House Democrats plan to bring up legislation to end the partial government shutdown that would extend current spending levels for border security through Feb. 8, a senior Democratic aide said Monday.
The funding package will include two separate bills: one extending current funding levels for the Department of Homeland Security until Feb. 8, and the other including the six remaining bills, with full funding through the end of the fiscal year.
Border security funding would remain at $1.3 billion, much lower than the $5 billion called for by the White House, under the continuing resolution (CR), which would provide full-year funding for the other six spending bills that have expired, following bipartisan Senate legislation, The Washington Post first reported on Monday.
“It makes sure we can get everybody paid on time,” the aide said.
Separating the bills will put pressure on President TrumpDonald John TrumpCharting a roadmap for North Korea Trump claims ‘wall’ around Obamas’ DC home is ‘same thing’ as border wall Graham: Trump ‘open-minded’ to wedding border funding to DACA protections MORE and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell
Addison (Mitch) Mitchell McConnellTrump’s shifting Cabinet to introduce new faces No signs of talks as shutdown moves into second week Dem-led House must lead cleanup of Trump-made mess MORE (R-Ky.) to at least pass the six-bill package and would re-open most of the government.
It also extends the wall fight for a month, which could allow Trump a face-saving off-ramp to tell his base that he has not abandoned the struggle for the project.
Democrats are slated to take back control of the lower chamber later this week, with House Minority Leader Nancy PelosiNancy Patricia D’Alesandro PelosiPelosi postpones reception for new Congress amid shutdown Resolving the shutdown gives Democrats great opportunity Conway knocks Pelosi over Hawaii trip: ‘Less hula, more moola’ for DHS MORE (D-Calif.) expected to regain the Speaker’s gavel on Thursday.
On day 10 of the partial government shutdown, talks between Trump and Democratic leaders remain stalled.
Top Democrats have said they won’t go beyond the $1.3 billion in border funding, while the president said he’s unwilling to support legislation that doesn’t provide ample funding for his wall along the southern border.
The White House has floated $2.1 billion as a compromise, but Senate Democrats were not open to the offer, maintaining they would not go beyond $1.3 billion.
The president has been adamant he will not support legislation that does not provide ample border security funding, a priority he stressed on the campaign trail.
The House passed an amended bill providing $5.7 billion in border security funding just ahead of their Christmas recess, but it does not have the support to make it through the Senate.
House Republicans have opted not to bring up the Senate-passed clean CR, with conservatives pushing for the party to remain strong on its demand to build the border wall.
— Niv Elis contributed. Updated at 12:15 p.m.
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