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How will the election work?

All registered California voters are eligible to participate in the special election next week. Mail-in ballots have been sent out to all active registered voters.

The ballots have two parts. The first simply asks whether Newsom should be removed as governor. If more than 50% vote “yes,” it’s the end of the road for Newsom.

The second part of the ballot asks which candidate should succeed Newsom. If the governor is recalled, the replacement candidate who receives the most votes will be elected to the remainder of Newsom’s term, which ends Jan. 2, 2023.

Voters can fill out just one part of the ballot, if they want. They can also select a replacement candidate even if they vote against recalling Newsom.

How did we get here?

Opponents of Newsom gathered the nearly 1.5 million signatures required to trigger the recall election. That threshold equaled 12% of the votes cast in the previous gubernatorial election in 2018.

The petition had been approved in June 2020, and its backers were originally given a deadline of Nov. 17 of last year to collect the signatures. But they received a four-month extension due to the pandemic’s impact on their efforts.

That additional time proved pivotal. Signatures began pouring in in late 2020, after photos emerged of Newsom dining mask-free with lobbyists at the vaunted and extravagantly expensive restaurant, The French Laundry.

At the time, Newsom and the state government were advising Californians to mask up and follow social distancing rules as Covid cases began to surge.

Newsom apologized for attending the dinner, saying he “made a bad mistake” and acknowledging that “the spirit of what I’m preaching all the time was contradicted.”

But the backlash refocused the recall election on Covid — even though the pandemic was not mentioned in the original petition.

Rather, it references homelessness, high taxes and other issues that conservatives have long included among their chief criticisms of California. The petition, brought in February 2020 by Orrin Heatlie, a retired sheriff’s sergeant, was the sixth attempt to recall Newsom, who was inaugurated in 2019.

But the recall campaign’s website now puts The French Laundry incident first on its list of reasons to remove Newsom.

Who’s running?

There are 46 challengers running to unseat Newsom. Like the 2003 recall that made Arnold Schwarzenegger the state’s governor, this year’s election has put a wide variety of personalities on display.

Of the 24 Republican candidates on the ballot, talk radio host Larry Elder has emerged as the clear front-runner among that group.

Elder, a supporter of former President Donald Trump, has reportedly raised more than $13 million, dwarfing most of his recall rivals while still trailing far behind the tens of millions raised by opponents of Newsom’s removal.

Other Republican candidates include John Cox, who has traveled to campaign events with a live Kodiak bear in tow, and Caitlyn Jenner, the former Olympic athlete and reality TV personality.

Among the nine Democrats are Hollywood actor Patrick Kilpatrick and YouTube millionaire Kevin Paffrath, as well as a college student, a free speech lawyer and a “cannabis policy advisor” who is asking Californians to vote against recalling Newsom.

Two members of the Green Party, one Libertarian Party member and 10 unaffiliated candidates are also on the ballot.

Who’s expected to win?

With just days to go before the election, Newsom appears increasingly likely to hold onto his seat.

For most of last month, polls compiled by FiveThirtyEight showed voters favored keeping Newsom as governor, but only by a slight margin.

More recent surveys show the preference to keep Newsom outweighs the option to remove him by more than 10 points, according to FiveThirtyEight’s polling average.

Meanwhile, betting markets show the recall effort losing much of its steam over the past month. Newsom’s odds of staying in power are at their highest point since early July.

How unusual is all this?

Attempts to recall elected officials are not uncommon in California — in fact, there have been 179 of them since 1913.

But a small fraction of those petitions garnered enough signatures to prompt a ballot, and in only six instances has the official in question actually been recalled.

Just one governor, the unpopular Democrat Gray Davis, has ever been recalled in California. That 2003 special election saw 135 candidates vie for Davis’ job, including a comedian, a porn star and others who had never run for office before.

Davis was ultimately replaced by Republican Schwarzenegger, the former champion bodybuilder and action movie megastar, who enjoyed universal name recognition.

How will the recall affect the U.S.?

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are both slated to campaign for Newsom this week in California.

A Newsom loss in the recall could have major consequences for Democrats across the country — beyond merely the embarrassment and discouragement of losing control of a deep-blue state a year before the midterm elections.

Control of the U.S. Senate could be at stake at some point.

Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein, 88, has held her seat since 1992. The oldest sitting senator in the U.S., her health has come under increasing scrutiny. But she maintained in March that she still intends to serve out the rest of her current term, which ends in early 2025.

If Feinstein does leave office early, the governor will appoint her successor. If Newsom is replaced by a Republican, then that governor could appoint a Republican to fill the vacant Senate seat.

That could upend the razor-thin Democratic majority in the Senate, where the two parties are split 50-50 and the vice president wields the tiebreaking vote. Without that slim advantage, Democrats’ hopes for passing key parts of Biden’s already ambitious agenda would likely fall out of reach.

Republicans are eager to have the GOP’s first U.S. Senate seat from California since John Seymour in the early 1990s.

“They’re afraid I’m going to replace her with a Republican, which I most certainly would do and that would be an earthquake in Washington, D.C.,” Elder, the GOP front-runner, reportedly said on another conservative talk radio show.

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Lo que queda después del Estado Islámico

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El Estado Islámico ha perdido la mayor parte del territorio que controlaba en Irak y Siria. En julio perdió el control de la ciudad iraquí de Mosul.

Ivor Prickett para The New York Times

Victorias recientes en contra del grupo islamista que llegó a controlar buena parte del territorio tanto de Irak como de Siria tras autoproclamar un presunto califato también han dejado entrever las tragedias que le siguen a la celebración, como ciudades destruidas en las que algunas personas desplazadas no pueden ni ubicar dónde estaban sus hogares al regresar o el hallazgo de decenas de cadáveres en zonas que estaban bajo el control de milicianos. El pasado fin de semana, por ejemplo, fueron encontrados 67 cuerpos en Qaryatayn, al norte de Damasco, después de que las fuerzas del gobierno sirio expulsaron al Estado Islámico.

Este video muestra cómo quedó Al Raqa, Siria, después de ser recuperado por una coalición de combatientes kurdos y árabes, las Fuerzas Democráticas Sirias.

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Con el territorio que todavía controla y dado que parece estar armado con drones, el Estado Islámico podría regresar a sus raíces de insurgencia, según analistas, que alertan que la organización es muy efectiva en motivar a personas de diversas partes del mundo a perpetrar ataques en su nombre. Una posible solución sería monitorear mejor la propaganda del grupo en el internet.

Apresuran cabildeo

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De izquierda a derecha: Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal, Chrystia Freeland y Robert E. Lighthizer, los representantes de México, Canadá y Estados Unidos, durante las negociaciones en Ottawa, en septiembre

Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press, via Associated Press

Ante la posibilidad cada vez mayor de que el gobierno estadounidense pueda retirarse del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte, un grupo de cabilderos de todos los sectores industriales se ha encaminado a Washington para intentar convencer al Congreso de EE. UU. a que mantenga en vigor el pacto, que rige la relación comercial entre Canadá, México y Estados Unidos desde 1994.

De acuerdo con la Cámara de Comercio estadounidense, más de 125 integrantes de industrias como la automotriz, la agrícola y la de ventas minoristas planean reunirse con los cien integrantes del Senado estadounidense para presionarlos a que aboguen a favor del TLCAN dado que, en palabras del columnista de The New York Times y premio nobel de economía Paul Krugman, salirse podría ser “bueno para el frágil ego de Trump, y esa es una razón para temer lo peor”.

Representantes de los tres países se encuentran en medio de negociaciones para posiblemente modernizar el acuerdo, que Trump ha criticado como uno de los peores de la historia por su presunto efecto en la manufactura y tasa de empleo estadounidense, pero las rondas de diálogo han evidenciado muchas divergencias. México incluso ya ha tomado pasos para reforzar su política comercial e intercambios con otros países en caso de que la zona de libre comercio norteamericana se desmorone.

‘Reformismo permanente’

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Mauricio Macri durante una conferencia en la Casa Rosada, el 23 de octubre

Marcos Brindicci/Reuters

Tras el triunfo de la coalición gobernante argentina en las elecciones para el senado y la cámara de diputados, el domingo pasado, la agenda en el país ahora está enfocada en promover diversas reformas económicas, según dijo ayer el presidente Mauricio Macri.

“Entramos en una etapa de reformismo permanente”, declaró el mandatario, después de los resultados favorables para Cambiemos en el congreso, que antes estaba controlado por el peronismo.

De acuerdo con analistas, esas reformas serán impulsadas de manera gradual, ya que varias son poco populares y por ello conllevan un cierto “costo político”.

A la par de tales gestiones políticas, en Argentina avanzan también de manera gradual las investigaciones sobre las muertes del fiscal Alberto Nisman y del activista Santiago Maldonado.

Apartheid sin fin

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Las tierras quedaron en su mayoría en manos de la élite blanca después del apartheid y muchos sudafricanos aún viven en villas, como esta en las afueras de Ciudad del Cabo.

Joao Silva/The New York Times

Construir una democracia tras intentar desmantelar el apartheid en Sudáfrica fue un hito histórico, pero a más de veinte años muchos sudafricanos negros –tres cuartos de la población– no han visto que esa libertad política se traduzca en cambios económicos.

Millones de ellos no pueden empezar negocios o mudarse lejos de villas, y menos de la mitad de la población adulta de sudafricanos negros tiene un empleo formal.

Nombulelo Sakwe, de 38 años y madre de cuatro, vive en una casa improvisada hecha de latón casi igual en la que vivía de niña y buena parte de su sueldo como trabajadora doméstica de una familia blanca se pierde en costear el camión de ida y vuelta. “Nuestros hijos nacen en las mismas situaciones que nosotros. Todavía estamos esperando ver la libertad”, dijo Sakwe.

Más en América Latina y el Caribe

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Efectivos de la Policía Militar de Brasil patrullan Complexo da Mare, una de las favelas más grandes de Río de Janeiro, el 30 de marzo de 2014, cuando el gobierno desplegó fuerzas federales para ocupar algunos de los sitios más peligrosos de la ciudad antes del inicio de la Copa Mundial de Fútbol en 2014.

Mario Tama/Getty Images

• Las autoridades de Brasil investigan qué sucedió ayer cuando un policía militar en la zona de Rocinha, en Río de Janeiro, disparó contra y mató a una turista española, identificada como María Esperanza Ruiz. El oficial está detenido de manera preventiva por lo sucedido, una nueva muestra de la mortalidad de la Policía de Río.

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Cuatro de los cinco gobernadores de la oposición venezolana eligieron juramentarse ante la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente, el 23 de octubre.

Agencia Venezolana de Noticias/European Pressphoto Agency

• La oposición venezolana se encuentra fracturada después de las elecciones legislativas del 15 de octubre pasado, en las que los resultados oficiales dieron la victoria a 18 candidatos del chavismo y a cinco de la oposición pese a que los sondeos indicaban que esta última tendría mucho mejores resultados. La coalición Mesa de la Unidad Democrática ha denunciado que hubo fraude, pero cuatro de los gobernadores electos juramentaron ayer al cargo frente a la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente –que otros integrantes de la disidencia han calificado como un órgano inconstitucional– y ahora podrían ser expulsados de su partido, una muestra de las divisiones dentro de la coalición.

Uno de los partidos que integra la MUD, Voluntad Popular, dijo hoy que no se presentará para las próximas elecciones, municipales, que posiblemente se realizarían antes de fin de año.

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Una persona lava las hojas de coca, primero con gasolina y después con agua, para recopilar el extracto en barriles y después acidificarlo y mezclarlo con cemento.

Juan Arredondo para The New York Times

• De acuerdo con la Administración para el Control de Drogas estadounidense (DEA, por su sigla en inglés), Colombia no cumplirá este año con la meta de erradicación de cultivos de coca debido a que estos han aumentado, pese a iniciativas para sustituir los cultivos que son impulsadas como parte del acuerdo de paz. En zonas como Tumaco, donde abundan los cultivos de coca, también ha habido serios incidentes como la muerte de civiles, aparentemente por parte de fuerzas del orden.

• Nicaragua se sumó ayer a los países que han firmado y ratificado el Acuerdo de París para el combate al cambio climático, proceso que había aplazado durante varios meses. El gobierno nicaragüense declaró que “a pesar de no ser el acuerdo ideal, es el único instrumento que permite” actuar de manera unida en contra del calentamiento global. Con la adhesión del régimen de Daniel Ortega, solo Siria sigue sin ratificar, mientras que Estados Unidos anunció que dejará de ser parte del pacto.

Revolución roja

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Lenin arengando a tropas del Ejército Rojo que se dirigían al frente polaco en Moscú, en 1920. A la derecha de Lenin, viendo a la cámara, está León Trotski, quien después fue borrado de las copias de esta foto.

Grigory Petrovich Goldstein

Hace cien años los rusos se levantaron en armas en la llamada Revolución Socialista de Octubre. Para marcar la ocasión, recuperamos algunos artículos de opinión sobre los efectos que tuvo esa movilización histórica.

¿Qué queda realmente del comunismo por el que se abogaba en ese entonces? ¿Por qué Rusia ha preferido marcar la ocasión de manera muy discreta, entre movimientos de protestas contra el actual gobierno? Y ¿qué tanto afectó la Revolución Rusa a movilizaciones similares en Latinoamérica, como la mexicana o, posteriormente, la cubana?

Buscan sobrevivir con ingenio

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Ramon Marrero, de 79 años, se quedó sin casa por el huracán.

Dennis M. Rivera Pichardo para The New York Times

Los puertorriqueños asolados por el paso del huracán María que todavía siguen en la isla intentan encontrar maneras para sobrellevar su día a día ante la escasez de agua y alimentos y la falta de electricidad. Algunos han establecido poleas para mover suministros hacia sus hogares de otro modo incomunicados, mientras otros también se las han ingeniado para que un lavabo pueda servir para que una comunidad damnificada se bañe a falta de regaderas o para organizar comidas comunales donde sí hay estufas de gas.

A más de un mes del huracán, puertorriqueños de todas las clases sociales se han visto así llevados al límite para seguir viviendo sin muchos de los servicios a los que se habían acostumbrado.

Apuestas tecnológicas

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Las oficinas centrales de Google en Mountain View, California

Christie Hemm Klok para The New York Times

Las principales empresas del mundo de la tecnología han redoblado sus apuestas cuando se trata de la inteligencia artificial al dedicar gastos considerables para la contratación de las pocas personas que podrían desarrollar sistemas de este tipo, con un salario de hasta 500.000 dólares al año o más, en la carrera para tener el mejor sensor o teléfono inteligente que pueda escanear facciones faciales o vehículos autónomos y más.

Mientras, 238 lugares en América del Norte compiten por albergar la nueva sede de Amazon, incluida la provincia de Yukon en Canadá y los estados mexicanos de Hidalgo, Chihuahua y Querétaro.

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An infant in Chicago died Saturday after testing positive for COVID-19 – becoming the youngest person in Illinois to die after contracting the novel coronavirus.

Gov. J.B. Pritzker announced the child’s death during a press conference Saturday. An investigation is being conducted to determine the exact cause of death and determine whether the infant had any underlying health conditions, the governor said.

“I know how difficult this news can be, especially about this very young child,” the governor said at his daily news conference Saturday, according to the Chicago Tribune. “Upon hearing it, I admit that I was immediately shaken. It’s appropriate for any of us to grieve today.”

He continued: “It’s especially sorrowful for the family of this very small child for the years stolen from this infant. We should grieve. We should grieve for a sense of normalcy we left behind just a few short weeks ago.”


In this March 25, 2020 photo, medical personnel help each other at a federal COVID-19 drive-thru testing site in the parking lot of Walmart in North Lake, Ill. (AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh)

The child, as well as a state employee, were among the 13 new deaths in Illinois announced at the press conference Saturday. The infant’s name and exact age were not released, though the governor said the child was less than 1 year old.

“If you haven’t been paying attention, maybe this is your wake-up call,” Illinois Department of Public Health Director Dr. Ngozi Ezike said at the same press conference, urging people to do all they can to prevent the spread of the virus.

Illinois in the eighth-most coronavirus infected state in the country, reporting at least 3,498 confirmed cases by Sunday morning, according to Johns Hopkins University.  A total of at least 47 people have died after contracting COVID-19.

“The vast, vast majority of people in Illinois are doing precisely what we asked them to do,” Pritzker said. “But it’s the others — the people who aren’t obeying the stay-at-home rule — who are putting everyone in danger. It doesn’t take that many people, frankly, to break the rules and cause danger to others.”

The risk of death and severe illness from COVID-19 is greater for older adults and people with other health problems. In most cases, the virus causes mild or moderate symptoms, which can include fever and cough but also milder cases of pneumonia, sometimes requiring hospitalization.

Children have made up a small fraction of coronavirus cases worldwide. A letter published in the New England Journal of Medicine by Chinese researchers earlier this month reported the death of a 10-month-old with COVID-19. The infant had a bowel blockage and organ failure and died four weeks after being hospitalized.


Separate research published in the journal Pediatrics traced 2,100 infected children in China and noted one death, a 14-year old. The study found less than 6 percent of children were seriously ill, according to the Associated Press.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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“This is about making sure that we’re able to conduct our democracy while we’re dealing with a pandemic. We can do both,” Biden said. “There’s a lot of ways to do it, but we should be talking about it now.”

Trump advisers say they are open to certain changes, such as automatically sending absentee ballot applications to voters over age 65. But they’re opposed to other moves Democrats are pushing, such as sending every voter a ballot regardless of whether they ask for one, which Republicans argue would open the door to fraud.

Trump has long been fixated on voter fraud. He has repeatedly claimed without evidence that he lost New Hampshire in 2016 because out-of-staters cast ballots, and after the election the president set up a since-disbanded voter fraud commission. Following the disastrous 2018 midterms, Trump said that after voting, some people “go to their car, put on a different hat, put on a different shirt, come in and vote again.”

During an appearance on Fox News this week, Trump pushed back against an effort by House Democrats to secure billions of dollars for election assistance in the coronavirus relief package. The bill Trump ultimately signed included $400 million, a fraction of what Democrats had been seeking.

“The things they had in there were crazy. They had things, levels of voting that if you’d ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again,” Trump said.

Federal funding to help states ease voting barriers in response to coronavirus is just one front in the battle. Trump’s political apparatus is taking a state-by-state approach.

In Pennsylvania, where Democrats proposed an entirely vote-by-mail system, Trump advisers worked with the Republican-controlled Legislature to push through more circumscribed rules. They include a limited expansion of absentee voting and changes to the handling and counting of those ballots.

In Georgia, some officials are recommending sending everyone a ballot, also a no-go for Trump’s team. The president’s advisers instead advocated mailing people applications they would need to fill out and return in order to receive a ballot. The idea was approved by Georgia’s Democratic Party and Republican secretary of state.

Republicans see an advantage in the change in Georgia. They say they will be able to use their financial advantage over Democrats to reach their Georgia supporters to ensure they’re returning ballot request forms.

The Democratic offensive is being led by Marc Elias, a veteran election attorney who is currently involved in litigation in more than a dozen states. He has advocated a handful of changes in the wake of the outbreak, including providing pre-paid postage for mail-in ballots and extending the postmark deadline to Election Day.

“If states are not able or willing to rise to the occasion of the challenges that Covid-19 poses, we’re going to continue looking very seriously to the courts to protect the rights of voters and to ensure that ballots don’t go uncounted that should be counted,” Elias said.

Trump advisers say they are trying to prevent overreach on the part of Democrats, who have long sought to ease voting restrictions.

“It is beyond disgusting that the Democrats are using this crisis to try to dismantle the integrity of our voting system,” said Justin Clark, a senior Trump campaign counsel who is helping to spearhead the legal fight. “The American people won’t stand for this, and the campaign and the party intend to fight with them for a free, fair, and open vote in November.”

Clark pointed to so-called community ballot collection — an idea embraced by some Democrats that would allow local organizations and individuals to collect ballots from voters at their homes — as something the Trump campaign would fight.

The pandemic is expected to increase the amount of funding the Republican Party devotes to lawsuits. The cash-flush Trump machine announced in February it was directing $10 million toward legal battles, but people involved in the effort say that figure is now likely to climb much higher.

In some instances, the RNC is providing financing for state parties to help with lawsuits.

“Democrats know they cannot beat President Trump at the ballot box, so they are trying to use the courts to beat him,” said RNC chief of staff Richard Walters. “We are going to use the full resources of the RNC to stop them.”

A cluster of Democratic organizations — including the national party committees, the prominent Priorities USA super PAC, and the National Democratic Redistricting Committee — have already been pursuing voting-related litigation. FairFight, an organization founded by former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, has also been active.

Biden spokesman Andrew Bates declined to comment on whether the campaign would join in the legal wrangling but said any Trump-led effort “to restrict access to voting would … amount to a craven attempt to steal the sacred right of the American people to vote.”

The battle is likely to further intensify in the days and weeks ahead. Many of the changes Democrats are seeking would likely take substantial time to implement, meaning that any action would need to take place soon.

“You can’t wait to see how this is all turning out,” said Elias, referring to the coronavirus. “You have to start doing it now.”

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It appeared on Monday that CNN received Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s, D-Calif., plea to better sell President Biden‘s Build Back Better plan loud and clear.

On Sunday, CNN posted an analysis titled “Get up to speed: How the spending bill would change your life.” The article promoted ten “bold ideas” included in the bill and went as far as to claim the bill could “feed every hungry child” in America and “bring kids out of poverty.”

This positive analysis of the Democratic legislation comes days after Pelosi’s complaint that the media could “do a better job of selling” the trillion dollar legislation. On Oct. 12, after reporters noted a poll that only 10 percent of Americans knew exactly what was in the bill, Pelosi blamed the low number on journalists.

United States President Joe Biden and US Vice President Kamala Harris attend a ceremony marking the 10th Anniversary of the dedication of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial near the Tidal Basin on the National Mall Featuring: Speaker Nancy Pelosi Where: Washington, District Of Columbia, United States When: 21 Oct 2021 Credit: POOL via CNP/INSTARimages/Cover Images


“Well I think you all could do a better job of selling it, to be very frank with you,” Pelosi responded, saying the media has not done justice to the list of items in the bill, such as the family medical leave provision. “Every time I come here, I go through the list … It is hard to break through when you have such a comprehensive package.”

CNN continued their promotion of the bill. During CNN’s “New Day” segment on Monday, host John Berman emphasized, “This package could lead to changes, major changes, for seniors, new parents, kids, students.”

CNN political commentator Errol Louis went as far as to compared the Build Back Better plan to FDR’s New Deal.

“There’s a lot resting on this this done, imagine dental and vision for seniors forever—or, at least for a few years and then it becomes forever. Imagine help for kids going to community college. Or, at the other end of the scale, pre-kindergarten learning for people; the child tax credit. This is big, big, big, stuff. It’s our own version of the New Deal,” he said.

CNN Commentator Errol Louis

Berman went on to question how the media was framing this legislation. 

“How much of this is about the framing, though? It’s interesting. You talk about what your worried will not be in it. And Errol, I’ve been reading members of Congress who say, we’ve got to start talking about what people will be getting that they haven’t been. Where there’s zero now, there will be $1.7 trillion worth,” Berman said.


Louis continued, “The reality is that if you’re moving toward cutting child poverty in half, that is a monumental achievement that people have dreamt of for generations. And to go further down that road, whether it’s child care or other enhancements, that’s a big, big deal!”

Biden’s Build Back Better plan currently faces opposition from members of his own party, most notably Sens. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., and Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz.

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Media captionBattle of the concerts held on either side of the Venezuela-Colombia border

Venezuela has said that its border with Colombia has been partially closed, shortly after opposition leader Juan Guaidó defied a travel ban to cross it.

Vice President Delcy Rodriguez tweeted to say the “total, temporary closure” was due to serious threats against the country’s sovereignty and security.

Tensions have been rising over a row about the delivery of humanitarian aid.

Two people were killed by Venezuelan security forces on Saturday near the border with Brazil.

The violence was condemned by the United States government, which said in a statement: “The Venezuelan military must allow humanitarian aid to peacefully enter the country. The world is watching.”

Mr Guaidó, the leader of the country’s opposition-dominated National Assembly, last month declared himself the country’s interim leader.

He has since won the backing of dozens of nations, including the US. He has called the rule of President Nicolas Maduro constitutionally illegitimate, claiming that Mr Maduro’s re-election in 2018 was marred by voting irregularities.

What happened on Friday?

Hundreds of tonnes of humanitarian aid sitting just outside Venezuela’s borders have become a flashpoint between Mr Guaidó and President Maduro.

Mr Maduro has so far refused to allow the aid, which includes food and medicine, to cross over into Venezuela. Mr Guaidó has vowed that hundreds of thousands of volunteers will help bring it in on Saturday.

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Mr Guaidó (centre) alongside Chile’s President Sebastian Pinera (left) and Paraguay’s President Mario Abdo Benitez (right) at a Cucuta aid warehouse

On Friday, rival concerts were held just 300m (980ft) away from each other on either side of the Venezuelan-Colombia border.

Mr Guaidó unexpectedly turned up at Venezuela Aid Live in Cucuta, organised by British businessman Richard Branson, on Friday.

He was greeted there by the presidents of Colombia, Chile and Paraguay – three of the nations who have recognised the 35-year-old lawmaker as interim president.

He alleged that he was able to cross over on Friday with the help of the Venezuelan armed forces. The claim is significant as President Nicolás Maduro has been able to retain power largely because of his military support.

Hours after his appearance, the announcement about the closure of bridges in Tachira state was made.

It follows a similar announcement made on Thursday about the closure of the border with Brazil – where another aid collection is being raised.

Violent clashes broke out there on Friday morning after members of an indigenous community reportedly confronted Venezuelan troops in the southern village of Kumarakapay.

Witnesses said that troops opened fire on individuals who tried to block a road to stop preventing military vehicles from passing.

Human rights campaigners said soldiers shot and killed two people and wounded 15 others.

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An ambulance photographed responding to violent clashes near the border with Brazil

A spokeswoman for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said he had a meeting with Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza on Friday in New York, in which he urged authorities to refrain from using lethal force against demonstrators.

Why is the aid delivery contentious?

Economic conditions have deteriorated rapidly since President Maduro took power in 2013.

The UN says about three million people have fled the country over the last few years.

Hyperinflation has caused the cost of essentials to soar, leaving many unable to afford basics like food and medicine.

Mr Guaidó has said the aid deliveries are necessary to stop Venezuelans dying. He has vowed to get his supporters to mobilise en-masse to get it in on Saturday.

‘Deeply uncertain’ day ahead

Analysis by Katy Watson, BBC News South America correspondent

This is the day Venezuela’s opposition has been waiting for. A day that will test the loyalty of the country’s armed forces towards Nicolas Maduro and determine his future.

Lorries laden with aid are expected to set off from both Colombia and Brazil and attempt to cross the border. A ship carrying aid is also travelling from Puerto Rico.

Throughout Venezuela, people will gather at military barracks to ask soldiers for their help in the aid effort.

Until now, senior officers have remained loyal to Mr Maduro – but with pressure being heaped on them to help the Venezuelan people, will they listen to their leader or change sides, support Juan Guaido and open the borders? These next few days are deeply uncertain.

President Maduro denies there is any crisis and has branded the aid plans a US-orchestrated show.

Performers at his rival concert on Friday performed in front of a backdrop that said #TrumpHandsoffVenezuela, the AFP news agency reports.

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The US President has led the effort to recognise Mr Guaidó as president, and has implemented economic sanctions to put pressure on President Maduro’s government.

At a speech earlier this week, he urged the Venezuelan military to switch sides and abandon their support of the president.

He has repeatedly reiterated that “all options are open” in regards to the US response to the unfolding crisis.

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White House press secretary Sarah Sanders defended President Trump’s summits with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un Sunday, and also said the two leaders are of like minds when it comes to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

On NBC’s Meet The Press Sunday morning, Sanders responded to a tweet Trump sent stating he trusts Kim and that praised the North Korean state media’s scathing assessment of Biden as a “fool of low IQ.”

“I think they agree in their assessment of former vice president Joe Biden,” Sanders said.

The press secretary clarified the president’s position when host Chuck Todd asked her, “Can you explain why Americans should not be concerned that the President of the United States is essentially siding with a murderous, authoritarian dictator over a former vice president of the United States?”

“The president’s not ‘siding’ with that,” Sanders said. “But I think they agree in their assessment of former vice president Joe Biden. Again, the president’s focus in this process is the relationship he has, and making sure we continue on the path to denuclearization.”

North Korea’s state-run media recently referred to Biden as an “imbecile,” “thoughtless guy,” and “fool of low IQ” after the candidate criticized Kim in a campaign speech. Rüdiger Frank, a North Korea expert at Austria’s University of Vienna who spoke with Vox’s Alex Ward about the insults, said, “I think if Trump reads the commentary, he’ll be happy about it.”

Trump was happy, tweeting he “smiled” while reading the insults, which seem almost to tailor-made to curry favor with the president, who uses similar language when ridiculing his political adversaries.

Sanders also addressed the recent short range missile tests Trump referred to in his tweet. “The president’s focus in all of this process is on continuing the very good relationship that he has with Chairman Kim. And he feels good that the Chairman will stay firm with the commitment that he made with the president, and move toward denuclearization,” she said.

North Korea reiterated this week that it wants the US to make changes to its negotiating strategy before denuclearization talks resume. Previously Kim said he planned to give the US “till the end of this year” to present him with negotiating terms he finds acceptable.

Despite these warnings and recent weapons tests, Sanders called the Trump administration’s North Korea policy successful, arguing that critics need to readjust their focus.

“For a significant period of time, there was no missile testing, we got hostages back home to the United States, and remains of American war heroes,” Sanders said. “To me that is certainly something.”

It’s worth noting, however, that one of those repatriated American hostages was Otto Warmbier, a college student who was returned to the United States in a coma, and later died at the age of 22. Trump initially said he didn’t hold Kim responsible for Warmbier’s death, but soon reversed that position after facing public backlash.

An investigation into the Russia investigation

Todd also asked Sanders about the Trump administration’s latest reaction to the Russia investigation: authorizing Attorney General Bill Barr to declassify information related to how the investigation was begun and conducted.

“We already know that there was an outrageous amount of corruption that took place at the FBI,” Sanders claimed. “They leaked information, they lied. They were specifically working, trying to take down the president, trying to hurt the president. We’ll leave the final call up to the attorney general, and he’ll get to the bottom of it.”

Sanders, Barr, and the president himself have attacked the FBI and the Obama-era Department of Justice in recent weeks, accusing the agencies of “spying” on the Trump campaign. Although no evidence has been offered to suggest this was the case, the president has stated the accusation as fact, and a little over a week ago, took to Twitter to accuse individuals he believes were involved in this “spying” with treason.

As Vox’s Aaron Rupar has explained, the US Constitution maintains a deliberately narrow definition of the word “treason” itself, in order to prevent the charge from being abused against political opponents:

“So for FBI officials to be guilty of treason, that means they would have been literally acting on behalf of a country or entity (like ISIS) at war with the United States. That clearly did not happen. In short, Trump’s accusation is meritless. For Trump, however, the legal merit of his accusation isn’t what’s important. The most important thing is the narrative he’s pushing about the FBI purportedly being out to get him. But that narrative, like his treason accusation, is baseless.”

Sanders was more cautious than the president when asked if the public should expect Obama-era officials like former FBI director James Comey to be charged with crimes and imprisoned.

“We’re gonna let the attorney general make that determination, as he gets to the conclusion of this investigation,” Sanders said.

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En las noticias más leídas del día, declaran alerta en la CDMX para la población en general, ante los efectos causados por la tormenta registrada la tarde de este miércoles. Nueve estaciones de la Línea 7 del metro fueron cerradas este jueves por inundaciones y lluvia, por lo que sólo se prestó servicio de Barranca del Muerto a Tacubaya. Con el fin de facilitar la búsqueda de noticias reales a los usuarios, Google Noticias realizó seis actualizaciones que incluyeron cambios en el diseño, la navegación, tarjetas, verificación, videos y ajustes. Otro que quiere estar a la vanguardia es el sitio de pornografía, Pornhub, que ahora experimenta con realidad virtual.

1. Lluvias ponen en alerta a parte de Ciudad de México

Autoridades de la CDMX lanzaron una alerta para la población en general, ante los daños causados por la tormenta registrada la tarde de este miércoles en la capital y que han causado afectaciones en las delegaciones Miguel Hidalgo y Azcapotzalco, principalmente.

El secretario de Protección Civil de la Ciudad de México, Fausto Lugo, indicó que los diferentes vasos reguladores que hay en la zona de Álvaro Obregón están bajo control, por lo que se mantienen dentro de los niveles aceptables.

2. Línea 7 del Metro, cerrada por inundación y lluvias

El día de hoy, el Sistema de Transporte Colectivo Metro mantuvo sin servicio nueve estaciones de la Línea 7 y sólo ofreció servicio de Barranca del Muerto a Tacubaya, por lo que en el tramo de Tacubaya a El Rosario apoya el Sistema M1 a los usuarios.

A través de su cuenta de Twitter @MetroCDMX, el SCT indicó: “#AvisoMetro Únicamente se ofrece servicio de #BarrancaDelMuerto a #Tacubaya, en las demás estaciones de #L7 apoya @SistemaM1CDMX”.

3. 6 actualizaciones de Google Noticias

Luego de tanta noticia falsa, la forma en que los usuarios interactúan con los contenidos noticiosos ha sido un tema muy observado e importante para las editoriales.

Por esta razón, Google Noticias hizo actualizaciones en el diseño, navegación, presentación del contenido, verificación, videos y ajustes de su portal para facilitar la búsqueda y lectura de la información, con el objetivo de entregar resultados de mayor calidad para el usuario.

4. Inversiones y sanciones en 20 años de las afores

Las afores están de fiesta, luego de que el próximo 1 de julio, celebran 20 años de existencia, aportando 1 billón de pesos en inversiones en sectores clave del desarrollo de la economía.

Enfrentan, no obstante, el reto de recuperar parte de la confianza de los ahorradores tras las sanciones que recibieron por malas prácticas comerciales que les impuso la Comisión Federal de Competencia Económica.

El presidente de la Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro, Carlos Ramírez, menciona que de los casi 3 billones de pesos que administran las afores, 1 billón de pesos están invertidos en proyectos como la red compartida en telecomunicaciones, la Ronda Uno en el sector energético y en bonos educativos, que permitirán financiar la infraestructura de las escuelas.

5. Pornhub experimenta realidad virtual y ofrece porno interactivo

Si eres fan del porno, está noticia te va a encantar. La plataforma digital canadiense de películas pornográficas, Pornhub, se asoció con fabricantes de juguetes sexuales para adultos y lanzó una nueva categoría interactiva dentro de su oferta de contenido para adultos, en la que se ofrecen cientos de videos específicamente clasificados para su uso con dispositivos de Realidad Virtual y para uso con juguetes sexuales.

Según el portal de tecnología que difundió la noticia de Pornhub, lo interesante de esta nueva categoría es que cada video fue programado para complacer a los usuarios con una experiencia más inmersiva. Se trata de tecnología que al conectarse con el hardware adecuado (los juguetes diseñados por Fleshlight y Kiiroo ), el video es acompañado de impulsos sincronizados compatibles con los juguetes.


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Federal prosecutors late Monday alleged that the leader of the Oath Keepers encouraged followers to come to Washington, DC, on Jan. 6 armed with non-lethal weapons and later stood outside the Capitol during the insurrection directing them toward a potential entry point.

Just after 2 p.m. on Jan. 6, according to prosecutors in a new court filing, Stewart Rhodes sent a message on the encrypted Signal app to several of his followers saying: “Come to the South Side of the Capitol on steps.” At 2:41 p.m., Rhodes, who is referred to in court filings as Person One, posted a photograph of the Capitol with the caption: “South side of US Capitol. Patriots pounding on doors.”

Monday’s filing is the clearest indication federal prosecutors have yet given that they believe Rhodes played a significant role in real-time actions on the ground on Jan. 6. Prosecutors have already charged several Oath Keepers with conspiracy for their actions at the Capitol and have described the Oath Keepers as a “loosely organized collection of militia who believe that the federal government has been co-opted by a shadowy conspiracy that is trying to strip American citizens of their rights.”

Rhodes, who started the group in 2009, did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Interviewed by Alex Jones for Infowars in late January, Rhodes denied playing any role in the storming of the Capitol. He has not been charged.

Although prosecutors referred to Rhodes by name in charging papers filed against Thomas Caldwell and two others arrested in mid-January, they began referring to him as Person One in subsequent filings. In a Jan. 27 filing, prosecutors wrote: “The Oath Keepers are led by Person One.” Prosecutors also quote public statements by Rhodes in their filings and attribute them to Person One.

The details about Rhodes’ Signal messages on the day of the Capitol attack came as the Department of Justice argued for the continued detention of Caldwell, a 67-year-old retired Navy officer from Virginia. Caldwell, who is not a dues paying member of the Oath Keepers, was with them at the Capitol that day and involved in their planning, including booking hotel rooms, according to the filing.

In the messages, prosecutors said, Rhodes communicated with other Oath Keepers leading up to the day’s events, advising them that the group would have “several well equipped QRFs outside DC,” using an acronym for Quick Reaction Force — heavily armed teams prepared to jump into battle.

Prosecutors have previously alleged that Oath Keepers, including Caldwell, had discussed QRFs and had made plans to use trucks or boats to ferry weapons into the District of Columbia on Jan. 6. Late last month, the government told a federal judge it had a “working understanding” that the Oath Keepers had a QRF stationed outside DC that day.

In group messages cited Monday, Rhodes had advised fellow Oath Keepers to avoid bringing items into the city that could get them arrested, such as guns; he suggested they wear eye protection, helmets, and “good hard gloves” and carry heavy flashlights that ostensibly could be used as bludgeons, according to the filing. Rhodes added that he intended to carry a collapsible baton because they “are a grey area in the law,” noting that “I’m willing to take that risk because I love ‘em.”

A grand jury has so far indicted nine people described as Oath Keepers with crimes related to the Jan. 6 insurrection; on Saturday a New York tattoo artist whom Rhodes last year designated a “lifetime Oath Keeper” was also arrested and charged.

Rhodes has repeatedly said in interviews and on social media that he felt the 2020 election was not legitimate and that Donald Trump should not relinquish the presidency. In their filing Monday, prosecutors showed texts sent by Rhodes expressing frustration that not enough was being done to stop the certification of the Electoral College by Congress.

According to prosecutors, at 1:38 p.m. on Jan 6, shortly after then-President Donald Trump finished his speech and rioters began fighting with the police outside the Capitol, Rhodes wrote to the group chat: “All I see Trump doing is complaining. I see no intent by him to do anything. So the patriots are taking it into their own hands. They’ve had enough.”

Just a few hours later, around 4 p.m., as rioters began exiting the Capitol, a large group of Oath Keepers “gathered around” Rhodes on the east side of the building and “stood around waiting for at least ten minutes in that location,” the court filing Monday said.

Caldwell was arrested on Jan. 19 and has been detained ever since. He has argued that he never actually entered the Capitol, that he is too physically disabled to have taken an active role in the riots, that he is not in favor of violence, and that he is not a dues-paying Oath Keeper.

Last month, a federal judge denied his request for bond, saying he “not just a danger to the community but to the fabric of democracy.” Caldwell subsequently switched lawyers and last week asked the court to reconsider his release, claiming that the charges against him were “riddled with inaccuracies.”

The Monday filing by prosecutors responded to those arguments, citing messages sent by Caldwell as evidence that he “plays a leadership role within the Oath Keepers” and was deeply involved in planning and preparation for Jan. 6. The filing also describes him bragging to friends about his role in storming the Capitol.

“I grabbed up my American flag and said let’s take the damn capitol,” reads one text message sent by Caldwell quoted by the Justice Department. “So people started surging forward and climbing the scaffolding outside so I said lets storm the place and hang the traitors.”

Caldwell subsequently sent another text message, prosecutors said: “If we’d had guns I guarantee we would have killed 100 politicians. They ran off and were spirited away through their underground tunnels like the rats they were.”

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La periodista Djenane Villanueva será desde el próximo lunes presentadora en Noticias Repretel, de canal 6.

Djenane Villanueva dejó NC Once y pasa a ser presentadora de Noticias Repretel. (Adrián Arias.)

Villanueva deja el noticiario NC Once (también de Repretel) para asumir el nuevo reto, informó la compañía mediante un comunicado de prensa que divulgó en su sitio en Internet.

Con la llegada al 6 de la también corresponsal en el país de CNN, se varía el equipo de presentadores de Noticias Repretel en sus ediciones meridiana y estelar.

Repretel canal 6 redistribuyó a su equipo de presentadores y alternó a Patricia Figueroa con Villanueva. Figueroa presentó por varios años la edición estelar de Noticias Repretel.

Ahora, esas ediciones de Noticias Repretal serán presentadas de esta forma:

Meridiana: Lunes, miércoles, y viernes: Patricia Figueroa junto a Roy Solano.

Martes y jueves: Djenane Villanueva con Roy Solano.

Estelar: Lunes, miércoles, y viernes: Djenane Villanueva junto a Jerry Alfaro.

Martes y jueves: Patricia Figueroa con Jerry Alfaro.

Respecto a la incorporación de Villanueva en Noticias Repretel, la directora Rozana Zúñiga, dijo: “Es un orgullo contar con un grupo de presentadores tan calificado y selecto, y estamos seguros que su trabajo y experiencia (la de Villanueva) serán de gran valía para el público”.

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Good morning.

(Here’s the sign-up, if you don’t already get California Today by email.)

On Sunday afternoon, Gov. Gavin Newsom capped a gloomy weekend by issuing sweeping new guidelines in an effort to head off the spread of the coronavirus in the nation’s most populous state.

He told anyone 65 or older and anyone with chronic health conditions to isolate themselves at home.

“Bars, nightclubs, wineries, brew pubs and the like” should close, he said. All restaurants, he said, should halve their capacity and keep customers at least six feet from one another.

The governor said there were no enforcement measures attached, yet — but those could come if people do not adhere to the guidelines.

[Here’s the state’s page with links to containment guidelines for various situations.]

The new measures came in the midst of a fast-moving pandemic, which has killed thousands around the globe.

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Yesenia Cardona, 23, (pictured) from Guatemala was among 13 migrants who died in a deadly car crash on Tuesday after illegally crossing the border from Mexico

A 23-year-old victim in Tuesday’s horror crash in California involving an SUV carrying 25 people over the Mexican border and a semi-truck was traveling with her mother from Guatemala, her family has revealed.

Yesenia Cardona and Berlin Cardona, 47, left Guatemala over a month ago and had last contacted their family in the United States on Monday when they reached Mexicali, the Mexican city bordering Calexico.

In the early hours of Tuesday morning, they were among 44 people who illegally slipped through a 10 ft gap in the US-Mexican border fence before the Ford Expedition they were traveling in pulled in front of the truck at an intersection causing the fatal crash.

Yesenia died in her mother’s arms, her family said, after passengers of the SUV were flung from the vehicle onto the road in the sudden impact.

Thirteen people were killed in the deadly collision including Yesenia and the 22-year-old driver of the SUV who has been identified as a Mexican national from Mexicali.

Another thirteen were injured including her mother Berlin and the 68-year-old truck driver who is from California.  

As of Thursday, eight people remain in hospital. A female teen remains unconscious and authorities have been unable to establish her identify or nationality.

It was one of the deadliest crashes involving migrants sneaking into the U.S.

Scroll down 

Yesenia was traveling with her mother, Berlin, (pictured together) as they crossed the border

Yesenia’s family said she worked for a finance company in Guatemala but that her family had been struggling for money due to the pandemic. The 23-year-old is pictured above

Yesenia died in her mother’s arms, her family said. Berlin (right) was also injured in the crash

The cause of the crash and the reason why the SUV driver pulled into the intersection in front of the truck is still not known.

An investigation into human smuggling is now underway after it was revealed that the Ford SUV had been modified and the back seats taken out so more than two dozen people could be crammed inside.

Another SUV carrying 19 people had snuck across the border through the gap at the same time but set on fire for unknown reasons a short time later.

Border patrol agents responding to the call about the fire found the group hiding behind a nearby bush and they were all taken into custody.


Ten of the people in the crashed SUV were Mexican, the consulate in Calexico said, and Guatemalan authorities confirmed that at least three nationals were also passengers – the Cardonas and another 22-year-old woman who was injured in the crash.

Of the Mexican nationals, three were from the state of Oaxaca, three from Michoacán, and one each from the states of Baja California, Guerrero, Morelos, and Nayarit.

All of the victims have not yet been identified.

Yesenia’s uncle’s Rudy Dominguez has admitted that she and her mother entered the U.S. illegally but claimed that they did so for a better life and because they did not want to die in Guatemala.

‘We don’t want to die in our country,’ Dominguez told NBC San Diego. ‘That’s why we take this type of risk.’

He said he did not know the details of their journey but that his sister is devastated at her daughter’s death and that the last moments they shared together were in the back of the SUV.

In the early hours of Tuesday morning, they were among 44 people who illegally slipped through a 10 ft gap in the US-Mexican border fence before the Ford Expedition they were traveling in pulled in front of the truck at an intersection causing the fatal crash (pictured)

The SUV had slipped through this gap in the border fence on Tuesday morning

Yesenia’s uncle’s Rudy Dominguez admitted that she and her mother entered the U.S. illegally but claimed that they did so for a better life and because they did not want to die in Guatemala

‘It’s so hard,’ Dominguez said. ‘I mean, it’s so many things [going] on in our brain, and I don’t know how she will handle this.’

‘We take a chance,’ he added. ‘We don’t want to die over there. We take a chance to come here and see our dream come true.’

Yesenia’s friend Jasmín Solares told Univision that the 23-year-old was traveling to the U.S. for a better life.

She claimed that she had also crossed to the U.S. in a similar fashion nine years ago.

Timeline of 44 migrants crossing U.S. border through gap in fence ahead of fatal crash

5.56 am Tuesday: Agents patrolling the Calexico area alerted that a red Suburban was on fire near Interstate 8 and State Route 115 

6.05 am: Agents find a 10-foot hole in the border fence near Gordon’s Well exit/Schneider’s Bride area, 30 miles east of Highway 115.

6.06 am: Border Patrol Agents reviewed surveillance footage which yielded images of two different vehicles leaving the area in proximity of the fence breach.

6.30 am: Agents assisting with the burning red Suburban encountered 19 individuals hiding in the brush nearby and determined they had entered the country illegally through the breach in the border fence.

7.05 am: Border Patrol assistance requested to SUV crash where 25 more people who crossed the border where identified.  

‘So, they also put me in a truck like that and they put me on my knees looking down and after that they put another person with their feet open to where I was looking from the front and then they would put another in the same position mine,’ Solares claimed. 

‘(We were) dying of pain because a lot of people were on top of us.’

Another uncle of Yesenia’s, Eedy Ivan who still lives in Guatelama said that ‘she didn’t deserve this’.

He told NBC Palm Springs that Yesenia had been working for a finance company but that her family had been struggling even more for money since the pandemic hit.

He says that his niece did not share with him that she planned to cross the border.

‘I just can’t believe it,’ he said. ‘It’s hard to believe that she’s gone.’

‘I don’t get it. She was a sweet girl who was full of life and with purpose. She went to college and had a job.

‘Living in Guatemala is tremendously hard,’ he added. ‘She never told me or anyone of her plans to cross. I never heard it from her.’

‘If I could talk to her now, I would beg her not to go. Those would be my words: Don’t go!’

Authorities have not yet released the identities of the victims in Tuesday’s crash as they work to inform the families, some of whom are in the U.S.

The truck driver has been named as Joe Beltran, 68, from El Centro. He was taken to the hospital with serious injuries.

The men and women in the SUV ranged in age from 15 to 53, and those who survived had injuries that were minor to severe, including fractures and head trauma, officials said.

In total, paramedics took 11 people to area hospitals, police said. At least two are still being treated for life-threatening injuries.

Five of the people injured in the crash were in San Diego area hospitals Thursday, including two Mexican adults in stable condition and a male teen, also from Mexico.

Three other migrants, including two adults from Mexico and the unconscious girl, were hospitalized in Palm Springs.

One of the adults has tested positive for COVID-19.

Construction equipment is used to fix a border fence after two vehicles crossed into the US on Tuesday morning. One of the vehicles, an SUV carrying 25 people, was involved in a collision that was one of the deadliest crashes involving migrants sneaking into the U.S.

US Customs and Border Protection revealed on Wednesday that the Mexican migrants involved in the crash had entered the country illegally through this gap in the border fence

Border Patrol is still working to track down the families of those who crossed the border. There were 19 people in a second car who were taken into custody after the car set on fire

Four Mexican nationals were released from hospital in El Centro on Tuesday but were not taken into custody of U.S. immigration or border officials.

Investigators were trying to determine if the victims of the crash were immigrants or farm workers.

‘All are suspected to have entered the U.S. illegally,’ US Border and Customs Protection said in a statement. ‘Border Patrol is investigating the smuggling events.’

The crash occurred around 6:15 a.m. under a clear, sunny sky at an intersection just outside the community of Holtville, about 11 miles north of the border.

Authorities said the tractor-trailer was heading north on a highway when the SUV pulled in front of it from a road with a stop sign.

It is not clear if the SUV ran the stop sign or had stopped before entering the highway. How fast both vehicles were going also wasn’t yet known.

Less than an hour before hand, the vehicle had slipped through the hole in the border fence.

The site of the crash is in southeastern California, about 10 miles east of El Centro and about 11 miles north of the Mexican border. The SUV had crossed the border illegally that morning

A spokesperson for Customs and Border Protection said that CBP personnel were not involved in the collision and the SUV was not being chased despite having just crossed the border

‘All are suspected to have entered the U.S. illegally,’ Custom Patrol said in a statement of the 25 people crammed into the SUV. ‘Border Patrol is investigating the smuggling events’ 

The impact of the crash ejected several passengers from the vehicle (car seat pictured above)

Border Patrol’s El Centro sector released pictures of the 10-foot breach in the International Boundary Fence on Wednesday, as it revealed that surveillance footage picked up the SUV and a Chevrolet Suburban driving through the gap before 6am Tuesday.

Photos show a panel of eight steel poles was lifted out and left on the ground in the desert next to an old tire and other debris.

That section of the fence, consisting of steel bars 18 feet tall, was installed in 2009, some eight years before the Trump administration took office calling for a border wall.

The Border Patrol said its agents were not pursuing the vehicle before the wreck.

‘Initial investigation into the origins of the vehicles indicate a potential nexus to the aforementioned breach in the border wall. Human smugglers have proven time and again they have little regard for human life,’ Gregory Bovino, the Border Patrol’s El Centro sector chief said in a statement Wednesday.

‘Those who may be contemplating crossing the border illegally should pause to think of the dangers that all too often end in tragedy, tragedies our Border Patrol Agents and first responders are unfortunately very familiar with.’

‘We pray for the accident victims and their families during this difficult time,’ he added.

It was also confirmed on Wednesday that US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has opened a human smuggling investigation into Tuesday’s horror crash.

In a statement, an ICE spokesperson confirmed to that ‘Special agents from Homeland Security Investigations San Diego responded [to the scene] … and have initiated a human smuggling investigation.’

ICE declined to comment further at to what led the agency to believe human trafficking was suspected, adding that additional details aren’t being released at this time.

The Mexican Consulate said any family members who need assistance can call (760) 455-2140. Offices in San Bernardino and San Diego can help with translation services if needed, the consulate said.

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La familia de la Reina Letizia tiene una nueva cita para sentarse ante el juez. Acusados de un delito de insolvencia punible y alzamiento de bienes, Menchu Álvarez del Valle, Henar Ortiz y Jesús Ortiz –abuela, tía y padre de la consorte real–, se enfrentan a una pena de dos años y seis meses de cárcel y una multa de 10 euros diarios durante 16 meses, tal y como solicita la acusación particular. Además, la jueza instructora del caso ha requerido para ellos que presten una fianza solidaria de 41.149 euros.

El Juzgado de Primera Instancia e Instrucción de Cangas de Onís ha decretado este viernes un auto de apertura de juicio oral contra la familia directa de Doña Letizia por unos hechos acontecidos el pasado 17 de agosto de 2009. Además de la pena de cárcel y la multa a la que se enfrentan, también se solicita para la tía y el padre de la Reina la inhabilitación especial para el desempeño del cargo de administrador o apoderado de cualquier persona jurídica, así como para el derecho de sufragio pasivo durante el tiempo que dure su condena. 

El origen de la polémica

Henar Ortiz junto a su madre, Menchu Álvarez del Valle (Gtres)

El procedimiento se inició cuando Sandra Ruiz, proveedora de la tienda que la tía de Doña Letizia poseía en Cangas de Onís, le requirió el pago de una deuda de 22.600 euros por el encargo de unas joyas. Sin embargo, según la demandante, la deuda contraída era más elevada, pero que la cifra que le reclamaba judicialmente era sólo la que podía demostrar al presentar unos pagarés firmados por la tía díscola. Al no poder hacer frente a dicha cuantía, Henar Ortiz se declaró insolvente. Años más tarde, tras fallecer su padre, heredó una propiedad en Sardéu, momento en el cual la proveedora aprovechó para volver a reclamar lo que consideraba que le correspondía.

Al parecer, tal y como denuncia la Fiscalía, tanto Henar Ortiz como su hermano cedieron su parte de dicha propiedad a su madre, Menchu Álvarez del Valle para eludir su responsabilidad de hacer frente al pago de la deuda contraída en 2009, lo que constituye un delito de alzamiento de bienes para salvar la casa de un posible embargo judicial.

En julio de 2013, Henar recibió aliviada la noticia del sobreseimiento de la causa que abrió contra ella la Fiscalía, pero tan sólo cuatro meses después el caso se volvió a abrircomo así rezaba en el auto con fecha de 20 de noviembre al que tuvo acceso Vanitatis. En este escrito se explicaba que “a pesar de lo consignado en la resolución recurrida, en esta alzada se considera procedente su revocación (…) No puede obviarse que los hechos denunciados vienen referidos a la transmisión de un bien, adquirido por herencia, por la deudora María del Henar Álvarez impidiendo con dicha transmisión la satisfacción de una deuda que la entidad Henarmonia S.C., de la que la misma era administradora, mantenía con la denunciante Sandra María Ruiz Vázquez como consecuencia de anteriores relaciones comerciales”.

En su día, los magistrados detallaban cómo se realizó la cesión supuestamente fraudulenta de la vivienda de Sardéu a Menchu Álvarez del Valle: “La transmisión por la deudora Henar Ortiz de la parte del bien de su propiedad tuvo lugar el 14 de mayo de 2009, mediante la adjudicación a su madre María del Carmen Álvarez Valle de la cuarta parte de la vivienda adquirida por herencia de su padre José Luis Ortiz Velasco, sita en el término de Sardéu, inscrita en el registro de la propiedad de Cangas de Onís al tomo 1294, libro 325, folio 51, finca 34.078, valorada a esos efectos en 34.700 euros, como compensación a una deuda que afirmaba mantener con la misma, por cuantía cifrada en 7.460,50 euros, lo mismo que hizo su hermano Jesús Ortiz Álvarez con su parte, no obstante ser perfectamente conocedores, de que dicho bien tenía un valor considerablemente superior, a pesar de que el otorgado se correspondiera con el asignado al presentar la liquidación del impuesto sucesorio y que fuera similar a su valor catastral al año 2009 establecido en 33.282,39 euros, como lo acredita que dicho inmueble hubiese sido tasado en 554.507,20 euros el 7 de mayo de 2009, como paso previo a que sobre dicha finca, el 17 de agosto de 2009, hubiese sido constituida una hipoteca inversa a favor de la Caja de Ahorros de Galicia, en garantía del saldo de la cuenta corriente de crédito abierta en dicha entidad hasta el importe máximo de 400.000 euros, por María del Carmen Álvarez del Valle”. Ante esto, la familia de la Reina Doña Letizia deberán responder de nuevo ante un juez en el banquillo de los acusados.


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The White House abruptly cut the feed of President Biden‘s briefing on wildfires with federal and state officials. 

During Monday’s visit to Boise, Idaho, Biden received a briefing about the ongoing wildfires that have plagued several states out west. 

While Biden spoke for much of the briefing, at one point he said he wanted to hear more from George Geissler of the National Association of State Foresters.


“Can I ask you a question?” Biden asked. 

“Of course,” Geissler responded. 

“One of the things that I’ve been working on with some others is —” Biden said before being cut off mid-sentence.

The White House did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment. 

This isn’t the first time the White House intervened in blocking Biden from being heard by the general public. Last month, the president’s audio feed was cut as he was about to respond to a reporter’s question on his administration’s military withdrawal deadline from Afghanistan.

In March, the White House cut the feed as Biden said he was “happy to take questions” while speaking to Democratic lawmakers at a virtual event. 


This latest incident comes just days after Politico reported how White House staffers will “either mute [Biden] or turn off his remarks” out of “anxiety” that he will veer away from “the West Wing’s carefully orchestrated messaging.”

White House press secretary Jen Psaki previously admitted during an interview that Biden is often advised by her staff not to take questions. 

Biden raised eyebrows last week when he told a crowd, “I‘m supposed to stop and walk out of the room” at a White House event following his prepared remarks. 

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La copa del Mundial de Fútbol Brasil 2014 tiene ahora una nueva manera de verse, exclusivamente para adultos, a través de un canal en el que las presentadoras se van desnudando mientras presentan un resumen de los eventos del día en la fiesta futbolista.

“Desnudando la Noticia”, como se llama el canal en Internet ofrece el servicio totalmente gratis y ha emitido hasta el momento tres capítulos de su noticiero.

Sus creadores han aprovechado la gesta futbolista que se lleva a cabo en Brasil para promocionarse entre el público adulto, esperando convertirse después en un noticiero con “noticias internacionales al desnudo”.

El portal inició transmisiones el pasado 12 de junio con motivo de la inauguración del Mundial Brasil 2014 y por el momento transmite en vivo de 10 a 20 minutos diarios ofreciendo resultados de los partidos, información de los jugadores, entretelones, opiniones y la farándula del Mundial.

Por el momento cuenta con un equipo de cinco presentadoras jóvenes y en el facebook son seguidos por 4,792 personas.

DLN ha informado que el servicio que prestan es gratuito durante el mes de junio pero que posteriormente se quedará transmitiendo noticias por suscripción mientras las chicas se desvestirán en pleno escenario, dice el portal.




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Charles | 2014-06-22 08:46:57

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Investigators believe the man who killed a retired Massachusetts State Police trooper and a U.S. Air Force veteran in Winthrop on Saturday was motivated by hate and acted alone.

Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins said that David L. Green and 60-year-old Ramona Cooper were “executed” by 28-year-old Nathan Allen. He was later fatally shot by police after he crashed a stolen work truck into a building.

The shootings are being investigated as possible hate crimes because Rollins said “troubling white supremacist rhetoric” in Allen’s handwriting was discovered by investigators. That handwriting contained antisemitic statements and racist statements against Black people, according to Rollins.

Rollins said the only people killed by Allen were Black.

“It’s easy for you to possibly think, ‘This type of thing only happens in Charlotte, or, when we saw the insurrection on Jan. 6, that those were individuals from down south. This happened in Suffolk County,” Rollins said Monday. “This person had some very disturbing beliefs, white supremacist beliefs, regarding… members of our Jewish population as well as Black individuals.”

From the outside and on social media, sources tell 5 Investigates Allen exhibited no warning signs and had no criminal background.

They say there was nothing to indicate Allen was tied to any established hate group. Investigators believe he worked alone.

In response to the attack, officials announced several resources and events being made available to the community. Meredith Hurley, Winthrop’s Director of Public Health, said her office’s crisis intervention team will go door-to-door in the neighborhood and there will be drop-in services offered Wednesday at the Senior Center from 7 p.m. through 8 p.m.

A vigil is also scheduled for 7 p.m. Thursday at Winthrop Town Hall.

Winthrop police Chief Terence Delehanty said his department received a call shortly before 2:45 p.m. Saturday about the crash involving the stolen truck that leveled a building. He confirmed that no one was inside the building at the time of the crash.

After the crash, authorities said Allen exited the vehicle and proceeded to get away. At some point shortly thereafter, Allen is believed to have shot Cooper and Green. Green was pronounced dead at the scene, while Cooper was transported to Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, where she was later pronounced dead.

Delehanty said one victim, later identified as Cooper, was found by Winthrop police on Shirley Street, about a half-block away from the scene of the crash. Green, meanwhile, was engaged by the suspect in an alleyway between two houses that was further down the street.

According to Rollins, Cooper was shot three times in the back and Green was shot four times in the head and three times in his torso.

Police then engaged Allen, who Delehanty said was armed with two weapons, and at least one officer, a Winthrop police sergeant, shot him at the intersection of Shirley Street and Veterans Road. Allen was transported to Mass General, where he died of his injuries.

At this time, investigators believe Allen acted alone in the crash and shootings. Rollins said Allen was “not on my radar” and that he had a lawful license to carry that transferred to another town, meaning he had nothing on his background check.

In a statement, MSP Superintendent Col. Christopher Mason said Green was murdered outside of his Beach Road home.

According to Mason, Green had an honorable 36-year career in law enforcement and retired on Dec. 31, 2016. He became a Metropolitan District Commission police officer in 1980 and became a state trooper 12 years later when the MDC police were merged into the MSP.

Green spent much of his MSP career assigned to the Boston State Police Barracks at Leverett Circle, Mason said.

Rollins said law enforcement stood around Green’s body at the scene of the shooting. Police officers, firefighters and emergency medical technicians lined Albany Street in Boston as Green’s body was being transported to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.

People also left flowers at the site of the crash and the spot where Green was fatally shot.

“Trooper David Green more than upheld the ideals of integrity, professionalism, and service to others that are the hallmarks of a great Trooper. We are heartbroken by his loss and offer our condolences to his family and friends,” Mason said in his statement.

Nick Tsiotos, a longtime friend of Green’s, says he had coffee with him Saturday morning and that the retired trooper, who was also a military veteran, was sitting with friends when he heard the crash and decided to help.

“He thought there was a crash and did not have his weapon with him, obviously,” Tsiotos said. “He went out and tried to do what he was doing for 36 years with the state police: trying to help save lives and help save people.”

Witnesses say once Green realized Allen was armed, he tried to stop the gunman from hurting his friends and neighbors, ultimately losing his life in the process.

“I really believe he saved people’s lives because this gunman was deranged,” Tsiotos said. “Dave probably stopped him from going into homes and killing people.

“There was no better human being than Dave Green,” Tsiotos added. “He really fulfilled everything that was good, the best of humanity.”

Cooper’s son said she was a mother, grandmother and sister, adding, “My mother was a good person. She would help anyone who needed it. She was caring and selfless.”

Rollins said Cooper rose to the rank of staff sergeant in the Air Force and that she was still involved in the military.

One of Cooper’s neighbors, who is also a military veteran, tells NewsCenter 5 that Cooper was a Veterans Affairs employee.

“This is a sad day,” Rollins said Sunday. “These two people protected our rights. They fought for us to be safe and to have the opinions that we have, and they were executed. We will find out why and find out more about this man that did this.”

Another vehicle was involved in the crash with the stolen truck. The two occupants of that vehicle were transported to an area hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

According to Rollins, Allen was traveling at a rate twice the speed limit in the stolen truck and was heading in the direction of Jewish temples.

“We don’t know where he was going. That is mere speculation,” Rollins said Sunday. “We do know that he had antisemitic rhetoric written in his own hand.”

Sources tell 5 Investigates Allen went out Friday night and never came home.

Allen’s license to carry a weapon was renewed in Winthrop last year, according to 5 Investigates’ sources.

A Winthrop police sergeant who shot Allen was taken to an area hospital to be evaluated, but Delehanty said the officer was not seriously injured.

“It was extremely heroic. He’s a great police officer. He’s a great sergeant. He isolated a significant threat to this community and ended that threat,” Delehanty said Sunday.

“It’s something that we don’t wake up in the morning wishing to do,” the police chief added. “Again, (no officer) was physically harmed, but we are emotionally harmed by our actions that are necessary to protect the community. We want to make sure he’s taken care of today, tomorrow and in the future.”

The sergeant will be placed on administrative leave while Rollins’ office investigates the shooting, per standard procedure. Rollins did say that investigators believe the officer who shot Allen told the suspect to put his gun down multiple times.

The Winthrop Police Department, Massachusetts State Police and Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office are investigating the shooting.

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Chinese court sentenced a Canadian man to death Monday in a sudden retrial of a drug smuggling case, increasing tensions between the two nations that have simmered since the arrest of a top Chinese technology executive in Vancouver last month.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau strongly condemned the sentence handed down to Robert Lloyd Schellenberg and suggested that China was using its judicial system to pressure Canada to release Meng Wanzhou, chief financial officer of the Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei.

In his strongest comments yet, Trudeau said “all countries around the world” should be concerned that Beijing is acting arbitrarily with its justice system.

“It is of extreme concern to us as a government, as it should be to all our international friends and allies, that China has chosen to begin to arbitrarily apply a death penalty,” Trudeau said.

Schellenberg was detained more than four years ago and initially sentenced to 15 years in prison in 2016. But within weeks of Meng’s Dec. 1 arrest, an appeals court suddenly reversed that decision, saying the sentence was too lenient, and scheduled Monday’s retrial with just four days’ notice.


Schellenberg’s lawyer, Zhang Dongshuo, said prosecutors had not introduced new evidence to justify a heavier sentence during the one-day trial, during which Schellenberg again maintained his innocence. He said his client now has 10 days to appeal.

“This is a very unique case,” Zhang told The Associated Press. He said the swiftness of the proceedings was unusual but declined to comment on whether it was related to Meng’s arrest.

The court said it found that Schellenberg was involved in an international drug-smuggling operation and was recruited to help smuggle more than 485 pounds of methamphetamine from a warehouse in the Chinese city of Dalian to Australia. A Chinese man convicted of involvement in the same operation was earlier given a suspended death sentence.

Fifty people, including Canadian diplomats and foreign and domestic media, attended Monday’s trial, the court, in northeastern Liaoning province, said in an online statement.

The court gave no indication that the death penalty could be commuted, but observers said Schellenberg’s fate is likely to be drawn into diplomatic negotiations over China’s demand for the release of Meng.

Kenneth Roth, the executive director of Human Rights Watch, accused Beijing of playing “hostage politics,” tweeting that the revised sentence was “a fairly transparent attempt to pressure Canada to free the Huawei CFO.”

The Chinese media began publicizing Schellenberg’s case after Canadian authorities detained Meng, the daughter of Huawei’s founder, at the request of the United States, which wants her extradited to face charges that she committed fraud by misleading banks about the company’s business dealings in Iran.

After Trudeau’s statement, Canada updated its travel advisory for China, urging its citizens to “exercise a high degree of caution due to the risk of arbitrary enforcement of local laws.”

Further escalating the diplomatic rift between the two countries, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman that Michael Kovrig, a former Canadian diplomat taken into custody in apparent retaliation for Meng’s arrest, was not eligible for diplomatic immunity as Trudeau has maintained.

Kovrig, a Northeast Asia analyst for the International Crisis Group think tank, was on a leave of absence from the Canadian government at the time of his arrest last month. Hua Chunying told reporters that Kovrig is no longer a diplomat and entered China on an ordinary passport and business visa.


“According to the Vienna Convention of Diplomatic Relations and international law, he is not entitled to diplomatic immunity,” Hua said at a daily Foreign Ministry briefing. “I suggest that the relevant Canadian person carefully study the Vienna Convention … before commenting on the cases, or they would only expose themselves to ridicule with such specious remarks.”

A senior Canadian government official said Chinese officials have been questioning Kovrig about his diplomatic work in China, which is a major reason why Trudeau is asserting diplomatic immunity. The official, who was not authorized to comment publicly about the case, spoke on condition of anonymity.

A former Canadian ambassador to China, Guy Saint-Jacques, said interrogating Kovrig about his time as a diplomat in China would violate Vienna Convention protections of residual diplomatic immunity that mean a country is not allowed to question someone on the work they did when they were a diplomat.

“It’s difficult not to see a link” between the case and Canada’s arrest of Meng, Saint-Jacques said.

Hua said the allegation that China arbitrarily detained Canadian citizens is “totally groundless.”

Days after Meng’s arrest, Kovrig and Canadian businessman Michael Spavor were detained on vague national security allegations. Meng is out on bail in Canada awaiting extradition proceedings that begin next month.

Canada has embarked on a campaign with allies to win the release of Kovrig and Spavor. The United States, Britain, European Union and Australia have issued statements in support. Trudeau called President Trump about their case last week and the White House called the arrests “unlawful.”

Last week, Poland arrested a Huawei director and one of its own former cybersecurity experts and charged them with spying for China. The move came amid a U.S. campaign to exert pressure on its allies not to use Huawei, the world’s biggest maker of telecommunications network equipment, over data security concerns.


The arrests raised concerns over the safety of Poland’s nationals in China, although Hua brushed off such worries, emphasizing China’s desire for the “sound and steady” development of relations with Poland.

“As long as the foreign citizens in China abide by Chinese laws and regulations, they are welcomed and their safety and freedom are guaranteed,” Hua said.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Emergency medical responders in New Orleans have been hit so hard by the resurgence in Covid-19 cases that the city doesn’t have the capacity to handle 911 calls, the mayor said Friday as she announced a new mask mandate and a contract to increase EMS resources.

“Thanks to the Delta variant, the Covid pandemic is once again raging out of control.” New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell said at a news conference.

“We have been here before; we’ve seen the movie. … What was once unpreventable, today is preventable. And it’s through our people getting vaccinated.”

Over the past week, the city saw more than 1,000 new Covid-19 cases, Cantrell said. And the daily case average also spiked to 272, up from 104 last week, she said.

“This is a very dangerous number,” she said. “Our children are dying. From two weeks old to two years old to four years old. You cannot make it up. Our children are dying.”

The mayor’s mask mandate is effective immediately and applies to indoor settings and large outdoor crowds. The mayor is also requiring all city employees to get vaccinated.

More than 71% of New Orleans city employees are vaccinated, but that is not good enough, Cantrell said.

“You really need that mask on, period – whether you are vaccinated and, of course, if you are unvaccinated,” she said.

As for the EMS, Cantrell said, “We currently do not have the capacity to respond to 911 calls that come from our community right now.”

With only 36.8% of Louisiana’s population fully vaccinated, the state saw the country’s highest case rate per 100,000 people over the past week at 573.3 cases, federal health shows.

The state’s seven-day death rate per 100,000 people is 1.7, the third-highest in the nation, with Nevada being the highest and Arkansas in second, according to the federal data published Friday.

The rise in cases has pushed Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards to seriously consider a mask mandate.

“The Delta variant is a game-changer, and at this point, it’s not whether we vaccinate or mask, we have to do both,” Edwards said Friday at a news conference.

“Right now at least 83.7% of all the Covid cases in our region is a result of the Delta variant, and so anyone who is Covid positive in Louisiana should assume that it is from the Delta variant, and ultimately you have to take the same precautions, regardless,” he said.

The variant has been spreading throughout the country, alarming health officials. Safety restrictions and mask guidances are making a return as cases rose by at least 10% in nearly every US state in the last week, according to Johns Hopkins University data.

The variant spreads quicker and more easily than the first coronavirus strain and can infect fully vaccinated people whose symptoms are usually milder.

And with lagging vaccination numbers, children are bearing the brunt of new cases.

Our Lady of the Lake Children’s Hospital in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is experiencing a spike in Covid-19 cases now that is twice what they saw in the pandemic’s initial surge last year, said Dr. Trey Dunbar, the hospital’s president.

“We’ve seen over the past couple of weeks a pretty dramatic increase,” Dunbar told CNN by phone Friday. “A good number more of children are requiring hospitalization.”

The hospital is currently treating seven Covid-19 patients, but Dunbar estimated eight to 12 patients are being admitted per day. The hospital is up to about six admissions per day with about 50% of those patients going to the ICU, according to Dunbar.

Meanwhile, Louisiana’s Caddo Parish will require everyone to wear masks in its facilities and buildings starting Monday. According to the state health department, 32% of the parish’s population is fully vaccinated.

CNN’s Hannah Sarisohn, Jeremy Grisham, Deanna Hackney, and Paul P. Murphy contributed to this report.

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A former assistant secretary of state for President George W. Bush slammed Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden for dismissing the threat of China, saying the former vice president has been on the wrong side of foreign policy issues for the last four decades.

“On a personal level is he a friendly guy, but he has empirically had poor judgment particularly on foreign policy … the examples are numerous,” Robert Charles said Friday on “Fox and Friends.”

“Interestingly, Robert Gates in his book who criticizes almost nobody … noted that ‘Joe Biden has been wrong on almost every foreign policy and national security issue for the last four decades.’”

“Interestingly, Robert Gates in his book who criticizes almost nobody … noted that ‘Joe Biden has been wrong on almost every foreign policy and national security issue for the last four decades.’”

— Robert Charles


Biden drew bipartisan fury after expressing lack of concern over China as a global competitor to the U.S. and mocked those taking the Chinese threat seriously at a rally on Wednesday.

“China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man!” Biden exclaimed. “The fact that they have this great division between the China Sea and the mountains in the East — I mean in the West. They can’t figure out how they’re going to deal with the corruption that exists within the system. They’re not bad folks, folks. But guess what, they’re not competition for us.”

Reacting to those remarks, Trump said Biden was among many politicians “naïve” over China. “For somebody to be so naive, and say China’s not a problem – if Biden actually said that, that’s a very dumb statement.”

Charles went on to list Biden’s foreign policy failures, ranging from opposition to military programs that brought down the Soviet Union to opposing the Usama Bin Laden raid.

“If you go back in time this is a guy who wanted to divide up Iraq. He opposed the Bin Laden raid. In favor of the phony Iran deal and sending cash to them,” the former assistant secretary of state said.


“Back in 1979, this is a guy who celebrated the Ayatollahs coming to power because he thought that was going to bring human rights. This is a guy that opposed the defense buildup of Ronald Reagan. He opposed the B-1. He opposed the B-2 that brought down … that policy direction brought down the Soviet Union. He opposed the MX missiles.”

“This is a country that right now kills about 13 million children through infanticide or abortion a year on their one child policy. They have about a million peaceful Muslims in prison camps up in the northwest for reeducation as good communists. They execute about 2400 of their people annually, a lot of them for dissidence.”

— Robert Charles

He went on to say that China, contrary to Biden, is “truly our number one potential adversary and our number one competitor in the world” and thinking otherwise is “beyond naïve.”

“This is a country that right now kills about 13 million children through infanticide or abortion a year on their one-child policy. They have about a million peaceful Muslims in prison camps up in the northwest for reeducation as good communists. They execute about 2400 of their people annually, a lot of them for dissidence,” Charles said.


“They have islands in the South China Sea that they built for disruption of international trade. They are pushing the limits on super computing to hack us. They have space weapons that they have tested.”

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La pareja que bailaba entre cadáveres

El alcalde de Iguala y su esposa, buscados en México por la desaparición de 43 estudiantes, sembraron el terror bajo la sombra del narco. 

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