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The G-7 summit rotates among sites chosen by the seven member countries, as well as by the European Union. The last time it took place in the United States, in 2012, President Barack Obama held it at the government-owned retreat at Camp David in Maryland. Before that, President George W. Bush held it at the exclusive, isolated resort of Sea Island, Ga., in 2004.

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“El Boeing 777 de Malaysia Airlines que se estrelló hoy en el este de Ucrania con 295 personas a bordo fue derribado por un misil ucraniano que tenía por objetivo el avión del presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin”, según una fuente de la Aviación de Rusia citada por Interfax.

La fuente, que pidió el anonimato, dijo a la agencia de noticias rusa que existe la probabilidad de que el blanco de un misil ucraniano lanzado desde tierra o desde un caza podría haber sido el avión presidencial ruso.

“Puedo decir que el avión presidencial y el Boeing de Malaysia Airlines se cruzaron en el mismo punto y en el mismo corredor”

“Puedo decir que el avión presidencial y el Boeing de Malaysia Airlines se cruzaron en el mismo punto y en el mismo corredor. Esto sucedió cerca de Varsovia en el nivel de vuelo 330a, a una altitud de 10.100 metros. El avión presidencial estaba allí a las 16:21, hora local (12:21 GMT) y el avión de Malaysia Airlines a las 15:44 (11:44 GMT)”, precisó la fuente.

“El contorno de ambas aeronaves se parece, las dimensiones lineales también son muy similares y en cuanto al color del avión, a una distancia lo suficientemente grande, también es casi idéntica”, agregó la fuente. Tanto el Canal 1 como la televisión RT de Rusia se hicieron eco de esta información.

Más temprano, el presidente de Rusia, Vladimir Putin, habló con el estadounidense Barack Obama de la tragedia. Putin expresó sus más profundas condolencias al primer ministro malasio y le pidió que transmitiera su más hondo pesar a los familiares de las víctimas del siniestro.

El Boeing-777 de la compañía Malaysia Airlines, que cubría la ruta de Ámsterdam a Kuala Lumpur, se estrelló en la región oriental de Donetsk, escenario de combates entre las fuerzas gubernamentales de Ucrania y los rebeldes prorrusos. Nada más producirse el accidente, el gobierno de Kiev y los rebeldes prorrusos se acusaron mutuamente de haber derribado el aparato.

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Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares filed a motion with the Supreme Court of Virginia Thursday to dismiss a lawsuit aimed at blocking Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s executive order ending mask mandates in schools.

In a statement, Miyares said he moves to dismiss the petition to restore parents’ authority to make “the best decision for their children.”

“Tonight, we asked the Supreme Court of Virginia to protect the fundamental rights of parents to direct the upbringing, care, and education of their children,” Miyares said. “Governor Youngkin had every power to issue the executive order, and with our filing, we again affirm that parents matter.”

A group of 13 parents with children in Chesapeake Public Schools sued Youngkin and members of his administration Tuesday, arguing that the executive order violates state law.

Last year, the Virginia General Assembly passed a law stating that school systems must “offer and prioritize in-person instruction,” while adhering to “mitigation procedures, like mask-wearing, to the extent practicable as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control.”

“Petitioners have no adequate remedy at law and no time to spare. They and their children are likely to suffer irreparable harm and damage if this Court declines to grant immediate relief,” the parents wrote in their petition.

A number of other Virginia school systems, such as Fairfax, Arlington and Alexandria have already stated their intent to keep mask mandates in place in their schools. Spotsylvania and Culpeper school systems chose to make masks optional starting Monday, when the executive order takes effect. Recently, the Stafford County school board voted to keep its mask mandate with no option of opting out after a 5-2 vote.

The Associated Press contributed to this story. 

More Coronavirus News

Looking for more information? D.C., Maryland and Virginia are each releasing more data every day. Visit their official sites here: Virginia | Maryland | D.C.

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The department said it has not opened investigations in Florida, Texas, Arkansas, or Arizona because those states’ bans on universal indoor masking are not being enforced in schools due to litigation or other state action. The office would continue to closely monitor those states, officials said.

On Friday, a Florida court rejected an effort by Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, and other state officials to prevent mask mandates in schools.

Earlier this month, President Biden announced he had directed his Education Secretary Miguel Cardona to use the agency’s broad power to intervene in states where governors have blocked mask mandates. “We are not going to sit by as governors try to block and intimidate educators protecting our children,” he said.

Dr. Cardona has said he was particularly perturbed by prohibitions in places where the Delta variant of the coronavirus has sent cases surging. He said that he has heard from desperate parents who fear sending their immunocompromised and medically vulnerable children into schools that do not have universal masking. This month, parents of young children with disabilities sued Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas, a Republican, over his ban on mask mandates in public schools, arguing that his order prevented their medically at-risk children from being able to attend school safely.

“The department has heard from parents from across the country — particularly parents of students with disabilities and with underlying medical conditions — about how state bans on universal indoor masking are putting their children at risk and preventing them from accessing in-person learning equally,” Dr. Cardona said in a statement announcing the investigations.

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Ariana Grande arrancó “The Honeymoon Tour” ayer (25 de febrero) en Kansas y dio una gran sorpresa a sus fans.


La cantante presentó un nuevo tema donde tiene la colaboración de Cashemere Cat. Tiene una vibra electrónica y puede llegar a ser un futuro hit.

Grande y el Dj habían anunciado la colaboración en enero, así que seguro la versión final y oficial llega pronto.


Esta sería la segunda vez que Ariana y Cashmere Cat trabajan juntos. Antes el Dj participó en el tema “Be My Baby” de “My Everything”. Además, ha sido uno de los productores de “Wolves” de Kanye West.

Escucha lo mejor de la música actual en inglés en tu Planeta.

Fuente: Idolator
Foto: Ariana Grande Facebook
Video: Carlos Vega

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The parents charged in the murder of their 5-year-old son, Andrew “AJ” Freund, allegedly forced the little boy to stay in a cold shower “for an extended period of time” and may have “struck” him, according to court documents.

AJ’s parents, Andrew “Drew” Freund Sr. and JoAnn Cunningham, have been charged with his murder, police said.

Crystal Lake Police
Andrew Freund Sr. in a police booking photo.
Crystal Lake Police
JoAnn Cunningham in a police booking photo.

AJ, of Crystal Lake, Illinois, was reported missing on April 18, prompting a massive, week-long search. The deadly assault occurred on or about April 15, according to court documents.

AJ’s parents ultimately provided information that led investigators to a body believed to be that of the little boy, Crystal Lake Police Chief Jim Black said at a news conference on Wednesday.

Crystal Lake Police Department via AP
This undated photo provided by the Crystal Lake, Ill., Police Department shows Andrew “AJ” Freund.

AJ’s body was found on Wednesday in a shallow grave, wrapped in plastic, in a rural area near Woodstock, Illinois, Black said.

His cause of death is unclear.

Scott Olson/Getty Images
Mourners gather for a vigil outside the home of five-year-old Andrew “A.J.” Freund on April 24, 2019 in Crystal Lake, Ill.

Cunningham, 35, was charged with five counts of first-degree murder; four counts of aggravated battery; two counts of aggravated domestic battery; and one count of failure to report a missing or child death.

Freund, 60, was charged with five counts of first-degree murder; two counts of aggravated battery; one count of aggravated domestic battery; two counts of concealment of homicidal death; and one count of failure to report a missing or child death.

Both are due to be arraigned on Monday.

John Starks/Daily Herald via AP
In this Wednesday, April 24, 2019 photo, community members in Crystal lake, Ill. hold a vigil in memory of 5-year-old Andrew “AJ” Freund.
John Starks/Daily Herald via AP
In this Wednesday, April 24, 2019 photo, community members in Crystal lake, Ill., hold a vigil in memory of 5-year-old Andrew “AJ” Freund.

During the search for AJ, his younger brother was placed in a different home under a Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) safety plan, a DCFS spokesman told ABC News earlier this week.

DCFS has been in contact with AJ’s family since AJ was born with opiates in his system in October 2013, DCFS officials said.

In November 2013, AJ was taken into protective custody and placed in foster care, DCFS officials said. AJ was returned to his home in June 2015, according to the agency.

In March 2018, DCFS officials investigated allegations of neglect by AJ’s parents; the allegations were unfounded, according to DCFS.

The last contact between DCFS and the family was in December 2018, after Cunningham called the cops to report that AJ’s father stole her cellphone and medication. Responding officers found a bruise on one of the children, but were “unable to make a determination of abuse,” and released the kids back to the parents, according to police reports. Child protection staffers investigated the allegations of abuse and neglect, but the allegations were unfounded, a DCFS spokesman said.

The news of AJ’s death is “heartbreaking,” Marc Smith, acting director of Illinois DCFS, said in a statement Wednesday.

“Our priority is the care and safety of Andrew’s younger sibling,” Smith said. “The Department is committed to conducting a comprehensive review of the entirety of our work with Andrew’s family to understand our shortcomings and to be fully transparent with the public on any steps we are taking to address the issues.”

ABC News’ Whitney Lloyd contributed to this report.

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São Paulo – Growth in Brazil and the countries in the Middle East and North Africa is expected to slow down this year, according to forecasts released this Tuesday (21) by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). According to the institution, the Brazilian Gross Domestic Product (GDP) should increase by 2.3% this year, 0.2% less than what had been predicted last October, when the World Economic Outlook was published, and which has now been updated.

In the revised edition of the document, the institution also stated that the Arab countries are expected to grow less: from the 3.6% estimated in October to 3.3% in the most recent calculations. The IMF believes that the Brazilian GDP will also grow less in 2015. From 3.2% forecasted in October to 2.8% in the latest estimate. The Arab countries, which had been forecasted an increase by 4.1% in the previous estimate are now being forecasted 4.8% in 2015, therefore an increase in forecasts in this case.

The revised IMF calculations, however, indicate greater growth than expected for the world economy and the developed countries. The global GDP is expected to increase by 3.7% this year, 0.1% more than the October calculations. For 2015, the 3.9% growth estimate was maintained. The United States economy is expected to grow 2.8% in 2014, whereas the previous forecast indicated an increase by 2.6%. For 2015, however, the country is expected to increase by 2.6% and not 3%, as was previously estimated. The Euro Zone GDP is expected to grow by 1% this year and 1.4% in 2015, against the previous forecasts of 0.9% and 1.3%, respectively, made in October.

In an announcement released this Tuesday, the IMF chief economist, Olivier Blanchard, stated that global recovery is stronger, and that it “was largely anticipated”, despite still being mild and uneven. He observes that growth is stronger in the United States than in Europe and more consistent in parts of the Euro Zone than in some countries in the south of the European continent. Furthermore, stated Blanchard, unemployment is still high and the risks of deceleration persist.

“The basic reason behind the stronger recovery is that the brakes to the recovery are progressively being loosened. The drag from fiscal consolidation is diminishing. The financial system is slowly healing. Uncertainty is decreasing,” stated Blanchard in the announcement.

At a press conference, Blanchard spoke specifically about Brazil. He observed that public investment in infrastructure was insufficient to drive the economy, and that the country, much like other emerging nations, depends on the demand from developed countries, forecasting that the Brazilian economic performance will probably not be noteworthy with the low commodity prices.

The growth forecast for emerging countries this year is of 5.1% and 5.4% in 2014, due above all to the acceleration of the Chinese economy. The IMF expects the Asian country’s GDP to grow by 7.8% this year and 7.5% next year due to investments in infrastructure. As for the countries in the Middle East and North Africa, the IMF report explains that the lower growth forecasts in 2014 and 2015 mainly reflect the expectations of a slow recovery of oil production in Libya, because of the uprisings that affected production in some of the country’s fields in 2013.

Despite the challenges, Blanchard stated that the IMF forecasts a “strong” growth for the emerging economies in 2014 and 2015, although not as strong as before. “On the one hand, these countries will benefit from higher advanced growth in advanced economies. On the other, as US monetary policy normalizes, they will face tighter financial conditions,” he said.

*Translated by Silvia Lindsey

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Halle Berry ya no puede más con el pago de manutención que hace a su expareja y padre de su hija Nahla, Gabriel Aubry. Por lo que ha pedido ante la corte reducir de 16,000 a 3,800 dólares mensuales, según reportes oficiales obtenidos por TMZ.

Halle alega que el modelo se aprovecha del dinero para no trabajar y darse una vida llena de lujos y comodidades.

Por otra parte, Gabriel asegura que desde la pelea que tuvo en 2012 con el ahora esposo de la actriz, Olivier Martínez, en la que terminó con tremendos golpes en el rostro, no ha logrado conseguir trabajo por las marcas que le quedaron.

Según el portal de noticias de Univisión, el sitio TMZ publicó documentos legales expuestos por los abogados de la actriz en donde se revelan los gastos que hace Gabriel Aubry: 740 dólares al mes para gimnasio. Además 940 dólares al mes en ropa y para su hija Nahla 675. Asimismo 700 al mes para su seguro de salud.

Se le suma 1,975 dólares al mes en gastos de automóvil y  1,100 al mes en los muebles y la electrónica.

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President Biden said Tuesday he is considering requiring all federal employees to be vaccinated and questioned the intelligence of those who have yet to do so. 

“Will you require all federal employees to get vaccinated?” Biden was asked by a reporter after he spoke to members of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

“That’s under consideration right now, but if you’re not vaccinated you’re not nearly as smart as I thought you were,” Biden replied, adding, “We have a pandemic because of the unvaccinated, and they’re sowing enormous confusion.”


The Biden administration had previously opposed federal agencies requiring employees to be vaccinated and said last week that White House staff is not being forced to take the vaccine. 

During his speech to members of the intelligence community, Biden praised the team for their important work while warning of the threats posed by China and Russia, particularly the threat of cyberattacks.


“If we end up in a war, a real shooting war, with a major power, it’s going to be as a consequence of a cyber breach,” Biden said.

Biden had strong words for Russian President Vladimir Putin and said he “knows he’s in real trouble” economically. 


Biden also told the room that Putin is aware that the United States has a better national security team than he does and it “bothers the hell out of him.”

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  • Biden has reportedly made a major concession to drop a corporate tax hike in infrastructure talks with Republicans.
  • Instead, he’d put in place a 15% minimum corporate tax.
  • Republicans have barely budged in the negotiations so far. They’re schedule to speak again Friday.
  • See more stories on Insider’s business page.

In a big concession to the GOP, President Joe Biden offered to drop his proposed rollback of the 2017 GOP tax law and impose a 15% minimum tax rate on large firms instead as part of a bipartisan infrastructure package. He also cut the amount of spending he wants to $1 trillion in the talks.

It was first reported by The Washington Post, and a senior administration official later confirmed it.

“This should be completely acceptable to Republicans,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said at a Thursday press conference.

The move comes as the president continues a fourth week of negotiations with the GOP, who have ruled out any alterations to their Republican tax cuts. Biden had proposed raising the corporate rate from to 28% from its current level of 21% enacted under President Donald Trump’s tax law.

Instead, Biden put forward a 15% minimum corporate tax as a possible solution, a levy that would be squarely aimed at corporations paying little to no taxes. The president has previously cited a report from the left-leaning Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy indicating 55 major American companies paid nothing in federal income taxes in the past year.

The White House did not respond to a request for comment.

The move represents a sharp break from Biden’s previous fiery rhetoric on the need for increased corporate taxes. Still, some centrist Democrats like Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia are pushing for a rate closer to 25%, rather than 28%. Biden wants to offset his proposed infrastructure spending with tax hikes on corporations and the country’s highest-earners. 

Republicans last week led by Sen. Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia pitched an infrastructure plan with only a modest amount of new spending above what Congress has already approved. Both parties are clashing over the size and scale of the package, along with how to pay for it.

Republicans are seeking to finance their spending with coronavirus relief money, which many Democrats are rejecting.

It also comes amidst a push by the US to enact a global minimum corporate tax rate, which would seek to standardize taxes for multinational companies and prevent them from fleeing to countries with lower levies. The latest figure reported for that rate is also 15%, not the expected 21%.

That provision is already encountering early resistance from Republicans.” I don’t think that’s gonna appeal to members of my party, and I think it’ll be a hard sell to the Democrats,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Thursday in Kentucky.

The White House also wants to step up tax enforcement on corporations and high-earners.

“It’s just not fair. It’s not fair to the rest of the American taxpayers,” Biden previously said in a speech defending the corporate tax rate increase. “We’re going to try to put an end to this. Not fleece them — 28%. If you’re a mom, a dad, a cop, firefighter, police officer, etc., you’re paying close to that in your income tax.”

Capito and Biden are scheduled to speak again on Friday.

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Decapitaciones, crucifixiones, masacres, entierro de víctimas vivas y limpieza étnica y religiosa. Estado Islámico (EI) se ha convertido en sinónimo de brutalidad.

Pese a que la crueldad le pueda parecer un sinsentido a la mayor parte de los seres humanos civilizados, para EI es una elección racional. Es una decisión consciente para atemorizar a los enemigos e impresionar a nuevos reclutas.

EI sigue una doctrina de guerra total, que no acepta arbitrajes o compromisos en lo que se refiere a arreglar disputas incluso con rivales islamistas sunitas.

Al contrario que la organización al Qaeda, con la que estaba emparentada originalmente, EI no intenta escudarse en la teología para justificar sus crímenes.

La violencia tiene su origen en lo que puede ser identificado como dos oleadas previas, aunque la escala y la intensidad de la brutalidad de EI excede cualquiera de las dos.

Para EI, el uso de métodos brutales es una elección racional.

La primera, encabezada por los discípulos de Sayyid Qutb, un islamista radical egipcio visto como el teórico principal del yihadismo moderno, se enfocaba en los régimenes árabes prooccidentales o lo que llamaba el “enemigo cercano” y, por lo general, mostraba más templanza en el uso de la violencia política.

Esta insurgencia islamista que surgió con el magnicidio del presidente egipcio Anwar Sadat en 1980, se disipó a fines de la década de 1990.

Para entonces, ya se había cobrado unas 2.000 vidas y había visto partir a un amplio número de militantes hacia Afganistán para combatir a un nuevo enemigo global, la Unión Soviética.


Lea también: Cómo Occidente subestimó a Estado Islámico

“Máquina de matar”

El enfrentamiento de la Yihad afgana contra los soviéticos dio lugar al nacimiento de una segunda oleada enfocada específicamente en el “enemigo lejano”: Estados Unidos o, en una menor medida, Europa.

El movimiento estaba encabezado por un adinerado saudita convertido a revolucionario: Osama Bin Laden.

Se cree que cientos de yihadistas se han sumado a las filas de EI en las últimas semanas.

Bin Laden hizo grandes esfuerzos para racionalizar los ataques de al Qaeda del 11 de septiembre de 2001 en Estados Unidos, al calificarlos de “yihad defensiva” o represalia contra la percepción de dominación estadounidense por parte de las sociedades musulmanas.

Consciente de la importancia de ganar corazones y mentes, Bin Laden vendió el mensaje a los musulmanes -e incluso a los estadounidenses- de que fue un acto de autodefensa y no una agresión.

Sin embargo,este tipo de justificaciones no tienen ningún peso con el líder de EI, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, a quien no le puede importar menos lo que el mundo piense del derramamiento de sangre llevado a cabo por su grupo.

De hecho, él y sus compañeros se deleitan con la visualización de la barbarie y con la impresión que dan de salvajes.

A diferencia de las dos primeras oleadas, EI destaca la acción violenta sobre la teología y la teoría, y no ha producido ningún repertorio de ideas para mantener y nutrir su base social. Es una máquina de matar propulsada por sangre.

Más allá de la doctrina de Bin Laden de que “cuando la gente ve un caballo fuerte y un caballo débil, por naturaleza les gustará el caballo fuerte”, la estrategia de al Baghdadi de “la victoria a través del terrorismo” da la señal a amigos y enemigos de que EI es un caballo ganador. Sería el equivalente a decir: salga del camino o le aplastamos; únase a nuestra caravana y haga historia.

Cada vez hay más evidencias que muestran que, en los últimos meses, cientos si no miles de islamistas acérrimos antiguos enemigos de EI, como el Frente al Nusra y el Frente Islámico, respondieron al llamado de al Baghdadi.


Lea también: Siete preguntas para entender qué es EI y cómo surgió

“Conmoción y pavor”

Una sofisticada de campaña de EI hace un llamamiento a los jóvenes sunitas descontentos y desengañados de todo el mundo, ya que se presenta como un poderoso movimiento a la vanguardia que ofrece la victoria y la salvación.

Lejos de aborrecer la brutalidad del grupo, los jóvenes reclutas se sienten atraídos por sus tácticas de conmoción y pavor contra los enemigos del Islam.

La idea de un nuevo califato atrae a muchos jóvenes.

Sus hazañas en el campo de batalla, especialmente su avance en enormes extensiones de territorio en Siria e Irak, y el establecimiento de un califato, resuenan aquí y allá.

El éxito y los últimos avances militares de EI han generado un aumento en los reclutamientos.

Musulmanes de países occidentales se suman a las filas de EI y otros grupos extremistas porque se sienten parte de una gran misión para resucitar un idealizado califato perdido y ser parte de una comunidad unida con una potente identidad.


Lea también: ¿Cómo llega un joven occidental a convertirse en yihadista?

Inicialmente, muchos jóvenes de Londres, Berlín, París y de otras partes emigran a las tierras de la yihad para defender a quienes comparten su religión y son perseguidos, pero acaban en las garras de EI, haciendo las mismas acciones brutales como la decapitación de civiles inocentes.

Los orígenes de lo que mueve el extremismo desenfrenado de EI puede remontarse a al Qaeda en Irak, que estaba liderado por Abu Musab al Zarqawi, quien murió a manos de estadounidenses en 2006.

No tan diferente de su predecesor, EI se alimenta de una dieta antichiíta y de un odio visceral a las minorías en general, que se retrata a sí mismo como la punta de lanza de los árabes sunitas en la lucha contra los regímenes sectarios de Bagdad y Damasco.

Al Zarqawi y Al Baghdadi ven a los chiítas como infieles, una quinta columna en el corazón del Islam que debe ser aniquilada desde una visión del mundo genocida.

Siguiendo los pasos de al Zarqawi, al Baghdadi ignoró las súplicas reiteradas de su mentor, Ayman al Zawahiri, jefe de al Qaeda, y de otros líderes militantes para evitar la matanza indiscriminada de chíitas y, por el contrario, atacó a los régimenes dominados por chíitas y alauitas de Irak y Siria.

¿Miras a EE.UU.?

Al explotar la profundización del distanciamiento entre chíitas y sunitas en Irak y la guerra civil sectaria en Siria, al Baghdadi construyó una base potente de apoyo entre los rebeldes sunitas y ha mezclado a su grupo con las comunidades locales.

También reestructuró su red militar y nombró a oficiales experimentados del desmembrado ejército de Sadam Hussein que convirtieron a EI en una fuerza de combate sectaria profesional.

El líder de EI amenazó con matar a las tropas estadounidenses que vayan a Irak.

EI se ha centrado hasta ahora en los chíitas y no en el “enemigo lejano”. La lucha contra Estados Unidos y Europa es distante y no una prioridad; tendrá que esperar a la liberación doméstica.

Durante los bombardeos israelíes en Gaza del pasado agosto, los militantes criticaron en las redes sociales a EI por matar a musulmanes mientras no hacían nada para ayudar a los palestinos.

EI replicó al decir que la lucha contra los chíitas era prioritaria sobre cualquier otra cosa.

Ahora que EE.UU. y Europa se han unido en su lucha contra EI, el grupo tendrá que usar todas sus fuerzas en retaliar, incluyendo más decapitaciones a rehenes. Hay también una creciente probabilidad de que ataque objetivos diplomáticos vulnerables en Medio Oriente.

Pese a que pueda querer llevar a cabo una operación espectacular en suelo continental estadounidense o europeo, es dudoso que EI tenga actualmente la capacidad de llevar a cabo ataques complejos como el 11S.

Hace unos meses, en respuesta a conversaciones entre sus seguidores, al Baghdadi reconoció que su organización no estaba preparada para atacar a los estadounidenses en su propia casa.

Sin embargo, dijo que deseaba que EE.UU. desplegase tropas en su territorio para que EI pudiera confrontar directamente a los estadounidenses y matarlos.

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Prominent Democrats lined up to hammer Attorney General Bill Barr for testifying Wednesday that federal authorities had spied on the Trump campaign in 2016, with one top House Democrat charging that Barr is not acting “in the best interest of the DOJ or the country.”

“I think spying did occur,” Barr said during the explosive hearing before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee. “The question is whether it was adequately predicated. …Spying on a political campaign is a big deal.”

Barr later clarified in the hearing: “I am not saying that improper surveillance occurred; I’m saying that I am concerned about it and looking into it, that’s all.”

Despite mounting evidence that the FBI pursued an array of efforts to gather intelligence from within the Trump campaign — and the fact that the FBI successfully pursued warrants to surveil a former Trump aide in 2016 — House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., told Fox News that Barr’s loyalties were compromised.


“He is acting as an employee of the president,” Hoyer said. “I believe the Attorney General believes he needs to protect the president of the United States.”

Added House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., in an interview with the Associated Press: “I don’t trust Barr, I trust Mueller.” And Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., accused Barr on Twitter of “peddling conspiracy theories.”

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., added in a statement that Barr “should not casually suggest that those under his purview engaged in ‘spying’ on a political campaign.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., walks to a Democratic Caucus meeting at the Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, March 26, 2019. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

“This type of partisan talking point may please Donald Trump, who rails against a ‘deep state coup,'” Schiff said, “but it also strikes another destructive blow to our democratic institutions. The hardworking men and women at the DOJ and FBI deserve better.”

Barr’s comments, and the ensuing semantic hullabaloo, followed a new report that the Justice Department’s internal watchdog is scrutinizing the role of an FBI informant who contacted members of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, as part of a broader review of the early stages of the Russia investigation.

The New York Times reported that Justice Department Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz is looking into informant Stefan Halper’s work during the Russia probe, as well as his work with the FBI prior to the start of that probe.


Trump, for his part, has vowed to release surveillance warrant applications used to monitor his former aide, Carter Page, beginning in October 2016. The FBI’s partisan sources in those applications have come under scrutiny, and FBI text messages obtained by Fox News show high-level concerns at the DOJ as to the credibility of sources presented to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court.

Page was never charged with any wrongdoing.

A separate DOJ IG investigation into potential FISA abuses by the FBI, which is expected to look at whether the bureau improperly presented misleading sources or withheld exculpatory information in its presentations to the FISA court, is ongoing. Barr said that review is likely to be completed by May or June.

In particular, the FBI assured the FISA court on numerous occasions — in the October 2016 warrant application and in subsequent renewals — that other sources, including a Yahoo News article, independently corroborated Steele’s claims, without evidence to back it up. It later emerged that Steele was also the source of the Yahoo News article, written by reporter Michael Isikoff.

The FBI also quoted directly from a disputed Washington Post opinion piece to argue that Trump’s views on providing lethal arms to Ukraine, and working toward better relations with Russia, was a possible indicator that the campaign had been compromised.

Trump’s policy on Ukraine weapons at the time mirrored then-President Obama’s policy, and the FBI did not present an independent assessment of the accuracy of the Post piece in its warrant application.


Still, Schiff and Hoyer were joined by other Democrats who pushed back against Barr’s comments.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., for example, told Fox News that Barr’s vow to probe the FBI’s 2016 counterintelligence probe amounted to nothing more than “Republican conspiracy theory nonsense.”

He also characterized Barr’s statements as an “effort to divert attention” from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s full report, which Barr said will be released within a week. Mueller’s investigation ended last month without securing the indictment of a single American for collusion with Russia or obstruction of justice, “despite multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign.”

In a tweet late Wednesday, Trump personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani condemned Nadler’s “diarrhea of the mouth,” and referenced a report last year that Nadler was overheard on a train discussing his plans to impeach the president.

“His lack of judiciousness was evident when he was overheard on Amtrak prematurely planning impeachment,” Giuliani wrote.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jerrold Nadler D-NY, speaks during a House Judiciary Committee debate to subpoena Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, Feb. 7, 2019. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

Halper, an American professor who reportedly is deeply connected with British and American intelligence agencies, has been widely reported as a confidential source for the FBI during the bureau’s original investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. That official counterintelligence operation was opened by then-senior agent Peter Strzok, who has since been fired from the bureau.

During the 2016 campaign, Halper contacted several members of the Trump campaign, including Page and former foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos.

“It was an illegal investigation. … Everything about it was crooked,” Trump told reporters on Wednesday, describing it as an attempted “coup” and reiterating his interest in digging into the probe’s origins. “There is a hunger for that to happen.”

Also on Tuesday, Fox News reported that a source said Barr had assembled a “team” to investigate the origins of the bureau’s counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign.

On Wednesday, Barr testified that he hasn’t technically “set up a team” but has colleagues helping him as he reviews the case.

“I think spying did occur.”

— Attorney General Bill Barr

“This is not launching an investigation of the FBI,” he stressed. “Frankly, to the extent there were issues at the FBI, I do not view it as a problem of the FBI. I think it was probably a failure of the group of leaders—the upper echelons of the FBI. I think the FBI is an outstanding organization and I am very pleased Director Chris Wray is there.”

He added, “If it becomes necessary to look over former officials, I expect to rely on Chris and work with him. I have an obligation to make sure government power is not abused and I think that’s one of the principal roles of the attorney general.”


The FBI’s 2016 counterintelligence investigation, formally opened by Strzok, began with a “paucity” of evidence, according to former FBI counsel Lisa Page, with whom Strzok was romantically involved.

During a closed-door congressional interview, Page admitted that the FBI “knew so little” about whether allegations against the Trump campaign were “true or not true” at the time they opened the probe, adding that they had just “a paucity of evidence because we [were] just starting down the path” of vetting allegations.

Former FBI Director James Comey would testify later that when the agency initiated its counterintelligence probe into possible collusion between Trump campaign officials and the Russian government, investigators “didn’t know whether we had anything” and that “in fact, when I was fired as director [in May 2017], I still didn’t know whether there was anything to it.”

Fox News’ Chad Pergram contributed to this report.

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“We measure poverty annually, when the reality of poverty is faced on a day-to-day-to-day basis,” said Hilary Hoynes, an economist at the University of California, Berkeley, who has studied the government’s response to the pandemic.

By the government’s official definition, the number of people living in poverty jumped by 3.3 million in 2020, to 37.2 million, among the biggest annual increases on record. But economists have long criticized that definition, which dates back to the 1960s, and said it did a particularly poor job of reflecting reality last year.

The official measure ignores the impact of many government programs, such as food and housing assistance and tax credits. This year it also ignored the direct checks sent to households, which were officially considered tax rebates. In recent years, the Census Bureau has produced an alternative poverty rate, known as the Supplemental Poverty Measure, which includes those programs and also factors in regional differences in housing costs, medical expenses and other costs not captured in the official measure. Normally, the supplemental measure is higher than the official measure; 2020 was the first year in which the supplemental measure was lower.

Many of the programs that helped people avert poverty last year have expired, even as the pandemic continues. An estimated 7.5 million people lost unemployment benefits this month after Congress allowed pandemic-era expansions of the program to lapse.

The new data could feed into efforts by President Biden and congressional leaders to enact a more lasting expansion of the safety net. Democrats’ $3.5 trillion plan, which is still taking shape, could include paid family and medical leave, government-supported child care and a permanent expansion of the Child Tax Credit. Liberals said the success of relief programs last year showed that such policies ought to be continued and expanded.

“The key thing is that we see the extremely powerful anti-poverty and pro-middle class income impacts of the government response,” said Jared Bernstein, a member of the White House Council of Economic Advisers. He argued that the success should encourage lawmakers to enact Mr. Biden’s longer-term agenda for the economy.

“It’s one thing to temporarily lift people out of poverty — hugely important — but you can’t stop there,” Mr. Bernstein said. “We have to make sure that people don’t fall back into poverty after these temporary measures abate.”

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El gobierno venezolano enfrenta reclamos de países de la región por deudas y dinero retenido a empresas.

En Uruguay, productores de leche protestan por pagos atrasados de Venezuela que consideran vitales. En Brasil, la aerolínea Gol suspende vuelos a Caracas por una disputa millonaria. Y en Panamá, un ministro envía cartas a su par venezolano sobre deudas con empresas de su país.

A medida que la crisis económica y la falta de divisas se agravan en Venezuela, los reclamos de compañías latinoamericanas por pagos pendientes o dinero bloqueado en Caracas se han vuelto cada vez más frecuentes.

El monto en juego asciende a cientos de millones de dólares y pasó a ser un asunto de gobierno en países de la región que hasta hace poco tenían un comercio floreciente con Venezuela.

El problema supone un desafío creciente para las relaciones del gobierno de Nicolás Maduro con sus vecinos, mientras que las empresas involucradas ya no sólo se preguntan cuándo cobrarán, sino cómo.

Cuestión de confianza

Las deudas de Venezuela tan sólo con compañías de Brasil es posible que sumen más de US$1.000 millones, dijo a BBC Mundo Fernando Portela, director ejecutivo de la Cámara de comercio e industria venezolano-brasileña (Cavenbra).

Agregó que varias empresas, sobre todo pequeñas y familiares, han resuelto suspender sus exportaciones a Venezuela mientras sigan sin cobrar.

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Los presidentes Nicolas Maduro y Dilma Rousseff se definen como aliados, pero el comercio entre Venezuela y Brasil ha caído.

Brasil es un socio comercial clave para Venezuela, pero el intercambio bilateral se derrumbó casi 40% desde 2013, cuando ascendía a US$6.000 millones, hasta el año pasado, que fue de US$3.700 millones.

Durante una visita a Brasilia el 29 de enero, la canciller venezolana, Delcy Rodríguez, solicitó aumentar las ventas e inversiones brasileñas en su país, que enfrenta serios problemas de desabastecimiento.

Sin embargo, el gobierno de Rousseff respondió que es necesario resolver el problema de las deudas con empresas brasileñas para ganar confianza y estimular inversiones, informaron medios locales.

Unos días más tarde, la aerolínea brasileña Gol anunció que suspendía sus operaciones en Caracas “hasta que la cuestión de la remesa de los recursos de la compañía en el país sea resuelta”.

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La aerolínea Gol ha intentado sin éxito repatriar a Brasil fondos obtenidos en Venezuela.

La suma en cuestión equivale a unos US$88 millones que Gol intenta desde hace meses repatriar a Brasil negociando con el gobierno de Maduro, informó el diario Folha de Sao Paulo.

El problema radica en el estricto control cambiario que hay en Venezuela, donde las aerolíneas deben aguardar a que el gobierno les habilite a convertir los ingresos a dólares.

Se trata de un mecanismo que afecta varias empresas: la Asociación Internacional del Transporte Aéreo (IATA, por sus siglas en inglés) calcula que las aerolíneas tienen US$3.900 millones retenidos en Venezuela.

Para dejar de seguir acumulando más bolívares que no se pueden convertir en dólares, las aerolíneas internacionales hace meses que hicieron virtualmente imposible comprar un billete si no es pagando en la divisa estadounidense.

Cartas y dudas

Otra compañía de aviación que ha señalado dificultades para recuperar fondos desde Venezuela es la panameña Copa.

Estos recursos y las deudas que empresas venezolanas tienen con la Zona Libre de Colón, una zona franca en la costa caribeña junto al Canal de Panamá, también suman cientos de millones de dólares según cálculos citados recientemente por medios de este país.

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La escasez de productos básicos se ha vuelto un problema para Venezuela, golpeada por la falta de divisas.

El ministro panameño de Economía, Dulcidio de la Guardia, envió en la primera semana de febrero una carta al flamante ministro venezolano de Finanzas, Rodolfo Medina, reclamando negociar el pago de ese dinero.

“La carta enviada (…) al ministro que tomó posesión recientemente es similar a la que fue enviada al ministro anterior en 2015”, se limitó a declarar De la Guardia a BBC Mundo.

Sin embargo, su cartera indicó que hasta el fin de semana pasado el planteo seguía sin ser contestado.

BBC Mundo consultó al gobierno venezolano sobre su opinión ante los reclamos de pagos atrasados a empresas latinoamericanas, pero no tuvo una respuesta hasta que este artículo fue publicado.

Estas preocupaciones regionales surgen cuando diversos economistas dudan de la capacidad de Venezuela para honrar sus compromisos de deuda externa en general.

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Pese a la reciente crisis en su frontera con Venezuela, Bogotá expresó satisfacción en noviembre porque Caracas autorizó pagar parte de la deuda con empresas colombianas.

El gobierno de Maduro ha insistido en que el país podrá pagar los vencimientos de bonos por cerca de US$10.000 millones que enfrenta este año, aunque eso supone todo un desafío ante la caída del precio del petróleo y de las reservas internacionales del país.

En algunos casos, Venezuela ha mostrado voluntad de saldar parte de las deudas con sus vecinos.

En noviembre autorizó el pago de US$336,2 millones a exportadores de Colombia, cuyo gobierno expresó en un comunicado que veía de forma “satisfactoria” el cumplimiento de acuerdos alcanzados.

El desembolso atendió sobre todo reclamos de aerolíneas y compañías farmacéuticas, de un total de US$800 millones que estaban pendientes de pago a empresas colombianas.

“La plata nunca viene”

Pero en otros casos es posible notar cierta frustración ante la deuda venezolana.

Uno de los países de la región donde este tema se volvió sensible es Uruguay, al punto que el expresidente José Mujica y miembros del actual gobierno discuten cómo resolverlo.

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José Mujica: el expresidente uruguayo se ha involucrado en la búsqueda de una salida a la deuda de Venezuela con productores de leche de su país.

Productores lecheros de ese país reclaman el cobro pendiente de exportaciones de lácteos a Venezuela, realizadas mediante un acuerdo bilateral a cambio de que Uruguay cancelara deudas petroleras con Caracas.

Rodolfo Braga, presidente de la Asociación de Productores Lecheros de Uruguay, dijo que la deuda de Venezuela llega a unos US$90 millones y que, en un contexto de crisis por la caída de precios internacionales de la leche, ese dinero es vital para más de 2.000 establecimientos del país.

“La mitad de los productores (de leche de Uruguay) dependen fuertemente de este negocio”, señaló Braga a BBC Mundo. Algunos de esos productores participaron el mes pasado de una protesta con cortes de rutas, reclamando el dinero atrasado.

El expresidente Mujica, un viejo aliado de Maduro, sugirió que el Estado uruguayo les adelante el pago y gestione el cobro con Venezuela, pero en el gobierno de su sucesor, Tabaré Vázquez, surgieron dudas al respecto.

Un asesor del ministerio de Economía sostuvo que los productores “sabían el riesgo que asumían cuando decidieron venderle a Venezuela y el canciller uruguayo reconoció dificultades en los contactos con Caracas.

“La respuesta que recibimos es que la plata viene hoy, que viene mañana, y la plata nunca viene”, declaró recientemente el canciller Rodolfo Nin Novoa según la Agencia EFE. “(Uruguay) pagó lo que debía, pero Venezuela no ha pagado lo que nos debe”.

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