Given that passengers had expected to disembark last Tuesday, many with chronic health conditions like diabetes have been running low on medications. On Sunday, Health Minister Kato Katsunobu said in a television interview that medical supplies had been delivered to the ship for about 100 such people, and that more would arrive later in the day for an additional 500.
On Sunday, the Montgomerys went out onto a deck for a prescribed fresh air break — Ms. Montgomery’s first time outside since the quarantine began. Under a pristine blue sky, the couple strolled in surgical masks, maintaining a six-foot distance from other passengers.
A man in black shorts and a blue hoodie jogged by. “It feels great,” Ms. Montgomery said.
Some passengers are frustrated by what they see as a lack of timely information. On Friday, they read in news reports — or heard from family and friends who were tracking reports online — that the number of cases on the ship had tripled.
“It was very upsetting to people to have their children and family members contacting them saying, ‘Oh my God, 41 more passengers tested positive,’” said Ms. Arana, who has been passing the time by drawing, testing out face masks she bought in Taiwan and taking an online course on herbal antiviral remedies. “So we were like, ‘We’re the last to know?’”
Many have been nervously reviewing their activities from early in the cruise, before the quarantine, and hoping they had not come into contact with the wrong person. Ms. Courter thought about the meals, trivia nights and theater performances she had attended, including an opera that was staged the night before the quarantine was imposed.
“Every aspect of my perspective on everything we did has changed,” she said, “from ‘Boy. that was fun’ to ‘Why the hell was I there?’”
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