Vice President Pence speaks on the third day of the Republican National Convention at Fort McHenry in Baltimore. He stressed a law and order message as protests over racism and policing continue.

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Andrew Harnik/AP

Vice President Pence speaks on the third day of the Republican National Convention at Fort McHenry in Baltimore. He stressed a law and order message as protests over racism and policing continue.

Andrew Harnik/AP

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President Trump’s campaign was forced to deal with sudden focus on two major news stories — mounting national unrest about racial injustice after another shooting of a Black man by police in Wisconsin, and Hurricane Laura, which is threatening “unsurvivable”storm surge — on the third night of the Republican National Convention.

Vice President Pence spoke to a live audience at Fort McHenry in Baltimore as the keynote speaker and loyal partner of the president’s. While he touched on both developments, his law-and-order message quickly pivoted to attack Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as the Democratic leaders who threaten basic freedoms and an economy recovering from a coronavirus pandemic.

Republicans turned to several high-profile women to highlight issues like education, health care and the effort to combat the opioid crisis as a way to win back support from female voters, specifically suburban women, who helped the GOP win the White House four years ago.

As polls continue to show the president trailing Joe Biden, the Trump campaign worked to make the November election a choice between two starkly different visions for America’s future, rather than running on the president’s record over the past four years.

Here are three takeaways from the third night of the RNC:

1. Republicans highlighted a law-and-order message as the nation grapples with racial unrest that speakers didn’t acknowledge

Convention organizers planned a focus on law and order, with a lineup of top Republicans describing the party’s commitment to law enforcement and support for the “thin blue line.”

But a dizzying series of developments once again focused the nation’s attention on issues of systemic racism and injustice. Jacob Blake, a Black man in Kenosha, Wis., was shot multiple times in the back by police on Sunday. The episode, caught on video, spurred protests in Kenosha for the past four nights, and Kyle Rittenhouse, a white male teenager, was arrested for killing two people at a protest.

In the hours leading up the convention, NBA teams boycotted playoff games, and Major League Baseball postponed some games.

Pence was the one speaker who did make a reference to the situation in Wisconsin, but he didn’t acknowledge the serious blowback that it triggered in communities across the country, or offer any commitment to address the underlying issues.

Instead he grouped it in with mentions of other incidents across the country in recent weeks. “Let me be clear: the violence must stop — whether in Minneapolis, Portland or Kenosha,” he said.

He vowed that the Trump administration stood for cracking down while Democrats didn’t favor a hard line. “We will have law and order on the streets of America. Joe Biden would double down on the very policies that are leading to unsafe streets and violence in America’s cities.”

He also warned, “You won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America.” As they did earlier in the week, Republicans inaccurately argued that the Biden-Harris ticket would defund the police.

While Pence and other Republicans focus on violence related to protests, the demonstrations grew from outrage over police brutality, particularly shootings of Black people. The Trump administration’s use of the military to crack down on protests has also drawn criticism.

Several speakers used heated rhetoric about crime and threats to the suburbs — a strategy the president’s campaign has used in campaign ads, before the pandemic shifted the political conversation in the spring.

“From Seattle and Portland to Washington and New York, Democrat-run cities across this country are being overrun by violent mobs. The violence is rampant. There’s looting, chaos, destruction and murder. People that can afford to flee have fled. But the people that can’t — good, hard-working Americans — are left to fend for themselves,” South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem said.

While the mostly taped segments on Wednesday didn’t have time to specifically weigh in on the developments in Kenosha, several Black speakers were featured to push back on Democrats’ claims that President Trump is racist, and reach out to those who may feel uncomfortable with some of the president’s rhetoric.

Clarence Henderson, one of the civil rights activists who was part of sit-ins in the South in the 1960s, vouched for the president. “His policies show his heart. He has done more for Black Americans in four years than Joe Biden has done in 50,” he said.

Only 17% of registered Republican voters are nonwhite, according to data from the Pew Research Center. In comparison, 40% of Democratic voters are people of color.

2. Republicans featured speakers and messages aimed at regaining slipping support from suburban women

President Trump’s support from both college-educated and working-class white women helped him win key battleground states in 2016, but it has dropped significantly.

Wednesday’s program included a mother who advocated for school choice; second lady Karen Pence talking about her work promoting art therapy with veterans; and Lara Trump, the wife of Trump’s son Eric, boasting about the record low unemployment numbers for women since World War II.

Kayleigh McEnany, White House press secretary, recounted her personal story of deciding to undergo a preventative double mastectomy in 2018 after being diagnosed with the genetic condition for breast cancer.

She said the president called her even though she had only met him a few times, saying she was “blown away” by his personal interest. The story was part of an attempt to show a softer side of the president. “I know him well now and I can tell you that this president loves the American people, stands by Americans with preexisting conditions, and supports working moms,” she said.

McEnany did not acknowledge that the Trump administration is supporting a lawsuit that would dismantle the requirement that insurers provide coverage to those with preexisting conditions.

Kellyanne Conway, who was the first female campaign manager to run a successful presidential campaign, cited Trump’s willingness to appoint women to top positions. She also addressed the opioid crisis, a crippling epidemic that has hit communities across the country.

“Rather than look the other way, President Trump stared directly at this drug ‘crisis next door’ and, through landmark, bipartisan legislation has helped secure historic investments in surveillance, interdiction, education, prevention, treatment and recovery. We have a long way to go, but the political inertia that cost lives, and the silence and stigma that prevents people in need from coming forward is melting away,” said Conway, who is stepping down at the end of the month.

Although the president and most speakers so far this week have largely avoided talking about the coronavirus pandemic, Pence, whom the president tapped to head up the coronavirus task force, followed first lady Melania Trump’s move to connect with people who are struggling after months of uprooted routines and economic hardship.

“After all the sacrifice in this … year like no other — all the hardship — we are finding our way forward again,” Pence said. “But tonight, our hearts are with all the families who have lost loved ones. We mourn with those who mourn, and we grieve with those who grieve.”

3. Republicans tried to shift the November election from referendum on Trump to a choice between starkly different visions

Reelection campaigns are traditionally a referendum on the incumbent president, but the Trump administration’s handling of the coronavirus in recent months has given Joe Biden a consistent lead in both national polls and polls in key battleground states.

Unable to gain traction on the administration’s record in recent months, the Trump campaign reverted to a traditional approach of framing the election as a choice — with speaker after speaker on Wednesday maintaining that Democrats were prepping a massive shift to government control over all aspects of life and trillions in dollars of tax increases, while the Trump-Pence ticket was preserving freedom and a good economy.

“Joe Biden would be nothing more than a Trojan horse for a radical left,” Pence said.

Iowa GOP Sen. Joni Ernst also used the frame in her remarks. “Freedom, prosperity and economic growth under a Trump-Pence administration; or the Biden-Harris path, paved by liberal coastal elites and radical environmentalists. An America where farmers are punished, jobs are destroyed and taxes crush the middle class.”

This strategy continued Tuesday night’s effort to juice the GOP base, with dire language. “Joe Biden would set America on a path of socialism and decline. But we’re not going to let it happen,” Pence pledged. (Read more about the rhetoric around “socialism” here.)

This effort is likely to be an uphill battle for the GOP. The Democratic ticket has worked to avoid getting into specific policy proposals and instead stuck to a slogan of “fighting for the soul of America.”

Progressive Democrats who have pushed for major new federal programs like “Medicare for All” and the Green New Deal have been frustrated that Biden hasn’t backed those sweeping proposals.

Biden emerged from the wide Democratic primary field as the more pragmatic choice who would be less vulnerable to attacks from the president, and more palatable to wavering independents and Republicans who are concerned about Trump’s policies, or more recently, his handling of the coronavirus.

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Democrats on the House Homeland Security Committee are requesting that the Office of Special Counsel investigate acting Secretary Chad Wolf’s participation in a naturalization ceremony that was broadcast Tuesday during the Republican National Convention.

Wolf administered the oath of allegiance to five people — from Bolivia, Lebanon, India, Sudan and Ghana — as President Trump looked on. It was used to tout Trump’s support for legal immigration.


“You followed the rules, you obeyed the laws, you learned our history, embraced our values, and proved yourselves to be men and women of the highest integrity,” Trump said during the ceremony. “It’s not so easy. You went through a lot. And we appreciate you being here with us today.”

But Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson wrote to the Office of Special Counsel to request an investigation as to whether Wolf violated the Hatch Act — a 1939 federal law that limits federal executive branch employees from engaging in political activities while on the job, but exempts the president and vice president from violations.

“This is an unprecedented politicization of the naturalization ceremony – an official function of the Department of Homeland Security,” Thompson wrote. “Mr. Wolf’s participation appears to constitute engaging in political activity while acting in an official capacity.”

“It also sets a bad example for the Department’s 240,000 employees who are required to comply with the Hatch Act,” he said. “Accordingly, I urge you to investigate Mr. Wolf’s participation in this event to determine whether it violated the law.”


Democrats and government watchdogs have fumed over Trump’s decision to hold a number of RNC related events at the White House. Critics have also pointed to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s speech from Jerusalem while on a trip to Israel.

The Office of Special Counsel, however, released a statement Wednesday saying the Justice Department is in charge of criminal provisions of the Hatch Act and the office will not be “grandstanding” about potential violations.

“OSC’s role does not include grandstanding or holding press conferences about potential violations that may or may not occur,” Special Counsel Henry J. Kerner said in a statement. “Ultimately, officials and employees choose whether to comply with the law.  Once they make that choice, it is OSC’s statutory role to receive complaints, investigate alleged Hatch Act violations, and determine which ones warrant prosecution.”


Kerner added: “OSC holds officials and employees accountable when they don’t comply with the law. OSC takes its job seriously and in recent months has increased the number of Hatch Act Unit staff to respond to the growing number of complaints typically received during election years. OSC will continue to vigorously and even-handedly enforce the Hatch Act, consistent with its statutory authorities.”

Trump announced this week that he attends to formally nominate Wolf to the position he has held in an acting capacity since last year.

Fox News’ Marisa Schultz and Megan Henney contributed to this report.

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YOLO COUNTY (CBS13) — Mandatory evacuations are now in effect in parts of Yolo County after the LNU Lightning Complex Fire jumped Highway 16, officials said.

The City of Winters says Yolo County Zones 1 and 2 are under mandatory evacuations, meaning residents should evacuate immediately. The zones are in the northwest corner of Yolo County near Rumsey.

The Yocha Dehe Fire Department says Highway 16 is closed between CR 41A and CR20. The road is clear from 41A to Highway 505.

Zone 3, the city said, is under an evacuation advisory. Click here for a map of the evacuation zones.

Colusa County also ordered mandatory evacuations Wednesday evening as the fire spread in Yolo County.  Mandatory Evacuations are being called for the following unpopulated areas:

  • West of Highway 16 in Colusa County, south of Highway 20, and north of Colusa Yolo County line up to the Colusa Lake County boundary
  • South of Cortina Rancheria to the Colusa Yolo County Line, west to Highway 16 and east to Sand Creek Road

The following areas are also under evacuation warnings: Northwest of Hwy 20 and west of Bear Valley Road to the Colusa Lake County line, and south of Brim Road, including Wilbur Springs Road and Wilbur Hot Springs.

As of Wednesday evening, LNU Lightning Complex Fire has burned more than 360,868 acres and is 33% contained, Cal Fire said. It has burned in several counties, including Solano, Napa, Sonoma, Lake and Yolo.

So far, 1,080 structures have been destroyed and 272 are damaged. An additional 30,500 structures remained threatened by the fires.

Five people, three in Napa County and two in Solano County, have died in the fires.

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The victims of the Christchurch massacre

A white supremacist who killed 51 people at two mosques in New Zealand will serve life in jail without parole – the first person in the country’s history to receive the sentence.

Australian Brenton Tarrant, 29, admitted to the murder of 51 people, attempted murder of another 40 people and one charge of terrorism.

The judge called Tarrant’s actions “inhuman”, saying he “showed no mercy”.

The attack last March, which was livestreamed, shocked the world.

Tarrant’s sentencing also marks the first terrorism conviction in New Zealand’s history.

“Your crimes are so wicked that even if you are detained until you die, it will not exhaust the requirements of punishment,” said Judge Cameron Mander in a Christchurch court on Thursday.

On imposing a sentence of life without parole, Justice Mander said: “If not here, then when?”

A sentence without parole means the offender will not be given the opportunity to leave prison after serving only a portion of their total sentence.

Justice Mander said such life sentences without parole were reserved only for the “very worst murders”.

New Zealand does not have the death penalty as part of its justice system.

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Justice Mander had harsh words for Tarrant in his sentencing

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, upon hearing of Tarrant’s sentencing, said it meant he would have “no notoriety, no platform… and we have no cause to think about him, to see him or to hear from him again”.

“Today I hope is the last where we have any cause to hear or utter the name of the terrorist,” she said.

The shootings prompted New Zealand to pass stricter gun laws and buy back certain types of weapons from owners.

What did the judge say?

On the last day of a four-day sentencing hearing, Justice Mander spent almost an hour reminding Tarrant of each person he killed and injured.

He added that despite the gunman’s guilty pleas, the gunman appeared “neither contrite nor ashamed”.

Tarrant, who said through a lawyer in court that he did not oppose the prosecution’s application for a life without parole sentence, did not react to the sentence. He had earlier also refused the right to speak at his sentencing.

The sentencing hearing began on Monday, with a large part of the first three days dedicated to hearing victim impact statements.

Tarrant appeared largely emotionless over the past three days, as almost 90 victims – some grieving, others defiant – confronted him.

Media captionMaysoon Salama, whose son died in the attack, speaks in court

Sara Qasem, whose father Abdelfattah Qasem died at the Al Noor Mosque, spoke of the last moments of his death, saying: “I wonder if he was in pain, if he was frightened, and what his final thoughts were. And I wish more than anything in the world that I could have been there to hold his hand and tell him it would all be OK.”

She struggled to hold back her tears, before looking at Tarrant and saying “these tears are not for you”.

How did survivors and relatives react?

Ahmed Wali Khan, who lost his uncle in the attacks, told the BBC that the Muslim community in Christchurch welcomed the verdict.

“Everyone was quite happy that justice has been served,” he said, adding that the community had been “waiting for this decision for a very long time”.

Taj Kamran, an Afghan refugee who was shot several times in the leg and still requires walking aids, said he would “be able to sleep” after the verdict, though it would not return those who were lost.

“No punishment is going to bring our loved ones back and our sadness will continue for the rest of our lives,” he told the AFP news agency.

Media captionThe BBC report from the day of the shootings

Irfan Yunianto, a doctoral student from Indonesia who survived the shootings, said he was relieved that the gunman had finally been sentenced.

“I was at the shooting location. Many of my friends died. I also saw with my own eyes how my friends were trying to save the victims,” he said.

“I accept the court decision with good grace,” he added. “Following this trial has been really hard, but I still watched it online. After the verdict was reached I felt so relieved because the court finally delivered its final verdict.”

Tarrant received the maximum possible sentence in New Zealand, which does not have the death penalty.

“We are not in a country where we can expect the death penalty. But they have served justice, giving the maximum prison time without parole,” said Hina Amir, 34, who was outside Al Noor mosque when Tarrant began his attack.

What happened in Christchurch?

The gunman opened fire on two mosques in the city on 15 March last year.

He first targeted worshippers inside the Al Noor mosque. Less than 30 seconds later, he returned to his car to pick up another weapon and then re-entered the mosque and resumed firing on those inside.

The entire incident was broadcast on Facebook Live via a headcam he was wearing.

He then drove to the Linwood Islamic Centre where he shot two people outside and then shot at the windows.

A man from inside rushed outside and picked up one of the attacker’s shotguns before chasing him away.

Two police officers then chased and arrested the gunman. After his arrest, he told police that his plan was to burn down mosques after his attack and he wished he had done so.

During this week’s sentencing, the court heard that the gunman planned to target another mosque but was detained by officers on the way.

What do we know about Tarrant?

The 29-year-old white supremacist has been described by Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison as an “extremist, right-wing terrorist”.

He was born in the Australian state of New South Wales to a father who was a garbage collector and a mother who was a teacher.

After the death of his father in 2010, he quit his job and travelled through parts of Asia and Europe.

His grandmother told news outlet 9News that she believed these travels changed him, saying: “It’s only since he travelled overseas I think that boy has changed – completely to the boy we knew”.

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Tarrant was surrounded by police officers as he sat in the dock

He moved to New Zealand in 2017 and started planning his attacks against the Muslim community.

He was active on fringe online forums and posted a 74-page “manifesto” online prior to his attack.

“I chose firearms for the affect it would have on social discourse, the extra media coverage they would provide and the affect it could have on the politics of the United States and thereby the political situation of the world,” he wrote in his manifesto, according to a New York Times report.

Tarrant added that he also hoped to “create conflict between the two ideologies within the United States on the ownership of firearms in order to further the social, cultural, political and racial divide”.

He also said that he would be “quickly forgotten” after the attack, adding that he didn’t mind this.

How did New Zealand respond?

The attack prompted New Zealand to reform its gun laws.

Less than a month after the shootings, the country’s parliament voted by 119 to 1 on reforms banning military-style semi-automatic weapons as well as parts that could be used to build prohibited firearms.

The government offered to compensate owners of newly-illegal weapons in a buy-back scheme.

Ms Ardern has said that “much more” needs to be done to stop radicalisation in the country.

“The challenge for us will be ensuring in our everyday actions, and every opportunity where we see bullying, harassment, racism, discrimination, calling it out as a nation,” she said on the first anniversary of the attacks.

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In their response to the third night of the Republican National Convention, Democrats slammed President Trump and the GOP for continuing to criticize the unrest and protests in cities across the country and tout the president’s “law and order” agenda.

Democrats aimed particular furor at the nights marquee speaker, Vice President Mike Pence, who himself went on the attack against Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden – arguing that voters “won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America” while saying little about the recent number of deaths of Black Americans by police that have sparked widespread protests.

“Our nation is hurting. We need leadership that will heal our wounds, not continue to pour salt on them,” said Tom Perez, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee. “Peaceful protest against police violence should not be met with more violence. And yet, that’s exactly what the president called for after the death of George Floyd.”

Many of the speakers during Wednesday’s program criticized the protests – and the subsequent looting and rioting – that occurred following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody and, more recently, the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wis.


The cases of both Black men fueled allegations of police brutality and racial injustice, and protests have escalated into looting and violence in many places. Singling out cities like Portland and New York, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem opened the night by saying the cities were “overrun by violent mobs” and heaped blame on “Democrats and their radical supporters.”

“It took 244 years to build this great nation,” Noem said in a pre-recorded speech from the Mellon Auditorium in Washington, D.C. “But we stand to lose it in a tiny fraction of that time if we continue down the path taken by the Democrats and their radical supporters.”

Noem added: “Democrat-run cities across this country are being overrun by violent mobs. The violence is rampant. There’s looting, chaos, destruction, and murder.”

The raging protests in Wisconsin this week are in response to the death of Blake, 29, who was shot in the back seven times on Sunday as he leaned into his SUV, with three of his children seated inside. Kenosha police have said little about what happened other than that they were responding to a domestic dispute, but state agents later recovered a knife from the driver’s side floorboard of the vehicle.

While Biden himself did not level any attacks against Trump or the GOP for the lack of response to the events in Wisconsin, but did tweet out a message in support of the NBA players who boycotted their playoffs games in response to the shooting.

“This moment demands moral leadership. And these players answered by standing up, speaking out, and using their platform for good,” Biden tweeted. “Now is not the time for silence.”

The tweet came after the NBA postponed three playoff games after the Milwaukee Bucks refused to take the court for their game following the shooting of Blake. The WNBA and Milwaukee Brewers quickly followed suit with their Wednesday games.


Along with hitting Trump and the GOP on their “law and order” platform, Democrats also continued to pounce on the administration for its response to the coronavirus pandemic.

“In vain attempts to distract voters from how deeply Trump has failed our country during the worst public health crisis in over 100 years, the Republican Convention has resorted to the same desperate smears, wild-eyed conspiracy theories and insidious misinformation about the coronavirus that has fallen flat with voters for months and months,” Andrew Bates, a spokesperson for Biden, told Fox News.

Bates added: “They’ve even tried talking about the pandemic in the past tense, all while Donald Trump still lacks any coherent plan for overcoming it. How could even the Death Star predicate their entire strategy on telling voters to forget what they are forced to endure every single day?”

Democrats have consistently sought to point out the lack of interest that Republican convention speakers have in addressing the ongoing pandemic and instead focusing on issues ranging from the economy to immigration to criminal justice.

One Biden campaign official said it was “conspicuous and telling that speaker after speaker barely even acknowledged the pandemic or its toll on the nation.”

Fox News’ Brooke Singman and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Eligible unemployed workers in states that have been approved for Lost Wages Assistance (LWA) benefits may be in for a nasty surprise next year. Updated guidance from the Department of Labor recently confirmed that the extra $300 or $400 weekly payments are subject to federal income tax. Americans who receive the benefits and don’t plan ahead for the tax consequences may find themselves with an unexpected and unbudgeted tax bill in 2021.

Lost Wages Assistance Benefits Are Taxable, Just Like Unemployment Compensation

Unemployment Compensation Is Taxable

While most tax lawyers may not be surprised by the DOL guidance on LWA benefits as it is consistent with the tax treatment of unemployment compensation, many Americans may be. The $600 federal unemployment booster that many unemployed individuals received until the end of July via the CARES Act is taxable by the federal government; however, a June survey by tax preparer Jackson Hewitt found that 37 percent of adults in the U.S. thought unemployment benefits are not considered taxable income. They are based onSection 85 of the Internal Revenue Code, which explicitly calls out unemployment compensation as being included in an individual’s gross income and, therefore, taxable.

Lost Wages Assistance Compensation Is Also Taxable

LWA compensation isn’t technically unemployment insurance. In fact, it’s a completely new federal program with its own sets of eligibility criteria and requirements. FEMA’a guidance differentiates the two saying that “the supplemental payment is not unemployment insurance; it is a supplemental payment on top of the applicable unemployment insurance benefit paid by the state/territory.“

Despite being a different program, the wages are subject to federal income taxes. The DOL guidance states this explicitly in a question and answer section. In response to a question, “are LWA payments subject to federal income tax,” the DOL responds unequivocally, “yes. LWA is subject to federal income tax.”

Tax lawyers I consulted were not surprised by this pronouncement. They pointed to Section 61 of the Internal Revenue Code that defines gross income. Everything is considered gross income except as otherwise called out in the code. In other words, unless one can point to a specific provision in the statute exempting money from gross income, income is considered taxable. There are items that are explicitly excluded from gross income, such as disaster relief payments, certain death benefits, and compensation for injuries or sickness. While one might think that LWA compensations could be construed as a qualified disaster relief payment, those payments do not include income replacement payments such as lost wages.

Americans Receiving LWA Payments Should Ask For Money To Be Withheld

In the Jackson Hewitt survey, 51 percent of respondents were also unaware that unemployment benefit recipients had to proactively request for taxes to be withheld from their weekly compensation. This is an option and one that unemployment compensation recipients should strongly consider. The IRS utilizes a document, Form W-4V, which allows recipients to elect withholding from their unemployment compensation. The only amount that individuals can elect to withhold from unemployment benefits is 10 percent, according to the form.

While a 10 percent withholding may help reduce a tax bill next year, some may end up owing more. Individuals can gauge if they fall into this camp using a new withholding calculator that the IRS released. Individuals who owe more money can file estimated quarterly taxes to avoid a tax bill in 2021 or simply set money aside to cover the payment. “I usually tell clients to opt for the 10-percent federal withholding. This may not cover the entire tax bill but at least it will alleviate the tax bite,” Lawrence Pon, a CPA at Pon & Associates in Redwood City, California, told Accounting Today.

It is important to also consider other taxes that may be levied. For example, while unemployment benefits are not subject to payroll taxes, they are subject to state taxes in some states. States that do not tax the benefits include Alabama, California, Montana, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Virginia as well as states that don’t tax any wage income, like Florida and Texas.

The Upshot

The coronavirus pandemic has ravaged the U.S. economy leading to millions of Americans losing their jobs. The million of individuals filing for unemployment for the first time need to consider the tax implications of unemployment benefits in their financial planning. They will need to account for the fact that LWA benefits are subject to federal taxes, just like unemployment benefits. Individuals should consider filing Form W-4V and having 10 percent of the benefits withheld for taxes to avoid a surprise tax bill in 2021.

Further Related Reading:

3 States Intend To Pay $400 Extra In Weekly Unemployment Benefits, Not $300

Confirmed: Extra $400 Unemployment Benefit Extension Slashed To $300; State Match Optional

Earliest Start For Extra $300 Unemployment Benefit Is August 29 For Most States, Says FEMA

White House Modification May Cut Another $100 Before $400 Unemployment Benefit Extension Even Starts

Will $400 Unemployment Extension Start Soon? Don’t Count On It, Despite Trump’s Executive Order

Only Road To Second Stimulus Check, Real Unemployment Benefit Extension Runs Thru Congress

South Dakota Refuses Trump’s Extra $300 Unemployment Benefit; Declines Free Money

Trump Signs Executive Orders: Extends Federal Unemployment Benefits At $300 Per Week, Protects Against Evictions, Defers Student Loan Payments, Suspends Payroll Tax

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If the most unobtrusive man in America thought tonight was his moment in the spotlight at the Republican National Convention, Mike Pence learned the hard way that Donald Trump always gets the last word.

As the powerful Hurricane Laura moved closer and closer to landfall in Texas and Louisiana, Trump’s vice president seemed like an afterthought on Wednesday as the boss came onstage at the end to upstage him without uttering a word.

Speaking live to a small audience at Fort McHenry in Baltimore, Maryland, the presumed GOP 2024 frontrunner capped a Republican convention production that appeared dramatically out of touch with the harsh weather and other currents in the country. Despite making some near impromptu remarks on the storm and a single reference to the near fatal August 23 police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, WI, Pence was also almost overshadowed by protests on the streets of the midwestern state and strikes from the NBA, MLB, WNBA and more sports figures.

“Our prayers are with you tonight and our administration is working closely with authorities in the states that will be impacted,” a stiff VP said after offering up a standard attack dog line slamming Joe Biden and Democrats’ convention of last week while offering praise for the overweening Trump. “This is a serious storm and we urge all those in the affected areas to heed state and local authorities Stay safe,” Pence added

Playing to the low volume applause of the mask-free 135 or so attendees, the present veep then launched into a fairly generic speech on a fairly generic night full of whitewashing. To that, there was a distinct re-writing by Pence and others of the administration’s heavily criticized handling of the coronavirus pandemic. Claims that Biden responded to in near real time online:

Perpetual sidekick Pence even tried to imitate freewheeling Trump by swinging wide and telling the crowd that “we’re on track to have the world’s first safe, effective coronavirus vaccine by the end of this year.”

Yet, after those words and coming off the attempt at a kinder, gentler Trump of Night 2 of the RNC, the almost entirely pre-recorded “America, Land of Heroes” themed Night 3 from a near empty Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium in Washington DC often was a full-throated law and order tirade against “the mob” of the left. As Pence said, in the only live address of the night, “we will have law and order on the streets.” Proclaiming that “tearing down statutes is not free speech,” the VP swore that “you will not be safe in Joe Biden’s America.”

At the same time, there was an effort to try to humanize Trump, just as there was on Tuesday, with some staffers who have worked with him, like press secretary Kayliegh McEnany and soon-to-be exiting aide Kellyanne Conway, vouching for a very different person than the one on Twitter.

But, as there was an effort to peel away Biden’s support among women and African American voters, too often the flow of the evening was broken with a speaker on another subject. McEnany and Conway, for instance, led into former Notre Dame and USC coach Lou Holtz, who came on to question Biden’s Catholicism. More so than on previous evenings, networks felt compelled to cut away to identify inaccuracies and incoherencies, again and again.

More astounding for what has been a reality TV presidency, there was almost no mention by any of the other convention speakers of the Category 4 storm heading toward the Lone Star state and Louisiana as thousands were evacuating the Gulf Coast region.

After hurricanes caused both the 2008 and 2012 GOP conventions to cut back, the near absence of Hurricane Laura at the Republican convention on Wednesday was only made more manifest by the tracker on the lower side of Fox News, CNN and MSNBC’s screens for most of the night. As CNN’s Gloria Borger said early in the evening of the Trump gang: “It seems like they are going to stay in their convention bubble.”

That’s what it felt like — and it only magnified what is growing true about both conventions: Do they really need to be four nights? The broadcast networks have been criticized for only devoting an hour a night to coverage, but do conventions really need more than those marquee speakers? As compelling as some of the moments have been on both weeks, too often the evenings have felt like one hour of memorable content spread out in a two to two-and-a-half-hour time frame.

Leaning hard into such a narrative, the RNC convention itself opening at 8:30 PM ET with Rabbi Aryeh Spero lashing out at those in the streets for “corrupting the term social justice.”

Shattering any attempt at continuity, Karen Pence didn’t even bother to hide that her own solo speech of earlier in the night was taped. Appearing at the neoclassical auditorium just after 9 PM ET, the Second Lady was by her husband’s side in a different outfit for his live speech from Baltimore’s historic harbor base less than two hours later.

The night also was different than previous evenings, as it had fewer video segments or reality TV like stunts of Monday and Tuesday, when Trump issued a pardon and then led a naturalization ceremony at the White House. Instead of popping up throughout the evening, Trump saved his big reveal for last, when he joined Pence at the end of his speech at Fort McHenry in Baltimore.

CNN, Fox News Channel and MSNBC all carried the first hour of the convention live, though to different degrees.

Of the trio, the Jeff Zucker-run outlet was the most diligent on staying on the mainly pre-recorded speeches. Fox News featured Sean Hannity, perched on a riser at Fort McHenry, and went commercial free in the first hour. MSNBC anchors Rachel Maddow, Joe Reid and Nicolle Wallace cut away to fact-check speakers such as South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem and Pence’s national security advisor Keith Kellogg.

By the time the convention slid into its second hour at 10 PM ET, the cable networks were joined by ABC, CBS and NBC. By then, though, the other news of the day was front and center. CBS’ Norah O’Donnell started with Hurricane Laura and the postponement of NBA playoff games, while other networks went in and out of the speaker lineup until Pence took the stage.

“It was quite a performance,” Jon Karl, ABC News’ chief White House correspondent, said after the vice president’s remarks as Trump was working the crowd. “If you were just listening to Mike Pence and you didn’t know what had happened over the last six months, you would have thought that the battle over the coronavirus was a smashing success of the Trump administration.”

Pence’s duty, after all, was to put the top of the ticket in the best possible light.

As Karl put it, “a bit of revisionist history on coronavirus, but again, if you weren’t paying much attention, a pretty effective one.”

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Jacob Blake had a knife on the floorboard of his car when he was shot by police, said the Wisconsin Department of Justice, which also has identified the officer who shot him as Rusten Sheskey.

The knife was recovered from the driver’s side of Blake’s SUV, the agency said. It did not say whether Blake was holding the knife when Sheskey, a seven-year veteran of the Kenosha Police Department, shot him Sunday evening.

Blake, 29, admitted to having the knife during the investigation, officials said. No other weapons were recovered.

According to a Wisconsin DOJ news release, officers responded to a domestic dispute after a woman reported her boyfriend was unlawfully on the premises. Officers attempted to arrest Blake and a Taser was used, but it did not subdue him, authorities said.

As Blake walked around to the driver’s side of the SUV, he opened the door and leaned forward into the vehicle. Sheskey held onto Blake’s shirt and fired seven times, striking him in the back. No other officer opened fire.


Officers were not equipped with body cameras, despite city leaders unanimously approving a plan in 2017 to purchase the devices in an effort to increase transparency and police accountability.

Lawyers for Blake’s family said Tuesday he was paralyzed from the shooting.

“They shot my son seven times, seven times, like he didn’t matter,” said Jacob Blake Sr., who spoke to reporters alongside other family members and lawyers outside the Kenosha County courthouse. “But my son matters. He’s a human being and he matters.”

The Justice Department announced Wednesday it will conduct a civil rights investigation. The FBI will lead the inquiry with assistance from the Wisconsin Division of Criminal Investigation and other state authorities.

Anger over the shooting spilled onto the streets of Kenosha in the days since, resulting in violent clashes between demonstrators and police, along with looting and vandalism.


Two people were killed Tuesday and another was wounded in Kenosha amid more chaotic gatherings. On Wednesday, Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers ordered 500 National Guard members to the city to quell more potential unrest.

Athletes have also weighed in on the events surrounding the police shooting. The Milwaukee Bucks opted to boycott Game 5 of its NBA playoffs series against the Orlando Magic Wednesday. In a show of solidarity, the Milwaukee Brewers did the same, choosing not to play its scheduled game against the Cincinnati Reds.

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Trump administration officials, including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, National Economic Director Larry Kudlow and counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway, have come under scrutiny for accepting speaking roles at the RNC, positions which critics claim violate federal law banning most executive branch employees from political activity. The White House has largely ignored those concerns.

Pompeo’s speech, delivered from Jerusalem during an official trip to the Middle East by the secretary, has been the subject of particular criticism. Pompeo has insisted his speech was delivered in his personal capacity and on his own time, away from his official duties as the nation’s top diplomat. But critics have complained that the secretary’s speech came while he was on taxpayer-funded official travel and that it broke with State Department guidance barring employees from publicly backing political candidates.

Democrats in Congress said they would investigate the legality of Pompeo’s participation in the RNC while on an official trip.

Meadows echoed Pompeo’s reasoning and also defended the president’s decision to deliver his RNC speech from the White House, a step that breaks with decades of precedent dictating that the trappings of the executive mansion are reserved for official government business, not politics.

The Office of Special Counsel, which investigates violations of the Hatch Act, asserted Wednesday that certain areas of the White House grounds are traditionally exempt from the ban on political activity. Those include the Rose Garden, where First Lady Melania Trump gave her keynote address Tuesday night at the RNC, and the West Lawn.

Special Counsel Henry J. Kerner, a Trump appointee, said in a statement Wednesday that the office is not charged with prosecuting violations or “grandstanding or holding press conferences about potential violations.” Still, Kerner said the office increased its Hatch Act Unit staff due to the growing number of complaints around the election.

“OSC will continue to vigorously and even-handedly enforce the Hatch Act, consistent with its statutory authorities,” his statement said.

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Christchurch, New Zealand (CNN)A far-right terrorist who killed 51 Muslim worshipers in New Zealand’s worst mass shooting in modern history will spend the rest of his life in prison with no chance of parole, the first time such a sentence has been handed down in the country’s courts.

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    Santa Clara County health leaders on Wednesday blasted recent changes to the CDC’s coronavirus guidelines that relaxed testing recommendations for asymptomatic individuals in a press conference.

    The changes, which appeared Monday on the CDC’s website, say that people who’ve been in close contact with a COVID-19 patient but are asymptomatic “do not necessarily need a test,” unless they are a “vulnerable individual” or are recommended to take one by healthcare providers or public health officials.

    “I actually didn’t believe it, for it seemed entirely bizarre,” said Santa Clara County public health director Dr. Sara Cody. “The truth is that if you’ve been in contact with someone who is infected with COVID, you absolutely need to get a test.”

    The Santa Clara County Department of Public Health’s testing page says that anyone who has been exposed to a COVID-19 patient, regardless of whether they have symptoms, should get tested immediately. The CDC’s own page for COVID-19 planning scenarios estimates for the purposes of public health planning that 40% of COVID-19 infections are asymptomatic.

    Video: Medical correspondent calls new CDC guidelines ‘ridiculous’

    Cody also criticized the revised guidelines for saying that people with mild symptoms “may wish to get a test and a test may be offered,” appearing to refer to a revision on the CDC website that says tests “may” be advised for people exhibiting mild COVID-19 symptoms.

    “Our local guidance and our order is quite clear, that anyone with any symptoms of COVID should be tested right away,” she said.

    Cody’s concerns echoed those raised by politicians and medical experts across the country, who said that the recommendation to not test asymptomatic individuals was unscientific and could skew data on infection rates. California Governor Gavin Newsom and New York’s Andrew Cuomo have both said their states will not be following the updated federal guidelines.

    “I agree with Dr. Cody 100%,” said Steven Goodman, a professor of epidemiology at Stanford. “I’ve been concerned about some CDC actions previously but this is the first recommendation they’ve made that’s actually gotten me angry.”

    Goodman said the guidelines would lead directly to more serious cases and more deaths if followed and noted that the CDC hasn’t given an explanation for the changes. On Wednesday, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services said in an email to the Associated Press that the changes were informed by “current evidence and the best public health interventions.”

    President Trump has said on numerous occasions that expanded testing — seen by many public-health officials as the key to controlling the virus — hurts him politically by showing higher case numbers.

    “I believe that these changes in the guidance have come from further up the chain and the federal government, from the White House,” Marty Fenstersheib, Santa Clara County’s COVID-19 testing officer, said at Wednesday’s conference. “They’re totally misdirected. Failing to test is not going to end this pandemic. Failing to test will not make the virus go away.”

    Testing capacity in Santa Clara County is not an issue, according to Fenstersheib. He said at Wednesday’s conference that the county had done a “tremendous job” increasing testing capacity and that they were now conducting upwards of 6,000-8,000 tests a day.

    “We have plenty of testing sites on our website, the fairgrounds have recently been open, we have the capacity of testing over 1000 there a day, so people, please take advantage of the testing in this community,” he said.

    Cody and Fenstersheib said that Santa Clara County would not be changing any of its guidelines on coronavirus testing.

    “We are going to continue to work with all of our healthcare partners to ensure that they offer testing to the groups that need it,” Cody said. “And we… are going to continue to offer mass testing at several sites as often and as robustly as we can, for as long as it takes.”

    The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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    MIAMI, Florida – NOAA’s National Hurricane Center issued a Public Advisory at 9 p.m. Central Daylight Time on Wednesday, August 26, 2020, due to the presence of Category 4 Hurricane Laura that will make landfall near the Texas-Louisiana border and will produce a catastrophic storm surge, extreme winds, and flash flooding along the northwest Gulf Coast tonight.

    Hurricane Laura Projected Path

    NOAA National Hurricane Center Hurricane Laura 2020 Projected Path

    Hurricane Laura is located about 90 miles south of Port Charles, Louisiana, and is moving to the north-northwest at 15 mph (24 km/h).

    NHC forecasters say that a turn toward the north is expected overnight, and a northward motion should continue on Thursday.

    A northeastward to east-northeastward motion is expected Thursday night and Friday.

    On the official NHC forecast track, Laura will approach the upper Texas and southwest Louisiana coasts this evening and move inland within that area tonight.

    The center of Laura is forecast to move over northwestern Louisiana tomorrow, across Arkansas Thursday night, and over the mid-Mississippi Valley on Friday.

    Hurricane Laura Computer Models

    Hurricane Laura 2020 Computer Models, Spaghetti Models

    Spaghetti models are in strong agreement that Laura will make landfall near the Texas/Louisiana border.

    Hurricane Laura Category Strength

    Hurricane Laura 2020 NOAA NHC Wind Arrival Time

    Laura is a Category 4 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Wind Scale with maximum sustained winds of 150 mph (240 km/h), with higher gusts.

    Laura is a large hurricane. Hurricane-force winds extend outward up to 60 miles (95 km) from the center of the tropical cyclone and tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 205 miles (335 km).

    Some additional strengthening is possible this evening before Laura reaches the northwest Gulf coast overnight.

    Rapid weakening is expected after Laura moves inland.

    Hurricane Laura Watches and Warnings

    A Storm Surge Warning is in effect from Freeport, Texas to the mouth of the Mississippi River.

    A Hurricane Watch is in effect from San Luis Pass, Texas to Intracoastal City, Louisiana.

    A Tropical Storm Warning is in effect from Sargent, Texas to San Luis Pass, Texas; east of Intracoastal City, Louisiana to the mouth of the Mississippi River.

    A Hurricane Watch is in effect from east of Intracoastal City, Louisiana to the west of Morgan City, Louisiana.

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    Thousands of residents were continuing to evacuate as the outer bands of Hurricane Laura lashed coastal communities in Louisiana and Texas on Wednesday afternoon, with forecasters describing the storm surge from the mammoth category 4 hurricane as “unsurvivable”.

    The weather system is due to hit the US Gulf Coast late on Wednesday evening or early Thursday morning, as its center increased in ferocity about 175 miles south of Lake Charles in Louisiana, with sustained wind speeds of 140mph. Hundreds of thousands of people are now under evacuation order.

    The governors of Texas and Louisiana continued to urge residents along the affected coastline to leave the area as the National Hurricane Center (NHC) warned of potentially “unsurvivable” storm surges of up to 20ft from Sea Rim state park in Texas to Intracoastal City in Louisiana, a stretch of coastline over 170 miles long.

    A storm surge, frequently the most devastating element of a hurricane, is a rise in water level caused by powerful winds and low pressure.

    Hurricane Laura over the Gulf of Mexico on Wednesday at 4.50pm ET. Photograph: AP

    The storm surge in certain areas could penetrate up to 40 miles inland, the NHC said. Tornado and flash flooding warnings were issued for swaths of Louisiana, Arkansas and east Texas.

    The National Weather Service meteorologist Benjamin Schott told a news conference: “The word ‘unsurvivable’ is not one that we like to use, and it’s one that I’ve never used before.”

    He added: “To think that there would be a wall of water over two stories high coming on shore is very difficult for most to conceive, but that is what is going to happen.”

    “The water is already coming up,” said the National Hurricane Center director, Ken Graham. “If you’re told to leave, you need to do it now because what happens is the water comes in early and you start cutting off your evacuation routes.”

    Forecasters were concerned that Laura could make landfall during high tide, making any storm surge even more devastating.

    “This is a tough storm – big, powerful and every forecast seems to increase the intensity,” the Louisiana governor, John Bel Edwards, told reporters on Wednesday. “For the first time in many years we’ve activated the entire Louisiana national guard.”

    Greg Abbott, the governor of Texas, warned that communities now under hurricane watch had only a few hours left to evacuate.

    “It’s important for people to know that from about 7pm [on Wednesday] until about 9am [on Thursday] morning, it will be a little bit of a lockdown time period for the ability of rescuers and aiders to get in and provide support for anybody in the local regions,” Abbott said. “We urge everybody who may be in harm’s way to take these few last hours to get out of harm’s way. It may only be a day or two.”

    A marquee with the words ‘First Virus Now This’ adorns the boarded-up Guidos Seaside Inn in Galveston. Photograph: Thomas B Shea/Getty Images

    Abbott has activated a huge rescue and evacuation operation involving 400 buses, 82 boats and 38 planes.

    Hotels and shelters in some affected areas had already reached capacity as the evacuation effort was made more complicated by the coronavirus pandemic, which has ravaged Louisiana and Texas for months.

    In Lake Charles, south-west Louisiana, national guard troops were picking up residents, many families with small children, in school buses and transporting them to a local coliseum. The National Weather Service evacuated its own office in the city, moving forecasting duties to another station in Brownsville, Texas.

    In Texas, Nim Kidd, the chief of the Texas division of emergency management, said the city of Austin, which is not in Laura’s pathway but has become a major hub for evacuees, had already run out of free hotel rooms, meaning officials were scrambling to send people further inland.

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