Amid the threat of an unprecedented power outage in Northern California, a local police department posted a tongue-in-cheek instructional message on its Facebook page that has been shared nearly 40,000 times.
The Pleasanton Police Department in Alameda County shared a map of California on Tuesday indicating where power outages could occur. But instead of highlighting the 34 counties affected by Pacific Gas & Electric’s decision to shut off electricity in an effort to avoid possible wildfires sparked by power lines downed by high winds, in the Pleasanton police map, the entire state was marked out in red. Alongside the image were rather unique instructions on how to prepare.
“If you come home and everything is dark and nothing works, then yes, you are experiencing a power shutdown. Remain calm. Use your cell phone light to search frantically for the one flashlight you think you have in the house. It will be dead of course. Search for batteries. You will need four but only find three,” one tip read.
Thousands of users from both inside and outside the state have commented on the post. The majority seem to appreciate the break from what is a serious issue for many. Others criticized the local authority for stooping to such whimsy.
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