Most Viewed Videos

‘:””},t.getDefinedParams=function(e,t){return t.filter(function(t){return e[t]}).reduce(function(t,n){return l(t,function(e,t,n){return t in e?Object.defineProperty(e,t,{value:n,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0}):e[t]=n,e}({},n,e[n]))},{})},t.isValidMediaTypes=function(e){var t=[“banner”,”native”,”video”];return!!Object.keys(e).every(function(e){return(0,b.default)(t,e)})&&(!||!||(0,b.default)([“instream”,”outstream”],},t.getBidderRequest=function(e,t,n){return(0,v.default)(e,function(e){return e.bids.filter(function(e){return e.bidder===t&&e.adUnitCode===n}).length>0})||{start:null,auctionId:null}},t.getUserConfiguredParams=function(e,t,n){return e.filter(function(e){return e.code===t}).map(function(e){return e.bids}).reduce(s,[]).filter(function(e){return e.bidder===n}).map(function(e){return e.params||{}})},t.getOrigin=function(){return window.location.origin?window.location.origin:window.location.protocol+”//”+window.location.hostname+(window.location.port?”:”+window.location.port:””)},t.getDNT=function(){return”1″===navigator.doNotTrack||”1″===window.doNotTrack||”1″===navigator.msDoNotTrack||”yes”===navigator.doNotTrack},t.isAdUnitCodeMatchingSlot=function(e){return function(t){return B(e,t)}},t.isSlotMatchingAdUnitCode=function(e){return function(t){return B(t,e)}},t.unsupportedBidderMessage=function(e,t){var n=Object.keys(e.mediaTypes||{banner:”banner”}).join(“, “);return”\n “+e.code+” is a “+n+” ad unit\n containing bidders that don’t support “+n+”: “+t+”.\n This bidder won’t fetch demand.\n “},t.deletePropertyFromObject=function(e,t){var n=l({},e);return delete n[t],n},t.removeRequestId=function(e){return t.deletePropertyFromObject(e,”requestId”)},t.isInteger=function(e){return Number.isInteger?Number.isInteger(e):”number”==typeof e&&isFinite(e)&&Math.floor(e)===e},t.convertCamelToUnderscore=function(e){return e.replace(/(?:^|\.?)([A-Z])/g,function(e,t){return”_”+t.toLowerCase()}).replace(/^_/,””)},t.transformBidderParamKeywords=function(e){var n=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:”keywords”,r=[];return t._each(e,function(e,i){if(t.isArray(e)){var o=[];t._each(e,function(e){(e=t.getValueString(n+”.”+i,e))&&o.push(e)}),e=o}else{if(e=t.getValueString(n+”.”+i,e),!t.isStr(e))return;e=[e]}r.push({key:i,value:e})}),r},t.convertTypes=function(e,n){return Object.keys(e).forEach(function(r){var i,o;n[r]&&(t.isFn(e[r])?n[r]=e[r](n[r]):n[r]=(i=e[r],o=n[r],”string”===i?o&&o.toString():”number”===i?Number(o):o),isNaN(n[r])&&delete n.key)}),n};var g=n(3),h=r(n(63)),v=r(n(10)),b=r(n(5)),y=n(11),m=n(4),_=!1,A=Object.prototype.toString,w=Boolean(window.console),E=Boolean(w&&window.console.log),S=Boolean(w&&,I=Boolean(w&&window.console.warn),T=Boolean(w&&window.console.error);t.replaceTokenInString=function(e,n,r){return t._each(n,function(t,n){t=void 0===t?””:t;var i=r+n.toUpperCase()+r,o=new RegExp(i,”g”);e=e.replace(o,t)}),e};var x,j=(x=0,function(){return++x});t.getUniqueIdentifierStr=i,t.generateUUID=function e(t){return t?(t^16*Math.random()>>t/4).toString(16):([1e7]+-1e3+-4e3+-8e3+-1e11).replace(/[018]/g,e)},t.getBidIdParameter=function(e,t){return t&&t[e]?t[e]:””},t.tryAppendQueryString=function(e,t,n){return n?e+(t+”=”)+encodeURIComponent(n)+”&”:e},t.parseQueryStringParameters=function(e){var t=””;for(var n in e)e.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(t+=n+”=”+encodeURIComponent(e[n])+”&”);return t},t.transformAdServerTargetingObj=function(e){return e&&Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).length>0?c(e).map(function(t){return t+”=”+encodeURIComponent(d(e,t))}).join(“&”):””},t.getTopWindowLocation=function(){if(t.inIframe()){var e=void 0;try{e=t.getAncestorOrigins()||t.getTopFrameReferrer()}catch(e){logInfo(“could not obtain top window location”,e)}if(e)return(0,y.parse)(e,{decodeSearchAsString:!0})}return 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f?o(,f):f,h&&((y.virtual||(y.virtual={}))[c]=f,t&e.R&&m&&!m[c]&&a(m,c,f)))};s.F=1,s.G=2,s.S=4,s.P=8,s.B=16,s.W=32,s.U=64,s.R=128,e.exports=s},15:function(e,t){e.exports=function(e){return”object”==(void 0===e?”undefined”:_typeof(e))?null!==e:”function”==typeof e}},16:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;var r=n(0);t.createBid=function(e,t){return new function(e,t){var n=t&&t.bidId||r.getUniqueIdentifierStr(),i=t&&t.src||”client”,o=e||0;this.bidderCode=t&&t.bidder||””,this.width=0,this.height=0,this.statusMessage=function(){switch(o){case 0:return”Pending”;case 1:return”Bid available”;case 2:return”Bid returned empty or error response”;case 3:return”Bid timed out”}}(),this.adId=n,this.mediaType=”banner”,this.source=i,this.getStatusCode=function(){return o},this.getSize=function(){return this.width+”x”+this.height}}(e,t)}},17:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;function r(e){function t(){if(l.syncEnabled&&e.browserSupportsCookies&&!a){try{!function(){(l.pixelEnabled||f.image)&&u.shuffle(r.image).forEach(function(e){var t=i(e,2),n=t[0],r=t[1];u.logMessage(“Invoking image pixel user sync for bidder: “+n),u.triggerPixel(r)})}(),function(){(l.iframeEnabled||f.iframe)&&u.shuffle(r.iframe).forEach(function(e){var t=i(e,2),n=t[0],r=t[1];u.logMessage(“Invoking iframe user sync for bidder: “+n),u.insertUserSyncIframe(r)})}()}catch(e){return u.logError(“Error firing user syncs”,e)}r={image:[],iframe:[]},a=!0}}var n={},r={image:[],iframe:[]},a=!1,c={},f={image:!1,iframe:!1},l=e.config;return s.config.getConfig(“userSync”,function(e){l=o(l,e.userSync)}),n.registerSync=function(e,t,n){if(!l.syncEnabled||!u.isArray(r[e]))return u.logWarn(‘User sync type “‘+e+'” not supported’);if(!t)return u.logWarn(“Bidder is required for registering sync”);if(Number(c[t])>=l.syncsPerBidder)return u.logWarn(‘Number of user syncs exceeded for “‘+t+'”‘);if(l.filterSettings){if(function(e,t){var n=l.filterSettings;if(function(e,t){if(e.all&&e[t])return u.logWarn(‘Detected presence of the “filterSettings.all” and “filterSettings.’+t+'” in userSync config. You cannot mix “all” with “iframe/image” configs; they are mutually exclusive.’),!1;var n=e.all?e.all:e[t],r=e.all?”all”:t;if(!n)return!1;var i=n.filter,o=n.bidders;return i&&”include”!==i&&”exclude”!==i?(u.logWarn(‘UserSync “filterSettings.’+r+”.filter\” setting ‘”+i+”‘ is not a valid option; use either ‘include’ or ‘exclude’.”),!1):!!(“*”===o||Array.isArray(o)&&o.length>0&&o.every(function(e){return u.isStr(e)&&”*”!==e}))||(u.logWarn(‘Detected an invalid setup in userSync “filterSettings.’+r+”.bidders\”; use either ‘*’ (to represent all bidders) or an array of bidders.”),!1)}(n,e)){f[e]=!0;var r=n.all?n.all:n[e],i=”*”===r.bidders?[t]:r.bidders,o=r.filter||”include”;return{include:function(e,t){return!(0,d.default)(e,t)},exclude:function(e,t){return(0,d.default)(e,t)}}[o](i,t)}return!1}(e,t))return u.logWarn(“Bidder ‘”+t+”‘ is not permitted to register their userSync “+e+” pixels as per filterSettings config.”)}else 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t.fn===e})}};return”string”==typeof n&&(o[n]=s),r(function(){for(var n=arguments.length,r=Array(n),i=0;i\n \n \n wrapper\n \n “+(n?””:””)+”\n \n \n \n “)}}Object.defineProperty(t,”__esModule”,{value:!0}),,t){var n={};(0,i.ajax)(o.config.getConfig(“cache.url”),(a=t,{success:function(e){var t=void 0;try{t=JSON.parse(e).responses}catch(e){return void a(e,[])}t?a(null,t):a(new Error(“The cache server didn’t respond with a responses property.”),[])},error:function(e,t){a(new Error(“Error storing video ad in the cache: “+e+”: “+JSON.stringify(t)),[])}}),JSON.stringify(n),{contentType:”text/plain”,withCredentials:!0});var a},t.getCacheUrl=function(e){return o.config.getConfig(“cache.url”)+”?uuid=”+e};var i=n(7),o=n(3)},21:function(e,t,n){n(102),e.exports=n(13).Array.findIndex},22:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;function r(e,t){var n=document.createElement(“script”);n.type=”text/javascript”,n.async=!0,t&&”function”==typeof 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t&&(s[e].loaded?t():s[e].callbacks.push(t)):(s[e]={loaded:!1,callbacks:[]},t&&”function”==typeof t&&s[e].callbacks.push(t),r(e,function(){s[e].loaded=!0;try{for(var t=0;tt.max?e:t},{max:0}),b=(0,u.default)(t.buckets,function(t){if(e>v.max*n){var i=t.precision;void 0===i&&(i=c),r=(t.max*n).toFixed(i)}else if(e=t.min*n)return t});return b&&(o=e,s=n,d=void 0!==(a=b).precision?a.precision:c,f=a.increment*s,l=a.min*s,p=Math.pow(10,d+2),g=(o*p-l*p)/(f*p),h=Math.floor(g)*f+l,r=(h=Number(h.toFixed(10))).toFixed(d)),r}function i(e){if(s.isEmpty(e)||!e.buckets||!Array.isArray(e.buckets))return!1;var t=!0;return e.buckets.forEach(function(e){void 0!==e.min&&e.max&&e.increment||(t=!1)}),t}Object.defineProperty(t,”__esModule”,{value:!0}),t.isValidPriceConfig=t.getPriceBucketString=void 0;var 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e.apply(t,arguments)}}},33:function(e,t){e.exports=function(e){try{return!!e()}catch(e){return!0}}},34:function(e,t,n){var r=n(32),i=n(35),o=n(54),a=n(36),u=n(55);e.exports=function(e,t){var n=1==e,s=2==e,c=3==e,d=4==e,f=6==e,l=5==e||f,p=t||u;return function(t,u,g){for(var h,v,b=o(t),y=i(b),m=r(u,g,3),_=a(y.length),A=0,w=n?p(t,_):s?p(t,0):void 0;_>A;A++)if((l||A in y)&&(v=m(h=y[A],A,b),e))if(n)w[A]=v;else if(v)switch(e){case 3:return!0;case 5:return h;case 6:return A;case 2:w.push(h)}else if(d)return!1;return f?-1:c||d?d:w}}},35:function(e,t,n){var r=n(24);e.exports=Object(“z”).propertyIsEnumerable(0)?Object:function(e){return”String”==r(e)?e.split(“”):Object(e)}},36:function(e,t,n){var r=n(37),i=Math.min;e.exports=function(e){return e>0?i(r(e),9007199254740991):0}},37:function(e,t){var n=Math.ceil,r=Math.floor;e.exports=function(e){return isNaN(e=+e)?0:(e>0?r:n)(e)}},38:function(e,t,n){var r=n(24);e.exports=Array.isArray||function(e){return”Array”==r(e)}},39:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;Object.defineProperty(t,”__esModule”,{value:!0}),t.adunitCounter=void 0;var r=n(0),i={},o={incrementCounter:function(e){return 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e.key}).concat(v.TARGETING_KEYS).filter(c.uniques)}function l(e,t,n,r){return Object.keys(t.adserverTargeting).filter(p()).forEach(function(n){var r,i;e.length&&e.filter((i=n,function(e){return e.adUnitCode===t.adUnitCode&&e.adserverTargeting[i]})).forEach((r=n,function(e){h.isArray(e.adserverTargeting[r])||(e.adserverTargeting[r]=[e.adserverTargeting[r]]),e.adserverTargeting[r]=e.adserverTargeting[r].concat(t.adserverTargeting[r]).filter(c.uniques),delete t.adserverTargeting[r]}))}),e.push(t),e}function p(){var e=s();return function(t){return-1===e.indexOf(t)}}function y(e){return r({},e.adUnitCode,Object.keys(e.adserverTargeting).filter(p()).map(function(t){return r({},t.substring(0,_),[e.adserverTargeting[t]])}))}var m={};return m.resetPresetTargeting=function(t){if((0,c.isGptPubadsDefined)()){var r=n(t),i=e.getAdUnits().filter(function(e){return(0,g.default)(r,e.code)});window.googletag.pubads().getSlots().forEach(function(e){b.forEach(function(t){i.forEach(function(n){n.code!==e.getAdUnitPath()&&n.code!==e.getSlotElementId()||e.setTargeting(t,null)})})})}},m.getAllTargeting=function(e){var t,o,p,A,w,E,S,I,T,x=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:a(),j=n(e),O=(E=j,S=x,I=m.getWinningBids(E,S),T=s(),{return r({},e.adUnitCode,Object.keys(e.adserverTargeting).filter(function(t){return void 0===e.sendStandardTargeting||e.sendStandardTargeting||-1===T.indexOf(t)}).map(function(t){return r({},”hb_deal”===t?(t+”_”+e.bidderCode).substring(0,_):t.substring(0,_),[e.adserverTargeting[t]])}))})).concat((A=j,w=x,w.filter(function(e){return(0,g.default)(A,e.adUnitCode)}).map(function(e){return u({},e)}).reduce(l,[]).map(y).filter(function(e){return e}))).concat(d.config.getConfig(“enableSendAllBids”)?(t=j,o=x,p=v.TARGETING_KEYS.concat(f.NATIVE_TARGETING_KEYS),i(o,c.getHighestCpm).map(function(e){if(e.adserverTargeting&&t&&(h.isArray(t)&&(0,g.default)(t,e.adUnitCode)||”string”==typeof t&&e.adUnitCode===t))return r({},e.adUnitCode,(n=e,p.filter(function(t){return void 0!==e.adserverTargeting[t]}).map(function(e){return r({},(e+”_”+n.bidderCode).substring(0,_),[n.adserverTargeting[e]])})));var n}).filter(function(e){return e})):[]);return{Object.keys(e).map(function(t){e[t].map(function(e){-1===b.indexOf(Object.keys(e)[0])&&(b=Object.keys(e).concat(b))})})}),{return r({},Object.keys(e)[0],e[Object.keys(e)[0]].map(function(e){return r({},Object.keys(e)[0],e[Object.keys(e)[0]].join(“, “))}).reduce(function(e,t){return u(t,e)},{}))}).reduce(function(e,t){var n=Object.keys(t)[0];return e[n]=u({},e[n],t[n]),e},{}),j.forEach(function(e){O[e]||(O[e]={})}),O},m.setTargetingForGPT=function(e,t){window.googletag.pubads().getSlots().forEach(function(n){Object.keys(e).filter(t?t(n):(0,c.isAdUnitCodeMatchingSlot)(n)).forEach(function(t){return Object.keys(e[t]).forEach(function(r){var i=e[t][r].split(“,”);(i=i.length>1?[i]:i).map(function(e){return h.logMessage(“Attempting to set key value for slot: “+n.getSlotElementId()+” key: “+r+” value: “+e),e}).forEach(function(e){n.setTargeting(r,e)})})})})},m.getWinningBids=function(e){var t=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:a(),r=n(e);return t.filter(function(e){return(0,g.default)(r,e.adUnitCode)}).filter(function(e){return e.cpm>0}).map(function(e){return e.adUnitCode}).filter(c.uniques).map(function(e){return t.filter(function(t){return t.adUnitCode===e?t:null}).reduce(c.getHighestCpm,o(e))})},m.setTargetingForAst=function(){var e=m.getAllTargeting();Object.keys(e).forEach(function(t){return Object.keys(e[t]).forEach(function(n){if(h.logMessage(“Attempting to set targeting for targetId: “+t+” key: “+n+” value: “+e[t][n]),h.isStr(e[t][n])||h.isArray(e[t][n])){var r={};[0-9]/)(0,c.timestamp)()},function(e){return e&&(e.status&&!(0,g.default)([y,m],e.status)||!e.status)});t.targeting=a(l.auctionManager)},42:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;function r(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{default:e}}function i(e,t){t.timeToRespond>e.getTimeout()+y.config.getConfig(“timeoutBuffer”)&&e.executeCallback(!0)}function o(e,t){T.emit(x.EVENTS.BID_RESPONSE,t),e.addBidReceived(t),i(e,t)}function a(e){var t=y.config.getConfig(“mediaTypePriceGranularity.”+e),n=”string”==typeof e&&t?”string”==typeof t?t:”custom”:y.config.getConfig(“priceGranularity”),r=pbjs.bidderSettings;return 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r&&(s(n,a(t.mediaType),t),e&&r[e]&&r[e][x.JSON_MAPPING.ADSERVER_TARGETING]&&(s(n,r[e],t),t.sendStandardTargeting=r[e].sendStandardTargeting)),t.native&&(n=l({},n,(0,h.getNativeTargeting)(t))),n}function s(e,t,n){var r=t[x.JSON_MAPPING.ADSERVER_TARGETING];return n.size=n.getSize(),S._each(r,function(r){var i=r.key,o=r.val;if(e[i]&&S.logWarn(“The key: “+i+” is getting ovewritten”),S.isFn(o))try{o=o(n)}catch(e){S.logError(“bidmanager”,”ERROR”,e)}(void 0===t.suppressEmptyKeys||!0!==t.suppressEmptyKeys)&&”hb_deal”!==i||!S.isEmptyStr(o)&&null!=o?e[i]=o:S.logInfo(“suppressing empty key ‘”+i+”‘ from adserver targeting”)}),e}function c(e){var t=e.bidderCode,n=e.cpm,r=void 0;if(pbjs.bidderSettings&&(t&&pbjs.bidderSettings[t]&&”function”==typeof pbjs.bidderSettings[t].bidCpmAdjustment?r=pbjs.bidderSettings[t].bidCpmAdjustment:pbjs.bidderSettings[x.JSON_MAPPING.BD_SETTING_STANDARD]&&”function”==typeof pbjs.bidderSettings[x.JSON_MAPPING.BD_SETTING_STANDARD].bidCpmAdjustment&&(r=pbjs.bidderSettings[x.JSON_MAPPING.BD_SETTING_STANDARD].bidCpmAdjustment),r))try{n=r(e.cpm,l({},e))}catch(e){S.logError(“Error during bid adjustment”,”bidmanager.js”,e)}n>=0&&(e.cpm=n)}function d(e,t){return e[t.adUnitCode]||(e[t.adUnitCode]={bids:[]}),e[t.adUnitCode].bids.push(t),e}Object.defineProperty(t,”__esModule”,{value:!0}),t.addBidResponse=t.AUCTION_COMPLETED=t.AUCTION_IN_PROGRESS=t.AUCTION_STARTED=void 0;var f=”function”==typeof Symbol&&”symbol”==_typeof(Symbol.iterator)?function(e){return void 0===e?”undefined”:_typeof(e)}:function(e){return e&&”function”==typeof Symbol&&e.constructor===Symbol&&e!==Symbol.prototype?”symbol”:void 0===e?”undefined”:_typeof(e)},l=Object.assign||function(e){for(var t=1;t=1})&&(S.logInfo(“Bids Received for Auction with id: “+v,g),b=C,t(!1,!0))}var r=e.adUnits,i=e.adUnitCodes,o=e.callback,a=e.cbTimeout,u=e.labels,s=r,c=u,f=i,l=[],g=[],h=void 0,v=S.generateUUID(),b=void 0,m=o,_=void 0,P=a,U=[];return{addBidReceived:function(e){g=g.concat(e)},executeCallback:t,callBids:function(){function e(e){var t=!0,n=y.config.getConfig(“maxRequestsPerOrigin”)||R;return e.bidRequests.some(function(e){var r=1,i=void 0!==e.src&&e.src===x.S2S.SRC?”s2s”:e.bidderCode;return k[i]&&(!1===k[i].SRA&&(r=Math.min(e.bids.length,n)),B[k[i].origin]+r>n&&(t=!1)),!t}),t&&,t}function r(e,t){void 0===e[t]?e[t]=1:e[t]++}var i=this;b=j,;var o=I.makeBidRequests(s,h,v,P,c);S.logInfo(“Bids Requested for Auction with id: “+v,o),o.forEach(function(e){var t;t=e,l=l.concat(t)});var a={},u={bidRequests:o,run:function(){var u,c;u=t.bind(null,!0),c=setTimeout(u,P),_=c,b=O;var d={timestamp:h,auctionId:v,timeout:P};T.emit(x.EVENTS.AUCTION_INIT,d),I.callBids(s,o,D.bind(i),function(e){var t=e;return(0,p.delayExecution)(function(){(0,A.default)(l,function(e){return t===e.bidderRequestId}).doneCbCallCount+=1,n()},1)}.bind(i),{request:function(e,t){r(B,t),r(a,e),k[e]||(k[e]={SRA:!0,origin:t}),a[e]>1&&(k[e].SRA=!1)},done:function(t){B[t]–,N[0]&&e(N[0])&&N.shift()}},P)}};e(u)||(S.logWarn(“queueing auction due to limited endpoint capacity”),N.push(u))},bidsBackAll:n,addWinningBid:function(e){U=U.concat(e),I.callBidWonBidder(e.bidder,e)},getWinningBids:function(){return U},getTimeout:function(){return P},getAuctionId:function(){return v},getAuctionStatus:function(){return b},getAdUnits:function(){return s},getAdUnitCodes:function(){return f},getBidRequests:function(){return l},getBidsReceived:function(){return g}}},t.getStandardBidderSettings=a,t.getKeyValueTargetingPairs=u,t.adjustBids=c;var p=n(0),g=n(31),h=n(18),v=n(203),b=n(12),y=n(3),m=n(17),_=n(20),A=r(n(10)),w=r(n(5)),E=m.userSync.syncUsers,S=n(0),I=n(8),T=n(9),x=n(4),j=t.AUCTION_STARTED=”started”,O=t.AUCTION_IN_PROGRESS=”inProgress”,C=t.AUCTION_COMPLETED=”completed”;T.on(x.EVENTS.BID_ADJUSTMENT,function(e){c(e)});var R=4,B={},k={},N=[],D=t.addBidResponse=(0,_.createHook)(“asyncSeries”,function(e,t){var n,r,a,s,c=this.getBidRequests(),d=this.getAuctionId(),h=(0,p.getBidderRequest)(c,t.bidderCode,e),m=function(e){var t=e.adUnitCode,,r=e.bidRequest,i=e.auctionId,o=r.start,a=l({},n,{auctionId:i,responseTimestamp:(0,p.timestamp)(),requestTimestamp:o,cpm:parseFloat(n.cpm)||0,bidder:n.bidderCode,adUnitCode:t});a.timeToRespond=a.responseTimestamp-a.requestTimestamp,T.emit(x.EVENTS.BID_ADJUSTMENT,a);var s=r.bids&&(0,A.default)(r.bids,function(e){return e.adUnitCode==t}),c=s&&s.renderer;c&&c.url&&(a.renderer=b.Renderer.install({url:c.url}),a.renderer.setRender(c.render));var d,h=y.config.getConfig(“mediaTypePriceGranularity.”+n.mediaType),v=(0,g.getPriceBucketString)(a.cpm,”object”===(void 0===h?”undefined”:f(h))?h:y.config.getConfig(“customPriceBucket”),y.config.getConfig(“currency.granularityMultiplier”));return a.pbLg=v.low,,a.pbHg=v.high,,a.pbDg=v.dense,a.pbCg=v.custom,a.bidderCode&&(a.cpm>0||a.dealId)&&(d=u(a.bidderCode,a)),a.adserverTargeting=l(a.adserverTargeting||{},d),a}({adUnitCode:e,bid:t,bidRequest:h,auctionId:d});”video”===m.mediaType?(n=this,r=m,a=h,s=!0,y.config.getConfig(“cache.url”)&&(r.videoCacheKey?r.vastUrl||(S.logError(“videoCacheKey specified but not required vastUrl for video bid”),s=!1):(s=!1,(0,[r],function(e,t){e?(S.logWarn(“Failed to save to the video cache: “+e+”. Video bid must be discarded.”),i(n,r)):(r.videoCacheKey=t[0].uuid,r.vastUrl||(r.vastUrl=(0,v.getCacheUrl)(r.videoCacheKey)),a.doneCbCallCount+=1,o(n,r),n.bidsBackAll())}))),s&&o(n,r)):o(this,m)},”addBidResponse”)},45:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;var r=n(14),i=n(34)(5),o=”find”,a=!0;o in[]&&Array(1)[o](function(){a=!1}),r(r.P+r.F*a,”Array”,{find:function(e){return i(this,e,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}}),n(27)(o)},46:function(e,t){e.exports=function(e){if(“function”!=typeof e)throw TypeError(e+” is not a function!”);return e}},47:function(e,t,n){var r=n(48),i=n(53);e.exports=n(23)?function(e,t,n){return r.f(e,t,i(1,n))}:function(e,t,n){return e[t]=n,e}},48:function(e,t,n){var r=n(49),i=n(50),o=n(52),a=Object.defineProperty;t.f=n(23)?Object.defineProperty:function(e,t,n){if(r(e),t=o(t,!0),r(n),i)try{return a(e,t,n)}catch(e){}if(“get”in n||”set”in n)throw TypeError(“Accessors not supported!”);return”value”in n&&(e[t]=n.value),e}},49:function(e,t,n){var r=n(15);e.exports=function(e){if(!r(e))throw TypeError(e+” is not an object!”);return e}},5:function(e,t,n){n(59),e.exports=n(13).Array.includes},50:function(e,t,n){e.exports=!n(23)&&!n(33)(function(){return 7!=Object.defineProperty(n(51)(“div”),”a”,{get:function(){return 7}}).a})},51:function(e,t,n){var r=n(15),i=n(19).document,o=r(i)&&r(i.createElement);e.exports=function(e){return o?i.createElement(e):{}}},52:function(e,t,n){var r=n(15);e.exports=function(e,t){if(!r(e))return e;var n,i;if(t&&”function”==typeof(n=e.toString)&&!r( i;if(“function”==typeof(n=e.valueOf)&&!r( i;if(!t&&”function”==typeof(n=e.toString)&&!r( i;throw TypeError(“Can’t convert object to primitive value”)}},53:function(e,t){e.exports=function(e,t){return{enumerable:!(1&e),configurable:!(2&e),writable:!(4&e),value:t}}},54:function(e,t,n){var r=n(25);e.exports=function(e){return Object(r(e))}},55:function(e,t,n){var r=n(56);e.exports=function(e,t){return new(r(e))(t)}},555:function(e,t,n){e.exports=n(556)},556:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;function r(e,t,n){e.defaultView&&e.defaultView.frameElement&&(e.defaultView.frameElement.width=t,e.defaultView.frameElement.height=n)}function i(e,t,n){var r={};r.reason=e,r.message=t,n&&(,S.logError(t),x.emit(N,r)}function o(e){e.forEach(function(e){if(void 0===e.called)try{,e.called=!0}catch(e){S.logError(“Error processing command :”,”prebid.js”,e)}})}var a,u=”function”==typeof Symbol&&”symbol”==_typeof(Symbol.iterator)?function(e){return void 0===e?”undefined”:_typeof(e)}:function(e){return e&&”function”==typeof Symbol&&e.constructor===Symbol&&e!==Symbol.prototype?”symbol”:void 0===e?”undefined”:_typeof(e)},s=Object.assign||function(e){for(var t=1;t0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:{},t=e.bidsBackHandler,n=e.timeout,r=e.adUnits,i=e.adUnitCodes,o=e.labels;x.emit(B);var a=n||g.config.getConfig(“bidderTimeout”);if(r=r||w.adUnits,S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.requestBids”,arguments),i&&i.length?r=r.filter(function(e){return(0,_.default)(i,e.code)}):i=r&&{return e.code}),r.forEach(function(e){var t=Object.keys(e.mediaTypes||{banner:”banner”}),{return e.bidder}),r=I.bidderRegistry,i=g.config.getConfig(“s2sConfig”),o=i&&i.bidders,a=o?n.filter(function(e){return!(0,_.default)(o,e)}):n;e.transactionId||(e.transactionId=S.generateUUID()),a.forEach(function(n){var i=r[n],o=i&&i.getSpec&&i.getSpec(),a=o&&o.supportedMediaTypes||[“banner”];t.some(function(e){return(0,_.default)(a,e)})||(S.logWarn(S.unsupportedBidderMessage(e,n)),e.bids=e.bids.filter(function(e){return e.bidder!==n}))}),A.adunitCounter.incrementCounter(e.code)}),r&&0!==r.length){var u=h.auctionManager.createAuction({adUnits:r,adUnitCodes:i,callback:t,cbTimeout:a,labels:o});return u.callBids(),u}if(S.logMessage(“No adUnits configured. No bids requested.”),”function”==typeof t)try{t()}catch(e){S.logError(“Error executing bidsBackHandler”,null,e)}}),w.addAdUnits=function(e){S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.addAdUnits”,arguments),S.isArray(e)?w.adUnits.push.apply(w.adUnits,e):”object”===(void 0===e?”undefined”:u(e))&&w.adUnits.push(e),x.emit(C)},w.onEvent=function(e,t,n){S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.onEvent”,arguments),S.isFn(t)?!n||W[e].call(null,n)?x.on(e,t,n):S.logError(‘The id provided is not valid for event “‘+e+'” and no handler was set.’):S.logError(‘The event handler provided is not a function and was not set on event “‘+e+'”.’)},w.offEvent=function(e,t,n){S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.offEvent”,arguments),n&&!W[e].call(null,n)||,t,n)},w.registerBidAdapter=function(e,t){S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.registerBidAdapter”,arguments);try{I.registerBidAdapter(e(),t)}catch(e){S.logError(“Error registering bidder adapter : “+e.message)}},w.registerAnalyticsAdapter=function(e){S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.registerAnalyticsAdapter”,arguments);try{I.registerAnalyticsAdapter(e)}catch(e){S.logError(“Error registering analytics adapter : “+e.message)}},w.createBid=function(e){return S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.createBid”,arguments),T.createBid(e)},w.loadScript=function(e,t,n){S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.loadScript”,arguments),(0,p.loadScript)(e,t,n)},w.enableAnalytics=function(e){e&&!S.isEmpty(e)?(S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.enableAnalytics for: “,e),I.enableAnalytics(e)):S.logError(“pbjs.enableAnalytics should be called with option {}”)},w.aliasBidder=function(e,t){S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.aliasBidder”,arguments),e&&t?I.aliasBidAdapter(e,t):S.logError(“bidderCode and alias must be passed as arguments”,”pbjs.aliasBidder”)},w.getAllWinningBids=function(){return h.auctionManager.getAllWinningBids().map(d.removeRequestId)},w.getAllPrebidWinningBids=function(){return h.auctionManager.getBidsReceived().filter(function(e){return e.status===v.BID_TARGETING_SET}).map(d.removeRequestId)},w.getHighestCpmBids=function(e){return v.targeting.getWinningBids(e).map(d.removeRequestId)},w.markWinningBidAsUsed=function(e){var t=[];e.adUnitCode&&e.adId?t=h.auctionManager.getBidsReceived().filter(function(t){return t.adId===e.adId&&t.adUnitCode===e.adUnitCode}):e.adUnitCode?t=v.targeting.getWinningBids(e.adUnitCode):e.adId?t=h.auctionManager.getBidsReceived().filter(function(t){return t.adId===e.adId}):S.logWarn(“Inproper usage of markWinningBidAsUsed. It’ll need an adUnitCode and/or adId to function.”),t.length>0&&(t[0].status=v.RENDERED)},w.getConfig=g.config.getConfig,w.setConfig=g.config.setConfig,w.que.push(function(){return(0,f.listenMessagesFromCreative)()}),w.cmd.push=function(e){if(“function”==typeof e)try{}catch(e){S.logError(“Error processing command :”,e.message,e.stack)}else S.logError(“Commands written into pbjs.cmd.push must be wrapped in a function”)},w.que.push=w.cmd.push,w.processQueue=function(){o(w.que),o(w.cmd)}},557:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;function r(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{default:e}}function i(e){var t,n,r,i,u,l,p,g,h,v,b,y,m=e.message?”message”:”data”,_={};try{_=JSON.parse(e[m])}catch(e){return}if(_&&_.adId){var A=(0,d.default)(c.auctionManager.getBidsReceived(),function(e){return e.adId===_.adId});”Prebid Request”===_.message&&(u=A,l=_.adServerDomain,p=e.source,g=u.adId,,v=u.adUrl,b=u.width,y=u.height,g&&(n=(t=u).adUnitCode,r=t.width,i=t.height,[“div”,”iframe”].forEach(function(e){var t,o=(t=e,document.getElementById((0,d.default)(window.googletag.pubads().getSlots().filter((0,s.isSlotMatchingAdUnitCode)(n)),function(e){return e}).getSlotElementId()).querySelector(t)).style;o.width=r,o.height=i}),p.postMessage(JSON.stringify({message:”Prebid Response”,ad:h,adUrl:v,adId:g,width:b,height:y}),l)),c.auctionManager.addWinningBid(A),o.default.emit(f,A)),”Prebid Native”===_.message&&((0,a.fireNativeTrackers)(_,A),c.auctionManager.addWinningBid(A),o.default.emit(f,A))}}Object.defineProperty(t,”__esModule”,{value:!0}),t.listenMessagesFromCreative=function(){addEventListener(“message”,i,!1)};var o=r(n(9)),a=n(18),u=n(4),s=n(0),c=n(29),d=r(n(10)),f=u.EVENTS.BID_WON},558:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;function r(e){(0,d.logMessage)(“DEBUG: “+e)}function i(e){var n=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]&&arguments[1];c.config.setConfig({debug:!0}),r(“bidder overrides enabled”+(n?” from session”:””)),p&&f.addBidResponse.removeHook(p),t.boundHook=p=a.bind(null,e),f.addBidResponse.addHook(p,5)}function o(){p&&(f.addBidResponse.removeHook(p),r(“bidder overrides disabled”))}function a(e,t,n,i){if(Array.isArray(e.bidders)&&-1===e.bidders.indexOf(n.bidderCode))return o=”bidder ‘”+n.bidderCode+”‘ excluded from auction by bidder overrides”,void(0,d.logWarn)(“DEBUG: “+o);var o;Array.isArray(e.bids)&&e.bids.forEach(function(e){e.bidder&&e.bidder!==n.bidderCode||e.adUnitCode&&e.adUnitCode!==t||(n=s({},n),Object.keys(e).filter(function(e){return-1===[“bidder”,”adUnitCode”].indexOf(e)}).forEach(function(i){var o=e[i];r(“bidder overrides changed ‘”+t+”/”+n.bidderCode+”‘ bid.”+i+” from ‘”+n[i]+”‘ to ‘”+o+”‘”),n[i]=o}))}),i(t,n)}function u(e){if(e.enabled){try{window.sessionStorage.setItem(l,JSON.stringify(e))}catch(e){}i(e)}else{o();try{window.sessionStorage.removeItem(l)}catch(e){}}}Object.defineProperty(t,”__esModule”,{value:!0}),t.boundHook=void 0;var s=Object.assign||function(e){for(var t=1;t1?arguments[1]:void 0)}}),n(27)(“includes”)},60:function(e,t,n){var r=n(61),i=n(36),o=n(62);e.exports=function(e){return function(t,n,a){var u,s=r(t),c=i(s.length),d=o(a,c);if(e&&n!=n){for(;c>d;)if((u=s[d++])!=u)return!0}else for(;c>d;d++)if((e||d in s)&&s[d]===n)return e||d||0;return!e&&-1}}},61:function(e,t,n){var r=n(35),i=n(25);e.exports=function(e){return r(i(e))}},62:function(e,t,n){var r=n(37),i=Math.max,o=Math.min;e.exports=function(e,t){return(e=r(e))0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:{},n=t.labels,r=void 0===n?[]:n,o=t.labelAll,a=void 0!==o&&o,s=t.activeLabels,f=void 0===s?[]:s,l=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:[],p=(e=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:d,e.reduce(function(e,t){return”object”===(void 0===t?”undefined”:i(t))&&”string”==typeof t.mediaQuery?matchMedia(t.mediaQuery).matches&&(Array.isArray(t.sizesSupported)&&(e.shouldFilter=!0),[“labels”,”sizesSupported”].forEach(function(n){return(t[n]||[]).forEach(function(t){return e[n][t]=!0})})):(0,u.logWarn)(‘sizeConfig rule missing required property “mediaQuery”‘),e},{labels:{},sizesSupported:{},shouldFilter:!1})),g=void 0;return g=p.shouldFilter?l.filter(function(e){return p.sizesSupported[e]}):l,{active:g.length>0&&(0===r.length||!a&&(r.some(function(e){return p.labels[e]})||r.some(function(e){return(0,c.default)(f,e)}))||a&&r.reduce(function(e,t){return e?p.labels[t]||(0,c.default)(f,t):e},!0)),sizes:g}};var o,a=n(3),u=n(0),s=n(5),c=(o=s)&&o.__esModule?o:{default:o},d=[];a.config.getConfig(“sizeConfig”,function(e){return r(e.sizeConfig)})},65:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;Object.defineProperty(t,”__esModule”,{value:!0}),t.hasNonVideoBidder=t.videoBidder=t.videoAdUnit=void 0,t.isValidVideoBid=function(e,t){var n=(0,o.getBidRequest)(e.adId,t),r=n&&(0,o.deepAccess)(n,””),i=r&&(0,o.deepAccess)(r,”context”);return!n||r&&i!==c?a.config.getConfig(“cache.url”)||!e.vastXml||e.vastUrl?!(!e.vastUrl&&!e.vastXml):((0,o.logError)(‘\n This bid contains only vastXml and will not work when a prebid cache url is not specified.\n Try enabling prebid cache with pbjs.setConfig({ cache: {url: “…”} });\n ‘),!1):i!==c||!(!e.renderer&&!n.renderer)};var r,i=n(8),o=n(0),a=n(3),u=n(5),s=(r=u)&&r.__esModule?r:{default:r},c=”outstream”,d=(t.videoAdUnit=function(e){var t=”video”===e.mediaType,n=(0,o.deepAccess)(e,””);return t||n},t.videoBidder=function(e){return(0,s.default)(i.videoAdapters,e.bidder)});t.hasNonVideoBidder=function(e){return e.bids.filter(function(e){return!d(e)}).length}},7:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;function r(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:3e3,t=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{},n=t.request,r=t.done;return function(t,d,f){var l=arguments.length>3&&void 0!==arguments[3]?arguments[3]:{};try{var p=void 0,g=l.method||(f?”POST”:”GET”),h=document.createElement(“a”);h.href=t;var v=”object”===(void 0===d?”undefined”:o(d))&&null!==d?d:{success:function(){s.logMessage(“xhr success”)},error:function(e){s.logError(“xhr error”,null,e)}};if(“function”==typeof d&&(v.success=d),(p=new window.XMLHttpRequest).onreadystatechange=function(){if(p.readyState===c){
“function”==typeof r&&r(h.origin);var e=p.status;e>=200&&e0})})}var x,j,O=(x=e,(j=m.deepClone(x)).forEach(function(e){e.bids=e.bids.filter(function(e){return!a()||e.finalSource!==w.SERVER})}),j=j.filter(function(e){return 0!==e.bids.length}));return g.forEach(function(e){var t=m.getUniqueIdentifierStr(),a={bidderCode:e,auctionId:r,bidderRequestId:t,bids:o({bidderCode:e,auctionId:r,bidderRequestId:t,adUnits:O,labels:u}),auctionStart:n,timeout:i},c=E[e];c||m.logError(“Trying to make a request for bidder that does not exist: “+e),c&&a.bids&&0!==a.bids.length&&s.push(a)}),t.gdprDataHandler.getConsentData()&&s.forEach(function(e){e.gdprConsent=t.gdprDataHandler.getConsentData()}),s},t.checkBidRequestSizes=function(e){function t(e){return Array.isArray(e)&&2===e.length&&m.isInteger(e[0])&&m.isInteger(e[1])}return e.forEach(function(e){var n=e.mediaTypes,r=m.getAdUnitSizes(e);if(n&&n.banner){var i=n.banner;i.sizes?(i.sizes=r,e.sizes=r):(m.logError(“Detected a mediaTypes.banner object did not include sizes. This is a required field for the mediaTypes.banner object. Removing invalid mediaTypes.banner object from request.”),delete e.mediaTypes.banner)}else e.sizes&&(m.logWarn(“Usage of adUnits.sizes will eventually be deprecated. Please define size dimensions within the corresponding area of the mediaTypes.

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A man holds a sign at an Asian American anti-violence press conference on Tuesday, outside the building where a 65-year-old Asian woman was physically and verbally attacked in New York City. Police said Wednesday that Brandon Elliot, 38, had been arrested and charged with crimes which include assault as a hate crime.

Kena Betancur/AFP via Getty Images

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Kena Betancur/AFP via Getty Images

A man holds a sign at an Asian American anti-violence press conference on Tuesday, outside the building where a 65-year-old Asian woman was physically and verbally attacked in New York City. Police said Wednesday that Brandon Elliot, 38, had been arrested and charged with crimes which include assault as a hate crime.

Kena Betancur/AFP via Getty Images

Authorities have arrested a suspect in the verbal and physical assault on a 65-year-old Asian woman in New York City on Monday, in an attack that was captured on surveillance video and drew widespread outrage.

Brandon Elliot, 38, was arrested on Wednesday and charged with two counts of assault as a hate crime, attempted assault as a hate crime, assault and attempted assault, the New York City Police Department confirmed to NPR.

In a tweet announcing the arrest, NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea described Elliot as “a parolee out on supervised release.”

Elliot was arrested in 2000 for robbery and 2002 for murder, according to police. The Associated Press reports that Elliot was convicted of stabbing his mother to death in the Bronx when he was 19, and is on lifetime parole after being released from prison in 2019.

Police said he was identified through “multiple tips” and apprehended at his residence, which they listed as the address of a hotel that is currently serving as a shelter for people experiencing homelessness, located several blocks from the site of the attack in midtown Manhattan.

The assault took place outside an apartment building in broad daylight, just before noon on Monday.

Surveillance video shows the suspect kicking the woman to the ground, stomping on her head and upper body several times and casually walking away as she remained on the sidewalk. Police have said that he made “anti-Asian statements” during the assault, including reportedly telling her “you don’t belong here.”

The unnamed victim was hospitalized at NYU Langone Medical Center in Manhattan with a fractured pelvis and head contusion, according to media reports. A hospital official confirmed to NPR that she was discharged on Tuesday.

The New York Times has identified her as Vilma Kari, who immigrated to the U.S. from the Philippines several decades ago.

The video also appears to show apartment staff watching the attack without intervening, then closing the door on the woman as she attempted to stand up.

The Brodsky Organization, which manages the building, said in a statement that it is working with Service Employees International Union Local 32BJ, which represents the door staff, to investigate the response of the two lobby staffers present, who have been suspended.

In a statement condemning the attack, Local 32BJ president Kyle Bragg said Tuesday, “The information we have at the moment is that the door staff … called for help immediately,” and he urged the public to “avoid a rush to judgement while the facts are determined.”

Still, the apparent inaction of multiple bystanders as shown on the video clip struck a nerve, with many social media users and public officials speaking out in shock and horror.

“The reports of a brutal assault on an Asian American woman in Midtown are absolutely horrifying and repugnant,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Tuesday. “We are all New Yorkers — no matter how we look or what language we speak — and we must always look out for one another and help those who need it.”

Cuomo had also directed the N.Y. State Police Hate Crimes Task Force to assist the NYPD in its investigation.

Andrew Yang, the former Democratic presidential candidate who is running for New York City mayor, said in an interview with CNN that he believed the bystanders could have “done a lot of good” by interrupting the attack or seeking medical attention for the woman. He called on viewers to take action if they are ever in a similar situation.

“That has to be the message to people in New York City and really everywhere around the country, that if you see something, you have to do something,” he said. “And I was in a situation like this not that long ago — if one person acts, then other people will act along with them. But a lot of folks need someone to lead the way.”

The assault is one of several recent high-profile attacks that have targeted Asian Americans in New York and across the country. Such incidents have risen dramatically since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic last year, attacks which advocates and experts attribute in large part to xenophobic rhetoric.

Citing a spike in anti-Asian hate crimes, the NYPD said last week that it will increase outreach and patrols in Asian communities, including the use of undercover officers, in an effort to prevent and disrupt attacks.

At the federal level, the Biden administration on Tuesday announced half a dozen actions aimed at addressing the rise in attacks and harassment targeted at Asian American and Pacific Islander communities in the U.S.

“Across our nation, an outpouring of grief and outrage continues at the horrific violence and xenophobia perpetrated against Asian American communities, especially Asian American women and girls,” the White House said in a statement. “As President Biden said during his first prime time address, anti-Asian violence and xenophobia is wrong, it’s un-American, and it must stop.”

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Apenas finalizada la audiencia, que se extendió por espacio de una hora y media, el mediador designado por Griesa, el experto en litigios financieros Dan Pollack, informó que los representantes de la Argentina y los de los fondos buitre llevarían adelante una reunión esta misma tarde, sobre la cual hasta el momento no hubo novedades. Thomas Griesa dio por iniciada la sesión a las 10,40 (hora de Nueva York, 11,40 local) en su despacho ubicado en el piso 26, con amplios ventanales y con una vista privilegiada de Manhattan.

Tras escuchar a las partes interesadas, incluido el representante del Bank of New York Mellon, Eric Schaffer, Griesa advirtió que el depósito hecho por Argentina a los bonistas era “ilegal” y que por lo tanto “no puede ser realizado y cualquiera que intente hacerlo estará en desacato con esta corte”.

La Argentina, a través del abogado Carmine Bocuzzi, señaló que el pago al Bank of New York Mellon responde a una “decisión soberana de honrar sus deudas” en base al cumplimiento en tiempo y forma con los plazos establecidos en el proceso de reestructuración de deuda, que cuentan con un vencimiento fijado para el lunes próximo, 30 de junio. Boccuzzi subrayó que el pago a los tenedores de bonos fue realizado porque de lo contrario el país se enfrentaría a una serie de demandas, al tiempo que reiteró la voluntad del país de seguir negociando con la parte demandante.

Al tomar la palabra, el defensor de NML Capital, Robert Cohen, planteó que el país había incurrido en “desacato” al realizar esa transferencia, “violando” así las decisiones de los tribunales y dejando ver una actitud “desafiante”. Luego, casi al final de la audiencia, Cohen expresó la voluntad de negociar de parte del fondo buitre al que representa.

Griesa, que con un tono de voz bajo y pausado intervino activamente en la audiencia y disparó preguntas a los abogados de las partes, en algunas oportunidades con términos más duros hacia los letrados de la Argentina, decidió dejar el próximo paso en manos del mediador y que las partes retomen las negociaciones con el objetivo de “encontrar un camino” para “mantener el estatus quo”. “Sería deseable, si es posible, llegar a un acuerdo”, sentenció el magistrado, quien reiteró en varias oportunidades la “importancia” de avanzar en las negociaciones.

El martes pasado, los abogados de la Argentina y de los fondos buitre mantuvieron un encuentro con Pollack que se extendió por espacio de “por varias horas”, así como también reiteradas comunicaciones telefónicas, según reveló el mediador a través de un comunicado, en el que además comentó que las conversaciones serán de carácter “confidencial”.

Ayer, el Gobierno efectuó el pago de 1000 millones de dólares a los bonistas que ingresaron a los canjes instrumentados en 2005 y 2010 -de los cuales 539 millones fueron depositados en el Bank of New York-, de manera de cumplir en tiempo y forma con las obligaciones establecidas en el prospecto de emisión de los títulos de deuda. Además, a través de un comunicado oficial, responsabilizó al juez Griesa, a los Estados Unidos y su sistema judicial y a las entidades financieras intermediarias, en el caso de que el pago no llegara a ser efectivizado el lunes 30 de junio, y advirtió sobre la posibilidad de iniciar acciones judiciales en foros internacionales.

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White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki dismissed a question from Fox News’ Peter Doocy on why American businesses with 100 or more employees are required to vaccinate workers but migrants at the southern border are not required to vaccinate.

“Our objective is to get as many people vaccinated as humanly possible,” Psaki told Doocy when asked why illegal immigrants are not being vaccinated but American workers will be forced to under President Biden’s mandate. “The president’s announcement yesterday was an effort to empower businesses to give businesses the tools to protect their workforces. That’s exactly what we did.”


Doocy then pressed Psaki again saying, “Vaccines are required for “people at a business with more than 100 people. It is not a requirement for migrants at the border. Why?”

“That’s correct,” Psaki responded. 

About 30% of immigrants held at federal detention facilities are refusing to be vaccinated, and they have the option to refuse.


Meanwhile, more than 18% of migrant families who recently crossed the border tested positive for COVID before being released by Border Patrol. Another 20% of unaccompanied minors tested positive for the virus.

Biden’s new rules for employers with over 100 employees will be issued through the Labor Department, the president said. The president also threatened hefty fines for employers that fail to comply with the mandate.


“We have the tools to combat the virus if we come together to use those tools,” Biden said.

Fox News’ Michael Lee contributed to this report

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Special Counsel Robert Mueller has peddled two different stories. Only one can be true. 

In his final act before resigning his position, Mueller told the gathered media on Wednesday that his non-decision decision on whether the president obstructed justice was “informed” by a long-standing opinion by the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) at the Justice Department that a sitting president cannot be charged with a crime. But according to William Barr, that’s not what Mueller told the attorney general and others during a meeting on March 5, 2017. Here’s what Barr told Senators during his May 1st testimony:

“We were frankly surprised that they were not going to reach a decision on obstruction and we asked them a lot about the reasoning behind this. Mueller stated three times to us in that meeting, in response to our questioning, that he emphatically was not saying that but for the OLC opinion he would have found obstruction.”  


Barr said there were others in the meeting who heard Mueller say the same thing – that the OLC opinion played no role in the special counsel’s decision-making or lack thereof. The attorney general repeated this in his news conference the day Mueller’s report was released to the public:

“We specifically asked him about the OLC opinion and whether or not he was taking a position that he would have found a crime but for the existence of the OLC opinion. And he made it very clear several times that was not his position.”

Yet, on Wednesday Mueller was telling a different tale. He seemed to argue that he could not have accused the president of obstruction because he was handcuffed by the OLC opinion.  Why, then, did Mueller allegedly inform Barr that a special counsel can abandon the opinion if the facts merit it?

“He (Mueller) said that in the future the facts of a case against a president might be such that a special counsel would recommend abandoning the OLC opinion, but this is not such a case.”   

Mueller did not abandon the OLC opinion in this case because he surely knew the facts and evidence did not support the law of obstruction. Instead, in his 448-page report, he implied presidential obstruction in a remarkable achievement in creative writing.

He set forth in luxurious detail “evidence on both sides of the question.” But this is not the job of any chief prosecutor, anywhere.

Mueller was not retained to compose a masterpiece worthy of Proust. He was hired to investigate potential crimes arising from Russian interference in a presidential election and make a reasoned decision on whether charges were merited. 

Mueller’s actions were not only noxious but patently unfair to Trump.  The special counsel publicly besmirched the president with tales of suspicious behavior instead of stated evidence that rose to the level of criminality. 

Mueller’s actions were not only noxious, but patently unfair to Trump.  The special counsel publicly besmirched the president with tales of suspicious behavior instead of stated evidence that rose to the level of criminality. 

This is what prosecutors are never permitted to do. Justice Department rules forbid its lawyers from annunciating negative narratives about any person, absent an indictment. 

How can that person properly defend himself without trial? This is why prosecutors like Mueller are prohibited from trying their cases in the court of public opinion.

If they have probable cause to levy charges, they should do so.  If not, they must refrain from openly disparaging someone that our justice system presumes is innocent.

In this regard, Mueller shrewdly and improperly turned the law on its head. Consider the most inflammatory statement that he leveled at the president in his report. It was guaranteed to ignite the impeachment fire:

“While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”     

To reinforce the point, Mueller stated it twice in his report. He then reiterated the argument on Wednesday when he said: “if we had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so.”

Prosecutors are not, and have never been, in the business of exonerating people. That’s not their job. 

An experienced federal prosecutor, Mueller certainly knew this. It appears he had no intention of treating Trump equitably or applying the law in conformance with our criminal justice system.

In a singular sentence, Mueller managed to reverse the legal duty that prosecutors have rigidly followed in America for centuries.  Their legal obligation is not to exonerate someone or prove an individual’s innocence.  Nor is any accused person required to prove his or her own innocence.

Everyone is entitled to the presumption of innocence.  It is the bedrock on which justice is built. 

Prosecutors must prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. To bring charges they must have, at minimum, probable cause to believe that a crime was committed. 

The special counsel took this inviolate principle and cleverly inverted it. He argued that he could not prove the president did not commit a crime.

Think about what that rationale really means. It is a double negative. Mueller was contending that he can’t prove something didn’t happen.

What if this were the standard for all criminal investigations? Apply it to yourself.

Let’s say you deposited your paycheck at the bank on Monday, the same day it’s robbed.  A prosecutor then announces publicly that he cannot prove you didn’t rob the bank, so you are neither criminally accused nor “exonerated.” 

The burden of proof has now been shifted to you to disprove the negative. How would you feel? You’ve been maligned with the taint of criminality and no longer enjoy the presumption of innocence. 

This is the equivalent of what Mueller did to Trump. The special counsel created the impression that Trump might have engaged in wrongdoing because he could not prove otherwise. 

The consequential injustice and harm that inevitably follows is what happens when we reverse the burden of proof and abandon the innocence standard that are revered in a democracy as fundamental rights. 

Yet, this is what Mueller did. He improvised a new standard that applies only to Trump —presumption of guilt. Under this novel “guilty until proven innocent” paradigm, it is up to the president to prove the allegations are false. 

Attorney General Barr recognized that Mueller had mangled the legal process, describing his statement as “actually a very strange statement.”

Barr told Congress that he was forced to correct Mueller’s mistake. “I used the proper standard,” said Barr. “We are not in the business of proving someone did not violate the law –I found that whole passage very bizarre,” he added.       

Our system of justice in America is designed to protect the innocent. This is why there are laws that prevent disclosure of grand jury testimony and even more expansive rules at the Justice Department that prohibit prosecutors from disclosing derogatory information about uncharged individuals. It is, in a word, unfair to smear people who have not been charged with anything.

Mueller was well aware of this. In the “introduction” to Volume II on obstruction, he recited the duty of prosecutors to be fair by refraining from comment. In the case of a sitting president, wrote Mueller, “The stigma and opprobrium could imperil the President’s ability to govern.”

Ironically, the special counsel then proceeded to ignore his own warning.  He produced his own “dossier” on Trump that was filled with suspicions of wrongdoing. 


He refused to make a decision to charge the president in a court of law but was more than willing to indict him in the court of public opinion. 

His report was a non-indictment indictment. It was calumny masquerading as a report. 


Parts of this column are adapted from the author’s forthcoming book “Witch Hunt: The Plot to Destroy Trump and Undo His Election (Broadside Books, October 1, 2019).”

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A massive $1.9 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill containing $1,400 checks for most Americans along with money for vaccines, testing, schools, states and lower-income families passed the U.S. House Wednesday, its final stop before reaching President Joe Biden’s desk.

Biden, who made the stimulus bill his first major legislative initiative since taking office in January, said he would sign the measure on Friday.

“For weeks now, an overwhelming percentage of Americans – Democrats, independents, and Republicans – have made it clear they support the American Rescue Plan,” Biden said in a statement after the vote. “Today, with final passage in the House of Representatives, their voice has been heard.”

During the debate, Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr., D-9th Dist., said he had heard from constituents asking for assistance to get through the coronavirus-induced economic downturn.

“It’s up to us to help Americans who can’t buy their groceries or pay the rent and are not in prison,” Pascrell said on the House floor. “It’s up to us to protect seniors in nursing homes. It’s up to us to ensure that every American has quality health insurance and is able to get vaccinated.”

“Americans are crying out for help,” he said. “Can you hear them? They have given us the burden to act.”

The bill, which the House needed to take up again after the Senate amended it over the weekend, passed along party lines, 220-211. Only one Democrat, Rep. Jared Golden of Maine, opposed the legislation.

No Republicans in either chamber voted for the measure, which included funds to curb the spread of the virus through vaccines and testing, and to pump billions of dollars into an American economy ravaged by the pandemic.

“This isn’t a rescue bill,” said House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy of California. “It isn’t a relief bill. It’s a laundry list of leftwing priorities that predate the pandemic and do not meet the needs of American families.”

Rep. Frank Pallone Jr., chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, said the Republicans got it wrong.

“If you want to fight the virus, you should be voting yes on this bill,” said Pallone, D-6th Dist., during the debate. “Unlike under President Trump when we had no national plan to fight the virus, under President Biden, for the first time, we have a national plan to fight the virus that does not force state and local governments to compete against each other.”

The $1,400 direct payments would go to individuals making up to $75,000 and $2,800 to couples filing jointly making up to $150,000. They would phase out and end for individuals making more than $80,000 and couples making more than $160,000.

Those on unemployment would receive an extra $300 a week through Sept. 6, and those making less than $150,000 would not have to pay federal income taxes on the first $10,200 of unemployment benefits for individuals and $20,400 for married couples. New Jersey does not tax unemployment insurance benefits.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said the payments should go out by the end of the month, and they will not contain Biden’s signature, unlike the earlier checks that bore the name of Donald Trump.

“We are doing everything in our power to expedite the payments and not delay them, which is why the president’s name will not appear on the memo line of this round of stimulus checks,” Psaki said Tuesday at her daily press briefing. “He didn’t think that was a priority or a necessary step. His focus was on getting them out as quickly as possible.”

Thanks in part to the expanded tax credits for lower-income households with or without children, the legislation would lift an estimated 16 million Americans out of poverty, according to the Urban Institute, a research group.

The expanded child tax credit alone would bring more than 4 million children of poverty, including 89,000 in New Jersey, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a progressive research group.

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The legislation would provide $350 billion in long-sought aid for state and local governments, including $10.2 billion for New Jersey and its municipalities.

“This is a big positive deal for New Jersey,” Gov. Phil Murphy said Wednesday at his coronavirus press briefing. “There’s no other way to put it.”

The president and chief executive of the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce, Tom Bracken, also applauded the House action.

“It helps New Jersey in many ways, providing vital aid to those impacted by the pandemic,”  Bracken said.

Studies by the Brookings Institution and S&P Global said the legislation would return the economy to pre-pandemic levels this summer, and Moody’s Analytics said the plan would help create 7.5 million jobs this year and another 2.5 million next year, fully recovering all the jobs lost due to the coronavirus. More than 150 business leaders endorsed the spending plan.

Republicans objected to the Democrats’ decision to use a procedure known as reconciliation to consider the bill, allowing the majority to pass the legislation on a party-line vote without the threat of a filibuster.

The Republicans used the same procedure in 2017 to spend the same $1.9 trillion to cut taxes. That bill, called the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, also targeted New Jersey and other high-tax Democratic-run states by capping the federal deduction for state and local taxes.

“The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act cut taxes for everybody but mostly for high-income people and corporations,” said Howard Gleckman, a senior fellow with the Tax Policy Center, a research group. “This one cuts taxes mostly for low and moderate-income people.”

The unanimous GOP opposition on Capitol Hill contrasted with the bill’s strong support among Americans. In a CNN poll released Wednesday as the House prepared to vote, 61% backed the stimulus bill while 37% opposed it. The $1,400 stimulus checks were supported, 76%-23%.

Among Republicans, 55% supported the checks and 45% opposed them, and among those who leaned Republican, 59% were in favor and 40% were against the direct payments. The poll of 1,009 adults was conducted March 3-8 and had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.6 percentage points.

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Jonathan D. Salant may be reached at Follow him at @JDSalant.

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New York (CNN Business)The Univision network said six of its staffers, including veteran anchorman Jorge Ramos, were briefly detained at the presidential palace in Caracas, Venezuela, on Monday.

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A esa hora, el chofer del ómnibus 116 rumbo a la Aduana de Montevideo subió el volumen de su radio al máximo y todos los pasajeros hicieron silencio: empezaba la conferencia de prensa. La traductora de la FIFA habló en un español neutro, sin sentimientos. Comentó artículos y una sanción que ni el más pesimista de los uruguayos imaginó.

Los rostros de los viajeros empezaron a desfigurarse. “¿Nueve partidos?”, gritó desde el fondo un joven. “¿Cuatro meses de qué? No entendí: ¿Nueve partidos y cuatro meses?”, preguntó una señora al pasajero que iba a su lado. Todos, hasta el menos futbolero, estaban pendientes de la noticia. Fue entonces cuando se levantó un adulto de unos 70 años, que seguramente tiene en su retina más de una hazaña de la Celeste, y resumió: “Lo fifaron, a Suárez y a Uruguay lo fifaron”.

La Comisión Disciplinaria del órgano rector del fútbol castigó al futbolista uruguayo con nueve partidos de suspensión, lo dejó fuera por cuatro meses de toda actividad vinculada al fútbol, más una multa por el equivalente a 112.000 dólares.

Lo consideró culpable de haber violado el artículo 48 del Código Disciplinario (agresión a otro jugador) y el 57 (ofensa a la deportividad contra otro jugador) por haber mordido al futbolista italiano Chiellini.


Las redes sociales desbordaron de inmediato con comentarios indignados, incluso de importantes dirigentes políticos. El presidente José Mujica llamó al técnico Óscar Tabárez para expresarle su solidaridad y por la noche fue a esperar a Suárez al Aeropuerto de Carrasco. El Ministerio del Interior ordenó reforzar la seguridad ante las embajadas de Italia y el Reino Unido para evitar escraches. También se otorgó un pasaporte de urgencia al abogado Alejandro Balbi, para que desde Brasil viaje a Barcelona, a pedido de Suárez, para que coordine allí su defensa con sus otros abogados.

La sanción de la FIFA, de una gravedad inusitada, será apelada por la Asociación Uruguaya de Fútbol (AUF), aunque ese trámite no tiene efectos suspensivos. Se informó además que el jugador llevará el caso ante el Tribunal Arbitral del Deporte (TAS), la máxima instancia en contiendas legales deportivas.

Además de expulsarlo de la Copa del Mundo y dejarlo fuera de los partidos de Uruguay por mucho tiempo (la medida abarca Copa del Mundo, sus eliminatorias y la Copa América), se le prohibió permanecer con sus compañeros en Brasil, ingresar en los estadios donde haya partidos organizados por la FIFA y hasta entrenar con sus equipos.

La sanción pone incertidumbre sobre su futuro profesional, en momentos en que Real Madrid y Barcelona pujan por su pase. La directiva de su club, el Liverpool, estudiará el caso hoy, según el diario local Liverpool Echo.

“No se puede tolerar este tipo de comportamiento en un terreno de juego, especialmente durante la Copa Mundial de la FIFA, cuando millones de personas tienen la vista puesta en los jugadores”, dijo Claudio Sulser, un exfutbolista suizo, presidente de la Comisión Disciplinaria de la FIFA.

La selección uruguaya se encontraba todavía en Natal cuando llegó la noticia. Testigos afirmaron que Suárez lloró amargamente al escucharla. El futbolista emprendió de tarde regreso a Montevideo en un vuelo privado, mientras la delegación viajaba a Río de Janeiro para jugar, ya sin él, el partido de octavos de final frente a Colombia mañana.

“Es una decisión absolutamente exagerada. No había prueba contundente para sanción tan dura”, afirmó en Río el presidente de la AUF, Wilmar Valdez.

El dirigente se entrevistó con el presidente de la FIFA, Joseph Blatter. “Uruguay no pide privilegios ni excepción, sino una ley pareja para todos. La FIFA debe velar por eso, hemos visto jugadas más agresivas y el tribunal no ha actuado con esa severidad”, señaló Valdez.


“La sanción es totalmente exagerada porque al mismo hecho se le tipificó agresión e injuria. Dos tipificaciones para justificar una sanción tan grande”, explicó a El País el abogado y dirigente de fútbol Hernán Navascués. Con términos más simples, miles de uruguayos expresaron lo mismo en calles, bares y redes sociales. Incluso en Parque Posadas, Tres Cruces y otras zonas de Montevideo se reportaron caceroleadas.

“El humor social está enojado. A nivel colectivo hay una gran indignación, la mayoría de la gente siente la injusticia. Hay jugadores que han hecho agresiones de mucho mayor tamaño y se siente que hay cierta cuestión persecutoria hacia Luis Suárez”, comentó la decana de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Susana Mallo.

“El fútbol y el Mundial en lo particular es un fenómeno social que trasciende todo lo demás. Creo que hay una especie de libido, por decirlo de alguna manera, un depósito de nuestra pasión en el éxito de estos jugadores, que se entiende como un éxito colectivo e individual. Uno deposita su emoción, su pasión, su libido, como quiera llamarse, en el fútbol. Esta pasión colectiva une a los más diversos sectores sociales y generan ese sentimiento de indignación frente a lo que se considera una sanción discriminatoria e injusta. También está la sensación de que la FIFA sigue siendo un lugar de poder donde la preponderancia la tienen los países denominados grandes”.


Se considera culpable al futbolista Luis Suárez de haber violado el art. 48, apdo. 1d del Código Disciplinario de la FIFA (CDF) al agredir a otro jugador, y el art. 57 del CDF por haber cometido una ofensa a la deportividad contra otro jugador.

– Se suspende al jugador Luis Suárez por nueve (9) partidos oficiales. El primer partido al que se aplicará la sanción será el próximo encuentro de la Copa Mundial de la FIFA entre Colombia y Uruguay, que se disputará el 28 de junio. En virtud del art. 38, apdo. 2a del CDF, el resto de la sanción se aplicará a los siguientes partidos de Uruguay en el Mundial si esta selección sigue avanzando en el torneo o a los siguientes partidos oficiales de la selección uruguaya.

– De acuerdo con el art. 22 del CDF, durante cuatro (4) meses, se le prohíbe a Luis Suárez ejercer cualquier clase de actividad relacionada con el futbol (administrativa, deportiva o de otra clase).

– De acuerdo con el art. 21 del CDF, se prohíbe, asimismo, a Luis Suárez entrar en los recintos de todos los estadios durante el período de duración de la prohibición (v. punto 3). El jugador tampoco podrá entrar en los recintos del estadio en el que la selección uruguaya dispute un encuentro mientras esté cumpliendo con los nueve partidos de suspensión (v. punto 2).

– Además, se le impone una multa que asciende a 100.000 CHF.

La decisión se ha comunicado el jueves 26 de junio al jugador y a la Asociación Uruguaya de Fútbol.

“No se puede tolerar este tipo de comportamiento en un terreno de juego, especialmente durante la Copa Mundial de la FIFA, cuando millones de personas tienen la vista puesta en los jugadores. La Comisión Disciplinaria ha tenido en cuenta todos los elementos del caso y el grado de culpabilidad de Luis Suárez de acuerdo con lo estipulado en el Código Disciplinario. La decisión ha entrado en vigor en el momento en el que se ha comunicado”, ha declarado Claudio Sulser, presidente de la Comisión Disciplinaria de la FIFA

*Artículo 48, apartado 1d.: Como mínimo por dos partidos en caso de vías de hecho (codazos, puñetazos, patadas, etc.) contra un adversario u otra persona que no sea un ofi cial de partido;

* Artículo 57: Ofensas al honor y deportividad. El que a través de palabras o gestos injuriosos, o por cualquier otro medio, ofenda el honor de una persona o contravenga a los principios de la deportividad o la moral deportiva, podrá ser sancionado conforme al art. 10 ss.

* Artículo 10. Sanciones a personas físicas y jurídicas. Pueden imponerse las siguientes sanciones tanto a las personas físicas como a las jurídicas: a) advertencia; b) reprensión; c) multa; d) devolución de premios.

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Después de 30 años de matrimonio, Putin se divorció de su esposa en 2013.

Conocemos algunos aspectos de su intimidad. Lo hemos visto en el gimnasio, jugando con sus perros en Moscú y cabalgando por Siberia sin camisa, pero son muy pocas las imágenes de la vida familiar de quien por segundo año consecutivo ha sido nombrado por la revista Forbes como el hombre más poderoso del mundo.

Pese a llevar más de 15 años en el poder, el presidente de Rusia, Vladimir Putin, ha sido extremadamente reservado en cuanto a fotos, filmaciones o cualquier información sobre su núcleo más privado: sus dos hijas.

Ya en 2012 el diario estadounidense The New York Times advertía a sus lectores del “secretismo casi impenetrable” de Putin.

Cuanto más gobierna Rusia, la discusión sobre su familia parece ser cada vez más tabú”, señalaba el periódico.

De hecho, periodistas rusos aseguran que es más fácil reportar sobre temas de seguridad nacional que sobre la familia de Putin.

Asunto de seguridad

Cuando el mandatario aceptó formar parte del documental del cineasta alemán Hubert Seipel Ich, Putin, de 2012, su vida familiar quedó fuera de discusión.

Como lo hizo en el filme, Putin dijo en una conferencia de prensa que ofreció el pasado 17 de diciembre, que detrás de su silencio está la seguridad de sus dos hijas, de quienes se piensa que se acercan a los 30 años.

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La hija menor de Putin, Katerina Tikhonova, baila rock and roll acrobático.

Yo nunca he discutido dónde exactamente trabajan mis hijas, qué hacen y no intento hacerlo ahora, por muchas razones, incluyendo un asunto de seguridad“, señaló.

“En general, pienso que cada persona tiene derecho a su propio destino. Nunca fueron hijas de una celebridad, nunca les dio placer ser el centro de atención y simplemente están viviendo sus propias vidas“, agregó.

De acuerdo con una investigación de la agencia de noticias Reuters, publicada el 10 de noviembre, su hija menor, Katerina, es una exitosa académica que trabaja en la Universidad Estatal de Moscú y participa en competencias de rock and roll acrobático.

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En agosto de 2015, Putin permitió que se filmara una sesión suya en el gimnasio junto al primer ministro Dmitry Medvedev.

Reuters aseguró, tras obtener la confirmación de un funcionario ruso de alta jerarquía, que Katerina usa el apellido Tikhonova.

Un día después de darse a conocer el reportaje de Reuters, el vocero de Putin, Dmitry Peskov, cuestionó la investigación.

Acerca de quién es la hija de Putin, no les puedo decir nada porque ni tengo esa información ni se supone que la deba tener. No es parte de mis funciones administrativas”, dijo Peskov, según la agencia de noticias rusa TASS.

En la rueda de prensa de Putin del 17 de diciembre, un periodista le preguntó por Katerina Tikhonova y el reportaje de Reuters.

“He leído diferentes cosas en diferentes momentos. Hace poco tiempo todo el mundo decía que mis hijas estaban estudiando en el extranjero y que vivían permanentemente afuera. Gracias a Dios, nadie escribe sobre eso ahora. Ahora están diciendo que -y esto es verdadero- viven en Rusia y nunca se han ido del país a vivir permanentemente. Siempre han estudiado en Rusia”, dijo.

Hombre de tradición

De acuerdo con uno de los editores del servicio ruso de la BBC, Famil Ismailov, hay dos razones por las que se sabe poco del núcleo íntimo de Putin.

“Una es personal y la otra cultural”, le dijo a BBC Mundo.

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Putin asiste regularmente a las ceremonias de la Iglesia Ortodoxa rusa.

Putin es un hombre muy reservado. Fue un agente de la KGB (…) y esa experiencia le enseñó a callarse su vida privada”.

“Él se presenta como una persona con valores conservadores rusos y como un defensor de los mismos (…) Además se está volviendo cada vez más religioso. Se le ve persignarse y asistir a ceremonias religiosas. La Iglesia Ortodoxa es percibida como una de las bases del legado histórico ruso”.

En ese contexto, comenta Ismailov, su amistad con el exprimer ministro italiano Silvio Berlusconi llama la atención.

La exesposa

La hija mayor de Putin se llama María y es una académica que se ha especializado en endocrinología.

La madre de sus dos hijas, Lyudmila, una vez describió a Putin como un adicto al trabajo.

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Putin junto a la madre de sus hijas, Lyudmila.

Después de 30 años de matrimonio, la pareja anunció, en junio de 2013, que se estaba divorciando.

Ante las cámaras de televisión, Putin dijo: “Fue una decisión conjunta: difícilmente nos vemos, cada uno tiene su propia vida”.

Lyudmila, de quien se conoce que no le gusta la atención pública, señaló que le costaba viajar en avión y que Putín estaba “completamente ahogado en el trabajo”.

El divorcio fue “civilizado” y la pareja “siempre se mantendrá cercana”, añadió la exesposa del líder.

Después del anuncio del divorcio, el portavoz de Putin dijo que no había otra mujer en la vida del presidente ruso.

“Con solo echarle un rápido vistazo a la agenda de trabajo de Putin, es fácil darse cuenta de que no hay espacio para las relaciones familiares en su vida. Está llena de sus responsabilidades como jefe de Estado”, indicó Peskov.

Los rumores

En 2008, Putin negó los rumores que decían que se había divorciado en secreto y que estaba planeando casarse con la campeona olímpica en gimnasia Alina Kabayeva.

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De regreso a la naturaleza: Putin ha cultivado una imagen de macho que atrae a muchos rusos.

La deportista estuvo entre los seis atletas que llevaron la antorcha olímpica en la ceremonia de apertura de los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno de Sochi, que se celebraron en 2014.

“Una de las razones que aumentaron esos rumores”, recuerda Ismailov, “fue lo que muchos describieron como su repentino y rápido ascenso en el ambito político”.

En 2014, el periódico británico The Guardian había informado que Kabayeva, quien fue parlamentaria por el partido oficialista Rusia Unida durante seis años, había sido nombrada para liderar uno de los principales medios de comunicación afines al Kremlin.

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El miércoles 24 de agosto, al mediodía, Antonio Horacio “Jaime” Stiuso se reunió con un conocido en el bar Ibérico de Córdoba y Uruguay. Una fuente de esta revista lo vio y le tomó una foto con el celular y se la envió a NOTICIAS. Para ese momento eran alrededor de las 16 y ya casi no había esperanzas de que Stiuso siguiera en el bar, pero de todos modos un cronista de NOTICIAS fue hasta el lugar. No lo encontró allí, pero sí a tres cuadras de distancia. A las 16.30 estaba tomando un café con un hombre de unos 30 años, en el bar Exedra, de Córdoba y Pellegrini. Al parecer era un día de reuniones.

NOTICIAS se acercó hasta él y lo consultó por la vinculación que hizo el renunciado jefe de la Aduana, Gómez Centurión, con él.

Noticias: Gómez Centurión dice que en la Aduana hay grupos vinculados a usted.

Antonio Stiuso: Siempre soy el culpable de todo. Ahora dicen que hay 200 agentes que responden a mí.

Noticias: Pero usted tenía un amigo en la Aduana, Damián Sierra.

Stiuso: Primero, te pido que no te metas con los muertos y segundo, ¿cómo sería la situación? Mi amigo, que murió de cáncer, estuvo todo el año pasado internado con un suero. ¿Cómo hubiera hecho? ¿Él manejaba todo desde la clínica y yo daba las órdenes desde Estados Unidos, monitoreado por los yanquis? ¿Vos sabés cómo se creó la AFIP?

Noticias: No, ¿cómo?

Stiuso: Tenés que leer más. En 1996 volteamos la Aduana paralela. Eso lo hice yo. Cayeron el director, aduaneros, policías y empresarios. Después de eso el Gobierno unificó la Aduana y la DGI en un solo organismo.

Durante la charla, Stiuso nunca permitió que el cronista se sentara a la mesa, e incluso en un momento atendió un llamado que recibió en su iPhone blanco. “Estoy hablando con un periodista, que me está haciendo una nota. Me está grabando”. El diálogo nunca fue grabado, porque Stiuso nunca aceptó a sentarse para realizar una entrevista formal y más profunda. Sin embargo, en varios momentos de la nota, Stiuso, paranoico, repetiría que se lo estaba grabando.

Noticias: ¿Es cierto que antes de ir a Estados Unidos estuvo por Italia?

Stiuso: Eso fue una mentira de (Oscar) Parrilli. Hasta dijeron que tenía pizzerías. Un día una de mis hijas fue a la pizzería, se sacó una foto y me la mandó diciendo: “Mirá papá, estamos en tu pizzería” (se ríe).

Noticias: ¿En calidad de qué estuvo exiliado en Estados Unidos?

Stiuso: Eso es un tema de otro país. Yo no me puedo meter en eso. Preguntale a ellos.

Noticias: ¿Qué hizo durante ese año allá?

Stiuso: Estuve leyendo todas las macanas que hacía Parrilli.

Noticias: Parrilli lo denunció por contrabando, por el incremento de las importaciones de la Secretaría de Inteligencia.

Stiuso: Sí, pero es un boludo, porque eso lo había denunciado yo primero. Además, ¿vos fuiste a ver la causa? El incremento también era de la Secretaría General de la Presidencia. Al final me denuncian y terminan denunciados ellos (lanza una carcajada).

Noticias: ¿Me puedo sentar?

Stiuso: No.

Noticias: ¿La conoce a Silvia Majdalani?

Stiuso: Sí, claro. La conocí por su trabajo en la comisión de seguimiento de actividades de la Secretaría de Inteligencia.

Noticias: ¿Y desde que está como subdirectora de la AFI no la vio?

Stiuso: No, para qué. Si después pasa algo y me van a terminar echando la culpa a mi. Solo falta que digan que soy del ISIS.

Noticias: ¿Volvió a recibir amenazas?

Stiuso: En enero de este año una nota del diario Perfil decía que me convenía no volver al país. Muy raro eso. ¿Quién dice que no me conviene? Igual ya está presentado en la Justicia.

Noticias: ¿Cómo es posible que lo amenacen en una nota?

Stiuso: Sí, seguro es algo que escapa a vos, pero yo sé porque le pregunté a la fuente del periodista.

Noticias: ¿Y cómo sabe quién es la fuente?

Stiuso: Lo averigüé.

La nota a la que se refiere Stiuso no es de enero, sino del 20 de diciembre de 2015, donde en el último párrafo dice: “Cerca de la ex presidenta especulan (y en el fondo pretenden) que Stiuso evite dar una batalla desgastante en la que –aseguran– el ex agente también tendría mucho para perder”. Con ese textual, su abogado se presentó en el juzgado Nº 9 de Luis Rodríguez y lo sumó como una prueba de que lo están amenazando.

Noticias: ¿Alguna otra amenaza?

Stiuso: Sí, cuando mis hijas tenían custodia de la Metropolitana, un día, asaltaron a la custodia y eso no salió en ningún lado.

Noticias: ¿Me puedo sentar?

Stiuso: No.

Noticias: ¿Por qué habló con NOTICIAS la primera vez, cuando todavía trabajaba?

Stiuso: Porque mi jefe me autorizó. Cuando te mandaron a llamarme estaba al lado de él y me dio el OK para hablar.

Noticias: Nadie pidió que lo llamemos. Fue todo por interés periodístico. Usted estaba yendo a Tribunales muy seguido en aquel entonces.

Stiuso: La operación había empezado antes cuando ustedes hicieron esa tapa con Icazuriaga en cueros en una playa. Hay muchas cosas que vos seguro no conocés (se pone serio).

Noticias: Seguro que hay muchas cosas que desconocemos, pero con esa lógica, también debería pensar que la entrevista que le hicieron en La Nación también fue a pedido de algún enemigo suyo.

Stiuso: A esa chica me la mandaron para hacerme quilombo en mi casa.

Noticias: ¿Por qué?

Stiuso: (responde con tono de broma). Porque cuando estaba hablando con la chica, mi señora fue al bar con mi hija y como me vieron con otra mujer siguieron de largo y se fueron. Cuando llegué a casa tuve que dar explicaciones sobre qué hacía tomando café con una chiquita. Después cuando salió la nota se aclaró todo. (se ríe)

Noticias: En la entrevista con la Nación dice que ahora se dedica a trabajar en su empresa. ¿Qué empresa tiene?

Stiuso: Es una empresa que hace fresado de pavimento. Alquilamos máquinas viales a empresas que hacen obra pública. Me dedico a eso desde 1997. El año pasado estuvo muy parado porque estuve afuera, pero ahora sigo con mi socio Horacio García. La semana pasada volví a abrir la cuenta en el banco que estaba cerrada.

Noticias: ¿Sigue usando armas?

Stiuso: No, tengo que ir a renovar la portación.

Noticias: El Gobierno denuncia que está enfrentando mafias. ¿Qué opina?

Stiuso: ¿A qué le llamás mafias? ¿A grupos que se dedican a delinquir, a asociaciones que se organizan para chorear? Si es eso, mafias hubo siempre.


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Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris delivered her acceptance speech Wednesday night in a room filled with the spirits of generations of women who had gone before her, former Democratic National Committee interim chairwoman Donna Brazile said.

“There were a lot of people in that room tonight,” Brazile said during Fox News special coverage of the Democratic National Convention. “We didn’t see them, but they were there, their spirits. The love that they have for justice and equality, the love they have for their country. The women who picked cotton, the women who broke their backs just trying to get ahead, she spoke to all of them and many, many more.”


Harris, 55, is the first Black woman on a major party’s presidential ticket. She paid special tribute to her Indian immigrant mother for raising Harris and her sister to be “proud strong Black women” and called out systemic racism that persists in America.

“The women who picked cotton, the women who broke their backs just trying to get ahead, she spoke to all of them and many many more.”

— Donna Brazile, Fox News

At one point, Harris said her vision of American is one “where all are welcome, no matter what we look like, where we come from, or who we love” and a country where “we look out for one another.”

“She called out their names,” Brazile said. “She gave them a part of this moment. She told their stories, that have never been told, [of] women who were despised simply because of what they look like.”

Brazile praised Harris for the passion and sincerity with which she conveyed her personal story and commitment to voters, despite the lack of a physical audience due to the coronavirus pandemic.


“Tonight, there are so many people who are crying, so many people who are screaming, so many people saying, ‘Now, finally, someone who looks like me can aspire to the highest office in the land,” Brazile said. “And yes, someone who dared to go to a Black college [Harris received her undergraduate degree from Howard University] can now say that ‘I am going to the White House one day.'”

“I was in the room,” Brazile added. “Let the church say, I was in the room.”


“The Five” co-host Juan Williams highlighted Harris’ reminder that “there is no vaccine for racism,” which he said represents her political shift.

“She was very clear in speaking out the names of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor and speaking to the kind of energy and enthusiasm that we’ve seen with that Black Lives Matter movement as it’s hit the streets and really changed the political environment in the country today.”

“She spoke about family first, about her mother, her dad, her aunts, cousins, nieces, and godchildren, the way she spoke about her sorority and historically Black colleges, suggested that she now understands and is part of the movement of today,” Williams added. “She is buying into the energy, the energy of the Democratic Party as it comes to the table for this election. “

Fox News’ Marisa Schultz contributed to this report.

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(CNN)Any face covering that “hinders the identification of individuals in a way that threatens national security” is now banned in Sri Lanka, according to a statement from the country’s President.

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    The massive container ship that ran aground in the Suez Canal, halting traffic in one of the world’s busiest waterways, is still stuck after little progress appeared to be made on Wednesday to dislodge the ship.

    The ship, called the Ever Given, became horizontally wedged in the waterway following heavy winds. Multiple tugboats were sent to the scene to assist in the re-float operation, which can take days.

    Around 4 p.m. ET a spokesperson from Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement, which is the technical manager of the vessel, said the ship was still aground with re-float efforts ongoing.

    The enormous cargo carrier is more than 1,300 feet long and about 193 feet wide. It weighs more than 200,000 tons. One end of the ship was wedged into one side of the canal, with the other stretching nearly to the other bank.

    The 120-mile long man-made waterway is a key point of global trade, connecting a steady flow of goods from East to West.

    Everything from consumer products to machinery parts to oil flows through its waters.

    Nearly 19,000 ships passed through the canal during 2020, for an average of 51.5 per day, according to the Suez Canal Authority. The ship was sailing from China to Rotterdam when it ran aground.

    Satellite images showed a buildup of ships on either end of the waterway as the Ever Given halted the flow of traffic.

    The accident comes as the global supply chain already struggles to keep apace with demand. The shortages have been most acute in the chip industry, forcing automakers to suspend operations.

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    (CNN)For the first time “No Religion” has topped a survey of Americans’ religious identity, according to a new analysis by a political scientist. The non-religious edged out Catholics and evangelicals in the long-running General Social Survey.

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      GUADALAJARA, JALISCO (18/SEP/2015).- Revisa lo más importante del 18 de septiembre en México en este resumen de noticias publicadas a través de los sitios web de los medios que conforman los Periódicos Asociados en Red.


      Apoyaremos a víctimas para que Egipto las indemnice: Peña Nieto

      Enrique Peña Nieto indicó que la repatriación de los ocho mexicanos muertos en Egipto ocurrirá la próxima semana y señaló que los cuerpos permanecen en ese país con el propósito de no entorpecer las investigaciones y el proceso legal.

      El GDF reconoce a participantes en labores de rescate en sismos

      Por primera ocasión, el Gobierno del Distrito Federal entregó el reconocimiento ‘Ángel de la Ciudad’ a personas que participaron en labores de rescate de víctimas de los sismos de 1985.


      Gobernador de Jalisco arremete contra Egipto

      El gobernador de Jalisco, Aristóteles Sandoval Díaz, arremetió en contra del gobierno de Egipto, y dijo que si en breve no se da la información clara sobre lo ocurrido con los mexicanos asesinados y heridos tras un ataque militar, México debe romper relaciones con ese país.


      Encuentran 10 cuerpos en rancho de ‘La Barbie‘ en Cuautla

      Diez cuerpos fueron encontrados en un rancho propiedad de Édgar Valdez Villarreal, alias ‘La Barbie’, ubicado en el municipio de Cuautla.


      El Bronco‘ sostiene reunión con la Canaco de Monterrey

      Ante la presencia de cobros de piso, asaltos, chantajes y extorsiones, además de la presencia del comercio informal, integrantes de la Cámara Nacional de Comercio de Monterrey (Canaco) pidieron al gobernador electo, Jaime Rodríguez, apoyarles para frenar estos problemas.

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      To hear Gov. Gavin Newsom tell it, the question of whether you’re eligible for a COVID-19 booster shot in California is an easy one.

      “If it’s been 6 months since you received Pfizer/Moderna or 2 months since [Johnson & Johnson], you can get your shot,” he tweeted Tuesday morning. “It’s that simple.”

      However, a quick scan of the replies to his message shows that, for some, things still aren’t that cut and dried. Eligibility questions have still thwarted people when trying to snag an appointment at major pharmacy chains. Others say the state’s own online platform is telling them they can’t get the shots.

      As one user put it: “I tried to make an appointment last night and the site told me I wasn’t qualified. There’s no way around it but to lie …”

      But do you really have to fib to get the jab?

      The stumbling block is the criteria listed to qualify for a booster shot when trying to book an appointment. Some have said they don’t qualify for any of the categories.

      For instance, on the state’s vaccine scheduling website, the site asks:

      Are you in one of the following eligible groups?

      • Resident of a long-term care facility (for example nursing home or assisted living for seniors)
      • At high risk for COVID-19 complications
      • At high risk for COVID-19 exposure due to occupation or institutional setting
      • At increased risk of social inequities (Learn more)

      If you say “no,” the website says you’re not eligible for the booster at this time.

      But there is, in fact, one category for which virtually all adults qualify, according to a permissive interpretation articulated recently by health officials across California and in New York City.

      With winter coming, health officials in California and other areas are pushing harder for COVID-19 booster shots.

      Under this interpretation, essentially all adults qualify because essentially all are “at high risk for COVID-19 exposure due to occupation or institutional setting.”

      This confusing language on California’s vaccination website is shorthand from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which sets official recommendations on who is eligible for the vaccine.

      All recipients of the Johnson & Johnson shot have been recommended to get a booster two months after their initial vaccination.

      But for weeks, the CDC website has said that, among people who got the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna shots, those eligible for a booster include adults “who work or live in high-risk settings.” They can be workers in settings such as schools, hospitals, grocery stores, factories and jails.

      But the CDC also pointedly allows vaccinated adults to use their own judgment in determining whether they think they’re “at increased risk of being exposed to COVID-19.”

      It’s this loose interpretation that a number of states and local governments are zeroing in on as they urge all fully vaccinated adults to get a booster shot as soon as possible.

      Federal health officials aren’t giving any specific recommendations, but there are options for COVID-19 boosters, and it’s OK if you mix vaccines.

      California’s health officer and director of public health, Dr. Tomás Aragón, said in a letter to vaccine providers that adults can decide to get a booster shot if they feel they’re at higher risk of exposure to the coronavirus simply by living in an area heavily affected by COVID-19 — a criteria that could essentially describe anyone worldwide.

      The letter directed vaccine providers: “Do not turn a patient away who is requesting a booster,” as long as enough time has passed since the person has received an initial vaccination series.

      Updates to California’s scheduling site may emerge in days. On Tuesday morning, the MyTurn site was updated: “Announcement: Booster doses are now available to people age 18+. Find a walk-in clinic now or schedule an appointment on My Turn starting 11/18.”

      However, the older eligibility question is still listed when trying to book an appointment.

      California health officials sought to clarify things further Tuesday, releasing new guidance that all adults at least six months removed from their last dose of Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna, or two months clear from their single J&J shot, can get a booster.

      Some counties late last week stopped asking confusing eligibility questions. By Thursday evening, Santa Clara County — Northern California’s most populous — no longer asked whether those seeking booster appointments were members of the CDC’s four eligibility groups.

      San Francisco officials issued a news release Friday evening offering advice on how to fill out forms. While local city-affiliated clinics “are ready to turn no one away, health systems and pharmacies may need time to respond to the booster expansion. For example, patients may still see screening tools used during appointment bookings asking them to attest to a narrower set of eligibility criteria. As the systems are updated, people should choose the least restrictive of the criteria that applies to them. Many work and residential settings pose the risk of exposure to COVID.”

      Not only have California and New York City made the case for this interpretation, but so has Colorado, which has said that “because COVID-19 is spreading quickly throughout the state, Colorado is a high-risk place to live and work,” and thus all adults are eligible for the booster.

      New Mexico made the same interpretation, with a top statewide health official stating that, with high case rates and hospitals beyond capacity, the state is now in a “high-risk setting.”

      As a result, there are many health officials who say you can, in good conscience, declare that you are eligible for the booster because you’re “at high risk for COVID-19 exposure due to occupation or institutional setting.”

      Approving COVID-19 booster shots seemed like a slam dunk, but two influential advisory boards raised a host of complicated questions.

      What’s the reason for this confusing situation?

      A lot of it has to do with a September debate by an advisory committee of scientists to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration who opposed recommending all adults get a booster.

      In August, members of President Biden’s COVID-19 task force signaled that the federal government would be ready to offer all vaccinated adults booster shots by late September if the FDA and CDC’s independent review of the situation resulted in such a recommendation.

      While there was widespread consensus that seniors 65 and over and others at high risk of severe illness from COVID-19 should get the booster, there was plenty of debate whether the available data pointed to recommending that younger, healthier adults also should.

      But new federal recommendations might come out soon. The FDA is currently evaluating a new request by Pfizer/BioNTech to make its vaccine available as a booster to all adults.

      A number of health officials and experts have weighed in about the broad importance of boosters to the pandemic response.

      “We’re starting to see waning immunity against infection,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, Biden’s chief medical advisor for the COVID-19 pandemic, told “The Daily” podcast recently.

      “And if you look at Israel — which has always been a month to a month and a half ahead of us in the dynamics of the outbreak in their vaccine response and in every other element of the outbreak — they are seeing a waning of immunity, not only against infection, but against hospitalizations, and to some extent death, which is starting to now involve all age groups. It isn’t just the elderly,” Fauci said.

      Eventually, it may become clear that the booster shot will be determined to be “an essential part of the primary [vaccination] regimen that people should have,” Fauci said. “The boosting is going to be an absolutely essential component of our response. Not a bonus, not a luxury, but an absolute essential part of the program.”

      Health officials are urging the vast majority of adults to get a booster shot as soon as possible.

      Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a former head of the FDA and a member of Pfizer’s board, said on the CBS News program “Face the Nation” that the confusing message about boosters may end up being “one of the biggest missed opportunities in this pandemic.”

      “We now see very clear evidence of declining vaccine effectiveness over time. There’s different reasons why that may be the case, but the trend is unmistakable,” he said. “Anyone who’s eligible for a booster — and most Americans probably are eligible for a booster at this point — should be going out and seeking it. And this is the fastest way that we can increase the total immunity in the population,”

      People who have been vaccinated long ago “may only have 50% of its effectiveness left,” Gottlieb said, but getting a booster can restore effectiveness to 95% “based on the data that we’ve seen — within a matter of days.”

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      President Donald Trump told Fox News on Thursday that he has “the absolute right to declare a national emergency” if he can’t reach an agreement with congressional Democrats to provide funding for his promised wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

      “The law is very clear. I mean, we have the absolute right to declare a national emergency,” Trump told Sean Hannity in an exclusive interview. “This is a national emergency, if you look what’s happening.”


      Trump did not lay out a specific timetable for when he might take such a step, saying: “I think we’re going to see what happens over the next few days.” However, he appeared to hold out hope for making a deal to secure wall funding and fully reopen the government.

      “We should be able to make a deal with Congress,” the president said. “If you look, Democrats, in Congress, especially the new ones coming in, are starting to say, ‘Wait a minute, we can’t win this battle with Trump, because of the fact that it’s just common sense. How can we say that a wall doesn’t work?’”

      The president spoke to Fox News on the banks of the Rio Grande, where he traveled to argue his claim that a barrier would deter drug and human trafficking into the United States.


      “Death is pouring through,” Trump said. “We have crime and death and it’s not just at the border. They get through the border and they go and filter into the country and you have MS-13 gangs in places like Los Angeles and you have gangs all over Long Island, which we’re knocking the hell out of. There should be no reason for us to have to do this. They shouldn’t be allowed in and if we had the barrier, they wouldn’t be allowed in.”

      The president said a wall would be “virtually a hundred percent effective and [House Speaker] Nancy [Pelosi] and [Senate Democratic Leader] Chuck [Schumer] know that, but it’s politics. It’s about the 2020 campaign, it’s about running for president. That’s what they’re doing. They’re already doing it. It’s a shame. They’ve got to put the country first.”


      Democrats repeatedly have refused to approve any legislation to fund the wall. The standoff led to the partial government shutdown, which is set to his the three-week mark Friday.

      “Everyone wants us to win this battle,” Trump said. “It’s common sense … Look, we’re not going anywhere. We’re not changing our mind because there’s nothing to change your mind about. The wall works [and] if we don’t have a steel or concrete barrier, we’re all wasting a lot of time.”

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      The fighting between Israeli forces and Palestinian militants continued into its ninth day Tuesday, with two Thai workers killed at a packaging plant in southern Israel overnight by rockets fired from Gaza, according to Israeli authorities. Health officials in Gaza recorded no overnight deaths in the Palestinian enclave for the first time since the violence began on May 10.

      Mounting international calls for a cease-fire, including from U.S. President Joe Biden, went ignored as shelling and rocket attacks continue from both sides.

      Israel’s military reported that 62 of its fighter jets dropped 110 guided bombs onto the Gaza Strip overnight and into Tuesday, saying its targets included Hamas leaders, its tunnel network and rocket launchpads. It also said that 90 rockets had been fired from Gaza overnight, making the latest total 3,440 rockets, the majority of which caused no casualties.  

      In Jerusalem, the Israeli-occupied West Bank and elsewhere in Israel, Palestinian protesters held a strike in support of Gaza.  

      Israel has said it would continue its offensive to take out Hamas and Islamic Jihad — U.S.-designated terrorist organizations — the former of which also governs the Gaza Strip, a 140-square mile strip of land housing 2 million people that has been under Israeli blockade since 2007. 

      But Israel’s offensive, which it says is targeted at Hamas, has led to 213 Palestinian deaths in Gaza as of Tuesday afternoon, including 61 children and 36 women, according to Gaza authorities. The violence between Israelis and Palestinians is the worst in the region in seven years, and Sunday — which saw Israeli fighter jets level three buildings in Gaza — has been the deadliest day since the latest hostilities began.

      Rocket attacks from Hamas and Islamic Jihad have also continued. Israeli strikes on what it says are Hamas tunnel networks have collapsed underneath Palestinian homes, leaving families buried in rubble. Ten people have died in Israel, including two children, Israeli authorities said Monday. 

      Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a televised address Sunday that Israel “wants to levy a heavy price” from Gaza’s Hamas leaders and that its offensive on the blockaded territory would “take time.” In a phone call between Biden and Netanyahu on Monday, the U.S. president reportedly called for a cease-fire, but did not demand an immediate stop to the violence from Israel’s military.

      “The IDF [Israel Defense Forces] is not talking about a cease-fire. We’re focused on the firing,” Israeli military’s chief spokesman, Brig. Gen. Hidai Zilberman, told the country’s Army Radio station on Tuesday.

      On May 5, before full-scale hostilities erupted but amid growing protests and clashes between Palestinians and Israeli forces, the Biden administration notified Congress of an intended sale of $735 million in precision-guided weapons to Israel, Reuters reported. Israel is the single largest beneficiary of U.S. military aid, at $3.1 billion annually. The State Department did not immediately reply to a CNBC request for comment.

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