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i=!(arguments.length>3&&void 0!==arguments[3])||arguments[3],o=l(e,r,t),a=d[r]&&i?””.concat(d[r]):”data”===r?””.concat(d[t],”iab”):””.concat(d[t]).concat(r);n[a]=n[a]?n[a].concat(“,”,o):o};Object.keys(c).forEach(function(e){“adserver”===e?[“name”,”adslot”].forEach(function(t){c[e][t]&&(c[e][t]=c[e][t].toString().replace(/^\/+/,””))}):”pbadslot”===e&&(c[e]=c[e].toString().replace(/^\/+/,””))}),t===a.b?([“site”,”user”].forEach(function(e){Object.keys(s[e]).forEach(function(t){“site”===e&&”content”===t&&s[e][t].data?p(s[e][t].data,e,”data”):”ext”!==t?p(s[e][t],e,t):s[e][t].data&&Object.keys(s[e].ext.data).forEach(function(t){p(s[e].ext.data[t],e,t,!1)})})}),Object.keys(c).forEach(function(e){“adserver”===e?p(c[e].adslot,name,e):p(c[e],”site”,e)})):(Object.keys(c).length&&r.mergeDeep(n.imp[0].ext,{data:c}),r.mergeDeep(n,s))}function T(e){return r.parseSizesInput(e).reduce(function(e,t){var n=parseInt(h[t],10);return n&&e.push(n),e},[])}function 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R(e,t){return”rp_schain”===e?”rp_schain=”.concat(t):””.concat(e,”=”).concat(encodeURIComponent(t))}var U=!1;Object(i.registerBidder)(_)}},[622]),pbjsChunk([87],{696:function(e,t,n){e.exports=n(697)},697:function(e,t,n){Object.defineProperty(t,”__esModule”,{value:!0}),n.d(t,”tripleliftAdapterSpec”,function(){return b});var r=n(2),i=n(1),o=n(0),a=n(3);function s(){return(s=Object.assign||function(e){for(var t=1;te.length)&&(t=e.length);for(var n=0,r=new Array(t);n0&&(t.user={ext:{eids:i}});var c=function(e,t){var n={};return o.isEmpty(e)||(n.schain=d({},e)),o.isEmpty(t)||(n.fpd=d({},t)),n}(n,r);return o.isEmpty(c)||(t.ext=c),t}(e);if(n=o.tryAppendQueryString(n,”lib”,”prebid”),n=o.tryAppendQueryString(n,”v”,”5.2.0″),t&&t.refererInfo){var i=t.refererInfo.referer;n=o.tryAppendQueryString(n,”referrer”,i)}return t&&t.timeout&&(n=o.tryAppendQueryString(n,”tmax”,t.timeout)),t&&t.gdprConsent&&(void 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e)if(e.hasOwnProperty(n))if(“pubProvidedId”===n)t=t.concat(e.pubProvidedId);else{var r=o(e[n],n);r&&t.push(r)}return t},t.a=function(e){var t=[];return e.filter(function(e){return r.isPlainObject(e.idObj)&&Object.keys(e.idObj).length}).forEach(function(e){Object.keys(e.idObj).forEach(function(n){r.deepAccess(e,”config.bidders”)&&Array.isArray(e.config.bidders)&&r.deepAccess(i,n+”.source”)&&t.push({source:i[n].source,bidders:e.config.bidders})})}),t};var r=n(0),i={intentIqId:{source:”intentiq.com”,atype:1},pubcid:{source:”pubcid.org”,atype:1},tdid:{source:”adserver.org”,atype:1,getUidExt:function(){return{rtiPartner:”TDID”}}},id5id:{getValue:function(e){return e.uid},source:”id5-sync.com”,atype:1,getUidExt:function(e){if(e.ext)return e.ext}},parrableId:{source:”parrable.com”,atype:1,getValue:function(e){return e.eid?e.eid:e.ccpaOptout?””:null},getUidExt:function(e){var t=r.pick(e,[“ibaOptout”,”ccpaOptout”]);if(Object.keys(t).length)return 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Q}),t.attachIdSystem=$,t.init=Z;var r=n(11),i=n.n(r),o=n(3),a=n(9),s=n.n(a),c=n(0),u=n(16),d=n(7),l=n(5),f=n.n(l),p=n(10),g=n(21),m=n(8),b=n(12),y=n.n(b);function v(e,t){(null==t||t>e.length)&&(t=e.length);for(var n=0,r=new Array(t);n1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:void 0,r=n?””.concat(e.name,”_”).concat(n):e.name;try{if(e.type===E)t=x.getCookie(r);else if(e.type===T){var i=x.getDataFromLocalStorage(“”.concat(e.name,”_exp”));””===i?t=x.getDataFromLocalStorage(r):i&&new Date(i).getTime()-Date.now()>0&&(t=decodeURIComponent(x.getDataFromLocalStorage(r)))}”string”==typeof t&&”{“===t.trim().charAt(0)&&(t=JSON.parse(t))}catch(e){c.logError(e)}return t}function N(e){var t={consentString:””,gdprApplies:!1,apiVersion:0};return e&&(t.consentString=e.consentString,t.gdprApplies=e.gdprApplies,t.apiVersion=e.apiVersion),c.cyrb53Hash(JSON.stringify(t))}function M(e){try{var t=new Date(Date.now()+864e5*C).toUTCString();x.setCookie(O,N(e),t,”Lax”)}catch(e){c.logError(e)}}function q(){try{return x.getCookie(O)}catch(e){c.logError(e)}}function F(e){if(e&&”boolean”==typeof e.gdprApplies&&e.gdprApplies){if(!e.consentString)return!1;if(1===e.apiVersion&&!1===c.deepAccess(e,”vendorData.purposeConsents.1″))return!1;if(2===e.apiVersion&&!1===c.deepAccess(e,”vendorData.purpose.consents.1″))return!1}return!0}function L(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:window.location.hostname;if(!x.cookiesAreEnabled())return e;var t,n,r=e.split(“.”);if(2==r.length)return e;var i=-2,o=”_rdc”.concat(Date.now()),a=”writeable”;do{t=r.slice(i).join(“.”);var s=new Date(c.timestamp()+1e4).toUTCString();x.setCookie(o,a,s,”Lax”,t,void 0),x.getCookie(o,void 0)===a?(n=!1,x.setCookie(o,””,”Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT”,void 0,t,void 0)):(i+=-1,n=Math.abs(i)0){t=!0;var r=!1,i=function(){r||(r=!0,e())};c.logInfo(“”.concat(I,” – auction delayed by “).concat(A,” at most to fetch ids”)),_=setTimeout(i,A),z(n,i)}else s.a.on(f.a.EVENTS.AUCTION_END,function e(){s.a.off(f.a.EVENTS.AUCTION_END,e),S>0?setTimeout(function(){z(n)},S):z(n)})}e&&!t&&e()}function G(e,t){V(function(){(function(e,t){[e].some(function(e){return!Array.isArray(e)||!e.length})||e.forEach(function(e){e.bids&&c.isArray(e.bids)&&e.bids.forEach(function(e){var n=function(e,t){return Array.isArray(e)&&e.length&&t?e.filter(function(e){return!e.config.bidders||!c.isArray(e.config.bidders)||y()(e.config.bidders,t)}).filter(function(e){return c.isPlainObject(e.idObj)&&Object.keys(e.idObj).length}).reduce(function(e,t){return Object.keys(t.idObj).forEach(function(n){e[n]=t.idObj[n]}),e},{}):{}}(t,e.bidder);Object.keys(n).length&&(e.userId=n,e.userIdAsEids=Object(g.b)(n))})})})(t.adUnits||Object(u.a)().adUnits,h),e.call(this,t)})}function K(){return V(),W(h)}function H(){return V(),Object(g.b)(W(h))}function J(e,t){var n=e?e.submoduleNames:null;n||(n=[]),V(function(){var e=d.gdprDataHandler.getConsentData(),r=Q(k,e),i=r.userIdModules;if(r.hasValidated||F(e)){var o=q();M(e);var a,s=[],u=function(e,t){var n=”undefined”!=typeof Symbol&&e[Symbol.iterator]||e[“@@iterator”];if(!n){if(Array.isArray(e)||(n=function(e,t){if(e){if(“string”==typeof e)return v(e,t);var n=Object.prototype.toString.call(e).slice(8,-1);return”Object”===n&&e.constructor&&(n=e.constructor.name),”Map”===n||”Set”===n?Array.from(e):”Arguments”===n||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)?v(e,t):void 0}}(e))||t&&e&&”number”==typeof e.length){n&&(e=n);var r=0,i=function(){};return{s:i,n:function(){return r>=e.length?{done:!0}:{done:!1,value:e[r++]}},e:function(e){throw e},f:i}}throw new TypeError(“Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.”)}var o,a=!0,s=!1;return{s:function(){n=n.call(e)},n:function(){var e=n.next();return a=e.done,e},e:function(e){s=!0,o=e},f:function(){try{a||null==n.return||n.return()}finally{if(s)throw o}}}}(i);try{for(u.s();!(a=u.n()).done;){var 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Source Article from https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2021/10/joe-biden-vaccine-culture-war.html

School buses depart after dropping off Timberview High School students at the Mansfield ISD Center For The Performing Arts on Wednesday in Mansfield, Texas, following a school shooting at Timberview in nearby Arlington.

Tony Gutierrez/AP

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Tony Gutierrez/AP

School buses depart after dropping off Timberview High School students at the Mansfield ISD Center For The Performing Arts on Wednesday in Mansfield, Texas, following a school shooting at Timberview in nearby Arlington.

Tony Gutierrez/AP

ARLINGTON, Texas — An 18-year-old student accused in a shooting at a Texas high school was released from jail Thursday after posting bond.

Police accuse Timothy George Simpkins of opening fire in a classroom Wednesday at Timberview High School in Arlington. Two people were shot and two others suffered unspecified injuries. He was jailed on three counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

Police have said the shooting happened after a fight, but Simpkins’ family said he had been bullied and robbed twice at school.

“The decision he made, taking the gun, we’re not justifying that,” said family spokeswoman Carol Harrison Lafayette, who spoke to reporters outside the Simpkins’ home Wednesday night while standing with other relatives. “That was not right. But he was trying to protect himself.”

Police said a 15-year-old student who was shot remained in critical condition while a 25-year-old teacher who was shot was in good condition Thursday.

Source Article from https://www.npr.org/2021/10/08/1044340122/mansfield-arlington-texas-timberview-high-school-shooting-released

Neither Mr. Singer nor the two fathers took the witness stand. Mr. Kelly said Mr. Singer was evading cross-examination, and referred to “the empty chair” that he said Mr. Singer should be sitting in.

“Don’t let Rick Singer, the empty chair, fool you, too,” he told the jury.

At the end of the trial, out of the jury’s earshot, Mr. Kendall told the judge that the government had not made clear “who is the victim” in the case. He asked whether it was the admissions subcommittee at U.S.C., which ruled on athletic recruits.

For Harvard and Stanford, where Mr. Wilson made payments to Mr. Singer’s foundation, not to anyone at the schools, how was the transaction “disrupting or defrauding or creating any problem,” he asked the judge. “There’s no there there.”

After his son was admitted to U.S.C. as a water polo recruit, Mr. Wilson wrote in a March 2014 email to Mr. Singer: “Thanks again for making this happen! Pls give me the invoice. What are the options for the payment?” He asked if Mr. Singer could make it “for consulting or whatever,” so that “I can pay it from the corporate account?”

The prosecution argued that the arrangement was an illegal quid pro quo and that it did not matter that some of the money actually did go to U.S.C.

“Singer’s pitch was that the money would go to the program in exchange for the bogus recruitment,” one prosecutor, Stephen Frank, told the jury in his closing arguments. “It’s still a quid pro quo, wherever the money goes.”

Source Article from https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/08/us/varsity-blues-trial-wilson-abdelaziz.html

The USS Connecticut, seen near the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in 2016, collided on Oct. 2 with an unspecified underwater object in international waters in the South China Sea.

Thiep Van Nguyen II/AP

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Thiep Van Nguyen II/AP

The USS Connecticut, seen near the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in 2016, collided on Oct. 2 with an unspecified underwater object in international waters in the South China Sea.

Thiep Van Nguyen II/AP

A U.S. nuclear-powered submarine struck an unidentified object in international waters in the South China Sea last week, the Navy said Thursday, in an incident that injured nearly a dozen sailors.

In a brief statement emailed to NPR, the U.S. 7th Fleet said that the USS Connecticut, a Seawolf-class fast attack submarine commissioned more than two decades ago, was in a “safe and stable” condition after the Oct. 2 collision.

A Defense Department official told NPR that about 11 sailors sustained moderate to minor injuries in the incident.

The Navy’s statement said the boat’s nuclear propulsion plant was not affected by the collision. “The extent of damage to the remainder of the submarine is being assessed,” the 7th Fleet said.

The statement did not say exactly where the underwater collision took place, only that it was in “international waters.”

Officials quoted by The Associated Press said that it wasn’t clear what the Connecticut had struck but that it was not another submarine.

The 7th Fleet’s statement said that the Navy had “not requested assistance,” while a DOD official quoted by USNI News said the submarine had steamed to Guam “on the surface.” A U.S. official confirmed to NPR that the Connecticut had arrived in port.

The last time a U.S. submarine is known to have struck an underwater object was in 2005, when the USS San Francisco hit a seamount, or underwater mountain, near Guam while traveling at full speed.

The sailors aboard were thrown as far as 20 feet by the impact, and the majority of the 137 aboard were injured in the incident, with one killed.

A subsequent investigation determined that the submarine’s charts of the seafloor did not show the seamount.

NPR’s Pentagon correspondent Tom Bowman contributed to this report.

Source Article from https://www.npr.org/2021/10/08/1044371468/us-navy-submarine-collision-south-china-sea-uss-connecticut

Top Republicans in the Senate are advancing a campaign of disinformation over the debt ceiling as they seek to distort the reasons for needing to raise the nation’s borrowing cap, after they dropped their blockade on averting a US debt default in a bipartisan manner.

The Senate on Thursday passed a bill to allow the debt ceiling to be raised by $480bn through early December, which the treasury department estimates will be enough to allow the government to temporarily avert an unprecedented default on $28tn of debt obligations.

Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer announced the morning before its passage that he had reached a deal with the Republican Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell to clear the way for the vote on a short-term extension with GOP support.

The movement came after McConnell made a tactical retreat to back down from weeks of refusal to allow Democrats to raise the debt ceiling by any measure other than through a complicated procedure known as reconciliation that would have required a party-line vote.

Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz said on the floor: “Unfortunately, Republicans blinked.”

And some Republicans railed against what they saw as an unnecessarily triumphalist victory speech by Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer after the deal, while West Virginia Democratic senator Joe Manchin put his head in his hands during the address and later called it “inappropriate”.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and majority leader Steny Hoyer will set up a vote on Tuesday on the bill passed on Thursday evening, bringing the House back from recess a week early.

But even as McConnell struck the accord to stave off the threat of a first-ever default, the resolution to punt the issue until December did nothing to address the crux of the partisan stalemate over the impasse and Republicans’ mischaracterization of the issue.

The argument at the heart of the GOP’s insistence – which is likely to resume in two months’ time – is that Democrats should raise the debt ceiling on a party-line basis, in part because they claim the borrowing cap needs to be lifted to pay for Biden’s economic agenda.

“McConnell told them they are going to have to – if they are determined to spend at least $3.5tn more in borrowed money – lift the debt ceiling to accommodate that debt by themselves,” Republican senator John Cornyn said of McConnell at a recent news conference, referring to Democrats’ social spending plan.

The Treasury Department acknowledges that raising the debt ceiling would allow the US to continue borrowing in order to finance projects, such as Democrats’ social spending and infrastructure package that is anticipated to now cost between $1.9bn and $2.2bn.

But economists at the department also say that attempts to portray the need to tackle the debt ceiling as an effort to pay for Democrats’ budget resolutions that are yet to pass Congress amount to disinformation, according to sources familiar with the mechanism.

The criticism comes primarily because the overriding reason for raising the debt ceiling stems from the fact that the US needs to borrow new money to pay the principal and interest on around $8tn of debt incurred over the course of the Trump administration.

In recent years, the majority of the increase in the national debt has come at the hands of Republicans, and lifting the debt ceiling merely allows the treasury department to pay existing debts by taking on new debts, the sources said.

The mischaracterization by top Senate Republicans is emblematic of the party leadership’s approach to once non-partisan issues as it seeks to shield its members from being punished at the ballot box in 2022 by red state voters for lifting the debt ceiling.

McConnell had insisted for weeks before caving on Wednesday that Democrats should have to tackle the debt ceiling on a party-line basis through reconciliation, repeatedly blocking measures that would have required at least 10 Republicans to vote for a debt limit hike.

The Republicans minority leader first mounted a filibuster against a stopgap funding measure that both prevented a government shutdown and a default, as well as against a standalone bill to raise the debt ceiling as he sought to insulate Republicans from a tough vote.

But Democrats ruled out using reconciliation, concerned about the scheduling difficulty and potential for abuse of the two so-called vote-a-ramas – where Republicans could offer unlimited amendments and poison pill bills – before the fiscal deadline of 18 October.

The prospect of a default this October carried calamitous consequences: economists forecast an immediate recession, a meltdown in financial markets that trillions wiped off US household wealth and sent unemployment rates surging.

The weeks-long Republican intransigence to block any measure that raised the debt ceiling on a bipartisan basis also reflected the hypocrisy of the Republican position, Democrats said, noting they helped Republicans to tackle the debt without drama during the Trump-era.

And on Wednesday, it was only when Democrats started to call for Schumer to explore carving out an exception to the filibuster to pass a standalone debt bill that would have cut Republican power in the Senate that McConnell agreed on a bipartisan proposal.

“The argument made yesterday was that this may be more pressure than two Democrat senators can stand regarding changing the filibuster rules,” Republican senator Lindsey Graham said of McConnell’s deal to defuse moves to even partially abolish the Senate rule.

Joanna Walters contributed reporting

Source Article from https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/oct/08/senate-republicans-us-debt-ceiling-deal-congress

“Fortunately, lawyers at the Department of Justice threatened to resign en masse if he replaced the attorney general, who refused to do his dirty work, with one of his cronies, who presumably would. He’s such a Karen, isn’t he? ‘Let me speak to the attorney general! He won’t? Well, does he have a supervisor? Put him on the phone!’” — JIMMY KIMMEL

“Of course, there was no acknowledgment of this attempted coup — and that’s what it was — from his fellow Republicans. Senator Chuck Grassley’s office this morning issued the G.O.P. version of the report, which says, and I quote: ‘Trump listened to his senior advisers and he followed their advice and recommendations,’ which is a nice way of saying he wanted to overthrow the government but the lawyers wouldn’t let him do it.” — JIMMY KIMMEL

Source Article from https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/08/arts/television/stephen-colbert-senate-trump-report.html

THIS is the shocking moment Dog the Bounty Hunter is served with a $1.3million lawsuit accusing him of “racist and homophobic behavior” before and after filming his axed reality show Dog Unleashed.

Exclusive footage obtained by The Sun shows the reality star as he’s approached with the court documents during his search for missing fugitive Brian Laundrie in Florida.

Dog The Bounty Hunter was served a $1.3million lawsuit while at a Florida park on Thursday
The TV personality is being sued for allegedly making ‘racist and homophobic remarks’
Duane Chapman is being sued for defamation in a $1.3m lawsuitCredit: Getty Images – Getty
Former colleague, Michael Donovan , accused him of illegal activityCredit: Unleashed!


The suit accuses the reality star of breach of contract – and alleges Dog was fired from a canned TV show for racist outbursts and carrying an illegal Taser while filming in Virginia.

Dog allegedly used the Taser to intimidate his way into someone’s home, according to the suit seen by The Sun.

And a plaintiff in the lawsuit alleges Dog used homophobic language.

Dog has vehemently denied the allegations.

He is currently scouring remote areas of southern Florida in the search for Brian Laundrie, 23, the fugitive wanted in connection with the homicide of his fiance Gabby Petito.

The 22-year-old was found dead last month in Wyoming after disappearing on the couple’s cross-country road-trip.


Dog Unleashed was canceled just weeks before the April 1, 2021 premiere because of “actions taken by Mr. Chapman during the show’s production that breach contractual agreements,” according to a statement from Unleashed Entertainment President and CEO Michael Donovan.

Now, The Sun can exclusively reveal Michael is suing Dog, 68, for defamation.  

The court papers filed on October 5 claim: “Defendant is a disgraced reality TV star who was fired by Plaintiff after his company discovered that the Defendant had used racial epithets to attack Black teenage Black Lives Matter Activists.

“Plaintiff’s investigation into the allegations of racial epithets also uncovered illegal activity.”

The lawsuit claimed the Dog The Bounty Hunter star “illegally holstered and wore a taser device during filming in Virginia, which is illegal in the Commonwealth considering Chapman has been convicted of a violent crime.”

He claimed in the new lawsuit that he viewed court documents from the murder conviction. 

Dog was found guilty of first-degree murder and was sentenced to five years in Texas State Penitentiary – though he only served 18 months before his release.

He was waiting in the getaway car when his friend shot and killed drug dealer Jerry Oliver over cannabis.

The lawsuit continued to claim that Dog has “engaged in a course of conduct to lash out at Plaintiff for terminating his contract and this conduct has led to Defendant committing the tort of defamation.”

The lawsuit provided a tweet from Dog posted on April 7 that read: “Unleashed representatives are trying to steal hi Jack Miss lead miss information etc. all dog the bounty Hunter fans and dog the bounty hunter is also trademarked by us.”

The Plaintiff claims the tweet “accuses Plaintiff and his associates of criminal activity, which is false, constituting defamation” and attempting to “damage Plaintiff’s reputation.” 

According to the lawsuit, another tweet from September 16, 2021 read: “They will see how you have lied about all of us you creep again what about the little boys Daddy.”

Read our Dog the Bounty Hunter live blog for the very latest news and updates.

The lawsuit claimed: “The ‘lies’ Defendant Chapman references are the actual facts surrounding cancellation of his reality TV show… Thus, this statement is not a general statement of opinion, rather a statement Defendant is employing as true to cover up his immoral and criminal activity.

“To add ignorant insult to injury, Defendant resorts to tired homophobic tropes, calling one of the openly gay Plaintiff ‘daddy’ in a mocking manner and making a vile and disgusting implication using the words ‘little boys’ and ‘daddy’ together.”

Michael also included in the court documents a photo posted on Twitter from Dog Unleashed of Duane seemingly carrying a taser weapon when entering the home of a suspect.

Because of Dog’s 1976 murder conviction, Michael claimed it is illegal for him to carry a stun weapon.

While the court papers state Dog claimed he was “carrying a prop,” the docs alleged: “When Defendant showed a representative of Plaintiff the taser, the representative asked if the taser was real and Defendant replied: ‘Of course.'”

He claimed Dog “knowingly and feloniously possessed a weapon in violation of Virginia Code.”

According to the lawsuit, this event led to the investigation, which, combined with the racial epithets, led to the cancellation. 

Michael continued to claim in the court documents that Unleashed Entertainment, LLC invested “a significant amount of time and money producing a show that could never air because of Defendants immoral and illegal conduct.”

The papers continued to allege: “Defendant seeks to shrink all responsibility for his actions and defame Plaintiff in an effort to cover up his despicable and racist behavior.

“Defendant knows his show was canceled because of his racist behavior and illegal activity. Defendant’s actions in asserting wrongdoing by Plaintiff was an attempt to deflect.”

Michael is requesting Dog pay $1.3million, attorney fees and court costs. 

Dog has not yet filed a response to the lawsuit.

However, the TV personality’s rep responded the lawsuit in a statement to The Sun.

“The claims made against Dog Chapman by convicted felon Mike Donovan are malicious bogus claims without any merit. The lawsuit is nothing more than a response to Dog refusing to enter into an agreement with Donovan and his business, and becoming aware that besides Donovan’s criminal background there were multiple active fraud investigations into his company Libre by Nexus from several state attorneys generals. Dog is very confident that the fictional claims will be dismissed and he then will pursue claims against Donovan for malicious prosecution,” said a representative from Dog’s legal team.


At the time of the cancellation in March, Mike released in a statement: “Duane Chapman’s social media meltdown – which involves outrageous, false personal attacks – seems to be an attempt to distract attention from his contractual and ethical failures that led to the cancellation of Dog Unleashed. 

“Our internal investigation confirmed racist and homophobic comments from Mr. Chapman, as well as illegal activity during filming, which Unleashed Entertainment cannot and will not tolerate. 

“These actions forced us to cancel production of the show, and unfortunately, Chapman is now viciously taking out his anger on our employees. Unleashed Entertainment stands fully behind its employees and will take legal action should the threats continue.”


Dog reportedly has a history of making racist remarks.

A&E’s Dog the Bounty Hunter went on a hiatus in 2007 after a recording of Dog making a racial slur was released. 

Dog apologized and the show returned to filming in 2008 until its final season in 2012 following an eight-year run.


Now, Dog has joined the hunt for Brian Laundrie, who is a person of interest in the Gabby Petito case. 

The FBI has launched a million dollar manhunt for 23-year-old Brian, after he vanished from his family home in Florida just days before Gabby was found dead in a forest in Wyoming.

Brian had been weeks into a cross country trip with his fiancée when he returned home to his parent’s house without her on September 1.

Gabby’s parents reported her missing on September 11 and her remains were found a week later in a Wyoming national park.

By that time, Brian himself had been reported missing by his parents.

Dog has been accused of ‘racist behavior’Credit: Getty
Dog Unleashed was canceled weeks before the premiere dateCredit: Unleashed!
Dog is currently on the hunt for Brian LaundrieCredit: Duane Chapman/Instagram

Source Article from https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/3811634/dog-the-bounty-hunter-brian-laundrie-news-racist/

A nuclear powered US navy attack submarine has struck an object while submerged in international waters in the South China Sea, officials have said.

Eleven sailors were hurt – two suffered moderate injuries and the rest had minor scrapes and bruises, officials said. All were treated on the sub.

In a brief statement on Thursday that provided few details of the incident, which happened five days ago, US Pacific Fleet said the USS Connecticut remained in a “safe and stable condition”, that there were no life-threatening injuries and the sub was still fully operational.

The Seawolf-class submarine’s nuclear propulsion plant was not affected, it added. “The extent of damage to the remainder of the submarine is being assessed,” the statement said, adding that the incident will be investigated.

The collision comes amid escalating tensions in the region, and the same weekend that US and UK aircraft carriers conducted military exercises with Japan, Canada, the Netherlands and New Zealand just north of Taiwan.

The United Kingdom Carrier Strike Group 21 has since travelled down to the South China Sea, pointing to its vital importance as a maritime trade route.

The statement did not specify the location of the incident, but two navy officials, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss details not announced publicly, said it happened in the South China Sea while the Connecticut was conducting routine operations.

The officials said the sub then headed toward port at Guam. They said the incident was not announced before Thursday in order to maintain operational security.

Navy officials told the Washington Post it is not believed that China caused the collision and that the vessel was monitored by other US vessels in the region as it moved to Guam.

The officials said it was not yet clear what object the sub had struck but that it was not another submarine. One official said it could have been a sunken vessel, a sunken container or other uncharted object.

The 107-metre (353ft) multi-billion-dollar USS Connecticut was commissioned in the cold war era and is one of three Sea Wolf-class boats. It carries more than 100 personnel.

In 2005, submarine the USS San Francisco struck a seamount near Guam at full speed, killing one sailor and injuring 24 others.

China claims almost all of the resource-rich South China Sea, through which trillions of dollars in shipping trade passes annually, with competing claims from four south-east Asian states as well as Taiwan.

Beijing has been accused of deploying a range of military hardware there, including anti-ship and surface-to-air missiles, and ignored a 2016 international tribunal decision that declared its historical claim over most of the waters to be without basis.

Tensions have escalated in recent months between Beijing and rival claimants.

With Associated Press

Source Article from https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/oct/08/us-navy-nuclear-submarine-strikes-submerged-object-in-south-china-sea-uss-connecticut

“Republicans played a dangerous and risky partisan game, and I am glad that their brinksmanship did not work,” Schumer added. “For the good of America’s families, for the good of our economy, Republicans must recognize in the future that they should approach fixing the debt limit in a bipartisan way.”

Source Article from https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/10/07/sen-schumer-blasted-republicans-after-debt-ceiling-reprieve-he-was-criticized-it-by-sen-manchin/

President Joe Biden delivered remarks Thursday about vaccine mandates for businesses at an Illinois construction site run by a company whose CEO has donated millions to Democratic campaigns.

Biden spoke in Elk Grove Village, Illinois, at a site affiliated with Clayco, whose CEO Robert Clark gave $1.6 million to Democratic campaigns in 2020, according Federal Election Commission records. At least $116,000 of those donations were to Biden’s presidential campaign.

The Biden campaign listed Clark as someone who “raised at least $100,000 for our campaign and affiliated joint fundraising committees.”

Clayco affiliates donated $387,037 to Democratic campaigns in 2020.

Clayco is a private “full-service, turnkey real estate, architecture, engineering, design-build and construction firm,” according to their website. It was founded in 1984, has 2,600 employees, and raked in more than $3.3 billion in revenue in 2020.


Neither Clark nor Clayco responded to a request for comment in time for publication. The White House also did not respond.

Before his speech at the Clayco construction site, Biden was introduced by Democratic Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker and Democratic Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot before he pushed for more businesses to mandate vaccines.

“These requirements work,” he said. “And as the Business Roundtable and others told me when I announced the first requirement, that encouraged businesses to feel they could come in and demand the same thing of their employees. More people are getting vaccinated. More lives are being saved.”

Source Article from https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-holds-vaccine-mandate-event-at-business-owned-by-major-dem-donor

“I know a couple big companies that are ready to hit send on the email to all employees, and they’re waiting for this thing to come out,” said Joseph Allen, an associate professor at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health who advises companies on Covid-19 strategies. “If they’re going to spend the next two months getting the wording absolutely 100 percent on the rule-making, it defeats the purpose.”

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An OSHA rule would take part of the pressure off employers by giving them clear directives, experts say, but the agency must first set standards that pass legal muster.

Several Republican governors have said that they will challenge a formalized vaccine mandate. Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas said in September that his state was “already working to halt this power grab.” Gov. Mike Parson of Missouri has called the mandate “potentially dangerous” for working families. Mark Brnovich, the Republican attorney general of Arizona, filed a lawsuit against the OSHA rule and has threatened that attorneys general in 23 other states may follow suit.

“I know the vaccination requirements are tough medicine,” Mr. Biden said on Thursday, addressing some of the criticism. “Unpopular with some. Politics for others. But they’re lifesaving. They’re game-changing for our country.”

Experts said that legal challenges to the rule were all but assured, but precedent is most likely on Mr. Biden’s side. In the past 20 years, “every standard that has been challenged in court has been upheld by federal judges,” David Michaels, a professor at the George Washington University School of Public Health who was a head of OSHA during the Obama administration, said in an interview.

OSHA also has the authority to quickly issue a rule, known as an emergency temporary standard, if it can show that workers are exposed to grave danger and that the rule is necessary to address it. The rule must also be feasible for employers to enforce.

The rule-making process, overseen by about a dozen officials at the agency and a team of lawyers, includes a number of rigorous, time-consuming steps to gird against legal challenges. Officials were given only about a week’s notice before Mr. Biden’s announcement, according to an official familiar with the directive.

Source Article from https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/07/us/politics/biden-vaccine-mandate-osha.html

Florida police on Thursday refuted reports that authorities searching a marshy nature reserve for fugitive Brian Laundrie had come upon remnants of a fresh campsite.

North Port Police Department spokesman Josh Taylor confirmed to The Post in an email that the report from CNN’s Chris Cuomo on Wednesday night was incorrect.

“No campsite has been located,” he wrote.

Cuomo said he was told by a source close to the Laundrie family that a campsite had been found at the 25,000-acre Carlton Reserve, where the FBI has lead a search since Sept. 18.

In an interview with the network Thursday, Taylor said that’s not what he’s being told.

“Is it possible that they thought that there might be a campsite out there or something they may have seen from the air but when they go on the ground that’s not what it turned out to be?” he told CNN. “Sure, I think that’s a possibility.

North Port Police Department spokesman Josh Taylor confirmed there are no campsites that suggests Brian Laundrie’s whereabouts.

“Bottom line is that investigators are telling me that no campsite was found out there,” Taylor said.

Laundrie, 23, is the sole person of interest in the disappearance and death of Long Island native Gabby Petito, who vanished during the couple’s cross-country trip.

Petito, 22, went missing in late August while Laundrie returned home alone Sept. 1.

Petitio’s body was found at a remote Wyoming campground on Sept. 19, with her death later ruled a homicide — although the cause of death has not be revealed.

Laundrie disappeared from his family’s North Port home on Sept. 13 and is now the subject of a massive manhunt that has spanned Florida to the Carolinas.

Laundrie has not been charged in Petito’s death but is named on a federal arrest warrant for using her stolen bank card after she disappeared.

Source Article from https://nypost.com/2021/10/07/brian-laundrie-search-cops-deny-claim-of-campsite-found/

Small amounts of oil and tar washed ashore as far south as San Diego County on Thursday as cleanup and recovery efforts accelerated following the oil spill along the Orange County coast.

Officials said they’ve made progress in the cleanup and hope to advance even further over the weekend. But a storm that meteorologists say could bring 20-mph winds to the region is moving in, raising concerns that more oil could reach the shores. So far, much of the crude has remained offshore, but striations have been seen in Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach.

More than 800 people have been clearing oil from Sunset Beach in Huntington Beach to Carlsbad. By the end of the week, officials expect to ramp that number up to 1,500.

A pollution-control vessel has been working off the Huntington Beach coast where a plume of oil has lingered since the spill. Two other vessels were tackling another slick that has slowly moved south over the past four days and is now off the coast of San Clemente, maps show.

More than 5,500 gallons of crude oil have been recovered and 12,860 feet — almost 2½ miles — of containment boom have been deployed to protect beaches, according to the Coast Guard.

As the oil is exposed to the sun, wave action, tides and currents, its behavior and characteristics change, said Rebecca Ore, commander of the U.S. Coast Guard Sector Los Angeles-Long Beach.

“Our overflights are continuously monitoring what that offshore condition looks like and what the oil looks like, and we are seeing trends that indicate … lighter sheen and less heavy oil,” she said.

North of the Huntington Beach Pier on Thursday morning, a worker in a white hazmat suit picked up a quarter-sized clump of oil, lifted it to his nose and sniffed. Recognizing the smell of crude, he used a gloved hand to lower the tar ball into a plastic trash bag.

He was one of 60 people combing the shore of Huntington State Beach. Some carried orange nets called screeners, which allowed them to sift oil while leaving the sand intact. Others, poised like human derricks, were stooped over and picking up the crude by hand.

The crews have made progress cleaning the stretch of beach over the past five days. Signs of the black rings and clumps of crude that littered the shore following the weekend spill have started to disappear.

“Make sure you’re checking under the leaves!” one worker yelled, turning a piece of kelp over in his hands.

Crews are also surveying the coast in search of wildlife disturbed by the spill. As of late Wednesday, they had recovered 19 live oiled birds: six western grebes, five snowy plovers, a sanderling, an eared grebe, an American coot, a ruddy duck, a double-crested cormorant, a clark’s grebe, a California gull and a brown pelican. Three double-crested cormorants, an American coot and a western gull were found dead, according to the Oiled Wildlife Care Network.

A video of the seafloor off the Orange County coast this week shows damage to an oil pipeline that sent up to 131,000 gallons of crude into the ocean, fouling beaches and threatening ecologically sensitive wetlands.

The footage, taken by a remotely operated vehicle on Monday, appears to show a portion of the 4,000-foot section of the nearly 18-mile oil pipeline that had been displaced. Divers reported and video showed a 13-inch split along the concrete-encased, steel pipe’s length, according to the joint unified command overseeing the response to the spill.

Martyn Willsher, president and chief executive of the pipeline operator’s parent company, Amplify Energy Corp., described the force as pulling the pipe in an almost “semicircle.”

“The pipeline has essentially been pulled like a bowstring,” he said.

A massive oil spill off the Orange County coast has fouled beaches and killed birds and marine life

Federal sources told The Times this week that the displacement could best be explained by a ship’s anchor dragging across the ocean floor and hooking the pipeline, which runs from the Port of Long Beach to an offshore oil platform known as Elly.

There were multiple large cargo vessels in the immediate area of the leak before the oil was spotted.

On Thursday evening, lawyers gathered in Huntington Beach to announce the first class-action lawsuit filed on behalf of Orange County business owners seeking damages related to the spill.

The first plaintiff in the suit is Banzai Surf School, which has operated in Huntington Beach for 12 years and is located in “what, for all intents and purposes, has become ground zero for the spill,” said owner Jaz Kaner.

Kaner estimates that his surf school will lose tens of thousands of dollars in the first week of October, a month he called “prime time for surfing in California.”

Mike Ali, owner of Zack’s, an oceanside rental shop in Huntington Beach, said his family’s business will suffer.

“It’s devastating — mentally, economically, physically … for me and my family,” said Ali, who has owned beachside businesses in Orange County for 31 years. “I have about 20 employees I have to lay off.”

Other local businesses are expected to join the class action. Attorneys, meanwhile, vowed to seek justice for their clients.

“I don’t think we know quite yet how many businesses this will impact, but it could be thousands or tens of thousands,” said Kelly Weil, an attorney from Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy’s Santa Monica office.

The lawsuit against Amplify Energy Corp. and its subsidiaries was filed on behalf of industries that operate along the water, including restaurants, tourism and commercial fishing.

Additional parties — including a “phantom ship” suspected of dropping the anchor that yanked and slashed the pipeline — will be sued once they are identified, attorneys said.

“I don’t want to leave anybody with an impression that we are convinced that only Amplify is liable here,” said Robert Hutchinson, an attorney on the case. “Anybody and everybody that had anything to do with causing a leak is going to be brought into the lawsuit.”

Rotterdam Express, the ship probed in O.C. oil spill, no longer under investigation, company says.

A final determination for the cause of the spill may take months, but Coast Guard investigators have come up with no other explanation, federal sources said. Authorities said the video confirms that oil is no longer leaking from the 41-year-old pipeline.

Pipeline expert Richard Kuprewicz expects investigators to remove the damaged pipeline, then begin a metallurgical examination of the steel.

“When did the strain occur?” he asked. “Days before? Or did something in its operation cause it to rupture Friday night? The forensic science is sophisticated, and they should be able to tell if the damage was delayed or immediate.”

Authorities have not provided an update on the investigation. Estimates for the amount of oil that spilled into the ocean have varied over the past five days. Coast Guard officials said Thursday that between 24,696 gallons and 131,000 gallons of oil leaked out of the pipeline. They were unable to narrow that estimate.

Ore said the 131,000-gallon estimate is a “maximum worst-case discharge that is a planning scenario based on a volume in a pipeline.”

Rep. Mike Levin (D-San Juan Capistrano), who toured the spill this week by boat and helicopter, said he could see oil stretching down the coast. He’s pushing legislation that would ban future offshore drilling, but he’s also interested in phasing out drilling that’s currently underway. The offshore oil infrastructure is aging and creating more risk of ecological disaster, he said.

“It’s just not worth drilling along Southern California’s coast,” he said. “The amount of oil we produce really is a drop in the bucket.”

Scientists say shifting currents could push thicker parts of the oil slick ashore, which would be devastating for ecosystems

The beaches and water that have been fouled by the spill are on the ancestral homelands of the Acjachemen and Tongva people. Stretches of sand in Huntington Beach and parts of Newport Beach have been the most severely impacted.

Some oil has also washed up in Laguna Beach and Dana Point, officials said. As a large plume continues to drift south, officials in San Clemente and San Diego County beaches are bracing for possible oil on their shores as well.

Lifeguards in Oceanside found two small tar balls on the beach Wednesday night. Authorities in Carlsbad and Encinitas also reported some tar. However, officials are not certain whether the tar is from the spill or normal ocean debris that sometimes washes ashore, said Terry Gorman Brown, a management analyst with the city manager’s office in Oceanside.

The Coast Guard sent cleanup teams to beaches south of Camp Pendleton and is flying over the area multiple times a day to track for oil. Oceanside is prepared to deploy a boom to protect its harbor, if necessary, Gorman Brown said.

“The most south they’ve seen a sheen is about 12 miles off the coast of San Onofre,” Gorman Brown said. “We’re seeing how it goes.”

The Department of Fish and Wildlife has expressed concern about the potential for oil making its way into the Agua Hedionda Lagoon in Carlsbad, which feeds into the Claude “Bud” Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant. Officials said Thursday afternoon they’re deploying a boom at the mouth of the lagoon as a precaution.

The plant, which provides about 50 million gallons of water daily to San Diego County, has not been affected, said Scott Maloni, Poseidon Water’s vice president of project development.

In San Clemente, there was no sign of disruption from the spill that has spoiled beaches in the northern section of Orange County.

Sheri Cowell walked to a bench overlooking the pier — just as she does every day. She scanned the coastline for oil but didn’t see anything unusual.

“I figured it’d be coming; just don’t know when,” Cowell said.

Frank Lomonico was fishing Thursday off the San Clemente Pier for mackerel that he planned to use in lobster traps.

Amid a steady drizzle, the Dana Point resident lamented that with the harbor closed, he wouldn’t be able to go lobstering.

“Why even live here if we keep polluting?” said Lomonico, 71. “There’s no need to take oil out of the ocean. There’s too many surfers, fishermen, businesses and cities that depend on it.”

Times staff writers Richard Winton, Chris Megerian, Rosanna Xia, Anita Chabria and Gregory Yee contributed to this report.

Source Article from https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-10-07/pipeline-responsible-for-california-oil-spill

A Texas abortion provider announced on Thursday that it has resumed performing abortion procedures in the state past the six weeks time frame where a heartbeat can be detected after a district court judge blocked a controversial law banning that practice.

“We are providing abortions in accordance with Judge Pittman’s ruling out of compassion for our patients,” Whole Woman’s Health posted on Twitter in response to a ruling from U.S. District Court Judge Robert Pittman issuing a Temporary Restraining Order blocking the Texas S.B. 8 abortion law.


#SB8 left our patients with two choices: carry a pregnancy to term against their will or travel out of state to receive care,” the group, who has four locations in Texas, added. “This ban hurt Texans and now we can help them.”

In another tweet, the abortion provider said it has “reached out to people on the waiting list we had to turn away in September” and that “in this climate, every single abortion we can provide is a win.”

In a Zoom call with the press, Whole Woman’s Health said they have turned away hundreds of people since SB 8 went into effect and they were no longer able to perform abortions where a fetal heartbeat was detected. 

Woman’s Whole Health Founder Amy Hagstrom Miller said on the call that her clinics began performing abortions starting at 8 AM on Thursday and noted that other clinics may be hesitant to do the same due to a provision in SB 8 that opens up clinics to being retroactively sued if they perform the procedures while the law is temporarily blocked.

Miller said the phone calls to her clinic from prospective patients have increased over the last 24 hours and “a lot of people” are in the process of getting scheduled.


In his ruling, Judge Pittman wrote, “A person’s right under the Constitution to choose to obtain an abortion prior to fetal viability is well established. Fully aware that depriving its citizens of this right by direct state action would be flagrantly unconstitutional, the State contrived an unprecedented and transparent statutory scheme to do just that.”

The Texas law, signed by Republican Gov. Greg Abbott in May, prohibits abortions once medical professionals can detect cardiac activity, usually around six weeks and before many women know they’re pregnant. Rather than having the state enforce the ban, the law creates a private right of action against individuals who commit or aid and abet an abortion that violates the law – but not against the woman who undergoes the procedure.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals had rejected requests for a stay when abortion providers sought to prevent the law from going into effect until the resolution of a court dispute. The plaintiffs appealed to the Supreme Court, but the Supreme Court allowed the law to go into effect. The Department of Justice under President Biden then filed a motion to block the law, and Pittman ruled on that motion.

Judge Pittman ruled that Texas had “deliberately circumvented the traditional process” under the Constitution and had “drafted the law with the intent to preclude review by federal courts that have the obligation to safeguard the very rights the statute likely violates.”


He ruled that Texas had violated the precedents under Roe v. Wade, the 1973 ruling that upholds a right to abortion, and ordered the state not to enforce the law. 

The state of Texas has said it will appeal the ruling.

Fox News’ Tyler Olson contributed to this report

Source Article from https://www.foxnews.com/politics/texas-abortion-provider-whole-womans-health-says-provided-abortion-today