Man who claimed to be Timmothy Pitzen was released from prison last month, records show – CNN

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(CNN)The man who falsely claimed to be Timmothy Pitzen, a boy who disappeared in 2011, was released from an Ohio prison last month after serving time for burglary and vandalism, court records show.

    Timmothy Pitzen, shown in an undated photo with his mother Amy, disappeared in 2011. The photo at right is of the man spotted by Newport, Kentucky, residents.Timmothy Pitzen, shown in an undated photo with his mother Amy, disappeared in 2011. The photo at right is of the man spotted by Newport, Kentucky, residents.
    An undated photo shows missing child Timmothy Pitzen. An undated photo shows missing child Timmothy Pitzen.
    Timmothy Pitzen, in an undated photo before he vanished in May 2011.Timmothy Pitzen, in an undated photo before he vanished in May 2011.

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