Noticias Do Dia

Um eleitor foi morto a tiros neste domingo na Escola Municipal Professora Celina Guimarães Vieira, em Mossoró, no Rio Grande do Norte. Segundo o sargento Alfredo Carneiro, do 2º Batalhão da Polícia Militar, a vítima é Robson Diego de Moura Soares, 20 anos.

O sargento informou que o eleitor era procurado pela PM e conhecido como Robinho. Ele tinha envolvimento em ocorrências policiais. De acordo com a polícia, o autor dos disparos atirou no meio da multidão e não foi identificado.

Informações de testemunhas relatam que Robson Diego estava na fila, aguardando o momento de votar, quando um homem entrou na escola, foi até o local da seção onde estava o jovem e efetuou os disparos. Houve tumulto no local, mas não houve outras vítimas. O homem conseguiu fugir.

Robson Diego de Moura Soares estava desarmado e não chegou a reagir no crime, que resultou no isolamento da seção eleitoral para averiguação do incidente. Alfredo Carneiro informou que a seção deve ser reaberta mais tarde, quando o trabalho da polícia for concluído.

Guia do eleitor

Relembre jingles históricos


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Time Warner Cable’s NY1 Noticias is expanding its public service content.

Our 24-hour Spanish-language local news channel has launched a biweekly segment called “El Abogado a Tu Lado”—or “Attorney on Your Side.”

It features attorney Nelson A. Castillo, who aims to provide information on immigration-related issues.

He’ll also answer viewer questions submitted online and via NY1 Noticias’ Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Castillo is an author, television commentator and columnist for impreMedia.

“It’s extremely important for the community, the immigrant community in the United States to know the laws related to immigration law,” Castillo says. “We need to integrate the vast amount of people that we can that are here in the United States to enable them to become fully participant in this democracy that we have.”

The segment will run every Tuesday and Thursday on NY1 Noticias on Time Warner Cable channel 95 in New York City.

You can also see it on

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Iglesias rechaza vías alternativas y dice que quien pierda “se echará a un lado”

“El cielo no se toma por consenso. Se toma por asalto”, enfatiza el líder de la formación, que expone su programa en Vistalegre, en Madrid, entre cuestionamientos a la pluralidad interna

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Sin embargo, la vía que conduce de Medellín a la costa Atlántica, a la altura de Caucasia, permanece cerrada. Gobierno acusa a senador Jorge Robledo.

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A partir de este lunes, los televidentes del Canal RCN dejaron de ver en las emisiones de noticias, la tradicional sala de redacción al fondo del set y se encontraron con enormes pantallas planas que cambian de color según la hora de emisión.

El director de Noticias RCN, Rodrigo Pardo, dijo a que la idea del cambio es tener un espacio más ágil, más agradable y acorde con las tendencias mundiales en informativos.

La idea de tener a los presentadores siempre sentados con la mesa en frente puede resultar monótona y acartonada, algo heredado del formato norteamericano de noticias desde hace 15 años, prácticamente desde el surgimiento de los canales privados.

Esta vez RCN quiso ajustarse más al modelo europeo donde se elimina de la vista, la sala de redacción y se ofrece un espacio amplio para que el presentador se mueva libremente e interactúe con las noticias y con los elementos tecnológicos que enriquecen los contenidos.

Más gráficos, mapas y ayudas visuales harán parte de la presentación de noticias que ayudarán a profundizar y aportar en un informe. Desde inicios de año se empezó a trabajar en el proyecto, en 2 meses e construyó el set mientras que la graficación tardó seis meses.

El cambio de imagen trae además más profundidad en la información, más contexto y más relevancia en secciones como “Protagonista de la noticia” y “Noticia en contexto” que antes pasaban inadvertidas pero con el nuevo formato ganarán espacio.

En estudios que realizó previamente el canal, los televidentes percibían el espacio denoticias como anticuado y distante, por eso se trabajó especialmente en estos dos conceptos para la propuesta de cambio que se estrenó este lunes.

Frente a las críticas del noticiero por parte de los televidentes en redes sociales, Pardo considera que hay que ser muy coherentes y tener la capacidad de saber qué comentarios tienen buenas intenciones y cuáles en cambio simplemente se deben desechar.

Por eso se tendió a las sugerencias constructivas de los televidentes que dieron como resultado los cambios.
Rodrigo Pardo asegura que el noticiero no se ve como un espacio más del canal que debe responder al rating sino que responde a los compromisos de informar y de responsabilidad con la sociedad. De hecho, su trabajo no se mide en términos de puntos de rating sino de calidad de la información, que es su foco.

Hoy todo el noticiero en estudio se graba con cámaras de alta definición, HD mientras que algunas cámaras de reportería todavía son de definición estándar. El noticiero está en un proceso de actualizar todo el equipo técnico a alta definición.

El equipo de trabajo está compuesto por 50 periodistas en Bogotá, 50 en el resto del país, 10 corresponsales internacionales y unas 110 personas más de equipo técnico y producción.

“Como me enseñó Felipe López (Fundador de Semana), el periodismo es un oficio de pequeños triunfos y derrotas y al final del día se ven los verdaderos resultados. Las noticias más exitosas no son las que más se ven sino las que logran tener el adecuado ángulo de equilibrio e imparcialidad”, concluye.

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Lunes, 20 de Octubre 2014  |  8:33 am

Créditos: Andina

El juez aseguró que la Sala Penal Permanente que preside es una instancia independiente que no se deja ´atarantar´ y que fallará de acuerdo a ley sobre el recurso presentado por Jiménez.

El juez Javier Villa Stein, negó tener vínculos con el prófugo Benedicto Jiménez, luego que se difundiera un audio en el que, éste último, vinculado a la red de corrupción de Rodolfo Orellana, celebrara que el recurso de casación para revocar la prisión preventiva en su contra, se haya elevado a la sala del magistrado.

En diálogo con RPP Noticias, aseguró que la Sala Penal Permanente que preside es una instancia independiente que no se deja “atarantar” y que fallará de acuerdo a ley.

Reiteró, que el hecho de que Jiménez haya recibido con beneplácito la noticia de que su persona se haría cargo del referido recurso legal, significa que los procesados consideran que su sala garantiza un proceso justo.

“En este caso concreto, en lo que a mi concierne es un halago, porque yo no conozco personalmente, jamás he tenido una relación personal con el señor Benedicto Jiménez, pero él sabe que yo soy un hombre que resuelve con arreglo a la ley y que no me dejo atarantar ni soy parte de una cofradía que vive persiguiendo a los demás”, aseveró.

Aseguró que desde hace dos semanas estaba enterado que se difundiría un audio en el que iba a ser aludido. Afirmó, que al enterarse de su contenido, una conversación entre Jiménez y una mujer, que según el congresista Heriberto Benítez, sería la abogada Lizeth Orihuela, no se opuso a su difusión porque “lo que hace es demostrar que somos gente en la que los procesados confían”.

En tal sentido, opinó que el sistema de justicia no debe ser visto como un “verdugo” y criticó a quienes “creen que el Poder Judicial es una Fiscalía que está para perseguir, para apresar”, tomando partido por una de las partes.


Sin embargo, debido a la gravedad del caso, el magistrado dijo que evalúa la posibilidad de inhibirse del proceso, para evitar que las partes consideren que el Poder Judicial falló por presiones externas.

“He pensado que voy a evaluar una eventual inhibición, pero no por temor a las críticas futuras  sino porque fallar en favor de una de las partes la otra va a suponer que estuve involucrado en otros asuntos (…) y que hay una campaña para que se resuelvan las cosas en favor o en contra de alguien”, manifestó.


Villa Stein, adelantó que el recurso de casación que solicita revocar la prisión de preventiva de 18 meses para Benedicto Jiménez, se resolverá la próxima semana.

Al respecto, precisó que la sala tendrá que determinar si los jueces superiores quebrantaron o no la ley al dictaminar dicha orden y que no se trata de un recurso de nulidad.

“Esto no es un recurso de nulidad, solo hay un sector de ignorantes que piensan que aquí se va a resolver el tema como si fuera una tercera instancia, esto no es así (…) nosotros como casación lo que tenemos que hacer dos cosas: defender la ley o hacer una jurisprudencia aleccionadora”, sostuvo.

“Si el tribunal ha excedido su facultad, violentando la ley, ahí tendríamos que corregir, pero no es un tema que apunta a resolver en tercera instancia la situación de los procesados”, añadió.



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Iglesias rechaza vías alternativas y dice que quien pierda “se echará a un lado”

“El cielo no se toma por consenso. Se toma por asalto”, enfatiza el líder de la formación, que expone su programa en Vistalegre, en Madrid, entre cuestionamientos a la pluralidad interna

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São Paulo – Brazil and Egypt are among the countries that are working in tandem to reduce illiteracy rates among youths and adults. They are members of the E9, a group of nine countries which are home to over half the world’s population and over 70% illiterate adults worldwide. Apart from Egypt and Brazil, the bloc comprises China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria, Bangladesh and Pakistan.

Edson Fogaça/Unesco

Maria Rebeca: there are 13 million illiterate people in Brazil

Under the technical coordination of the United Nations Scientific, Educational and Cultural Organization (Unesco), delegates from the member countries meet regularly since 1993, when the group was established, to exchange information and help one another implement programs designed to lower illiteracy rates among youths and adults. The group was created based on 1993 data and works based on an annual plan.

The coordinator for Education at Unesco Brazil, Maria Rebeca Otero Gomes, reports that there are 13.2 million illiterate youths and adults in Brazil, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). Most of the adults are over 19 years old and 50% live in the Northeast. Brazil has a population of 200 million.

In Brazil, the issue is taken care of through the Brasil Alfabetizado (Literate Brazil) program, targeting youths and adults – a decentralized initiative whereby states and municipalities partner up with organizations to teach people in these age brackets to read and write. The program renders accounts to the Ministry of Education, which centralizes and controls the subjects’ data and progress.

Gomes explains that the program needs restructuring, because several municipalities struggle to find partners, for instance. According to the coordinator, the program is being implemented, but very slowly so, and is not widespread, which she deems would be important in a country with 13 million illiterate adults. Over the years, at the E9, Brazil has shared local experiences such as Brasil Alfabetizado.

The E9’s work is also based on an overarching initiative named Education for All. The initiative was launched in 2000, at a Unesco World Education Forum in Dakar (Senegal), and sets targets to be met by 2015. In March next year, a new forum will take place in Korea to adjust the targets, because most haven’t been achieved, says Unesco Brazil’s Education coordinator.

An E9 meeting will be held in November in Pakistan, and suggestions will be given for the forum in Korea. Brazil will also present an overview report of the advances and challenges in education, at a meeting with other Latin American countries in Lima, Peru, next October. According to Gomes, the main challenges for the country remain teaching young people and grown-ups to read and write, improving educational quality and valuing teachers.

*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum

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São Paulo – Oil barrel prices have bottomed out to their lowest in two years this week due to heightened supply and weak demand. The industry expects prices to remain around US$ 85 per barrel of the Brent Crude oil type (traded on the London Stock Exchange) for the next few months. If the trend bears out, major oil companies will have to revise their investment and debt plans. Even major global producing and exporting countries will need to cut down their spending.

According to the global news director at New York’s commodities consulting firm Platts, John Kingston, oil prices are bearish because the world economy is in “big trouble” and recovering slowly. Conversely, production and supply are on the way up.

“Demand is sluggish and growth is very slow around the world, which is still depending on the recovery of the United States’ economy,” Kingston told ANBA.

The director of the Brazilian Infrastructure Centre (CBIE), Adriano Pires also believes the world economy is recovering very slowly. He remarks that recent conflicts in Middle East countries like Palestine and Syria, coupled with the Ukrainian crisis, had postponed the price drop. Besides, the United States’ output is strong right now and investment projects rolled out over the past few years are beginning to bear fruit, causing exploration to increase.

Pires notes, however, that the commodity’s price has ups and downs. It peaked in 1973 and 1989, and plummeted in 1986 and throughout the 1990s. In 2008, however, oil sold for as much as US$ 140. By October 15th, 2012, the Brent barrel was selling for US$ 115.07. A year later, it cost US$ 110.86. This Thursday (16th), it closed at US$ 86.12.

Prices may keep falling, but not much further. Pires expects them to remain close to US$ 80. They may even increase slightly in the days leading up to the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) meeting scheduled for late November. Countries like Venezuela and Libya want to reign in output so prices will rise, driving up revenues. Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, for their part, would rather wait longer before slowing the output down.

The impact will likely not be as strongly felt by the United States. The country is producing oil domestically through unconventional gas extraction, thus reducing its dependence on imports and their influence on the country. Extraction of this type of gas and oil costs more, but Kingston claims some producers can “withstand” prices as low as US$ 70. “It all depends on the extraction technology and the productivity it affords,” he says.

The effects on Brazil

Low oil prices may influence the Brazilian federal government and Petrobras’ decisions in the short, medium and long run. According to Pires, plummeting oil prices relieve pressure on the government to raise fuel prices, which have been kept lower than they should be in order to curb rising inflation.

On the one hand, lower prices will also drive down costs for Petrobras. The downside is they should weigh down on the state-owned company’s revenues. “These prices will cut losses for Petrobras, but they will also jeopardize its investments, because the company is working with a price estimate of US$ 100 until 2018, and then with US$ 95. If this scenario persists, then Petrobras and other oil companies will have to reformulate their investment strategies,” he asserts.

*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum

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La pareja que bailaba entre cadáveres

El alcalde de Iguala y su esposa, buscados en México por la desaparición de 43 estudiantes, sembraron el terror bajo la sombra del narco. 

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São Paulo – Oil barrel prices have bottomed out to their lowest in two years this week due to heightened supply and weak demand. The industry expects prices to remain around US$ 85 per barrel of the Brent Crude oil type (traded on the London Stock Exchange) for the next few months. If the trend bears out, major oil companies will have to revise their investment and debt plans. Even major global producing and exporting countries will need to cut down their spending.

According to the global news director at New York’s commodities consulting firm Platts, John Kingston, oil prices are bearish because the world economy is in “big trouble” and recovering slowly. Conversely, production and supply are on the way up.

“Demand is sluggish and growth is very slow around the world, which is still depending on the recovery of the United States’ economy,” Kingston told ANBA.

The director of the Brazilian Infrastructure Centre (CBIE), Adriano Pires also believes the world economy is recovering very slowly. He remarks that recent conflicts in Middle East countries like Palestine and Syria, coupled with the Ukrainian crisis, had postponed the price drop. Besides, the United States’ output is strong right now and investment projects rolled out over the past few years are beginning to bear fruit, causing exploration to increase.

Pires notes, however, that the commodity’s price has ups and downs. It peaked in 1973 and 1989, and plummeted in 1986 and throughout the 1990s. In 2008, however, oil sold for as much as US$ 140. By October 15th, 2012, the Brent barrel was selling for US$ 115.07. A year later, it cost US$ 110.86. This Thursday (16th), it closed at US$ 86.12.

Prices may keep falling, but not much further. Pires expects them to remain close to US$ 80. They may even increase slightly in the days leading up to the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) meeting scheduled for late November. Countries like Venezuela and Libya want to reign in output so prices will rise, driving up revenues. Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, for their part, would rather wait longer before slowing the output down.

The impact will likely not be as strongly felt by the United States. The country is producing oil domestically through unconventional gas extraction, thus reducing its dependence on imports and their influence on the country. Extraction of this type of gas and oil costs more, but Kingston claims some producers can “withstand” prices as low as US$ 70. “It all depends on the extraction technology and the productivity it affords,” he says.

The effects on Brazil

Low oil prices may influence the Brazilian federal government and Petrobras’ decisions in the short, medium and long run. According to Pires, plummeting oil prices relieve pressure on the government to raise fuel prices, which have been kept lower than they should be in order to curb rising inflation.

On the one hand, lower prices will also drive down costs for Petrobras. The downside is they should weigh down on the state-owned company’s revenues. “These prices will cut losses for Petrobras, but they will also jeopardize its investments, because the company is working with a price estimate of US$ 100 until 2018, and then with US$ 95. If this scenario persists, then Petrobras and other oil companies will have to reformulate their investment strategies,” he asserts.

*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum

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São Paulo – Oil barrel prices have bottomed out to their lowest in two years this week due to heightened supply and weak demand. The industry expects prices to remain around US$ 85 per barrel of the Brent Crude oil type (traded on the London Stock Exchange) for the next few months. If the trend bears out, major oil companies will have to revise their investment and debt plans. Even major global producing and exporting countries will need to cut down their spending.

According to the global news director at New York’s commodities consulting firm Platts, John Kingston, oil prices are bearish because the world economy is in “big trouble” and recovering slowly. Conversely, production and supply are on the way up.

“Demand is sluggish and growth is very slow around the world, which is still depending on the recovery of the United States’ economy,” Kingston told ANBA.

The director of the Brazilian Infrastructure Centre (CBIE), Adriano Pires also believes the world economy is recovering very slowly. He remarks that recent conflicts in Middle East countries like Palestine and Syria, coupled with the Ukrainian crisis, had postponed the price drop. Besides, the United States’ output is strong right now and investment projects rolled out over the past few years are beginning to bear fruit, causing exploration to increase.

Pires notes, however, that the commodity’s price has ups and downs. It peaked in 1973 and 1989, and plummeted in 1986 and throughout the 1990s. In 2008, however, oil sold for as much as US$ 140. By October 15th, 2012, the Brent barrel was selling for US$ 115.07. A year later, it cost US$ 110.86. This Thursday (16th), it closed at US$ 86.12.

Prices may keep falling, but not much further. Pires expects them to remain close to US$ 80. They may even increase slightly in the days leading up to the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) meeting scheduled for late November. Countries like Venezuela and Libya want to reign in output so prices will rise, driving up revenues. Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, for their part, would rather wait longer before slowing the output down.

The impact will likely not be as strongly felt by the United States. The country is producing oil domestically through unconventional gas extraction, thus reducing its dependence on imports and their influence on the country. Extraction of this type of gas and oil costs more, but Kingston claims some producers can “withstand” prices as low as US$ 70. “It all depends on the extraction technology and the productivity it affords,” he says.

The effects on Brazil

Low oil prices may influence the Brazilian federal government and Petrobras’ decisions in the short, medium and long run. According to Pires, plummeting oil prices relieve pressure on the government to raise fuel prices, which have been kept lower than they should be in order to curb rising inflation.

On the one hand, lower prices will also drive down costs for Petrobras. The downside is they should weigh down on the state-owned company’s revenues. “These prices will cut losses for Petrobras, but they will also jeopardize its investments, because the company is working with a price estimate of US$ 100 until 2018, and then with US$ 95. If this scenario persists, then Petrobras and other oil companies will have to reformulate their investment strategies,” he asserts.

*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum

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Todas las noticias sobre el ébola

Reacciones políticas, datos oficiales, protocolos seguidos, evolución de los contagiados…consulta todas las noticias relevantes y la última hora sobre el virus del ébola.

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CETEG y normalistas anuncia la toma de 81 alcaldias en Guerrero

La asamblea nacional popular que se integró ayer en Ayotzinapa, guerrero, por 53 organizaciones sociales y estudiantiles del país, decidieron tomar hoy las 81 alcaldías del estado para exigir la presentación con vida de los 43 normalistas desaparecidos el 26 de septiembre…

* Los ayuntamientos de Tlapa, Huamuxtitlán, Chilpancingo, Atenango, Copalillo e Iguala ya fueron tomados de manera pacífica por los integrantes de la CETEG…

* De acuerdo con la línea de acción en las protestas de normalistas, se tiene prevista una mega marcha en Acapulco para mañana, en la que participarán normalistas, la CETEG, el CNTE de Oaxaca y sindicatos…

* En la siguiente fase se plantea el 19 de octubre, la toma de casetas de cobro de autopistas y a partir del 20 de octubre,  la toma de carreteras federales, aeropuertos y refinerías…


Redes sociales alrededor del mundo se convulsiona ante caso Ayotzinapa

* Además, en redes sociales comenzaron a circular videos con el hashtag #43convidaya de universitarios de todo el país y de otros como China, Bolivia y España, en demanda del regreso de los normalistas de Ayotzinapa…

* Ayer, la policía comunitaria encontró seis fosas clandestinas más, cerca de iguala…con estas ya suman 19 en esa zona…


PGR ofrecerá recompensa para encontrar responsables del caso Iguala

* La PGR ofrecerá recompensas para encontrar a los presuntos responsables prófugos del caso Iguala, adelantó el senador Omar Fayad, luego de la reunión de la comisión bicameral de seguridad con funcionarios del gabinete de seguridad…

*Mañana el congreso de guerrero votará la suspensión de poderes del alcalde de iguala, José Luis Abarca…si no es en el congreso, que sufrió daños por las protestas de normalistas, será en otro lugar, pero se realizará la sesión, advirtió el diputado local Jorge Camacho….


Desaparecer poderes en Guerrero no es una solución de fondo: Andrés Bahena

* Desaparecer los poderes en guerrero no es una solución de fondo…la prioridad debe ser encontrar a los 43 normalistas con vida, dice en entrevista con imagen, Andrés Bahena, líder del pan en guerrero…

*Por otro lado, fue detenido en Acapulco el presunto operador financiero del grupo delictivo ‘guerreros unidos’, Raúl Núñez Salgado… el director de la agencia de investigación criminal, Tomás Zerón, dijo que este sujeto entregaba 600 mil pesos mensuales al subdirector de seguridad pública de iguala, francisco salgado valladares, quien se encuentra prófugo…

*El alcalde de Cocula, César Peñaloza, regresó a sus funciones luego de declarar como testigo tras la detención de 14 de sus policías municipales por la desaparición de los normalistas… Afirma que no tenía conocimiento, del involucramiento de éstos en los hechos del 26 y 27 de septiembre en iguala…


Continúa el paro por tiempo indefinido del IPN

Esta mañana 19 de 24 escuelas de la UNAM que se sumaron al paro de labores, en apoyo a los normalistas, volvieron a clases…permanecen tomadas las FES Acatlán y de economía, así como los planteles Naucalpan y Atzcapotzalco del Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades y la Escuela Nacional Preparatoria número 2…

* Mientras tanto, continua el paro de actividades en el Instituto Politécnico Nacional “por tiempo indefinido”… La ‘asamblea general politécnica’ consideró ‘insatisfactoria’ la respuesta del gobierno federal a su pliego petitorio, porque aseguran que “no resuelve el conflicto”… hoy la asamblea general politécnica retomó el debate…


* Donovan Garrido, estudiante de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería y Arquitectura Unidad Zacatenco, habló en la primera con Adela sobre el análisis de la respuesta entregada por la SEP…

*Maestros del politécnico insistieron en que respetan la decisión de los alumnos de continuar el paro indefinido pero se corre el riesgo de perder el semestre, afectando a más de 170 mil estudiantes advirtió el líder de los maestros de la sección 60 del SNTE, Bernardo Quezada Salas…


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*Carlos Navarrete también tendrá un encuentro con el grupo parlamentario del PRD en el senado, esto luego de que Alejandro Encinas solicitó a la PGR investigar posibles infiltraciones del crimen organizado  en el partido….


Adolescente apuñala a compañero por bullying

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Entregan cuerpo de ‘El Benjamón’ a sus familiares

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*Pero además el problema de la basura acumulada en las calles ante la falta de contenedores afecta a los Comercios de Neza


En las imágenes de los números y las finanzas.-

Este mediodía inició en la cámara de diputados la discusión sobre la ley de egresos 2014-2015 cuyo gasto ascendería a 4.7 billones de pesos…entre otros puntos se debate el precio de barril de petróleo…


La bolsa mexicana de valores gana  0.01 por ciento… en estados unidos, el dow jones sube 0.18 por ciento y el Nasdaq disminuye 0.08  por ciento…

* El dólar se compra en 13 pesos con 22 centavos y se vende en 13 pesos con 82 centavos… el euro se adquiere en 17 pesos con 11 centavos y se ofrece en 17 pesos con 58 centavos…


En las imágenes internacionales

El aeropuerto de Madrid activó el protocolo de emergencia sanitaria ante la sospecha de que un pasajero procedente de lagos, Nigeria, tenga ébola…el paciente hizo escala en Francia antes de viajar a Madrid…fue internado en el hospital Carlos Tercero donde está la enfermera teresa romero cuya salud reporta mejoría…

* En tanto, en Cleveland, dos escuelas del poblado de Solón, cerraron por precaución tras conocerse que uno de sus directivos viajó en el mismo avión en que lo hizo la enfermera texana Amber Jay Vinson contagiada de ébola…

* Además de acuerdo con el centro para el control y prevención de enfermedades una familia, incluido un niño, que viajó en el mismo vuelo que Vinson está en aislamiento…

Hoy se celebra el día mundial de la alimentación, con la que se busca promover un debate sobre las dificultades a las que se enfrentan los pequeños productores de alimentos, ya que coincide con el lema del año internacional de la agricultura familiar, que propone “alimentar al mundo y cuidar el planeta”…


Source Article from

São Paulo – Using the creativity of citizens, promoting their integration and circulation are some of the solutions to the problems of large, medium and small cities. In a lecture delivered last Tuesday evening (14th) at the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce in São Paulo, the coordinator of the Cultural Economics course at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), Ana Carla Fonseca Reis, outlined the key elements for cities to grow and solve their problems with popular involvement. Approximately 50 people watched the presentation, including the Arab Chamber president Marcelo Sallum and former director Mário Rizkallah.

Some examples of creative cities presented by the public administrator and economist include London, in the United Kingdom, Barcelona, in Spain, and Ankara, in Turkey. In Brazil, she mentioned Paraty, in Rio de Janeiro, and Guaramiranga, in Ceará. “These are cities that have set out to innovate their reality and popular culture from the inside out, i.e. from within the city to other localities,” she said.

Sérgio Tomisaki/Arab Chamber

Reis and Sallum: event showcased the potential cities have

According to Reis, Guaramiranga, in Ceará, is a city that used to live off of coffee farming. As traditional families left the small town and growing competition from state capital Fortaleza as a tour destination, the city became threatened by mounting problems. 

“However, they capitalized on their local culture of Northeastern musical rhythms; they have projects for developing young musicians; they host a jazz festival every year, during Carnival, of all times; and they have watched as their population soared from 5,000 to 15,000. Besides, they work in tandem with other nearby small towns,” she said.

“Cities can be creative regardless of their size, but those that wish to be or are creative often have clear-cut features: they innovate, for instance, by implementing a solid waste reuse system. They also value the connections between people. Whenever the people connect, they exchange ideas and experiences of their emotional ties with their cities or neighbourhoods; thereby, civil society participation increases. The third feature of these cities is that they value local culture and potential,” she asserted.

As case in points, she cited Peru, a country that has gone beyond its well-known tourist destinations such as Machu Picchu to tap into other aspects of its culture, such as cuisine. Ankara, in Turkey, has developed a project for local artisans to sell their items to tourists, and the government takes charge of shipping the product and insuring the purchase. Reis also mentioned object sharing in large cities, such as electric car rental in Lyon and Paris. “The culture of sharing, of having citizens use, but not own objects.”

In Brazil, Reis listed Paraty and Guaramiranga as the best examples of creative cities, but remarked that the concept is still met with challenges in the country. “They [the cities] don’t foster connections between their residents; they are still too divided into ‘ghettos.’ This remains a hurdle,” she claimed.

In terms of Arab cities, Reis cited Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, which has a plan of integrating leisure, culture and work activities by 2030. Abu Dhabi’s population should double by then, and therefore, said Reis, the city is investing in transformation by integrating activities and inhabitants. As an example, she discussed museums designed by award-winning architects that are currently under construction in a designated area within the city.

Reis’ presentation is part of the Arab Chamber Lecture Cycle, held on a regular basis and covering myriad topics. The next guest will be the historian Demétrio Magnoli, who will tackle progress and challenges for Brazil and the Mercosur. The meeting with Magnoli is set to take place on November 18th.

*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum

Source Article from