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Este sábado, desde las seis de la mañana se apertura la frontera colombo venezolana por el Puente Internacional Simón Bolívar, ubicado en el estado Táchira, para el cruce peatonal de venezolanos y colombianos que hacen vida en estos municipios fronterizos.

Este acceso estaba previsto para mañana domingo 17 de julio, tal y como lo diera a entender el gobernador José Gregorio Vielma Mora, “Nosotros no vamos a poner ninguna traba, ningún problema, el que quiera pasar va a pasar (…) yo no tengo problema”, expresó.

Por su parte,  Daniel Aguilar, presidente de la patronal Fedecámaras en el limítrofe estado Táchira (oeste), habría declarado a AFP, que para mañana se estimaba que al menos 4.000 productores visitarían los comercios de Colombia fronterizos con Venezuela para abastecerse de insumos.

“Al menos unos cuatro mil productores van a ir hasta la frontera para comprar semillas, abono y medicinas para sus animales que no se consiguen en Venezuela, y si se consiguen son demasiado costosas”, dijo.

En una transmisión con el canal del Estado, se conoció que la frontera fue abierta aproximadamente a las 5:30 de la mañana sin ningún tipo de restricciones y se tiene previsto que permanezca abierta hasta las 6:00 de la tarde.

VEA MÁS: RESUMEN | Venezolanos hacen compras del otro lado de la frontera

La semana pasada, unos 35.000 venezolanos, según autoridades colombianas, cruzaron entonces a pie hacia la ciudad colombiana de Cúcuta para comprar alimentos y productos básicos, muy escasos en Venezuela.

Durante la jornada del pasado domingo, venezolanos hicieron compras en Cúcuta de algunos rubros de la cesta básica con sello colombiano, entre ellos, el arroz fue vendido desde 3.000 pesos  (Bs 1.200) a 3.200 pesos (Bs 1.280); El azúcar Zulia de un kilo 3.200 pesos (Bs. 1.320); Harina de sal el kilo 2.200 pesos, al cambio 880 bolívares; La pasta el kilo costó al venezolano 2.600 pesos, al cambio 1.040 bolívares, todos estos productos tienen empaque con sello de Colombia.

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La diputada Elisa Carrió, elegida Personaje del año por NOTICIAS en la tapa de esta semana, envió esta tarde un correo electrónico a esta redacción donde hace público que pronto cobrará más de 5 millones de pesos gracias a un convenio que acaba de firmar con la provincia del Chaco. Este monto corresponde a honorarios adeudados a Carrió por su trabajo como abogada en juicios iniciados en 1995. La misma presentación fue enviada a organismos de control como la Oficina Anticorrupción, la AFIP y la Unidad de Información Financiera (UIF).

A continuación, el texto completo de la carta:

Buenos Aires, 22 de diciembre de 2016.

 Estimado Edi Zunino

Tengo el agrado de escribirte, en mi carácter de Diputada de la Nación, con el efecto de poner en su conocimiento hechos relevantes respecto de mi patrimonio, en tanto en mi calidad de funcionaria pública, entiendo es mi deber rendir cuentas de la manera más transparente y abierta posible respecto a cualquier novedad relevante en relación a mi situación patrimonial.

 En este sentido, informo que el día 20 de diciembre de 2016 firmé públicamente en la ciudad de Resistencia dos convenios de pago con la Provincia del Chaco , en  los cuáles la Provincia se compromete en los próximos días a efectuar el pago que se me adeuda, desde hace más de dos décadas, de los honorarios de los que soy acreedora como patrocinante de distintas personas en las causas que a continuación detallaré.

Estos juicios se iniciaron antes de que fuera electa por primera vez Diputada de la Nación en el año 1995. Cuando se iniciaron quién suscribe ejercía la profesión de abogada y tenía un estudio jurídico que patrocinaba diferentes casos, especializándose en Derecho Administrativo y Constitucional, siendo acreedora de honorarios regulados que durante más de 20 años nunca se pagaron.

 El primer convenio de pago se celebró en base a las actuaciones administrativas E-18-2016-3515-A y los autos caratulados: “ALVAREZ EDUARDO A. Y OTROS C/ PODER JUDICIAL DE LA PROVINCIA DEL CHACO S/ DEMANDA CONTENCIOSO ADMINISTRATIVA”, Expediente Nº 12/02, que se tramitaron por ante la Sala Primera de la Cámara en lo Contencioso Administrativo. El monto total de la deuda consolidada a su favor es de $5.000.917,97 en concepto de Capital e Intereses, más IVA.

 El segundo convenio de pago se celebró en base a las actuaciones administrativas E-18-2016-4098-A y los autos caratulados: “VIÑONI DE ALDERETE CARMEN A. Y OTROS C/ PODER JUDICIAL DE LA PROVINCIA DEL CHACO S/ DEMANDA CONTENCIOSO ADMINISTRATIVA”, Expediente Nº 19/02, que se tramitaran también por ante la Sala Primera de la Cámara en lo Contencioso Administrativo. En este caso, el monto total de la deuda consolidada en su favor es de $6.404.487,00 en concepto de Capital e Intereses, más IVA.

 En ambos casos, se depositará en la cuenta que se ha abierto a tal propósito en el Nuevo Banco del Chaco el cincuenta por ciento (50%) del monto total de la deuda consolidada, más IVA. Es decir que se depositará, debido al primer convenio, $2.066.495,03 en concepto de Capital e Intereses, más $433.963,96 en concepto de IVA. Y con respecto al segundo convenio, se depositará $2.646.482,23 en concepto de Capital e Intereses, más $555.761,27 en concepto de IVA.

 El restante cincuenta por ciento (50%) de la deuda consolidada se cancelará en ciento veinte (120) cuotas iguales y consecutivas, con más los intereses sobre saldos que se devenguen de conformidad a la tasa pasiva de uso judicial publicada mensualmente por el Banco Central de la República Argentina, cuya forma de cálculo se establece en el Comunicado 14290 de dicha entidad, y serán abonados en forma conjunta con el pago de las amortizaciones de la deuda consolidada, en la fecha de pago.

En honor a la transparencia que debe ejercer un funcionario público es que le envío esta información que he comunicado también en diferentes presentaciones ante la Oficina Anticorrupción, AFIP, la Unidad de Información Financiera (UIF) y la presidencia de la Cámara de Diputados.

 A sus efectos y en pos de rendir cuentas públicas, se acompaña:

 –        Copia certificada de las sentencias de regulación de honorarios en los autos VIÑONI DE ALDERETE CARMEN A. Y OTROS C/ PODER JUDICIAL DE LA PROVINCIA DEL CHACO S/ DEMANDA CONTENCIOSO ADMINISTRATIVA”, Expediente Nº 19/02, y “ALVAREZ EDUARDO A. Y OTROS C/ PODER JUDICIAL DE LA PROVINCIA DEL CHACO S/ DEMANDA CONTENCIOSO ADMINISTRATIVA”, Expediente Nº 12/02 y de los convenios de pagos suscriptos por los honorarios devengados en esas causas en favor de Elisa Carrió. Suscripto entre el Sr. Ministro de Hacienda y Finanzas Públicas de la provincia del Chaco y la acreedora en la ciudad de Resistencia.

 Sin otro particular, atentamente. –

Elisa Carrió
Diputada de la Nación

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Big Tobacco playbook

In his opening remarks, Blumenthal highlighted findings from Facebook’s research, showing that many teens feel addicted to their use of Instagram.

“In truth, Facebook has taken Big Tobacco’s playbook,” he said. “It has hidden its own research on addiction and the toxic effects of its products, it has attempted to deceive the public and us in Congress about what it knows, and it has weaponized childhood vulnerabilities against children themselves.”

Markey echoed those remarks.

“Instagram is that first childhood cigarette meant to get teens hooked early, exploiting the peer pressure of popularity and ultimately endangering their health,” he said.

‘We don’t actually do finsta’

As in seemingly every hearing involving Washington, D.C., and Silicon Valley, there was a moment underscoring how little lawmakers often understand about the nuances of the internet.

Toward the end of the hearing, Blumenthal took the opportunity to ask Davis about “finsta,” a term that refers to Instagram accounts that aren’t associated with someone’s actual identity. Finsta accounts are often used to snoop on other users’ posts in an anonymous way.

“Will you commit to ending finsta?” Blumenthal asked.

Davis paused, before responding, “Senator, again let me explain. We don’t actually do finsta.”

Blumenthal followed by asking, “Finsta is one of your products or services. We’re not talking about Google or Apple. It’s Facebook correct?”

“Finsta is slang for a type of account,” Davis said.

The conversation was reminiscent of an exchange at a congressional hearing in 2018. Orrin Hatch, a Republican senator from Utah who has since retired, asked Zuckerberg, “How do you sustain a business model in which users don’t pay for your service?”

It’s commonly known that Facebook has become one of the world’s most valuable companies through its sophisticated advertising that’s used by most of the largest businesses to target potential customers.

“Senator, we run ads,” Zuckerberg said.

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Washington — The Senate will begin debate over President Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package on Friday morning, kicking off a flurry of activity aimed at getting a final bill to the president’s desk before several key relief programs expire on March 14. The 628-page bill enjoys support from all 50 Senate Democrats, but Republicans are aiming to make its passage as difficult as possible by forcing votes on a dozens of amendments in a grueling process that could extend into the weekend. 

The so-called “vote-a-rama” will serve as a test of the ability of newly minted Senate Majority Chuck Schumer to keep his caucus in line.

A vote on the motion to proceed to 20 hours of debate succeeded in a party-line vote on Thursday afternoon, with Vice President Kamala Harris breaking the 50-50 tie. Senator Lisa Murkowski, a Republican from Alaska who had said she is undecided about whether she will vote for final passage, voted against moving forward with debate.

GOP Senator Ron Johnson immediately asked the Senate clerk to read the entire bill aloud, a process that took almost eleven hours and had to be completed before the debate could begin. The Senate adjourned shortly after 2 a.m. Friday, and is scheduled to reconvene later in the morning.

“We all know this will merely delay the inevitable. It will accomplish little more than a few sore throats for the Senate clerks who work very hard day in, day out to help the Senate function,” Schumer said in a speech on the Senate floor Thursday, before the bill was read. “We Democrats want America to hear what’s in the plan. And if the senator from Wisconsin wants to read it, let everybody listen, because it has overwhelming support.”

The bill is broadly popular, with recent polling showing that a majority of Americans support it, particularly the provision that provides $1,400 in direct checks to earners making under $75,000.

“The Senate is going to move forward with the bill. No matter how long it takes, the Senate is going to stay in session to finish the bill this week. The American people deserve nothing less,” Schumer said.

Both parties will have up to 10 hours each to debate the bill, although it is unclear whether all 20 hours will be necessary.

The House passed a version of the bill last week, but the measure considered by the Senate is slightly different. Democrats were still finalizing the bill shortly before the vote to begin debate on Thursday afternoon. 

Some recently added measures, according to a Senate Democratic aide, include $510 million for FEMA and $750 million for states and communities impacted by job and revenue loss in the tourism, travel and outdoor recreation sectors. Another provision sets aside funding for education, including $1.25 billion for evidence-based summer enrichment, $1.25 billion for after school programs and $3 billion for education technology. It would also make COVID-19 student loan relief tax-free.

Congress is using the budget reconciliation process to pass the bill, which limits time for debate and allows legislation to pass with a simple majority, a workaround that avoids the 60-vote threshold that most bills require to advance in the Senate. If every Democrat supports the final bill, with Harris casting a tie-breaking vote, it would pass without any Republican support.

But Republicans are critical of the size of the bill and frustrated that Democrats are using the reconciliation process, arguing that they are taking a partisan route rather than working across the aisle. Democrats reply that they don’t need to waste time negotiating with Republicans to reach the 60-vote threshold and pass a smaller package.

In retaliation, Republican senators aim to make the debate and amendment process politically painful for Democrats. The most excruciating part of the process is the “vote-a-rama,” wherein senators will vote on dozens of amendments in quick succession. “Vote-a-ramas” typically take several hours, often ending early in the morning. Johnson told reporters Thursday that he was setting up a three-shift schedule to ensure that “all the amendments that are offered are actually voted on,” possibly extending the “vote-a-rama” for several more hours.

“It seems like we’ve always offered a couple of hundred amendments on the Republican side. You get a couple of those voted on and people tire out. I’m just setting up a process that keeps us from tiring out,” Johnson said. Johnson has also suggested reading out every amendment, which could extend the process for days.

However, it’s unclear how popular this strategy will be with his fellow Republicans. GOP Senator James Lankford told reporters that Republicans would “make decisions as we go” to determine how long senators would be voting on amendments.

“At some point, there has to be an end. And we’re trying to be able to determine what that end is,” Lankford said.

Senator John Thune, the minority whip, told reporters that the “vote-a-rama” could go on for an “indefinite” amount of time. He said it was “possible” that the Senate clerks would finish reading the bill at around midnight, and the Senate would go home to sleep while the debate clock was ticking. Then they could return to Senate on Friday with a few hours of debate left, followed by the “vote-a-rama.”

“That seems reasonable, seems possible. Requires some level of cooperation,” Thune said.

The “vote-a-rama” process allows the minority party to force the majority to go on the record with politically painful votes. However, amendments require support from a simple majority to be added to the bill, and most amendments proposed by Republicans are expected to fail.

“My guess is it’s not likely that many of our amendments will get any Democrat support, so I think it’s very unlikely that that any Republicans will support the final bill,” GOP Senator Mitt Romney said.

The Senate parliamentarian ruled last week that the Senate could not include a provision raising the minimum wage to $15 under budget reconciliation rules, but Senator Bernie Sanders has said he will introduce an amendment to do so during the “vote-a-rama.” Sanders also announced Thursday that he would offer an amendment to raise the tipped minimum wage, which is currently $2.12, to $14.75 over seven years. However, some Democrats have expressed opposition to raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour, meaning the amendment may fail.

Jack Turman contributed reporting.

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Two people died and three were injured in a stabbing attack in London Friday afternoon, according to the police. Government officials have deemed the stabbings a “terrorist incident.”

The 28-year-old suspect believed to have carried out the attack, and who was wearing a fake suicide bomb vest, died on the scene after being shot by police on London Bridge.

The suspect had been convicted of terrorism-related charges in 2012 after admitting to planning several attacks. He was sentenced to 16 years in prison, and was released on probation last year.

The incident comes just after the UK downgraded its terrorism threat level for the first time since 2014. London Bridge was also the site of a terror attack in 2017, when a vehicle-ramming and stabbing incident killed 11 people, including the three perpetrators.

The story is still developing. Here’s what we know, and don’t, so far.

What we know:

  • The stabbings first began at a building near London Bridge called Fishmongers’ Hall around 2 p.m., during a conference on rehabilitating the formerly incarcerated organized by Cambridge University.
  • The suspect, who was attending the event, began his attack within the hall then moved out toward the London Bridge. According to police, he was wearing a fake suicide vest.
  • As of Saturday, three people were injured and two people have died from the attack.
  • Officers were on the scene within five minutes of being called, and they shot and killed the attacker on the scene.
  • The public helped in detaining the suspect. Social media videos show citizens fighting and holding down the suspect; at least one used a fire extinguisher against the man, another a narwhal tusk. Government officials — including Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn — have praised the public for their courage.
  • The police are treating the stabbing as a “terrorist incident.” Authorities are not searching for other suspects.
  • The attacker is 28-year-old Usman Khan, according to the police. Khan, who was previously part of an al-Qaeda-inspired group, was convicted of terrorism offenses in 2012 for planning to bomb bars, attack the London Stock Exchange, and set up a jihadist training camp in Pakistan.
  • Although he received a 16-year sentence, he was paroled in December 2018 on condition that he wear an ankle bracelet and take part in a government rehabilitation program for those previously involved in terrorism.
  • During an emergency security meeting on Friday night, Johnson said, it was a “mistake to allow serious and violent criminals to come out of prison early and it is very important that we get out of that habit and that we enforce the appropriate sentences for dangerous criminals, especially for terrorists.”
  • Queen Elizabeth II also condemned the attack and sent her “thoughts, prayers and deepest sympathies to all those who have lost loved ones.”
  • Both Johnson and Corbyn have suspended their campaigns for the UK general elections following the attack.
  • The attack comes days before a NATO summit. President Donald Trump and other leaders are supposed to attend a reception — held by the queen on Tuesday at Buckingham Palace — to commemorate the alliance’s 70th anniversary.

What we don’t know:

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Press Release

Savaget: passion for Arabian tales

 São Paulo – It all starts when the director of Cultural Heritage of the International Society for the Rescue of Imagination (Sirf) goes to Baghdad, in Iraq, to save Ali Baba, Sherazade, Aladdin and other characters from the Thousand and One Nights who may be in danger amidst the war in 2003. The same director then goes to Jordan, where she finds the magic lamp minus the genie, and then sets off to Palestine in an attempt to find him. The incessant conflict with Israel could only be explained by the fact that the genie landed in villainous hands.

These three phases, the director’s journey through Iraq, Jordan and Palestine, and her interaction with the characters of the most famous piece of literature from the East, form the plot of the series of three children’s books that Brazilian author Luciana Savaget wrote. The first is called “Operation Rescue in Baghdad – The Battle of the Invisible” and was published in Brazil in 2003; the second, “Operation Rescue in Jordan – The Secret of the Desert”, was launched in 2007; and the third, “Operation Rescue in Palestine – Heritage Conflict”, is from 2010.

The last two books are the result of the journeys the writer made to promote her first book in Arab lands. Apart from Portuguese, original language of the three books, “Operation Rescue in Baghdad” was also published in Arabic, which turned Savaget into an author well-known by Arab children, particularly in Palestine, as the government of that country purchased 100,000 copies for the libraries in refugee camps.

“I went to Palestine twice, once for the book launch and then again for talks with youngsters who read my books. From the first trip came the book “Operation Rescue in Jordan”, where we find Aladdin’s lamp, but not the genie. Imagine if an enemy finds this powerful genie who fulfils his master’s every desire? It could destroy the world,” says Savaget. “And on the second trip we find the genie hidden in Nablus, in the hands of the dream demolishers and enemies of our powerful Sirf association,” tells Savaget.

The writer puts herself in the role of the director of the International Society for the Rescue of Imagination, and thus transfers to her character her passion for the Arab world. “The idea [for the book] came from my passion for Arab tales and stories, which have amazing magic. These tales and the stories of the Thousand and One Nights are part of my childhood. When I wrote “Operation Rescue in Baghdad”, right at the beginning of the American attacks on the Iraqi capital city, I couldn’t have imagined other books would follow to complete the series,” stated Savaget.

According to the author, one book called out for the next. “And they also physically took me to those wonderful lands, where Sherazade spoke of ‘happily ever after in Baghdad.’” In Palestine, the operation Baghdad book was translated by Tamer Literature. In Brazil, all books were published by publishing house Nova Fronteira. “To have a book published in far and conflicted lands such as Palestine was an honor. Until now I have only had one book edited in Arabic, but who knows in the future, perhaps the other ones will be published too,” says Savaget.

The writer states she will keep on dreaming and that Sirf shall not abandon the Arab world. She feels like writing more about the East. Savaget says she felt first hand, when she visited the Arab country, the Palestine people’s difficulty in being acknowledged as a country. According to her, it is unacceptable that at this day and age there are still wars in that region, where Jesus Christ was born. “I am the Sirf director of Cultural Heritage and I fight for dreams and for peace, not only in books, but also in life,” says Savaget.

Born in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Savaget is a journalist and works for Globo News, a cable TV news channel belonging to network Rede Globo. Savaget translated to Portuguese the book “My Life With Pablo Neruda”, written by the poet’s wife, Matilde Urrutia, and has received many awards for her work in journalism and literature. Her books “Dadá, a Mulher de Corisco” (Dadá, Corisco’s Wife, loosely translated) and “Operation Rescue in Baghdad” are among her prized works. The author was also granted the Vladimir Herzog Amnesty and Human Rights Award, in 2002.

*Translated by Silvia Lindsey

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Dos llamativos fallos ortográficos en pantalla en menos de una semana. Eso es lo que ha provocado una “reunión de urgencia en @sextaNoticias. Análisis del error “chapuzero”. No volverá a ocurrir”.

Así ha lamentado y se ha disculpado en su cuenta de Twitter el periodista y director adjunto de laSexta Noticias, Álvaro Rivas. Uno de estos mensajes cobra aún mayor relevancia, puesto que ha sido ‘retuiteado’ por el director de los informativos de la cadena de Atresmedia, César González Antón.

* Álvaro Rivas en ‘Al rojo vivo’

Hoy, en laSexta Noticias 14:00 horas, ha aparecido en la pantalla un “chapuzero” con “z”, en lugar de “chapucero” con “c”. Así abrían para informar de cómo Sanidad ha rechazado cambiar el reparto de fondos contra la pobreza infantil, por lo que era calificado de esa manera. Era en el informativo de Helena Resano, que presentaba por última vez en esta temporada antes de coger vacaciones.

“No sé dónde meterme. Llevamos dos bien gordas en cinco días”

Antes de anunciar este particular ‘gabinete de crisis periodístico’, Álvaro Rivas -también presentador eventual de Al rojo vivo en especiales de prime time- ha reconocido que “hemos escrito “chapucero” con z en el info. Mil perdones. No sé dónde meterme. Llevamos dos bien gordas en cinco días”.

El periodista se refería, con esas “dos bien gordas”, al otro error ortográfico que se pudo ver en laSexta Noticias el pasado fin de semana, del que ya les informó Vertele. Entonces, se pudo ver el adjetivo “debastador” escrito con “b”, en vez de “devastador” con “v”. Al mismo tiempo, su rival Noticias Cuatro tampoco se libro del ‘gazapo’, ya que impresionó un rótulo de “ubiera” sin “h”, en lugar del correcto “hubiera”.

En cualquier caso, en esta era del ‘bombardeo’, vorágine, saturación informativa y redes sociales, así como de la pelea constante y diaria de los medios de comunicación por la inmediatez, el periodista que esté libre de culpa de errores ortográficos, que tire la primera piedra.

En Twitter, los usuarios con bromas y sin ‘piedad’ con el fallo

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David Blanco.- El jefe de la fracción parlamentaria del Gran Polo Patriótico (GPP) Héctor Rodríguez, informó que el parlamentario Edwin Rojas asumió formalmente la gobernación del estado Sucre.

“Este joven diputado de mucha experiencia y de la nueva generación asumirá las riendas de la gobernación de Sucre para darle un impulso a los Clap, las misiones y el carnet de la patria”, dijo el parlamentario durante una entrevista concedida a Unión Radio.

Destacó que este viernes se llevará a cabo en el estado Sucre una actividad de “masas” con motivo al nombramiento de Rojas y en conmemoración del nacimiento de José Antonio Sucre.

Finalmente destacó que el presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, dará los anuncios respectivos sobre las nuevas tareas que asumirá el ex gobernador del estado Sucre Luis Acuña.

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Los hechos políticos fueron los que más se destacaron en esta jornada de mitad de semana. Las repercusiones por la desaparición de Santiago Maldonado se mantienen como el tema que más capta la atención de nuestros lectores. A continuación te resumimos las cinco noticias más relevantes de este día:

1. La expresidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner volvió a reclamar la “manipulación y falsificación” de telegramas y hasta leyó un titular de la BBC de Londres que criticó fuertemente al gobierno nacional por festejar lo que terminó en una derrota.

2. Consultado por el bloque del Frente Para la Victoria sobre el paradero de Santiago Maldonado, el joven desaparecido hace 29 días, Marcos Peña sostuvo que “nos tiene que unir la aparición con vida” y aseguró que el Gobierno “está trabajando junto al juez y al fiscal desde el primer momento”.

3. #ConMisHijosNo: padres rechazan las clases sobre Maldonado en las escuelas. La campaña se desarrolló en las redes sociales en respuesta a la iniciativa de algunos gremios docentes que instalaron un discurso en las escuelas por la desaparición del joven artesano.

4. Siempre polémico, el conductor Baby Etchecopar opinó sobre la desaparición de Santiago Maldonado, el joven de 27 años que fue visto por última vez luego de que Gendarmería Nacional desalojara una protesta mapuche, y consideró que “es un delincuente” y un “hijo de puta”.

5. El goleador Lucas Alario se despidió agradecido a los hinchas de River y aseguró que le gustaría volver al club. También eligió su gol más lindo y el más importante.

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North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un has been purging the officials that took part in the Hanoi summit in January. The summit abruptly finished early with no agreement between North Korea and the United States.

Blaming the officials for the failed summit, North Korea executed Kim Hyok Chol, the special envoy to the United States, and foreign ministry officials who carried out the working-level negotiations for the meeting in February, according to Reuters.

The regime accused them of spying for the United States.

Kim Yong Chol, who was Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s counterpart for the meeting, was sent to a labor camp. Shin Hye Yong, the interpreter for Kim Jong Un, was also sent to a camp for political prisoners for undermining the North Korean leader.

The news comes after Trump repeated criticism of former Vice President Joe Biden from Kim Jong Un while visiting Japan during the Memorial Day weekend.

“North Korea fired off some small weapons, which disturbed some of my people, and others, but not me. I have confidence that Chairman Kim will keep his promise to me, & also smiled when he called Swampman Joe Biden a low IQ individual, & worse. Perhaps that’s sending me a signal,” he tweeted.

He later tweeted he was standing up for “Sleepy Joe Biden.”

[Also read: North Korea: John Bolton is a ‘defective human product’]

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