Donald Trump’s historic and chaotic presidency, by the numbers – Business Insider – Business Insider

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  • President Donald Trump has been among the most controversial occupants of the White House in US history. 
  • Trump’s one-term presidency will have an enduring impact on the US. 
  • Looking at the numbers surrounding Trump’s tenure provides important context and perspective on his accomplishments and failures. 
  • Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.

President Donald Trump’s presidency is coming to a close after he was defeated by President-elect Joe Biden in the 2020 election. 

Trump’s tenure has been tumultuous and historic. He’s one of just three presidents to be impeached, and is the first commander-in-chief in nearly three decades to not win reelection. 

Historians and political scientists will be analyzing and discussing Trump’s presidency for years to come. 

Though numbers and data don’t offer a full picture of a president’s legacy, they can provide perspective and serve as a useful reference point in terms of what a president has accomplished.

Below are many of the defining numbers from Trump’s presidency. It’s not an exhaustive list, but does capture much of what took place during his tenure. 

Trump’s presidency — by the numbers:

Popular votes in 2016: 62,985,106 (45.9%)

Electoral votes in 2016: 306 (but 304 ultimately voted for him)

Popular votes in 2020: 74,222,957 (46.8%)

Electoral votes in 2020: 232

Bills signed: 660

Vetoes: 8

Vetoes overridden: 0

Executive orders: 202

Pardons: 28

Commutations: 16

Federal judges confirmed: 233 

Supreme Court justices confirmed: 3

News conferences (up to November): 88

Average number of news conferences per year: 22.96

Average unemployment rate (2017): 4.35%

Average unemployment rate (2018): 3.89%

Average unemployment rate (2019): 3.67%

Average unemployment rate (2020 — up to November): 8.20%

Average GDP (2017-2019): $20.498 trillion

2017 deficit: $666 billion

2018 deficit: $779 billion

2019 deficit: $984 billion

2020 deficit: $3.13 trillion

Reported COVID-19 cases: Over 17.2 million

Reported COVID-19 deaths: Over 311,000

In-person rallies held during the pandemic (declared on March 11): 3

Estimated number of migrant children separated from their parents: 5,400

Refugee resettlement cap (fiscal year 2018): 45,000

Refugee resettlement cap (fiscal year 2019): 30,000

Refugee resettlement cap (fiscal year 2020): 18,000

Refugee resettlement cap (fiscal year 2021): 15,000 (a historic low)

Federal executions: 10

Sentenced prisoners per 100,000 US residents (2017): 440

Sentenced prisoners per 100,000 US residents (2018): 431

Sentenced prisoners per 100,000 US residents (2019): 419

US military spending (2017): $610 billion

US military spending (2018): $649 billion

US military spending (2019): $732 billion

Countries visited: 26

Trips abroad: 32

Estimated number of days Trump spent at his properties as president: 419

Estimated number of days Trump visited a golf course while president: 316

Amount Trump properties raked in via taxpayers and the president’s supporters: At least $8.1 million

False claims (as of 9/11/20): 23,035

Cabinet departures: 24

Turnover rate among top positions within the executive office of the president: 91% (65 in total)

Tweets (not including retweets) as president: 16,343

Tweets (including retweets) as president: 25,875

Unless otherwise noted, the above numbers are as of December 18. This article will be updated after Trump leaves office.

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