Big 5 registration for Brazilian companies is open – Brazil-Arab News Agency (ANBA)

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São Paulo – The Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce has opened registration for companies interested in exhibiting at the Big 5, a construction fair due from November 17th to 20th in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The participation is promoted by the Arab Chamber alongside the Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) and companies may register until the end of August.

Isaura Daniel/ANBA

Alaby (center) gave an overview of the Big 5

This Tuesday (22nd), the Arab Chamber’s CEO, Michel Alaby, presented the fair and its opportunities to housing and building industry delegates attending a meeting the with Apex, in São Paulo, to outline promotional actions for the industry. Attendees were thrilled with the location of the Brazilian stand in this edition of the Big 5, as the stand will be near the main entrance in the area of ornamental stones and rocks.

“It is a privileged location,” Alaby told representatives of organizations such as Anfacer, of ceramics and ceramic tiles, Abimovel, of the real estate sector, Abilux, which is comprised of lighting industry companies, Asbea, of architecture firms, National Plastics Institute and other organizations. Overall, around 20 people attended the meeting.

The Brazilian space can fit ten stands and seven are already sold. There are still three places/slots/openings, each with nine square meters. Prices to occupy a stand are US$ 3,320 (or R$ 7,400) for members of the Arab Chamber and US$ 4,742 (or R$ 10,571) for non-members. The value concerns only the participation in the fair and does not include travel and accommodation expenses.

The Big 5 is held in Dubai, but is a landmark for the entire region, and besides attracting importers from the Gulf Cooperation Council itself, it is attended by buyers from other parts of the world, such as Europe and the United States. Last year, Gulf countries imported US$ 20.4 billion in construction materials. Saudi Arabia alone, one of the main markets in the region, has US$ 1 trillion in ongoing or planned construction projects. The Emirates have US$ 727 billion.

Saudi Arabia is the main target of Brazilian construction material exports to the Gulf, according to Alaby, accounting for 23.3% of the total, followed by the Emirates. Last year, Arab countries imported US$ 3.7 billion worth of ornamental stones alone, and Brazil’s Big 5 stand will be located exactly in the ornamental stone area. The main suppliers to the Arabs in this segment are the Chinese, followed by the Italians and the Turkish.

Arab Chamber marketing analyst Daniela Yuri Tiba and Apex-Brasil project manager Rafael Gratão have also attended the meeting this Tuesday.

Big 5 fair
November 17th to 20th, 2014
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Registration is open until the end of August at (in Portuguese)
For further information contact Apex-Brasil by phone (+5561) 3426-0202 or email, or the Arab Chamber Commercial Department at
(+5511) 3147-4066 or
Big 5 website: (in English)

*Translated by Rodrigo Mendonça

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