“She has worked tirelessly for all Californians,” he said in a statement.

In her resignation letter, Dr. Angell — who, early in the pandemic, spoke about the state’s efforts to identify disparities in the pandemic’s toll on Latino and Black communities in particular — did not say why she was stepping down, effective immediately.

“Since January, when we got word of repatriation flights arriving from Wuhan, China, our department has been front and center in what has become an all-of-government response of unprecedented proportions to Covid-19,” she said in an email to her staff. “Not one of our staff has gone untouched by the changes that have occurred. Not in our professional lives or our personal lives.”

Dr. Angell added that she was proud to have served as the first Latina in the role, which she held for less than a year. She signed the note, “In Solidarity.”

State officials said that Sandra Shewry, a veteran public health official, would be appointed as acting director of the department, while Dr. Erica Pan would take on the role of acting state public health officer.

[Read about how public health officials have faced death threats in the pandemic.]

The governor on Monday vowed to quickly overhaul what he described as the state’s outdated information technology systems, which he blamed for not just the testing data snafu, but also for a staggering backlog of unemployment claims.

“We’re not going to just use this as an episodic issue — Band-Aid this,” he said. “It took us decades to get into this place, but we’re now accountable.”

State officials have said that the data glitch didn’t affect hospitalization numbers, which have been on the decline.

Source Article from https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/11/us/sonia-angell-ca-health-director-resigns.html

“There is an extremely high level of COVID in your community,” Secretary of Health and Human Services Marylou Sudders said, addressing people in those places. She urged them to “respect the virus” and take steps such as wearing masks, staying 6 feet apart, washing their hands, and staying home from work if they are ill.

Citing average daily cases per 100,000 residents as a metric many states use to measure community health, Baker said the 33 communities, which had more than 4 cases per 100,000 residents “require specific strategies to attack COVID there, and to work with them to stop the spread.”


Baker said he and Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito had reached out to leaders in the high- and moderate-risk communities in the past couple of days “because we want to partner with them in whatever way makes the most sense to help them deal with the spread in their communities.”

He said the state’s “key strategy” was to work with local government. “Every community is different,” he said, but the state could help with “additional testing, tracing, and isolation resources. And we’re also implementing stepped-up enforcement measures, and we’ll also work with these communities on messaging and other communication strategies as we and they see fit.”

“The good news here should not get lost,” Baker said. “Three hundred eighteen communities here in Massachusetts are at or below national benchmarks with respect to containing COVID-19 in their communities.”

But he also warned, “I want to be clear on one point. Regardless of where your community sits, COVID is not going away. Your actions, no matter where you live or where you work, will determine in many respects how this virus spreads.”


“We’re asking everyone to recognize that this virus continues to affect, injure, and kill people every single day,” he said.

The state released a color-coded map of all the cities and towns in the state showing them in red, yellow, green, and white, depending on their current level of coronavirus.

Baker said red indicated a community had more than 8 average daily cases per 100,000, yellow was 4 to 8 per 100,000, green was less than 4 per 100,000, and white indicated less than 5 total cases had been reported in the most recent 14 days.

Chelsea, Everett, Lynn, and Revere were the only communities marked in red on the map, which officials said would be updated weekly. Boston, Worcester, and Springfield were among the communities in yellow.

Baker noted that he had announced on Friday the creation of a multi-agency enforcement and intervention team and said its mission of ramping up enforcement and coordinating local intervention efforts “would make the most sense” in the moderate- and high-risk communities.

“The virus doesn’t care about boundaries. It certainly takes every opening any of us give it. We’re making progress and have made progress in our fight, but we have seen the effects of too many people letting your guard down,” he said.

Baker also suggested the numbers argued for letting children return to schools, something some parents in less-affected towns have advocated.


“We would certainly hope that, based on this data, if you’re in a green or white community, I can’t imagine a good reason not to go back, whether it’s full-time or in some sort of a hybrid, because for all intents and purposes, you meet all the benchmarks that are being used across the country, across New England, to make decisions about whether it’s safe to go back to school,” he said.

Both Baker and Sudders emphasized the importance of wearing face coverings, especially for those in higher-risk communities.

”Masks work,” Sudders said. “Wear a face covering at all times when outside of your home.”

Sudders even urged people to consider wearing a mask inside their homes “if an older individual or someone with a compromised medical condition is part of your immediate household, and safe distancing cannot be maintained and other members of your household are going to work [or] participating in recreational activities outside the home.”

Sudders also noted that Baker’s new gathering order, which went into effect Tuesday, now requires face coverings at private events where more than 10 people from different households will be mixing.

Baker underscored that point, noting: “If you’re putting a bunch of people in your house or backyard and they’re not the immediate people you have in your house every day that you live with, people need to wear face coverings, and they need to respect the fact we have a lot of asymptomatic transmission going on.”


Baker’s office didn’t immediately release a list, but a Globe review of the map indicated that, in addition to the four high-risk communities, the 29 moderate risk communities were: Northampton, Holyoke, Chicopee, Springfield, Longmeadow, Granby, Belchertown, Charlton, Auburn, Worcester, Marlborough, Framingham, Maynard, Wrentham, Taunton, Fall River, Brockton, Randolph, Quincy,Hull, Boston, Winthrop, Malden, Saugus, Peabody, Salem, Middleton, Lawrence, and Georgetown.

In other news from Baker’s news conference, the Republican governor expressed concern about the controversial executive order by Republican President Donald Trump to extend unemployment benefits to people in need during the pandemic.

Baker said his biggest concern was that the federal share of the benefits would come from money from Federal Emergency Management Agency disaster relief funds.

“You can make an argument, a credible one, that FEMA money would be an appropriate resource. It’s an emergency and all the rest,” he said. But he said the problem was that states were already expecting to apply for the FEMA funds as reimbursement for costs that they incurred in March, April, May, and June during the early days of the pandemic.

The unemployment funding “needs to be done through a separate appropriation, not by taking money from FEMA,” he said.

The coronavirus surged through the state this spring but is now at much lower levels. The state has recorded 8,741 confirmed and probable deaths from coronavirus as of Monday. One model says the death toll will likely climb over 10,000 by Dec. 1.

The state is in Phase 3 of a phased reopening process, but recent upticks in coronavirus metrics have sparked concerns among state officials and public health experts.


Peter Bailey-Wells of the Globe staff contributed to this report.

Martin finucane can be reached at martin.finucane@globe.com Jaclyn Reiss can be reached at jaclyn.reiss@globe.com. Follow her on Twitter: @JaclynReiss

Source Article from https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/08/11/nation/baker-says-33-communities-moderate-or-high-risk-coronavirus/

One such structure was the Sheldon Peck Homestead, the oldest house in Lombard, built in 1839, according to Alison Costanzo, executive director of the Lombard Historical Society. The home, which was restored to its 1839 configuration by the historical society, sustained roof damage, and has a tree against the east side of the building, Costanzo said.

Source Article from https://www.chicagotribune.com/weather/ct-chicago-weather-tornado-rogers-park-derecho-waterspout-20200811-xgdmvq7nrja4jcjizym66bj6xi-story.html

Moscow (CNN)Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the approval of a coronavirus vaccine for use on Tuesday, claiming it as a “world first,” amid continued concern and unanswered questions over its safety and effectiveness.

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    Source Article from https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/11/europe/russia-coronavirus-vaccine-putin-intl/index.html

    During a press conference yesterday, President Trump was asked for a timetable for when the $400 weekly unemployment benefit would begin. The question relates to the executive actions Mr. Trump took over the weekend. As we’ve already covered, those actions included enhanced unemployment benefits.

    The enhanced unemployment benefits were part of a memorandum Mr. Trump issued to the Department of Labor, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The memorandum called for an “Assistance Program for Lost Wages.” Specifically, it directed DHS to approve the lost wages program authorizing states to provide $400 per week to eligible unemployed individuals.

    The memorandum provided that the federal government would contribute $300 of this amount. The remaining $100 would come from the states. The big question has been when will these benefits begin.

    Forbes AdvisorTrump’s Executive Order Boosts Unemployment Benefits ($400): Calculate How Much Could You Receive

    When Do Benefits Begin?

    According to the memorandum, the benefits begin the week ending August 1, 2020. Thus, benefits would be retroactive to that date. Still, many are wondering when they will begin to receive the actual payments.

    In the press briefing yesterday, Mr. Trump was asked about a timetable as to when the unemployed can expect to start receiving these benefits. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who attended the press briefing, responding saying, “within the next week or two, most of the states will be able to execute.” States must make changes to their unemployment insurance systems, and this takes time.

    Who Qualifies?

    To qualify for the $400 unemployment payment, a claimant must have received at least $100 in the applicable week from state unemployment insurance or other specified unemployment benefits. The White House has explained that this limitation is to prevent “fraud and abuse.”

    Can States Afford to Contribute?

    Another question that has arisen is whether the states have the money to contribute their $100 portion. The memorandum provides that states can use funds from the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF). The CARES Act provided $150 billion directly to the states through the CRF. As of the latest report from the Treasury, more than $80 billion remains in the fund.

    Notwithstanding the CRF, many states have expressed concern over their ability to fund this relief. In Ohio, Governor Mike DeWine said that Ohio unemployment claimants would received the $300 federal assistance. Ohio is looking into providing the additional $100 state contribution. Ohio law requires a balanced budget, making it unclear if lawmakers could find the funds to add the extra $100.

    In contrast, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was not receptive to the plan. “We started with a $30 billion hole, and your solution [will] cost me another $4 billion? Thank you,” Cuomo said. “That’s handing the drowning man an anchor. Hold on to this.”

    The White House has said that states can submit an application to have the federal government cover the state’s share.

    How Long Do The Benefits Last?

    The $400 benefit is set to expire no later than December. More specifically, it continues “until the balance of the [Disaster Relief Fund (DRF)] reaches $25 billion or for weeks of unemployment ending not later than December 6, 2020, whichever occurs first, at which time the lost wages assistance program shall terminate.” The DRF currently has about $70 billion. According to some estimates, this is sufficient to fund four to five weeks of enhanced unemployment benefits.

    In addition, the enhanced unemployment benefit will automatically expire upon the “enactment of legislation providing, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, supplemental Federal unemployment compensation, or similar compensation, for unemployed or underemployed individuals.” Negotiations on such legislation are at a standstill.

    Full coverage and live updates on the Coronavirus

    Source Article from https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertberger/2020/08/11/mnuchin-400-weekly-unemployment-benefit-to-start-in-a-week-or-two/

    WASHINGTON – An internal investigation has been launched into the shooting of a 51-year-old suspect by a Secret Service officer near the White House complex late Monday, which prompted agents to briefly remove President Donald Trump from a press briefing.

    Shortly before 6 p.m., according to an agency statement, the man allegedly approached a Secret Service uniformed officer standing post about a block from the White House grounds, telling the officer that he had a weapon.

    “The suspect then turned around, ran aggressively towards the officer, and in a drawing motion, withdrew an object from his clothing,” the agency said. “He then crouched into a shooter’s stance as if about to fire a weapon. The Secret Service officer discharged his weapon, striking the individual in the torso. “

    No firearm was found on the suspect, said a law enforcement official who is not authorized to comment publicly.

    Both the suspect and the officer were transported to local hospitals. Their conditions were not immediately known Tuesday.

    Although the White House complex was not breached and no government officials were threatened, the Secret Service interrupted Trump’s press briefing, as it was being broadcast on cable television, and escorted the president to an area near the Oval Office as a precaution.

    Briefing interrupted:Trump abruptly taken out of briefing room as White House goes into lockdown

    Source Article from https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/08/11/shooting-near-white-house-under-review-suspect-did-not-have-gun/3342734001/

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    The US is weighing new rules that would temporarily bar US citizens and legal residents from entering the US to control a surge in coronavirus cases.

    US media say the proposal would affect people suspected of having been exposed to or infected with the virus.

    President Donald Trump has often touted his travel bans on foreigners as key to curbing the spread of the virus.

    But US citizens and lawful residents have so far been exempt from travel restrictions regarding entering the US.

    It is unclear whether the proposed measures will move forward.

    What’s in the draft proposal?

    The draft memo, first reported by the New York Times, would seek to use public health powers to expand the administration’s legal authority.

    The proposed rule would affect all entry points, including airports and borders with Canada and Mexico, though it particularly references the virus outbreak in Mexico, according to the Times.

    It notes that any order applying to US citizens and permanent residents should protect individuals’ constitutional rights and would only apply in “the rarest of circumstances”.

    Is this legal?

    The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has the power to detain and examine individuals travelling in and around the US if they are suspected of carrying certain diseases, like tuberculosis or Sars.

    It is unclear whether this would legally allow the government to deny entry to citizens or residents, however, or how long they might be prohibited from returning.

    The CDC and US Department of Homeland Security did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the BBC.

    American Civil Liberties Union Immigrant Rights Project director Omar Jadwat said preventing US citizens from their country would be unconstitutional.

    “The Trump administration has rolled out one border ban after another – most recently on children and asylum seekers – using Covid-19 as an excuse, while failing abysmally to get the virus under control in the United States. The rumoured order would be another grave error in a year that has already seen far too many.”

    How bad is the virus situation in the US?

    The US has over five million confirmed Covid-19 cases and 163,500 deaths – the highest in the world, according to Johns Hopkins University. Cases have surged in recent months across states in the southern and western regions as lockdown measures were lifted.

    Currently, cases are on the decline in Mexico.

    Since March, the White House has used public health laws to limit the number of immigrants entering the US and to deport migrants, including children, at the border.

    Mr Trump has sought to partly pin the blame for rising cases in the US on Mexico while defending his push for the nation to reopen.

    Discussing the spikes in the southern US at a briefing last month, he told reporters: “We’re also sharing a 2,000 mile border with Mexico, as we know very well, and cases are surging in Mexico, unfortunately.”

    Many Americans living along the US-Mexico border cross back and forth frequently for recreational and commercial reasons. In July, the US ambassador to Mexico said 90% of those crossing the southern border were US citizens or permanent residents.

    Non-essential travel has been restricted across the border since March, but it does not apply to those travelling for work, humanitarian aid efforts, medical reasons or family emergencies.

    Medical experts have said travel bans do not work in cases where there is already significant community spread, as is the situation in the US.

    Source Article from https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53740840

    Donald Trump unveiled four executive actions meant to bolster the economy on Saturday after Congress failed to reach an agreement on a new coronavirus stimulus package.

    Trump praised himself for stepping up with the actions, saying that they will “take care, pretty much, of this entire situation”, but the reality is – of course – more complicated. Here is what you need to know about Trump’s stimulus executive actions.

    What are Trump’s executive actions?

    Trump unveiled issued executive actions, including three memorandums and one executive order, meant to assist Americans affected by the economic downturn.

    One memorandum halts federal tax collection for anyone whose bi-weekly pre-tax paychecks are below $4,000. A second memorandum boosts unemployment insurance by $400 a week, though cash-strapped state governments are expected to foot a fourth of the bill. The last memorandum defers the collection of student loan payments and waives interest fees on student loans until the end of the year.

    The last executive action is an order that calls on the heads of the Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to “consider” a moratorium on evictions.

    Are the executive actions legal?

    It is unclear. The US constitution gives Congress the power to spend money and set taxes, while the president can approve or veto those decisions. Through his executive actions, Trump is trying to step around Congress, which could be unconstitutional.

    Democrats in Congress have suggested that they are too busy trying to negotiate the stimulus package to do something about the executive actions even if they are unconstitutional. “Right now we want to address the needs of the American people,” the speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, told CNN. “As my constitutional advisers tell me, they’re absurdly unconstitutional.”

    Do the executive actions include a second stimulus check?

    No. Trump does not have the ability to fund a second round of stimulus checks without Congress.

    Instead, Trump opted to implement a payroll tax holiday that would pause collection of federal taxes for people whose bi-weekly paychecks are $4,000 or less. Americans pay 6.2% of their paychecks in a tax for social security and 1.45% of their paychecks go to the Medicare tax. The holiday would begin on 1 September and end on 31 December.

    A payroll tax holiday is, of course, much different from checks that go directly into the pockets of Americans. For one thing, the holiday is just a deferral period – only Congress can turn the deferral into a tax cut – meaning that most employers will probably continue to withhold the same amount from their employees’ paychecks in case they have to pay the tax once the holiday is over.

    Secondly, even if the deferral turns into a tax cut, it only benefits people who are collecting a paycheck, leaving out those who are out of a job or who cannot work.

    What do the executive actions do to unemployment insurance?

    Trump called for a “lost wages assistance program” that would use money from the Department of Homeland Security’s disaster relief fund, typically used for natural disaster relief, to provide unemployed Americans an additional $300 a week. The program is expected to last until the fund, which the White House says has more than $70bn, reaches $25bn, or 6 December, whichever comes first.

    The memorandum says that an extra $400 would ultimately be given to unemployed Americans, with the expectation that states will shoulder $100 a week to top off the federal government’s $300. This is unlikely to happen as most state budgets have been completely decimated by the downturn.

    Experts say that the program will probably take months to implement since, unlike the extra $600 Congress included in the Cares Act – funds that expired at the end of July – the program expects states to set up a new system instead of operating within existing unemployment systems.

    Will the executive actions help homeowners and renters?

    Not really. The executive order instructed federal officials to consider whether evictions were necessary and asked the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the treasury department to identify funds that could be used to help renters and homeowners.

    In the Cares Act, Congress instituted a federal eviction moratorium, which expired in July, and even that only benefited those living in federally assisted properties.

    State governments have had the most power in enacting and enforcing eviction moratoriums during the pandemic, but many of the moratoriums have since expired, leaving millions at risk of homelessness without further assistance.

    A statement from the National Low Income Housing Coalition said Trump’s executive order “is an empty shell of a promise that does nothing to prevent evictions and homelessness and acts only to mislead renters into believing that they are protected when they are not”.

    When can we expect to see the actions taking effect?

    The timeline for the rollout of the additional unemployment benefits and executive order for rents and homeowners is unclear. The former requires coordination from state governments, while the latter requires action from departments and agencies within the federal government.

    The payroll tax holiday is set to begin on 1 September, but employers will probably choose to continue withholding federal taxes from their employees’ paychecks, anticipating that they will need to be paid at a future date.

    The pause on student loan payments is under way and will last until the end of the year, per Trump’s memorandum.

    Is Congress still negotiating its stimulus package?

    Over the last two weeks, Democrats and Republicans in Congress have been negotiating a stimulus package that could pass the Democratic-controlled House and Republican-controlled Senate, but to no avail. Talks paused on Friday, with both sides blaming each other over the weekend for stalling talks. When and if they will go back to the negotiating table is uncertain.

    The price of the stimulus package has been the sticking point in negotiations, with Democrats advocating for the $3.5tn Heroes Act the House passed in May while the Republicans push a package closer to $1tn.

    Source Article from https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/aug/11/trump-executive-actions-covid-19-unemployment

    Moscow (CNN)Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the approval of a coronavirus vaccine for use on Tuesday, claiming it as a “world first,” amid continued concern and unanswered questions over its safety and effectiveness.

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      Source Article from https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/11/europe/russia-coronavirus-vaccine-putin-intl/

      “This budget fails to shift the misplaced priorities of the Democratic political establishment,” she said in a statement. “It continues to hand more money over to the bloated police department than to eldercare, homeless services, and other human services, affordable housing, neighborhoods, and arts and culture combined.”

      Source Article from https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/08/11/seattle-carmen-best-retires-defund/

      MINSK (Reuters) – Belarusian opposition leader Svetlana Tikhanouskaya said on Tuesday she had fled abroad for the sake of her children, after two nights of clashes following the contested re-election of strongman President Alexander Lukashenko.

      Tikhanouskaya, a 37-year-old former English teacher, emerged from obscurity to mount the biggest challenge in years to Lukashenko, taking her husband’s place in the campaign after he was jailed.

      “You know, I thought that this whole campaign really had hardened me and given me so much strength that I could handle anything,” she said, explaining her decision in a sombre video released on her husband’s YouTube channel.

      “But, probably, I’m still the weak woman I was in the first place. I have made a very difficult decision for myself.”

      Both she and the Belarusian authorities said she had not been forced to leave.

      There had been concern about Tikhanouskaya’s whereabouts after her campaign team said on Monday they had been unable to reach her by phone hours after she was known to have left a meeting with central election commission officials.

      By Tuesday morning she had joined her children in Lithuania. The state border committee later confirmed her departure.

      “And I know that many people will understand me, many will judge me and many will hate me. But, you know, God forbid being faced with such a choice the I was faced with,” she said.

      “So, people, take care please – no life is worth what is happening now. Children are the most important thing in our lives.”

      At least one person died as police clashed with protesters on Monday after the opposition accused Lukashenko of rigging the vote amid widespread criticism from Western leaders.

      Helmeted police fired tear gas, rubber bullets and stun grenades and used batons to disperse thousands of people in Minsk in a second night of violence. Protesters set up barricades in several areas and threw petrol bombs.

      Local media reported clashes in other towns.

      In power for more than a quarter of a century, Lukashenko has compared the protesters to criminal gangs and dangerous revolutionaries with shadowy foreign backers.

      U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the election was “not free and fair” and condemned “ongoing violence against protesters and the detention of opposition supporters”.

      Foreign observers have not judged an election to be free and fair in Belarus since 1995, and the run-up to this month’s vote saw authorities jail Lukashenko’s rivals and open criminal investigations of others who voiced opposition.

      Tikhanouskaya’s campaign rallies drew some of the biggest crowds since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. She was initially reluctant to stand, saying she had received an anonymous threat of having her children taken away.

      Slideshow (3 Images)

      She had moved them abroad during the campaign.

      Her husband, Syarhei, had popularised a protest movement that compared Lukashenko to a cockroach character from a children’s fairytale. He was arrested in May.

      Additional reporting by Alexander Marrow in Moscow and Andrius Sytas in Vilnius; writing by Matthias Williams; editing by John Stonestreet, Giles Elgood and Nick Macfie

      Source Article from https://www.reuters.com/article/us-belarus-election/belarusian-opposition-leader-flees-abroad-after-bloody-clashes-idUSKCN2570SG

      The draft of the proposed regulation goes to great lengths to assert the legality of blocking citizens and legal residents based on concerns about the threat of disease entering the United States. But legal experts questioned the constitutionality of such a prohibition, even if temporary.

      “Barring American citizens from the United States is unconstitutional,” said Omar Jadwat, the director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s Immigrants’ Rights Project. “The Trump administration has rolled out one border ban after another — most recently on children and asylum seekers — using Covid-19 as an excuse, while failing abysmally to get the virus under control in the United States. The rumored order would be another grave error in a year that has already seen far too many.”

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      A previous lawsuit challenged the government’s ability to use public health laws to seal the border. Carl J. Nichols, a judge recently appointed to the federal bench by Mr. Trump, ruled against the government in that case — in part because of the potential implications for American citizens if the practice of blocking border crossings were allowed to continue.

      But the practice remains in place because the government then agreed not to expel the migrant children who were named in the case, which rendered it moot.

      In that case, J.B.B.C. v. Wolf, Judge Nichols, of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, repeatedly asked a government lawyer whether the administration believed it had the legal right to bar an American citizen from entering in the first place.

      The judge asked about a hypothetical Ebola outbreak in which the C.D.C. was concerned about people entering from Mexico. “The C.D.C., I take it, in your view, would have the power both to prohibit all entry from Mexico to the United States by anyone,” including citizens, the judge said.

      “Yes, your honor,” the lawyer replied. “It says persons, and that would include both citizens and noncitizens.” The judge replied that was a “remarkably broad power.”

      Source Article from https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/10/us/politics/trump-coronavirus-border.html

      New York City residents sounded off to Fox News correspondent Lawrence Jones on “Hannity” Monday about former Vice President Joe Biden’s potential running mate, as well as the presumptive Democratic nominee’s recent comments about the African-American community.

      “At first, I went, ‘Here we go, another White man who has some antiquated views,'” one man told Jones, the host of “Keeping Up With Jones” on Fox Nation.


      When asked about Biden’s comments, one woman simply replied: “That’s his thinking.”

      Also on Monday, more than 100 prominent Black men demanded that Biden choose a Black woman as his running mate.


      The letter’s co-signers – which include actors, musicians, entertainers, radio hosts, filmmakers, academics, politicians, lawyers, athletes, pastors, business leaders, restaurateurs and activists – emphasized that they “stand in solidarity” with more than 700 Black women who last week signed a letter demanding that Biden choose a Black running mate.

      One man told Jones that demand might be unhelpful.


      “I don’t think it’s the time to try to withhold our votes or to try to leverage it in such a way that it’s going to still remain a detriment,” he said.

      “I feel like it might be a form of affirmative action,” said the man, who also criticized Biden’s diversity comments. “And I have no problem with that, that’s cool.”

      To watch every episode of “Keeping Up with Jones,” go to Fox Nation and sign up today.


      Fox News’ Paul Steinhauser and Tara Prindiville contributed to this report.

      Source Article from https://www.foxnews.com/media/lawrence-jones-biden-nyc-diversity-running-mate

      “They have no idea who it’s going to be,” Representative Filemon Vela, Democrat of Texas, said of the campaign staff members who are readying a rollout. “But they are making all the preparations necessary so that when the announcement is made, they can do what they are supposed to do in terms of rolling it all out.”

      There is great uncertainty around Mr. Biden’s ultimate decision, even among prominent party leaders and those who have known him for years.

      “This is like the best-kept secret in the universe,” said former Senator Barbara Boxer, Democrat of California, who served with Mr. Biden in the Senate. “We’re all anxious so we can get this behind us and get on that trail.”

      As closely held as Mr. Biden’s potential decision has been, he has been exceptionally open about his search criteria, signaling that he intends to put particular emphasis on personal rapport and confidence in the candidates’ governing capabilities.

      “He’s looking at everything,” Representative Cedric Richmond, Democrat of Louisiana and a co-chair of Mr. Biden’s campaign, said in an interview last week. “Who he’s most comfortable with, who helps him win. There’s a lot that goes into it. He’s going through his thought process.”

      One central question for many Democrats is whether Mr. Biden will choose a woman of color as his running mate. He has considered Black, Latina and Asian-American contenders, as well as white candidates.

      While Ms. Whitmer is white, some of her enthusiasts have noted that if Michigan’s lieutenant governor, Garlin Gilchrist II, were to replace her, he would become the only Black governor in America — and in a pivotal battleground state where Hillary Clinton lost in 2016 in part because of mediocre African-American turnout.

      Source Article from https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/10/us/politics/biden-vp-pick.html