Mozambique May Weigh New Opposition Autonomy Plan, Noticias Says – Bloomberg

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The Mozambican parliament could consider a new version of the main opposition’s plan to devolve power to provinces, after it rejected a proposal at the end of April, Noticias newspaper reported.

The Mozambique National Resistance, or Renamo, disputes the result of October elections and had asked to appoint governors in provinces where it claims majority support. The party may submit a “totally remodeled” proposal to lawmakers, the state-owned publication cited parliamentary president Veronica Macamo as saying.

Renamo leader Afonso Dhlakama told reporters last week he was prepared to change the proposition on devolution to apply to all of the country’s 11 provinces, instead of just the six where the party polled best.

Mozambique has gas reserves that have the potential to vault the country into the top three producers of liquefied natural gas in the next decade, according to Anadarko Petroleum Corp. Decisions by companies on whether to proceed with developing the fields, in the Rovuma offshore basin, are expected this year.

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