Audio: Bloomberg slammed Warren as ‘scary’ and demeaned his endorsement of Obama – USA TODAY

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WASHINGTON – Leaked audio of billionaire and 2020 Democratic contender Michael Bloomberg shows him calling the progressive left and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mas., “scary” while also suggesting that Sen. Mitt Romney, R-UT, would have been a better president than former President Barack Obama.

CNN released the audio Monday, saying it came from a Goldman Sachs event for at Yankee Stadium in 2016. In it, Bloomberg is heard saying “the left is rising. The progressive movement is just as scary. Elizabeth Warren on one side. And whoever you want to pick on the Republicans on the right side?” when asked about the rise of the far-right in Europe.

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Bloomberg also said that he would use a “campaign platform” for the presidency to “defend the banks.”

“You know how well that’s gonna sell in this country,” he said, adding that the people in the banking crowd are his “peeps.” 

Warren is a vocal Wall Street critic and consumer advocate. Soon after audio of the remarks started making waves online, Warren promoted the website

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