Noticias Do Dia

“Aquí van a mandar las grandes mayorías, acá esta la Revolución ciudadana”, exclamó Correa desde el balcón del Palacio Carondelet a los manifestantes que se acercaron a respaldar la estabilidad del gobierno tras las denuncias de un posible golpe de estado. “Están planificando una manifestación masiva para venir al Carondelet. Ojalá no comentan ese error, aquí lo vamos a esperar pacífica para defender la revolución”, aseguró Correa.

Esta mañana, el mandatario señaló, a través de su cuenta oficial en Twitter, a dos coroneles del ejército como activistas en la conspiración. Más temprano, el ministro del Interior, José Serrano, había alertado que labores de inteligencia detectaron un plan para que las marchas, convocadas por la oposición en el sur y el norte de la ciudad capital, confluyeran en el Palacio de Gobierno, se rompiera el cerco policial y se tomara por la fuerza la sede presidencial.

También habían alertado sobre el posible golpe los ministros coordinador de Seguridad, César Navas, y de Gestión de la Política, Viviana Bonilla, según reprodujo la agencia noticiosa Andes.

“Lamentablemente tenemos claros indicios de que los golpistas intentarán tomarse Carondelet. Van a unir la marcha de El Arbolito, convocada por los de luto (ya no en la Shyris), con la marcha del FUT y del extinto MPD. Quieren en base a la violencia derrocar a un gobierno de inmenso apoyo nacional e internacional”, escribió Correa.

Ecuador vive una ola de protestas callejeras en Quito y varias ciudades del país desde hace más de un mes en rechazo a las propuestas del gobierno de crear nuevos gravámenes a las herencias y a la plusvalía. Correa ha insistido en que las iniciativas no afectan a la clase media, pero ante la persistencia de las manifestaciones y la llegada a Ecuador del papa Francisco prevista para el domingo próximo decidió retirarlas temporalmente y convocar a un diálogo nacional, medidas que no han sido suficientes para lograr la tranquilidad en las calles del país.

“Ojalá la gente de buena voluntad no se deje engañar: esto nada tiene que ver con leyes, etc. Es algo que lo venían preparando desde hace tiempo, como el 30S”, dijo el mandatario en una secuencia de tuits y en alusión al intento de golpe de Estado registrado en septiembre de 2010.

En su seguidilla de tuits, Correa también había recordado las movilizaciones de la semana pasada que, a su criterio, apuntaban a crear desestabilización similar a las guarimbas organizadas en Venezuela. “Fracasaron la semana anterior, lo intentarán mañana. Nosotros, a repletar la Plaza Grande con música y alegría, pacíficos pero firmes. ¡Somos más, muchísimos más! Intentan al menos mantenernos en enfrentamientos permanentes, como lo hicieron en Venezuela. No lo lograrán”.

Correa identificó como activistas de oposición que estarían tras los planes conspirativos a Mario Pazmiño, coronel retirado del Ejército y ex jefe de inteligencia militar, a quien vinculó como cercano a la Central de Inteligencia Norteamericana (CIA), y al coronel César Carrión, quien era director del hospital policial donde el presidente estuvo secuestrado en 2010. También hizo alusión a “millones de dólares de poderosos grupos económicos y a los “periodistas de siempre”.

Source Article from

NEW YORK, Jun 04, 2015 (BUSINESS WIRE) —
Today, Time Warner Cable News NY1 Noticias, New York City’s only 24-hour
Spanish language local news network, announced it will commemorate the
10-year anniversary of Pura Política, with a special documentary
with highlights from the past decade of the longest-running local
Spanish language political talk show in New York City, on Friday, June 5th
at 6 p.m. and 11p.m.

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here:

The documentary special will feature guests including, Congresswoman,
Nydia Velazquez, State Senator, Adriano Espaillat, and City Council
Speaker, Melissa Mark-Viverito,
who will explore the highs and lows
for Latinos during the past decade. The commemorative program will also
include an exclusive sit-down interview with New York City Mayor Bill
de Blasio
where he is asked to name one Latino politician he
believes would be a strong candidate for New York City Mayor in the near

Pura Política first premiered as a weekly political talk show on
June 3, 2005, with then Mayor Michael Bloomberg as its first guest.
Bloomberg had just kicked off his re-election campaign with a
Spanish-language commercial.

“Since we aired our first program, Hispanic influence has grown
tremendously and the Spanish language has become ubiquitous in city
politics. Pura Política is a key platform for political leaders looking
to engage Latinos and talk about their issues. We look forward to many
more decades of great interviews and political analysis,” said program
host, Juan Manuel Benitez.

NY1 Noticias’
Pura Política’s 10th
Anniversary Special
will air Friday, June 5th at 6 p.m.
and 11p.m. on channel 95 and channel 831 on Time Warner Cable in New
York, and channel 194 on Cablevision in New York City.

Time Warner Cable News (TWC News) provides in-depth local news
programming exclusively for Time Warner Cable video customers. Time
Warner Cable’s 17 news networks operate in Texas (Austin, San Antonio);
New York (Rochester, Buffalo, Albany, Hudson Valley, Central New York
and the Southern Tier); North Carolina (Raleigh, Charlotte, Greensboro,
Wilmington); Antelope Valley, CA, and the group’s flagship network NY1
and Spanish language network TWC News NY1 Noticias in New York City. NY1
Noticias is also available online at
Viewers can follow the news team on twitter @NY1Noticias or visit
for the latest news coverage on NY1 Noticias including real-time

Time Warner Cable

Time Warner Cable Inc.

TWC, -0.17%

is among the largest providers of
video, high-speed data and voice services in the United States,
connecting 15 million customers to entertainment, information and each
other. Time Warner Cable Business Class offers data, video and voice
services to businesses of all sizes, cell tower backhaul services to
wireless carriers and enterprise-class, cloud-enabled hosting, managed
applications and services. Time Warner Cable Media, the advertising
sales arm of Time Warner Cable, offers national, regional and local
companies innovative advertising solutions. More information about the
services of Time Warner Cable is available at,

View source version on

SOURCE: Time Warner Cable Inc.

Time Warner Cable Inc.
Evelyn Galarza, 212-364-8305

Copyright Business Wire 2015

Source Article from

NEW YORK, Jun 04, 2015 (BUSINESS WIRE) —
Today, Time Warner Cable News NY1 Noticias, New York City’s only 24-hour
Spanish language local news network, announced it will commemorate the
10-year anniversary of Pura Política, with a special documentary
with highlights from the past decade of the longest-running local
Spanish language political talk show in New York City, on Friday, June 5th
at 6 p.m. and 11p.m.

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here:

The documentary special will feature guests including, Congresswoman,
Nydia Velazquez, State Senator, Adriano Espaillat, and City Council
Speaker, Melissa Mark-Viverito,
who will explore the highs and lows
for Latinos during the past decade. The commemorative program will also
include an exclusive sit-down interview with New York City Mayor Bill
de Blasio
where he is asked to name one Latino politician he
believes would be a strong candidate for New York City Mayor in the near

Pura Política first premiered as a weekly political talk show on
June 3, 2005, with then Mayor Michael Bloomberg as its first guest.
Bloomberg had just kicked off his re-election campaign with a
Spanish-language commercial.

“Since we aired our first program, Hispanic influence has grown
tremendously and the Spanish language has become ubiquitous in city
politics. Pura Política is a key platform for political leaders looking
to engage Latinos and talk about their issues. We look forward to many
more decades of great interviews and political analysis,” said program
host, Juan Manuel Benitez.

NY1 Noticias’
Pura Política’s 10th
Anniversary Special
will air Friday, June 5th at 6 p.m.
and 11p.m. on channel 95 and channel 831 on Time Warner Cable in New
York, and channel 194 on Cablevision in New York City.

Time Warner Cable News (TWC News) provides in-depth local news
programming exclusively for Time Warner Cable video customers. Time
Warner Cable’s 17 news networks operate in Texas (Austin, San Antonio);
New York (Rochester, Buffalo, Albany, Hudson Valley, Central New York
and the Southern Tier); North Carolina (Raleigh, Charlotte, Greensboro,
Wilmington); Antelope Valley, CA, and the group’s flagship network NY1
and Spanish language network TWC News NY1 Noticias in New York City. NY1
Noticias is also available online at
Viewers can follow the news team on twitter @NY1Noticias or visit
for the latest news coverage on NY1 Noticias including real-time

Time Warner Cable

Time Warner Cable Inc.

TWC, -0.17%

is among the largest providers of
video, high-speed data and voice services in the United States,
connecting 15 million customers to entertainment, information and each
other. Time Warner Cable Business Class offers data, video and voice
services to businesses of all sizes, cell tower backhaul services to
wireless carriers and enterprise-class, cloud-enabled hosting, managed
applications and services. Time Warner Cable Media, the advertising
sales arm of Time Warner Cable, offers national, regional and local
companies innovative advertising solutions. More information about the
services of Time Warner Cable is available at,

View source version on

SOURCE: Time Warner Cable Inc.

Time Warner Cable Inc.
Evelyn Galarza, 212-364-8305

Copyright Business Wire 2015

Source Article from

NEW YORK, Jun 04, 2015 (BUSINESS WIRE) —
Today, Time Warner Cable News NY1 Noticias, New York City’s only 24-hour
Spanish language local news network, announced it will commemorate the
10-year anniversary of Pura Política, with a special documentary
with highlights from the past decade of the longest-running local
Spanish language political talk show in New York City, on Friday, June 5th
at 6 p.m. and 11p.m.

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here:

The documentary special will feature guests including, Congresswoman,
Nydia Velazquez, State Senator, Adriano Espaillat, and City Council
Speaker, Melissa Mark-Viverito,
who will explore the highs and lows
for Latinos during the past decade. The commemorative program will also
include an exclusive sit-down interview with New York City Mayor Bill
de Blasio
where he is asked to name one Latino politician he
believes would be a strong candidate for New York City Mayor in the near

Pura Política first premiered as a weekly political talk show on
June 3, 2005, with then Mayor Michael Bloomberg as its first guest.
Bloomberg had just kicked off his re-election campaign with a
Spanish-language commercial.

“Since we aired our first program, Hispanic influence has grown
tremendously and the Spanish language has become ubiquitous in city
politics. Pura Política is a key platform for political leaders looking
to engage Latinos and talk about their issues. We look forward to many
more decades of great interviews and political analysis,” said program
host, Juan Manuel Benitez.

NY1 Noticias’
Pura Política’s 10th
Anniversary Special
will air Friday, June 5th at 6 p.m.
and 11p.m. on channel 95 and channel 831 on Time Warner Cable in New
York, and channel 194 on Cablevision in New York City.

Time Warner Cable News (TWC News) provides in-depth local news
programming exclusively for Time Warner Cable video customers. Time
Warner Cable’s 17 news networks operate in Texas (Austin, San Antonio);
New York (Rochester, Buffalo, Albany, Hudson Valley, Central New York
and the Southern Tier); North Carolina (Raleigh, Charlotte, Greensboro,
Wilmington); Antelope Valley, CA, and the group’s flagship network NY1
and Spanish language network TWC News NY1 Noticias in New York City. NY1
Noticias is also available online at
Viewers can follow the news team on twitter @NY1Noticias or visit
for the latest news coverage on NY1 Noticias including real-time

Time Warner Cable

Time Warner Cable Inc.

TWC, -0.17%

is among the largest providers of
video, high-speed data and voice services in the United States,
connecting 15 million customers to entertainment, information and each
other. Time Warner Cable Business Class offers data, video and voice
services to businesses of all sizes, cell tower backhaul services to
wireless carriers and enterprise-class, cloud-enabled hosting, managed
applications and services. Time Warner Cable Media, the advertising
sales arm of Time Warner Cable, offers national, regional and local
companies innovative advertising solutions. More information about the
services of Time Warner Cable is available at,

View source version on

SOURCE: Time Warner Cable Inc.

Time Warner Cable Inc.
Evelyn Galarza, 212-364-8305

Copyright Business Wire 2015

Source Article from

NEW YORK, Jun 04, 2015 (BUSINESS WIRE) —
Today, Time Warner Cable News NY1 Noticias, New York City’s only 24-hour
Spanish language local news network, announced it will commemorate the
10-year anniversary of Pura Política, with a special documentary
with highlights from the past decade of the longest-running local
Spanish language political talk show in New York City, on Friday, June 5th
at 6 p.m. and 11p.m.

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here:

The documentary special will feature guests including, Congresswoman,
Nydia Velazquez, State Senator, Adriano Espaillat, and City Council
Speaker, Melissa Mark-Viverito,
who will explore the highs and lows
for Latinos during the past decade. The commemorative program will also
include an exclusive sit-down interview with New York City Mayor Bill
de Blasio
where he is asked to name one Latino politician he
believes would be a strong candidate for New York City Mayor in the near

Pura Política first premiered as a weekly political talk show on
June 3, 2005, with then Mayor Michael Bloomberg as its first guest.
Bloomberg had just kicked off his re-election campaign with a
Spanish-language commercial.

“Since we aired our first program, Hispanic influence has grown
tremendously and the Spanish language has become ubiquitous in city
politics. Pura Política is a key platform for political leaders looking
to engage Latinos and talk about their issues. We look forward to many
more decades of great interviews and political analysis,” said program
host, Juan Manuel Benitez.

NY1 Noticias’
Pura Política’s 10th
Anniversary Special
will air Friday, June 5th at 6 p.m.
and 11p.m. on channel 95 and channel 831 on Time Warner Cable in New
York, and channel 194 on Cablevision in New York City.

Time Warner Cable News (TWC News) provides in-depth local news
programming exclusively for Time Warner Cable video customers. Time
Warner Cable’s 17 news networks operate in Texas (Austin, San Antonio);
New York (Rochester, Buffalo, Albany, Hudson Valley, Central New York
and the Southern Tier); North Carolina (Raleigh, Charlotte, Greensboro,
Wilmington); Antelope Valley, CA, and the group’s flagship network NY1
and Spanish language network TWC News NY1 Noticias in New York City. NY1
Noticias is also available online at
Viewers can follow the news team on twitter @NY1Noticias or visit
for the latest news coverage on NY1 Noticias including real-time

Time Warner Cable

Time Warner Cable Inc.

TWC, -0.18%

is among the largest providers of
video, high-speed data and voice services in the United States,
connecting 15 million customers to entertainment, information and each
other. Time Warner Cable Business Class offers data, video and voice
services to businesses of all sizes, cell tower backhaul services to
wireless carriers and enterprise-class, cloud-enabled hosting, managed
applications and services. Time Warner Cable Media, the advertising
sales arm of Time Warner Cable, offers national, regional and local
companies innovative advertising solutions. More information about the
services of Time Warner Cable is available at,

View source version on

SOURCE: Time Warner Cable Inc.

Time Warner Cable Inc.
Evelyn Galarza, 212-364-8305

Copyright Business Wire 2015

Source Article from

The Mozambican parliament could consider a new version of the main opposition’s plan to devolve power to provinces, after it rejected a proposal at the end of April, Noticias newspaper reported.

The Mozambique National Resistance, or Renamo, disputes the result of October elections and had asked to appoint governors in provinces where it claims majority support. The party may submit a “totally remodeled” proposal to lawmakers, the state-owned publication cited parliamentary president Veronica Macamo as saying.

Renamo leader Afonso Dhlakama told reporters last week he was prepared to change the proposition on devolution to apply to all of the country’s 11 provinces, instead of just the six where the party polled best.

Mozambique has gas reserves that have the potential to vault the country into the top three producers of liquefied natural gas in the next decade, according to Anadarko Petroleum Corp. Decisions by companies on whether to proceed with developing the fields, in the Rovuma offshore basin, are expected this year.

Source Article from

NEW YORK, Jun 04, 2015 (BUSINESS WIRE) —
Today, Time Warner Cable News NY1 Noticias, New York City’s only 24-hour
Spanish language local news network, announced it will commemorate the
10-year anniversary of Pura Política, with a special documentary
with highlights from the past decade of the longest-running local
Spanish language political talk show in New York City, on Friday, June 5th
at 6 p.m. and 11p.m.

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here:

The documentary special will feature guests including, Congresswoman,
Nydia Velazquez, State Senator, Adriano Espaillat, and City Council
Speaker, Melissa Mark-Viverito,
who will explore the highs and lows
for Latinos during the past decade. The commemorative program will also
include an exclusive sit-down interview with New York City Mayor Bill
de Blasio
where he is asked to name one Latino politician he
believes would be a strong candidate for New York City Mayor in the near

Pura Política first premiered as a weekly political talk show on
June 3, 2005, with then Mayor Michael Bloomberg as its first guest.
Bloomberg had just kicked off his re-election campaign with a
Spanish-language commercial.

“Since we aired our first program, Hispanic influence has grown
tremendously and the Spanish language has become ubiquitous in city
politics. Pura Política is a key platform for political leaders looking
to engage Latinos and talk about their issues. We look forward to many
more decades of great interviews and political analysis,” said program
host, Juan Manuel Benitez.

NY1 Noticias’
Pura Política’s 10th
Anniversary Special
will air Friday, June 5th at 6 p.m.
and 11p.m. on channel 95 and channel 831 on Time Warner Cable in New
York, and channel 194 on Cablevision in New York City.

Time Warner Cable News (TWC News) provides in-depth local news
programming exclusively for Time Warner Cable video customers. Time
Warner Cable’s 17 news networks operate in Texas (Austin, San Antonio);
New York (Rochester, Buffalo, Albany, Hudson Valley, Central New York
and the Southern Tier); North Carolina (Raleigh, Charlotte, Greensboro,
Wilmington); Antelope Valley, CA, and the group’s flagship network NY1
and Spanish language network TWC News NY1 Noticias in New York City. NY1
Noticias is also available online at
Viewers can follow the news team on twitter @NY1Noticias or visit
for the latest news coverage on NY1 Noticias including real-time

Time Warner Cable

Time Warner Cable Inc.

TWC, -0.31%

is among the largest providers of
video, high-speed data and voice services in the United States,
connecting 15 million customers to entertainment, information and each
other. Time Warner Cable Business Class offers data, video and voice
services to businesses of all sizes, cell tower backhaul services to
wireless carriers and enterprise-class, cloud-enabled hosting, managed
applications and services. Time Warner Cable Media, the advertising
sales arm of Time Warner Cable, offers national, regional and local
companies innovative advertising solutions. More information about the
services of Time Warner Cable is available at,

View source version on

SOURCE: Time Warner Cable Inc.

Time Warner Cable Inc.
Evelyn Galarza, 212-364-8305

Copyright Business Wire 2015

Source Article from

Desde la Autoridad Única de Simplificación de Trámites y Permisos y las instituciones que estamos acompañando, donde cumplimos la misión presidencial encomendada, estamos felices de generar e informar buenas noticias todos los días.

Es por ello, que hoy queremos mostrarles algunas concreciones de nivel masivo y de gran importancia para los ciudadanos, que sin lugar a dudas ayudan a fortalecer la gestión pública eficiente, eficaz, socialista y humanista que estamos impulsando. Veámoslas: ¿ Inmediato reimpulso de operativos de cedulación en todo el país. Ya miles de venezolanos han concretado sus trámites este mes.

¿ Carta de soltería. Ahora es más fácil: la persona se dirige a la oficina de Registro Civil más cercana a su domicilio sin necesidad de ir a la Notaría. ¿ Avanzamos con la transformación integral del Saren. Incluye la capacitación de nuestro talento humano, la dotación de herramientas de calidad, el uso de tecnología de punta, la eliminación de los recaudos innecesarios y la agilización de todos los trámites que realizamos. ¿ El plan de dotación de equipos informáticos que iniciamos en octubre pasado en el Saren ha logrado ya un total de 21 nuevas sedes automatizadas. No pararemos hasta hacerlo con todas.

¿ Se activó el Sistema de Registro Nacional de Entidades de Trabajo y Solvencia Laboral (RNET), logrando un incremento de 1.449% en la cantidad de registros completados en tan solo un mes de funcionamiento.

¿ Con “cero papeleo para hacer tu vida más fácil” estamos ahorrando 100 millones de hojas al año.

¿ Activado el plan de visitas a todas las oficinas del Saime. Ya mejorando el correcto funcionamiento y prestación de los servicios.

¿ Coronamos con una gran noticia: ahora pueden descargar nuestra aplicación “Guía de Trámites”, a través de la página web, para obtener información sobre qué recaudos necesitan llevar a la Notaría o Registro para realizar trámites y también conocerá cuál es la red de oficinas instaladas en todo el país.

Es un trabajo en equipo, con generosidad, responsabilidad social y profesionalismo.

Source Article from

NEW YORK, Jun 04, 2015 (BUSINESS WIRE) —
Today, Time Warner Cable News NY1 Noticias, New York City’s only 24-hour
Spanish language local news network, announced it will commemorate the
10-year anniversary of Pura Política, with a special documentary
with highlights from the past decade of the longest-running local
Spanish language political talk show in New York City, on Friday, June 5th
at 6 p.m. and 11p.m.

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here:

The documentary special will feature guests including, Congresswoman,
Nydia Velazquez, State Senator, Adriano Espaillat, and City Council
Speaker, Melissa Mark-Viverito,
who will explore the highs and lows
for Latinos during the past decade. The commemorative program will also
include an exclusive sit-down interview with New York City Mayor Bill
de Blasio
where he is asked to name one Latino politician he
believes would be a strong candidate for New York City Mayor in the near

Pura Política first premiered as a weekly political talk show on
June 3, 2005, with then Mayor Michael Bloomberg as its first guest.
Bloomberg had just kicked off his re-election campaign with a
Spanish-language commercial.

“Since we aired our first program, Hispanic influence has grown
tremendously and the Spanish language has become ubiquitous in city
politics. Pura Política is a key platform for political leaders looking
to engage Latinos and talk about their issues. We look forward to many
more decades of great interviews and political analysis,” said program
host, Juan Manuel Benitez.

NY1 Noticias’
Pura Política’s 10th
Anniversary Special
will air Friday, June 5th at 6 p.m.
and 11p.m. on channel 95 and channel 831 on Time Warner Cable in New
York, and channel 194 on Cablevision in New York City.

Time Warner Cable News (TWC News) provides in-depth local news
programming exclusively for Time Warner Cable video customers. Time
Warner Cable’s 17 news networks operate in Texas (Austin, San Antonio);
New York (Rochester, Buffalo, Albany, Hudson Valley, Central New York
and the Southern Tier); North Carolina (Raleigh, Charlotte, Greensboro,
Wilmington); Antelope Valley, CA, and the group’s flagship network NY1
and Spanish language network TWC News NY1 Noticias in New York City. NY1
Noticias is also available online at
Viewers can follow the news team on twitter @NY1Noticias or visit
for the latest news coverage on NY1 Noticias including real-time

Time Warner Cable

Time Warner Cable Inc.

TWC, +1.70%

is among the largest providers of
video, high-speed data and voice services in the United States,
connecting 15 million customers to entertainment, information and each
other. Time Warner Cable Business Class offers data, video and voice
services to businesses of all sizes, cell tower backhaul services to
wireless carriers and enterprise-class, cloud-enabled hosting, managed
applications and services. Time Warner Cable Media, the advertising
sales arm of Time Warner Cable, offers national, regional and local
companies innovative advertising solutions. More information about the
services of Time Warner Cable is available at,

View source version on

SOURCE: Time Warner Cable Inc.

Time Warner Cable Inc.
Evelyn Galarza, 212-364-8305

Copyright Business Wire 2015

Source Article from

NEW YORK, Jun 04, 2015 (BUSINESS WIRE) —
Today, Time Warner Cable News NY1 Noticias, New York City’s only 24-hour
Spanish language local news network, announced it will commemorate the
10-year anniversary of Pura Política, with a special documentary
with highlights from the past decade of the longest-running local
Spanish language political talk show in New York City, on Friday, June 5th
at 6 p.m. and 11p.m.

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here:

The documentary special will feature guests including, Congresswoman,
Nydia Velazquez, State Senator, Adriano Espaillat, and City Council
Speaker, Melissa Mark-Viverito,
who will explore the highs and lows
for Latinos during the past decade. The commemorative program will also
include an exclusive sit-down interview with New York City Mayor Bill
de Blasio
where he is asked to name one Latino politician he
believes would be a strong candidate for New York City Mayor in the near

Pura Política first premiered as a weekly political talk show on
June 3, 2005, with then Mayor Michael Bloomberg as its first guest.
Bloomberg had just kicked off his re-election campaign with a
Spanish-language commercial.

“Since we aired our first program, Hispanic influence has grown
tremendously and the Spanish language has become ubiquitous in city
politics. Pura Política is a key platform for political leaders looking
to engage Latinos and talk about their issues. We look forward to many
more decades of great interviews and political analysis,” said program
host, Juan Manuel Benitez.

NY1 Noticias’
Pura Política’s 10th
Anniversary Special
will air Friday, June 5th at 6 p.m.
and 11p.m. on channel 95 and channel 831 on Time Warner Cable in New
York, and channel 194 on Cablevision in New York City.

Time Warner Cable News (TWC News) provides in-depth local news
programming exclusively for Time Warner Cable video customers. Time
Warner Cable’s 17 news networks operate in Texas (Austin, San Antonio);
New York (Rochester, Buffalo, Albany, Hudson Valley, Central New York
and the Southern Tier); North Carolina (Raleigh, Charlotte, Greensboro,
Wilmington); Antelope Valley, CA, and the group’s flagship network NY1
and Spanish language network TWC News NY1 Noticias in New York City. NY1
Noticias is also available online at
Viewers can follow the news team on twitter @NY1Noticias or visit
for the latest news coverage on NY1 Noticias including real-time

Time Warner Cable

Time Warner Cable Inc.

TWC, +1.20%

is among the largest providers of
video, high-speed data and voice services in the United States,
connecting 15 million customers to entertainment, information and each
other. Time Warner Cable Business Class offers data, video and voice
services to businesses of all sizes, cell tower backhaul services to
wireless carriers and enterprise-class, cloud-enabled hosting, managed
applications and services. Time Warner Cable Media, the advertising
sales arm of Time Warner Cable, offers national, regional and local
companies innovative advertising solutions. More information about the
services of Time Warner Cable is available at,

View source version on

SOURCE: Time Warner Cable Inc.

Time Warner Cable Inc.
Evelyn Galarza, 212-364-8305

Copyright Business Wire 2015

Source Article from

El Correo Uruguayo y la Dirección Nacional de Aduanas suscribieron un acuerdo por el cual se deberá declarar las compras web que sean entregadas por el correo público uruguayo.

La nueva disposición rige a partir de hoy. El trámite debe realizarse en aquí y el pago de los impuestos cuando correspondan podrán hacerse online o en los locales del Correo Uruguayo. 

Luego, la institución postal transmitirá a la Dirección Nacional de Aduanas la información de lo enviado con el fin que se autorice la liberación de la compra. Desde el Correo se advierte la importancia de informar de lo comprado antes del ingreso de la mercadería al país, ya que de lo contrario el envío será retenido por Aduanas y se demorará la entrega.

Si no puede ver el interactivo haga click aquí

Source Article from

GUADALAJARA, JALISCO (30/JUN/2015).- Revisa lo más importante del 30 de junio en México en este resumen de noticias publicadas a través de los sitios web de los medios que conforman los Periódicos Asociados en Red.


Policía de Tijuana realiza primer detención con ‘krokodil

Esta ‪madrugada‬, fue ‪detenido‬ un hombre por tener varias dosis de droga en su poder, entre ellas la llamada ‘krokodil’.


México es una de las democracias más grandes del mundo: Felipe VI

El rey de España, Felipe VI, aseguró que México es una de las democracias más grandes del mundo, así como un país dotado de instituciones sólidas.

Peña Nieto recibe a gobernador electo de Campeche
Enrique Peña Nieto ofreció su voluntad de trabajar de manera coordinada con el gobernador electo de Campeche, Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas.


Marchan miles en Monclova para apoyar a industria acerera

Cerca de 21 mil personas participaron en la marcha y mitin en defensa de la industria acerera de Coahuila y sus miles de empleos que impactan directamente en la Región Centro y Carbonífera del estado. El paso siguiente, en caso de no recibir respuesta del gobierno federal, será el bloqueo de carreteras, los puentes internacionales de Acuña y Piedras Negras y un plantón en la Secretaría de Economía en la Ciudad de México.


Aristóteles entrega mobiliario a dos escuelas en Tonalá

El alcalde de Tonalá, Jorge Arana Arana acompañó al gobernador de Jalisco, Aristóteles Sandoval Díaz a la inauguración de 21 aulas didácticas y entrega de mobiliario a dos planteles educativos del municipio alfarero.


Gobernador de Nuevo León se reúne con ejecutivos de KIA

Rodrigo Medina recibió en Casa de Gobierno, la visita de Hyoung-Keun Lee, Vicechairman CEO Global de Kia Motors Corporation.


La CTM agrede a Francisco Toledo por Centro de Convenciones

El grupo de choque que la CTM ocupa para resguardar la obra que se realiza en el Centro Cultural y de Convenciones de Oaxaca (CCCO) en el Cerro del Fortín, recibió con cohetones al grupo de organizaciones sociales encabezadas por el artista Francisco Toledo cuando se disponían a realizar un acto ciudadano para manifestar su inconformidad por la realización del proyecto.


Por error, extirpan ojo sano a bebé en Sonora

Una presunta negligencia médica por parte de un especialista en oftalmología del IMSS fue denunciada por la madre de un menor de un año y dos meses de edad a quien le extirparon por equivocación un ojo sano.


Localizan cinco cuerpos en Reynosa

Los cuerpos de cinco hombres fueron descubiertos en una brecha de este municipio, luego de que una llamada anónima alertó sobre esta situación a las autoridades de seguridad.

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Después de más de tres horas el incendio en la fábrica de pintura Jhomero logró ser controlado por los Bomberos. Con casi 24 unidades y cisternas, los hombres de rojo lograron mitigar el fuego. 

 El alcalde de Comas, Miguel Saldaña, aseguró que la fábrica de pinturas tenía todos sus papeles en orden. Sin embargo, adelantó que de comprobarse irresponsabilidad de la empresa en este incendio, se sancionará.  


A solo 500 metros de la avenida Trapiche, en el distrito de Comas, una fábrica de pinturas es consumida por el fuego, luego de producirse un incendio durante la madrugada.

Alrededor de las 5.20 de la mañana, los bomberos recibieron la alerta de un incendio en la fábrica de pinturas Jhomeron (antiguamente conocida como Tamsa). De inmediato, se trasladaron hasta la avenida Santa Ana, en Chacra Cerro.

Al llegar al lugar, el local de pinturas y solventes químicos ya estaba consumido en fuego, por lo que fue imposible atacar el fuego por la fachada principal. Los bomberos, quienes desplazaron hasta 20 unidades hasta el lugar,decidieron ingresar por una puerta posterior.

Por el momento, el trabajo de los bomberos se centra en controlar el fuego e impedir que este llegue a locales posteriores, teniendo en cuenta que la urbanización Chacra Cerro es una zona industrial.

Asimismo, los bomberos recomendaron a las personas que no se acerquen a la zona, debido a las explosiones de cilindros, barriles y galones de pinturas que son consumidas por el fuego en este local. 

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CIUDAD DE MÉXICO.- ¡Buenos días! Hay incertidumbre en el aire en momentos en que Grecia sigue buscando fondos y se espera el referendo del domingo. Esto es lo que debes saber antes de que abran los mercados:

1. Las bolsas de Asia anotaron leves ganancias luego de que los inversores aceptaron con resignación la noticia de que Grecia se convirtió en la primera economía desarrollada que incumple el pago de un préstamo al Fondo Monetario Internacional. En Japón, el índice Nikkei de la bolsa de Tokio añadió un 0.5%, en un segundo día de ganancias modestas.

2, El primer ministro griego, Alexis Tsipras, escribió a los acreedores de Atenas que Grecia podría aceptar una oferta de rescate presentada el 28 de junio si se cambiaban varias condiciones. Atenas quiere un crédito por 29,000 millones de euros para cubrir todo el pago de las deudas del país que tienen fecha de vencimiento en los próximos dos años.

3. La canciller alemana, Angela Merkel, reiteró que aunque la puerta de las conversaciones con Grecia seguía abierta, no había posibilidad de que se produjeran negociaciones antes del referéndum del domingo convocado por el Gobierno griego.

4. Un nuevo acuerdo de rescate para Grecia podría alcanzarse a tiempo para que el país cumpla con el pago de 3,500 millones de euros (3,900 mdd) en bonos al Banco Central Europeo con vencimiento al 20 de julio, dijo un funcionario de la zona euro. No obstante, el ministro de Finanzas de Alemania, Wolfgang Schäuble, dijo que no estaba claro si sería posible alcanzar un nuevo acuerdo.

5. Los ministros de Finanzas de la zona euro mantendrán una teleconferencia del Eurogrupo sobre Grecia a las 10:30 (hora del centro de México) del miércoles, retrasándola seis horas a petición de varios ministros, dijo el portavoz del grupo.

6. Las bolsas de la zona euro repuntaban tras una noticia de que Grecia está dispuesta a aceptar la mayoría de las condiciones de sus acreedores internacionales para alcanzar un acuerdo sobre su crisis de deuda. El CAC 40 de Francia es el índice que más sube, un 2.6 por ciento.

7. En Estados Unidos se dan a conocer las solicitudes de hipotecas, los empleos del sector privado, el ISM manufacturero, el gasto en construcción y las ventas de vehículos. Mientras que en México se divulgan las remesas familiares.


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