Arabs to engage in pharma industry matchmaking – Brazil-Arab News Agency (ANBA)

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São Paulo – Ten Arab importers are engaging in matchmaking with Brazilian pharmaceutical and pharma-chemical companies on August 5th and 6th, at the CPhI South America fair in São Paulo. The meetings are being organized by the Brazilian Pharma-Chemical and Pharmaceutical Inputs Industry Association (Abiquifi) and the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce.

Abiquifi International Projects manager Natalia Porto explains that Arab companies do not come to Brazil looking to purchase specific types of products, but to engage in broader negotiation.

“Brazilian industries offer rather vast portfolios. The goal [of the matchmaking] is to bring Arabs and Brazilians together so they may weigh the business opportunities. We are focusing on potential exports, joint venture formation, licensing for overseas manufacturing, and the internationalization of Brazilian enterprises,” she said.

In order to participate in the matchmaking, Brazilian companies must be affiliated with the Brazilian Pharma Solutions project, sponsored by Abiquifi and the Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil). Affiliation is cost-free and so is the matchmaking.

Abiquifi is expecting 10 to 15 Brazilian companies at the meetings with the Arabs. Registration is still open and will remain so until July 31st.

The Arab companies attending the matchmaking are Tabuk (Saudi Arabia), Bajafar Medical (Sudan), Reopharm (Jordan), Ibn Hayyan&Mohdar (Yemen), Pharmacare (Palestine), Al Taqaddom Pharmaceutical Industries (Jordan), Al Multaqa Drugs & Pharmaceutical (United Arab Emirates), Unipharma (Iraq), Biopharm and SigmaTec Pharma (Egypt).

Every year, Abiquifi holds matchmaking events during the CPhI South America, featuring importers from one single country or region. In 2014, the matchmaking will involve buyers from the Middle East and North Africa exclusively. In 2013, the guest country was Russia.

“The Arab market is a large one, and some of the countries are on our target list, such as Saudi Arabia and the Emirates,” the executive says on explaining the choice of the region. She also says she received requests from Brazilian companies, which are very much interested in the Arab countries, but find it difficult to break into the region’s markets. “Our main goal is to enter the markets,” says Porto, adding that the participating Arab companies are medium and large-sized.
She notes that some Arab countries are exportation hubs, therefore other markets can be reached through them.

As a preparation for the matchmaking, on July 30th, a workshop will be held on Cultural Aspects and Negotiation with Arab Countries. The event, at the Arab Chamber headquarters, will focus on business techniques with Arab businessmen, and an overview of the region’s pharmaceutical industry. The seminar is open to all interested companies.

According to figures compiled by the Arab Chamber, in 2013, Arab countries imported US$ 17 billion worth of pharmaceutical products. Imports from Brazil, however, amounted to only US$ 11.57 million. The leading pharmaceutical product suppliers to Arab countries are Germany, Switzerland, France, Belgium and England.


Matchmaking at CPhI South America
Expo Center Norte
José Bernardo Pinto Street, 333 Vila Guilherme – São Paulo
August 5th and 6th
To register, send an email to

Workshop on Cultural Aspects and Negotiation with Arab Countries
July 30th at 9:30 pm
Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce headquarters
Paulista Avenue, 326, 11th floor – São Paulo
For additional information call (+55 11) 3147-4092 or send an email to

*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum

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