New York is at war with the coronavirus. Expect the same across the US, experts warn. – USA TODAY

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NEW YORK — New York City has rapidly become the epicenter of the U.S. coronavirus outbreak, paralyzing a city famous for never standing still as its leaders liken the crisis to war.

The city’s bustling streets, thriving public transit and dense population made it uniquely vulnerable to the rapid spread of COVID-19. But other cities, suburbs and rural regions across the nation could see a similarly deadly situation unfold in the near future if swift action is not taken, multiple experts tell USA TODAY.

“New York is getting hit hard, and they’re getting hit first,” Ashish Jha said. The director of the Harvard Global Health Institute listed city after city and state after state that are showing early signs of a similarly devastating outbreak taking hold.

“New York is not an outlier,” Jha said. The virus is on track to hit “every city in America.”

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