Heartbreak all over again for Timmothy Pitzen’s family – CNN

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(CNN)Timmothy Pitzen’s family believed their 8-year-long search for him was over when a man claiming to be the missing boy was found roaming a Kentucky neighborhood.

    Timmothy Pitzen, shown in an undated photo with his mother Amy, disappeared in 2011. The photo at right is of the individual spotted by Newport, Kentucky, residents.Timmothy Pitzen, shown in an undated photo with his mother Amy, disappeared in 2011. The photo at right is of the individual spotted by Newport, Kentucky, residents.
    An undated photo shows missing child Timmothy Pitzen. An undated photo shows missing child Timmothy Pitzen.
    Person found wandering in Kentucky is not Timmothy Pitzen, the FBI saysPerson found wandering in Kentucky is not Timmothy Pitzen, the FBI says
    A boy found in Newport, Kentucky, told police he was Timmothy Pitzen.  A boy found in Newport, Kentucky, told police he was Timmothy Pitzen.

    Source Article from https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/04/us/missing-teen-timmothy-pitzen-family-neighbors/index.html


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