Noticias Do Dia

Regresaba de un viaje a Corea del Norte, en plena ebullición mundial por la caída del muro de Berlín. Eso hacía Edi Zunino hace un cuarto de siglo, cuando la revista Noticias llegaba a los kioscos. “Nunca me imaginé que iba a llegar a ser el director”, se sinceró el hoy director de la revista, en el Malba, donde el newsmagazine entregó el premio Pluma al periodismo.

El autor de Periodistas en el barro, que encabezó la ceremonia del martes por la noche, contó cómo fueron los comienzos de la revista. “Cuando comenzó Noticias era una etapa muy particular en el mundo, acá también estaba la hiperinflación, la cesión anticipada del mando por parte de Alfonsín”, enumeró el periodista, en diálogo con

Pese a que la publicación recibió 19 demandas judiciales por parte del Ejecutivo en los ‘90 y fue discriminada por los gobiernos kirchneristas con el reparto de publicidad oficial, Zunino destacó: “Sobrevivimos todo eso, también el delarruismo y el 2001 porque mantuvimos un espíritu de lucha y rebelde inconfundible”.

A la hora de analizar la relación de la revista con los distintos gobiernos de turno, el periodista consideró que “el kirchnerismo es una etapa superior al menemismo”. “Las tensiones entre la prensa y el poder tienen la misma matriz, tiene que ver con la relación del peronismo y los medios, y se les suma lo que son ellos mismos que recibían a Menem en Santa Cruz y decían que era el mejor presidente de la historia”, consideró.

Consultado sobre si alguna vez dudó de que Noticias pudiera quedar fuera de circulación por el “acoso fiscal” que sufrió por parte del kirchnerismo, Zunino se mostró confiado. “Nunca tuve dudas de que pese a todo lo que pasaba con el gobierno, la revista iba a seguir, porque la potencia está basada en sus lectores”, reflexionó.

“Yo creo que fue acertada la decisión de Fontevecchia y de Perfil de enjuiciar al Estado por la discriminación en la pauta oficial, porque le dio visibilidad sobre qué era lo que estaba pasando con los medios”, remató.

Sobre los próximos desafíos del medio, el actual director de la publicación vaticinó: “Tenemos que adaptarnos a la digitalización y los tiempos que vienen, también experimentando a partir del año que viene la conversión de Perfil a un multimedios, pero por sobre todas las cosas mantener ese espíritu rebelde en cualquiera de las plataformas”.

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Carmen Tello se ha convertido sin quererlo en la figura presencial de los desaciertos afectivos y de protocolo que se han originado tras la muerte de la duquesa de Alba. La mujer de Curro Romero quiere dejar clara su postura: “Cayetana era mi amiga, mi hermana mayor, mi familia y, por lo mucho que la he querido y la querré siempre, no voy a entrar en enfrentamientos. No los hay. Los amigos estamos muy tristes y, sobre todo, sus hijos. Lo único que queremos es respetar su memoria”, afirma Carmen Tello a Vanitatis.

Carmen Tello, junto a su hijo Fernando en el entierro (Gtres)

No hay enfrentamientos entre los amigos íntimos y los hijos de la duquesa de Alba, pero sí malentendidos con los que durante los últimos años han sido apoyos incondicionales de Cayetana. Estos desencuentros se han manifestado públicamente a lo largo de las últimas semanas por las destacadas ausencias en los funerales y liturgias religiosas celebradas en Sevilla por el fallecimiento de la duquesa. Como señalan desde el entorno de esta, un funeral no es una boda ni un acontecimiento de carácter social que hay que comunicar a través de un gabinete, pero en el caso de la Casa de Alba sí hubiera sido necesario cumplir tanto con los compromisos institucionales como con los personales y, sobre todo, con los afectivos de la fallecida.

Y es aquí cuando han surgido los problemas. A las personas que más cerca han estado de Cayetana en los últimos años les ha costado procesar ese distanciamiento por parte de algunos miembros de su familia, pero sobre todo algunos feos de la colateral. Hay parientes de la fallecida que no mantenían un trato directo con ella, solo epistolar, a través de felicitaciones en fechas señaladas. Sin embargo, el día de la primera celebración, levantaron de los primeros bancos de la catedral a los verdaderos amigos, como Curro Romero, Carmen Tello, los doctores Muñáiz y Trujillo y Carmen Talegón, aduciendo que ese lugar era “para la familia”. Un malestar que no lo reflejaron públicamente, pero que sí lo percibieron testigos presenciales. Esos ‘primos’ no se habían preocupado de Cayetana nunca y muchos menos en los últimos años, cuando la salud de Cayetana era ya muy baja.

Malestar y tristeza

Seguramente los hijos, y sobre todo el primogénito, actual jefe de la Casa de Alba, deberían haber delegado el organigrama afectivo. No lo hicieron y de ahí el malestar y la tristeza por parte de amigos que, aunque no son familia de sangre, sí lo han sido en esencia.

La duquesa de Alba, junto a su marido y sus grandes amigos (Gtres)

Para muchos no fue comprensible que Curro Romero, una institución en el mundo taurino, un personaje con relevancia nacional que recibe invitaciones de Casa Real, tuviera que buscar acomodo en cualquier lugar. Y mucho menos que su mujer, Carmen Tello, que en los tiempos de más soledad de la duquesa estuvo siempre a su lado, tampoco tuviera su sitio. Y tampoco que los doctores Trujillo y Muñáiz, que consiguieron que los últimos años de Cayetana fueran físicamente envidiables, no recibieran una llamada de agradecimiento. Desaciertos que en cualquier familia y en momentos de tristeza infinita serían entendibles, pero que en la Casa de Alba deberían haber sabido procesar.

Como indican a Vanitatis, “si los hijos son los primeros en sufrir la pérdida, los amigos íntimos que en ocasiones son más que familia, también llevan su pena”.

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El Banco de España determina en un informe pericial remitido al juez de la Audiencia Nacional Fernando Andreu que las cuentas anuales que Bankia aprobó en marzo de 2012, bajo la presidencia de Rodrigo Rato, y las que reformuló en mayo de ese año, ya con José Ignacio Goirigolzarri al frente de la entidad, “no expresaban la imagen fiel” del banco.

El informe, que ha sido entregado por dos peritos del regulador y puesto a disposición de las partes del ‘caso Bankia’, señala que tanto en las cuentas de Rato, que presentaban unos beneficios de 309 millones de euros como en las de Goirigolzarri, que apuntaban a unas pérdidas de 2.979 millones, existían “ajustes de importancia material no contabilizados”.

En relación con la fusión de las siete entidades que formaron Bankia, los peritos señalan que el Sistema Integran de Protección (SIP) “se transformó en poco tiempo en una fusión de pleno derecho, pero los planes de negocio que justificaban la operación fallaron desde el principio, debido al deterioro del marco económico, los cambios normativos y la debilidad de las entidades integradas”.

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MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto faced fresh questions on Wednesday about his dealings with a company at the center of a conflict-of-interest scandal, after it emerged that he enjoyed rent-free use of a house belonging to the firm as a campaign office.

Already under pressure over the government’s handling of the presumed massacre of 43 students abducted by corrupt police in southwestern Mexico in September, Pena Nieto is facing his most difficult period since taking office two years ago.

On Nov. 3, the government announced a Chinese-led consortium had won a no bid contract to build a $3.75 billion high-speed rail link in central Mexico.

Three days later, the government abruptly canceled the deal, just before a report by news site Aristegui Noticias showed that a subsidiary of Grupo Higa, a company that formed part of the consortium and had won various previous contracts, owned the luxury house of first lady Angelica Rivera.

Under public pressure, Rivera said she would give up the house. But neither she nor Pena Nieto have addressed the apparent conflict of interest stemming from the government’s business with Grupo Higa.

On Wednesday, Aristegui Noticias published a new story that said Pena Nieto used a different property belonging to another Grupo Higa subsidiary as an office when he was president-elect in 2012.

Eduardo Sanchez, the president’s spokesman, said Pena Nieto unwittingly used the property. Sanchez said it was leased from the Grupo Higa firm by Humberto Castillejos, the president’s legal adviser, who lent it rent-free to Pena Nieto’s team.

“If I invite you to my house, do you come to my house and ask me under whose name it is? Neither does the president,” Sanchez said, denying there were conflicts of interest.

The spokesman also said there were no more properties Pena Nieto or his team had used belonging to Grupo Higa.

“No, there is no other house that was used in a professional capacity,” Sanchez said.

Castillejos could not immediately be reached for comment.

Jorge Luis Lavalle, a senator with the opposition conservative National Action Party, said the public saw a clear conflict of interest in the dealings of Pena Nieto and his government with Grupo Higa.

“It needs to be investigated. All these doubts need to be dispelled fully and clearly,” he said. “We now have another case with no explanation.”

(Additional reporting by Ana Isabel Martinez; Editing by Simon Gardner and Tom Brown)

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Marc Gasol se ha convertido, por derecho propio, en el nombre a seguir en este inicio de temporada en la NBA. El pívot español está en el mejor momento de su carrera (encabeza la carrera por el MVP de la temporada regular), lidera al mejor equipo de la liga hasta la fecha y se ha convertido en la gran estrella del mercado de agentes libres del próximo verano.

El de Sant Boi aparece con letras mayúsculas en la agenda de la mayoría de equipos de la Liga y algunos como Knicks, Lakers o Spurs no han dudado en señalarle como el eje sobre el que reconstruir sus franquicias. Mientras, en Memphis, esperan ansiosos una palabra o un gesto de un jugador que les ha llevado a alcanzar las cotas más altas de su historia.

Sin embargo, unos y otros, tendrán que esperar al próximo verano para saber las intenciones del español. El próximo 12 de diciembre puede ya recibir una oferta de extensión de contrato con los Grizzlies, que podría ofrecer un máximo de 55 millones de dólares por tres temporadas. Aunque todo hace indicar que tanto jugador como franquicia esperarán al 30 de junio para empezar a hablar.

Los Grizzlies porque entonces podrán hacerle una oferta mucho mayor por cinco temporadas más de unión y Marc porque prefiere estar centrado en la temporada y dejar los negocios para cuando termine el curso baloncestístico, a poder ser con el anillo en los dedos.

“Creo que al final de temporada nos sentaremos y pondremos las cartas sobre la mesa para ver dónde estamos cada uno”, asegura el mediano de los Gasol. “Siempre he sido muy sincero con todo el mundo y los Grizzlies siempre lo han sido conmigo y eso lo respeto, pero no quiero que eso me afecte ahora porque eso no me ayuda. No quiero ser una distracción para el resto de mis compañeros. Si no me perjudica a mí, que no perjudique a los demás”.

El líder de los Grizzlies prefiere esperar a final de temporada y ver si es posible la consecución de su primer anillo con el equipo de Memphis. “Tienes que ir a trabajar todos los días y sentirte bien, saber que todos estamos mentalizados en el objetivo, que no es otro que tener las mayores opciones posibles de ganar un título”, apunta Marc.

Mientras, sus compañeros esperan la decisión de ‘Big Marc’ esperanzados por volver a verle en Memphis la temporada que viene. egún informa ESPN, fuentes cercanas al canal han comentado que varios de los jugadores más importantes de la plantilla como Zach Randolph, Mike Conley y Tony Allen ven a Gasol renovando con los Grizzlies.

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Thalía (Photo : Thalía Instagram )

La cantante mexicana Thalía compartió un emotivo mensaje de despedida al ícono de la comedia latinoamericana, Roberto Gómez Bolaños, Chespirito.

A través de su cuenta en Instagram, Thalía lloró la muerte del comediante, dramaturgo, escritor, guionista, compositor, director y productor; creado del personaje emblemático de la niñez mexicana, “El chavo del ocho” y “El chapulín colorado”.

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“Amado Roberto; Como agradecerte tantos momentos de felicidad y risas que me regalaste? Por donde comenzar.Tantos años que fuiste mi amigo,mi compañero,mi cómplice. Me enseñaste que el amor mas puro no es condicionado por la edad o posición social.Ni por las pertenencias o títulos nobles. Con un barril ,una torta y un gran corazón preocupado por los demás,uno era capaz de alcanzar la felicidad! Te nos adelantaste ahora,pero se que estas preparando el camino para que cuando nos llegue la hora ,nos sintamos que hemos llegado a casa,a algo tan familiar como verte en nuestros hogares cada día.Florinda amada,tu alma gemela y compañero de vida ha hecho solamente una transición. Estamos TODOS contigo y tu familia. El mundo entero ora por #Chespirito”. Escribió Thalía compartiendo una enternecedora imagen de ella con Roberto Gómez durante el homenaje que se celebró en su honor años atrás.

La amistad de Thalía con la familia de Chespirito era entrañable. La cantante compartió recientemente momentos fraternales con la esposa del comediante, Florinda Meza, disfrutando de una buena charla entre amigas donde “Doña Florinda” le dio las mejores recomendaciones.


Roberto Gómez Bolaños falleció este viernes 28 de noviembre en su casa de Cancún, Quintana Roo acompañado de su esposa e hijos.

El pueblo de México lamentó la nostálgica noticia y llora la gran pérdida de uno de los mejores creadores de sonrisas en el país.



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MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto faced fresh questions on Wednesday about his dealings with a company at the center of a conflict-of-interest scandal, after it emerged that he enjoyed rent-free use of a house belonging to the firm as a campaign office.

Already under pressure over the government’s handling of the presumed massacre of 43 students abducted by corrupt police in southwestern Mexico in September, Pena Nieto is facing his most difficult period since taking office two years ago.

On Nov. 3, the government announced a Chinese-led consortium had won a no bid contract to build a $3.75 billion high-speed rail link in central Mexico.

Three days later, the government abruptly canceled the deal, just before a report by news site Aristegui Noticias showed that a subsidiary of Grupo Higa, a company that formed part of the consortium and had won various previous contracts, owned the luxury house of first lady Angelica Rivera.

Under public pressure, Rivera said she would give up the house. But neither she nor Pena Nieto have addressed the apparent conflict of interest stemming from the government’s business with Grupo Higa.

On Wednesday, Aristegui Noticias published a new story that said Pena Nieto used a different property belonging to another Grupo Higa subsidiary as an office when he was president-elect in 2012.

Eduardo Sanchez, the president’s spokesman, said Pena Nieto unwittingly used the property. Sanchez said it was leased from the Grupo Higa firm by Humberto Castillejos, the president’s legal adviser, who lent it rent-free to Pena Nieto’s team.

“If I invite you to my house, do you come to my house and ask me under whose name it is? Neither does the president,” Sanchez said, denying there were conflicts of interest.

The spokesman also said there were no more properties Pena Nieto or his team had used belonging to Grupo Higa.

“No, there is no other house that was used in a professional capacity,” Sanchez said.

Castillejos could not immediately be reached for comment.

Jorge Luis Lavalle, a senator with the opposition conservative National Action Party, said the public saw a clear conflict of interest in the dealings of Pena Nieto and his government with Grupo Higa.

“It needs to be investigated. All these doubts need to be dispelled fully and clearly,” he said. “We now have another case with no explanation.”

(Additional reporting by Ana Isabel Martinez; Editing by Simon Gardner and Tom Brown)

Source Article from

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto faced fresh questions on Wednesday about his dealings with a company at the center of a conflict-of-interest scandal, after it emerged that he enjoyed rent-free use of a house belonging to the firm as a campaign office.

Already under pressure over the government’s handling of the presumed massacre of 43 students abducted by corrupt police in southwestern Mexico in September, Pena Nieto is facing his most difficult period since taking office two years ago.

On Nov. 3, the government announced a Chinese-led consortium had won a no bid contract to build a $3.75 billion high-speed rail link in central Mexico.

Three days later, the government abruptly canceled the deal, just before a report by news site Aristegui Noticias showed that a subsidiary of Grupo Higa, a company that formed part of the consortium and had won various previous contracts, owned the luxury house of first lady Angelica Rivera.

Under public pressure, Rivera said she would give up the house. But neither she nor Pena Nieto have addressed the apparent conflict of interest stemming from the government’s business with Grupo Higa.

On Wednesday, Aristegui Noticias published a new story that said Pena Nieto used a different property belonging to another Grupo Higa subsidiary as an office when he was president-elect in 2012.

Eduardo Sanchez, the president’s spokesman, said Pena Nieto unwittingly used the property. Sanchez said it was leased from the Grupo Higa firm by Humberto Castillejos, the president’s legal adviser, who lent it rent-free to Pena Nieto’s team.

“If I invite you to my house, do you come to my house and ask me under whose name it is? Neither does the president,” Sanchez said, denying there were conflicts of interest.

The spokesman also said there were no more properties Pena Nieto or his team had used belonging to Grupo Higa.

“No, there is no other house that was used in a professional capacity,” Sanchez said.

Castillejos could not immediately be reached for comment.

Jorge Luis Lavalle, a senator with the opposition conservative National Action Party, said the public saw a clear conflict of interest in the dealings of Pena Nieto and his government with Grupo Higa.

“It needs to be investigated. All these doubts need to be dispelled fully and clearly,” he said. “We now have another case with no explanation.”

(Additional reporting by Ana Isabel Martinez; Editing by Simon Gardner and Tom Brown)

Source Article from

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto faced fresh questions on Wednesday about his dealings with a company at the center of a conflict-of-interest scandal, after it emerged that he enjoyed rent-free use of a house belonging to the firm as a campaign office.

Already under pressure over the government’s handling of the presumed massacre of 43 students abducted by corrupt police in southwestern Mexico in September, Pena Nieto is facing his most difficult period since taking office two years ago.

On Nov. 3, the government announced a Chinese-led consortium had won a no bid contract to build a $3.75 billion high-speed rail link in central Mexico.

Three days later, the government abruptly canceled the deal, just before a report by news site Aristegui Noticias showed that a subsidiary of Grupo Higa, a company that formed part of the consortium and had won various previous contracts, owned the luxury house of first lady Angelica Rivera.

Under public pressure, Rivera said she would give up the house. But neither she nor Pena Nieto have addressed the apparent conflict of interest stemming from the government’s business with Grupo Higa.

On Wednesday, Aristegui Noticias published a new story that said Pena Nieto used a different property belonging to another Grupo Higa subsidiary as an office when he was president-elect in 2012.

Eduardo Sanchez, the president’s spokesman, said Pena Nieto unwittingly used the property. Sanchez said it was leased from the Grupo Higa firm by Humberto Castillejos, the president’s legal adviser, who lent it rent-free to Pena Nieto’s team.

“If I invite you to my house, do you come to my house and ask me under whose name it is? Neither does the president,” Sanchez said, denying there were conflicts of interest.

The spokesman also said there were no more properties Pena Nieto or his team had used belonging to Grupo Higa.

“No, there is no other house that was used in a professional capacity,” Sanchez said.

Castillejos could not immediately be reached for comment.

Jorge Luis Lavalle, a senator with the opposition conservative National Action Party, said the public saw a clear conflict of interest in the dealings of Pena Nieto and his government with Grupo Higa.

“It needs to be investigated. All these doubts need to be dispelled fully and clearly,” he said. “We now have another case with no explanation.”

(Additional reporting by Ana Isabel Martinez; Editing by Simon Gardner and Tom Brown)

Source Article from

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 2, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate posted one of its strongest ratings books to-date, according to Nielsen’s November 2014 Sweeps, finishing as the fastest growing late newscast in Los Angeles, with viewership now comparable to the 10 p.m. English language newscasts. 

“Noticias 22 is in fact ‘The Voice of Our City‘, and our growth is breaking news,” affirmed Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media, “our team of highly dedicated journalists, have earned this trademark by producing compelling, impactful, and engaging reporting and delivering resounding results.”

KWHY-TV 22 MundoFOX November Ratings & Broadcast Highlights:

  • Noticias 22 at 10 p.m. is L.A.’s fastest growing late newscast, based on average weekday ratings among both Adults 18-49 (up 93% from November 2013, from 0.27 NSI rating to 0.52) and Adults 25-54 (up 95%, from 0.43 NSI rating to 0.84) — a bigger increase than any other late newscast: 10 p.m. or 11 p.m., Spanish or English.
  • For the key demographic of news viewers (Adults 25-54), Noticias 22 at 10 p.m. (Monday through Friday) averaged 0.84 NSI rating, beating the competing newscasts on KTTV-Fox (0.68), KTLA-CW (0.82), and neck-to-neck with KCAL-TV (0.85).
  • In primetime, KWHY-TV 22, for the first time in a ratings period, scored higher ratings among Adults 25-54 than KFTR-UniMas, averaging 0.52 rating (Monday to Friday, 7-11P) compared to 0.42.
  • Noticias 22 delivered a compelling investigative series from Israel, “Tierra Santa, Tierra Prometida” where main news anchor, Palmira Perez, visited the holy land, bringing viewers a unique perspective of its biblical and historical sites to include a rare interview with Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu during the recent Jerusalem disturbances.  
  • Also, Noticias 22 brought its viewers stories that impacted their lives and LA’s communities such as an investigate series on the negative effects of water conservation within an aging Los Angeles aqueduct; as well as series on police brutality, homelessness and an alternative cure using magnetic currents.
  • Noticias 22 also led with breaking and continuing coverage from Las Vegas on President Obama’s Immigration Reform Executive Order; as well as following the Brown Case developing racial tensions in Ferguson, Missouri as well as the local perspective in Los Angeles. 

For more information on MundoFOX Canal 22 and Noticias 22 please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms;  the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super LA, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also operates television stations in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Media Contact:
Rebekah Salgado 

SOURCE Meruelo Media


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MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto faced fresh questions on Wednesday about his dealings with a company at the center of a conflict-of-interest scandal, after it emerged that he enjoyed rent-free use of a house belonging to the firm as a campaign office.

Already under pressure over the government’s handling of the presumed massacre of 43 students abducted by corrupt police in southwestern Mexico in September, Pena Nieto is facing his most difficult period since taking office two years ago.

On Nov. 3, the government announced a Chinese-led consortium had won a no bid contract to build a $3.75 billion high-speed rail link in central Mexico.

Three days later, the government abruptly canceled the deal, just before a report by news site Aristegui Noticias showed that a subsidiary of Grupo Higa, a company that formed part of the consortium and had won various previous contracts, owned the luxury house of first lady Angelica Rivera.

Under public pressure, Rivera said she would give up the house. But neither she nor Pena Nieto have addressed the apparent conflict of interest stemming from the government’s business with Grupo Higa.

On Wednesday, Aristegui Noticias published a new story that said Pena Nieto used a different property belonging to another Grupo Higa subsidiary as an office when he was president-elect in 2012.

Eduardo Sanchez, the president’s spokesman, said Pena Nieto unwittingly used the property. Sanchez said it was leased from the Grupo Higa firm by Humberto Castillejos, the president’s legal adviser, who lent it rent-free to Pena Nieto’s team.

“If I invite you to my house, do you come to my house and ask me under whose name it is? Neither does the president,” Sanchez said, denying there were conflicts of interest.

The spokesman also said there were no more properties Pena Nieto or his team had used belonging to Grupo Higa.

“No, there is no other house that was used in a professional capacity,” Sanchez said.

Castillejos could not immediately be reached for comment.

Jorge Luis Lavalle, a senator with the opposition conservative National Action Party, said the public saw a clear conflict of interest in the dealings of Pena Nieto and his government with Grupo Higa.

“It needs to be investigated. All these doubts need to be dispelled fully and clearly,” he said. “We now have another case with no explanation.”

(Additional reporting by Ana Isabel Martinez; Editing by Simon Gardner and Tom Brown)

Source Article from

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto faced fresh questions on Wednesday about his dealings with a company at the center of a conflict-of-interest scandal, after it emerged that he enjoyed rent-free use of a house belonging to the firm as a campaign office.

Already under pressure over the government’s handling of the presumed massacre of 43 students abducted by corrupt police in southwestern Mexico in September, Pena Nieto is facing his most difficult period since taking office two years ago.

On Nov. 3, the government announced a Chinese-led consortium had won a no bid contract to build a $3.75 billion high-speed rail link in central Mexico.

Three days later, the government abruptly canceled the deal, just before a report by news site Aristegui Noticias showed that a subsidiary of Grupo Higa, a company that formed part of the consortium and had won various previous contracts, owned the luxury house of first lady Angelica Rivera.

Under public pressure, Rivera said she would give up the house. But neither she nor Pena Nieto have addressed the apparent conflict of interest stemming from the government’s business with Grupo Higa.

On Wednesday, Aristegui Noticias published a new story that said Pena Nieto used a different property belonging to another Grupo Higa subsidiary as an office when he was president-elect in 2012.

Eduardo Sanchez, the president’s spokesman, said Pena Nieto unwittingly used the property. Sanchez said it was leased from the Grupo Higa firm by Humberto Castillejos, the president’s legal adviser, who lent it rent-free to Pena Nieto’s team.

“If I invite you to my house, do you come to my house and ask me under whose name it is? Neither does the president,” Sanchez said, denying there were conflicts of interest.

The spokesman also said there were no more properties Pena Nieto or his team had used belonging to Grupo Higa.

“No, there is no other house that was used in a professional capacity,” Sanchez said.

Castillejos could not immediately be reached for comment.

Jorge Luis Lavalle, a senator with the opposition conservative National Action Party, said the public saw a clear conflict of interest in the dealings of Pena Nieto and his government with Grupo Higa.

“It needs to be investigated. All these doubts need to be dispelled fully and clearly,” he said. “We now have another case with no explanation.”

(Additional reporting by Ana Isabel Martinez; Editing by Simon Gardner and Tom Brown)

Source Article from

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto faced fresh questions on Wednesday about his dealings with a company at the center of a conflict-of-interest scandal, after it emerged that he enjoyed rent-free use of a house belonging to the firm as a campaign office.

Already under pressure over the government’s handling of the presumed massacre of 43 students abducted by corrupt police in southwestern Mexico in September, Pena Nieto is facing his most difficult period since taking office two years ago.

On Nov. 3, the government announced a Chinese-led consortium had won a no bid contract to build a $3.75 billion high-speed rail link in central Mexico.

Three days later, the government abruptly canceled the deal, just before a report by news site Aristegui Noticias showed that a subsidiary of Grupo Higa, a company that formed part of the consortium and had won various previous contracts, owned the luxury house of first lady Angelica Rivera.

Under public pressure, Rivera said she would give up the house. But neither she nor Pena Nieto have addressed the apparent conflict of interest stemming from the government’s business with Grupo Higa.

On Wednesday, Aristegui Noticias published a new story that said Pena Nieto used a different property belonging to another Grupo Higa subsidiary as an office when he was president-elect in 2012.

Eduardo Sanchez, the president’s spokesman, said Pena Nieto unwittingly used the property. Sanchez said it was leased from the Grupo Higa firm by Humberto Castillejos, the president’s legal adviser, who lent it rent-free to Pena Nieto’s team.

“If I invite you to my house, do you come to my house and ask me under whose name it is? Neither does the president,” Sanchez said, denying there were conflicts of interest.

The spokesman also said there were no more properties Pena Nieto or his team had used belonging to Grupo Higa.

“No, there is no other house that was used in a professional capacity,” Sanchez said.

Castillejos could not immediately be reached for comment.

Jorge Luis Lavalle, a senator with the opposition conservative National Action Party, said the public saw a clear conflict of interest in the dealings of Pena Nieto and his government with Grupo Higa.

“It needs to be investigated. All these doubts need to be dispelled fully and clearly,” he said. “We now have another case with no explanation.”

(Additional reporting by Ana Isabel Martinez; Editing by Simon Gardner and Tom Brown)

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GUADALAJARA, JALISCO (02/DIC/2014).- Revisa lo más importante del 02 de noviembre en México a través de este resumen de noticias publicadas a través de los sitios web de los medios que conforman los Periódicos Asociados en Red.


Firman convenio en Baja California para sanear Issstecali

Esta mañana se realizó la firma de la iniciativa de reforma y el financiamiento para el saneamiento financiero del Issstecali, donde se solicitará un endeudamiento de dos mil 800 millones de pesos para atender el rezago de la institución.


Campeche, listo para aplicar nuevo sistema penal procesal acusatorio

Desde los primeros minutos de este miércoles, en Campeche se aplicará el Sistema Procesal Penal Acusatorio, con lo cual se ratifica la convicción y la congruencia con la determinación de fortalecer el Estado de derecho, afirmó el gobernador Fernando Ortega Bernés.


Separan del cargo al Oficial Mayor de la ALDF

De manera inesperada la comisión de Gobierno de la Asamblea Legislativa del DF dio a conocer la separación del cargo como Oficial Mayor de la propia legislatura local, de Aarón Josué Ramos Miranda.

No dieron a conocer los motivos de la separación del funcionario, a quien en un video que apareció en las redes sociales del autodenominado grupo “Anonymous” lo señaló de estar presuntamente involucrado con la delincuencia organizada.


Noviembre, con menos homicidios: Gobierno de Coahuila

En noviembre se registró una disminución del 33.33 por ciento en el estado en relación a los homicidios dolosos del mismo mes, pero de 2013, con 38 hechos, índice que fue de los más bajos del año.


En 2014, 70 nuevos casos de VIH-SIDA en Durango

En lo que va del presente año se han diagnosticado 70 nuevos casos entre Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH) y Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida (SIDA), informó el secretario de Salud del Estado, Eduardo Díaz Juárez.


Nombran secretario de Seguridad en Iguala a policía estatal

A 67 días del secuestro de los 43 normalistas de Ayotzinapa, el presidente municipal de Iguala, Silviano Mendiola Pérez, tomó protesta al nuevo secretario de seguridad pública, Jorge Berrios Flores.


Amplían videovigilancia a 50 escuelas de Guadalajara

Con miras a mantener vigilado el entorno educativo, el sistema de cámaras con circuito cerrado de la Secretaría de Educación Jalisco (SEJ) se ampliará este ciclo escolar a 50 planteles escolares, para dar un total de 100 escuelas públicas que cuentan con este equipo de seguridad.

Así lo dio a conocer el secretario de Educación, Francisco Ayón López, quien informó que el costo de dichos equipos será de un millón 750 mil pesos para beneficiar a 30 mil estudiantes.

Aplicarán sanciones a invasores de espacios ciclistas en Jalisco

Dentro de 15 días la Policía Vial comenzará a aplicar multas a los automovilistas que invadan las ciclovías y otros espacios ciclistas en el polígono de MiBici, programa que arrancó ayer lunes. Para vigilar la zona se enviaron a partir del lunes 40 cicloviales.


Plan Michoacán concluirá año con 12 MMDP para infraestructura

El subsecretario de Infraestructura de la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes, Raúl Murrieta Cummings, dijo que el “Plan Michoacán” está vigente y se aplica correctamente en el estado, y precisó que el techo financiero 2014 en materia de infraestructura es de 12 mil 600 millones de pesos.


Fase I de Los Ramones aumentará importación de gas natural: Peña Nieto

La Fase I del gasoducto “Los Ramones” incrementará en 45 por ciento la importación de gas natural, anunció el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto.

Al inaugurar la obra en Nuevo León, el mandatario dijo que esta primera fase impactará y detonará otras regiones de Nuevo León y de Tamaulipas en la ruta de llevar más gas natural al centro del país.


Mando Único tendrá que hacer excepción en Oaxaca: DDHPO

Ante la propuesta del Ejecutivo federal para establecer un mando policial único en el país, el defensor de los Derechos Humanos del Pueblo de Oaxaca (DDHPO), Arturo Peimbert Calvo, señaló que es prioridad conocer los mecanismos en los que se generará dicha fuerza, pues en el caso de Oaxaca no se puede ignorar la plurietnicidad, ni pasar por alto la existencia de las policías de los municipios regidos por Usos y Costumbres.


Policías despedidos de Sinaloa viven en la incertidumbre

Algunos policías de los 27 despedidos en el pasado examen de control y confianza aseguran que no han tenido aún resolución sobre su jubilación y pensión, a pesar de que siguen recibiendo la quincena que les corresponde.


Analizan programa de remediación para el Río Sonora

El gobernador Guillermo Padrés Elías participó por primera vez en la reunión del Fideicomiso Río Sonora el lunes, donde se presentó el Plan de Remediación, mismo que será analizado.


Presentan el proyecto Agua Chocolate en Tabasco

El gobernador Arturo Núñez Jiménez se reunió con la titular de Sectur Federal, Claudia Ruiz Massieu, en Palacio de Gobierno; después se dirigieron al municipio de Comalcalco donde realizaron un recorrido por la hacienda cacaotera “La Luz”.


Reportan avance en ampliación del Aeropuerto de Veracruz

El administrador del Aeropuerto Internacional Heriberto Jara Corona, Simón Salazar Antón, reportó un avance del 55%, en las obras de ampliación y remodelación de las instalaciones.

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MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto faced fresh questions on Wednesday about his dealings with a company at the center of a conflict-of-interest scandal, after it emerged that he enjoyed rent-free use of a house belonging to the firm as a campaign office.

Already under pressure over the government’s handling of the presumed massacre of 43 students abducted by corrupt police in southwestern Mexico in September, Pena Nieto is facing his most difficult period since taking office two years ago.

On Nov. 3, the government announced a Chinese-led consortium had won a no bid contract to build a $3.75 billion high-speed rail link in central Mexico.

Three days later, the government abruptly canceled the deal, just before a report by news site Aristegui Noticias showed that a subsidiary of Grupo Higa, a company that formed part of the consortium and had won various previous contracts, owned the luxury house of first lady Angelica Rivera.

Under public pressure, Rivera said she would give up the house. But neither she nor Pena Nieto have addressed the apparent conflict of interest stemming from the government’s business with Grupo Higa.

On Wednesday, Aristegui Noticias published a new story that said Pena Nieto used a different property belonging to another Grupo Higa subsidiary as an office when he was president-elect in 2012.

Eduardo Sanchez, the president’s spokesman, said Pena Nieto unwittingly used the property. Sanchez said it was leased from the Grupo Higa firm by Humberto Castillejos, the president’s legal adviser, who lent it rent-free to Pena Nieto’s team.

“If I invite you to my house, do you come to my house and ask me under whose name it is? Neither does the president,” Sanchez said, denying there were conflicts of interest.

The spokesman also said there were no more properties Pena Nieto or his team had used belonging to Grupo Higa.

“No, there is no other house that was used in a professional capacity,” Sanchez said.

Castillejos could not immediately be reached for comment.

Jorge Luis Lavalle, a senator with the opposition conservative National Action Party, said the public saw a clear conflict of interest in the dealings of Pena Nieto and his government with Grupo Higa.

“It needs to be investigated. All these doubts need to be dispelled fully and clearly,” he said. “We now have another case with no explanation.”

(Additional reporting by Ana Isabel Martinez; Editing by Simon Gardner and Tom Brown)

Source Article from

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto faced fresh questions on Wednesday about his dealings with a company at the center of a conflict-of-interest scandal, after it emerged that he enjoyed rent-free use of a house belonging to the firm as a campaign office.

Already under pressure over the government’s handling of the presumed massacre of 43 students abducted by corrupt police in southwestern Mexico in September, Pena Nieto is facing his most difficult period since taking office two years ago.

On Nov. 3, the government announced a Chinese-led consortium had won a no bid contract to build a $3.75 billion high-speed rail link in central Mexico.

Three days later, the government abruptly canceled the deal, just before a report by news site Aristegui Noticias showed that a subsidiary of Grupo Higa, a company that formed part of the consortium and had won various previous contracts, owned the luxury house of first lady Angelica Rivera.

Under public pressure, Rivera said she would give up the house. But neither she nor Pena Nieto have addressed the apparent conflict of interest stemming from the government’s business with Grupo Higa.

On Wednesday, Aristegui Noticias published a new story that said Pena Nieto used a different property belonging to another Grupo Higa subsidiary as an office when he was president-elect in 2012.

Eduardo Sanchez, the president’s spokesman, said Pena Nieto unwittingly used the property. Sanchez said it was leased from the Grupo Higa firm by Humberto Castillejos, the president’s legal adviser, who lent it rent-free to Pena Nieto’s team.

“If I invite you to my house, do you come to my house and ask me under whose name it is? Neither does the president,” Sanchez said, denying there were conflicts of interest.

The spokesman also said there were no more properties Pena Nieto or his team had used belonging to Grupo Higa.

“No, there is no other house that was used in a professional capacity,” Sanchez said.

Castillejos could not immediately be reached for comment.

Jorge Luis Lavalle, a senator with the opposition conservative National Action Party, said the public saw a clear conflict of interest in the dealings of Pena Nieto and his government with Grupo Higa.

“It needs to be investigated. All these doubts need to be dispelled fully and clearly,” he said. “We now have another case with no explanation.”

(Additional reporting by Ana Isabel Martinez; Editing by Simon Gardner and Tom Brown)

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