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Se dice que el humor es la mejor forma de reírse de los problemas personales. Así, en la Internet han aparecido varios portales que han encontrado el modo de llevar esa idea a la práctica. La fórmula que se ha convertido en una tendencia actual es la retomar los hechos sociales, culturales, deportivos y políticos para reconstruirlos y narrarlos en clave de humor.

En muchos casos los portales que ofrecen este tipo de contenido adoptan la estructura de un verdadero portal de noticias con una ‘línea editorial’, imagen empresarial, logos y segmentos. En otros casos se trata de usuarios de las redes sociales los que adoptan el papel de corresponsales que siguen y transmiten su ‘propia versión’ de los hechos.

La oferta es variada y en algunos casos se trata de historias completamente ficticias mientras que en otros, el contenido se nutre de hechos y personajes reales. En todo caso, el producto final es el mismo: una parodia de la realidad. Una visión distinta de la coyuntura nacional e internacional que tiende al entretenimiento pero en cuyo contenido también se pueden advertir subtextos con mensajes críticos.

Hace más de tres años, una de las más populares páginas de ‘desinformación’ del país era el portal Ecuador Insensato. Bajo el lema “cero credibilidad” y titulares como “Twitter y Facebook lanzan redes disociales para caudillos del Tercer Mundo” u “Oposición pide retorno de Abdalá”, el portal hacía de la parodia una herramienta para reinventar el humor político en el mundo digital.

Sin embargo, la producción de ‘noticias’ cesó –el último registro ‘noticioso’ en Facebook fue a finales del 2011- y en la página web hay un aviso que anuncia un pronto retorno. “Apenas logremos salir de Siria estaremos de vuelta. Si no volvemos hasta la inauguración del aeropuerto de Quito, será porque no pudimos salir”. Pero al parecer sus creadores no pudieron salir, pues el nuevo aeropuerto de la capital ya se inauguró y el portal sigue inactivo.

Sin embargo, otros portales han tomado la posta. El Mercio es otro espacio dedicado a la desinformación humorística. Reportajes como el de “Luis Cajas y la estafa de Publifast irán al cine como el Lobo de Wall Street criollo” son una muestra del tono humorístico y a la vez crítico de su contenido, que además se extiende en las redes sociales de Facebook, Twitter y Youtube.

Pero la oferta de desinformación también es internacional. MediaMass, por ejemplo es un portal que recoge las principales noticias de la farándula mundial y crea sus propias historias y rumores del ‘star system’, en el nombre del humor. El Mundial Brasil 2014, astrología, invasiones zombies, Barack Obama, seres del espacio, estrellas del espectáculo, todos son personajes e historias que se se transforman en contenidos increíbles pero poco ciertos en páginas como National Report, The Onion, Weekly World News, Huzlers, El Deforma entre otros.

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Hay otra serie de temas relevantes a los que se refirió Andrés Sepúlveda en la extensa entrevista que concedió a SEMANA.

Entre ellos, las ‘chuzadas’ al ex vicepresidente Francisco Santos, temas sobre la Contraloría, el video sobre la visita del excandidato Óscar Iván Zuluaga a su oficina y el trabajo de ‘guerra sucia’ que realizó su amigo y también ‘hacker’ Carlos Escobar.

Véalos a continuación:

“Me dieron la instrucción: ‘hackee’ a Pacho Santos, y el hackeo sí se hizo y Luis Alfonso Hoyos y David Zuluaga fueron a leer esa información”

“La Contraloría por lo menos hizo varias, no una, sino varias convocatorias para reclutar ‘hackers’”

“Carlos Escobar siempre decía que él era una de las personas que le suministraba información al expresidente Uribe”

“Cuando llegué a la campaña, me dijeron: ‘Nuestro enemigo es Pacho Santos’”

“Él (Óscar Iván Zuluaga) tenía pleno conocimiento de lo que yo le estaba diciendo”

“Por lo menos el 40 % de las estrategias de campaña negra que se hicieron en la campaña de Cámara y Senado, por lo menos la mitad eran de él (Carlos Escobar)”

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Se supone que no tiene permitido acceder a la red social, y sin embargo descubrió una vulnerabilidad que podría ahorrarle algunos dolores de cabeza a Mark Zuckerberg.

Jani es el nombre del hacker de 10 años, de nacionalidad finlandesa, que acaba de recibir US$10.000 de parte de la empresa, propiedad de Facebook, por haber alertado de una falla que permite eliminar comentarios hechos por otros usuarios.

De acuerdo con las reglas de Facebook, Instagram y otras redes sociales, la edad mínima para tener una cuenta es 13 años.

Y sin embargo, se convirtió en el recipiente más joven del programa de recompensas creado por Facebook en 2011 para retribuir a los usuarios que ayudaran a identificar fallas en sus programas y plataformas.

El problema fue resuelto “rápidamente” una vez que se confirmó su existencia, señaló Facebook.

Cómo lo encontró

Según el periódico finlandés Iltalehti, que originalmente reportó la historia, Jani es desde hace años un entusiasta del lenguaje de códigos para juegos.

Recientemente, junto a su hermano gemelo, ha tornado su atención hacia temas de seguridad. Entre los dos han identificado varias fallas, pero ninguna lo suficientemente significativa como para obtener un pago.

Varias compañías informáticas tienen programas de recompensas para animar a los aficionados a compartir sus hallazgos con ellas, en vez de venderlos en el mercado negro.

De acuerdo con la nota de Iltalehti, en febrero pasado Jani logró infiltrar los servidores de Instagram y borrar comentarios en cuentas de otras personas.

Hubiera podido eliminar a cualquiera, incluso los comentarios de Justin Beiber”

“Probé si Instagram podía tolerar códigos maliciosos en los campos de comentarios”, le dijo Jani al rotativo.

“Hubiera podido eliminar a cualquiera, incluso los comentarios de Justin Beiber”.

Acto seguido le envió un correo a Facebook, que prometió investigar.

Tras someter la falla a pruebas, determinó su autenticidad y decidió pagarle la suma.

Una bicicleta y un balón

El monto que recibió el joven talento de la informática es al menos cinco veces superior al promedio de lo que le ha otorgado a otros hackers desde 2011.

Hasta ahora su programa de recompensas ha significado el desembolso de US$4,3 millones a unas 800 personas.

Jani planea usar el dinero para comprar una bicicleta, un balón de fútbol y computadoras nuevas para él y su hermano.

Todo lo cual le servirá, de una forma u otra, para seguir soñando con el futuro. En el cual quiere convertirse en experto en seguridad.

“Sería mi trabajo soñado. La seguridad es muy importante”, dijo.

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In a story March 11 about the Boeing 737 Max 8 aircraft after a crash in Ethiopia, The Associated Press reported erroneously that China grounded its models of the same plane for nine hours. China’s aviation authority ordered its airlines to ground their Boeing 737 8 Max jets within nine hours, or by 6 p.m.

A corrected version of the story is below:

The Latest: Boeing model grounded in China after crash

China’s civilian aviation authority has ordered all Chinese airlines to temporarily ground their Boeing 737 Max 8 planes after one of the aircraft crashed in Ethiopia

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) — The Latest on Ethiopian Airlines crash (all times local):

6 a.m.

China’s civilian aviation authority has ordered all Chinese airlines to temporarily ground their Boeing 737 Max 8 planes after one of the aircraft crashed in Ethiopia.

The Civil Aviation Administration of China said the order is to take effect by 6 p.m. Monday.

It said the order was taken out of safety concerns because the Ethiopian crash was the second in similar circumstances since an Indonesian crash in October also killed everyone aboard.

It said further notice would be issued after consultation with the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration and Boeing on safety measures taken.

Eight Chinese nationals were among the 157 people aboard the plane when it crashed Sunday shortly after takeoff.


This story has been corrected to say Indonesia crash occurred in October.


12:30 a.m.

The Norwegian Refugee Council says it is “deeply distressed” by the Ethiopian Airlines crash and that two colleagues are missing.

A statement says the two staffers had been scheduled to travel on the Sunday morning flight from Addis Ababa to Nairobi in neighboring Kenya.

The statement gives no further details.

All 157 people on the plane were killed.


11:17 p.m.

The United Nations migration agency says the U.N. and its agencies on Monday will fly flags at half-staff after early indications show 19 employees of U.N.-affiliated organizations died in the Ethiopian Airlines crash.

A statement says the organizations include World Bank, International Telecommunications Union, the U.N. Environment Program and others.

The statement also says one of the migration agency’s staffers died. Anne-Katrin Feigl was a German national who was en route to a training course in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya and the plane’s destination.

All 157 people on board died minutes after takeoff from Addis Ababa.


11 p.m.

Nigeria’s foreign affairs ministry says a former ambassador is among the victims of the Ethiopian Airlines crash.

A statement says Abiodun Oluremi Bashua was a retired career envoy who served in various capacities in Iran, Austria and Ivory Coast.

It says the ambassador, born in 1951, was a “seasoned U.N. expert” with experience in several United Nations peacekeeping missions in Africa.

All 157 people died when the plane crashed minutes after taking off from Addis Ababa.


10:30 p.m.

The World Food Program is confirming that two of the eight Italian victims aboard the Ethiopian Airlines jet worked for the Rome-based U.N. agency.

A WFP spokeswoman identified the victims as Virginia Chimenti and Maria Pilar Buzzetti.

Another three Italians worked for the Bergamo-based humanitarian agency Africa Tremila: Carlo Spini, his wife Gabriella Viggiani and the treasurer, Matteo Ravasio.

In addition, Paolo Dieci, a prominent aid advocate with the International Committee for the Development of Peoples, known by its acronym CISP, was killed.

Also among the Italian dead was Sebastiano Tusa, a noted underwater archaeologist and the Sicilian regional assessor at the Culture Ministry. RAI state television said he was heading to Malindi, Kenya to participate in a UNESCO conference on safeguarding underwater cultural heritage in east Africa, which opens Monday.


10:15 p.m.

A U.N. official says the United Nations expects that about a dozen passengers affiliated with the world organization were on the Ethiopian Airlines jet that crashed outside Addis Ababa killing all 157 people on board, but it could be more.

The official, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue, said Sunday that national delegates who might have been heading to U.N. meetings, including the U.N. Environment Program’s assembly, wouldn’t be included in the count.

U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi said some colleagues were among the victims.

Earlier, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said he is “deeply saddened” by the crash that including U.N. staff members, according to a statement from U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric, who gave no details.

–By Edith M. Lederer


10:10 p.m.

The father of a British woman named Joanna Toole has told the DevonLive website that he has been informed that she was among the people who died in the Ethiopian Airlines crash.

Adrian Toole said his 36-year-old daughter Joanna was traveling for her work for the United Nations.

He told the website she was a fervent environmentalist who had worked on animal welfare issues since she was a child.

He said “Joanna’s work was not a job, it was her vocation.”

Adrian Toole said his daughter used to bring home pigeons and rats in need of care and had traveled to the remote Faroe Islands to try to stop whaling there.

She is one of seven British nationals confirmed to have died in the crash.

According to her Facebook page, she worked for the U.N.’s Food and Agriculture Organization.


9:55 p.m.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he is deeply saddened by the Ethiopian Airlines plane crash that killed 157 people, including 18 Canadians.

Trudeau said in a statement he joins the international community in mourning the lives of so many. He says the Canadian government is providing consular assistance and working with local authorities to gather further information.

He said he is reaching out to Kenya’s president and Ethiopia’s prime minister. The flight departed from Addis Ababa and was heading to Nairobi.


9:40 p.m.

The Paris prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation into the Ethiopian Airlines crash because there are French citizens among the 157 killed.

The prosecutor’s office announced the decision Sunday, without elaborating. It is a standard procedure when French citizens are killed abroad.

The French government announced that eight French people are among the victims and opened a crisis center for families of victims, but is not releasing the identities. The airline says seven French citizens are among the victims. The reason for the discrepancy isn’t immediately clear in the chaos of the crash aftermath.

Separately, France’s air accident authority, known as the BEA, said it would likely be involved in the Ethiopian-led investigation because French company Safran jointly manufactured the Boeing jet’s engines along with General Electric.


9:25 p.m.

The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees says “it is with great sadness and shock” that refugee agency colleagues were among the victims of the Ethiopian Airlines plane crash.

A statement by Filppo Grandi says his office is working to confirm how many colleagues were on board the plane that crashed shortly after taking off from Addis Ababa to Nairobi.

Both cities are hubs for humanitarian workers.

The statement also says that “colleagues from the United Nations and other partners were also on board.”

None of the 157 people on board survived.


8:40 p.m.

The United Nations secretary-general says he is “deeply saddened” by the Ethiopian Airlines crash outside Addis Ababa and sends his sympathies to families of the victims, who include U.N. staff members.

The statement by the spokesman for Antonio Guterres gives no details on the victims but says the U.N. is working closely with Ethiopian authorities.

Ethiopian Airlines’ list of 35 nationalities represented by the victims notes that one had a U.N. passport.

The plane was heading to Nairobi, where a U.N. environment summit starts on Monday.


8:25 p.m.

Ethiopia’s House of People’s Representatives has declared Monday a national day of mourning for all 157 victims of Sunday’s crash of an Ethiopian Airlines plane shortly after takeoff from Addis Ababa.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s office says the cause of the crash will be “communicated promptly to the public as updates come in.”

The prime minister visited the crash site earlier Sunday, as did the airline’s CEO. The plane had been en route to Nairobi.


7:55 p.m.

Identities of the 157 victims of the Ethiopian Airlines crash continue to emerge, along with condolences.

Many of the 35 countries that had victims are hurrying to confirm deaths and inform families.

The Russian Embassy in Ethiopia says the airline has identified the three Russians on board as Yekaterina Polyakova, Alexander Polyakov and Sergei Vyalikov. News reports identify the first two as husband and wife. State news agency RIA-Novosibirsk cites a consular official in Nairobi as saying all three were tourists.

Serbia’s foreign ministry confirms that a citizen was among those killed but gives no details. Local media identify the man as 54-year-old Djordje Vdovic. The Vecernje Novosti daily reports that he worked at the World Food Program.


7:50 p.m.

An Italian aid group that partners with UNICEF in northern Africa says one of its founders, Paolo Dieci, is among the dead in the Ethiopian Airlines crash.

The International Committee for the Development of Peoples, known by its acronym CISP, in a statement said “the world of international cooperation has lost one of its most brilliant advocates and Italian civil society has lost a precious point of reference.”

UNICEF Italia sent a tweet of condolences over Dieci’s death. It noted that CISP was a UNICEF partner in Kenya, Libya and Algeria.

In all eight Italians were killed Sunday. Three belonged to the Bergamo-based humanitarian group Africa Tremila and one was the Sicily regional assessor to the culture ministry, officials said.


7:40 p.m.

Germany’s foreign ministry says “we must unfortunately assume that German citizens are also among the victims of the plane crash in Ethiopia.”

Ethiopian Airlines’ list of nationalities for 150 of the 157 people on board included five from Germany. The plane crashed shortly after takeoff from Addis Ababa en route to Nairobi on Sunday morning.

German officials didn’t say how many Germans were believed to have been on board.

The ministry said German diplomats “are in close contact with Ethiopian Airlines and the Ethiopian authorities to get confirmed information as soon as possible.”


7:35 p.m.

A prominent Kenyan soccer official is believed to be among the 157 people killed in the Ethiopian Airlines plane crash.

Hussein Swaleh, the former secretary general of the Kenyan soccer federation, was due to return home on the flight after working as the match commissioner in an African Champions League game in Egypt on Friday.

The plane was destined for the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, but crashed minutes after takeoff Sunday in Addis Ababa.

Kenyan soccer federation president Nick Mwendwa said Swaleh was one of the 32 Kenyan nationals on the flight. Mwendwa wrote on Twitter: “Sad day for football.”


7:25 p.m.

The United States confirms that Americans are among the victims of the Ethiopian Airlines crash outside Addis Ababa on Sunday morning.

A brief State Department statement says U.S. embassies in Addis Ababa and Nairobi are working with Ethiopia’s government and Ethiopian Airlines “to offer all possible assistance.”

The airline has said eight Americans were killed. All of the 157 people on board died.

The State Department says it will directly contact victims’ family members and that “out of respect for the privacy of the families, we won’t have any additional comments about the victims.”


7:10 p.m.

Ethiopia’s state-affiliated Fana Broadcasting reports that the number of Ethiopian victims in Sunday’s plane crash is 18 and their families have been notified.

Ethiopian Airlines had said nine Ethiopian passengers were killed. This new total includes the flight crew.

People from 35 countries were on the flight. All 157 people were killed.

It is not yet clear what caused the crash of the new Boeing 737 MAX 8 plane six minutes after it took off en route for Nairobi.


7:05 p.m.

British officials have confirmed that seven British nationals have died in the crash of an Ethiopian Airlines plane shortly after takeoff from Addis Ababa.

British ambassador to Ethiopia Alastair McPhail says in a video posted by the Foreign Office that embassy staff is working to get details.

The victims have not been named. The airline says all 157 on board were killed.

McPhail expressed condolences to the victims and urged people worried about loved ones to follow the Foreign Office’s social media channels.


7 p.m.

Austrian media report that three local doctors were among the passengers on board an Ethiopian Airlines plane that crashed near Addis Ababa shortly after taking off for Nairobi.

The Austria Press Agency quotes a spokesman for the country’s foreign ministry, Peter Guschelbauer, saying the doctors were between 30 and 40 years old and worked at hospitals in Linz.

Guschelbauer, who couldn’t immediately be reached for comment, told APA that the doctors were traveling to Zanzibar for professional purposes.


6:55 p.m.

A Slovak lawmaker says his wife, daughter and son were killed in the crash of a passenger plane in Ethiopia.

Anton Hrnko with the ultra-nationalist Slovak National Party says he is announcing “in deep grief” that his wife Blanka, son Martin and daughter Michala were among the 157 people killed outside Addis Ababa on Sunday morning.

President Andrej Kiska offered his condolences to Hrnko and the relatives of the fourth Slovak victim.


6:50 p.m.

The mayor of the northern Italian city of Bergamo says three members of a local humanitarian organization, Africa Tremila, were aboard the Ethiopian Airlines jet that crashed after takeoff, killing all aboard.

Bergamo Mayor Giorgio Gori said in a Facebook post that the president of the aid group, Carlo Spini, his wife and the treasurer, Matteo Ravasio, had been en route to South Sudan.

The foreign ministry says in all eight Italians were among the dead. They included the Sicilian regional assessor to the Culture Ministry, Sebastiano Tusa, according to the Sicilian regional president.

In a tweet, Italian Premier Giuseppe Conte said it was a day of pain for everyone: “We are united with the relatives of the victims and offer them our heartfelt thoughts.”


6:40 p.m.

Ethiopian Airlines says Ethiopian authorities, manufacturer Boeing and other international stakeholders will collaborate on an investigation into the cause of Sunday morning’s crash after takeoff from Addis Ababa.

A new statement by the airline also says families of the 157 victims have been contacted and that remains will be returned to them once identified.

The cause of the crash is not yet known. The new Boeing 737-8 MAX plane had been en route to Nairobi. Victims came from 35 countries.


6:30 p.m.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other senior German officials are sending Ethiopia their condolences following news of the crash of an Ethiopian Airlines plane destined for Nairobi.

Merkel’s spokeswoman Martina Fietz said Sunday on Twitter that the chancellor expressed her “deeply felt condolences and sympathy for the relatives of the victims.”

Authorities in Ethiopia said all 157 people on board were killed in the crash. Five Germans were among the victims, said authorities.

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier likewise issued statements of condolence.

Maas said Germany’s embassy in Addis Ababa was in close contact with Ethiopian authorities.


6:20 p.m.

As sunset approaches at the site of an Ethiopian Airlines crash, searchers and a bulldozer pick through the scattered remains of the plane.

No one survived the crash. Authorities say 157 people were on board, with 35 nationalities represented.

Red Cross and other personnel are scouring a vast area for remains and pieces of the plane, which disintegrated with no large segments remaining.

It is not yet clear what caused the crash. The jetliner, a new Boeing 737-8 MAX, showed unstable vertical speed after takeoff, air traffic monitor Flightradar 24 said in a Twitter post.


5:35 p.m.

Ethiopian Airlines has issued a new list of crash victims that now includes German, Austrian, Russian, Swedish, Spanish, Israeli citizens and others.

The new list shows 35 nationalities among the dead after the plane crashed shortly after takeoff from Addis Ababa en route to Nairobi on Sunday morning. In all, 157 people were on board.

Five Germans were killed and three each from Russia, Austria and Sweden. Spain, Israel Morocco and Poland each lost two citizens.

Countries losing one citizen were Belgium, Djibouti, Indonesia, Ireland, Mozambique, Norway, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Serbia, Togo, Uganda, Yemen, Nepal and Nigeria.


5:15 p.m.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confirms that two Israeli citizens were among the 157 people killed in an Ethiopian Airlines crash outside Addis Ababa.

Netanyahu’s office said he spoke with Israeli envoys who briefed him with details. Netanyahu says in a statement that “our hearts go out to their families.”

More than 30 nationalities were among the victims.

Meanwhile, Slovakia’s foreign ministry confirms authorities’ earlier reports that four Slovak nationals were killed.

And a Dutch foreign ministry spokeswoman says embassy staff are working to confirm that five citizens from the Netherlands are among the dead.


5:10 p.m.

The Ethiopian Airlines plane that crashed shortly after takeoff from Addis Ababa on Sunday morning likely was carrying people set to attend a major United Nations environmental conference in Nairobi.

Authorities have said more than 30 nationalities were among the dead.

The U.N. Environment Assembly is set to begin on Monday in Kenya’s capital, where the plane was headed.

French President Emmanuel Macron and U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres are among those expected. U.N. Environment has said more than 4,700 heads of state, ministers, business leaders and others would attend.


4:50 p.m.

Ethiopia’s prime minister has visited the site of an Ethiopian Airlines crash that killed all 157 people thought to be on board.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s office says he expressed his “profound sadness” and ordered a full investigation and “all required support” to the families of the dead.

More than 30 nationalities were among the victims.

The plane en route to Nairobi crashed six minutes after takeoff from Addis Ababa. The cause of the crash of the new Boeing 737-8 MAX is not yet known.

Images from the crash site show little left of the plane.


4:20 p.m.

The new Boeing 737-8 MAX plane that crashed shortly after takeoff from Addis Ababa on Sunday morning was one of 30 purchased and being delivered to the rapidly expanding airline.

A Boeing statement in July noted the delivery of the first plane.

The Ethiopian Airlines CEO says the plane that crashed with 157 people thought to be on board had been delivered in mid-November.

It is not yet clear what caused the crash just six minutes after takeoff en route to Nairobi. The CEO says the pilot sent out a distress call and was given clearance to return.


3:30 p.m.

The Ethiopian Airlines CEO and Kenya’s transport minister say Canadians, Chinese, Americans and others are among the many nationalities among the victims of Sunday morning’s deadly plane crash after takeoff from Addis Ababa.

Authorities earlier said 32 Kenyans and nine Ethiopians were killed. Now they add 18 Canadians; eight each from China, the United States and Italy; seven each from France and Britain; six from Egypt; five from the Netherlands and four each from India and Slovakia.

The airline has said 157 people were thought to be on board.

It is not yet clear what caused the crash of new Boeing 737-8 MAX plane shortly after takeoff from Bole Airport en route to Kenya’s capital, Nairobi.


2:45 p.m.

Ethiopian Airlines has published a photo that appears to show its CEO standing amid the wreckage of the plane that crashed shortly after takeoff from Addis Ababa.

Little of the plane can be seen in the freshly churned earth.

The airline’s social media post says that “Tewolde Gebremariam, who is at the accident scene now, regrets to confirm that there are no survivors. He expresses his profound sympathy and condolences to the families and loved ones of passengers and crew who lost their lives in this tragic accident.”

The airline has said 157 people — 149 passengers and 8 crew — are thought to have been on board the flight that crashed six minutes after takeoff en route to Nairobi.

It is not yet clear what caused the crash.


1:50 p.m.

A spokesman for Ethiopian Airlines says the among the dead in the crash Sunday are 32 Kenyans and 17 Ethiopians. Asrat Begashaw said that 31 other nationalities were also among those on board the new Boeing 737-8 MAX plane that crashed, killing all the 157 people thought to be on the flight.

1:35 p.m.

Ethiopia’s state broadcaster says all passengers on the Ethiopian Airlines plane that crashed shortly after takeoff from Addis Ababa are dead.

The airline has said 157 people were thought to be on board the flight to Nairobi on Sunday morning.

Broadcaster EBC says the passengers included 33 nationalities.

The cause of the crash of the new Boeing 737-8 MAX plane is not immediately known.


1:10 p.m.

Records show that the Ethiopian Airlines passenger plane that crashed shortly after takeoff Sunday morning from Addis Ababa en route to Nairobi was a new one.

The Planespotters civil aviation database shows that the plane, a Boeing 737-8 MAX, was delivered to Ethiopian Airlines in mid-November.

The Ethiopian Airlines’ statement says the 737-8 MAX crashed six minutes after takeoff, with 157 people thought to be on board.

The cause of the crash is not immediately known.


11:45 a.m.

Ethiopian Airlines says it believes 149 passengers and eight crew members were on board a plane that crashed six minutes after taking off from Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa, on a flight to Nairobi.

A statement from the airline on Sunday morning said the Boeing 737 crashed around Bishoftu, or Debre Zeit, some 50 kilometers (31 miles) south of the capital, shortly after taking off at 8:38 a.m. local time.

The airline statement said “search and rescue operations are in progress and we have no confirmed information about survivors or any possible casualties.”

The Ethiopian prime minister’s office in a separate, earlier statement offered condolences to families.


11:33 a.m.

The Ethiopian prime minister’s office says an Ethiopian Airlines plane has crashed on its way to Nairobi, with deaths reported.

The office issued a statement Sunday morning saying the Boeing 737 was on a regularly scheduled flight when it crashed. The statement gave no details.

A spokesman for the airline confirmed the plane crashed while heading from Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa. It is not yet clear where the crash occurred. The airline has not issued a statement.

The state-owned Ethiopian Airlines calls itself Africa’s largest carrier and has ambitions of becoming the gateway to the continent.

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Many Democrats, including those in leadership, believe that President Trump is a danger to the republic and therefore must be impeached by the House and removed from office by the Senate, immediately.

Yet they are not prepared to do it until they have had the opportunity to enjoy their summer recess/vacation.


Democrats are currently scheduled to depart Washington on August 2 and will not return to work until September 9. Democrats are therefore shutting down their impeachment efforts for the summer, despite their claims that the president is guilty of “high crimes and misdemeanors?” They are willing to leave him in office and continue to govern without any efforts to remove him?

If Democrats do, in fact, leave for the summer and halt their impeachment efforts, that will tell you everything you need to know about their true intentions. If our nation was, in fact, suffering a “Constitutional crisis” due to the unlawful acts by a sitting president, they would stay in session and burn the midnight oil to save our nation from such a rogue and dangerous leader.

Wouldn’t they?

Democrats know that the American people “check out” for the summer. They are on vacation with their families and will not return their focus to news and politics until after Labor Day. This is especially true in a presidential election cycle where the president is running for re-election. Add to that the fact that there are over 20 Democrats vying for their party’s nomination, and many of them are members of Congress who don’t want to leave the campaign trail to be bogged down in impeachment or removal proceedings.

They want the issue, but do not want the process.

When Democrats return to Congress in September they will pick up where they left off. They will schedule hearings, hold news conferences and will issue subpoenas. They will return to the whole impeachment and removal process, if they are allowed to, without missing a beat.

There is no Constitutional crisis. Democrats are using and abusing their power and trampling the Constitution by using impeachment and removal as a sword to impale a political enemy, rather than as a shield to guard the Constitution and the people from a president who has in fact committed “high crimes and misdemeanors” while in office.

If the president was such a danger to the country, I can assure you Democrats and Republicans would be united and that impeachment proceedings would have begun and continued through the Fourth of July weekend, and through the summer.

Democrats admit that impeachment and removal is a “political process.” Everything about their efforts to impeach and remove President Trump has been political. From the day he was elected, to the day he was sworn in, to today – Democrats have advocated for his removal from office. The only thing lacking in their efforts is the evidence of “high crimes and misdemeanors.”

Their efforts rise and fall with the election cycle, media cycle and now, the vacation schedule.

Let’s remember: It was Democrats in Congress who demanded the appointment of an “independent counsel,” to be appointed by the attorney general, to investigate the president with regard to ‘high crimes and misdemeanors” committed as president, and crimes that may have been committed prior to him being elected.

It was Democrats who said they would abide by the decision of an independent counsel and who had faith in Robert Mueller conducting a fair and impartial investigation. When Mueller finished his more than two-year investigation and came back with no indictments of the president and no evidence sufficient to criminally charge him – it was Democrats who cried foul.

And now it is Democrats who say it is their job to determine whether or not the president has engaged in “high crimes and misdemeanors,” not an independent counsel. Democrats are in fact quite brazen in their admission that impeachment and removal of a president is a “political process” and not a legal process.

The Democrats’ actions post-Mueller Report are a desperate political ploy to so damage the president that he will be unelectable come 2020. It is the Democrats in Congress who are colluding and conspiring to subvert the presidential election results in 2020 by using their power in violation of their Constitutional authority and powers.

The American people are smarter than Democrats give them credit for. They know there is no “Constitutional Crisis.” They know that if Mueller had found “high crimes and misdemeanors” against the president he would have said so.

If the president was such a danger to the country, I can assure you Democrats and Republicans would be united and that impeachment proceedings would have begun and continued through the Fourth of July weekend, and through the summer.

Democrats remind me of the “boy who cried wolf.” They cried that the president was guilty of crimes, yet the independent counsel failed to find evidence of this. They said they had evidence yet never produced it. Now, they are doing it again, proclaiming the urgency to proceed with impeachment … yet they are taking the summer off.


The Democrats’ dislike of the president has clouded their judgment and derailed their morals. Colluding and conspiring to wrongfully remove a president sounds a lot like obstruction of justice and criminal interference with an electoral process. The very charges they have alleged against the president without success.

Perhaps we need the immediate appointment of an independent counsel to investigate Congress?


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Martes, 26 de Agosto 2014  |  10:59 pm

Créditos: RPP

Fue capturado y trasladado hacia la comisaría del distrito de Chaclacayo fuertemente resguardado.

Paul Olórtiga, ex pareja de la fallecida cantante de Corazón Serrano, Edita Guerrero, fue capturado esta tarde en el distrito de Chaclacayo.

Vecinos del lugar informaron al corresponsal de RPP Noticias que el ex prófugo habría estado escondido en la zona de Morón, presuntamente, en la casa de un familiar.

Olórtiga estuvo detenido en la División Policial de Chaclacayo, posteriormente fue trasladado bajo fuertes medidas de seguridad, hasta la División Policial de Chosica, ubicada a la altura del KM 32 de la Carretera Central.

Al viudo de la cantante de Corazón Serrano se le sindica como presunto autor de los delitos de feminicidio y parricidio.



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En Venezuela se lleva a cabo este 30 de julio un proceso electoral para elegir a los integrantes que constituirán la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente (ANC) convocada por el presidente Nicolás Maduro el 1 de mayo.

A pesar de los esfuerzos del Gobierno y el pueblo venezolano por resaltar la importancia que tiene la Constituyente para superar el escenario de violencia que vive el país suramericano, los medios de comunicación internacionales omiten el por qué de la convocatoria del presidente Maduro y resaltan la violencia impulsada por la oposición venezolana.

Medios como El País de España, El Clarín de Argentina o agencias como EFE intentan invisibilizar este proceso democrático con noticias sobre una supuesta baja participación y posicionan un escenario de permanente violencia en las calles, cuando en realidad se trata de focos de violencia en zonas con mayoría de opositores.

Fuente: El País/ captura de pantalla

La embajadora de EE.UU. ante Naciones Unidas, Nikki Haley, tildó de “farsa” el proceso constituyente y aseguró que es “un paso hacia la dictadura” y sostuvo que Estados Unidos no aceptará un “gobierno ilegítimo”. 

La Asamblea Constituyente fue convocada por el presidente Nicolás Maduro el 1 de mayo, en base al artículo 348 de la Constitución. 

Los venezolanos eligen 537 de los 545 diputados que integrarán las Asamblea Nacional Constituyente. Los ocho restantes son representantes indígenas que serán escogidos el 1 de agosto en tres asambleas generales, de acuerdo con las costumbres y tradiciones de los pueblos indígenas del país.

Entre los objetivos de la Asamblea Constituyente está ampliar y proteger los derechos sociales de los venezolanos establecido en la Carta Magna de 1999; garantizar la paz y el diálogo ante la violencia de la oposición, que ha dejado más de 100 muertos desde abril pasado; superar el rentismo petrolero; y fortalecer la lucha contra el terrorismo.

Fuente: El Clarín/ captura de pantalla
Fuente: Excelsior
Fuente: EFE

La prensa internacional en consonancia con la derecha venezolana minimizaron la participación de los venezolanos y las venezolanas en el proceso electoral legítimo que transcurre este domingo. La Asamblea Nacional Constituyente es una figura contemplada en la Constitución de 1999 impulsada por el expresidente Hugo Chávez. 

A pesar de la imagen apocalíptica que intentan proyectar los medios internacionales sobre la situación en Venezuela, la realidad es que los ciudadanos acudieron a los centros de votación en bicicletas, a pie e incluso algunos cruzaron ríos crecidos para poder ejercer su derecho a sufragar en los comicios donde se elegirán 545 y 8 representantes indígenas que redactaran una nueva Constitución, estos representantes surgen de las bases del pueblo venezolano. 

>> Contra narrativa de la prensa, dan apoyo internacional a Constituyente de Venezuela



El plebiscito inconstitucional de la oposición y la cobertura de la prensa

El 16 de julio la oposición venezolana llevó a cabo una consulta privada que denominó plebiscito para demostrar su rechazo hacia el Gobierno del presidente Nicolás Maduro. Este proceso llamado “referéndum” por algunos medios internacionales no fue apoyado por el máximo organismo electoral de Venezuela, el CNE, porque la figura de plebiscito no aparece en la Constitución de 1999 vigente en la actualidad.

Al culminar el plebiscito, la oposición quemó todas las actas de votación y no quedan registros de los números que anunciaron. 

Además, el dirigente socialista, Jorge Rodríguez, indicó que el plebiscito inconstitucional dejó en evidencia una serie de sucesos irregulares, tales como la repetición de votos y la alteración de los resultados obtenidos.

Rodríguez mostró un material audiovisual donde se aprecia al secretario del partido Primero Justicia en Aragua, Filiberto Colmenares, y al subsecretario de la MUD, José Gregorio Hernández, manipular los resultados obtenidos en la entidad.

En el vídeo se puede ver a Colmenares solicitar al subsecretario de la MUD en el estado Aragua sumar 50.000 votos al resultado final que obtuvo la entidad durante la consulta.

Fuente: El Clarín


 >> Evidencian manipulación en plebiscito de oposición en Venezuela


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Airlines are preparing for more flight cancellations as Boeing readies a software fix for its best-selling 737 Max planes following two fatal crashes of the aircraft that prompted regulators around the world to ground the plane.

Pilots from U.S. carriers on Saturday tested Boeing’s software changes to the automatic anti-stall system in Renton, Washington, where Boeing assembles the 737 Max planes. Representatives from Southwest Airlines, American Airlines and United Airlines — the U.S. airlines that fly the 737 Max — also met with Boeing officials about the software changes and additional pilot training.

The U.S. government ordered airlines to suspend flights using the Boeing 737 Max plane, joining dozens of other countries in taking that step amid concerns about the similarities between the March 10 crash of an Ethiopian Airlines 737 Max and a Lion Air crash in October, which together killed 346 people.

Boeing late Sunday said it invited more than 200 airline pilots and regulators to Renton last Wednesday to “share more details about our plan for supporting the safe return of the 737 MAX to commercial service.”

The Federal Aviation Administration expects to get a look at the software early in the week, according to a person familiar with the matter. The agency needs to certify Boeing’s changes before it can be added to the aircraft.

Scrutiny mounts

French and Ethiopian investigators said last week there were “clear similarities” between the Ethiopian Airlines and Lion Air crashes.

Scrutiny is mounting on the FAA’s certification of the planes and the anti-stall system Boeing added to the 737 Max planes before they debuted in 2017. That program, the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System, or MCAS, can automatically push the nose of the planes downward in order to avoid a stall in flight. Some pilots complained that they didn’t know the system existed until after the Lion Air crash.

Investigators are still probing what brought down the Ethiopian Airlines jetliner earlier this month. The airline’s CEO Tewolde GebreMariam told the Wall Street Journal that “to the best of our knowledge” MCAS was engaged during the flight and that it would be “very difficult” for Boeing to restore trust in the 737 Max. He said Boeing should have done more to explain the MCAS system both before and after the Lion Air crash in Indonesia.

Earlier Monday, the CEO said in a statement that he “still believes” in Boeing after the crash.

A Senate aviation subcommittee has called FAA officials and the chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board to testify at a hearing Wednesday.

Investigators in the Lion Air crash have indicated that the pilots may have been battling the system that repeatedly pushed the plane’s nose downward. Erroneous data from the plane’s sensor that reads the aircraft’s so-called angle of attack — can be catastrophic.

Among Boeing’s changes include feeding the MCAS system with two angle-of-attack sensors instead of the current one. It would also limit the number of times the nose would automatically tilt downward if inaccurate data is received from the sensors, Boeing said.

More cancellations

While Boeing 737 Max planes make up a small part of their fleets, some airlines are preparing for more flight cancellations as the aircraft remain grounded. Southwest has flown its Boeing 737 Max planes to a facility in the Mojave desert in California. The airline has 34 of the planes in its fleet of about 750 Boeing 737s, more than any other U.S. airline.

The carrier is canceling about 130 flights per day out of a daily schedule of around 4,000 flights and is calling off flights about five days ahead.

American Airlines, which has 24 of the 737 Max planes in its fleet, on Sunday said it’s canceling 90 flights a day due to the grounding and has canceled flights through April 24, which encompasses the busy Easter and Passover traveling period. American, which operates about 6,700 flights a day, noted that even passengers whose flights were not assigned a 737 Max plane may see cancellations as the carrier deploys planes to other flights.

Compliance with the FAA directive “have caused, and are expected to continue to cause, significant disruption to our customers and financial costs to us,” American said in a filing on Monday. It said it could not currently forecast those costs.

Some airlines are preparing for even longer disruptions. Air Canada said last week it plans to remove its Boeing 737 Max through July.

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Extragrande y extrabrillante: la Luna está llena y en su fase más cercana en su viaje alrededor de la Tierra, con lo ve enorme y extraordinariamente luminosa, sobre todo si se observa en el horizonte, es decir, tenemos “superluna”.

La Superluna se repetirá en agosto y septiembre.

Los científicos de la NASA explican que el satélite terrestre describe una órbita elíptica alrededor del planeta. Su punto más alejado es el apogeo. Ahora está en su “perigeo” y la diferencia puede ser de hasta 50.000 kilómetros.

Por eso se ve tan grande.

Si en junio del año pasado la superluna copó titulares alrededor del mundo, este 2014 tendremos tres seguidas. Lo es la de este fin de semana y también lo serán la de agosto y septiembre.

Sin embargo, Geoff Chester, del Observatorio Naval de EE.UU., explica que no es tan raro.

“En general, las lunas llenas cerca de perigeo se dan cada 13 meses y 18 días. De hecho, el año pasado hubo tres seguidas, pero sólo una se reportó extensamente”, dice Chester, citado por la NASA.


Lea también: La “superluna” alumbra el mundo

Si se la ve en el horizonte, aparece todavía mucho más grande y más si se la mira a través de árboles.

Se trata de una ilusión óptica que no tiene entienden del todo ni astrónomos ni psicólogos

En Nueva York, locales y turistas disfrutaron del fenómeno, más porque coincidió con el popular “solsticio de Manhattan”, el momento en que el sol se alinea al atardecer con las calles que van de este a oeste de la Gran Manzana, llegó este año acompañado de la superluna.

En la isla neoyorkina, el fenómeno ya tiene nombre: “Moonhattanhenge”, un juego de palabras con “moon”, luna en inglés y “-henge” en alusión al monumento prehistórico inglés de Stonhenge.

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Both President Donald Trump and his son Donald Trump Jr. praised a CNN report that seemed to put to rest a possible line of inquiry in the ongoing investigations into Russian interfence in the 2016 election. | Mark Wilson/Getty Images

White House

President Donald Trump welcomed a report Thursday that said his son, Donald Trump Jr., did not talk with him on a blocked phone number before and after a meeting at Trump Tower between top campaign officials and Russians linked to the Kremlin.

“Just out: The big deal, very mysterious Don jr telephone calls, after the innocent Trump Tower meeting, that the media & Dems said were made to his father (me), were just conclusively found NOT to be made to me,” the president wrote on Twitter. “They were made to friends & business associates of Don. Really sad!”

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CNN reported Thursday that three sources “with knowledge of the matter” told the network that records provided to the Senate Intelligence Community show the calls were between Trump Jr. and business associates.

Democrats, including Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), who both sit on committees investigating the meeting, have pressed for more information om Trump’s Jr.’s repeated phone exchanges with a blocked number. Others have surmised that the calls could have been with his father, then the Republican frontrunner and future president.

The June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower — between Trump Jr., adviser Jared Kushner, then-campaign manager Paul Manafort and Russians including a lawyer linked to the Kremlin — has long been the source of both speculation and investigation in the various probes into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Trump’s initial insistence that the meeting was to discuss adoptions and not to gather dirt on Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton had fueled claims that the gathering could have been an example of the campaign’s collusion in Russia’s efforts to meddle in the election.

Whether Trump knew of the meeting beforehand, or was informed after the fact, is seen by many commentators as key to the collusion question.

Trump Jr. also touted the report on Twitter and taunted House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), who previously said House Republicans, then in the majority, were not doing enough to investigate the phone records.

“Has anyone heard from Adam Schiff?” Trump Jr. said. “I imagine he’s busy leaking other confidential info from the House Intelligence Committee to change the subject?!? #FullOfSchiff”

Trump and his son are frequent critics of CNN reporting, often calling the network’s coverage of the White House and Russia investigation “fake news.”

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House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (left) and Speaker Nancy Pelosi are at loggerheads over the intensity and speed with which Democrats investigate President Donald Trump. | Drew Angerer/Getty Images


Differences between the speaker and Judiciary chairman over how to hold President Donald Trump accountable are breaking into the open.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, two longtime allies, are clashing over whether to begin an impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump — a sign of how toxic the split over Trump has become for House Democrats.

Nadler has twice urged Pelosi in private to open a formal impeachment inquiry, but the speaker, backed by the majority of her leadership team and her caucus, has maintained that impeaching the president would backfire on Democrats without meaningful Republican support. And there is no sign that Trump’s GOP firewall is cracking.

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Pelosi and Nadler, two veterans of the impeachment drama surrounding President Bill Clinton 20 years ago, appear to be drawing opposite lessons from that experience. And the divide between the two lawmakers is illustrative of what all Democrats are grappling with as they respond to Trump’s efforts to stonewall congressional investigations into his personal conduct, finances and policy moves.

“I think they are articulating the different impulses within the caucus, and also within each of us,” Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) said of Pelosi and Nadler. “It’s not entirely clear what to do.”

“Put yourself in the position of somebody in the House of Representatives today,” added Raskin, a Judiciary Committee member who wants to launch an impeachment inquiry. “There are a million factors to deal with. And we’re dealing with the most lawless, corrupt presidency of our lifetime. So what is the right time to respond? It’s not entirely clear.”

Tuesday, though, will feature a key step that all Democrats can agree on: The full House will vote on empowering committee chairs to enforce subpoenas issued to top current and former Trump administration officials, including Attorney General William Barr and former White House counsel Don McGahn.

The resolution will, in part, allow the Judiciary Committee to sue Barr and McGahn in federal court to secure former special counsel Robert Mueller’s unredacted report and underlying evidence from his Russia investigation, as well as McGahn’s public testimony.

But a majority of Democratic members of Nadler’s committee favor impeaching Trump, which puts intense pressure on the chairman for more drastic action.

Pelosi and other top Democrats argue that most in their party don’t support such a move, especially with no significant GOP support. Even if the Democratic-controlled House voted to impeach Trump, the Republican-run Senate would probably acquit him, they argue, meaning that Trump would not only remain in office but that the move could potentially embolden the GOP base and result in the president’s reelection.

Nadler, meanwhile, has made the case to Pelosi that an impeachment inquiry would streamline their investigations under one committee and would strengthen Democrats’ hand in federal court over challenges to their subpoenas.

Nadler and Pelosi sparred over the issue during a private meeting last week. Nadler again pushed the speaker to support an impeachment inquiry, but she refused, saying she’d rather see Trump “in prison.”

Some Judiciary Committee members are hinting at a more serious divide between the two lawmakers. But senior Democratic aides consistently downplay any tension between them.

“I think Chairman Nadler has done a very good job, particularly considering the parameters under which he has to work,” said Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.), one of the caucus’s most fervent supporters of impeachment. “There are quite a few.”

Tuesday’s vote — the first enforcement mechanism to hit the House floor since Mueller’s report was released nearly two months ago — is unlikely to calm tensions, even as House Democrats continue to secure key victories in federal court and in their negotiations with the Justice Department over access to Mueller’s files.

That’s in part because Pelosi’s allies are using those wins as evidence that their current strategy is working — and that impeachment isn’t necessary yet.

“We’re winning as it relates to the strategy that we’re pursuing, and the fact that the Department of Justice has agreed to provide documents and allow inspection of a more unredacted version of the report means we should stay the course,” said House Democratic Caucus Chairman Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.), a member of the Judiciary panel. He was referring to a deal the committee struck with the Justice Department over access to some of Mueller’s “key” underlying evidence about possible obstruction of justice by the president.

At the core of the conflict is a sharp disagreement between Pelosi and Nadler over the intensity and speed with which Democrats investigate Trump and how that decision will reverberate in next year’s election.

Pelosi speaks frequently about how she empowers her committee chairmen — allowing them to make decisions about what legislation they pursue and how they run their respective panels.

With Nadler’s panel, however, she has been much more personally involved in the committee’s decision-making process, according to multiple sources, even compared with panels such as Oversight and Intelligence, which are also pursuing potentially explosive investigations targeting Trump.

The speaker’s allies, though, assert that Pelosi has been hands-off with the Judiciary Committee except when it comes to her disagreement with Nadler over impeachment. Opening an impeachment inquiry, as Nadler has advocated privately to Pelosi, would be the equivalent of “jumping off a cliff,” according to a source close to the speaker.

The squabble has put a strain on what has generally been a cordial and respectful relationship.

They have served together in the House for nearly 30 years. Nadler, a New Yorker, backed Pelosi, who is from California, when she challenged Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), now the No. 2 Democrat, in their bitter battle to become House minority whip in 2001, a critical moment in her rise to the speaker’s chair. The alliances forged then still resonate today and creep into nearly all internal caucus politics.

Pelosi, in turn, stayed out of the race between Nadler and Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), a close ally of the speaker, to become the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee in 2017. Pelosi’s silence was interpreted as a gift to Nadler and a blessing for him to take over the gavel after the resignation of Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) amid a sexual harassment scandal.

In the seven weeks since Mueller’s findings were made public, House Democrats have been focused almost exclusively on battling the Trump administration over how much of the Mueller report lawmakers can view; when and whether Mueller testifies; the conditions of Barr’s testimony; and other process-related fights.

Those protracted legal battles were out of Nadler’s control, due in large part to the Trump administration’s unwillingness to comply with congressional subpoenas. Nadler addressed the administration’s recalcitrance during Monday’s hearing with Nixon White House counsel John Dean and former federal prosecutors.

“It is true that fact witnesses have been ordered by the White House not to appear before this committee,” Nadler said. “But we’ll get them.”

Still, Democrats on the committee have privately complained that the process battles do little to educate the public, and even Monday’s hearing with Dean barely made a splash. Instead, most news networks carried coverage of a fatal helicopter crash in New York City on Monday.

“Obviously that’s not going to be effective if they didn’t see that,” acknowledged Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.), a Judiciary Committee and leadership member who supports opening an impeachment inquiry.

“I’ve expressed my personal opinions to the speaker,” Lieu said. “It will be a decision that the speaker and the caucus makes. And I respect that decision. In the meantime, I’m going to hold these hearings [and] educate the American people about the report.”

Judiciary Committee Democrats largely remain united behind Nadler, saying privately that they recognize he is in an impossible position — caught between a majority of the panel’s Democratic members supporting an impeachment inquiry and the speaker remaining steadfastly opposed.

“To some extent they’re on the same page,” Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-La.), a Judiciary member and Pelosi ally, said of the disagreement between the speaker and Nadler. “But the American people have to get there. And as of now, as Democrats, the White House has been able to distract and hide from the Mueller report because we have a president and an attorney general who are co-conspirators in depriving the American people of the real facts.”

Kyle Cheney contributed to this report.

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(Foto captura)

Continúa la incertidumbre en torno a la salud de Leopoldo López. El diputado Freddy Guevara se encuentra a las afueras de la cárcel militar de Ramo Verde, luego de que Lilian Tintori, esposa del líder opositor, entrara a las 11:00 de la mañana para ver a su esposo.

López estuvo 35 días aislado por una sanción interna.

“Estamos esperando que salga para que nos dé tanto su mensaje como el estado de salud que él tiene”, expresó Guevara.

Gran cantidad de personas aguarda afuera de Ramo Verde. Un piquete de la Guardia Nacional Bolivariana (GNB) resguarda la zona.

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Insects are the most abundant animals on planet Earth. If you were to put them all together into one creepy-crawly mass, they’d outweigh all humanity by a factor of 17.

Insects outweigh all the fish in the oceans and all the livestock munching grass on land. Their abundance, variety (there could be as many as 30 million species), and ubiquity mean insects play a foundational role in food webs and ecosystems: from the bees that pollinate the flowers of food crops like almonds to the termites that recycle dead trees in forests.

Insects are also superlative for another, disturbing reason: They’re vanishing at a rate faster than mammals, fish, amphibians, and reptiles.

“The pace of modern insect extinctions surpasses that of vertebrates by a large margin,” write the authors of an alarming new review in Biological Conservation of the scientific literature on insect populations published in the past 40 years. The state of insect biodiversity, they write, is “dreadful.” And their biomass — the estimated weight of all insects on Earth combined — is dropping by an estimated 2.5 percent every year.

In all, the researchers conclude that as much as 40 percent of all insect species may be endangered over the next several decades. (Caveat: Most of the data was obtained from studies conducted in Europe and North America.) And around 41 percent of all insect species on record have seen population declines in the past decade.

“We estimate the current proportion of insect species in decline … to be twice as high as that of vertebrates, and the pace of local species extinction … eight times higher,” the authors write. “It is evident that we are witnessing the largest [insect] extinction event on Earth since the late Permian and Cretaceous periods.”

Bees, butterflies, moths, dung beetles, and crickets are all declining

Butterflies and moths, known as the Lepidoptera order, are some of the hardest hit: 53 percent of Lepidoptera have seen declining population numbers. This is especially concerning as butterflies, which are very sensitive to changes in landscape and food sources, are often a bellwether of environmental health.

Some 50 percent of Orthoptera species (grasshoppers and crickets, another important source of food for an enormous array of animals) are also in decline. Forty percent of bee species are listed as vulnerable for extinction, and most dung beetle species (named for — you guessed it — what they like to eat) are vulnerable or endangered.

Biological Conservation

Biological Conservation

This new study is important because it paints a picture of a problem that’s been recorded in individual ecosystems. A 2017 study in Germany noted a 75 percent decline in flying insects over three decades. “The widespread insect biomass decline is alarming,” the authors wrote, “ever more so as all traps were placed in protected areas that are meant to preserve ecosystem functions and biodiversity.”

This new study is imperfect: Scientists aren’t quite sure how many species of insect exist, let alone have good population data on all of them. The data in this study comes from developed countries like the US. The authors note that there’s not enough data from tropical regions, where new species of insect keep being discovered.

But at least, this study makes it clear that the problem isn’t confined to just Europe, or even to a narrow band of insects.

“Most worrying,” the authors write, is that the losses seem to impact both “specialist” insects and “generalist” insects. A specialist is an organism that occupies a tiny niche in an ecosystem (like a moth that only feeds on one particular plant). A generalist, on the other hand, is more adaptable and can more easily change environments and food sources.

Both types of insects are facing major losses. “This suggests that the causes of insect declines are not tied to particular habitats, but instead affect common traits shared among all insects,” the study authors write.

What’s killing all the insects?

The state of insect biodiversity is “dreadful” because we know what happens when ecosystems lose insects: They lose other species as well.

In October, a study in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science documented that between 1976 and 2013, the number of invertebrates (like insects, spiders, and centipedes) in the Luquillo rainforest in Puerto Rico caught in survey nets plummeted by a factor of four or eight. When measured by the number caught in sticky traps, invertebrates declined by a factor of 60. And that loss of insects coincided with losses of birds, lizards, and frogs. “The food web appears to have been obliterated from the bottom,” the Washington Post’s Ben Guarino reported on the study.

So what’s happening?

The researchers in the new Biological Conservation paper outline four broad, global problems leading to insect loss. They won’t surprise you.

  1. Habitat loss as a result of human development, deforestation, and the expansion of agriculture
  2. Pollution, particularly via pesticides, fertilizers, and industrial wastes
  3. Parasites and pathogens — like the viruses that attack honeybees — and invasive species
  4. Climate change

In summary: Human activity is to blame.

Biological Conservation

“Habitat restoration, coupled with a drastic reduction in agro-chemical inputs and agricultural ‘redesign’, is probably the most effective way to stop further declines,” the researchers write, with “redesign” meaning making agricultural plots more hospitable to the native insects (for instance, maintaining flowering plants for pollinators to feast on). Pesticide use needs to decline drastically as well. “Unless we change our ways of producing food, insects as a whole will go down the path of extinction in a few decades,” the researchers write.

And if we don’t act, the researchers give a stark warning:

The repercussions this will have for the planet’s ecosystems are catastrophic to say the least, as insects are at the structural and functional base of many of the world’s ecosystems since their rise at the end of the Devonian period, almost 400 million years ago.

With so much devastating and widespread loss of insects — and other forms of life — it’s hard to say where we should focus our attention. In Science, Jonathan Baillie, the chief scientist at the National Geographic Society, and Ya-Ping Zhang, the vice president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, argued that half of all land should be protected for wildlife by 2050, to give plants and animals a chance to thrive.

This is a lofty, perhaps unrealistic goal. But we’ve taken so much from wildlife. We need to think more about how to stop taking environments away from plants and animals. “Simply put,” Baillie and Zhang write in Science, “there is finite space and energy on the planet, and we must decide how much of it we’re willing to share.”

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A guest at former President Barack Obama’s 60th birthday bash said he was forced to delete Instagram photos he posted of himself at the star-studded event on Martha’s Vineyard Saturday night.

Rapper Trap Beckham and his manager, TJ Chapman, posted Instagram photos of the food and décor at the event, as well as themselves smoking marijuana, which is legal in Massachusetts, but the photos were later deleted under the event’s photography ban, the New York Post reported.


Beckham and Chapman both posted about having to delete the photos.

“Had to delete everything due to the rules,” Beckham said, the Post reported. “It was epic for sure. If any videos surface it’s going viral. He danced the whole time. Nobody ever seen Obama like this before.”

Chapman was visibly irritated after having to delete the evidence of his “epic” evening.

“Epic night last night,” he said in a video. “I posted some stories of myself. Didn’t think anybody gave a damn, and I guess they did. That’s not cool. That’s not cool.”

Singer Erykah Badu posted a video on Instagram of Obama holding a microphone and dancing onstage at the party, but it was later deleted Sunday morning.

“Y’all never seen Obama like this in your life,” Chapman said on Instagram afterward.

Guests were seen leaving Obama’s party just before midnight, the Post reported. A local Massachusetts police officer called the traffic situation in the small town a “s–t show” on his radio as people started to head home, the Post reported.

Chapman estimated that organizers spent at least $1 million on the event, which he labeled “the party of all parties.”


Celebrity guests included Jay-Z, Beyoncé, Steven Spielberg, Bradley Cooper, Don Cheadle, Steven Colbert, Bruce Springsteen, and Tom and Rita Hanks.

The Obamas said they would scale back the guest list after facing backlash for hosting the party amid a nationwide uptick in COVID-19 cases due to the spread of the delta variant.

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MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto faced fresh questions on Wednesday about his dealings with a company at the center of a conflict-of-interest scandal, after it emerged that he enjoyed rent-free use of a house belonging to the firm as a campaign office.

Already under pressure over the government’s handling of the presumed massacre of 43 students abducted by corrupt police in southwestern Mexico in September, Pena Nieto is facing his most difficult period since taking office two years ago.

On Nov. 3, the government announced a Chinese-led consortium had won a no bid contract to build a $3.75 billion high-speed rail link in central Mexico.

Three days later, the government abruptly canceled the deal, just before a report by news site Aristegui Noticias showed that a subsidiary of Grupo Higa, a company that formed part of the consortium and had won various previous contracts, owned the luxury house of first lady Angelica Rivera.

Under public pressure, Rivera said she would give up the house. But neither she nor Pena Nieto have addressed the apparent conflict of interest stemming from the government’s business with Grupo Higa.

On Wednesday, Aristegui Noticias published a new story that said Pena Nieto used a different property belonging to another Grupo Higa subsidiary as an office when he was president-elect in 2012.

Eduardo Sanchez, the president’s spokesman, said Pena Nieto unwittingly used the property. Sanchez said it was leased from the Grupo Higa firm by Humberto Castillejos, the president’s legal adviser, who lent it rent-free to Pena Nieto’s team.

“If I invite you to my house, do you come to my house and ask me under whose name it is? Neither does the president,” Sanchez said, denying there were conflicts of interest.

The spokesman also said there were no more properties Pena Nieto or his team had used belonging to Grupo Higa.

“No, there is no other house that was used in a professional capacity,” Sanchez said.

Castillejos could not immediately be reached for comment.

Jorge Luis Lavalle, a senator with the opposition conservative National Action Party, said the public saw a clear conflict of interest in the dealings of Pena Nieto and his government with Grupo Higa.

“It needs to be investigated. All these doubts need to be dispelled fully and clearly,” he said. “We now have another case with no explanation.”

(Additional reporting by Ana Isabel Martinez; Editing by Simon Gardner and Tom Brown)

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