Coronavirus live updates: Trump pushes theory virus came from Chinese lab; OSHA investigating worker deaths; lockdowns wind down – USA TODAY

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President Donald Trump is scheduled to leave the White House on Friday for the first time in a month to travel to Camp David, the day after the expiration of federal social distancing guidelines.

As many states move toward reopening after a horrific April that saw nearly 60,000 deaths because of the coronavirus, one California county isn’t waiting for permission. Sparsely populated Modoc County, in the Golden State’s far northeastern corner, plans to reopen on Friday despite a statewide stay-at-home order.

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Here are the most important developments Friday on the coronavirus pandemic. Scroll down for the latest updates. 

  • The White House released a three-phase plan on reopening the U.S. economy. President Donald Trump said he has no plans on extending social distancing guidelines, which quietly expired Thursday. But Dr. Deborah Birx, coordinator of the White House coronavirus task force, suggested that social distancing would exist in some form through the summer. 
  • Trump said Thursday he’s seen evidence suggesting the new virus originated in a Chinese virology lab. The president didn’t provide the evidence, but his top national intelligence official said the virus was not man-made or genetically modified, as scientists have concluded. The intelligence community “will continue to rigorously examine” the virus’ origin, the national intelligence director’s office said.
  • Layoffs amount to 1 in 6 American workers and encompass more people than the entire population of Texas. Some economists say the U.S. unemployment rate for April may be as high as 20% – a figure not seen since the Depression of the 1930s, when joblessness peaked at 25%.
  • Amid all the reopening talk this week, Dr. Tom Inglesby, a leading expert on pandemics, reminded us: We will not have complete “normal” – no masks, fully social – until we have a vaccine. Read more in The Back Story.

What we’re talking about: A Kentucky woman went grocery shopping while dressed in a vast hoop skirt and donning a begoggled beak. She was an instant hit on social media. Here’s why she did it and check out photos below. 

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