Donald Trump’s craziest day ever on Twitter – CNN

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Washington (CNN)On Sunday, President Donald Trump sent out 29(!) tweets and retweets. Which, in and of itself, is a remarkable thing to say about the chief executive of the United States. (A prolific tweeter and retweeter myself, I sent out 15 tweets on Sunday. And, relatedly, I am not the president of the United States.)

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  1. The Federal Communications Commission or Federal Election Commission should investigate whether “Saturday Night Live” and late-night talk shows are in collusion with Democrats and/or Russia because they attack him so consistently.
  2. Attacked late Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, for allegedly sending the FBI the Steele dossier before the election — and working with Democrats to do so. (Also, Trump called McCain — who, it’s worth noting, is dead — “last in his class” at the US Naval Academy.)
  3. Urged Fox News Channel to reinstate host Jeanine Pirro after she was suspended for questioning the patriotism of Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, who is Muslim.
  4. Urged FNC to stand up for host Tucker Carlson, who has seen some advertisers pull out of his show following the release of a series of caustic and offensive remarks he made on a radio show between 2006 and 2011.
  5. Accused General Motors of having “let our country down” in the wake of the news that the company was relocating four American factories.
  6. Attacked FNC anchor Shep Smith and two other weekend anchors at Fox, alleging they had “been trained by CNN prior to their ratings collapse.”
  7. Alleged that Democrats tried to “steal a presidential election,” calling it “the biggest scandal in the history of our country.”
  8. Retweeted Jack Posobiec, who among other things, is a leading promoter of the Pizzagate and Seth Rich conspiracy theories.

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