U.S. workers without protective gear assisted coronavirus evacuees, HHS whistleblower says – The Washington Post

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The latest: President Trump announced that Vice President Pence will be in charge of coronavirus response. CDC, meanwhile, announced its first known case with no known link to foreign travel.

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses whose effects range from causing the common cold to triggering much more serious diseases, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS. Here are the biggest questions surrounding the virus and what we know so far.

Mapping the spread of the new coronavirus: More than 30 countries have reported at least one case of novel coronavirus since it originated in Wuhan, China.

How does the coronavirus make people sick, and why does it kill some of them? It’s not just the virus that kills them — it’s their own immune system. Here’s how to prepare for coronavirus in the U.S. (Step 1: Don’t panic).

What do you want to know about coronavirus? Let us know here.

Source Article from https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/02/27/us-workers-without-protective-gear-assisted-coronavirus-evacuees-hhs-whistleblower-says/


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