Kamala Harris: New York Bar Association should ‘probably disbar’ Giuliani – Washington Examiner

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Sen. Kamala Harris said she wants an investigation into Rudy Giuliani and that the New York Bar Association should “probably” disbar President Trump’s personal attorney.

“The New York Bar Association needs to investigate Giuliani and probably disbar him,” the California Democrat said Thursday on MSNBC. Harris, 54, also demanded that the inspector general investigate connections between Giuliani and State Department officials who could have been working with him.

“To help ensure that the foreign relations of the United States are carried out in good faith, I request that you investigate these and other circumstances described in the complaint and preserve all relevant records,” Harris said. “I am particularly concerned that Department officials might have been aware of or aided Mr. Giuliani in violation of law or regulations against engaging in partisan political activities.”

Harris has described the president’s handling of the whistleblower and his call with the Ukrainian president as a “cover-up” and urged his impeachment.

Giuliani has denied any wrongdoing and said he only talked to Ukrainian officials at the request of the State Department.

Source Article from https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/kamala-harris-new-york-bar-association-should-probably-disbar-giuliani


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