Noticias Do Dia

Este fin de semana hubo muchos chismes, pero algunas estrellas se convirtieron en el tema de conversación porque se vieron envueltos en la polémica.


La Wanders volvió a trabajar.

Luego del escándalo de agresión física que sufrió Yered Licona, mejor conocida como ‘La Wanders Lover’, por parte de su ex pareja Radamés de Jesús, la comediante está lista para volver a trabajar, así que preparó sus maletas y salió rumbo a Chihuahua.

Si quieres leer la nota completa haz click aquí.


Frida Sofía y Luis Escamilla hicieron una promesa de amor tras 5 meses de noviazgo.

Con apenas 5 meses de relación Frida Sofía y su novio, decidieron dar el siguiente paso en su relación, por lo que ella presumió en su cuenta de Instagram los hermosos anillos de promesa, sello de su nuevo pero firme amor.

Si quieres leer la nota completa haz click aquí.


Miley Cyrus mostró la parte más sucia de su cuerpo.

Siempre polémica y llena de ocurrencias, Miley Cyrus, de 22 años, está acostumbrada a compartir cada momento en sus redes sociales, desde una agradable tarde con sus mascotas, hasta una sesión fotográfica en donde no deja nada a la imaginación, pero esta vez se animó a publicar parte de las imperfecciones de su cuerpo y no sólo eso, sino las más sucias.

Si quieres leer la nota completa haz click aquí.


Belinda presumió su espectacular anatomía en su cuenta de Instagram.

La guapa y sensual Belinda se encuentra en la mejor etapa de su carrera, pues a pesar de que es muy joven sigue cosechando grandes éxitos, pero además demuestra que como mujer está en su punto, pues la cantante presumió su anatomía con un sensual y colorido bikini neón.

Si quieres leer la nota completa haz click aquí.


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“La vida es corta. Ten un affaire” es uno de los lemas de Ashley Madison.

Dos clientes de la página de infidelidades matrimoniales Ashley Madison al parecer se suicidaron, según informó la policía de Canadá.

Los dos canadienses, cuyos nombres no fueron dados a conocer, decidieron poner fin a sus vidas luego de que se revelaran sus datos asociados al sitio, como parte de lo que se considera uno de los mayores ataques de piratas informáticos jamás visto.

Por otra parte, Avid Life Media, la empresa que publica el sitio, ofreció una recompensa de US$500.000 a cambio de información sobre la identidad de los hackers, que la semana pasada filtraron 9 gigabytes de datos de los clientes de Ashley Madison.

“Hoy puedo confirmar que Avid Life Media está ofreciendo (esta recompensa) a cualquiera que ofrezca información que lleve a la identificación arresto y enjuiciamiento de los responsables de esta filtración”, dijo el portavoz de la policía canadiense Bryce Evans.

Evans señaló que el caso Ashley Madison constituye “uno de las mayores filtraciones de datos del mundo y es un caso único, ya que pone al descubierto a decenas de millones de personas”.

Por otra parte, una amplia lista de correos electrónicos del buzón del director ejecutivo de Ashley Madison está siendo analizada por expertos en seguridad.

Los 30 gigabytes de datos contenidos en correos electrónicos vinculados al sitio de infidelidades matrimoniales incluye alrededor de 200.000 correos de su jefe, Noel Biderman.

Algunos detalles del contenido de estos correos ya están siendo distribuidos a través de la red social Twitter.

Lea también: “Publican los datos de la página de infidelidades matrimoniales Ashley Madison”

Datos verificados

El ataque contra Ashley Madison se considera una de las mayores filtraciones de datos, según la policía.

Algunas empresas especializadas ya han verificado que los correos son reales.

TrustedSec, una firma de seguridad estadounidense, publicó un blog en el que confirmó la veracidad de los datos.

La empresa señaló que éstos incluyen 6.800 personas que enviaron correos a través de la página y 3.600 receptores.

El experto en seguridad noruego Per Thorsheim también confirmó la autenticidad de los datos, en particular de los correos electrónicos.

“Vi uno o dos correos electrónicos y pude verificar a quién envió el correo, al recipiente, los dominios y todo. Y se trata definitivamente de un correo del buzón (del jefe de Ashley Madison)”.

“No hay ninguna duda”, agregó.

Thorsheim dijo a la BBC que no tiene interés en hurgar en los datos, más allá de establecer su veracidad.

Ataque inusual

La firma contratada por Ashley Madison para investigar el caso señaló que el ataque de los hackers fue llevado a cabo utilizando “medios inusuales”.

“Puedo confirmar que al contrario de muchos ataques similares, en los que el atacante se ha aprovechado de una debilidad en los sistemas de seguridad para inyectar un SQL o lenguaje de consulta estructurado para acceso de datos, esto no sucedió en este caso”, dijo a la BBC Joel Eriksson, experto de seguridad de Cycura.

El sitio web Motherboard ha publicado extractos de varios correos electrónicos, que parecen contener discusiones sobre la política de seguridad del sitio de infidelidades matrimoniales.

“Este ataque pirata afecta potencialmente a millones de personas”, dijo a la BBC el periodista Joseph Cox.

“Los correos electrónicos filtrados, que parecen ser legítimos, ofrecen una cierta idea de lo que pensaban los encargados del sitio sobre la seguridad de éste”, señaló.

Impacto en los usuarios

La más reciente filtración de datos contiene unos 200 mil correos electrónicos del director del sitio, Noel Biderman.

Mientras tanto, el impacto sobre usuarios cuyos datos fueron revelados la semana pasada ya se ha hecho sentir, como lo muestra el suicidio de al menos dos personas.

Troy Hunt, que ha escrito blogs al respecto, describió el caso de un pastor de iglesia que contactó a una feligrés cuyo correo electrónico estaba vinculado a una cuenta de Ashley Madison.

Hunt dijo que ha recibido “una gran cantidad de solicitudes” de personas que temen estar asociadas con Ashley Madison, hayan creado o no una cuenta en el sitio.

“La gente está desesperada por obtener esos datos”, dijo a la BBC.

“Están recurriendo a cosas que los puede meter en problemas serios, como tratar de bajar los datos ellos mismos”.

Agregó que no cree que sea correcto exponer los datos de individuos que figuran en la base de datos de Ashley Madison.

“En muchos casos, esta gente es completamente inocente”.

Chantajes y extorsiones

Dos firmas de abogados ya lanzaron sendas demandas contra Ashley Madison.

Los expertos temen que muchos usuarios puedan ser objeto de chantajes y extorsiones.

El experto en seguridad Brian Krebs informó que la semana pasado rastreó correos electrónicos demandando pagos en (la moneda digital) Bitcoins, y que tenían como blanco direcciones que aparecen en los datos de Ashley Madison.

Aunque las implicaciones de esta filtración de datos están todavía por verse, algunos comentaristas sostienen que el caso podría tener amplias repercusiones.

Dos firmas de abogados ya lanzaron dos demandas contra Ashley Madison y es posible que los demandantes busquen utilizar los correos filtrados del director del sitio para usarlos en su contra, según señaló el abogado británico Mark Watts.

Explicó que aunque los datos fueron filtrados ilegalmente, cualquier información será de utilidad, y agregó que en todo caso el contenido de esos correos habría sido revelado eventualmente.

Esencialmente los demandantes tienen acceso a estos correos prematuramente.

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LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV Noticias 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate’s award-winning newscast, Noticias 22, “La voz de Tu Ciudad,” “The voice of your city”, scored as the fastest growing late Spanish language newscast in Nielsen’s recently completed July 2015 Sweeps for Los Angeles, the city with the largest Hispanic market in the nation.

“Our growth is a strong statement of relevance and support to our news team and editorial direction,” stated Palmira Perez, Noticias 22 MundoFOX News Anchor. “Noticias 22 continues to produce the most engaging, compelling news and information daily for our community, and as part of Meruelo Media, together we’re committed to journalistic excellence,” added Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media.

KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX Los Angeles July 2015 Sweeps Highlights:

  • KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. posted significant “year-to-year” growth in average ratings among the key demographic Adults 18-49, up 35% from the July 2014 Sweeps.
    • All the other Spanish-language late local newscasts were down, including those on KRCA/Estrella (-22%), KVEA/Telemundo (-1%) and KMEX/Univision (-2%). (Based on Monday to Friday average ratings.)
  • Among Adults 25-54, ratings for KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. were up 34% from the July 2014 Sweeps, more than the late newscast on KMEX/Univision (+15%) and KVEA/Telemundo (+7%), with KRCA/Estrella falling 19%.

Source: Los Angeles NSI Ratings, July 2015

For more information on KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX, please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms; the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super 22, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also broadcasts in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Rebekah Salgado 




SOURCE Meruelo Group / Meruelo Media


Source Article from

El gobernador del estado de Táchira (Venezuela) informó el domingo que 791 ciudadanos colombianos indocumentados fueron deportados durante el fin de semana.

Un incidente en el que resultaron heridos tres militares venezolanos y un civil en un enfrentamiento con supuestos contrabandistas en un área fronteriza con Colombia volvió a tensar la relación entre ambos países y se saldó con cientos de colombianos deportados durante el fin de semana.

El gobernador del estado de Táchira, José Vielma Mora, informó este domingo que 791 colombianos que se encontraban de forma ilegal en territorio venezolano fueron entregados al Consulado General de Colombia.

Sin embargo, cifras difundidas por las autoridades migratorias de Colombia este lunes señalan que 751 de sus ciudadanos fueron expulsados (612 adultos deportados y 139 niños repatriados)

De ellos, 514 se encuentran en albergues en la zona de la frontera y se han trasladado a sus hogares en Colombia.

Las expulsiones, que han tenido lugar en menos de una semana, equivalen al 40% de las 1.820 que tuvieron lugar durante todo 2014.

El presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, decretó el viernes el cierre de parte de la frontera con Colombia.

El gobierno colombiano pidió a Venezuela que “respete la integridad y los derechos humanos de los ciudadanos colombianos que sean objeto de detenciones, deportaciones y demás acciones adelantadas”.

“Exigimos que antes de aplicar medidas de deportación se analice la situación familiar para garantizar la unión de padres e hijos“, indicó la Cancillería en un comunicado.

Estado de excepción

Las deportaciones –que se suman a los casi 1.500 deportados de este año– se realizaron en el marco de una jornada especial de la Operación de Liberación y Protección del Pueblo (OLP) en esta zona fronteriza con Colombia, una reciente campaña policial venezolana que busca acabar con bandas delincuenciales.

El operativo se activó después de que el viernes el presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, declarara el estado de excepción en varios municipios del estado de Táchira, una región fronteriza con Colombia.

Lea: Maduro decreta el estado de excepción en una parte de la frontera con Colombia

La medida implica la suspensión del porte de armas, allanamientos sin orden judicial, pedir permiso con 15 días de anterioridad para hacer protestas, requisas y límites en las cantidades dinero que se cargan o transfieren, explicó el corresponsal de BBC Mundo en Caracas, Daniel Pardo.

Los municipios afectados por el cierre son Bolívar, Ureña, Junín, Libertad e Independencia, ubicados en la zona fronteriza con Colombia.

Maduro anunció además el cierre de la frontera “hasta nuevo aviso”.

Respuesta colombiana

El presidente de Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, criticó esta decisión al asegurar que la medida es injustificada y afecta a los habitantes de ambos lados de la frontera sin resolver el problema del contrabando.

El mandatario, sin embargo, se mantiene firme en que los dos gobiernos deben trabajar juntos.

“Si cooperamos los únicos que pierden son los delincuentes, pero si se cierra la frontera y no hay coordinación los únicos que ganan son los delincuentes”, dijo Santos.

“Aún ante un creciente impacto social y económico del lado colombiano, el gobierno de Juan Manuel Santos ha elegido evitar la vía de la confrontación”, destacó el corresponsal de BBC Mundo en Colombia, Natalio Cosoy.

El lunes Santos escribió en Twitter: “No desistiremos en solución diplomática”.

Por el puente internacional Simón Bolívar transitan a diario decenas de miles de personas y vehículos.

Está previsto que las cancilleres de Colombia María Ángela Holguín y de Venezuela Delcy Rodríguez mantengan una reunión bilateral el próximo 26 de agosto para analizar la situación en la frontera.

Este domingo, la Cancillería emitió un comunicado en el que dice que Colombia “reitera su voluntad de cooperación con el Gobierno de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, a fin de profundizar la estrategia binacional de lucha contra el contrabando”.

Entre tanto, por la situación que se vive del lado colombiano de la frontera, el alcalde de Cúcuta Donamaris Ramírez declaró este lunes la calamidad pública en su ciudad.

Contrabando y desestabilización

Los bajos precios de la gasolina subsidiada y de algunos productos regulados han llevado, sobre todo durante la última década, a la proliferación de los contrabandistas en la porosa frontera de 2.200 kilómetros que comparten.

Militares venezolanos detuvieron durante un operativo especial a ocho personas sospechosas de tener vínculos con grupos paramitilaters en Colombia.

Maduro asegura que grupos paramilitares colombianos viajan con regularidad a Venezuela, generando caos y escasez con el fin de desestabilizar la “revolución”.

La oposición venezolana, explica el corresponsal de BBC Mundo en Caracas, interpreta las medidas del gobierno en Táchira como una forma de distraer de la crisis económica, de tantear el terreno para suspender elecciones en zonas de mayoría opositora y de resolver los problemas que “ellos mismos crearon”.

Lea: Maduro ordena militarización de la frontera con Colombia “para acabar con el crimen”

La campaña anti contrabando del gobierno venezolano empezó hace un año, cuando decretaron el cierre de la frontera por las noches y empezaron a deportar a decenas de colombianos.

Según cifras oficiales, esta campaña ha dejado 1.185 detenidos, 176 trochas inhabilitadas y 19.000 toneladas de productos confiscadas. Pero poco ha cambiado, porque el contrabando es un fenómeno estructural, dicen expertos.

El incidente

Según el gobierno venezolano, el enfretamiento del miércoles entre policías y contrabandistas se dio cuando los supuestos traficantes fueron interceptados cuando se disponían a cruzar a Colombia con un cargamento.

Medios locales opositores reportaron, citando fuentes policíales, que los tres policías heridos fueron víctimas de un robo.

Maduro declaró 60 días de estado de emergencia en cinco municipios fronterizos y desplegó un contingente de 1.500 soldados a la zona fronteriza.

“Les hicieron una emboscada precisamente en el momento en el que se dirigían en su tarea y faena diaria a combatir todas estas mafias de bachaqueros (contrabandistas) y paramilitares que vienen de Colombia”, dijo Maduro.

Lea: Quiénes son los “bachaqueros” que el gobierno de Venezuela acusa de la escasez

El mandatario aseguró que las víctimas fueron “atacadas por la espalda” por dos motorizados “en un operativo muy a la usanza del paramilitarismo, con armas largas”. Y ordenó incrementar la actividad de la Operación de Liberación y Protección del Pueblo para buscar a los responsables.

Operativo y allanamientos

En el operativo desplegado este fin de semana se realizaron allanamientos “casa por casa” en 2.000 viviendas en San Antonio del Táchira.

En estos allanamientos fueron arrestadas ocho personas sospechosas de pertenecer a grupos paramiliares, informó el vicepresidente ejecutivo, Jorge Arreaza, que aseguró que “se están haciendo las investigaciones pertinentes”.

Cúcuta está comunicada con las ciudades de Ureña y San Antonio, que hacen parte del estado venezolano de Táchira, por el puente internacional Simón Bolívar.

Las autoridades venezolanas indicaron además haber encontrado explosivos, armas, combustible, material inflamable, dinero, uniformes de grupos paramilitares colombianos y un centro de prostitución clandestino.

Arreaza señaló que el operativo continuará en los próximos días.

Medidas humanitarias

Las autoridades colombianas crearon un Centro de Mando Unificado en la ciudad de Cúcuta (noreste) para atender a los deportados en la frontera entre Táchira (Venezuela) y Norte de Santander (Colombia).

“Necesitamos que se dé un tratamiento digno a los colombianos en la frontera, que se respeten sus derechos humanos”, dijo el ministro del Interior, Juan Fernándo Cristo.

Por su parte, la Cruz Roja está dando asistencia sanitaria a colombianos que viven en Venezuela, pero que quedaron varados en Cúcuta, capital del departamento fronterizo de Norte de Santander, y necesitan atención médica.

Colombia advirtió del impacto del cierre de la frontera para las personas que viven y transitan en la zona legalmente, además de los daños económicos para ambos países.

Desinformación en redes

El gobierno de Colombia alertó de las imágenes y videos que “personas malintencionadas” están circulando en las redes sociales “de situaciones que se han presentado en otros países como si fueran hechos ocurridos en nuestra frontera, buscando aumentar la tensión que ya se registra en la zona”.

“Esto sólo genera sentimientos negativos entre dos países que buscan avanzar a través del diálogo y el trabajo conjunto”, indicó la cancillería en un comunicado.

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LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV Noticias 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate’s award-winning newscast, Noticias 22, “La voz de Tu Ciudad,” “The voice of your city”, scored as the fastest growing late Spanish language newscast in Nielsen’s recently completed July 2015 Sweeps for Los Angeles, the city with the largest Hispanic market in the nation.

“Our growth is a strong statement of relevance and support to our news team and editorial direction,” stated Palmira Perez, Noticias 22 MundoFOX News Anchor. “Noticias 22 continues to produce the most engaging, compelling news and information daily for our community, and as part of Meruelo Media, together we’re committed to journalistic excellence,” added Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media.

KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX Los Angeles July 2015 Sweeps Highlights:

  • KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. posted significant “year-to-year” growth in average ratings among the key demographic Adults 18-49, up 35% from the July 2014 Sweeps.
    • All the other Spanish-language late local newscasts were down, including those on KRCA/Estrella (-22%), KVEA/Telemundo (-1%) and KMEX/Univision (-2%). (Based on Monday to Friday average ratings.)
  • Among Adults 25-54, ratings for KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. were up 34% from the July 2014 Sweeps, more than the late newscast on KMEX/Univision (+15%) and KVEA/Telemundo (+7%), with KRCA/Estrella falling 19%.

Source: Los Angeles NSI Ratings, July 2015

For more information on KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX, please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms; the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super 22, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also broadcasts in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Rebekah Salgado 




SOURCE Meruelo Group / Meruelo Media


Source Article from



LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV Noticias 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate’s award-winning newscast, Noticias 22, “La voz de Tu Ciudad,” “The voice of your city”, scored as the fastest growing late Spanish language newscast in Nielsen’s recently completed July 2015 Sweeps for Los Angeles, the city with the largest Hispanic market in the nation.

“Our growth is a strong statement of relevance and support to our news team and editorial direction,” stated Palmira Perez, Noticias 22 MundoFOX News Anchor. “Noticias 22 continues to produce the most engaging, compelling news and information daily for our community, and as part of Meruelo Media, together we’re committed to journalistic excellence,” added Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media.

KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX Los Angeles July 2015 Sweeps Highlights:

  • KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. posted significant “year-to-year” growth in average ratings among the key demographic Adults 18-49, up 35% from the July 2014 Sweeps.
    • All the other Spanish-language late local newscasts were down, including those on KRCA/Estrella (-22%), KVEA/Telemundo (-1%) and KMEX/Univision (-2%). (Based on Monday to Friday average ratings.)
  • Among Adults 25-54, ratings for KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. were up 34% from the July 2014 Sweeps, more than the late newscast on KMEX/Univision (+15%) and KVEA/Telemundo (+7%), with KRCA/Estrella falling 19%.

Source: Los Angeles NSI Ratings, July 2015

For more information on KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX, please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms; the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super 22, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also broadcasts in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Rebekah Salgado 




SOURCE Meruelo Group / Meruelo Media


Source Article from



LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV Noticias 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate’s award-winning newscast, Noticias 22, “La voz de Tu Ciudad,” “The voice of your city”, scored as the fastest growing late Spanish language newscast in Nielsen’s recently completed July 2015 Sweeps for Los Angeles, the city with the largest Hispanic market in the nation.

“Our growth is a strong statement of relevance and support to our news team and editorial direction,” stated Palmira Perez, Noticias 22 MundoFOX News Anchor. “Noticias 22 continues to produce the most engaging, compelling news and information daily for our community, and as part of Meruelo Media, together we’re committed to journalistic excellence,” added Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media.

KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX Los Angeles July 2015 Sweeps Highlights:

  • KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. posted significant “year-to-year” growth in average ratings among the key demographic Adults 18-49, up 35% from the July 2014 Sweeps.
    • All the other Spanish-language late local newscasts were down, including those on KRCA/Estrella (-22%), KVEA/Telemundo (-1%) and KMEX/Univision (-2%). (Based on Monday to Friday average ratings.)
  • Among Adults 25-54, ratings for KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. were up 34% from the July 2014 Sweeps, more than the late newscast on KMEX/Univision (+15%) and KVEA/Telemundo (+7%), with KRCA/Estrella falling 19%.

Source: Los Angeles NSI Ratings, July 2015

For more information on KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX, please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms; the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super 22, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also broadcasts in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Rebekah Salgado 




SOURCE Meruelo Group / Meruelo Media


Source Article from



LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV Noticias 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate’s award-winning newscast, Noticias 22, “La voz de Tu Ciudad,” “The voice of your city”, scored as the fastest growing late Spanish language newscast in Nielsen’s recently completed July 2015 Sweeps for Los Angeles, the city with the largest Hispanic market in the nation.

“Our growth is a strong statement of relevance and support to our news team and editorial direction,” stated Palmira Perez, Noticias 22 MundoFOX News Anchor. “Noticias 22 continues to produce the most engaging, compelling news and information daily for our community, and as part of Meruelo Media, together we’re committed to journalistic excellence,” added Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media.

KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX Los Angeles July 2015 Sweeps Highlights:

  • KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. posted significant “year-to-year” growth in average ratings among the key demographic Adults 18-49, up 35% from the July 2014 Sweeps.
    • All the other Spanish-language late local newscasts were down, including those on KRCA/Estrella (-22%), KVEA/Telemundo (-1%) and KMEX/Univision (-2%). (Based on Monday to Friday average ratings.)
  • Among Adults 25-54, ratings for KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. were up 34% from the July 2014 Sweeps, more than the late newscast on KMEX/Univision (+15%) and KVEA/Telemundo (+7%), with KRCA/Estrella falling 19%.

Source: Los Angeles NSI Ratings, July 2015

For more information on KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX, please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms; the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super 22, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also broadcasts in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Rebekah Salgado 




SOURCE Meruelo Group / Meruelo Media


Source Article from



LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV Noticias 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate’s award-winning newscast, Noticias 22, “La voz de Tu Ciudad,” “The voice of your city”, scored as the fastest growing late Spanish language newscast in Nielsen’s recently completed July 2015 Sweeps for Los Angeles, the city with the largest Hispanic market in the nation.

“Our growth is a strong statement of relevance and support to our news team and editorial direction,” stated Palmira Perez, Noticias 22 MundoFOX News Anchor. “Noticias 22 continues to produce the most engaging, compelling news and information daily for our community, and as part of Meruelo Media, together we’re committed to journalistic excellence,” added Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media.

KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX Los Angeles July 2015 Sweeps Highlights:

  • KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. posted significant “year-to-year” growth in average ratings among the key demographic Adults 18-49, up 35% from the July 2014 Sweeps.
    • All the other Spanish-language late local newscasts were down, including those on KRCA/Estrella (-22%), KVEA/Telemundo (-1%) and KMEX/Univision (-2%). (Based on Monday to Friday average ratings.)
  • Among Adults 25-54, ratings for KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. were up 34% from the July 2014 Sweeps, more than the late newscast on KMEX/Univision (+15%) and KVEA/Telemundo (+7%), with KRCA/Estrella falling 19%.

Source: Los Angeles NSI Ratings, July 2015

For more information on KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX, please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms; the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super 22, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also broadcasts in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Rebekah Salgado 




SOURCE Meruelo Group / Meruelo Media


Source Article from



LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV Noticias 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate’s award-winning newscast, Noticias 22, “La voz de Tu Ciudad,” “The voice of your city”, scored as the fastest growing late Spanish language newscast in Nielsen’s recently completed July 2015 Sweeps for Los Angeles, the city with the largest Hispanic market in the nation.

“Our growth is a strong statement of relevance and support to our news team and editorial direction,” stated Palmira Perez, Noticias 22 MundoFOX News Anchor. “Noticias 22 continues to produce the most engaging, compelling news and information daily for our community, and as part of Meruelo Media, together we’re committed to journalistic excellence,” added Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media.

KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX Los Angeles July 2015 Sweeps Highlights:

  • KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. posted significant “year-to-year” growth in average ratings among the key demographic Adults 18-49, up 35% from the July 2014 Sweeps.
    • All the other Spanish-language late local newscasts were down, including those on KRCA/Estrella (-22%), KVEA/Telemundo (-1%) and KMEX/Univision (-2%). (Based on Monday to Friday average ratings.)
  • Among Adults 25-54, ratings for KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. were up 34% from the July 2014 Sweeps, more than the late newscast on KMEX/Univision (+15%) and KVEA/Telemundo (+7%), with KRCA/Estrella falling 19%.

Source: Los Angeles NSI Ratings, July 2015

For more information on KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX, please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms; the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super 22, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also broadcasts in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Rebekah Salgado 




SOURCE Meruelo Group / Meruelo Media


Source Article from

Las papas fritas seguramente no eran parte de la dieta humana en el paleolítico. Pero plantas ricas en almidón, como las papas, muy probablemente sí.

Puede que tengan muy mala reputación entre muchos de los interesados en bajar de peso, pero todo indica que hace miles de años los alimentos ricos en carbohidratos –como los tubérculos– fueron claves para que nos hiciéramos más inteligentes.

Esa es al menos la conclusión de un estudio realizado por investigadores de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, el University College of London y la Universidad de Sidney, quienes afirman que el consumo de plantas ricas en almidones fue fundamental para la evolución de nuestra especie.

La razón es sencilla: la glucosa es uno de los principales combustibles del cerebro.

Y, según el estudio, el desarrollo de nuestra capacidad para obtener azúcares de los carbohidratos –y en particular de los almidones– fue lo que sostuvo el acelerado crecimiento del cerebro “que empezó a notarse a partir del pleistoceno medio”.

Lea también: La injustificada moda de la dieta sin gluten

Los carbohidratos: claves en el proceso de la evolución humana.

“La capacidad para aprovechar raíces y tubérculos ricos en almidón en la dieta de los primeros homínidos es considerada un paso potencialmente crucial en la diferenciación de los primeros Australopitecinos de otros homínidos”, se lee en el reporte, publicado en la más reciente edición de The Quarterly Review of Technology.

Lo que en un lenguaje más sencillo quiere decir que una dieta rica en alimentos ricos en carbohidratos les dio a nuestros antepasados una importante ventaja evolutiva (que algunas de las dietas modernas de moda hoy parecen estar obviando).

De hecho, los humanos tenemos tres veces más copias del gen que crea las amilasas salivares –las enzimas que ayudan a transformar los carbohidratos en azúcares– que el resto de primates.

Y esa adaptación, dicen los investigadores, empezó a producirse hace aproximadamente un millón de años.

Lea también: ¿Por qué cambian tanto los consejos sobre qué comer y qué no?

La importancia de la cocina

Para ese entonces los humanos ya habían aprendido a cocinar.

Y la multiplicación de las amilasas salivares habría sido una de las respuestas de nuestro organismo a las posibilidades abiertas por el uso del fuego, pues los tubérculos crudos son mucho más difíciles de procesar y transformar en azúcares utilizables.

A pesar de todo, el consumo excesivo de esto seguramente no es una buena idea.

Según el equipo liderado por la Dra. Karen Hardy, de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, esto confirma la importancia de la cocina en la evolución humana (lo que viene a ser una mala noticia para los proponentes de las dietas crudívoras).

Pero una de sus hipótesis principales –la idea de que sin los carbohidratos la nueva dieta no habría generado el combustible necesario para nuestra rápida evolución– también les ha dado nuevos argumentos a los críticos de la llamada “dieta paleolítica” o “dieta paleo”.

Esta “dieta del hombre de las cavernas” está basada en la idea de que la dieta de nuestros antepasados estaba principalmente integrada por plantas silvestres y animales salvajes.

Y por lo general excluye alimentos ricos en almidón, a los que responsabiliza por buena parte de la obesidad que afecta a la sociedad moderna.

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Algunos de los máximos proponentes de la dieta paleo están contra el consumo de papas.

Hardy y su equipo, sin embargo, creen que ese no es un retrato adecuado de la verdadera dieta de nuestros antepasados.

“Alimentos provenientes de plantas ricas en almidón eran una parte abundante, confiable e importante de la dieta”, argumentan en “La importancia de la dieta de carbohidratos en la evolución humana”.

Y, sostiene, estos carbohidratos no sólo eran algo común, sino que también fueron definitivos para la evolución humana. Pero además siguen siendo necesarios.

“Los humanos modernos requieren una fuente confiable de carbohidratos glicémicos para sostener el funcionamiento adecuado de nuestro cerebro, médula renal, glóbulos rojos y tejidos reproductivos”, explican.

Lo que no significa que reducir el consumo de calorías no pueda ser saludable. Pero ciertamente confirma que antes de empezar cualquier dieta, una consulta honesta con el médico es un paso necesario.

Lea también: 10 mitos de las dietas

Source Article from



LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV Noticias 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate’s award-winning newscast, Noticias 22, “La voz de Tu Ciudad,” “The voice of your city”, scored as the fastest growing late Spanish language newscast in Nielsen’s recently completed July 2015 Sweeps for Los Angeles, the city with the largest Hispanic market in the nation.

“Our growth is a strong statement of relevance and support to our news team and editorial direction,” stated Palmira Perez, Noticias 22 MundoFOX News Anchor. “Noticias 22 continues to produce the most engaging, compelling news and information daily for our community, and as part of Meruelo Media, together we’re committed to journalistic excellence,” added Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media.

KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX Los Angeles July 2015 Sweeps Highlights:

  • KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. posted significant “year-to-year” growth in average ratings among the key demographic Adults 18-49, up 35% from the July 2014 Sweeps.
    • All the other Spanish-language late local newscasts were down, including those on KRCA/Estrella (-22%), KVEA/Telemundo (-1%) and KMEX/Univision (-2%). (Based on Monday to Friday average ratings.)
  • Among Adults 25-54, ratings for KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. were up 34% from the July 2014 Sweeps, more than the late newscast on KMEX/Univision (+15%) and KVEA/Telemundo (+7%), with KRCA/Estrella falling 19%.

Source: Los Angeles NSI Ratings, July 2015

For more information on KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX, please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms; the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super 22, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also broadcasts in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Rebekah Salgado 




SOURCE Meruelo Group / Meruelo Media


Source Article from



LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV Noticias 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate’s award-winning newscast, Noticias 22, “La voz de Tu Ciudad,” “The voice of your city”, scored as the fastest growing late Spanish language newscast in Nielsen’s recently completed July 2015 Sweeps for Los Angeles, the city with the largest Hispanic market in the nation.

“Our growth is a strong statement of relevance and support to our news team and editorial direction,” stated Palmira Perez, Noticias 22 MundoFOX News Anchor. “Noticias 22 continues to produce the most engaging, compelling news and information daily for our community, and as part of Meruelo Media, together we’re committed to journalistic excellence,” added Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media.

KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX Los Angeles July 2015 Sweeps Highlights:

  • KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. posted significant “year-to-year” growth in average ratings among the key demographic Adults 18-49, up 35% from the July 2014 Sweeps.
    • All the other Spanish-language late local newscasts were down, including those on KRCA/Estrella (-22%), KVEA/Telemundo (-1%) and KMEX/Univision (-2%). (Based on Monday to Friday average ratings.)
  • Among Adults 25-54, ratings for KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. were up 34% from the July 2014 Sweeps, more than the late newscast on KMEX/Univision (+15%) and KVEA/Telemundo (+7%), with KRCA/Estrella falling 19%.

Source: Los Angeles NSI Ratings, July 2015

For more information on KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX, please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms; the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super 22, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also broadcasts in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Rebekah Salgado 




SOURCE Meruelo Group / Meruelo Media


Source Article from



LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV Noticias 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate’s award-winning newscast, Noticias 22, “La voz de Tu Ciudad,” “The voice of your city”, scored as the fastest growing late Spanish language newscast in Nielsen’s recently completed July 2015 Sweeps for Los Angeles, the city with the largest Hispanic market in the nation.

“Our growth is a strong statement of relevance and support to our news team and editorial direction,” stated Palmira Perez, Noticias 22 MundoFOX News Anchor. “Noticias 22 continues to produce the most engaging, compelling news and information daily for our community, and as part of Meruelo Media, together we’re committed to journalistic excellence,” added Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media.

KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX Los Angeles July 2015 Sweeps Highlights:

  • KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. posted significant “year-to-year” growth in average ratings among the key demographic Adults 18-49, up 35% from the July 2014 Sweeps.
    • All the other Spanish-language late local newscasts were down, including those on KRCA/Estrella (-22%), KVEA/Telemundo (-1%) and KMEX/Univision (-2%). (Based on Monday to Friday average ratings.)
  • Among Adults 25-54, ratings for KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. were up 34% from the July 2014 Sweeps, more than the late newscast on KMEX/Univision (+15%) and KVEA/Telemundo (+7%), with KRCA/Estrella falling 19%.

Source: Los Angeles NSI Ratings, July 2015

For more information on KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX, please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms; the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super 22, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also broadcasts in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Rebekah Salgado 




SOURCE Meruelo Group / Meruelo Media


Source Article from



LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV Noticias 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate’s award-winning newscast, Noticias 22, “La voz de Tu Ciudad,” “The voice of your city”, scored as the fastest growing late Spanish language newscast in Nielsen’s recently completed July 2015 Sweeps for Los Angeles, the city with the largest Hispanic market in the nation.

“Our growth is a strong statement of relevance and support to our news team and editorial direction,” stated Palmira Perez, Noticias 22 MundoFOX News Anchor. “Noticias 22 continues to produce the most engaging, compelling news and information daily for our community, and as part of Meruelo Media, together we’re committed to journalistic excellence,” added Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media.

KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX Los Angeles July 2015 Sweeps Highlights:

  • KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. posted significant “year-to-year” growth in average ratings among the key demographic Adults 18-49, up 35% from the July 2014 Sweeps.
    • All the other Spanish-language late local newscasts were down, including those on KRCA/Estrella (-22%), KVEA/Telemundo (-1%) and KMEX/Univision (-2%). (Based on Monday to Friday average ratings.)
  • Among Adults 25-54, ratings for KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. were up 34% from the July 2014 Sweeps, more than the late newscast on KMEX/Univision (+15%) and KVEA/Telemundo (+7%), with KRCA/Estrella falling 19%.

Source: Los Angeles NSI Ratings, July 2015

For more information on KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX, please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms; the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super 22, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also broadcasts in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Rebekah Salgado 




SOURCE Meruelo Group / Meruelo Media


Source Article from



LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV Noticias 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate’s award-winning newscast, Noticias 22, “La voz de Tu Ciudad,” “The voice of your city”, scored as the fastest growing late Spanish language newscast in Nielsen’s recently completed July 2015 Sweeps for Los Angeles, the city with the largest Hispanic market in the nation.

“Our growth is a strong statement of relevance and support to our news team and editorial direction,” stated Palmira Perez, Noticias 22 MundoFOX News Anchor. “Noticias 22 continues to produce the most engaging, compelling news and information daily for our community, and as part of Meruelo Media, together we’re committed to journalistic excellence,” added Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media.

KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX Los Angeles July 2015 Sweeps Highlights:

  • KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. posted significant “year-to-year” growth in average ratings among the key demographic Adults 18-49, up 35% from the July 2014 Sweeps.
    • All the other Spanish-language late local newscasts were down, including those on KRCA/Estrella (-22%), KVEA/Telemundo (-1%) and KMEX/Univision (-2%). (Based on Monday to Friday average ratings.)
  • Among Adults 25-54, ratings for KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. were up 34% from the July 2014 Sweeps, more than the late newscast on KMEX/Univision (+15%) and KVEA/Telemundo (+7%), with KRCA/Estrella falling 19%.

Source: Los Angeles NSI Ratings, July 2015

For more information on KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX, please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms; the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super 22, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also broadcasts in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Rebekah Salgado 




SOURCE Meruelo Group / Meruelo Media


Source Article from

Source Article from



LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV Noticias 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate’s award-winning newscast, Noticias 22, “La voz de Tu Ciudad,” “The voice of your city”, scored as the fastest growing late Spanish language newscast in Nielsen’s recently completed July 2015 Sweeps for Los Angeles, the city with the largest Hispanic market in the nation.

“Our growth is a strong statement of relevance and support to our news team and editorial direction,” stated Palmira Perez, Noticias 22 MundoFOX News Anchor. “Noticias 22 continues to produce the most engaging, compelling news and information daily for our community, and as part of Meruelo Media, together we’re committed to journalistic excellence,” added Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media.

KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX Los Angeles July 2015 Sweeps Highlights:

  • KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. posted significant “year-to-year” growth in average ratings among the key demographic Adults 18-49, up 35% from the July 2014 Sweeps.
    • All the other Spanish-language late local newscasts were down, including those on KRCA/Estrella (-22%), KVEA/Telemundo (-1%) and KMEX/Univision (-2%). (Based on Monday to Friday average ratings.)
  • Among Adults 25-54, ratings for KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. were up 34% from the July 2014 Sweeps, more than the late newscast on KMEX/Univision (+15%) and KVEA/Telemundo (+7%), with KRCA/Estrella falling 19%.

Source: Los Angeles NSI Ratings, July 2015

For more information on KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX, please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms; the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super 22, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also broadcasts in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Rebekah Salgado 




SOURCE Meruelo Group / Meruelo Media


Source Article from



LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV Noticias 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate’s award-winning newscast, Noticias 22, “La voz de Tu Ciudad,” “The voice of your city”, scored as the fastest growing late Spanish language newscast in Nielsen’s recently completed July 2015 Sweeps for Los Angeles, the city with the largest Hispanic market in the nation.

“Our growth is a strong statement of relevance and support to our news team and editorial direction,” stated Palmira Perez, Noticias 22 MundoFOX News Anchor. “Noticias 22 continues to produce the most engaging, compelling news and information daily for our community, and as part of Meruelo Media, together we’re committed to journalistic excellence,” added Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media.

KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX Los Angeles July 2015 Sweeps Highlights:

  • KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. posted significant “year-to-year” growth in average ratings among the key demographic Adults 18-49, up 35% from the July 2014 Sweeps.
    • All the other Spanish-language late local newscasts were down, including those on KRCA/Estrella (-22%), KVEA/Telemundo (-1%) and KMEX/Univision (-2%). (Based on Monday to Friday average ratings.)
  • Among Adults 25-54, ratings for KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. were up 34% from the July 2014 Sweeps, more than the late newscast on KMEX/Univision (+15%) and KVEA/Telemundo (+7%), with KRCA/Estrella falling 19%.

Source: Los Angeles NSI Ratings, July 2015

For more information on KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX, please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms; the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super 22, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also broadcasts in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Rebekah Salgado 




SOURCE Meruelo Group / Meruelo Media


Source Article from



LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV Noticias 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate’s award-winning newscast, Noticias 22, “La voz de Tu Ciudad,” “The voice of your city”, scored as the fastest growing late Spanish language newscast in Nielsen’s recently completed July 2015 Sweeps for Los Angeles, the city with the largest Hispanic market in the nation.

“Our growth is a strong statement of relevance and support to our news team and editorial direction,” stated Palmira Perez, Noticias 22 MundoFOX News Anchor. “Noticias 22 continues to produce the most engaging, compelling news and information daily for our community, and as part of Meruelo Media, together we’re committed to journalistic excellence,” added Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media.

KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX Los Angeles July 2015 Sweeps Highlights:

  • KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. posted significant “year-to-year” growth in average ratings among the key demographic Adults 18-49, up 35% from the July 2014 Sweeps.
    • All the other Spanish-language late local newscasts were down, including those on KRCA/Estrella (-22%), KVEA/Telemundo (-1%) and KMEX/Univision (-2%). (Based on Monday to Friday average ratings.)
  • Among Adults 25-54, ratings for KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. were up 34% from the July 2014 Sweeps, more than the late newscast on KMEX/Univision (+15%) and KVEA/Telemundo (+7%), with KRCA/Estrella falling 19%.

Source: Los Angeles NSI Ratings, July 2015

For more information on KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX, please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms; the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super 22, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also broadcasts in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Rebekah Salgado 




SOURCE Meruelo Group / Meruelo Media


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