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Autoridades capitalinas alertaron sobre el cierre de calles debido a la realización de eventos deportivos y religiosos, principalmente en Paseo de la Reforma, por lo que sugirieron a los automovilistas tomar sus precauciones.
La Secretaría de Seguridad Pública capitalina reportó en su cuenta de Twitter @OVIALCDMX que se realiza evento deportivo sobre Paseo de la Reforma, entre Anillo Periférico y la glorieta de la Diana Cazadora.
Por ello la dependencia del gobierno capitalino sugirió utilizar como alternativa vial las avenidas Constituyentes, Circuito Interior, Presidente Masaryk y Ejército Nacional.
Este domingo también se lleva a cabo el Ciclotón Familiar sobre Reforma y diversas vialidades de la capital del país como Fray Servando Teresa de Mier, Viaducto Río de la Piedad, Circuito Interior y Patriotismo, entre otras.
Como cada 28 de mes, en la zona centro de la ciudad, en el cruce de Reforma y avenida Hidalgo, devotos de San Judas Tadeo arriban a la iglesia de San Hipólito, por lo que se realizan cortes a la circulación vehicular.
Trasladan a Mireles a hospital de la CDMX por problemas cardiacos
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Según el Art. 60 de la Ley Orgánica de Comunicación, los contenidos se identifican y clasifican en:
(I), informativos; (O), de opinión; (F), formativos/educativos/culturales; (E), entretenimiento; y (D), deportivos.
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Las fuerzas armadas rusas comenzaron un enorme ejercicio militar con cerca de 250 aviones y 12.000 efectivos, indicó el Ministerio de Defensa de ese país.
El ministerio describió las maniobras de cuatro días como “una masiva inspección sorpresa”, para revisar la preparación para combate.
Las pruebas comenzaron el mismo día en que la OTAN y algunos de sus países miembros también iniciaron un ejercicio de entrenamiento en el Ártico.
Lea: Cómo Rusia quiere dominar el Ártico
Las acciones de Rusia en Ucrania, y sus incursiones en el espacio aéreo occidental, han llevado a un incremento de tensiones con Occidente.
Según informes de las agencias de noticias rusas Interfax y Tass, la inspección del grupo de aviación y fuerzas de defensa aérea en el distrito militar central involucra casi 700 armas y piezas de equipo militar.
Durante el ejercicio, se espera que los aviones de largo alcance de Rusia lleven a cabo disparos con misiles de crucero contra blancos de práctica en la república de Komi.
La corresponsal de la BBC en Moscú, Caroline Wyatt, afirma que estos ejercicios se llevan a cabo como preparación de un conjunto de maniobras más amplias, conocidas como Centro-2015, que tendrán lugar en los próximos meses.
Cuando en una entrevista en la TV se le preguntó al viceprimer ministro Dmitry Rogozin sobre la autoafirmación de Rusia, éste bromeó: “Los tanques no necesitan visas”.
El franco funcionario, quien está en las “listas negras” de la Unión Europea y EE.UU. como parte de las sanciones impuestas a Rusia por la anexión de Crimea el año pasado, tiene limitadas sus opciones de viaje.
Rusia ha sido severamente criticada en meses recientes por el incremento en su actividad aérea en los países nórdicos, la cual ha incluido varias violaciones del espacio aéreo.
El ejercicio de entrenamiento de dos semanas de la OTAN –el llamado Ejercicio de Desafío Ártico–, que comenzó el mismo día que las pruebas rusas, tendrá lugar en el norte de Noruega, Suecia y Finlandia.
En este participarán 115 aviones de combate y 3.600 soldados de nueve países.
Las maniobras también involucrarán a soldados y aviones de Estados Unidos, Reino Unido, Alemania, Francia y Holanda –todos miembros de la OTAN– y Suiza, que es neutral.
Este es el segundo ejercicio de este tipo. El primero fue llevado a cabo en 2013.
Los ministros de Defensa de Noruega, Suecia, Finlandia y Dinamarca, junto con el canciller de Islandia, firmaron una declaración conjunta en abril en la cual califican a la agresión militar rusa como “el mayor desafío a la seguridad europea”.
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Mercedes Aráoz negó saber sobre un supuesto apoyo de Odebrecht a su campaña presidencial del 2011. En diálogo con RPP Noticias luego de que IDL Reporteros reveló que el ex CEO de la constructora dijo esto sobre su candidatura con el Apra, la vicepresidenta aseguró que ella no manejó el financiamiento de su campaña electoral.
“No tuve realmente mayor campaña y con el poco tiempo que duró mi candidatura, el tema de las fuentes de financiamiento no lo manejé yo. Tampoco manejé los temas logísticos”, dijo Aráoz para el programa Encendidos. La exministra de Comercio (2006-09), de la Producción (2009) y de Economía (2010) del segundo gobierno de Alan García fue anunciada como candidata en noviembre de 2010, pero renunció en enero por diferencias con el partido y con el 3% de apoyo en las encuestas, según Datum.
Repuesta aprista. Tras alejarse del tema, Aráoz dijo que espera que el Apra dé “una explicación satisfactoria”. La respuesta llegó de parte de Mauricio Mulder. El congresista criticó que la supuesta confesión no tenga ni audio ni acta y la acusó de ser un “psicosocial montado por el señor (Wildredo) Pedraza)”, abogado de Ollanta Humala. El expresidente es investigado por supuestos aportes de Odebrecht a su campaña.
“En menos de un mes de iniciada la campaña, la señora Aráoz renunció y no hubo candidatura (presidencial). En ese momento no salió ni un spot de televisión, casi no hubo ni un solo panel a nivel nacional, fue una campaña absolutamente austera. ¿Qué apoyo pudo haber ahí?”, declaró Mulder para la prensa en el Congreso. También dijo que es Humala quien tiene mucho que responder.
La confesión de Marcelo Odebrecht. El empresario dijo que la constructora apoyó las candidaturas presidenciales de Keiko Fujimori y Mercedes Aráoz en 2011. Según IDL-Reporteros, hizo esta confesión durante el interrogatorio de la Fiscalía peruana en Brasil el pasado lunes, pero también explicó que el único que podía probar sus afirmaciones es Jorge Barata, el hombre fuerte de la constructura en el Perú. En su conversación con RPP Noticias, Aráoz negó haberse reunido con ellos.
“Yo no conozco al señor Marcelo Odebrecht y mientras estuve en campaña, nunca hablé con el señor Barata. Como ministra sí conocí al señor Barata y a otros funcionarios (de Odebrecht), dentro del ámbito de mi función, pero no tuve relación alguna. No he conocido a Marcelo Odebrecht. Creo que lo he visto en alguna visita oficial del presidente Lula a Perú, pero no recuerdo”
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In his first question-and-answer session with reporters since becoming Acting Attorney General last November, Matthew Whitaker on Monday announced that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation is “close to being completed.”
Whitaker’s remarks came just days after Mueller ordered the dramatic predawn arrest of former Trump adviser Roger Stone on charges he allegedly lied to Congress and directed another witness to do the same.
“I’ve been fully briefed, and I look forward to Mueller delivering the final report,” Whitaker said. “Right now, the investigation is close to being completed.”
In response, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., tweeted that Whitaker’s remark was inappropriate.
“While the probe is ongoing, Mueller can speak for himself,” Schiff wrote, after asserting that Whitaker should have recused himself from overseeing the Russia probe in part because of his past comments favoring limits on Mueller’s authority. Whitaker has also attracted scrutiny for earning nearly $1 million from a secretive right-leaning nonprofit prior to joining the Justice Department.
Earlier this month, Trump’s legal team pushed back on the suggestion the White House could seek to keep parts of Mueller’s final report under wraps.
“We prefer that as much of the report as possible is public,” Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani told Fox News. “We believe a selective release would be problematic.”
In his remarks to reporters Monday, Whitaker added, “Fundamentally, the Mueller investigation has a very defined scope.”
Mueller was appointed in May 2017, shortly after President Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, to conduct an investigation into “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government” and individuals associated with then-candidate Trump’s presidential campaign, as well as any matters arising “directly” from the probe.
Asked by Fox News if the Justice Department would investigate witnesses who Republicans have accused of misleading Congress — including Comey and fired FBI agent Peter Strzok — Whitaker responded, “We take very seriously lying to Congress. If referrals are made by committees, we would investigate.”
In the course of the investigation, Mueller has secured criminal convictions of numerous former Trump advisers — including his onetime campaign manager Paul Manafort and National Security Adviser Michael Flynn — but none of the charges directly pertained to a criminal conspiracy with Russian officials related to efforts to meddle in the 2016 elections.
For example, the special counsel’s 24-page indictment unsealed on Friday alleged that Stone worked to obstruct the House Intelligence Committee’s investigation into Russian interference by making false statements to the committee, denying he had records sought by the committee and persuading a witness to provide false testimony.
According to the indictment, Stone told an associate, Randy Credico, to do a “Frank Pentangeli’” when testifying before Congress — a reference to a character in “The Godfather: Part II.” Stone also told Credico, “I guarantee you you are the one who gets indicted for perjury if you’re stupid enough to testify.”
Stone has insisted he was joking, and the indictment does not charge Stone with conspiring with WikiLeaks, the anti-secrecy website that published emails of Democrats during the 2016 campaign, or with the Russian officers Mueller says hacked them.
Flynn, like former Trump foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos, was charged only with lying to investigators after the Russia probe began. (Prosecutors maintained that they could have also secured convictions for procedural violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act violations against Flynn as well)
Manafort’s convictions related largely to bank and tax fraud.
Meanwhile, William Barr, Trump’s nominee to replace Whitaker as attorney general on a full-time basis, sent written responses to questions from the Senate Judiciary Committee earlier Monday.
In his responses, Barr stressed he would not interfere with Mueller’s investigation and that his previous memorandum critical of Mueller’s authority did not necessarily reflect his current views.
Barr also acknowleged he previously had spoken with Vice President Mike Pence about the Mueller investigation in 2017, but said he had provided no legal advice to the White House and denied that Pence had provided any classified information.
Barr, who served previously as attorney general in President George H.W. Bush’s administration, appeared headed for confirmation in the Republican-controlled Senate.
Fox News’ Jake Gibson and Catherine Herridge contributed to this report.
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Desde hace algunas horas, diversos sitios de noticias en el mundo reportan haber sido parte de un ataque hacker masivo proveniente del Syrian Electronic Army (SEA), un grupo que anteriormente ha realizado lo mismo con The Financial Times, The New York Times, CBS y otros medios.
A part of our website run by a third-party was compromised earlier today. We’ve removed the component. No Telegraph user data was affected.
— The Telegraph (@Telegraph) November 27, 2014
Y hoy, medios informativos como The Independent, Forbes, CBC News, VentureBeat, The Chicago Tribune, London Evening Standard y PC World confirmaron una caída en sus servicios, aunque el el caso de Forbes se descargaron bases de datos con millones de nombres de usuarios, correos electrónicos y contraseñas.
We are aware of the issue with our site & hope it will pass soon. It’s not affecting all users
— The Independent (@Independent) November 27, 2014
Hello, we are aware the site has been hacked, with a note from the “Syrian Electronic Army.” Tech people looking into it #cbcns
— CBC Nova Scotia (@CBCNS) November 27, 2014
No es la primera vez que el SEA realiza este tipo de ataques. En 2013 tomaron el control de la cuenta de Associated Press y tuitearon sobre un supuesto ataque a la Casa Blanca, provocando alarma en los medios.
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Los adultos jóvenes tienen la mala reputación de estar desconectados de las noticias, pero muy atento a lo que hacen sus amigos. Sin embargo, un estudio en Estados Unidos mostró que los dispositivos móviles y las redes sociales los mantienen más informados de lo que otras personas creen.
El estudio que analizó el comportamiento de personas de 18 a 34 años, que pertenecen a la llamada “generación del milenio”, encontró que dos terceras partes de los encuestados dijeron que consumen noticias de manera regular, a menudo a través de un sitio de redes sociales.
De ellos, 40% lo hacen varias veces al día, de acuerdo con una encuesta llevada a cabo por The Associated Press, el NORC Center for Public Affairs Research (Centro de Investigación para Asuntos Públicos NORC) y el American Press Institute (Instituto Estadounidense de Prensa).
Esa tendencia en el consumo de noticias se ha transmitido poco a poco a las personas de mayor edad, según los expertos. Los más jóvenes dicen que eso les permite estar actualizados incluso cuando jamás lean un periódico o vean los noticieros nocturnos en la televisión.
“Creo que otras personas no esperan que sepamos lo que sabemos”, manifestó una estudiante universitaria de 24 años en Gainesville, Florida, quien participó de la encuesta.
Los hallazgos serían presentados el lunes más tarde en la convención anual de la Newspaper Association of America (Asociación de Periódicos de Estados Unidos), que se lleva a cabo en Nashville.
Solo un 39% de quienes respondieron al estudio dijeron que buscan noticias de manera activa, mientras que 60% señalan que “saltan” a esa clase de contenido mientras hacen otras cosas en Facebook y otras redes sociales.
“De modo que hay un nivel de actividad o participación que antes ni siquiera era posible”, dijo Rosenstiel, quien presentará los resultados de la encuesta en Nashville.
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Lunes, 13 de Octubre 2014 | 6:59 am
El enfrentamiento se produjo luego que unos sujetos asesinaran a un cabecilla delincuencial alias ´Oso´. Delincuentes usaban armas de guerra.
Cuatro delincuentes muertos y un herido dejó el enfrentamiento con la Policía Nacional en el sector “La Planta”, distrito de Paiján, provincia de Ascope, región La Libertad.
Las víctimas fueron identificadas como: David Guarniz Timote, Junior Mario Alvarado Guevara, y una no identificada.
El Ministro del Interior, Daniel Urresti llegó hasta Trujillo para dar a conocer detalles de esta intervención policial.
El hecho ocurrió luego que los delincuentes de la Banda de “Los sanguinarios del mame” se trasladaban en un automóvil de color blanco de placa vehicular AO -4971, que utilizaron para llegar a la casa de Luis Alberto Huaccha de los Santos, alias “Oso”, a quien acribillaron a balazos. Además hirieron a un sujeto identificado como Luis Rafael Moncada Saboya.
Tras este hecho registrado en la calle Ramón Castilla en Paiján, un grupo del escuadrón de la Policía Nacional realizó una persecución y en el intercambio de balazos el vehículo de los delincuentes cae a una acequia. Aun heridos fueron trasladados al hospital de Chocope donde certificaron su muerte.
Estos sujetos usaban granadas de guerra y armas de corto y largo alcance.
Lea más noticias en la región La Libertad
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Dog the Bounty Hunter, who is on the hunt for fugitive Brian Laundrie, has reportedly come across a fresh campsite at a Florida park where he and his team found a can of Monster Energy Ultra Gold.
The can showed no signs of rust or faded colors, but the reality TV star — whose real name is Duane Chapman — found no firm evidence the late Gabby Petito’s boyfriend was still on Egmont Key in the woods of Shell Island near Fort De Soto Park, Fox News reported.
“We’re here at the island. This would be and could be the perfect spot for him to hide. Not too many people out here but there’s a lot of environmental things that we’re going to fight,” Chapman said on Twitter Wednesday.
“So here we go. The search now is really on. The search has just begun,” the 68-year-old added.
A source close to Chapman told The Post this week that the celebrity manhunter was on Florida’s Marco Island and setting up a home base in the Sunshine State from which to launch his search for Laundrie.
On Wednesday, he was at Fort De Soto Park — some 75 miles from Laundrie’s home — where Laundrie and his parents camped out on Sept. 6, five days after he returned alone from the couple’s cross-country trip in her van.
Petito’s body was found at the Bridgers-Teton National Forest in Wyoming on Sept. 19.
Laundrie family attorney Steven Bertolino has confirmed that Laundrie and his parents, Chris and Roberta, were at the campground on Sept. 6 and Sept. 7.
He disputed Chapman’s claims that the Laundries were at the Fort De Soto Park until Sept. 8, but that the parents left the campground without him.
On Sept. 17, Laundrie’s parents reported him missing, three days after he allegedly told them he was going for a hike at the Carlton Reserve in Sarasota and then disappeared.
Laundrie has not been charged in Petito’s death but is the only person of interest in the case, which was ruled a homicide. He has been named on an arrest warrant issued last week on federal fraud charges for allegedly using someone else’s bank card.
Despite Bertolino’s statement, campers at Fort De Soto told the Sun they worried that Laundrie may be in the area.
“It’s scary but realistic,” Amanda Smith, who has been staying at the campsite since Sunday, told the news outlet about Laundrie’s possible presence. “We actually were just looking at some of the mangroves out there and it’s very thick.
“You’d have to be skilled which apparently he is in the outdoors but you could for sure hide in them, and this is a good location in terms of being close to things but also being able to kind of get away at the same time,” she added.
When asked by the Sun about law enforcement “activity” at Fort De Soto Park, a North Port police spokesperson said the agency “can’t give any of that information out over the phone.”
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It’s one of JOE BIDEN’s most oft-repeated catchphrases: “Don’t tell me what you value; show me your budget, and I’ll tell you what you value.”
On Friday afternoon, Biden showed us his budget. Here’s what it tells us about what his White House values — and the signals it sends about where he’s willing to spend the most political capital.
— Overall: Biden is proposing a $6 trillion budget next year, with huge increases in domestic spending. Read Caitlin Emma’s walkthrough of the budget
— Domestic spending: The budget makes good on some of the promises Biden made on the campaign trail — which many activists and allies were getting antsy about — with massive investments in combating climate change and a range of domestic programs aimed at both the middle class and people living in poverty. Included in the $6 trillion budget:
— Taxes: Biden’s plan includes $3.6 trillion in tax increases for corporations and wealthy individuals. NYT’s Alan Rappaport puts it like this: “Starting at the end of 2021, the top individual income tax rate would rise to 39.6 percent from 37 percent, reversing the Trump administration’s tax cuts for the highest income taxpayers.” More on that from the NYT
— Deficits and debt: Even with those tax increases, Biden’s budget would run a $1.8 trillion deficit next year. Over the next decade, the federal debt would exceed the size of the entire U.S. economy — growing to 117% of GDP by 2031.
Another important aspect of a White House budget proposal: It starts the clock on the Hill, so be on the lookout for what changes they decide to make because they will be there.
— Remember, y’all: If Democrats want to pass bills through reconciliation (which, behind the scenes, they admit they do) then a budget resolution must be passed to allow that to happen.
Here are three interesting reads if you want to understand the budget and some of the political fights we can expect to see soon:
— First, our very own money man Ben White takes a look at the budget’s projections for economic growth. One word to describe it: tepid.
“The budget plan the White House unveiled on Friday projects economic growth of 2 percent or less per year for most of the next decade, after factoring in inflation. That’s not much different than the sluggish pace the U.S. endured in the decade after the financial crisis and Great Recession, a disappointing economic performance that damaged BARACK OBAMA’s presidency.
“So where is the ‘Build Back Better’ economic revolution that Biden and White House officials have talked up in recent weeks in selling their plans to spend roughly $4 trillion on the infrastructure and on family programs?
“Some analysts suggested that the administration is essentially admitting that its proposed surge in federal spending — which administration officials hope to offset over time with higher taxes on the rich and corporations — won’t actually boost the economy much at all.” More on that from Ben
— At WaPo, Colby Itkowitz notes that Biden’s budget plan “made official his opposition to the Hyde Amendment, a decades-old ban on federal funding for abortions that he long supported before reversing his stance during the presidential campaign.” As Itkowitz notes, the request “is not binding and requires Congress to also agree not to include it,” so you can expect to see some debate on this front coming soon.
— And over at WSJ, Richard Rubin points out Biden’s budget would actually keep a Trump-era tax break on businesses: “Owners of closely held businesses would still get a 20% tax deduction … leaving high-income people who run construction companies and manufacturing firms benefiting — for now. … Although Mr. Biden campaigned on limiting the break, the deduction went untouched in the first $2.4 trillion worth of net tax increases that were detailed by the Biden administration on Friday.”
Good Saturday morning. Thanks for reading Playbook. Drop us a line: Rachael Bade, Eugene Daniels, Ryan Lizza, Tara Palmeri.
BIDEN’S SATURDAY: The president and VP KAMALA HARRIS have nothing on their public schedules.
WHO PRESSURE BUILDS — “Biden’s renewed focus on covid origins ramps up pressure on WHO for more aggressive investigation,” WaPo: “The U.S. initiative was partly a response on dismissive remarks about an investigation made by a Chinese official at a WHO event on Tuesday, officials said. The WHO, an overstretched United Nations agency responsible for coordinating the international response to the pandemic, is feeling the pressure. But it has few powers to investigate on its own.
“WHO emergencies chief MIKE RYAN said Friday that the organization was still consulting with an expert team that visited the virus’s initial epicenter of Wuhan, China, earlier this year about how to proceed with their investigation. All hypotheses remain open, he said.”
SANCTIONS INCOMING — “White House announces sanctions over Belarus’ passenger plane interception,” by Myah Ward: “The Biden administration on Friday night further condemned Belarus’ May 23 forced take down of a civilian airliner, calling it a ‘direct affront’ to international norms and announcing sanctions against the former Soviet republic.
“‘Belarus’s forced diversion of a commercial Ryanair flight under false pretenses, traveling between two member states of the European Union, and the subsequent removal and arrest of RAMAN PRATASEVICH, a Belarusian journalist, are a direct affront to international norms,’ White House press secretary JEN PSAKI said in a statement. ‘These events took place amid an escalating wave of repression by the Lukashenka regime against the aspirations of the people of Belarus for democracy and human rights.’”
FIRST IN PLAYBOOK — Battle Born Collective, the progressive advocacy group started by HARRY REID alum REBECCA KIRSZNER KATZ and ADAM JENTLESON, is releasing a memo to Democrats raising the alarm that time is running out on the “For the People Act” (HR1 and S1) as well as filibuster reform.
— Why it matters: Majority Leader CHUCK SCHUMER says the Senate will take up S1 in the last week of June — which is right around the corner. And Democrats are feeling the heat from the base to get something done in this space. Read the memo
MUTUAL RESENTMENT GROWS WITHIN SENATE — “‘Pretty damn scary’: Failure of Jan. 6 commission exposes Senate wounds,” by Burgess Everett and Marianne LeVine: “Democrats thought they’d given [Maine GOP Sen. SUSAN] COLLINS everything she wanted on the commission, and still she came up short of breaking a filibuster. Collins and other Republicans came away worried that [Majority Leader CHUCK] SCHUMER would rather thrash their party as obstructionist than try and get the three more votes he needed to reach the required 60. The resulting bitterness recalled the tension that’s long built up in the House, as the lingering scars of the pro-Trump Capitol attack splinter the two parties on even the most anodyne legislation.
“The Senate … has so far avoided the mutual resentment that’s taken hold on the other side of the Capitol. And the upper chamber is still on track to pass Schumer’s bipartisan China competitiveness bill. Even so, the scuttled commission vote was a microcosm of Congress’ failed efforts to move forward after Jan. 6: Two senators from opposite parties supported the same goals and briefly turned their frustrations on each other as 10 Republicans wouldn’t come on board. It doesn’t bode well for a Senate that controls much of Biden’s agenda.”
FILIBUSTER FALLOUT — “Democrats grapple with the enemy within: What to do about the filibuster rule that could kill their agenda,” WaPo: “[I]nternal tensions emerged in a Democratic caucus meeting on Wednesday afternoon during which the [upcoming voting rights] legislation was discussed, according to multiple senators who attended. … [West Virginia Sen. JOE] MANCHIN came and sat in silence inside the Capitol Hill conference room as a prominent Democratic elections lawyer, MARC ELIAS, catalogued the threats to voting rights being waged in states across the country. Then, several of Manchin’s colleagues rose and made impassioned cases for action.
“None mentioned Manchin by name, but those present knew whom they had to persuade. And the words of one particular senator — Sen. JON TESTER (D-Mont.), who also has a track record of winning in a Republican state — made a particular impression, the senators present said.”
FROM SICKNICK’S LOVED ONES — “‘All talk and no action’: Sicknick’s mother and girlfriend say they were disappointed by GOP senators,” by CNN’s Jeremy Herb: “In an exclusive interview with CNN’s JAKE TAPPER Friday, GLADYS SICKNICK and her son’s girlfriend SANDRA GARZA said they were clinging to hope that they could change the minds of senators opposed to the independent commission, but were still not surprised at the ultimate outcome.
“‘They went through their motions, but you can tell that underneath they were being nice to us,’ Sicknick said of her meetings Thursday.”
DEMS SEE AN OPENING ON HEALTH CARE — “Democrats plot Medicaid expansion backdoor in red states refusing program,” by Rachel Roubein and Susannah Luthi: “Expanding coverage to the estimated 2.2 million people lacking affordable health insurance options in the Medicaid expansion holdout states would fulfill a Biden campaign pledge while his other key health care promises, like government drug price negotiations and a public option, face tough odds in Congress. Democrats also believe it would deliver a major win for their party heading into tightly contested midterm elections next year, given that Medicaid expansion has polled well — including in states where Republican leaders have blocked it for years.
“However, the new effort carries risks that Democratic lawmakers, White House officials and health care advocates have been struggling to resolve in behind-the-scenes discussions over the past few months, say people involved in those talks. One challenge is designing a program that won’t invite backlash from a health care industry ready to battle Democrats on other sweeping changes. Another concern is inadvertently rewarding states that blocked Medicaid expansion for years. Any plan would also come with a steep price tag.”
YIKES — “U.S. Soldiers Expose Nuclear Weapons Secrets Via Flashcard Apps,” Bellingcat: “For U.S. soldiers tasked with the custody of nuclear weapons in Europe, the stakes are high. Security protocols are lengthy, detailed and need to be known by heart. To simplify this process, some service members have been using publicly visible flashcard learning apps — inadvertently revealing a multitude of sensitive security protocols about U.S. nuclear weapons and the bases at which they are stored. …
“[T]he flashcards … reveal not just the bases, but even identify the exact shelters with ‘hot’ vaults that likely contain nuclear weapons. They also detail intricate security details and protocols such as the positions of cameras, the frequency of patrols around the vaults, secret duress words that signal when a guard is being threatened and the unique identifiers that a restricted area badge needs to have.”
MONEY PROBLEMS FOR MANDEL? — “Josh Mandel’s Senate campaign sees exodus of fundraisers, sources say,” Columbus Dispatch: “Three fundraisers recently resigned from Republican JOSH MANDEL’S U.S. Senate campaign, prompting questions about the strength of his fundraising operation, according to Republican sources close to the campaign.”
RANKING (IN) THE BOROUGHS — “How Ranked-Choice Voting Could Affect New York’s Mayoral Race,” by NYT’s Nate Cohn: “New York City will use a ranking system in the mayor’s race for the first time. A phenomenon known as ‘ballot exhaustion,’ when every candidate ranked by a voter has been eliminated, could prove decisive.”
GEORGIA PLAYS THE WAITING GAME — “‘Up in the air’: In Georgia politics, the wait is on for top 2022 races,” by the Atlanta Journal Constitution’s Greg Bluestein: “After [Sen. RAPHAEL] WARNOCK’s special election victory over GOP incumbent KELLY LOEFFLER, it seemed a heavyweight Republican would enter the race against him within weeks, if not days. … But a string of big-name candidates passed on the race, starting with former U.S. Sen. DAVID PERDUE and former U.S. Rep. DOUG COLLINS. While other heavyweights are considering a bid, most are waiting on a decision by [University of Georgia football great HERSCHEL] WALKER, who former President DONALD TRUMP said would be ‘unstoppable’ if he runs.
“Enterprising Republicans aren’t usually so eager to step aside for an out-of-state political newcomer to decide — Walker has lived in Texas for years — but support from the former president could be enough to swing a GOP primary. ‘Is the Herschel Walker news a pump fake or just a delayed handoff? That’s the $1 million question in Georgia politics right now,’ said STEPHEN LAWSON, a GOP operative and senior adviser to Loeffler, who is considering a comeback bid.”
PILLOW TALK — “MyPillow CEO flew Kristi Noem to GOP governors conference on his private jet,” by Daniel Lippman: “South Dakota Gov. KRISTI NOEM flew on MyPillow CEO MIKE LINDELL’S private jet on her way to the Republican Governors Association spring meeting in Nashville, Tennessee, this week, according to two people familiar with the matter.
“Lindell, a close ally of former President Donald Trump, was kicked out of the event after he had promised to confront Arizona Gov. DOUG DUCEY and Georgia Gov. BRIAN KEMP about why they aren’t pushing to overturn the 2020 election results in their states. … Lindell was able to gain access to the RGA meeting as a guest of Noem’s and as a prospective member, according to one of the people familiar with Noem’s travel arrangements.”
DEEP IN THE HEART — “Texas bill limiting teaching of current events, historic racism appears headed for governor,” Texas Tribune: “Many educators and education advocacy groups had opposed the bill, which still states that teachers cannot be compelled to discuss current events and if they do, they must ‘give deference to both sides.’ Opponents say it limits honest conversations about race and racism in American society. … The version now apparently heading to the governor also bans the teaching of The New York Times’ 1619 Project.”
FOX DIALS IT UP TO 11 — “Fox News Intensifies Its Pro-Trump Politics as Dissenters Depart,” by NYT’s Michael M. Grynbaum: “For seven years, JUAN WILLIAMS was the lone liberal voice on ‘The Five,’ the network’s popular afternoon chat show. On Wednesday, he announced that he was leaving the program, after months of harsh on-air blowback from his conservative co-hosts. … DONNA BRAZILE, the former Democratic Party chairwoman, was hired by Fox News with great fanfare in 2019 as a dissenting voice for its political coverage. … Brazile has now left Fox News; last week, she quietly started a new job at ABC.
“Onscreen and off, in ways subtle and overt, Fox News has adapted to the post-Trump era by moving in a single direction: Trumpward. … In January, the network fired its veteran politics editor, CHRIS STIREWALT, who had been an onscreen face of the early call in Arizona for Mr. Biden. This month, it brought on a new editor in the Washington bureau: KERRI KUPEC, a former spokeswoman for Mr. Trump’s attorney general William P. Barr. She had no journalistic experience.”
REPORTER ARRESTED IN ZIMBABWE — “Zimbabwe Authorities Arrest Local Reporter Working for The New York Times,” NYT: “The reporter, JEFFERY MOYO, 37, who was arrested on Wednesday, has denied any wrongdoing, and his lawyers have called the accusation spurious. Efforts by the lawyers to secure his release have so far been unsuccessful. Mr. Moyo, who is based in Harare and has a wife and 8-year-old son, has done work for The Times and a number of other news organizations, including The Globe and Mail of Canada. His arrest has come amid a crackdown on press freedom in the southern African country.”
TRUMP LASHES OUT AT (PAUL AND FRED) RYAN — “A time for abusing: Trump nukes Paul Ryan’s Reaganesque vision for GOP,” by David Siders: “At the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, Calif. on Thursday night, [former House Speaker PAUL] RYAN had opened a speaker series billed as a conversation about the future of the Republican Party. Trump replied by trashing Ryan from Mar-a-Lago the next morning … [calling] the former House speaker a ‘RINO’ and a loser. And then Trump, the rare Republican who has criticized Reagan himself, went after FRED RYAN, chair of the board of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation.
“‘Ronald Reagan would not be happy to see that the Reagan Library is run by the head of the Washington Post, Fred Ryan,’ Trump wrote. ‘How the hell did that happen? No wonder they consistently have RINO speakers like Karl Rove and Paul Ryan. They do nothing for our forward-surging Republican Party!’”
FOR THE SPACE NERDS — “NASA releases stunning new pic of Milky Way’s ‘downtown,’” by AP’s Marcia Dunn
CLICKER — “The nation’s cartoonists on the week in politics,” edited by Matt Wuerker — 15 keepers
GREAT WEEKEND READS, curated by Ryan Lizza:
— “Inside Youth Baseball’s Most Notorious Dad-On-Dad Rivalry,” by David Gauvey for Esquire: “On the Long Island Inferno, two fathers, both with complicated pasts, took it all too far. Neither man was ever the same.”
— “Inside the Diversity-Equity-and-Inclusion Industrial Complex,” by The Cut’s Bridget Read: “What are companies desperate for diversity consultants actually buying?”
— “Did Paying a Ransom for a Stolen Magritte Painting Inadvertently Fund Terrorism?” by Joshua Hunt for Vanity Fair: “The theft of a deeply personal painting by the Belgian artist was a national tragedy. Now an investigation points to a tragedy greater still.”
— “The Mystery of Magic’s Greatest Card Trick,” by NYT’s David Segal: “At 94, the magician David Berglas says his renowned effect can’t be taught. Is he telling the truth?”
— “Fifty years of ‘Imagine,’” by Spectator’s Christopher Sandford: “Perhaps the real secret to the song’s eternal popularity is that it taps into our modern obsession with feeling good about ourselves.”
— “Is Gerrymandering About to Become More Difficult?” by POLITICO Magazine’s Zack Stanton: “A new approach in the way the Census aggregates its data could make it more difficult to do extreme gerrymandering, says Moon Duchin.”
— “The Media’s ‘Lab Leak’ Fiasco,” by Matthew Yglesias: “A huge fuckup, with perhaps not-so-huge policy stakes.”
— “Eugene Clemons May Be Ineligible for the Death Penalty. A Rigid Clinton-Era Law Could Force Him to Be Executed Anyway.,” by ProPublica’s Seth Freed Wessler: “His lawyers presented no defense at trial. Then a clerk’s office misplaced a plea for his civil rights behind a file cabinet. Now, it’s almost impossible for the federal courts to address the problems with his case.”
— “Eleanor Holmes Norton’s Long, Lonely Fight to Gain DC Voting Rights,” by Mother Jones’ Matt Cohen: “DC’s non-voting delegate has spent three decades in Congress on a mission for statehood. Why is she now willing to wait?”
— “Divided Highway,” by Reuters’ Andy Sullivan: “As a freeway comes down, Syracuse, New York, faces its legacy of segregation.”
— From the archives: “The Long and the Short of Richard G. Darman,” by WaPo’s Marjorie Williams, July 29, 1990: “George Bush’s budget director is (choose one): a) A brilliant idealist committed to the long-term public interest; b) An ambitious cynic fed by the thrill of the game; c) Trying really hard to have it both ways.”
IN MEMORIAM — “Foster Friess, Big Donor to Republicans, Dies at 81,” NYT: “Foster Friess, a Wyoming businessman who founded an investment firm, made a fortune and gave a lot of it away to Republican presidential candidates and charities, sometimes with flair, died on Thursday in Scottsdale, Ariz. He was 81. His organization, Foster’s Outriders, which confirmed the death, said he had been receiving care at the Mayo Clinic there for myelodysplastic syndrome, a disorder of the blood cells and bone marrow.”
FIRST IN PLAYBOOK — Adrian Culea is now director of the White House travel office. He previously was the director of travel operations for the Biden campaign and is also a Sean Patrick Maloney and NBA alum.
TRANSITIONS — Rufus Gifford has been nominated to be chief of protocol with the rank of ambassador in the State Department. He previously was deputy campaign manager for the Biden campaign. … End Citizens United and Let America Vote announced a slate of new hires: Tina Olechowski will be comms director, Ebonee Dawson will be political director, Jessica Church will be director of state and local campaigns, Brian Wietgraf will be deputy research director, Mai-Thy Tyler will be deputy director of state and local campaigns and Chanelle Kacy-Dunlap will be social media manager.
WEEKEND WEDDING — Sery Kim, former congressional candidate for Texas’ 6th Congressional District special election and a Trump SBA alum, and Michael Cybulski, a major in the U.S. Marine Corps currently stationed at CENTCOM, got married by the Justice of the Peace in the Tarrant County Historic Courthouse in Texas on Friday. The two meet on Hinge in August 2019. Pic
WELCOME TO THE WORLD — Aaron Keyak, former Jewish engagement director for the Biden campaign and transition, and Avigail Goldgraber, a senior manager at Accenture, welcomed twin boys on Friday. The boys will not be named prior to their Brit Millah, per Jewish tradition. Pic … Another pic
— Leah Dempsey, VP and senior counsel for federal advocacy at ACA International, and Mark Dempsey, director of investment adviser compliance at ICMA-RC, welcomed Leo Jay Dempsey on Friday at Sibley Hospital. Pic
HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) … McClatchy’s Francesca Chambers … Philip Klein … FP1 Strategies’ Jon Conradi … Bri Gillis … Matthew Dowd (6-0) … Todd Flournoy … Dayna Geldwert … Lee Satterfield, nominee to be assistant secretary for the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the State Department … Chris Quillian (5-0) … The Forward’s Jacob Kornbluh … Alex Ford of Halcyon Strategy … Annette Guarisco Fildes … Washington Blade’s Chris Johnson … Nucor’s Eileen Bradner … Mary Ryan Douglass … NPR’s Terence Samuel … Jacob Alderman … former Reps. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) and Tom Coleman (R-Mo.) … Danny Crouch
THE SHOWS (Full Sunday show listings here):
“Fox News Sunday”: Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg … Sen. Shelly Moore Capito (R-W.Va.). Panel: Jason Chaffetz, Kristen Soltis Anderson and Juan Williams.
“Face the Nation”: Scott Gottlieb … Art Acevedo … Kevin Washington … Stephen Kaufer … Paul Gionfriddo.
“The Sunday Show”: Sen. Alex Padilla (D-Calif.) … Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) … Matthew Dowd … Jonathan Greenblatt … Stanley Nelson … Jazz Hampton … Marco Williams … Arun Gandhi … Bernice King … Donna Edwards.
“Meet the Press”: Matthew Pottinger … Peter Hotez … Chuck Rosenberg … Andrew Weissmann. Panel: Geoff Bennett, Stephanie Cutter, Sara Fagen and Anne Gearan.
“State of the Union”: Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg … Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) … Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) … Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.).
“Inside Politics”: Panel: Seung Min Kim, Jonathan Martin, Catherine Lucey, Brittany Shepherd and Yasmeen Abutaleb.
“This Week”: Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. Panel: Keith Alexander, Tom Bossert and Niloofar Howe. Panel: Jonathan Karl, Terry Moran, Michel Martin and Laura Barrón-López.
“Full Court Press”: Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) … Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D-Pa.).
Source Article from
via press release:
Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval present the Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production
Miami – July 31, 2014 – Telemundo presents “Muriendo por Cruzar”, a documentary that investigates why increasing numbers of immigrants are dying while trying to cross the US-Mexican border near the city of Falfurrias, Texas, this Sunday, August 3 at 6PM/5 C. The Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production, presented by Noticias Telemundo journalists Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval, reveals the obstacles immigrants face once they cross into US territory, including extreme weather conditions, as they try to evade the border patrol. “Muriendo por Cruzar” is part of Noticias Telemundo’s special coverage of the crisis on the border and immigration reform.
“‘Muriendo por Cruzar’” dares to ask questions that reveal the actual conditions undocumented immigrants face as they try to start a new life in the United States,” said Alina Falcón, Telemundo’s Executive Vice President for News and Alternative Programming. “Our collaboration with The Weather Channel was very productive. They have a unique expertise in covering the impact of weather on people’s lives, as we do in covering immigration reform and the border crisis. The result is a compelling documentary that exposes a harrowing reality.”
“Muriendo por Cruzar” is the first co-production by Telemundo and The Weather Channel. Both networks are part of NBCUniversal.
Source Article from
“My fellow New Yorkers, if there’s one thing I want to say to you it is this: Nothing works in our city without public safety, and for public safety, we need the police,” Mr. Yang said. “My message to the N.Y.P.D. is this: New York needs you. Your city needs you.”
“The truth is that New York City cannot afford to defund the police,” he added.
Times Square represents the commercial and tourist heart of Manhattan, itself the financial capital of New York City and the nation. The shooting comes as the city is revving up its marketing engine, with the goal of reviving New York City’s tourist trade.
In the year before the pandemic, 66.6 million tourists came to town, giving rise to 400,000 tourism-related jobs and an estimated economic impact of $70 billion. Last year, only 22 million tourists came to New York City, and officials estimate it will take years for the industry to recover.
The police say more than 460 people have been shot this year in New York City as of May 2, compared with 259 last year and 239 in 2019 at the same point. Mr. de Blasio routinely attributes the rise in shootings to the societal upheaval wrought by the pandemic, which has created mass unemployment, and also blames a slowdown in the court system. Dermot F. Shea, Mr. de Blasio’s police commissioner, tends to blame recent statewide criminal justice reforms, which he says have made it harder to keep those charged with criminal offenses in jail.
Both Mr. Adams and Mr. Yang took the opportunity to highlight their policing agendas, which include reimagining plainclothes anti-violence units. Mr. de Blasio disbanded his plainclothes anti-crime unit, which had been involved in many police shootings, last year. Both also touted their commitment to criminal justice reform.
Mr. Yang said he would ensure his plainclothes unit was populated by better-trained officers with clean records. Mr. Adams has said he would hire officers for the unit with the skills and temperament for the job.
Other moderate candidates, like the former sanitation commissioner Kathryn Garcia and the former Citigroup executive Raymond J. McGuire, chimed in with similar themes — that public safety and strong policing need not come at the expense of criminal justice reform.
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El presidente de Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernández, y el senador y exprecandidato presidencial de Estados Unidos, Marco Rubio, se reunieron en la tarde del miércoles en Tegucigalpa. “Hemos visto cómo la cooperación entre Honduras y Estados Unidos ha dado resultados, falta mucho por hacer y la reforma institucional es muy importante. Vemos que hay un esfuerzo legítimo uy verdadero y regreso con la idea de apoyar estee proyecto”, dijo Rubio. Lea la noticia completa.
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