Florida Governor, at Long Last, Orders Residents to Stay Home to Avoid Coronavirus – The New York Times

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Jared Moskowitz, the state’s emergency management director, said that Florida has received four shipments from the federal stockpile of supplies, including 500,000 N95 masks, 250,000 face shields, 714,000 gloves, 1.2 million surgical masks and 200,000 gowns.

Mr. DeSantis called Mr. Trump on Saturday morning and complained, as he had publicly before the call, that New Yorkers flocking to Fort Lauderdale and elsewhere in South Florida were bringing the virus with them. Mr. Trump responded by tweeting that he was considering a quarantine of the New York tristate area, a statement that flummoxed officials in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.

The president’s aides — some of whom have tired of Mr. DeSantis’s special requests — tried to explain to the president that it would be almost impossible to enforce such a quarantine. Mr. Trump has also resisted a broader national stay-at-home order, which his advisers see as at odds with years of Republican orthodoxy about states’ rights, and unfair to states that are not experiencing major outbreaks.

As recently as Monday, Mr. DeSantis had insisted that the only stay-at-home order he had signed, for the state’s four most densely populated counties from Key West to West Palm Beach, would be needed only through April 15.

On Tuesday, Mr. DeSantis said one reason he had not extended the order statewide was because the White House coronavirus task force had made no such recommendation.

Patricia Mazzei reported from Miami, and Maggie Haberman from New York.

Source Article from https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/01/us/coronavirus-florida-de-santis-trump.html


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