Whitaker says he will not appear before House panel unless he gets guarantee he won’t face subpoena – CNN

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(CNN)The Justice Department told the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday afternoon that acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker would not appear at Friday’s closely-watched oversight hearing unless he receives a written assurance he won’t be served with a subpoena.

    Acting U.S. Attorney General Matthew Whitaker sits during a ceremony in the East Room of the White House in Washington in November 2018. REUTERS/Jonathan ErnstActing U.S. Attorney General Matthew Whitaker sits during a ceremony in the East Room of the White House in Washington in November 2018. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
    Acting AG Whitaker undergoing significant prep ahead of Friday testimonyActing AG Whitaker undergoing significant prep ahead of Friday testimony
    Whitaker rejected ethics official's advice he should recuse from Russia probeWhitaker rejected ethics official's advice he should recuse from Russia probe

    Source Article from https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/07/politics/matthew-whitaker-subpoena-house-judiciary-committee/index.html


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