Noticias Do Dia

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Viernes, 28 de Agosto 2015  |  10:00 am


El caf es un alimento de origen vegetal que contiene minerales, vitaminas y algunas propiedades similares a las frutas y verduras, aunque aclar que no es necesariamente igual la concentracin de nutrientes ni de caloras. El caf tiene ms de mil sustancias qumicas, muchas de ellas con capacidad antioxidante, la mayora tipo polifenoles, que tienen beneficios para la salud y que vienen siendo estudiados y comprobados, seal la nutricionista Sara Abu Sabbah. | Fuente: | Getty Images

Sara Abu Sabbah, nutricionista y conductora de RPP Noticias, explic cules son las propiedades del caf y cuntas tazas al da son aconsejables.

El Día del Café Peruano se celebra cada cuarto viernes del mes de agosto y es un homenaje que se hace a este producto bandera reconocido mundialmente por su alta calidad. Con motivo de esta celebración te explicaremos los beneficios de su consumo.

Sara Abu Sabbah, nutricionista y conductora de Siempre en Casa de RPP Noticias, indicó que hay más garantía de los beneficios del café cuando este es puro, es decir, el grano pasa por un proceso de tostado y molido.

Explicó que el café es un alimento de origen vegetal que contiene minerales, vitaminas y algunas propiedades similares a las frutas y verduras, aunque aclaró que no es necesariamente igual la concentración de nutrientes ni de calorías.

“El café tiene más de mil sustancias químicas, muchas de ellas con capacidad antioxidante, la mayoría tipo polifenoles, que tienen beneficios para la salud y que vienen siendo estudiados y comprobados”, señaló la doctora.

Pero, ¿cuántas tazas de café son las recomendables? La nutricionista Sara Abu Sabbah recordó que la Administración de Drogas y Alimentos de los Estados Unidos (FDA, por sus siglas en inglés) considera que de 3 a 4 tazas de café al día no tendrían por qué dañar la salud en un adulto sano.

No obstante, señaló que este consumo moderado de café no es aplicable para todas las personas, ya que la cafeína altera el sistema nervioso central y en algunas personas ansiosas o niños puede ser contraproducente.

De igual forma, dijo que no es aconsejable para gestantes, pacientes con hipertensión arterial o gastritis, pues a estos últimos les irrita la mucosa del estómago. 

La experta en nutrición sí resaltó la propiedad estimulante de la cafeína para aquellas personas que tienen largas jornadas de trabajo o aquellas que requieren mejorar su nivel de concentración. Anotó que el efecto de este alcaloide ocurre cerca de 20 minutos después de haberla consumido.

Abu Sabbah también señaló que aunque el café puede dar la sensación de pérdida de fatiga y no va en contra de una prueba antidoping, no es sugerida para los deportistas en entrenamiento porque debido a que su capacidad diurética provoca deshidratación.

De igual forma, advirtió que el consumo de café en combinación con refrescos negros o bebidas energizantes, por ejemplo, en el caso de los transportistas que buscan resistir al sueño y estar en estado de alerta, puede ser un riesgo inminente.

En nuestra galería de fotos te resumiremos de forma didáctica los beneficios del café que quizá no conocías.




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Tanto el Sindicato Único de Automóviles con Taxímetro y Telefonistas (Suatt) como la Unión de Obreros y Trabajadores del Transporte (Unott) decidieron decretar un paro de 24 horas por el asesinato de un taxista ocurrido esta tarde en el barrio Peñarol.

El titular de la Unott, Oilcar Camaño, explicó a El País que en lo que refiere al transporte urbano, el paro comienza con los primeros servicios a partir de la medianoche, aunque advirtió que “ya está mermando” la cantidad de unidades en las calles.

El reintegro de estos servicios se realizará con la salida de los primeros nocturnos del sábado, entre las 21 y 22 horas, explicó Camaño.

En lo que refiere al transporte suburbano, (los ómnibus que salen de la terminal de Río Branco) el paro comienza con los primeros turnos de mañana sábado y el reintegro será con las primeras salidas del domingo.

Por último, Camaño dijo que los servicios de transporte interdepartamental, que salen de Tres Cruces, no adhieren a la medida sindical.

El dirigente del Suatt, Ary Wiedemann, dijo a El País que “todavía no tenemos fijada la hora en que será levantada la medida, porque eso depende de la hora del sepelio del compañero y todavía no lo tenemos muy claro porque lleva su trámite judicial y administrativo”.

“Cuando le entreguen el cuerpo a la familia y tengamos eso más claro vamos a evaluarlo. Por lo pronto todo el día de mañana vamos a seguir. Si el sepelio fuera mañana (sábado), ya con los primeros turnos del domingo nos reintegraríamos y si el sepelio fuera el domingo, seguiríamos de paro hasta el domingo y ese día evaluaríamos cuándo nos reintegramos”, explicó el dirigente.

Mañana el Suatt realizará un plenario en su local sindical para evaluar nuevas medidas.

Rapiñeros se fugaron sin el dinero

La víctima se encontraba contando el dinero de la recaudación mientras esperaba a su compañero. En ese momento dos jóvenes en una moto llegaron armados para intentar rapiñarlo, a lo que el hombre se resistió. Fue por esto que recibió un disparo en el tórax, el que finalmente le costó la vida.

Fuentes policiales confirmaron a Subrayado que los ladrones huyeron del lugar sin el dinero tras disparar contra el hombre. Pero en su fuga, por la calle Volta, chocaron contra una camioneta a dos cuadras en el cruce de la calle Terencio.

A uno de los delincuentes se le cayó el arma, pero la recuperó y ambos se fueron corriendo.
En horas de la tarde se realizó una movilización de los taxistas por el centro de Montevideo. Tomaron 18 de Julio, luego Bulevar Artigas, Garibaldi y San Martín, para finalizar en la sede del sindicato.

Source Article from



LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV Noticias 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate’s award-winning newscast, Noticias 22, “La voz de Tu Ciudad,” “The voice of your city”, scored as the fastest growing late Spanish language newscast in Nielsen’s recently completed July 2015 Sweeps for Los Angeles, the city with the largest Hispanic market in the nation.

“Our growth is a strong statement of relevance and support to our news team and editorial direction,” stated Palmira Perez, Noticias 22 MundoFOX News Anchor. “Noticias 22 continues to produce the most engaging, compelling news and information daily for our community, and as part of Meruelo Media, together we’re committed to journalistic excellence,” added Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media.

KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX Los Angeles July 2015 Sweeps Highlights:

  • KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. posted significant “year-to-year” growth in average ratings among the key demographic Adults 18-49, up 35% from the July 2014 Sweeps.
    • All the other Spanish-language late local newscasts were down, including those on KRCA/Estrella (-22%), KVEA/Telemundo (-1%) and KMEX/Univision (-2%). (Based on Monday to Friday average ratings.)
  • Among Adults 25-54, ratings for KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. were up 34% from the July 2014 Sweeps, more than the late newscast on KMEX/Univision (+15%) and KVEA/Telemundo (+7%), with KRCA/Estrella falling 19%.

Source: Los Angeles NSI Ratings, July 2015

For more information on KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX, please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms; the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super 22, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also broadcasts in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Rebekah Salgado 




SOURCE Meruelo Group / Meruelo Media


Source Article from



LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV Noticias 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate’s award-winning newscast, Noticias 22, “La voz de Tu Ciudad,” “The voice of your city”, scored as the fastest growing late Spanish language newscast in Nielsen’s recently completed July 2015 Sweeps for Los Angeles, the city with the largest Hispanic market in the nation.

“Our growth is a strong statement of relevance and support to our news team and editorial direction,” stated Palmira Perez, Noticias 22 MundoFOX News Anchor. “Noticias 22 continues to produce the most engaging, compelling news and information daily for our community, and as part of Meruelo Media, together we’re committed to journalistic excellence,” added Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media.

KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX Los Angeles July 2015 Sweeps Highlights:

  • KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. posted significant “year-to-year” growth in average ratings among the key demographic Adults 18-49, up 35% from the July 2014 Sweeps.
    • All the other Spanish-language late local newscasts were down, including those on KRCA/Estrella (-22%), KVEA/Telemundo (-1%) and KMEX/Univision (-2%). (Based on Monday to Friday average ratings.)
  • Among Adults 25-54, ratings for KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. were up 34% from the July 2014 Sweeps, more than the late newscast on KMEX/Univision (+15%) and KVEA/Telemundo (+7%), with KRCA/Estrella falling 19%.

Source: Los Angeles NSI Ratings, July 2015

For more information on KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX, please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms; the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super 22, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also broadcasts in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Rebekah Salgado 




SOURCE Meruelo Group / Meruelo Media


Source Article from



LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV Noticias 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate’s award-winning newscast, Noticias 22, “La voz de Tu Ciudad,” “The voice of your city”, scored as the fastest growing late Spanish language newscast in Nielsen’s recently completed July 2015 Sweeps for Los Angeles, the city with the largest Hispanic market in the nation.

“Our growth is a strong statement of relevance and support to our news team and editorial direction,” stated Palmira Perez, Noticias 22 MundoFOX News Anchor. “Noticias 22 continues to produce the most engaging, compelling news and information daily for our community, and as part of Meruelo Media, together we’re committed to journalistic excellence,” added Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media.

KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX Los Angeles July 2015 Sweeps Highlights:

  • KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. posted significant “year-to-year” growth in average ratings among the key demographic Adults 18-49, up 35% from the July 2014 Sweeps.
    • All the other Spanish-language late local newscasts were down, including those on KRCA/Estrella (-22%), KVEA/Telemundo (-1%) and KMEX/Univision (-2%). (Based on Monday to Friday average ratings.)
  • Among Adults 25-54, ratings for KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. were up 34% from the July 2014 Sweeps, more than the late newscast on KMEX/Univision (+15%) and KVEA/Telemundo (+7%), with KRCA/Estrella falling 19%.

Source: Los Angeles NSI Ratings, July 2015

For more information on KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX, please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms; the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super 22, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also broadcasts in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Rebekah Salgado 




SOURCE Meruelo Group / Meruelo Media


Source Article from



LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV Noticias 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate’s award-winning newscast, Noticias 22, “La voz de Tu Ciudad,” “The voice of your city”, scored as the fastest growing late Spanish language newscast in Nielsen’s recently completed July 2015 Sweeps for Los Angeles, the city with the largest Hispanic market in the nation.

“Our growth is a strong statement of relevance and support to our news team and editorial direction,” stated Palmira Perez, Noticias 22 MundoFOX News Anchor. “Noticias 22 continues to produce the most engaging, compelling news and information daily for our community, and as part of Meruelo Media, together we’re committed to journalistic excellence,” added Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media.

KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX Los Angeles July 2015 Sweeps Highlights:

  • KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. posted significant “year-to-year” growth in average ratings among the key demographic Adults 18-49, up 35% from the July 2014 Sweeps.
    • All the other Spanish-language late local newscasts were down, including those on KRCA/Estrella (-22%), KVEA/Telemundo (-1%) and KMEX/Univision (-2%). (Based on Monday to Friday average ratings.)
  • Among Adults 25-54, ratings for KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. were up 34% from the July 2014 Sweeps, more than the late newscast on KMEX/Univision (+15%) and KVEA/Telemundo (+7%), with KRCA/Estrella falling 19%.

Source: Los Angeles NSI Ratings, July 2015

For more information on KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX, please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms; the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super 22, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also broadcasts in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Rebekah Salgado 




SOURCE Meruelo Group / Meruelo Media


Source Article from



LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV Noticias 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate’s award-winning newscast, Noticias 22, “La voz de Tu Ciudad,” “The voice of your city”, scored as the fastest growing late Spanish language newscast in Nielsen’s recently completed July 2015 Sweeps for Los Angeles, the city with the largest Hispanic market in the nation.

“Our growth is a strong statement of relevance and support to our news team and editorial direction,” stated Palmira Perez, Noticias 22 MundoFOX News Anchor. “Noticias 22 continues to produce the most engaging, compelling news and information daily for our community, and as part of Meruelo Media, together we’re committed to journalistic excellence,” added Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media.

KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX Los Angeles July 2015 Sweeps Highlights:

  • KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. posted significant “year-to-year” growth in average ratings among the key demographic Adults 18-49, up 35% from the July 2014 Sweeps.
    • All the other Spanish-language late local newscasts were down, including those on KRCA/Estrella (-22%), KVEA/Telemundo (-1%) and KMEX/Univision (-2%). (Based on Monday to Friday average ratings.)
  • Among Adults 25-54, ratings for KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. were up 34% from the July 2014 Sweeps, more than the late newscast on KMEX/Univision (+15%) and KVEA/Telemundo (+7%), with KRCA/Estrella falling 19%.

Source: Los Angeles NSI Ratings, July 2015

For more information on KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX, please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms; the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super 22, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also broadcasts in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Rebekah Salgado 




SOURCE Meruelo Group / Meruelo Media


Source Article from



LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV Noticias 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate’s award-winning newscast, Noticias 22, “La voz de Tu Ciudad,” “The voice of your city”, scored as the fastest growing late Spanish language newscast in Nielsen’s recently completed July 2015 Sweeps for Los Angeles, the city with the largest Hispanic market in the nation.

“Our growth is a strong statement of relevance and support to our news team and editorial direction,” stated Palmira Perez, Noticias 22 MundoFOX News Anchor. “Noticias 22 continues to produce the most engaging, compelling news and information daily for our community, and as part of Meruelo Media, together we’re committed to journalistic excellence,” added Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media.

KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX Los Angeles July 2015 Sweeps Highlights:

  • KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. posted significant “year-to-year” growth in average ratings among the key demographic Adults 18-49, up 35% from the July 2014 Sweeps.
    • All the other Spanish-language late local newscasts were down, including those on KRCA/Estrella (-22%), KVEA/Telemundo (-1%) and KMEX/Univision (-2%). (Based on Monday to Friday average ratings.)
  • Among Adults 25-54, ratings for KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. were up 34% from the July 2014 Sweeps, more than the late newscast on KMEX/Univision (+15%) and KVEA/Telemundo (+7%), with KRCA/Estrella falling 19%.

Source: Los Angeles NSI Ratings, July 2015

For more information on KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX, please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms; the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super 22, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also broadcasts in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Rebekah Salgado 




SOURCE Meruelo Group / Meruelo Media


Source Article from



LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV Noticias 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate’s award-winning newscast, Noticias 22, “La voz de Tu Ciudad,” “The voice of your city”, scored as the fastest growing late Spanish language newscast in Nielsen’s recently completed July 2015 Sweeps for Los Angeles, the city with the largest Hispanic market in the nation.

“Our growth is a strong statement of relevance and support to our news team and editorial direction,” stated Palmira Perez, Noticias 22 MundoFOX News Anchor. “Noticias 22 continues to produce the most engaging, compelling news and information daily for our community, and as part of Meruelo Media, together we’re committed to journalistic excellence,” added Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media.

KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX Los Angeles July 2015 Sweeps Highlights:

  • KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. posted significant “year-to-year” growth in average ratings among the key demographic Adults 18-49, up 35% from the July 2014 Sweeps.
    • All the other Spanish-language late local newscasts were down, including those on KRCA/Estrella (-22%), KVEA/Telemundo (-1%) and KMEX/Univision (-2%). (Based on Monday to Friday average ratings.)
  • Among Adults 25-54, ratings for KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. were up 34% from the July 2014 Sweeps, more than the late newscast on KMEX/Univision (+15%) and KVEA/Telemundo (+7%), with KRCA/Estrella falling 19%.

Source: Los Angeles NSI Ratings, July 2015

For more information on KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX, please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms; the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super 22, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also broadcasts in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Rebekah Salgado 




SOURCE Meruelo Group / Meruelo Media


Source Article from



LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV Noticias 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate’s award-winning newscast, Noticias 22, “La voz de Tu Ciudad,” “The voice of your city”, scored as the fastest growing late Spanish language newscast in Nielsen’s recently completed July 2015 Sweeps for Los Angeles, the city with the largest Hispanic market in the nation.

“Our growth is a strong statement of relevance and support to our news team and editorial direction,” stated Palmira Perez, Noticias 22 MundoFOX News Anchor. “Noticias 22 continues to produce the most engaging, compelling news and information daily for our community, and as part of Meruelo Media, together we’re committed to journalistic excellence,” added Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media.

KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX Los Angeles July 2015 Sweeps Highlights:

  • KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. posted significant “year-to-year” growth in average ratings among the key demographic Adults 18-49, up 35% from the July 2014 Sweeps.
    • All the other Spanish-language late local newscasts were down, including those on KRCA/Estrella (-22%), KVEA/Telemundo (-1%) and KMEX/Univision (-2%). (Based on Monday to Friday average ratings.)
  • Among Adults 25-54, ratings for KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. were up 34% from the July 2014 Sweeps, more than the late newscast on KMEX/Univision (+15%) and KVEA/Telemundo (+7%), with KRCA/Estrella falling 19%.

Source: Los Angeles NSI Ratings, July 2015

For more information on KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX, please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms; the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super 22, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also broadcasts in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Rebekah Salgado 




SOURCE Meruelo Group / Meruelo Media


Source Article from



LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV Noticias 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate’s award-winning newscast, Noticias 22, “La voz de Tu Ciudad,” “The voice of your city”, scored as the fastest growing late Spanish language newscast in Nielsen’s recently completed July 2015 Sweeps for Los Angeles, the city with the largest Hispanic market in the nation.

“Our growth is a strong statement of relevance and support to our news team and editorial direction,” stated Palmira Perez, Noticias 22 MundoFOX News Anchor. “Noticias 22 continues to produce the most engaging, compelling news and information daily for our community, and as part of Meruelo Media, together we’re committed to journalistic excellence,” added Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media.

KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX Los Angeles July 2015 Sweeps Highlights:

  • KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. posted significant “year-to-year” growth in average ratings among the key demographic Adults 18-49, up 35% from the July 2014 Sweeps.
    • All the other Spanish-language late local newscasts were down, including those on KRCA/Estrella (-22%), KVEA/Telemundo (-1%) and KMEX/Univision (-2%). (Based on Monday to Friday average ratings.)
  • Among Adults 25-54, ratings for KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. were up 34% from the July 2014 Sweeps, more than the late newscast on KMEX/Univision (+15%) and KVEA/Telemundo (+7%), with KRCA/Estrella falling 19%.

Source: Los Angeles NSI Ratings, July 2015

For more information on KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX, please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms; the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super 22, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also broadcasts in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Rebekah Salgado 




SOURCE Meruelo Group / Meruelo Media


Source Article from



LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV Noticias 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate’s award-winning newscast, Noticias 22, “La voz de Tu Ciudad,” “The voice of your city”, scored as the fastest growing late Spanish language newscast in Nielsen’s recently completed July 2015 Sweeps for Los Angeles, the city with the largest Hispanic market in the nation.

“Our growth is a strong statement of relevance and support to our news team and editorial direction,” stated Palmira Perez, Noticias 22 MundoFOX News Anchor. “Noticias 22 continues to produce the most engaging, compelling news and information daily for our community, and as part of Meruelo Media, together we’re committed to journalistic excellence,” added Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media.

KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX Los Angeles July 2015 Sweeps Highlights:

  • KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. posted significant “year-to-year” growth in average ratings among the key demographic Adults 18-49, up 35% from the July 2014 Sweeps.
    • All the other Spanish-language late local newscasts were down, including those on KRCA/Estrella (-22%), KVEA/Telemundo (-1%) and KMEX/Univision (-2%). (Based on Monday to Friday average ratings.)
  • Among Adults 25-54, ratings for KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. were up 34% from the July 2014 Sweeps, more than the late newscast on KMEX/Univision (+15%) and KVEA/Telemundo (+7%), with KRCA/Estrella falling 19%.

Source: Los Angeles NSI Ratings, July 2015

For more information on KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX, please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms; the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super 22, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also broadcasts in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Rebekah Salgado 




SOURCE Meruelo Group / Meruelo Media


Source Article from



LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV Noticias 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate’s award-winning newscast, Noticias 22, “La voz de Tu Ciudad,” “The voice of your city”, scored as the fastest growing late Spanish language newscast in Nielsen’s recently completed July 2015 Sweeps for Los Angeles, the city with the largest Hispanic market in the nation.

“Our growth is a strong statement of relevance and support to our news team and editorial direction,” stated Palmira Perez, Noticias 22 MundoFOX News Anchor. “Noticias 22 continues to produce the most engaging, compelling news and information daily for our community, and as part of Meruelo Media, together we’re committed to journalistic excellence,” added Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media.

KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX Los Angeles July 2015 Sweeps Highlights:

  • KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. posted significant “year-to-year” growth in average ratings among the key demographic Adults 18-49, up 35% from the July 2014 Sweeps.
    • All the other Spanish-language late local newscasts were down, including those on KRCA/Estrella (-22%), KVEA/Telemundo (-1%) and KMEX/Univision (-2%). (Based on Monday to Friday average ratings.)
  • Among Adults 25-54, ratings for KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. were up 34% from the July 2014 Sweeps, more than the late newscast on KMEX/Univision (+15%) and KVEA/Telemundo (+7%), with KRCA/Estrella falling 19%.

Source: Los Angeles NSI Ratings, July 2015

For more information on KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX, please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms; the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super 22, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also broadcasts in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Rebekah Salgado 




SOURCE Meruelo Group / Meruelo Media


Source Article from



LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV Noticias 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate’s award-winning newscast, Noticias 22, “La voz de Tu Ciudad,” “The voice of your city”, scored as the fastest growing late Spanish language newscast in Nielsen’s recently completed July 2015 Sweeps for Los Angeles, the city with the largest Hispanic market in the nation.

“Our growth is a strong statement of relevance and support to our news team and editorial direction,” stated Palmira Perez, Noticias 22 MundoFOX News Anchor. “Noticias 22 continues to produce the most engaging, compelling news and information daily for our community, and as part of Meruelo Media, together we’re committed to journalistic excellence,” added Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media.

KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX Los Angeles July 2015 Sweeps Highlights:

  • KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. posted significant “year-to-year” growth in average ratings among the key demographic Adults 18-49, up 35% from the July 2014 Sweeps.
    • All the other Spanish-language late local newscasts were down, including those on KRCA/Estrella (-22%), KVEA/Telemundo (-1%) and KMEX/Univision (-2%). (Based on Monday to Friday average ratings.)
  • Among Adults 25-54, ratings for KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. were up 34% from the July 2014 Sweeps, more than the late newscast on KMEX/Univision (+15%) and KVEA/Telemundo (+7%), with KRCA/Estrella falling 19%.

Source: Los Angeles NSI Ratings, July 2015

For more information on KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX, please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms; the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super 22, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also broadcasts in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Rebekah Salgado 




SOURCE Meruelo Group / Meruelo Media


Source Article from

Al registrarse en alguno de los sitios de Dominio de ARTE GRAFICO EDITORIAL ARGENTINO S.A. (en adelante AGEA), EL USUARIO deberá brindar información personal, prestando su consentimiento para que la misma sea almacenada directamente en una BASE DE DATOS, encontrándose protegida electrónicamente, utilizando los mecanismos de seguridad informática de protección de la información más completos y eficaces para mantenerla en total confidencialidad, conforme a la Ley Nº 25.326 de Hábeas Data, no obstante lo cual, el Usuario puede informarse al respecto en 25326.pdf, siendo la Dirección Nacional de Protección de Datos Personales, del Ministerio de Justicia, Seguridad y Derechos Humanos, el órgano de control de la citada norma legal (

AGEA se reserva el derecho a modificar la presente política para adaptarla a novedades legislativas o jurisprudenciales así como a prácticas de la industria. En dichos supuestos, anunciará en esta página los cambios introducidos con razonable antelación a su puesta en práctica.

Mediante el presente, toda persona que se registra en un sitio de Internet de dominio de AGEA (en adelante USUARIO) y vuelque información respecto de su nombre, domicilio, documento nacional de identidad, identificación tributaria, teléfono, dirección de correo electrónico y/o datos vinculados a productos financieros (DATOS PERSONALES), presta su consentimiento para que dicha información sea almacenada directamente en una BASE DE DATOS de propiedad de AGEA.

El Usuario garantiza que los Datos Personales facilitados a AGEA son veraces y se hace responsable de comunicar a ésta cualquier modificación en los mismos.

Se deja expresamente aclarado que ciertos Servicios prestados por éste sitio u otros sitios vinculados pueden contener Condiciones Particulares con previsiones específicas en materia de protección de Datos Personales.

Los Datos Personales serán incorporados a una base de datos que es de titularidad de AGEA (la “Base”).

EL USUARIO presta su consentimiento para que AGEA realice operaciones y procedimientos sistemáticos, electrónicos o no, que permitan la recolección, conservación, ordenación, almacenamiento, modificación, evaluación, bloqueo y en general, el procesamiento de sus DATOS PERSONALES (en adelante TRATAMIENTO DE DATOS PERSONALES).

AGEA podrá contratar a terceros para el tratamiento de Datos Personales.

La finalidad de la recogida y tratamiento de los Datos Personales es la que se detalla a continuación:

• Para habilitar su participación en promociones, premios o concursos en línea.

• Para el desarrollo de nuevos productos y servicios que satisfagan las necesidades del Usuario.

• Para contactarse, vía mail o telefónicamente, con el Usuario a fin de relevar opiniones sobre el servicio y para informar sobre productos y servicios de cualquiera de los sitios editoriales o productos de AGEA.

AGEA ha adoptado los niveles de seguridad de protección de los Datos Personales legalmente requeridos, y ha instalado todos los medios y medidas técnicas a su alcance para evitar la pérdida, mal uso, alteración, acceso no autorizado y robo de los Datos Personales facilitados a AGEA. Ello no obstante, el Usuario debe ser consciente de que las medidas de seguridad en Internet no son inexpugnables. Por tal motivo, debe tener presente que siempre que divulguen voluntariamente información personal online, ésta puede ser recogida y utilizada por otros. Por lo tanto, si bien ponemos nuestro mayor esfuerzo por proteger su información personal, AGEA no será responsable por la difusión de los datos personales de nuestros visitantes efectuada por fuentes ajenas a ésta ni será responsable por los daños y perjuicios que la misma genere.

El Usuario tiene reconocidos los derechos de acceso, cancelación, rectificación y oposición, así como tienen reconocido el derecho a ser informados de los permisos de acceso realizados contactándose con AGEA a través del correo electrónico

El Usuario puede modificar sus Datos Personales en cualquier momento, accediendo directamente a “Editar Perfil”, valiéndose de su Usuario y Contraseña, podrá dar de alta, modificar y/o dar de baja los datos personales que hubieran ingresado en la Base.

Las estructuras de la Base no requiere ni permite el ingreso de datos ‘sensibles’ en los términos del artículo 7° y concordantes de la Ley 25.326 de Protección de Datos Personales y su Reglamentación.

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