Updated 9:36 AM ET, Sun August 1, 2021
(CNN)There comes a point in every awful horror movie where a character does something so careless and shortsighted a viewer loses faith in the storyteller.
Collins told CNN host Jake Tapper that she anticipated the bill would garner the necessary support from at least 10 Republicans to meet a 60-vote threshold for passage.
Senators voted 66-28 last week on a procedural vote to move forward on the bipartisan infrastructure bill. The final legislative text has not yet been released, although Collins said Sunday that “large parts of text” were already shared with Senate offices and lawmakers had worked overnight to finish up the spending provisions of the bill.
“This bill is good for America,” Collins said. “Every senator can look at bridges and roads and need for more broadband, waterways in their state, seaports and airports, and see the benefits, the very concrete benefits, no pun intended, of this legislation.”
Source Article from https://www.politico.com/news/2021/08/01/susan-collins-infrastructure-bill-501965
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Source Article from https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2021/08/florida-daily-record-covid-pandemic-cases-coronavirus.html
WASHINGTON, Aug 1 (Reuters) – President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci said on Sunday he does not expect the United States will return to lockdowns, despite the growing risks of COVID-19 infections posed by the Delta variant.
“I don’t think we’re going to see lockdowns,” Fauci, who is also director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said on ABC’s “This Week.”
“I think we have enough of the percentage of people in the country – not enough to crush the outbreak – but I believe enough to not allow us to get into the situation we were in last winter.”
The surge in Delta variant cases is rattling the globe. Parts of Asia that were previously relatively successful in containing COVID-19, such as the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam, are now locking down hot spots. read more
Some are pushing back against new restrictions. From Monday, army personnel will help police Australia’s biggest city Sydney, checking that people who have tested positive are isolating.
In France, where the government is fighting a fourth wave of infections, thousands of people protested for a third weekend in a row against the introduction of a mandatory health pass proving vaccination that will be required for entry to many public venues. read more
Although Fauci does not think the United States will need to shut down again as it did last year, he warned on ABC that “things are going to get worse” as the Delta variant continues to spread.
“We have 100 million people in this country who are eligible to be vaccinated who are not getting vaccinated,” he said.
The average number of new cases reported each day has nearly doubled in the past 10 days and the number of hospitalized patients in many states is surging, according to a Reuters analysis.
At the same time, the number of Americans getting vaccinated has increased. (Graphic on global vaccinations)
“The silver lining of this is that people are waking up to this and this may be a tipping point for those who have been hesitant,” National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins told CNN on Sunday. “That’s what desperately needs to happen if we’re going to get this Delta variant put back in its place, because right now it’s having a pretty big party in the middle of the country.”
Florida has one of the worst outbreaks in the nation, based on new cases per capita. It has reported more than 110,000 new cases in the past week, a 50% increase from the prior week.
The Delta variant, first detected in India, is as contagious as chickenpox and far more contagious than the common cold or flu, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control said in an internal document. It can be passed on by vaccinated people, and may cause more serious disease than earlier strains. read more
Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
Source Article from https://www.reuters.com/world/us/fauci-predicts-us-will-not-return-lockdowns-despite-delta-variant-risks-2021-08-01/
Make America Great Again PAC, a repurposed campaign account, spent about $200,000 at Trump properties, almost entirely for rent, according to its filing for the first half of the year. Trump Victory, a joint fundraising committee for the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee, separately has spent $2,200 at Trump properties so far this year, according to a filing by that committee. And a Trump-backed PAC overseen by Corey Lewandowski, his 2016 campaign manager, paid $21,810 to rent space at the Trump National Golf Club Bedminster in New Jersey, it reported on Saturday.
Source Article from https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/08/01/trump-pacs-hotels-spending/
Updated 9:36 AM ET, Sun August 1, 2021
(CNN)There comes a point in every awful horror movie where a character does something so careless and shortsighted a viewer loses faith in the storyteller.
Source Article from https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/01/politics/voting-rights-blunder-democrats-blake/index.html
U.S. Forest Service
Pockets of the American West continued to burn over the weekend, as another nine large fires were reported on Saturday in California, Idaho, Montana and Oregon.
The 87 fires still active in 13 states have consumed more than 1.7 million acres. Just shy of 3 million acres have been scorched since the start of 2021, with months left in what experts predict will be a devastating fire season.
In southern Oregon, the Bootleg Fire has become the largest active blaze in the country. The 413,000-acre inferno was contained at 56%, as of Saturday night. A fire line has been constructed around the entire perimeter, ranging from 100 to 150-feet wide between the burn and unburned areas. However, that fire line may have to double, up to 300 feet, to prevent the fire from spreading.
The U.S. Forest Service is predicting critical fire weather over the weekend in the Bootleg Fire area. Drought conditions, combined with low humidity and strong winds, could increase fire activity, potentially carrying embers and creating nearby spot fires. Residents in neighboring Lake County have been advised to be prepared to evacuate should things take a turn for the worst. Officials don’t anticipate the fire to be entirely contained until the beginning of October.
In Northern California, east of Chico, some 5,500 individuals are working to contain the Dixie Fire, currently the second-largest fire in the U.S. As of Saturday, the 244,000-acre blaze was contained at 30%, with crews expecting 100% containment in two weeks.
Two weeks ago, the National Interagency Fire Center elevated its preparedness level from 4 to 5, indicating the highest level of wildfire activity. This occurs when large, complex fires erupt across multiple geographic locations, which threaten to exhaust firefighting resources. A Boeing 737 airtanker all the way from Australia touched down in Idaho last weekend to help. The aircraft can carry up to 4,000 gallons of fire retardant and will be used as needed across the country, NIFC said.
More than 22,000 personnel are currently assigned to wildfires across the country, sometimes moving from one incident to another. The two biggest fires are occupying approximately one-third of the nation’s active wildfire personnel. The Bootleg Fire, about the size of the city of Houston, has 1,900 workers tending to it. The Dixie Fire to the south is slightly smaller than the city of San Diego and has almost three times the number of personnel working the area than that of the bigger Bootleg fire.
What was once known as fire season is slowly becoming a year-round problem, says the USFS. Now, the agency is worried about burning through limited resources.
“For years, agencies relied on seasonal firefighters for summer months, but now that wildfires are burning into the winter, they need to reevaluate their hiring plans,” read a USFS blog post this week. “Wildland firefighting agencies also need to evaluate the way they conduct training for year-round fire, as well as how to handle the inevitable workforce fatigue.”
In the remainder of the year, fire conditions will likely get worse before they get any better. According to a fire outlook report released by NIFC, the months of August and September are expected to have above average fire activity before conditions improve in October.
Source Article from https://www.npr.org/2021/08/01/1023274008/western-wildfires-oregon-california-drought
Mr. Sweetat is prepared to make compromises in a land where few are ready to do so. He believes cooperation in pursuit of shared prosperity, however difficult, is the only way forward. “If we don’t like it,” he said, “we can pack our bags and go to Switzerland.”
I asked him if he felt like an equal citizen in Israel.
“Of course, I don’t feel equal,” he said, “but I can achieve everything I want.”
Still, he said, “I don’t see new Arab villages being built. I don’t have enough space in my own village. I wanted to buy a piece of land near Tarshiha, but I couldn’t. I want my son, who is 2, to grow up here. Ask the country why I can’t find land here.”
“So, you can’t achieve everything you want?” I asked.
“There are things you can’t change, but we can improve them. The change can start from people.”
When Tal Becker, the legal adviser to the Israeli Foreign Ministry, drafted the preamble to the normalization treaty between Israel and the United Arab Emirates last year, he expected pushback on this clause:
“Recognizing that the Arab and Jewish peoples are descendants of a common ancestor, Abraham, and inspired, in that spirit, to foster in the Middle East a reality in which Muslims, Jews, Christians and peoples of all faiths, denominations, beliefs and nationalities live in, and are committed to, a spirit of coexistence.”
There was no dissent, despite the fact that the wording made clear that both Jews and Arabs belong in the Middle East.
A widespread view among Palestinians and throughout the Arab world has long been, on the contrary, that Israel and its Jewish population represent an illicit colonial projection into the Middle East that will one day end.
Source Article from https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/01/world/middleeast/israel-arabs-jews-palestinians-riots.html
In New Orleans, the rate of forbearance is higher than in any other major metro area as of July 6, according to Black Knight, a data analytics firm that focuses on real estate. About 7 percent of borrowers are taking advantage of the program, twice the national share of about 3.5 percent. Baton Rouge, about 80 miles northwest of New Orleans, ranked second-highest on forbearance rates.
Source Article from https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2021/08/01/tsunami-deferred-debt-is-about-hit-homeowners-no-longer-protected-by-foreclosure-moratorium/
A 19-year-old TikTok star who was shot execution-style inside a Corona movie theater has died after being taken off life support, law enforcement officials said Saturday.
Anthony Barajas and Rylee Goodrich, 18, both of Corona, were shot in the head Monday during a showing of “The Forever Purge,” a horror film that features a night of lawlessness and killing, Riverside County district attorney’s officials said in a statement. Goodrich died at the theater.
Barajas was taken to a hospital, where he was put on life support.
“I want to thank everyone who lifted Anthony in prayer. The injuries to his brain were irreparable,” Malik Earnest, a friend of Barajas’, tweeted Saturday. “July 30th at 11 p.m., Anthony was wheeled down an ‘honor walk’ where he would ultimately donate his organs so others may live. Please continue to pray for his family and friends.”
LAPD officers opened fire 27 times last year, killing seven people. So far this year, officers have opened fire 16 times, killing six people.
Joseph Jimenez, 20, of Corona, was arrested late Tuesday by Corona police on suspicion of murder and robbery. Investigators said they found a firearm that matched the caliber of the weapon used in the shooting and “additional evidence related to the crime scene,” police said.
Police said they have not identified a motive in the shooting, which they described as an apparently “unprovoked attack.”
Friday, Riverside County district attorney’s office charged Jimenez with one count of murder with a sentencing enhancement of personal use of a firearm causing death, one count of attempted murder with a sentencing enhancement of personally inflicting great bodily injury and a sentencing enhancement of personal use of a firearm causing great bodily injury. The office also filed a special circumstance allegation of lying in wait.
Employees at that Regal Edwards Corona Crossings theater called police after discovering Goodrich and Barajas at 11:45 p.m. on Monday.
Police said there doesn’t appear to be a connection between the victims and the suspect.
Jimenez was booked into the Larry D. Smith Correctional Facility, where he is being held without the possibility of bail.
Barajas was popular on TikTok, with more than 960,000 followers.
“Anthony was the light of so many peoples lives and there are tough times ahead, but we have amazing family and friends to get through this,” a family member wrote on his GoFundMe page.
Source Article from https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-07-31/tiktok-star-corona-movie-theater-shooting-victim-dies-after-removed-from-life-support
Florida on Friday reported 21,683 new cases of COVID-19 — the most infections in a single day since the start of the pandemic, according to data released Saturday from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Over the last seven days, Florida saw a 50% weekly increase in new cases, reporting 110,477 cases from July 23 to July 29, according to the Florida Department of Health. In July, Florida was one of four states that accounted for 40% of the country’s total infections, according to White House COVID-19 coordinator Jeff Zients. During that time, the Sunshine State recorded one out of every five of the nation’s new cases, he said.
“There is no higher risk area in the United States than we’re seeing here,” Florida International University infectious disease expert Dr. Aileen Marty told CBS Miami. “The numbers that we’re seeing are unbelievable, just unbelievably frightening.”
On Wednesday, 8,816 Florida residents were hospitalized from COVID-19 complications, and more than 95% of those were not fully vaccinated, according to the Florida Hospital Association (FHA). Those patients, on average, also tended to be younger than those seen in previous peaks during the pandemic.
“What you heard last year and last spring about this virus mostly targeting seniors and those with preexisting conditions is not true today,” FHA president and CEO Mary C. Mayhew said in a statement.
The record-breaking number of cases comes a day after Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed an executive order barring school districts from forcing students to wear face masks when they return to class. Under the order, parents will be able to choose whether or not their children wear masks in schools, despite updated guidance this week from the CDC that recommended requiring everyone inside K-12 schools to wear a mask.
“The federal government has no right to tell parents that in order for their kids to attend school in person, they must be forced to wear a mask all day, every day,” DeSantis said in a statement.
The governor this week called on eligible residents in the state to get vaccinated. Approximately 61% of the population in Florida is fully vaccinated, according to the Florida Department of Health.
“These vaccines are saving lives,” he said at a press conference Wednesday. “They are reducing mortality.”
Source Article from https://www.cbsnews.com/news/florida-covid-cases-record-high/
The eviction moratorium is expected to end on July 31, after Congress failed to renew it before heading into recess until mid-September. Once the moratorium expires, about 7.4 million Americans will risk getting evicted in the next coming months, according to Census Pulse Survey Data.
Women, people of color, and low-income households are the most vulnerable groups of renters who will be exposed to the consequences brought on by the end of the eviction moratorium. These three groups are believed to have the likeliest chance of being forced to leave their homes within the next two months, Census household data projects.
About 1.4 million renters are very likely to be kicked out of their homes in the next two months, the data says. According to Insider calculations:
Additionally, about 20% of the 1.4 million have at least some difficulty hearing, and about 50% have at least some difficulty seeing.
Once the moratorium ends, these groups of people have the highest risk of being evicted from their homes.
Last year, US Census data showed evidence that people of color more frequently faced evictions than white tenants did.
Women on average face 16% higher rates of eviction than men, a 2020 study by the Eviction Lab said. When broken down by race, the difference is even more drastic.
Between 2012 and 2016, the study says, Black women were evicted about 36 percent more often than Black men.
“There’s the dynamic intersection between poverty and race,” Shamus Roller, executive director of the National Housing Law Project, an organization that aims to advance housing justice for poor people and communities, previously told Insider.
Researchers say there are several reasons why women might be evicted at higher rates than men.
One study, for example, found that men have a tendency to share personal conflicts like a job loss or health issue with their landlord directly while women generally keep to themselves, especially when either group deals with predominantly male landlords.
“The interaction between predominantly male landlords and female tenants,” that same study says, is “a culprit and often turns on gender dynamics.”
And in general, single mothers are more vulnerable to economic disadvantages and financial difficulties.
Source Article from https://www.businessinsider.com/likeliest-victims-eviction-moratorium-ending-poor-women-of-color-2021-7
Anthony Barajas, a 19-year-old TikTok star who was shot during a screening of “The Forever Purge” at a Southern California movie theater on Monday, died on Saturday morning, police announced.
Rylee Goodrich, an 18-year-old who was at the movie with Barajas, was also shot and pronounced dead at the scene.
The Corona Police Department said it is working with the district attorney to add an additional count of first-degree murder against 20-year-old Joseph Jimenez, who was arrested on Tuesday evening and charged with murder and attempted murder on Friday.
Barajas, who went by @itsanthonymichael on social media, had nearly one million followers on TikTok.
Corona police Cpl. Tobias Kouroubacalis said that only six tickets were bought for the movie on Monday night and they believe Jimenez acted alone in the shooting.
“It was completely unprovoked, and the victims were shot without any kind of prior contact,” Kouroubacalis said Wednesday.
Dave Goodrich, Rylee Goodrich’s father, confronted Jiminez during a court appearance on Friday.
“Look at me. Look at me!” Goodrich yelled at Jiminez as several people held him back, according to FOX 11. “That was my daughter.”
Theater workers found the wounded teens after the 9:35 p.m. showing of “The Forever Purge,” which is the fifth installment in the series that depicts a dystopian future of America where all crime is legalized for 24 hours annually.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Source Article from https://www.foxnews.com/us/california-movie-theater-shooting-second-victim-19-year-old-tiktok-star-anthony-barajas-passes-away
A 4-year-old is in critical condition after being shot outside a funeral home in Indianapolis, according to reports.
The girl was one of five people hit by gunfire after an argument broke out in the parking lot Saturday afternoon.
The incident, in which a 16-year-old girl was also shot, unfolded at about 4:30 p.m. while a funeral service was being held inside, according to the local CBS affiliate.
Three of the victims, including the child and the teenager, were found at the scene, while two others later walked into a local hospital.
The violence apparently began when one man got out of his car and approached another man sitting in a vehicle in the parking lot.
One of the men started shooting when the exchange grew heated, police said, according to WRTV.
Source Article from https://nypost.com/2021/08/01/indianapolis-funeral-home-shooting-leaves-4-year-old-girl-in-critical-condition/
Former President Donald Trump is owed a $1 million tax refund on his Chicago high-rise, Illinois officials say, but local authorities are trying to block the rebate.
The Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board unanimously voted last month to reduce the assessment on the Trump International Hotel & Tower‘s value, meaning Trump would be owed $1.03 million from his 2011 tax bill, according to The Chicago Sun-Times.
Now, the Cook County State’s Attorney is moving to block the payment.
Windy City government agencies would take a hit by the reduction, including Chicago Public Schools, which would lose $540,000, the newspaper said.
The county’s lawsuit with the Illinois Appellate Court is the latest chapter of a contentious 12-year saga over Trump’s tax bills, which has led to more than $14 million in tax breaks, according to the report.
The state originally rejected Trump’s argument that the building’s vacant stores had no value before reversing course, and the agency delayed acting on the case until the Republican left office.
A Chicago alderman, who is under indictment for racketeering and bribery, won the tax breaks for Trump through his former law firm.
Alderman Edward Burke allegedly blocked businesses from getting city permits unless they hired his firm, Klafter & Burke.
The news comes a day after a top Justice Department official told the Treasury Department to give copies of former President Donald Trump’s long concealed tax returns to Congress.
The returns were obtained by Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance, who is probing Trump’s real estate company for alleged insurance and bank fraud.
Source Article from https://nypost.com/2021/07/31/chicago-trying-to-block-a-1m-tax-rebate-on-trump-building/