Noticias Do Dia

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Ramos Allup fue el primer presidente de la Asamblea Nacional en usar el derecho a la réplica al mensaje presidencial en 10 años.

Las pantallas, las vestimentas de gala y la alfombra roja estaban listas para el “Memoria y Cuenta” -el discurso anual de gestión- de Nicolás Maduro, en la que era su primera visita a una Asamblea Nacional con mayoría opositora.

Pero nadie en Venezuela se imaginó que las noticias del día saldrían de otro edificio del Estado, a un par de cuadras de la Asamblea: el Banco Central de Venezuela (BCV).

Por primera vez en un año, el BCV publicó las cifras de la economía, que corroboraron que el país tiene la inflación más alta del mundo (más del 140% anual) y la peor caída del PIB en América (7,1%).

Maduro en su discurso calificó las cifras de “catastróficas“.

Para algunos, esos números son una muestra de la mala gestión del mandatario, pero para él reflejan la “salvaje” guerra económica que supuestamente azota a Venezuela a punta de escasez, sobreprecios y bloqueo financiero.

Derecho a réplica

Pero si alguien pensó que Maduro sería el único político que hablaría en cadena nacional por radio y televisión este viernes, se equivocó.

Después de las 3 horas que habló el mandatario, el nuevo presidente de la Asamblea, el opositor Henry Ramos Allup, tomó el micrófono.

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La bancada oficialista aplaudió de pie el mensaje de Maduro y respondió con gritos a la réplica de Ramos Allup.

Con el lenguaje mordaz que caracteriza a uno de los opositores más abominados por del chavismo, Ramos Allup habló de “presos políticos”, “corrupción” y “fracaso del modelo socialista”.

“Que nadie se equivoque, este es ahora un poder autónomo que va a debatir, legislar y controlar”, dijo Ramos Allup, mientras lo rechiflaban.

Incluso respondió a las fuertes críticas que le han hecho por haber sacado del Palacio Federal, la sede de la Asamblea, las imágenes de Hugo Chávez.

Por primera vez en al menos una década se ejerció el derecho a réplica en la rendición de cuentas del Presidente y Ramos la usó para hablar de temas que no se suelen mencionar en las cadenas nacionales.

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Con la emergencia económica el presidente puede gobernar a través de decretos.

Mientras tanto, Maduro les decía a sus partidarios, que no cesaban de abuchear cada una de las hipótesis de Ramos Allup, que se calmaran y lo dejaran hablar.

Emergencia económica

Unas 12 horas antes de que terminara la sesión en la Asamblea, a las 21:00 (hora local), los venezolanos se encontraron con otra noticia que en cualquier otro día daría para primera plana: el gobierno decretó en la Gaceta Oficial una emergencia económica.

Aunque la entrada en vigencia del decreto debe esperar ocho días a que la Asamblea la estudie y apruebe o rechace, las implicaciones de la medida generaron no pocos comentarios.

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El oficialismo aprovechó la sesión congresal para distribuir mensajes contra Ramos Allup.

Con la emergencia, que es un apartado del estado de excepción, el presidente puede gobernar a través de decretos sin la necesidad de la aprobación de la Asamblea.

También se le dan garantías constitucionales para limitar el uso de servicios o el consumo de artículos de primera necesidad y tomar medidas necesarias para asegurar el abastecimiento de los mercados.

Hay quienes creen que la emergencia económica le da vía libre al gobierno para intervenir Polar, la empresa de alimentos más grande del país, que es considerada por el gobierno un gestor clave en la guerra económica.

Ramos Allup dijo que la oposición analizará el decreto que el propio presidente le entregó en el hemiciclo.

Sin embargo, algunos comentaristas en los corredores de la Asamblea vieron la emergencia económica como una jugada estratégica del gobierno más que como una medida económica.

En efecto, con este decreto el oficialismo pone otra vez a la oposición en una encrucijada: ¿van a darle poderes especiales a Maduro, reduciendo las competencias de la Asamblea misma? ¿O van a quedar como quien no ve urgente el arreglo de la economía?


Los detalles sobre la emergencia económica fueron explicados por la mañana por el ministro de Economía, Luis Salas, en una también noticiosa rueda de prensa, pues el decreto vaticina una profundización de los controles que ya ejerce el gobierno sobre la economía.

Maduro, sin embargo, usó el decreto para llamar al diálogo con la oposición, algo que no había hecho –y muchos le habían reclamado– desde que el chavismo perdió las elecciones el 6 de diciembre del año pasado.

“Llamo a la unión nacional para enfrentar esta emergencia económica, preservar la paz y atender los asuntos de una nueva etapa de la economía nacional”, dijo el presidente.

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Por primera vez en un año, el gobierno venezolano brindó datos oficiales sobre el elevado estado de la inflación en aquel país.

Maduro también se refirió al precio de la gasolina, que al ser subsidiada es prácticamente gratis y le genera todo tipo de desbalances financieros al gobierno.

“Hay que hacerlo. Llegó la hora de aumentar el costo de la gasolina y Venezuela tiene que entrar en el sistema del cobro de sus hidrocarburos”, dijo.

No es la primera vez que Maduro llama al diálogo o argumenta la necesidad de subir el precio de la gasolina, pero después de la derrota electoral se espera que haya más disposición de ambas partes.

El camino, en todo caso, no será fácil: en la sesión del viernes las muestras de la profunda desconfianza que se tienen ambas bancadas fueron constantes.

Tanto Maduro hablándoles a los opositores como Ramos Allup hablándoles a los chavistas, recomendaron el uso de la moringa, una hierba que sirve para relajarse y suele ser usada por el diputado Diosdado Cabello para burlarse de las quejas de la oposición.

Los productores de moringa se frotan las manos.

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Incredible GoPro footage takes you inside the gunfire-heavy raid that ended drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman’s six months on the run.

The video, obtained from Mexican authorities, looks as if it’s from an action movie. The camera follows the armed men as they storm the house, unleash grenades and bullets, and search room to room.

The Friday raid was called “Operation Black Swan,” according to the Mexican show “Primero Noticias.” Authorities decided to launch the raid Thursday after they got a tip about where Guzman was sleeping, the show reported.

Seventeen elite unit Mexican Marines launched their assault on the house in the city of Los Mochis at 4:40 a.m., “Primero Noticias” said.

They were met by about one dozen well-armed guards inside who were prepared for a fight, the show said.

The Marines moved from room to room, clearing the house. Upstairs they found two men in one room and found two women on the floor of a bathroom. All were captured, “Primero Noticias” said.

After 15 minutes, the Marines controlled the entire house, according to “Primero Noticias.”

In the end, five guards were killed and two men and two women were detained. One of the women was the same cook Guzman had with him when he was detained a couple years ago, according to “Primero Noticias.”

Eventually the marines determined that the only bedroom on the first floor was Guzman’s and they began pounding on the walls and moving furniture, finding hidden doors, the show said.

His room had a king-sized bed, bags from fashionable clothing stores, bread and cookie wrappers, and medicine including injectable testosterone, syringes, antibiotics and cough syrups, the show said. The two-story house had four bedrooms and five bathrooms. There were flat-screen TVs and Internet connection throughout the house, according to “Primero Noticias.”

The Marines eventually found a hidden passageway behind a mirror, with a handle hidden in the light fixture. The handle opened a secret door, leading down into the escape tunnel, the show explained.

The escape tunnel was fully lit and led to an access door for the city sewage system, “Primero Noticias” said, adding that Guzman had at least a 20-minute head start on the Marines.

The address where Guzman was captured had been monitored for a month, Mexican Attorney General Arely Gomez has said. According to Gomez, Guzman and his lieutenant escaped through that drainage system.

“Primero Noticias” said it obtained surveillance footage showing Guzman and his lieutenant emerging from the manhole cover, where they then stole two cars to flee, the show said.

Guzman was finally caught when he and the lieutenant were stopped on a highway by Mexican Federal Police, the show said.

Authorities took them to a motel to wait for reinforcement. The men were then taken to Los Mochis airport and transfered to Mexico City.

Rebecca Blackwell/AP PHOTO
Mexican drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman is escorted by soldiers and marines to a waiting helicopter, at a federal hangar in Mexico City, Jan. 8, 2016.

Guzman is now back in prison as his lawyers fight his extradition to the U.S.

The drug kingpin escaped from the Altiplano prison near Mexico City on July 11, launching an active manhunt. When guards realized that he was missing from his cell, they found a ventilated tunnel and exit had been constructed in the bathtub inside Guzman’s cell. The tunnel extended for about a mile underground and featured an adapted motorcycle on rails that officials believe was used to transport the tools used to create the tunnel, Monte Alejandro Rubido, the head of the Mexican national security commission, said in July.

Guzman had been sent there after he was arrested in February 2014. He spent more than 10 years on the run after escaping from a different prison in 2001. It’s unclear exactly how he had escaped, but he did receive help from prison guards who were prosecuted and convicted.

Guzman, the leader of the Sinaloa cartel, was once described by the U.S. Treasury as “the most powerful drug trafficker in the world.” The Sinaloa cartel allegedly uses elaborate tunnels for drug trafficking and has been estimated to be responsible for 25 percent of all illegal drugs that enter the U.S. through Mexico.

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Incredible GoPro footage takes you inside the gunfire-heavy raid that ended drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman’s six months on the run.

The video, obtained from Mexican authorities, looks as if it’s from an action movie. The camera follows the armed men as they storm the house, unleash grenades and bullets, and search room to room.

The Friday raid was called “Operation Black Swan,” according to the Mexican show “Primero Noticias.” Authorities decided to launch the raid Thursday after they got a tip about where Guzman was sleeping, the show reported.

Seventeen elite unit Mexican Marines launched their assault on the house in the city of Los Mochis at 4:40 a.m., “Primero Noticias” said.

They were met by about one dozen well-armed guards inside who were prepared for a fight, the show said.

The Marines moved from room to room, clearing the house. Upstairs they found two men in one room and found two women on the floor of a bathroom. All were captured, “Primero Noticias” said.

After 15 minutes, the Marines controlled the entire house, according to “Primero Noticias.”

In the end, five guards were killed and two men and two women were detained. One of the women was the same cook Guzman had with him when he was detained a couple years ago, according to “Primero Noticias.”

Eventually the marines determined that the only bedroom on the first floor was Guzman’s and they began pounding on the walls and moving furniture, finding hidden doors, the show said.

His room had a king-sized bed, bags from fashionable clothing stores, bread and cookie wrappers, and medicine including injectable testosterone, syringes, antibiotics and cough syrups, the show said. The two-story house had four bedrooms and five bathrooms. There were flat-screen TVs and Internet connection throughout the house, according to “Primero Noticias.”

The Marines eventually found a hidden passageway behind a mirror, with a handle hidden in the light fixture. The handle opened a secret door, leading down into the escape tunnel, the show explained.

The escape tunnel was fully lit and led to an access door for the city sewage system, “Primero Noticias” said, adding that Guzman had at least a 20-minute head start on the Marines.

The address where Guzman was captured had been monitored for a month, Mexican Attorney General Arely Gomez has said. According to Gomez, Guzman and his lieutenant escaped through that drainage system.

“Primero Noticias” said it obtained surveillance footage showing Guzman and his lieutenant emerging from the manhole cover, where they then stole two cars to flee, the show said.

Guzman was finally caught when he and the lieutenant were stopped on a highway by Mexican Federal Police, the show said.

Authorities took them to a motel to wait for reinforcement. The men were then taken to Los Mochis airport and transfered to Mexico City.

Rebecca Blackwell/AP PHOTO
Mexican drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman is escorted by soldiers and marines to a waiting helicopter, at a federal hangar in Mexico City, Jan. 8, 2016.

Guzman is now back in prison as his lawyers fight his extradition to the U.S.

The drug kingpin escaped from the Altiplano prison near Mexico City on July 11, launching an active manhunt. When guards realized that he was missing from his cell, they found a ventilated tunnel and exit had been constructed in the bathtub inside Guzman’s cell. The tunnel extended for about a mile underground and featured an adapted motorcycle on rails that officials believe was used to transport the tools used to create the tunnel, Monte Alejandro Rubido, the head of the Mexican national security commission, said in July.

Guzman had been sent there after he was arrested in February 2014. He spent more than 10 years on the run after escaping from a different prison in 2001. It’s unclear exactly how he had escaped, but he did receive help from prison guards who were prosecuted and convicted.

Guzman, the leader of the Sinaloa cartel, was once described by the U.S. Treasury as “the most powerful drug trafficker in the world.” The Sinaloa cartel allegedly uses elaborate tunnels for drug trafficking and has been estimated to be responsible for 25 percent of all illegal drugs that enter the U.S. through Mexico.

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Las razones por las cuales la presidenta de la línea de bandera, Isela Constantiti, dio de baja el contrato que había sido firmado durante la gestión de Mariano Recalde fue porque Aerolíneas Argentinas mantendría una deuda de 40 millones de pesos con Sol, que habría cobrado por su prestación 1 millón de pesos diarios.

Ante este contexto, los vuelos de Sol previstos para hoy fueron cancelados ya que la empresa presentó la quiebra y dispuso la cesantía de sus 300 empleados. Esta mañana pasajeros de la línea aérea que debían abordar sus vuelos a Mar del Plata y Rosario se encontraron con la novedad y no recibieron por parte de la compañía ningún tipo de explicación respecto a si podrán volar en algún momento o cómo se les devolverá el monto de los tickets.

Más tarde, la compañía emitió un comunicado en el que responsabilizó a Aerolíneas de dejarla en “inviabilidad económica que hace imposible su operatoria”.

Sol, perteneciente a la familia Angeli, titular de la empresa turística Rutatlantica, mantenía un convenio de prestaciones de vuelos regionales con Aerolíneas Argentinas. Posee cuatro aviones Saab de 35 asientos, que comenzaba a reemplazar por los canadienses CRJ de 50 asientos y cuenta con alrededor de 300 empleados de los cuales 50 son pilotos.

Desde 2012 tenía con Aerolíneas un sistema de código compartido en la emisión de pasajes y luego en el 2014 se concretó el acuerdo mediante el cual Sol volaba determinadas rutas, con sus aviones, para la empresa de bandera.

Por su parte, el jefe de la Asociación de Pilotos de Líneas Aéreas (APLA), Pablo Biró, protestó al decir que desconocía el destino que correrán “los empleados” de la compañía privada.

A su turno, la Asociación del Personal Técnico Aeronáutico (APTA) advirtió que se declaró en “estado de alerta y movilización” y prometió que, “en el caso de los cuarenta afiliados” al sindicato, “intercederá directamente ante las autoridades de LAN Argentina, Aerolíneas Argentinas y Austral para que sean incorporados a las áreas técnicas y operativas de dichas empresas”.

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Peruanos por el Kambio (PPK), agrupación política que lidera Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, presentó la lista de candidatos al Congreso de la República, para las elecciones generales de abril próximo.

PUEDES LEER: PPK dice que pasará a segunda vuelta exponiendo sus propuestas al país

Por Lima Metropolitana, la lista está encabezada por Mercedes Aráoz. Con el número 2 aparece Gilbert Violeta. También destacan los nombres de Salvador Heresi, Lourdes Alcorta, Fernando Rospigliosi, Gino Costa, entre otros.

Entre las sorpresas en las regiones, es la inclusión en Junín, con el N. ° 4, de Cecilia García Rodríguez, la creadora de la campaña ‘Chapa tu choro’. 

A continuación, la lista por Lima Metropolitana:

1 Mercedes Aráoz

2 Gilbert Violeta

3 Cayetana Aljovín

4 Salvador Heresi

5 Carlos Bruce

6 Jorge Villacorta

7 Lourdes Alcorta

8 Raúl Diaz

9 Luis Alfonso Moncada

10 Juan Sheput

11 Pedro Olaechea

12 Fernando Rospigliosi

13 Gino Costa

14 Fiorella Molinelli

15 Guido Lombardi

16 Walter Chirinos

17 Alberto De Belaunde

18 Giovanna Prialé

19 Sara Canales

20 Alicia Aguirre

21 Leopoldo Perez-Egaña

22 Cecilia Tait

23 Freddy Sifuentes

24 Jane Montero

25 Rubén Vargas

26 María Vásquez Rafael

27 Marcial Contreras

28 Victor Sanchez

29 Rodolfo Jiménez

30 Francisco Rospigliosi

31 Donato Díaz

32 Sergio Córdova

33 Germán Córdova

34 Carla Petit

35 Celina Palomino

36 Graciela Souza De Fernández


AQUÍ puedes conocer la lista congresal completa. 

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Julio Guzmán, candidato a la presidencia por Todos por el Perú, aseguró que de ganar las elecciones, en un eventual gobierno suyo, no indultaría a Alberto Fujimori, quien cumple una condena por delitos de corrupción y lesa humanidad.

PUEDES LEER: En encuesta de Datum Julio Guzmán también le gana a Alejandro Toledo

En declaraciones a Latina, Guzmán, conocido como el “candidato de las redes”, señaló: “Yo no indultaría a Alberto Fujimori”.

Asimismo, el postulante a la presidencia sostuvo que el gobierno del presidente Ollanta Humala ha emprendido una “reforma importante” en el sector educación, por lo que debe haber continuidad.

Agregó que el ministro de Educación, Jaime Saavedra, podría mantenerse en el cargo en un eventual gobierno suyo.

“Nos encantaría que el ministro Saavedra se quede en el cargo, sería la primera vez en la historia que el ministro de Educación se queda. Muchos presidentes se muestran con el ministro de Economía, pero la política educativa no es una política social, es una política económica”, dijo.

Por otro lado, afirmó que los recientes resultados de las encuestas, que lo ubican en el quinto lugar en intención de voto, los toma con “calma y convicción”.

Cabe recordar que la encuesta de CPI, ubica a Julio Guzmán en el quinto lugar, con un 5%, desplazando a Alejandro Toledo. El sondeo de Datum también coloca a Guzmán por encima del líder de Perú Posible, pero con un 4,8%.

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Los comentarios publicados son de exclusiva responsabilidad de sus autores y las consecuencias derivadas de ellos pueden ser pasibles de sanciones legales. Aquel usuario que incluya en sus mensajes algún comentario violatorio del reglamento será eliminado e inhabilitado para volver a comentar. Enviar un comentario implica la aceptación del Reglamento.

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(Caracas, 15 de enero – AVN).- En la Gaceta Oficial 40.828 fue publicado el Decreto 2.184 que declara la Emergencia Económica aprobada por el presidente de la República, Nicolás Maduro, para proteger los derechos sociales de educación, salud, vivienda, cultura y deporte de todos los venezolanos.

En conformidad a lo establecido en el artículo 338 de la Constitución de la República, el decreto tendrá vigencia durante 60 días que podrán prorrogarse.

Este artículo señala que “podrá decretarse el estado de emergencia económica cuando se susciten circunstancias económicas que afecten gravemente la vida económica de la nación”.

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Incredible GoPro footage takes you inside the gunfire-heavy raid that ended drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman’s six months on the run.

The video, obtained from Mexican authorities, looks as if it’s from an action movie. The camera follows the armed men as they storm the house, unleash grenades and bullets, and search room to room.

The Friday raid was called “Operation Black Swan,” according to the Mexican show “Primero Noticias.” Authorities decided to launch the raid Thursday after they got a tip about where Guzman was sleeping, the show reported.

Seventeen elite unit Mexican Marines launched their assault on the house in the city of Los Mochis at 4:40 a.m., “Primero Noticias” said.

They were met by about one dozen well-armed guards inside who were prepared for a fight, the show said.

The Marines moved from room to room, clearing the house. Upstairs they found two men in one room and found two women on the floor of a bathroom. All were captured, “Primero Noticias” said.

After 15 minutes, the Marines controlled the entire house, according to “Primero Noticias.”

In the end, five guards were killed and two men and two women were detained. One of the women was the same cook Guzman had with him when he was detained a couple years ago, according to “Primero Noticias.”

Eventually the marines determined that the only bedroom on the first floor was Guzman’s and they began pounding on the walls and moving furniture, finding hidden doors, the show said.

His room had a king-sized bed, bags from fashionable clothing stores, bread and cookie wrappers, and medicine including injectable testosterone, syringes, antibiotics and cough syrups, the show said. The two-story house had four bedrooms and five bathrooms. There were flat-screen TVs and Internet connection throughout the house, according to “Primero Noticias.”

The Marines eventually found a hidden passageway behind a mirror, with a handle hidden in the light fixture. The handle opened a secret door, leading down into the escape tunnel, the show explained.

The escape tunnel was fully lit and led to an access door for the city sewage system, “Primero Noticias” said, adding that Guzman had at least a 20-minute head start on the Marines.

The address where Guzman was captured had been monitored for a month, Mexican Attorney General Arely Gomez has said. According to Gomez, Guzman and his lieutenant escaped through that drainage system.

“Primero Noticias” said it obtained surveillance footage showing Guzman and his lieutenant emerging from the manhole cover, where they then stole two cars to flee, the show said.

Guzman was finally caught when he and the lieutenant were stopped on a highway by Mexican Federal Police, the show said.

Authorities took them to a motel to wait for reinforcement. The men were then taken to Los Mochis airport and transfered to Mexico City.

Rebecca Blackwell/AP PHOTO
Mexican drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman is escorted by soldiers and marines to a waiting helicopter, at a federal hangar in Mexico City, Jan. 8, 2016.

Guzman is now back in prison as his lawyers fight his extradition to the U.S.

The drug kingpin escaped from the Altiplano prison near Mexico City on July 11, launching an active manhunt. When guards realized that he was missing from his cell, they found a ventilated tunnel and exit had been constructed in the bathtub inside Guzman’s cell. The tunnel extended for about a mile underground and featured an adapted motorcycle on rails that officials believe was used to transport the tools used to create the tunnel, Monte Alejandro Rubido, the head of the Mexican national security commission, said in July.

Guzman had been sent there after he was arrested in February 2014. He spent more than 10 years on the run after escaping from a different prison in 2001. It’s unclear exactly how he had escaped, but he did receive help from prison guards who were prosecuted and convicted.

Guzman, the leader of the Sinaloa cartel, was once described by the U.S. Treasury as “the most powerful drug trafficker in the world.” The Sinaloa cartel allegedly uses elaborate tunnels for drug trafficking and has been estimated to be responsible for 25 percent of all illegal drugs that enter the U.S. through Mexico.

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Los comentarios publicados son de exclusiva responsabilidad de sus autores y las consecuencias derivadas de ellos pueden ser pasibles de sanciones legales. Aquel usuario que incluya en sus mensajes algún comentario violatorio del reglamento será eliminado e inhabilitado para volver a comentar. Enviar un comentario implica la aceptación del Reglamento.

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Incredible GoPro footage takes you inside the gunfire-heavy raid that ended drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman’s six months on the run.

The video, obtained from Mexican authorities, looks as if it’s from an action movie. The camera follows the armed men as they storm the house, unleash grenades and bullets, and search room to room.

The Friday raid was called “Operation Black Swan,” according to the Mexican show “Primero Noticias.” Authorities decided to launch the raid Thursday after they got a tip about where Guzman was sleeping, the show reported.

Seventeen elite unit Mexican Marines launched their assault on the house in the city of Los Mochis at 4:40 a.m., “Primero Noticias” said.

They were met by about one dozen well-armed guards inside who were prepared for a fight, the show said.

The Marines moved from room to room, clearing the house. Upstairs they found two men in one room and found two women on the floor of a bathroom. All were captured, “Primero Noticias” said.

After 15 minutes, the Marines controlled the entire house, according to “Primero Noticias.”

In the end, five guards were killed and two men and two women were detained. One of the women was the same cook Guzman had with him when he was detained a couple years ago, according to “Primero Noticias.”

Eventually the marines determined that the only bedroom on the first floor was Guzman’s and they began pounding on the walls and moving furniture, finding hidden doors, the show said.

His room had a king-sized bed, bags from fashionable clothing stores, bread and cookie wrappers, and medicine including injectable testosterone, syringes, antibiotics and cough syrups, the show said. The two-story house had four bedrooms and five bathrooms. There were flat-screen TVs and Internet connection throughout the house, according to “Primero Noticias.”

The Marines eventually found a hidden passageway behind a mirror, with a handle hidden in the light fixture. The handle opened a secret door, leading down into the escape tunnel, the show explained.

The escape tunnel was fully lit and led to an access door for the city sewage system, “Primero Noticias” said, adding that Guzman had at least a 20-minute head start on the Marines.

The address where Guzman was captured had been monitored for a month, Mexican Attorney General Arely Gomez has said. According to Gomez, Guzman and his lieutenant escaped through that drainage system.

“Primero Noticias” said it obtained surveillance footage showing Guzman and his lieutenant emerging from the manhole cover, where they then stole two cars to flee, the show said.

Guzman was finally caught when he and the lieutenant were stopped on a highway by Mexican Federal Police, the show said.

Authorities took them to a motel to wait for reinforcement. The men were then taken to Los Mochis airport and transfered to Mexico City.

Rebecca Blackwell/AP PHOTO
Mexican drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman is escorted by soldiers and marines to a waiting helicopter, at a federal hangar in Mexico City, Jan. 8, 2016.

Guzman is now back in prison as his lawyers fight his extradition to the U.S.

The drug kingpin escaped from the Altiplano prison near Mexico City on July 11, launching an active manhunt. When guards realized that he was missing from his cell, they found a ventilated tunnel and exit had been constructed in the bathtub inside Guzman’s cell. The tunnel extended for about a mile underground and featured an adapted motorcycle on rails that officials believe was used to transport the tools used to create the tunnel, Monte Alejandro Rubido, the head of the Mexican national security commission, said in July.

Guzman had been sent there after he was arrested in February 2014. He spent more than 10 years on the run after escaping from a different prison in 2001. It’s unclear exactly how he had escaped, but he did receive help from prison guards who were prosecuted and convicted.

Guzman, the leader of the Sinaloa cartel, was once described by the U.S. Treasury as “the most powerful drug trafficker in the world.” The Sinaloa cartel allegedly uses elaborate tunnels for drug trafficking and has been estimated to be responsible for 25 percent of all illegal drugs that enter the U.S. through Mexico.

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Los comentarios publicados son de exclusiva responsabilidad de sus autores y las consecuencias derivadas de ellos pueden ser pasibles de sanciones legales. Aquel usuario que incluya en sus mensajes algún comentario violatorio del reglamento será eliminado e inhabilitado para volver a comentar. Enviar un comentario implica la aceptación del Reglamento.

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La construcción de carreteras es uno de los sectores más corruptos de Rusia.

Un funcionario de prisiones de alto rango fue detenido en Rusia acusado de robar 50 kilómetros de una autopista.

La policía informó que Alexander Protopopov, jefe interino adjunto del servicio de prisiones de Rusia, era el encargado de supervisar el desmantelamiento de la carretera, ubicada en la remota región de Komi, en el norte del país.

Al parecer, Protopopov presuntamente vendió los bloques de cemento armado para su beneficio personal, según dijo la policía.

Las autoridades creen que el complot le costó al gobierno más de 6 millones de rublos, unos US$79.000.

La carretera fue “desmantelada y retirada” durante un período de más de un año, entre 2014 y 2015, precisó el comité investigador en un comunicado que cita la agencia de noticias AFP.

Los bloques fueron adquiridos por una empresa comercial que también los vendió para hacer negocio, añadió la policía.

Protopopov fue jefe del servicio de prisiones de la región de Komi entre 2010 y 2015, y ganó varios premios, como una medalla por crear “unidad espiritual”, indica AFP.

Apropiación indebida

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Al parecer, Protopopov hizo el negocio vendiendo los bloques de cemento.

El funcionario fue detenido el miércoles y se enfrenta a un delito de apropiación indebida de propiedad del estado estando en un cargo oficial, que puede suponer una pena diez años de cárcel.

Otro funcionario de prisiones, el jefe de una penitenciaría y un empresario también están bajo investigación.

La República de Komi es una inmensa región del lejano norte de Rusia que está cubierta de bosques.

Tiene recursos naturales importantes: petróleo, gas y madera, entre otros.

La construcción de carreteras es uno de los sectores más corruptos en Rusia, con costos mucho más elevados que proyectos similares en otros países.

Por ejemplo, la construcción de una carretera de montaña para los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno de Sochi 2014 costó unos US$8.000 millones.

Algunos medios rusos denunciaron que habría costado lo mismo untar los 48 kilómetros de esa vía con caviar negro.

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Cuando todas las miradas estaban puestas en Demetrio Chávez Peñaherrera, alias Vaticano, una empleada de una estación de servicios, llamó la atención de muchos con una extraña acción ante las cámaras de televisión.

PUEDES VERNarcotraficante ‘Vaticano’: “Sería nefasto un gobierno de Keiko Fujimori” | VIDEO

El narcotraficante Vaticano fue liberado, tras estar encarcelado durante 22 años en el penal Castro Castro, en San Juan de Lurigancho. A su salida de la prisión, los medios de comunicación lo esperaron para que diera unas palabras.

Sin embargo, otros también lo siguieron durante su traslado. El vehículo que llevaba a Chávez Peñaherrera se detuvo en una estación de servicios, en donde los camarógrafos aprovecharon para enfocar.

Fue en ese momento en que una empleada del grifo realizó una extraña acción que fue captada por las cámaras de Latina. Una usuario de Twitter compartió esta imagen bastante particular.

Cabe indicar que Vaticano, a su salida del penal, sostuvo que llegó a ser grande en el narcotráfico porque Alberto Fujimori y Vladimiro Montesinos se lo permitieron. “Me apoyaron a cambio de un pago mensual de 50 mil dólares”, señaló.

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Incredible GoPro footage takes you inside the gunfire-heavy raid that ended drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman’s six months on the run.

The video, obtained from Mexican authorities, looks as if it’s from an action movie. The camera follows the armed men as they storm the house, unleash grenades and bullets, and search room to room.

The Friday raid was called “Operation Black Swan,” according to the Mexican show “Primero Noticias.” Authorities decided to launch the raid Thursday after they got a tip about where Guzman was sleeping, the show reported.

Seventeen elite unit Mexican Marines launched their assault on the house in the city of Los Mochis at 4:40 a.m., “Primero Noticias” said.

They were met by about one dozen well-armed guards inside who were prepared for a fight, the show said.

The Marines moved from room to room, clearing the house. Upstairs they found two men in one room and found two women on the floor of a bathroom. All were captured, “Primero Noticias” said.

After 15 minutes, the Marines controlled the entire house, according to “Primero Noticias.”

In the end, five guards were killed and two men and two women were detained. One of the women was the same cook Guzman had with him when he was detained a couple years ago, according to “Primero Noticias.”

Eventually the marines determined that the only bedroom on the first floor was Guzman’s and they began pounding on the walls and moving furniture, finding hidden doors, the show said.

His room had a king-sized bed, bags from fashionable clothing stores, bread and cookie wrappers, and medicine including injectable testosterone, syringes, antibiotics and cough syrups, the show said. The two-story house had four bedrooms and five bathrooms. There were flat-screen TVs and Internet connection throughout the house, according to “Primero Noticias.”

The Marines eventually found a hidden passageway behind a mirror, with a handle hidden in the light fixture. The handle opened a secret door, leading down into the escape tunnel, the show explained.

The escape tunnel was fully lit and led to an access door for the city sewage system, “Primero Noticias” said, adding that Guzman had at least a 20-minute head start on the Marines.

The address where Guzman was captured had been monitored for a month, Mexican Attorney General Arely Gomez has said. According to Gomez, Guzman and his lieutenant escaped through that drainage system.

“Primero Noticias” said it obtained surveillance footage showing Guzman and his lieutenant emerging from the manhole cover, where they then stole two cars to flee, the show said.

Guzman was finally caught when he and the lieutenant were stopped on a highway by Mexican Federal Police, the show said.

Authorities took them to a motel to wait for reinforcement. The men were then taken to Los Mochis airport and transfered to Mexico City.

Rebecca Blackwell/AP PHOTO
Mexican drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman is escorted by soldiers and marines to a waiting helicopter, at a federal hangar in Mexico City, Jan. 8, 2016.

Guzman is now back in prison as his lawyers fight his extradition to the U.S.

The drug kingpin escaped from the Altiplano prison near Mexico City on July 11, launching an active manhunt. When guards realized that he was missing from his cell, they found a ventilated tunnel and exit had been constructed in the bathtub inside Guzman’s cell. The tunnel extended for about a mile underground and featured an adapted motorcycle on rails that officials believe was used to transport the tools used to create the tunnel, Monte Alejandro Rubido, the head of the Mexican national security commission, said in July.

Guzman had been sent there after he was arrested in February 2014. He spent more than 10 years on the run after escaping from a different prison in 2001. It’s unclear exactly how he had escaped, but he did receive help from prison guards who were prosecuted and convicted.

Guzman, the leader of the Sinaloa cartel, was once described by the U.S. Treasury as “the most powerful drug trafficker in the world.” The Sinaloa cartel allegedly uses elaborate tunnels for drug trafficking and has been estimated to be responsible for 25 percent of all illegal drugs that enter the U.S. through Mexico.

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Cuando todas las miradas estaban puestas en Demetrio Chávez Peñaherrera, alias Vaticano, una empleada de una estación de servicios, llamó la atención de muchos con una extraña acción ante las cámaras de televisión.

PUEDES VERNarcotraficante ‘Vaticano’: “Sería nefasto un gobierno de Keiko Fujimori” | VIDEO

El narcotraficante Vaticano fue liberado, tras estar encarcelado durante 22 años en el penal Castro Castro, en San Juan de Lurigancho. A su salida de la prisión, los medios de comunicación lo esperaron para que diera unas palabras.

Sin embargo, otros también lo siguieron durante su traslado. El vehículo que llevaba a Chávez Peñaherrera se detuvo en una estación de servicios, en donde los camarógrafos aprovecharon para enfocar.

Fue en ese momento en que una empleada del grifo realizó una extraña acción que fue captada por las cámaras de Latina. Una usuario de Twitter compartió esta imagen bastante particular.

Cabe indicar que Vaticano, a su salida del penal, sostuvo que llegó a ser grande en el narcotráfico porque Alberto Fujimori y Vladimiro Montesinos se lo permitieron. “Me apoyaron a cambio de un pago mensual de 50 mil dólares”, señaló.

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Los comentarios publicados son de exclusiva responsabilidad de sus autores y las consecuencias derivadas de ellos pueden ser pasibles de sanciones legales. Aquel usuario que incluya en sus mensajes algún comentario violatorio del reglamento será eliminado e inhabilitado para volver a comentar. Enviar un comentario implica la aceptación del Reglamento.

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Incredible GoPro footage takes you inside the gunfire-heavy raid that ended drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman’s six months on the run.

The video, obtained from Mexican authorities, looks as if it’s from an action movie. The camera follows the armed men as they storm the house, unleash grenades and bullets, and search room to room.

The Friday raid was called “Operation Black Swan,” according to the Mexican show “Primero Noticias.” Authorities decided to launch the raid Thursday after they got a tip about where Guzman was sleeping, the show reported.

Seventeen elite unit Mexican Marines launched their assault on the house in the city of Los Mochis at 4:40 a.m., “Primero Noticias” said.

They were met by about one dozen well-armed guards inside who were prepared for a fight, the show said.

The Marines moved from room to room, clearing the house. Upstairs they found two men in one room and found two women on the floor of a bathroom. All were captured, “Primero Noticias” said.

After 15 minutes, the Marines controlled the entire house, according to “Primero Noticias.”

In the end, five guards were killed and two men and two women were detained. One of the women was the same cook Guzman had with him when he was detained a couple years ago, according to “Primero Noticias.”

Eventually the marines determined that the only bedroom on the first floor was Guzman’s and they began pounding on the walls and moving furniture, finding hidden doors, the show said.

His room had a king-sized bed, bags from fashionable clothing stores, bread and cookie wrappers, and medicine including injectable testosterone, syringes, antibiotics and cough syrups, the show said. The two-story house had four bedrooms and five bathrooms. There were flat-screen TVs and Internet connection throughout the house, according to “Primero Noticias.”

The Marines eventually found a hidden passageway behind a mirror, with a handle hidden in the light fixture. The handle opened a secret door, leading down into the escape tunnel, the show explained.

The escape tunnel was fully lit and led to an access door for the city sewage system, “Primero Noticias” said, adding that Guzman had at least a 20-minute head start on the Marines.

The address where Guzman was captured had been monitored for a month, Mexican Attorney General Arely Gomez has said. According to Gomez, Guzman and his lieutenant escaped through that drainage system.

“Primero Noticias” said it obtained surveillance footage showing Guzman and his lieutenant emerging from the manhole cover, where they then stole two cars to flee, the show said.

Guzman was finally caught when he and the lieutenant were stopped on a highway by Mexican Federal Police, the show said.

Authorities took them to a motel to wait for reinforcement. The men were then taken to Los Mochis airport and transfered to Mexico City.

Rebecca Blackwell/AP PHOTO
Mexican drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman is escorted by soldiers and marines to a waiting helicopter, at a federal hangar in Mexico City, Jan. 8, 2016.

Guzman is now back in prison as his lawyers fight his extradition to the U.S.

The drug kingpin escaped from the Altiplano prison near Mexico City on July 11, launching an active manhunt. When guards realized that he was missing from his cell, they found a ventilated tunnel and exit had been constructed in the bathtub inside Guzman’s cell. The tunnel extended for about a mile underground and featured an adapted motorcycle on rails that officials believe was used to transport the tools used to create the tunnel, Monte Alejandro Rubido, the head of the Mexican national security commission, said in July.

Guzman had been sent there after he was arrested in February 2014. He spent more than 10 years on the run after escaping from a different prison in 2001. It’s unclear exactly how he had escaped, but he did receive help from prison guards who were prosecuted and convicted.

Guzman, the leader of the Sinaloa cartel, was once described by the U.S. Treasury as “the most powerful drug trafficker in the world.” The Sinaloa cartel allegedly uses elaborate tunnels for drug trafficking and has been estimated to be responsible for 25 percent of all illegal drugs that enter the U.S. through Mexico.

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Los comentarios publicados son de exclusiva responsabilidad de sus autores y las consecuencias derivadas de ellos pueden ser pasibles de sanciones legales. Aquel usuario que incluya en sus mensajes algún comentario violatorio del reglamento será eliminado e inhabilitado para volver a comentar. Enviar un comentario implica la aceptación del Reglamento.

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Incredible GoPro footage takes you inside the gunfire-heavy raid that ended drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman’s six months on the run.

The video, obtained from Mexican authorities, looks as if it’s from an action movie. The camera follows the armed men as they storm the house, unleash grenades and bullets, and search room to room.

The Friday raid was called “Operation Black Swan,” according to the Mexican show “Primero Noticias.” Authorities decided to launch the raid Thursday after they got a tip about where Guzman was sleeping, the show reported.

Seventeen elite unit Mexican Marines launched their assault on the house in the city of Los Mochis at 4:40 a.m., “Primero Noticias” said.

They were met by about one dozen well-armed guards inside who were prepared for a fight, the show said.

The Marines moved from room to room, clearing the house. Upstairs they found two men in one room and found two women on the floor of a bathroom. All were captured, “Primero Noticias” said.

After 15 minutes, the Marines controlled the entire house, according to “Primero Noticias.”

In the end, five guards were killed and two men and two women were detained. One of the women was the same cook Guzman had with him when he was detained a couple years ago, according to “Primero Noticias.”

Eventually the marines determined that the only bedroom on the first floor was Guzman’s and they began pounding on the walls and moving furniture, finding hidden doors, the show said.

His room had a king-sized bed, bags from fashionable clothing stores, bread and cookie wrappers, and medicine including injectable testosterone, syringes, antibiotics and cough syrups, the show said. The two-story house had four bedrooms and five bathrooms. There were flat-screen TVs and Internet connection throughout the house, according to “Primero Noticias.”

The Marines eventually found a hidden passageway behind a mirror, with a handle hidden in the light fixture. The handle opened a secret door, leading down into the escape tunnel, the show explained.

The escape tunnel was fully lit and led to an access door for the city sewage system, “Primero Noticias” said, adding that Guzman had at least a 20-minute head start on the Marines.

The address where Guzman was captured had been monitored for a month, Mexican Attorney General Arely Gomez has said. According to Gomez, Guzman and his lieutenant escaped through that drainage system.

“Primero Noticias” said it obtained surveillance footage showing Guzman and his lieutenant emerging from the manhole cover, where they then stole two cars to flee, the show said.

Guzman was finally caught when he and the lieutenant were stopped on a highway by Mexican Federal Police, the show said.

Authorities took them to a motel to wait for reinforcement. The men were then taken to Los Mochis airport and transfered to Mexico City.

Rebecca Blackwell/AP PHOTO
Mexican drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman is escorted by soldiers and marines to a waiting helicopter, at a federal hangar in Mexico City, Jan. 8, 2016.

Guzman is now back in prison as his lawyers fight his extradition to the U.S.

The drug kingpin escaped from the Altiplano prison near Mexico City on July 11, launching an active manhunt. When guards realized that he was missing from his cell, they found a ventilated tunnel and exit had been constructed in the bathtub inside Guzman’s cell. The tunnel extended for about a mile underground and featured an adapted motorcycle on rails that officials believe was used to transport the tools used to create the tunnel, Monte Alejandro Rubido, the head of the Mexican national security commission, said in July.

Guzman had been sent there after he was arrested in February 2014. He spent more than 10 years on the run after escaping from a different prison in 2001. It’s unclear exactly how he had escaped, but he did receive help from prison guards who were prosecuted and convicted.

Guzman, the leader of the Sinaloa cartel, was once described by the U.S. Treasury as “the most powerful drug trafficker in the world.” The Sinaloa cartel allegedly uses elaborate tunnels for drug trafficking and has been estimated to be responsible for 25 percent of all illegal drugs that enter the U.S. through Mexico.

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