Joe Biden cracked jokes about touching allegations while giving a speech, just two days before vowing to be more “mindful and respectful.”

WASHINGTON – At his first public event since a host of women have accused him of inappropriate touching, former Vice President Joe Biden cracked two jokes about the allegations, leading to a second round of criticism — including from at least one of his accusers. 

Within the first minute of Biden’s speech at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers on Friday, he told the crowd, “I just want you to know, I had permission to hug Lonnie,” mentioning Lonnie Stephenson, the IBEW president, who just introduced him. 

The reference to the host allegations led to a burst of laughter in the room. “I don’t know, man,” said Biden, who is considering a 2020 bid for president. 

As Biden continued his speech, which revolved unions, resolving political divisions and President Donald Trump’s politics, Biden again referenced the allegations. 

More: Biden calls Trump a ‘tragedy in two acts’ who is ‘locked in the past’

More: Joe Biden vows to be ‘more mindful’ on same day as three more women make accusations

Biden spotted several children in the room and invited four of them on stage. After introducing himself, Biden joked as he draped his arm around a boy that “he gave me permission to touch him.” 

Throughout his 40-minute speech, Biden mentioned Trump by name. He said the president opposes the core values and beliefs of the nation in the way he treats people.

“What in the hell is happening?” Biden asked. “Our children are listening.”

At least seven women have come forward with allegations about the former vice president’s touching and kissing, saying that his behavior made them feel uncomfortable. On Wednesday, Biden posted a video on his Twitter account where he apologized, promised to change and attempted to explain his close contact was about making a connection and not intended to make anyone feel uncomfortable. 

The string of accusations started when Lucy Flores, a former member of the Nevada Legislature, accused Biden of “demeaning and disrespectful” behavior when he kissed the back of her head.

In a column for New York Magazine, Flores detailed a backstage encounter with Biden during an event in 2014 in Nevada where he spoke to help boost voter turnout for Democrats. 

“I felt him get closer to me from behind. He leaned further in and inhaled my hair. I was mortified,” Flores wrote. “He proceeded to plant a big slow kiss on the back of my head. My brain couldn’t process what was happening. I was embarrassed. I was shocked. I was confused.”

After Biden’s jokes on Friday, Flores blasted Biden and said his comments degrade the issue of consent.

“It’s clear @JoeBiden hasn’t reflected at all on how his inappropriate and unsolicited touching made women feel uncomfortable,” she wrote on Twitter. “To make light of something as serious as consent degrades the conversation women everywhere are courageously trying to have.”

Others on social media piled one.

“Do we really need any more proof that #JoeBiden is a misogynistic creep?” one woman posted on Twitter. “What happened to ‘I will listen respectfully’? Mocking accusers and making light of the accusations doesn’t seem like respectfully listening…”

Speaking to reporters afterward, Biden was asked about his jokes about the allegations and his possible 2020 run. 

“It wasn’t my intent to make light of anyone’s discomfort,” Biden told reporters. “I realize it’s my responsibility to not invade the space of anyone who is uncomfortable in this regard.”

Biden said he hoped “it wasn’t taken that way” and said he understands personal space and the need for personal consent. 

The allegations against Biden come amid #MeToo, a movement started nearly a decade ago that went viral in 2017 as women in Hollywood and across the country shared stories of sexual harassment and assault.

It’s led to the resignation or downfall of more than 100 entertainers, executives and politicians, including Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer and Kevin Spacey. Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., announced his resignation in 2017 after accusations of sexual misconduct. 

Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., also stepped down, as well as Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., who resigned amid reports he discussed with female staffers the possibility they could be surrogates for his and his wife’s baby.

President Donald Trump has repeatedly cracked jokes about the allegations circling Biden. On Thursday, he posted doctored footage of Biden’s apology video where a second Biden was edited into the footage to show him fondling himself. 

“People got a kick out of it,” Trump said Friday of the doctored video he’d tweeted. “He’s going through a situation. You’ve got to sort of smile a little bit.”

More than a dozen women have accused Trump of sexual misconduct over the years, including eight women who accused him of forcibly kissing them.

Trump denied the allegations. In an “Access Hollywood” tape that surfaced during the final weeks of the presidential campaign in 2016, Trump made lewd comments and bragged about groping women. The president said that was “locker-room banter.”

Contributing: Ledyard King and Maureen Groppe


Former Vice President Joe Biden promised to be respectful of people’s personal space after allegations of unwanted and inappropriate behavior.