Noticias Do Dia

¿Y ahora qué? ¿Puede ir a juicio? Estos son los escenarios judiciales

Tras la decisión de la Audiencia, se abre un panorama complejo en el que, con la aplicación de la doctrina Botín, es poco probable que la Infanta tenga que ir finalmente a juicio

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São Paulo – Libya wants to resume business and projects with Brazilian companies which operated in the country before the social conflicts that led to the ousting of the then president Muammar Gaddafi, in 2011. The information comes from Khaled Dahan, ambassador of the Arab country, who had several meetings with Brazilian businessmen this week, in São Paulo, and also visited the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce’s office this Thursday (6th).

Aurea Santos/ANBA

Dahan: companies are interested in returning to Libya

Dahan had meetings with representatives of JBS (a food company), Queiroz Galvão (a construction company) and BRF (a food company). According to him, these companies had projects in Libya or conducted business with the country from Brazil.

“The projects stopped since the revolution of 2011, due to the war and conflicts with the previous regime. But now our country is free and we came here to see these companies, to know about their problems, if they had losses and what they need to carry out their projects there,” explained the diplomat to ANBA. Before the interview, Dahan was welcomed at the Arab Chamber by Marcelo Sallum, the organization’s president, and Michel Alaby, CEO.

Libya has been suffering with frequent conflicts in its territory and the country has not reached political stability or a safe environment to lure international companies yet.

According to Dahan, the Brazilian companies showed interest in resuming business with Libya as soon as the political and safety issues of the country are solved. “We promised the companies we have visited here in São Paulo that, as soon as it is convenient for them to return and carry out their projects, we will let them know. The companies said that as soon as we call them, they will go back,” he explained.

“We expect this to happen soon. We hope that, with the combined efforts of the Libyan people, of our neighbouring countries and of the United Nations, we will soon be able to see some stability and the companies will return,” the ambassador pointed out.

According to the diplomat, the lingering conflicts in the country are a consequence of several weapons being left behind by the previous regime, as they were picked up by rebel groups. He, however, denies the information published by international news agencies that, currently, there are two governments in Libya, the official one and a parallel government, comprised of militia groups. “Libya is a single country with a sole government, it does not have two governments nor is it two countries. But there are news and media centres which are trying to make the problem look bigger,” he said.

“We are optimistic that our country will soon be stabilized and better. That is why I am seeking to strengthen ties and see how we can benefit from the experience of Brazil and its companies in several different fields,” said Dahan, reinforcing his intention of creating closer ties with Brazil.

Dahan also said Libya is an oil exporting country and it is very rich in natural resources. “We came here to improve Libya’s image. I want to say to all Brazilian companies and businessmen that they do not need to worry, they just need to be a little patient because problems arise after changing any kind of regime, particularly after a revolution. As soon as possible, our country will be in a good situation, it will be safe and the environment will be favourable for foreign companies to come and do their business,” he concluded.

*Translated by Rodrigo Mendonça

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En un comunicado difundido este jueves, el comisario europeo de Investigación, Ciencia e Innovación, Carlos Moedas, afirmó que “eso ayudará a atajar la actual epidemia y a gestionar futuros brotes”.

“Con esa financiación, estamos reforzando el desarrollo de nuevas vacunas y medicamentos para ayudar a salvar vidas en todo el mundo”, destacó.

Indicó que la mitad del valor total vendrá del programa europeo Horizon 2020, dedicado a financiar la investigación e innovación, y la otra mitad será aportada por las compañías farmacéuticas que integran la Federación Europea de Industrias y Asociaciones Farmacéuticas.

Entre los proyectos que podrán beneficiarse de la financiación se incluyen pruebas clínicas a larga escala en los países afectados por el Ébola, nuevos métodos de producción y distribución de vacunas y el desarrollo de equipos de diagnóstico rápido.

La CE estima que las primeras investigaciones podrían iniciarse a principios de 2015.

En paralelo, la Unión Europea iniciará este jueves la mayor operación de transporte de material de asistencia a los países afectados por la epidemia de ébola.

Un buque cargado con ambulancias, hospitales de campaña, laboratorios y otros equipos, financiado por nueve países europeos y por el Fondo de Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (Unicef), partió de Holanda con destino a Sierra Leona, Guinea y Liberia.

Por su parte, Luxemburgo cedió dos aeronaves totalmente adaptadas para la evacuación de personal médico internacional eventualmente infectado durante operaciones contra el Ébola en África occidental.

La contribución es “crucial” para animar a más trabajadores médicos a dedicarse al combate a la epidemia, señaló el coordinador europeo para el Ébola, Christos Stylianides, quien viajará a los países afectados el próximo día 12.

Con esas nuevas ayudas, la UE ha superado su meta de contribuir con mil millones de euros a la lucha contra el ébola.

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“Buenas tardes… ¡vaya un día para empezar!”, saludaba Lorenzo Milá el 7 de noviembre de 1994. Así nacía La 2 Noticias, que cumple dos décadas de vida. Para celebrarlo, este jueves emite un programa especial. Será una edición llena de sorpresas presentada por Mara Torres.

El programa repasará la historia de La 2 Noticias a través de algunos de sus protagonistas, desde los pioneros (Fran Llorente, Lorenzo Milá o Fernando Navarrete), hasta el equipo actual liderado por José Luis Regalado.

Varios reportajes analizarán cómo La 2 Noticias ha cambiado la forma de contar la actualidad en televisión. El formato, caracterizado por un estilo más cercano, supuso una innovación en el género informativo que ha influido en muchos programas posteriores.

Además, el especial 20º aniversario recordará la apuesta de La 2 Noticias por las historias que, normalmente, no tenían cabida en los informativos: las noticias relacionadas con los derechos humanos, que buscaban dar voz a las minorías, o los reportajes sobre ecología, que hicieron que muchos conocieran a La 2 Noticias como el “programa de las ballenas”. 

Junto a ello, el especial de La 2 Noticias repasará las imágenes más insólitas que han emitido a lo largo de estos veinte años. Anécdotas, curiosidades y momentos “frikis” que también son marca de la casa y que el equipo del programa quiere compartir con todos sus seguidores.

Además, la presentadora de La 2 Noticias, Mara Torres, ha charlado con los internautas en un ‘tuitencuentro’. Los fans del programa pueden felicitar al equipo con la etiqueta #La2N20años.

‘Torres y Hurtado’ en Saber y ganar

Saber y ganar también se suma a la celebración del 20º aniversario de La 2 Noticias con un Duelo especial. El veterano concurso, presentado por Jordi Hurtado, ha rendido homenaje al informativo de la cadena este jueves.

Mara Torres ha acompañado a los concursantes de Saber y ganar para repasar los momentos más destacados de La 2 Noticias. Los concursantes, por su parte, han demostrado sus conocimientos sobre el informativo y sus presentadores históricos.

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El sol tibio del otoño apenas lamía las ventanas del salón de Aeroparque, aquel 10 de junio de 2010, cuando el joven funcionario desenrolló una copiosa lista de promesas contenidas en el Plan de Negocios 2010-2014. “El grupo Aerolíneas dio una pérdida de casi mil millones de dólares en el año 2008. Eso incluye las pérdidas operativas y la reversión de numerosas maniobras contables que se habían hecho para disimular la situación de la empresa. Este número habla de la inviabilidad de esta empresa como empresa privada”, se escandalizaba. “Este plan quinquenal pretende creer en la operación, pretende lograr eficiencias en la estructura de costos y pretende lograr una enorme mejora del producto”, prometía.

Aerolíneas ya llevaba dos años bajo control del gobierno, sin que opositores, fiscales ni órganos de control pudieran saber qué se hacía ahí adentro. Pero el relato prometía un futuro mejor, del que hasta entonces sólo nos habían distanciado la codicia y la perfidia de los gestores españoles. Pues bien, otros dos años más tarde, aquellos espejismos se siguen alejando.

En medio de tironeos de último momento por parte del oficialismo para evitar la difusión de conclusiones rotundas y sin duda decepcionantes, la Auditoría General de la Nación aprobó ayer un informe que derrumba ladrillo a ladrillo aquella construcción que al final era de arena: desde la compra de dos decenas de aviones Embraer que por su tamaño no alcanzan a llevar las valijas en algunos vuelos de mediano alcance -una operación, recordemos, por la que en Estados Unidos la proveedora brasileña admitió haber pagado coimas en Argentina- hasta la pésima selección de rutas y horarios para los vuelos, o la peor gestión de los talleres y hangares, según denuncia el gremio de los mecánicos aeronáuticos. Todas las noticias son malas. Por eso, dicen los que conocen a fondo la empresa, hay pocas noticias surgidas desde Aerolíneas.

Recalde busca soslayar el informe diciendo que se refiere a una situación vieja, como si desde 2012 las cosas hubieran cambiado radicalmente.Antes de insistir en esa tesis, podría escuchar el audio de aquella vieja reunión de 2010, cuando uno de sus gerentes presentó el famoso plan quinquenal de la empresa: “Estamos esperando llegar al equilibrio financiero en el 2011. Y de ahí en adelante empezar a devolverle al Estado la plata que no ha malgastado en Aerolíneas y Austral, sino la plata que ha invertido para que haya una línea de bandera que preste un servicio público y que sirva de instrumento para el desarrollo económico y social del país.”

La grabación puede encontrarla en el archivo de, junto a una investigación de este diario sobre Aerolíneas publicada el 24 de junio de 2012. No le costará reconocer la voz en ese audio de su viejo gerente de Finanzas: Axel Kicillof.

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São Paulo – The collection of Museu Imperial (the Imperial Museum), in the city of Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, includes precious keepsakes of Brazil’s ties with the Arab world in its empire days: the diaries of emperor Dom Pedro II’s travels through Brazil and the world, including Arab countries. The notepads contain accounts of the monarch’s trips to Egypt, in 1871, and then to Lebanon, Syria, Palestine and Egypt again, in 1876.

M. Delie & E. Bechard – Back to Light

Dom Pedro II (3rd, right to left) travelled to Egypt

“He is fascinated with Egypt. He made that clear in his writings on several occasions,” says the Imperial Museum‘s director Maurício Vicente Ferreira Júnior. He also highlights Dom Pedro II’s enthusiasm about the trip to Palestine. Júnior lists characteristics of the emperor that show through in his diaries – he was curious, easily moved and sarcastic, which becomes evident from his critical, light-hearted remarks about things.

“After sitting a mass at the Franciscanos church, which can only be reached by foot because of these streets akin to ant galleries, I went to the Pyramids of Giza. The path is almost entirely flanked by Acacias, a very many of which intertwine their crowns of the most splendid green, a worthy locale to such venerable monuments,” wrote Pedro II during his first trip to Egypt.

The accounts of his first trip to Egypt are basically about visits to landmark sites, interspersed with a few alternately endearing and high-spirited remarks about the people he met and the places he saw.

The museum’s director notes that the emperor’s Middle East travels were personal affairs rather than official missions. Proof of this is the fact that Dom Pedro II made a point of checking in at hotels as Pedro de Alcântara, and not as the Brazilian emperor. Júnior explains that the monarch took his first trip abroad in 1871, already a middle-aged man who had read a lot about different countries and studied different languages.

“At close to ¼ past 7 I was in Al- Eizariya (Bethany). Not many Arabs there. I crossed the village to go to Lazarus grave, where I arrived after almost lying down flat on my stomach to go through a hole that opens up to the hall from whence one walks down 5 steps, after having walked down another 27,” the emperor described on November 27th, 1876, already in his second trip to the Arab world, about his visit to the grave site of Lazarus, a biblical character who supposedly resurrected. The grave is located in what is now the occupied West Bank.

In the diaries from his second trip to Arab countries, the emperor takes his time to write about the landmarks he visits, displaying vast knowledge about them and making remarks at times analytical and at others funny. “Since I started sailing the Nile, above and near Aswan, I have heard nothing but the exclamation – look, a crocodile! – a beast I was unable to see and could only glimpse at, on three occasions, stuffed,” he writes of his second time in Egypt, in 1876.

The Museum’s archive holds a total of 47 notepads. Some of them also contain sketches, such as the one written in Egypt; The written material is not on display at the Museum to prevent wear and tear on the paper, but the contents are available online (see the link below). The travel logs have been the subject of a book and a CD produced by Museu Imperial in the 1990s, which are out of print, and were also featured in exhibitions. One of them was titled “O Imperador Viajante” (The Travelling Emperor) and travelled to 12 localities throughout Brazil that were visited by emperor Dom Pedro II.

Júnior explains that within the next two years, new materials based on the travel logs are set to be published, and that the museum is planning another exhibition. The items on showcase at the museum include a few keepsakes, but these are mostly from the emperor’s trip through Brazil, integrated into different rooms within the house, with no labelling to connect them to specific trips.

Press Release

The Imperial Museum houses items from the monarchy period

Museu Imperial was founded in 1940, in emperor Dom Pedro II’s former summer palace. The site was formerly a farm named Fazenda do Córrego (Creek’s Farm), which Dom Pedro I purchased to create a shorter route from Rio to Minas Gerais, bypassing São Paulo. Dom Pedro I dreamed of building a summer retreat there and name it Palácio da Concórdia (the Palace of Concord), but never did. After receiving the farm as inheritance, Dom Pedro II proceeded to fulfil his father’s dream by building the villa.

Afterwards, the city of Petrópolis was erected around the palace. After the Proclamation of the Republic, the estate was bought by government and converted into a school. During his administration, president Getúlio Vargas worked for the appreciation of all things national, therefore the villa was converted into a museum to hold items dating back from the monarchy period. Some of the items came from various organizations, but most are from the personal collection of Pedro de Orléans e Bragança, Dom Pedro II’s grandson.

The body of documentation of the emperor’s travels through Brazil and the world was nominated last year for the International Register of the Memory of the World Program of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco).

All quotes from: Museu Imperial/Ibram/Brazilian Ministry of Culture


Dom Pedro II Travel Diaries
Access the Museu Imperial archives (in Portuguese)

*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum

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