interests abroad, in support of the President’s foreign policy objectives,” Williams said Tuesday.
“I found the July 25th phone call unusual, because in contrast to other presidential calls I had observed, it involved discussion of what appeared to be a domestic political matter.”
9:22 a.m.
Ranking Member Devin Nunes blamed media coverage of the hearings last week for overstating the impact of last week’s testimony and continued calls for more information about the whistleblower whose complaint launched the impeachment inquiry.
Schiff has said he does not know the identity of the whistleblower and will protect them from being publicly identified due, in part, to security concerns.
9:17 a.m.
The president has called both witnesses “Never Trumpers.”
Schiff notes the attacks on Williams and Vindman.
“Ms. Williams, we all saw the President’s tweet about you on Sunday afternoon and the insults he hurled at Ambassador Yovanovich last Friday. You are here today, and the American people are grateful,” Schiff says. “Col. Vindman, we have seen far more scurrilous attacks on your character, and watched as certain personalities on Fox have questioned your loyalty. I note that you have shed blood for America, and we owe you an immense debt of gratitude.”
9:09 a.m.
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff opens the hearing by reviewing what other witnesses have testified, saying President Donald Trump has “placed his own personal and political interests above those of the nation.”
Vindman and Williams are sitting side-by-side at the witness table as Schiff introduces them as having been alarmed by the July 25 call.
9:01 a.m.
ABC News Senior Congressional Correspondent Mary Bruce notes that today’s witnesses provide some of the testimony that prompted the impeachment inquiry by raising concerns about the administration’s dealings in Ukraine.
“Today we are going to be hearing from witnesses who were on that phone call that sparked this entire impeachment inquiry and they have described what they heard as unusual and inappropriate,” Bruce says.
8:45 a.m.
Jennifer Williams has arrived as well. She will be today’s first witness. The hearing room is filling up quickly with congressional staff, reporters and spectators.
Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman has arrived in Capitol Hill in his dress blue uniform. He was accompanied by his brother, Yevgeny, who also serves on the National Security Council as an ethics lawyer.
Vindman told investigators, according to a transcript of his closed session, that he was “concerned” by the call, adding that he “did not think it was proper to demand that a foreign government investigate a U.S. citizen,” a reference to the suggestion from Trump that Ukraine investigate former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and his work for Ukrainian energy company Burisma. He also told lawmakers there was “no doubt” in his mind about what Trump sought from Ukraine in the July phone call with Zelenskiy.
In his private testimony, Vindman also told lawmakers he repeatedly raised his concerns about the president’s comments — along with the discussion of the investigations that Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s personal lawyer, was publicly calling for — with NSC lawyers.
He also said he attempted to get nearly $400 million in military aid to Ukraine restored after it was put on hold over the summer, drafting a memo that the president refused to sign.
The Iraq War veteran, who received a Purple Heart, is expected to appear in uniform.
Williams said in a separate closed session with lawmakers that she found the mention of investigations into the 2016 election and unsubstantiated theories of Ukraine’s meddling in the race, and a probe into the Biden family’s dealings in Ukraine “unusual and inappropriate.”
The president has lashed out at both officials, calling Vindman a “never Trumper” as he testified to Congress last month, and criticizing Williams after her closed-door testimony was released over the weekend.
Tim Morrison, a departing NSC official who was also on the Trump-Zelenskiy call, will testify Tuesday afternoon. While he raised concerns about the call to White House lawyers — specifically, how a leak of the transcript would be received in a polarized Washington, and impact bipartisan support for Ukraine — he previously told impeachment investigators that he was “not concerned that anything illegal was discussed,” according to a transcript of his deposition released by House Democrats.
Lawmakers will also question former U.S. envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker on Tuesday afternoon.
Republicans, who requested the public testimony from both officials, believe elements of their accounts undermine Democrats’ concerns about the withholding of aid for investigations at the center of the impeachment inquiry.
Tuesday’s testimony could set the stage for the upcoming appearance of Gordon Sondland, Trump’s ambassador to the European Union and an apparent central player in the efforts to encourage Ukraine to launch investigations that could benefit Trump politically.
The House Intelligence Committee is scheduled to hold a total of five public hearings this week with nine witnesses.
Sondland will testify Wednesday morning, followed by senior Defense Department and State Department officials Laura Cooper and David Hale.
Fiona Hill, the NSC’s former Russia expert under former national security adviser John Bolton, is scheduled to appear on Capitol Hill Thursday morning, along with Holmes.
Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, one of the key witnesses in the House Democrats’ impeachment hearings, is an Iraq war veteran and Purple Heart recipient who has served in the US Army for the past 20 years.
He also emigrated from the Soviet Union in 1979, when he was 4 years old — a fact that the attorney for House Republicans played on during a line of questioning during Vindman’s Tuesday morning’s hearing that seemed to imply he was unpatriotic and untrustworthy.
Vindman is important because he was a high-level US official on Ukraine who listened to President Donald Trump’s now-infamous July 25 call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky and, afterward, raised concerns with his superiors about the appropriateness of Trump’s “demand” (his words) that Ukraine investigate the Bidens. As a veteran, he’s one of the Democrats’ most credible witnesses — proof that Trump’s behavior really was troubling. It’s vital for the Republican cause to discredit him.
Steve Castor, the Republican attorney, tried to do this by asking Vindman about a visit to Ukraine for Zelensky’s inauguration earlier this year. He specifically focused on a job offer Vindman received from Oleksandr Danylyuk, the former head of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council. Apparently, Danylyuk offered Vindman an opportunity to become Ukraine’s defense minister three times during the trip — and, each time, Vindman declined.
“Upon returning, I notified chain of command and the appropriate counterintelligence folks about this, the offer,” Vindman said.
But Castor wasn’t satisfied. He continued to press Vindman on whether he ever considered the offer, resulting in an exchange in which he appeared to call Vindman’s patriotism into question:
CASTOR: Ukraine’s a country that’s experienced a war with Russia. Certainly their minister of defense is a pretty key position for the Ukrainians. President Zelensky, Mr. Danylyuk, to bestow that honor — at least asking you — that was a big honor, correct?
VINDMAN: I think it would be a great honor, and frankly I’m aware of service members that have left service to help nurture developing democracies in that part of the world. It was an Air Force officer that became minister of defense, but I’m an American. I came here when I was a toddler. And I immediately dismissed these offers. Did not entertain them.
CASTOR: When he made this offer to you initially, did you leave the door open? Was there a reason he had to come back and ask a second or third time?
VINDMAN: Counselor, you know what, the whole notion is rather comical that I was being asked to consider whether I’d want to be the minister of defense. I did not leave the door open at all.
CASTOR: Okay. But it is pretty funny for a lieutenant colonel of the United States Army, which really isn’t that senior, to be offered that illustrious a position. When he made this offer to you, was he speaking in English or Ukrainian?
VINDMAN: He is an absolutely flawless English speaker.
Castor is arguing that Vindman’s loyalties were strained by repeated job offers from the Ukrainians, but also that Vindman was offered a prestigious position that he doesn’t deserve (he “isn’t really that senior”) seemingly because of his background. Castor then highlights Vindman’s Ukrainian language skills, reminding everyone that he’s foreign-born. The insinuation, that Vindman’s background makes him an unreliable witness to Trump’s malfeasance, is reasonably clear.
Vindman himself brought up his immigrant background in his opening testimony to highlight his loyalty to the United States, explaining his decision to join the military as a way of giving back to a country that took him in after he fled Soviet totalitarianism. It was a moving story, a preemptive defense of his commitment to his country that by all rights should not have been necessary.
And yet, at the end of the questioning, Castor all but openly accused Vindman of being compromised.
“Did you ever think that possibly, if this information got out, that it might create at least the perception of a conflict?” Castor asked. “The Ukrainians thought so highly of you to offer the defense ministry post. … But on the other hand, you’re responsible for Ukrainian policy at the national security counsel.”
Castor never outright brought up Vindman’s Ukrainian origin (or his Jewish background), but he didn’t really need to. The line of questioning served only to suggest that a Ukrainian-born immigrant cannot be trusted to be loyal to the United States even if he was wounded fighting for his country.
Castor seemed to be working to bring it back into the conversation, a move correctly diagnosed by Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) in his questioning of Vindman later in the hearing: Castor’s line of questioning, Himes said, “was designed exclusively to give the right-wing media the opportunity to question your loyalties.”
Two correctional officers who were guarding Jeffrey Epstein’s cell were charged by federal prosecutors on Tuesday with making false records and fraud counts.
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Two correctional officers who were guarding Jeffrey Epstein’s cell were charged by federal prosecutors on Tuesday with making false records and fraud counts.
Two prison officers who were assigned to guard Jeffrey Epstein on the night he was found dead in his cell of an apparent suicide have been indicted on criminal charges, federal prosecutors in New York announced Tuesday.
Authorities have charged Michael Thomas and Tova Noel with making false records and conspiracy. The two worked as prison guards at the Metropolitan Correctional Center, a federal jail in Manhattan that’s mostly used for defendants awaiting trial.
Prosecutors say Thomas and Noel neglected to check on Epstein every half-hour, as they were required to, then falsified prison logs to make it appear as if they were keeping an eye on him.
“They repeatedly failed to conduct mandated checks on inmates, and lied on official forms to hide their dereliction,” said U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman.
According to the indictment, Thomas and Noel “sat at their desks, browsed the Internet, and moved around the common area” of the prison instead of monitoring Epstein in his cell in the Special Housing Unit.
Epstein, 66, the wealthy financier who faced sex-trafficking charges at the time of his death, was awaiting trial in a case that, if he was convicted, could have resulted in a decades-long prison sentence.
The New York City medical examiner said in August that an autopsy showed that Epstein had hung himself in his cell, a conclusion that has been rejected by both conspiracy theorists and members of Epstein’s own family, who have claimed his death was a homicide and hired a private forensic pathologist to probe the incident.
There were warning signs that Epstein was a high-risk inmate. In July, guards found Epstein unconscious and with bruises on his neck. After that, Epstein was placed on suicide watch for about a week but then was taken off and returned to special detention unit where inmates receive extra supervision, including being checked in on once every 30 minutes. Less than two weeks later, Epstein was found dead.
Before his death, Epstein had pleaded not guilty in a case in which authorities said he “enticed and recruited” young girls to visit his mansion in Manhattan and his estate in Palm Beach in order to sexually abuse them.
Prosecutors said he paid the girls hundreds of dollars in cash for their silence and coaxed them into finding him other victims. The girls, as young as 14 years old, were brought to his properties ostensibly to provide Epstein massages, but he would escalate the encounters by making unwanted physical contact that would ultimately end in sexual abuse, prosecutors wrote in a federal indictment filed in July that involved allegations stretching back to the early 2000s.
Attorney General Bill Barr said shortly after Epstein’s death that he was “appalled” that such a high-profile defendant was not properly guarded in a federal facility. Barr said the Justice Department, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other authorities have launched inquiries to get to the bottom of what led to Epstein’s dying in a jail cell.
The union that represents Federal Bureau of Prisons officials has said that since the facility Epstein was housed in was not operating with a full staff, officers like the two charged on Tuesday had to work mandatory overtime. Some correctional officers, the union said, work up to 80 hours a week.
“Years of severe staff shortages, mandatory overtime, and a serious lack of resources created this unfortunate situation,” said Eric Young, the president of the prison workers’ union.
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) – A Swedish prosecutor dropped a rape investigation against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, ending the near decade-old case that had sent the anti-secrecy campaigner into hiding in London’s Ecuadorian embassy to avoid extradition.
Although the prosecutor’s decision can be appealed, it probably closes the case, which was launched in 2010. The accuser’s lawyer said she was studying whether to appeal it.
Assange skipped bail in Britain to avoid possible extradition and took refuge in the embassy in 2012. He was dragged out by police in April this year, and is now in jail fighting extradition to the United States on computer hacking and espionage charges unveiled after he left the embassy.
While Assange was in the embassy, the statute of limitations ran out on investigating all but one of several Swedish sex crime complaints originally filed by two women. Deputy Chief Prosecutor Eva-Marie Persson reopened the remaining case after Assange left the embassy, but she said on Tuesday the passage of time meant there was not enough evidence to indict Assange.
“After conducting a comprehensive assessment of what has emerged during the course of the preliminary investigation I then make the assessment that the evidence is not strong enough to form the basis for filing an indictment,” she told a news conference. “Nine years have passed. Time is a player in this decision.”
Assange, a 48-year-old Australian, has repeatedly denied the sex crime allegations, calling them part of a plot to discredit him and secure his eventual transfer to the United States.
“Let us now focus on the threat Mr Assange has been warning about for years: the belligerent prosecution of the United States and the threat it poses to the First Amendment,” WikiLeaks editor-in-chief, Kristinn Hrafnsson, said in a statement.
Assange’s Swedish lawyer, Per Samuelson, said as far as he was aware British lawyers had not yet been able to contact Assange in jail to inform him of the Swedish decision.
“This is the end of Assange’s association with the Swedish justice system,” Samuelson said. “But he is not happy with the way he’s been treated. He lost faith in the Swedish justice system years ago.”
Elisabet Massi Fritz, lawyer for the accuser, told Reuters in a text message that she and her client would discuss whether to request a review of the decision to drop the case. The right decision would have been to interrogate Assange in London and then charge him with rape, she said.
“After today’s decision my client needs time to process everything that has happened over these nine years in order to be able to move on with her life.”
The Australian-born Assange made global headlines in early 2010 when WikiLeaks published a classified U.S. military video showing a 2007 attack by Apache helicopters in Baghdad that killed a dozen people, including two Reuters news staff.
WikiLeaks later angered the United States by publishing caches of leaked military documents and diplomatic cables.
In 2016 it played a role in the U.S. presidential campaign, releasing documents from hacked emails of Democratic Party officials. U.S. investigators determined those emails were originally obtained by Russian hackers as part of an effort by Moscow to help elect President Donald Trump.
Admirers have hailed Assange as a hero for exposing what they describe as abuse of power by modern states and for championing free speech. Critics say he is a dangerous figure complicit in Russian efforts to undermine the West.
Slideshow (2 Images)
Even some critics of Assange say the U.S. charges against him could be troubling, since they treat publication of secrets as a crime, activity that advocates of press freedom say is essential for journalism.
The case had divided opinion in Sweden, a country with strong traditions of support for both women’s rights and media freedom. Prosecutors were criticized for letting the case drag on, while many blamed Assange for obstructing the investigation.
The decision by the Swedish prosecutor heads off a potential dilemma for the British courts which might otherwise have had to decide between competing U.S. and Swedish extradition requests.
Since leaving the embassy, Assange has served a British sentence for skipping bail. He is now being held pending his next hearing in February on the U.S. extradition request. He faces 18 criminal counts including conspiring to hack government computers and violating an espionage law.
Reporting by Simon Johnson, Johan Ahlander, Niklas Pollard and Anna Ringrstrom; Editing by Peter Graff
WASHINGTON – Two national security aides who listened to a July 25 call between President Donald Trump and Ukraine’s president arrived Tuesday to testify on Capitol Hill in the Trump impeachment inquiry.
Jennifer Williams, an aide to Vibe President Mike Pence, and Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, a National Security Council expert on Ukraine, both listened to the phone call Trump had with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky.
Williams described the Trump call with Zelensky as “unusual” for its discussion of “a domestic political matter.” Vindman said Trump’s request of Zelensky sounded like a “demand.”
Refresh this page for updates on the hearing.
Witnesses deny partisan affiliation
Both witnesses were asked by Rep. Jim Himes, D-Conn., if they would consider themselves “Never Trumpers,” in response to previous tweets by the president attacking Williams and other witnesses.
“I’m not sure I know an official definition of a Never Trumper,” Williams said, “I would not, no.”
“Representative, I call myself ‘never partisan,'” Vindman said.
“Tell Jennifer Williams, whoever that is, to read BOTH transcripts of the presidential calls, & see the just released statement from Ukraine,” Trump tweeted Nov. 17. “Then she should meet with the other Never Trumpers, who I don’t know & mostly never even heard of, & work out a better presidential attack!”
– Nicholas Wu
Accusations of leaking
Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, said that Timothy Morrison, a National Security Council senior director for Europe and Russia, who is scheduled to testify Tuesday afternoon, told lawmakers during his closed-door deposition that some officials had questioned Vindman’s judgment and that Morrison worried he might leak information.
“Any idea why they have those impressions?” Jordan said.
Vindman read a July performance evaluation from Morrison’s predecessor, Fiona Hill, who is scheduled to testify Thursday and described Vindman as “brilliant,” “unflappable” and someone who “exercised excellent judgment.”
“I think you get the idea,” Vindman said. “I can’t say why Mr. Morrison questioned my judgment.”
Vindman also denied ever leaking information.
“I never did, never would,” Vindman said. “That is preposterous that I would do that.”
– Bart Jansen
Vindman getting military protection
Vindman’s involvement in the impeachment inquiry has prompted the Army to provide protection to him and his family.
“The Army is providing supportive assistance to help Lt. Col. Vindman with the public attention,” said Col. Kathy Turner, an Army spokeswoman. “As a matter of practice, the Army would neither confirm nor deny any safety or security measures taken on behalf of an individual; however, as we would with any soldier, the Army will work with civilian authorities to ensure that he and his family are properly protected.”
– Tom Vanden Brook
Tensions over identity of whistleblower
Rep. Devin Nunes, the ranking Republican on the Intelligence Committee, questioned Williams and Vindman on whether they leaked information regarding Trump’s July 25 phone call with Zelensky.
The Republican then pressed Vindman on whether he knows anyone who discussed the phone call with members of the media. Vindman directed Nunes to the NSC communications office before saying he did not know anyone.
When Nunes asked if either witness discussed the call with anyone outside the White House, Vindman said he discussed the call with State Department Deputy Secretary George Kent and an individual in the intelligence community.
Nunes asked who the member of the intelligence community was, prompting Schiff to interject to ensure it was not an attempt to out the whistleblower, whose letter about the call sparked the impeachment probe. Vindman said he was advised by his lawyer not to identify anyone when asked about members of the intelligence community.
Nunes continued to press Vindman to identify the member of the intelligence community he spoke to but the National Security Council aide refused to concede. Tensions grew as Vindman’s lawyer intervened to say his client was not going to answer the question while Schiff supported the decision, arguing that it appeared Nunes was attempting to identify the whistleblower.
“I want to make sure that this is not an attempt to out the whistleblower,” said Schiff, who said the whistleblower is protected with anonymity by law.
Nunes stated Vindman had testified that he didn’t know who the whistleblower was.
“I do not know who the whistleblower is,” Vindman said.
Nunes then asked how it was possible he could identify the whistleblower, if he didn’t know the name.
“Sir, under advice of my counsel, I have been advised not to answer specific questions about members of the intelligence community,” Vindman said.
Nunes reminded Vindman that he was testifying at the Intelligence Committee, to laughter in the audience. But Vindman declined to answer.
“Under advice of my counsel and instructions of the chairman, I have been advised not to provide any specifics on who I have spoken to inside the intelligence community,” Vindman said. “But I can offer that these people were properly cleared individuals with a need to know.”
Nunes said Republicans had tried to subpoena the whistleblower, but the motion was tabled by committee Democrats. Nunes ended his questioning by calling the hearings an “impeachment inquisition.”
A woman in the gallery gasped when Schiff told the room not to out the whistleblower and other members of the audience raised their heads to get a better look at the exchange.
“I was shocked,” said Mar Roberts of Washington, D.C., who gasped when the topic of the whistleblower came up because, she said, that’s a statutory issue. Roberts, 68, who was taking detailed notes on her phone, said she also attended the Watergate impeachment hearings.
– Courtney Subramanian and Bart Jansen
Vindman says Ukrainians offered him defense minister position
Republican counsel Steve Castor asked Vindman if the Ukrainians offered him the position of defense minister.
Vindman said he “immediately dismissed” the three offers and notified his superiors and counterintelligence officials.
“I’m an American. I came here when I was a toddler, and I immediately dismissed these offers. I did not entertain them,” he said. “It’s pretty funny for a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army, which isn’t really that senior, to be offered that illustrious of a position.
“Just to be clear, there were two other staff officers, embassy Kiev staff officers that were sitting next to me when this offer was made,” Vindman said. One of the officers, Vindman said, was David Holmes, who testified behind closed doors last Friday.
A member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Rep. Scott Perry, R-Pa., told reporters during a recess that lawmakers weren’t challenging Vindman’s loyalty to the U.S.
“No, I don’t have any reason to question his loyalty, and I don’t think anyone on the committee is either, but I think we need to see the entire picture,” Perry said. “The American people need to see what happens in these discussions with foreign governments and the people who work for our government.”
He suggested the offer to Vindman was an example of how foreign governments try to “curry favor” with U.S. officials.
Perry said testimony revealed that Vindman disagreed with U.S. officials about whether Trump’s call for investigations coincided with national-security interests.
“The president will decide that,” Perry said.
– Nicholas Wu and Bart Jansen
Vindman corrects Nunes on his rank
Vindman corrected Nunes after the Republican referred to him as “mister,” rather than by his military rank.
“Mr. Vindman, you testified in your deposition that you did not know the whistle-blower,” Nunes started to ask.
In response to questions from Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., NSC aide Alexander Vindman said he knew without hesitation that he had to report his concerns about the July 25 call to White House lawyers. Vindman said that coming from a military culture, Trump’s request sounded more like a demand than a polite request that Ukraine could disregard.
“It was inappropriate,” Vindman said. “It was improper for the president to request, to demand an investigation into a political opponent, especially a foreign power where there is at best dubious belief that this could be an impartial investigation and that this would have significant implications if it became public knowledge.”
Vindman said that given the “power disparity” between the United States and Ukraine, it was clear that Trump’s request for investigations was more of a demand than a request.
“The culture I come from, the military culture, when a senior asks you to do something, even if it’s polite and pleasant, it’s not to be taken as a request. It’s to be taken as an order,” Vindman said. “In this case, the power disparity between the two leaders, my impression is that in order to get the White House meeting, President Zelensky would have to deliver the investigations.”
— Bart Jansen
Aide to give classified statement on Pence-Zelensky call
At the direction of her attorney, Mike Pence aide Jennifer Williams declined to answer a question from Schiff about a Sept. 18 call between the vice president and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky.
“The September 18 call is classified,” said her attorney, adding that Pence’s office had said she could not talk about it in an open setting.
Williams said she would submit a classified statement to the committee in writing about the call.
A summary from the vice president’s office of the call said Pence commended Zelensky’s administration for “bold action to tackle corruption through legislative reforms, and offered full U.S. support for those efforts.”
— Nicholas Wu
Vindman: ‘I was concerned by the call’
National Security Council aide Alexander Vindman told the House Intelligence Committee he reported his concerns about a July 10 meeting with Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, and the July 25 call between Trump and Zelensky. The decorated Army soldier said he privately reported his concerns through official channels out of a sense of duty.
“I was concerned by the call,” Vindman said. “What I heard was inappropriate.”
— Bart Jansen
Williams says she found the July 25 call ‘unusual’
Jennifer Williams, a State Department official detailed to Vice President Mike Pence’s office, testified about how she found Trump’s July 25 phone call “unusual” because of the discussion of “a domestic political matter.”
“I found the July 25 phone call unusual because, in contrast to other presidential calls I had observed, it involved discussion of what appeared to be a domestic political matter,” she said.
She did not, however, discuss the call with the vice president or any of her other colleagues.
Williams also outlined her career in public service as a “career officer” rather than a partisan.
“As a career officer, I am committed to serving the American people and advancing American interests abroad, in support of the President’s foreign policy objectives,” she said.
— Nicholas Wu
Nunes slams Democrats, news media
Nunes, the top Republican on the Intelligence Committee, attacked the media and Democrats in his opening statement, slamming “fake news” and calling news outlets “puppets of the Democratic Party.”
“If you watched the impeachment hearings last week, you may have noticed a disconnect between what you actually saw and the mainstream media accounts describing it,” Nunes said.
“With their biased misreporting on the Russia hoax, the media lost the confidence of millions of Americans,” he added.
— Nicholas Wu
Schiff opens the hearing
Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff opened the hearing by noting how both witnesses were on the July 25 call, giving them firsthand knowledge of the events that day.
He laid out the case Democrats hope to make today as lawmakers debate whether to impeach the president.
“If the President abused his power and invited foreign interference in our elections, if he sought to condition, coerce, extort, or bribe an ally into conducting investigations to aid his reelection campaign and did so by withholding official acts — a White House meeting or hundreds of millions of dollars of needed military aid — it will be up to us to decide, whether those acts are compatible with the office of the Presidency,” Schiff noted.
Both witnesses were subpoenaed to appear today, Schiff noted.
“Today’s witnesses, like those who testified last week, are here because they were subpoenaed to appear, not because they are for or against impeachment,” Schiff said.
House Republicans have criticized previous witnesses for their indirect knowledge of events on the call, calling it “hearsay.”
— Nicholas Wu
Trump tweets about stock market
Just before the hearing began, President Donald Trump posted a tweet right before the hearing started, stressing the rise of the stock market.
Trump has previously slammed Vindman on Twitter as a “Never Trumper” and urged him to read a transcript of the call. The call occurred during a suspension in providing U.S. military aid to Ukraine, but Trump has insisted he didn’t demand the investigation in exchange for the funding.
Asked on Nov. 3 for evidence that Vindman was a “Never Trumper,” the president replied: “You’ll be seeing very soon what comes out.”
Schumer wants protections for whistleblowers
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., sent a letter Monday to Defense Secretary Mark Esper urging him to notify all civilian and military personnel of their legal rights to make protected disclosures to Congress free from retaliation. Schumer said Vindman and Laura Cooper, a deputy assistant secretary of Defense, who is scheduled to testify Wednesday, have been attacked as traitors in the media.
“Bravely, in the face of these shameful attacks, these individuals have still chosen to come forward and tell the truth despite the risk of professional reprisals and threats to their personal safety,” Schumer said. “I fear, however, these attacks will only increase after their participation in these public hearings.”
Esper has said the Pentagon has protections for whistleblowers and Vindman “shouldn’t have any fear of retaliation.”
The hearing begins at 9 a.m.
Jennifer Williams also to testify
Also on Tuesday morning, the committee will hear from Jennifer Williams, a National Security Council aide assigned from the State Department to the office of Vice President Mike Pence. She listened to the July 25 call and provided a memo about the call to Pence, although she couldn’t say whether he read it. She told lawmakers at her closed-door deposition that it was “folly” to withhold military aid to Ukraine and that the call was “unusual.”
“I would say that it struck me as unusual and inappropriate,” Williams said when asked what her own personal reaction to the call was.
On Tuesday afternoon, the panel will hear from Kurt Volker, the former U.S. special envoy to Ukraine, and Tim Morrison, a National Security Council senior director for Europe and Russia.
Republicans had asked to hear from Volker and Morrison to compare their testimony to Vindman’s. Volker in his closed-door testimony described Trump’s longstanding presumption of corruption in Ukraine. The special envoy also said “no,” when asked if Trump asked Ukraine to manufacture dirt on the Bidens, in contrast to looking for evidence of whether Burisma tried to influence the 2016 U.S. election.
“Even if he’s asking them to investigate the Bidens, it is to find out what facts there may be rather than to manufacture something,” Volker said.
Republicans have argued that the dispute about the July 25 call amounts to policy disagreements, and that Trump has the authority to direct foreign policy.
Morrison told lawmakers in his closed-door deposition that he asked National Security Council lawyers to review Trump’s July 25 call because he thought it “would be damaging” if it “leaked.”
But Morrison also said the White House chief of staff’s office had informed the Office of Management and Budget that “it was the President’s direction to hold the assistance.”
The White House released a statement from Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, DC, on Monday that said President Trump’s visit there over the weekend was a “routine” checkup.
The statement, written by Navy Commander Sean Conley, was released by White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham amid rumors about Trump’s medical condition.
“Despite some of the speculation, the President has not had any chest pain, nor was he evaluated or treated for any urgent or acute issues,” Conley wrote in the letter.
“Specifically, he did not undergo any specialized cardiac or neurological evaluations.”
The letter added that the visit was kept “off the record” due to uncertainties about the president’s schedule.
On Saturday, Grisham said the visit was part of his annual checkup, which he was getting out of the way early, but then revealed that he didn’t stay at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for very long.
“Anticipating a very busy 2020, the President is taking advantage of a free weekend here in Washington, D.C., to begin portions of his routine annual physical exam at Walter Reed,” Grisham said in a statement Saturday afternoon.
Trump in February spent more than four hours at Walter Reed for a checkup supervised by his physician and involving a panel of 11 specialists.
(CNN)A Southern California woman who was wounded in the 2017 Las Vegas mass shooting has died, the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Coroner Department said.
With the threat of another power outage looming, state lawmakers hammered Pacific Gas & Electric at the state Capitol on Monday for botching shut-offs that left millions of Californians in the dark this fall and blamed the company for failing to upgrade its system over time.
During an all-day hearing that included testimony from California’s investor-owned utilities, state officials and representatives of communities affected by outages, state senators vented their frustrations as they tried to identify legislative solutions to problems caused by this year’s wildfire-prevention blackouts.
“I look at what happened on Oct. 9 as a big screw you: to your customers, to the Legislature, to the governor,” state Sen. Bill Dodd (D-Napa) said, adding that he felt the utility unnecessarily cut power to parts of his district last month. “It requires, again, that questioning: Who in the hell designed your system?”
But attitudes changed soon after widespread shutoffs began this fall — in some instances, without proper communication to government officials and customers that lost power. Among the many problems reported, residents complained of expired food, medically fragile customers struggled to find access to electricity to power life-sustaining medical equipment and businesses reported devastating economic losses.
A four-day outage in early October had an estimated impact of $50 million to $70 million in Sonoma County alone, said Mark Bodenhamer, the chief executive of the Sonoma Valley Chamber of Commerce.
“People are exhausted. They are fed up and deserve better,” Sen. Mike McGuire (D-Healdsburg) said. “I’ve never seen food bank lines like what I saw two weeks ago. It’s like what you see on television in Third World countries, and it’s unacceptable.”
Lawmakers also heard testimony from representatives of San Diego Gas & Electric and Southern California Edison. While some implored Edison to do more to help elderly and medically fragile customers pay for generators and prepare for outages, the tone of the questions was relatively cordial and much of the focus remained on PG&E.
Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) said it was time to rethink the future of the state’s largest electrical utility.
“This company, in my mind, has forfeited its right to operate as an investor-owned utility,” Wiener said. “We need fundamental structural change at PG&E because the status quo just isn’t working and hasn’t worked for a long time.”
William Johnson, the chief executive of PG&E, acknowledged that the company fumbled the shutoffs last month but said the outages were necessary to protect public safety. He said that wildfire threat in PG&E’s service territory has increased at a “rate that few could imagine,” from less than 15% of its area at elevated risk of wildfire in 2012 to more than 50% today.
“Let’s just think about that for a minute. The risk exposure in this energy network that serves 16 million people has more than tripled, a 300% increase, over a period that most companies in this industry would consider the blink of an eye,” Johnson said. “And so we have to cope with this heightened risk the best that we can and turning off power for safety is an effective tool.”
Johnson, who joined the company this year, pushed back on the perception that the electrical system is in shambles due to neglect.
PG&E has invested more than $30 billion in its electrical transmission and distribution assets over the last decade, Johnson said. The company more recently inspected all of its equipment in high-fire areas and its vegetation management — including trimming more than 7 million trees in two years and removing 500,000 dead trees — exceeded state requirements, he said.
“But the fact is no amount of vegetation clearing can prevent catastrophic wildfires or wind-blown debris from hitting and impacting our wires,” Johnson said.
Lawmakers raised concerns about vulnerable residents, particularly the elderly and disabled whose lives may depend on access to refrigerated medications or electrically powered medical equipment, and the need for more back-up power options.
Officials also criticized the California Public Utilities Commission, the entity charged with regulating the state’s three largest investor-owned utilities, for what they said was weak oversight in the past.
“I believed that de-energizing power lines in advance of a severe windstorm would be a rare, strategically targeted and a last option against a utility ignition of a wildfire,” said Dodd, who wrote the state’s marquee wildfire bill, SB 901, last year. “Unfortunately and unacceptably, in this case the PG&E shutoffs have been applied broadly and with little to no strategic planning.”
PG&E pledged to speed up the timeline to fully update and harden its infrastructure, which the company previously said would take up to 10 years.
“I want to assure you of this: We do not expect an annual repeat of what we went through this October,” Johnson said. “We’re working to narrow the scope and duration of future safety shutoffs and minimize the customer impact as much as possible.”
The company said Sunday that its meteorologistsanticipate sustained winds of 25 miles per hour with peak gusts of more than 55 miles per hour in some of the potentially affected areas, which include Alameda, Amador, Butte, Contra Costa, Colusa, El Dorado, Glenn, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz,Shasta, Sierra, Solano, Sonoma, Tehama, Trinity, Yolo and Yuba counties. The company said the high winds are expected to last through Thursday morning, at which time its employees could begin inspecting power lines for any damage before turning the electricity back on.
The problem of so-called public safety power shutoffs represents a test for the political and policy acumen of legislators and the governor, who will be responsible for holding the utilities accountable and keeping the lights on across the state.
In the middle of wildfire season, a majority of Californians said they were concerned about the threat of fires and shutoffs, according to a poll conducted earlier this month by the nonpartisan Public Policy Institute of California. The poll found that 46% of likely voters disapprove of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s handling of wildfires and outages, compared with 42% who approve.
The Legislature reconvenes for the second year of its regular session in January, when it will be forced to address ongoing issues related to wildfire prevention and mitigation.
But after Monday’s marathon hearing, at least one lawmaker struggled to find any immediate remedies to lessen the effects of the outages on his constituents.
“At the end of this eight-hour hearing, I simply don’t know what kind of solace or solution I can point to in the near term for the hundreds of thousands of vulnerable people, businesses and local government we work for to survive the next blackout,” Sen. Henry Stern (D-Los Angeles) said.
House impeachment hearings continue focus on Trump call
Four officials who came into contact with President Donald Trump’s dealings with Ukraine will testify Tuesday before the House Intelligence Committee. One of the morning witnesses will be Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, a Ukraine expert at the National Security Council, who listened to the July 25 call between Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky and reported concerns to the council’s top lawyer. The committee will also hear from Jennifer Williams, a National Security Council aide to Vice President Mike Pence, who also listened to the July 25 call. In the afternoon, the panel will hear from Kurt Volker, the former U.S. special envoy to Ukraine, and Tim Morrison, a National Security Council senior director for Europe and Russia.
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‘A Warning’: Anonymous Trump book with scathing claims to be released
A tell-all book by an anonymous author — and purported senior Trump administration official — about Donald Trump’s presidency is set to be released on Tuesday. The book, titled “A Warning,” paints a dire picture of Trump’s presidency and suggests he might refuse to leave office even if convicted in impeachment hearings or defeated narrowly in the 2020 election. The author also says Trump is preparing his followers to see either outcome as a “coup” that could warrant resistance. White House officials have pushed back against the book’s claims, emphasizing the fact that the author has chosen to remain in the shadows.
Welcome rain coming to parched, fire-weary California
Some welcome rain is on the way for portions of parched and fire-weary California beginning Tuesday. The first significant rain and snow of the season is expected in southern California, which will bring some relief from the state’s abnormally dry conditions, the Weather Channel said. More than 81% of the state is considered “abnormally” dry, including a small percentage in the first stages of drought, according to the most recent U.S. Drought Monitor. Up to an inch of rain is possible in both Los Angeles and San Diego this week. In addition to southern California, showers and thunderstorm coverage will also increase Tuesday afternoon and evening across Arizona, New Mexico and southern Utah, the weather service said.
Michelle Obama wants fans to write their own ‘Becoming’
Michelle Obama is inviting readers to discover their own voices and stories through journaling in a new book out Tuesday. “Becoming: A Guided Journal for Discovering Your Voice” is the journal companion to her memoir “Becoming,” last year’s top-selling book on USA TODAY’s best-selling books list. “Writing is a way to process, to understand, to grow, and yes, to remember,” writes the former first lady. The book, which has been featured on Oprah Winfrey’s coveted list of “Favorite Things,” includes more than 150 quotes, writing prompts, and even a “Becoming” playlist.
Bye bye, Bei Bei: DC panda headed to China via FedEx jet
Bei Bei the giant panda is leaving the Smithsonian’s National Zoo in Washington, D.C., for a new home in China on Tuesday. As part of an agreement with the China Wildlife Conservation Association, all panda cubs at the National Zoo move to China at 4 years old. Bei Bei will make the 15-hour-plus flight aboard the appropriately named FedEx Panda Express, a custom-decaled Boeing 777 Freighter aircraft, out of Virginia’s Dulles International Airport. A panda keeper and veterinarian will accompany Bei Bei on his nonstop flight to Chengdu, monitoring him and providing him treats like apples, carrots and sweet potatoes, according to the zoo.
Fox News correspondent Greg Palkot reports on the latest violence in Hong Kong, which is currently seeing a standoff between protesters and police on a university campus.
About 100 anti-government protesters remained holed up at a Hong Kong university Tuesday as a police siege of the campus entered its third day.
City leader Carrie Lam said 600 people had left the Hong Kong Polytechnic campus, including 200 who are under 18 years old. Police have surrounded the university and are arresting anyone who leaves. Groups of protesters made several attempts to escape Monday, including sliding down hoses to waiting motorcycles, but it wasn’t clear if they evaded arrest, according to the Associated Press.
Lam said those under 18 would not be immediately arrested but could face charges later. She said the other 400 who have left have been arrested.
“We will use whatever means to continue to persuade and arrange for these remaining protesters to leave the campus as soon as possible so that this whole operation could end in a peaceful manner,” she said after a weekly meeting with advisers.
Police cordons off the Hong Kong Polytechnic University campus in Hong Kong on Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2019. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)
Now in its fifth month, the Hong Kong protest movement has steadily intensified as local and Beijing authorities harden their positions and refuse to make concessions. Universities became the latest battleground last week, as protesters occupied several campuses, using gasoline bombs and bows and arrows to fend off riot police backed by armored cars and water cannons. Those at Polytechnic are the last holdouts.
Social media users shared videos and photos of the standoff between anti-government protesters at the university and police. One user said police made unarmed protesters lay face down as they were put under arrest. Other users shared a video from World News that appeared to show police deploy tear gas on those fleeing the university campus.
China, which took control of the former British colony in 1997 promising to let it retain its autonomy, flexed its muscles, sending troops outside their barracks over the weekend in a cleanup operation.
China’s ambassador to Britain accused the U.K. and the U.S. of meddling in the country’s internal affairs and warned that the Chinese government “will not sit on our hands” if the situation in Hong Kong “becomes uncontrollable.”
“These rioters, they are also criminals. They have to face the consequences of their acts,” Cheuk Hau-yip, the commander of Kowloon West district, where Polytechnic University is located, said, according to the Associated Press.
“Other than coming out to surrender, I don’t see that there’s any viable option for them,” he continued, adding that police have the ability and resolve to end the standoff.
Lam, asked whether she would seek help from Chinese troops based in Hong Kong, said her government remains confident it is able to cope with the situation. China also hinted it might overrule the Hong Kong’s high court ruling on Monday to strike down a ban on face masks that was aimed at preventing protesters from hiding their identity to evade arrest. Monday’s ruling said the ban infringes on fundamental rights more than is reasonably necessary. The ban has been widely disregarded.
WASHINGTON — The Taliban has freed two Western hostages, American Kevin King and Australian Timothy Weeks, after holding them in captivity for more than three years, a U.S. official and the prime minister of neighboring Pakistan said Tuesday.
A U.S. official with knowledge of the release said the American University of Kabul professors, who were kidnapped at gunpoint in August 2016, were now in U.S. hands. Their health was being evaluated and the two were being debriefed, added the official who was not authorized to speak to the media on the subject.
“We appreciate steps taken by all involved to make it possible,” Prime Minister Imran Khan said via Twitter. “As part of the international community working to bring peace and end the suffering of the Afghan people, Pakistan has fully supported and facilitated this release as part of its policy of supporting initiatives for a negotiated political settlement of the Afghan conflict.”
Taliban sources said the two hostages had been handed over in Zabul province, on the border with Pakistan. The Taliban said ten Afghan soldiers had also been released.
King, the American hostage, was suffering from “serious” and “multiple” health issues, according to a Taliban leader in Zabul province.
“The American teacher was having some serious health problems when we handed him over to the U.S. and Afghan officials,” he added, speaking on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the press.
The Western hostages were released in exchange for Taliban members Anas Haqqani, Haji Maali Khan and Hafiz Rasheed Ahamd Omari, according to the Taliban.
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison confirmed the professors’ release too.
“Tim’s family has asked for privacy. They have asked the Australian Government to convey their relief that their long ordeal is over, and their gratitude to all those who have contributed to Tim’s safe return,” he added on Twitter.
The American University of Afghanistan welcomed the news soon after the announcement.
“The AUAF community shares the relief of the families of Kevin and Timothy, and we look forward to providing all the support we can to Kevin and Tim and their families,” the statement said.
The exchange raises hopes that negotiations between the U.S. and the Taliban may restart after President Donald Trump pulled the plug on a potential deal to begin withdrawing U.S. troops from the country and end America’s longest war. Negotiations broke down on Sept. 7 and it remains unclear if and when they will start again.
“These actions are a step forward in good-will and confidence building measures that can aid the peace process,” the Taliban said in a statement Tuesday.
Abigail Williams reported from Washington; Ahmed Mengli reported from Kabul; Mushtaq Yusufzai from Peshawar, Pakistan; and Saphora Smith from London.
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The White House released a statement from Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington D.C. on Monday that said the president’s visit there over the weekend was a “routine” checkup.
The statement, written by Navy Commander Sean Conley, was released by White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham amid rumors about Trump’s medical condition.
“Despite some of the speculation, the President has not had any chest pain, nor was he evaluated or treated for any urgent or acute issues,” Conley wrote in the letter.
“Specifically, he did not undergo any specialized cardiac or neurological evaluations.”
The letter added that the visit was kept “off the record” due to uncertainties about the president’s schedule.
On Saturday, Grisham said the visit was part of his annual checkup, which he was getting out of the way early, but then revealed that he didn’t stay at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for very long.
“Anticipating a very busy 2020, the President is taking advantage of a free weekend here in Washington, D.C., to begin portions of his routine annual physical exam at Walter Reed,” Grisham said in a statement Saturday afternoon.
Trump in February spent more than four hours at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for a checkup supervised by his physician and involving a panel of 11 specialists.
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