El actor estadounidense Robin Williams, conocido por sus papeles en el “La sociedad de los poetas muertos” y “Mrs Doubtfire”, entre muchas otras películas, murió en su domicilio y se habría suicidado, indicó la policía el lunes.
En un comunicado, la policía del condado de Marin, en California (sureste de Estados Unidos), explicó que un “sujeto hombre fue declarado muerto, identificado como Robin McLaurin Williams, 63 años, residente e de Tiburon, en California” y que la presunta causa del deceso sería “un suicidio por asfixia”.
Williams ganó un Óscar por su papel en la película de 1997 “Good Will Hunting”.
La familia difundió una nota pidiendo respetar la privacidad. “He perdido a mi marido y mi mejor amigo”, afirmó en un comunicado Susan Schneider, esposa del actor.
Entravisión | Macon, EU.- Una conductora de noticias de Georgia murió al caer desde 160 pies de altura, cuando fue arrastrada por el agua hacia una cascada en el área de Rainbow Falls del Bosque Nacional Pisgah, en Carolina del Norte.
Taylor Terrell trabajaba en la estación 41NBC en Macon, Georgia. Estaba de vacaciones y fue a disfrutar la naturaleza. El jueves, un día antes de su cumpleaños, caminaba por el agua cuando la corriente la arrastró hacia una de las cascadas y desapareció.
La persona que la acompañaba llamó al 911 y dijo que estaban en el río Horsepasture cuando ella resbaló.
Las autoridades determinaron que perdió el equilibrio sobre una roca cubierta con algas y fue arrastrada por la corriente hacia una cascada. Murió al caer entre 160 y 185 pies.
El cuerpo de Terrell, quien el viernes cumpliría 25 años, fue encontrado en el agua.
Terrell empezó a trabajar como reportera en el 2013 y luego se convirtió en conductora del programa matutino de noticias. Su jefe dice que era muy trabajadora y tenía una sonrisa brillante.
Es la segunda muerte reciente en el Bosque Nacional Pisgah. El sábado pasado un hombre saltó desde la cascada del río Elk y su cuerpo fue recuperado en el agua profunda en la base de la cascada el lunes.
El Parque advierte sobre los peligros de caminar en el agua porque la fuerza de la corriente puede incrementar repentinamente. “No se recomienda la recreación acuática. El ahogamiento es una de las principales causas de muerte en el parque”.
El sheriff del condado Transilvania confirmó que cada año se presentan unas tres investigaciones por fallecimiento en el área de Pisgah y que en general en las cascadas del condado van siete muertes este año.
Este miércoles por la tarde la tormenta tropical ´Polo´ se transformará en huracán, aunque no pasará de la categoría I, según el Servicio Meteorológico Nacional de México.
La tormenta tropical “Odile” abandonó el martes la península de Baja California, donde causó graves daños y forzó la evacuación de 26.000 turistas, mientras el otro ciclón que se cierne sobre el Pacífico mexicano, “Polo”, se convertirá en huracán este miércoles, informó el Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (SMN).
Según las imágenes y datos del último boletín del SMN, “Odile” se está adentrando en el Mar de Cortés y se encuentra a 180 kilómetros al sur de Puerto Peñasco, en el estado de Sonora, al que llegará en las próximas horas.
Actualmente se desplaza a 11 kilómetros por hora en dirección norte, con vientos sostenidos de 85 kilómetros por hora y rachas de 100, y la proyección de su trayectoria indicar que virará hacia el noroeste camino de Sonora aunque se descarta que recupere la condición de Huracán hasta tocar de nuevo tierra.
“La amplia circulación de este sistema mantendrá potencial de lluvias muy fuertes a intensas en el noroeste del país, así como intensas ráfagas de viento en el norte de Baja California y Sonora”, agrega el comunicado.
Este miércoles el presidente Enrique Peña Nieto aterrizó en el aeropuerto de Los Cabos, en el sur de la península de Baja California, para evaluar los daños registrados en ese destino habitual de turistas estadounidenses.
“Odile” dejó de ser huracán después de impactar en la zona, a la que llegó con el nivel 3 de intensidad de los 5 de la escala Saffir-Simpson.
Sus lluvias y vientos causaron graves daños a la infraestructura urbana, obligando a evacuar a unas 11.000 personas, aunque sin ocasionar víctimas mortales.
Ya han comenzado a ser evacuados los miles de turistas varados mediante puentes aéreos establecidos por el Gobierno con aviones de las Fuerzas Armadas y de líneas aéreas comerciales.
Según la Secretaría de Gobernación (Ministerio de Interior) hay 16.000 turistas en Los Cabos y 10.000 en La Paz, a resguardo en los 165 albergues que se han instalado o se quedaron en los 31 hoteles convertidos en refugios temporales.
El plan es evacuar a todos ellos a las ciudades de Tijuana, Mazatlán, Guadalajara y Ciudad de México y desde allí hacer las conexiones con las ciudades de procedencia de los turistas, nacionales o internacionales.
Además, esta mañana se formó más al sur del Pacífico la tormenta tropical “Polo”, que a las 22.15 horas locales se ubicaba a 375 kilómetros al sur-suroeste de Acapulco (Guerrero) y presentaba vientos máximos sostenidos de 85 kilómetros por hora y rachas de 100.
Según las previsiones del SMN, este miércoles por la tarde se transformará en huracán, aunque no pasará de la categoría I.
Se desplaza hacia el noroeste a 19 kilómetros por hora, por lo que no impactará Baja California como “Odile”.
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The Republican pariah Liz Cheney has repeatedly refused to admit a link between Donald Trump’s lies about voter fraud and restrictive voting laws being introduced in Republican states, telling an interviewer on Sunday night she will “never understand the resistance to voter ID”.
“There’s a big difference between that and a president of the United States who loses an election after he tried to steal the election and refuses to concede,” said the Wyoming representative ejected from party leadership for opposing the former president.
Laws tightening regulations on voter ID, voting by mail and even giving water to those waiting on line to vote have been passed or are close to passage in states from Georgia to Texas and beyond.
Because of their disproportionate impact on minority voters – many of whom vote Democratic – Democrats including Joe Biden have compared such laws to Jim Crow segregation in southern states from the civil war to the civil rights era.
Most in a Republican party under Trump’s grip reject such claims. Cheney has ranged herself against Trump but when pressured by Axios on HBO interviewer Jonathan Swan, she stayed in lockstep with her party.
To Cheney’s remark about resistance to voter ID laws, Swan countered: “Even the Republican lieutenant governor of Georgia, Jeff Duncan, said … when this bill was started that the momentum was when Rudy Giuliani was testifying that the Georgia election was a sham.”
Giuliani, Trump’s personal lawyer, pursued the electoral fraud lie through an array of cases in states won by Biden, the vast majority thrown out of court.
“Four hundred-some voting bills have been introduced,” Swan said, “90% by Republicans, supported by the Republican National Committee. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that after the election, this has happened.”
Cheney said: “I think everybody should want a situation and a system where people who want to vote and ought to have the right to vote, vote, and people that don’t shouldn’t. And again I come back to things like voter ID.”
“But what problems are [these laws] solving?” Swan asked. “What are all these states doing?”
“Well,” said Cheney, “each state is different.”
Swan asked what the problem was in Georgia, or Texas, or Florida.
“I think you’ve got to look at each individual state law,” Cheney said.
Swan said: “But you can’t divorce them from the context. Come on.”
Cheney said: “But I think what we can all agree on is that what is happening right now is really dangerous.”
Swan said: “I can agree with that.”
Cheney switched back to her preferred subject – Trump’s refusal to concede defeat, which led to the deadly attack on the Capitol by his supporters on 6 January, over which more than 400 people have been charged, while Republicans in Congress oppose a 9/11-style investigation.
“I think about 2000,” said the daughter of Dick Cheney, who became vice-president to George W Bush after a tight election that year.
“I think about sitting on the inaugural platform in January of 2001 watching Al Gore. We’d won. I’m sure he didn’t think he had lost. We had fought this politically very, very intense battle. And he conceded. He did the right thing for this nation.
“And that is one of the big differences between that and what we’re dealing with now and the danger of Donald Trump today.”
La actriz mexicana Kate del Castillo fue citada a declarar ante la fiscalía mexicana por sus supuestos vínculos con el líder del cartel de Sinaloa, Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán.
Así lo anunció este lunes la encargada de la Procuraduría General de la República, Arely Gómez.
Del Castillo, de 43 años, intercedió para que el actor estadounidense Sean Penn entreviste al capo, se reunió con “El Chapo” y mantuvo conversaciones a través de mensajes de texto con el narcotraficante.
Guzmán, de 57 años, fue capturado por las autoridades mexicanas el 8 de enero, seis meses después de que se fugara de la cárcel más segura de México, la misma en la que ahora se encuentra recluido bajo medidas especiales de seguridad.
De acuerdo a mensajes interceptados divulgados este lunes, la actriz celebró el escape del capo del penal de El Altiplano a través de un túnel que conectaba con su celda.
En calidad de testigo
Gómez aseguró en una entrevista con el diario El Universal que como la actriz se encuentra en Estados Unidos podría declarar en el consulado mexicano de Los Ángeles.
En tanto, un funcionario de la PGR aseguró a la agencia de noticias Reuters que el citatorio es para que la actriz declare la próxima semana.
En los últimos días, a través de distintos medios de comunicación se conocieron las conversaciones entre Del Castillo y Guzmán interceptadas por las agencias de seguridad mexicanas.
A través del teléfono móvil de uno de los abogados del capo, Andrés Granados, “El Chapo” y la actriz comenzaron a incrementrar el intercambio de mensajes el año pasado, aunque el vínculo se remonta a 2012.
En uno de los intercambios, del 25 de septiembre, Guzmán invita a del Castillo a visitarlo en las montañas de Sinaloa.
“Yo te tendré súper todo para que no vayas a tener ningún detalle, que me sentiría muy mal. Ten fe en que estarás a gusto. Te cuidaré más que a mis ojos”, aseguró el capo.
A lo que la actriz respondió: “Me mueve demasiado que me digas que me cuidas, jamás nadie me ha cuidado, ¡gracias!”.
En los primeros días de octubre, la actriz y Sean Penn viajaron a las montañas donde estaba “El Chapo”, en la región conocida como Triángulo Dorado, en un encuentro que luego fue reflejado en la revista estadounidense Rolling Stone.
De acuerdo al actor estadounidense, la reunión fue propiciada por Del Castillo a quien, según el gobierno mexicano, Guzmán había pedido que se encargue de organizar la realización de una película sobre su vida.
Guzmán fue capturado en Los Mochis, una ciudad de su estado natal, Sinaloa.
Luego las autoridades aseguraron que una de las claves para dar con el narcotraficante había sido seguir las conversaciones de la actriz mexicana.
Festejos por “El Chapo”
Del Castillo, según mensajes de celular interceptados por las agencias de seguridad y publicados este lunes por El Universal, celebró la fuga de Guzmán el 11 de julio.
El 12 de julio, el abogado le pregunta a la actriz si está enterada de la noticia y le dice que él está “festejando”, a lo que del Castillo responde “yo más”.
En un intercambio entre el abogado y la actriz, Granados le sugiere que invite a Guzmán a que invierta en la marca de tequila que ella promociona. “Sería divino”, respondió la intérprete.
Del Castillo prometió la semana pasada contar su versión de los hechos y el sábado usó su cuenta en la red social Instagram para rechazar que estuviera estresada por lo acontecido.
Escribió en inglés “Do you really think I’m stressed?” (¿De veras creen que estoy estresada?) y acompañó el texto con una imagen de un ratón mirando a la cámara con la leyenda “¿Por qué me preguntas si estoy un poco estresado?”.
Penn, por su parte, aseguró al canal estadounidense CBS, que se arrepentía de cómo había sido percibida su entrevista con el narcotraficante.
The latest: Russia is demanding Ukraine give up Crimea and a large slice of eastern Ukraine as a condition for Moscow to stop its attacks. Ukraine sought an emergency order from the ICJ, the U.N’s top court, that would require Russia to halt its invasion, but Russia did not show up.
Maps: Russia’s assault on Ukraine has been extensive with strikes and attacks across the entire country. Much of the Russian onslaught has focused on Kyiv, but the eastern city of Kharkiv — with 1.5 million residents — is also crucial.
Of the pipeline, Biden said “good friends can disagree” and noted that it was almost completed when he took office while defending his decision to waive sanctions against the company behind the pipeline.
“It made more sense to work with the chancellor on finding out how she would proceed based on whether or not Russia tried to essentially blackmail Ukraine in some way,” Biden said, noting that he asked their teams to look at practical measures they could take together.
Biden and Merkel weren’t expecting to come out of Thursday’s meeting with a deal on Nord Stream 2, though the White House has been clear on wanting concrete steps laid out to ensure that Russia can’t leverage the pipeline against other countries’ interests.
In her remarks, Merkel said the two leaders have “come to different assessments as to what this project entails,” but said they agreed that Ukraine remains a transit country for natural gas and has a right to territorial sovereignty.
The two leaders said Germany and the U.S. are launching a partnership on climate and energy, painting the climate push as common ground between the two countries.
The partnership is focused on three areas: climate action, energy technologies and energy transitions in emerging economies.
The third topic has the stated goal of increasing sustainable energy in these economies and “preventing the use of energy as a coercive tool.” Biden said the partnership will support energy security, the development of sustainable energy technologies and emerging economies such as Ukraine.
In contrast to the relationship between Merkel and former President Donald Trump, the German chancellor described the U.S.-German climate partnership as a “very important message,” saying the countries want to built on “future-oriented” technologies like renewables.
Before Biden took office, Trump ticked off Merkel when he said Germany was controlled by Russia, and later hit the Nord Stream 2 project with sanctions.
Merkel’s visit to the White House was her first since 2019. She characterized her conversation with Biden as pleasant, noting “we all share the same values” — also a significant change in tone from the Trump era.
Biden is the fourth and final president Merkel has visited during her time as chancellor. She’ll step down following German elections in September.
Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval present the Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production
Miami – July 31, 2014 –Telemundo presents “Muriendo por Cruzar”, a documentary that investigates why increasing numbers of immigrants are dying while trying to cross the US-Mexican border near the city of Falfurrias, Texas, this Sunday, August 3 at 6PM/5 C. The Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production, presented by Noticias Telemundo journalists Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval, reveals the obstacles immigrants face once they cross into US territory, including extreme weather conditions, as they try to evade the border patrol. “Muriendo por Cruzar” is part of Noticias Telemundo’s special coverage of the crisis on the border and immigration reform.
“‘Muriendo por Cruzar’” dares to ask questions that reveal the actual conditions undocumented immigrants face as they try to start a new life in the United States,” said Alina Falcón, Telemundo’s Executive Vice President for News and Alternative Programming. “Our collaboration with The Weather Channel was very productive. They have a unique expertise in covering the impact of weather on people’s lives, as we do in covering immigration reform and the border crisis. The result is a compelling documentary that exposes a harrowing reality.”
“Muriendo por Cruzar” is the first co-production by Telemundo and The Weather Channel. Both networks are part of NBCUniversal.
La niña fue vista por última vez cerca de las 03.00 hora local del domingo.
Los asistentes a la boda alertaron a la Policía después de una primera búsqueda infructuosa, informó hoy la fiscal Dietlind Baudoin, durante una comparecencia pública.
Por el momento, las autoridades no descartan que se trate de un secuestro y etiquetaron la investigación como tal.
No obstante, Badouin informó que “todas las pistas están siendo exploradas” y todavía se está considerando la posibilidad de que haya desaparecido a causa de un accidente.
Los investigadores registraron en la localidad de Pont de Beauvoisin la casa y el coche del guardián de la sala de fiestas al encontrarse éstos próximos al lugar donde se celebró la boda, indicó la emisora de radio local France Bleu Isère, sin dar más detalles.
Los rastreos efectuados el domingo en torno a la sala de fiestas, al bosque y en las casas cercanas por un centenar de policías acompañados de seis perros y un helicóptero no dieron resultados.
Las autoridades se disponen a interrogar a los 180 participantes en la celebración, así como a 70 personas más que habían asistido a otras dos fiestas en las proximidades, señaló Baudoin.
Cada año desaparecen en Francia unos 50.000 menores, según el Centro Francés de Protección de la Infancia (CFPE), y aunque la inmensa mayoría son fugas, unos 400 casos se enmarcan en la categoría de “desapariciones preocupantes”.
The mother of Kyle Rittenhouse claimed President Joe Biden “defamed” her son when he tweeted a video suggesting the Illinois teen is a white supremacist.
“When I saw that I was shocked, I was angry,” Wendy Rittenhouse told Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Thursday night.
“President Biden don’t know my son whatsoever, and he’s not a white supremacist. He’s not a racist. And [Biden] did that for the votes,” the mother fumed.
“And I was so angry for a while at him and what he did to my son, he defamed him,” she added.
Biden, at the time a presidential candidate in September 2020, had tweeted “there’s no other way to put it: the President of the United States refused to disavow white supremacists on the debate stage last night.”
The post, which includes a 50-second clip, refers to a question Fox News host Chris Wallace asked then-President Trump during a presidential debate about whether he was willing “to condemn white supremacists and militia groups” in the wake of unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin and other American cities.
The clip includes an image of Rittenhouse, 18, wielding a semi-automatic rifle.
The teen is on trial — charged with intentional homicide for killing Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, and Anthony Huber, 26, as well as attempted homicide for wounding Gaige Grosskreutz, 27 during chaotic protests in Kenosha over the police shooting of Jacob Blake.
Prosecutors have argued that Rittenhouse was the instigator of the violence, while his lawyers have claimed that he acted in self-defense.
The teen’s defense rested its case on Thursday and closing arguments are expected on Monday.
Noticias Telemundo’s “Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” (Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community) Town Hall broadcast on Sunday, February 12 at 7PM/6 C, ranked # 1 in Spanish-language TV in primetime across all key demographics, averaging 1.57 million total viewers, 708,000 adults 18 to 49 and 325,000 adults 18 to 34, according to Nielsen. The news special moderated by Noticias Telemundo News Anchor José Díaz-Balart also positioned Telemundo as the #1 Spanish-language network during the entire primetime on Sunday, across all key demos.
“Noticias Telemundo is empowering millions of Latinos with reliable and TRANSPARENT information at a time of change,” said José Díaz-Balart. “Viewers trust us because they know our only commitment is to present the facts the way they are, with professionalism and a total commitment to our community.”
“Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community” also reached 1.6 million viewers on Facebook, generating 23,000 global actions on the social network.
The Town Hall answered viewers’ questions about the impact of President Trump’s immigration policy on the Hispanic community. The news special featured a panel of experts, including immigration lawyer and Telemundo contributor Alma Rosa Nieto; Telemundo conservative political analyst Ana Navarro; the Deputy Vice President of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), Clarissa Martínez, and CHIRLA’s Executive Director, Angélica Salas. In addition, “El Poder en Ti”, Telemundo’s robust community initiative, launched an Internet site for Hispanics looking for information, tools and resources on immigration in parallel to the Town Hall.
“Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” is part of a series of Noticias Telemundo specials, including “Trump en la Casa Blanca,” produced the day after the elections, and “Trump y los Latinos,” which aired on Inauguration Day. All of these programs share an emphasis on allowing audiences to express their views and empower them by giving them access to trustworthy, rigorous and relevant information presented under Noticias Telemundo’s banner “Telling It Like It Is” (“Las Cosas Como Son” in Spanish).
Noticias Telemundo is the information unit of Telemundo Network and a leader provider in news serving the US Hispanics across all broadcast and digital platforms. Its award-winning television news broadcasts include the daily newscast “Noticias Telemundo,” the Sunday current affairs show “Enfoque con José Díaz-Balart” and the daily news and entertainment magazine “Al Rojo Vivo con María Celeste.” The rapidly-growing “Noticias Telemundo Digital Team” provides continuous content to US Hispanics wherever they are, whenever they want it. Noticias Telemundo also produces award winning news specials, documentaries and news event such as political debates, forums and town halls.
VATICAN CITY — This week, one arch-conservative Catholic website published a commentary saying that gay clerics needed to leave the priesthood “permanently.” Two traditionalist cardinals wrote an open letter decrying the “homosexual agenda” that they said was spreading throughout the church. And a gossipy 550-page book was set for release purporting to lift the veil on the double lives inside the Vatican, “one of the biggest gay communities in the world.”
The prevalence of mostly closeted gay priests has recently been portrayed in all manners, from the work of the devil to something the church should learn to embrace.
But church figures in Rome and beyond say one thing is clear: As Pope Francis opens a landmark conference at the Vatican on sexual abuse Thursday, the debate over gay priests is becoming a divisive undercurrent of the summit itself.
“Gay priests are in the cross hairs,” said Father James Martin, an American Jesuit who has advocated for the church to welcome LGBT members with more compassion.
The topic hints at the challenges for the Roman Catholic Church as it begins the most direct attempt in its history to address the problem of sexual abuse. Though abuse and sexuality have been found to have no correlation, according to widely accepted research, they have become intertwined on the ideological battlefield of the church — and Catholics of all stripes have descended on Rome this week, with some arguing that Pope Francis is overlooking homosexuality in diagnosing the root reasons for abuse.
“The church seems to have agreed, with a complicit silence, on a trivialization of homosexuality,” Jean-Pierre Maugendre, president of a French Catholic group, said at a news conference this week.
Among the nine speeches scheduled throughout the four-day summit, none appears dedicated to the topic of homosexuality. Francis — and his allies organizing the bishops’ meeting — tend to say abuse stems from “clericalism,” or the corrupted power of those who think they are on a pedestal. But some traditionalist prelates in the Vatican say the pope is risking a summit without credibility. They say the central problem is gay priests who break their celibacy and act on their attractions with other adults or with male teenagers.
“We turn to you with deep distress!” began an open letter to summit participants released this week by American Cardinal Raymond Burke and German Cardinal Walter Brandmüller — two of Francis’s highest-profile critics.
“Sexual abuse is blamed on clericalism,” they wrote, referencing Francis without naming him. “But the first and primary fault of the clergy does not rest in the abuse of power but in having gone away from the truth of the Gospel.”
For church figures who view abuse through the prism of homosexuality, a former Vatican ambassador, Carlo Maria Viganò, has become the flag-bearer. Viganò last year wrote a scathing letter describing “homosexual networks” in the church and the widespread coverup of the behavior of a former cardinal, Theodore McCarrick. On Saturday, McCarrick was defrocked over alleged abuse of minors and adult seminarians.
Traditionalists sometimes point to a multiyear John Jay College of Criminal Justice study, which found that in more than three-quarters of American cases in which clerics abused minors, “same-sex acts” were involved, mostly with victims 11 and older. But the researchers also said that data did not show gay men to be more or less likely to abuse minors than heterosexual men. More recently, a German study analyzing seven decades of church abuse cases in the country found that the majority of victims were 13 or younger when first abused.
“Anyone who tries to make the argument that homosexuality is a root cause does so against all the research that has been out there,” Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago, one of the summit organizers and a close Francis ally, said in an interview.
Separately, in a Vatican news conference this week, Cupich pointed to the United States, where data shows a drop in abuse cases — not because of a crackdown on homosexuality, but because of better training in seminaries, stronger church guidelines and cooperation with criminal authorities.
In perhaps the most famous remark of his six-year papacy, Francis said about gay people, “Who am I to judge?” His remark was a stylistic departure from earlier pontiffs, under whom “homosexual tendencies” were labeled an “intrinsic moral evil.”
But Francis has not altered official church teaching on homosexuality and has reaffirmed the official ban on gay priests. There have been several recent portrayals, sensitive and otherwise, about the priestly life in those shadows. A detailed January New York Magazine article by Andrew Sullivan estimated that 30 to 40 percent of U.S. parish priests were gay, implying a profound contradiction given the institution’s teachings. Sullivan described the lives of these closeted men and theorized that widespread homosexuality in the priesthood had fed, unintentionally, a “poisonous” omertà, or code of silence: Gay priests who slipped up and had consensual relationships were vulnerable and therefore liable not to speak up if they learned about abuse.
“Mundane failings — like a brief affair — can become easily blurred with profound evils like child abuse,” according to the article. “If you expose a child molester to his superior, for example, he might expose your own homosexuality and destroy your career.”
In a much different exploration of the church’s gay culture, a book set to publish Thursday, “In the Closet of the Vatican,” explores the supposed hypocrisy inside the city-state’s ancient walls, portraying an institution that is outwardly chaste and sometimes anti-gay, but inwardly anything but. The book’s author, French journalist Frédéric Martel, says he interviewed almost 1,500 people — and 41 cardinals — for the book. But early critics have pointed out that it relies heavily on innuendo and stereotypes.
Martel writes that the more outwardly anti-gay a Vatican figure is, the likelier he “conceals” something. He devotes a lengthy passage to Burke, saying his bathroom is worthy of a “deluxe spa resort” and his outfits akin to those of a “Viking bride.” He quotes somebody saying Burke’s style is “typical of drag-queen codes.”
Burke did not respond to a request for comment.
Martin, the Jesuit priest, who read an advance copy of the book, said the portrayals won’t help bring about acceptance of gay priests.
“Entirely absent in the book is the faithful gay priest,” Martin said. “One thing the Vatican could do is admit the possibility of good, healthy celibate gay priests. Just a word from Vatican officials admitting that would be a good step forward.”
Quedan menos de 24 horas para que Mauricio Macri acuda al Congreso para asumir como nuevo presidente de Argentina. Pero en este país no hay todavía acuerdo sobre las cuestiones más básicas de una transición: a qué hora deja de ser jefa de Estado Cristina Fernández de Kirchner o dónde se entregarán el bastón y la banda presidencial.
La agria disputa entre los dos líderes se ha tensado en las últimas horas, cuando el macrismo decidió recurrir a la vía judicial para aclarar en qué momento del día 10 de diciembre dejará de mandar la actual presidenta.
El equipo del presidente electo pidió a la Justicia una medida cautelar para que el mandato de Cristina Fernández venza en la medianoche de este jueves, una decisión que un funcionario kirchnerista comparó con un “golpe de Estado”.
Oscar Parrilli, titular de la Agencia Federal de Investigación (AFI) y uno de los más cercanos colaboradores de Fernández, dijo que en la práctica esta medida supone que no habrá presidente de Argentina durante 12 horas, desde la medianoche hasta que jure Macri ante los legisladores.
Según explicó, “ante esta circunstancia, la presidenta no se va a exponer a que con este dictamen se la acuse de usurpación de título viniendo a hacer traspaso de mando”.
Y así, la presidenta saliente se ausentará de la toma de posesión de su sucesor, que está siendo mucho más turbulenta de lo esperado.
Este miércoles la jueza María Servini de Cubría hizo lugar a la medida cautelar presentada por Macri y confirmó que el mandato de la presidenta culmina a las 23.59 de hoy.
Sin embargo, aclaró que hasta que jure Macri no será presidente.
Desde la medianoche y hasta el momento de la jura, la jefatura del Estado quedará en manos del presidente provisional del Senado,explicó la magistrada en su fallo.
Ante la ausencia de Cristina Fernández en el Congreso, algunos legisladores kirchneristas se plantean ahora no acompañar al presidente electo en su ceremonia en el Congreso.
“No nos van a llevar a los empujones”, dijo el diputado del Frente para la Victoria (oficialismo) Carlos Kunkel.
“Nadie concurre al Congreso si no hay un marco de respeto institucional”, añadió.
Hasta la cuenta de Twitter de la Casa Rosada, medio oficial de comunicación de la sede de gobierno, despertó una polémica cuando este miércoles cambió su foto por una de la actual mandataria y se declaró abiertamente “kirchnerista”.
“Twitter de las Presidencias Néstor Kirchner y Cristina Kirchner 25 de mayo 2003 al 10 de diciembre 2015. No oficial al 10/12/2015”, reza ahora su biografía.
¿Y entonces, quién gobierna?
Según la Constitución argentina, “el presidente de la Nación cesa en el poder el mismo día en que expira su período de cuatro años”.
El gobierno de Cristina Fernández dice que su gestión se acaba en el momento en que Macri jure ante el Congreso, y no antes.
Sin embargo este miércoles la jueza María Servini de Cubría hizo lugar a la medida cautelar presentada por Macri y confirmó que el mandato de la presidenta culmina a las 23.59 de hoy.
En su fallo la magistrada aclaró que Macri y Gabriela Michetti serán presidente y vice “sólo a partir de que presten juramento ante la Asamblea Legislativa”.
Hasta entonces, y desde la medianoche de hoy, el jefe de Estado será el presidente provisional del Senado, Federico Pinedo, del PRO, el partido de Macri.
El bastón y la banda
La otra gran fuente de controversia es dónde recibirá Macri el bastón de mando y la banda presidencial.
El kirchnerismo quería que Cristina Fernández fuera quien entregara los atributos en la sede del Poder Legislativo, como ocurrió con Néstor Kirchner y con Fernández.
“Vamos a hacer lo que diga la Constitución”, aseguró la todavía presidenta, quien días antes había acusado a Macri de gritarle durante una acalorada conversación telefónica sobre el tema, algo que negó la esposa del presidente electo.
Pero el equipo del líder de Cambiemos, la alianza antikirchnerista que venció las elecciones del pasado 22 de noviembre, dice que se regirá por un reglamento ceremonial que data de los años 60 y que reúne las normas de protocolo presidencial.
La Constitución determina que Macri debe prestar juramento en manos del presidente del Senado y ante el Congreso, aunque no se menciona el traspaso de la banda y el bastón, que más bien forman parte de la tradición.
Es en el Reglamento de Ceremonial de la Presidencia que quiere rescatar Macri (tras 12 años en los que los presidentes recibieron los atributos en el Congreso) donde se especifica que las insignias se reciben en el Salón Blanco de la Casa Rosada.
Esta situación no tiene precedentes en la historia reciente del país, que había sido testigo de transiciones de poder ordenadas entre Raúl Alfonsín y Carlos Menem; entre Menem y Fernando de la Rúa; entre Néstor Kirchner y Cristina Fernández (los cinco presidentes elegidos por las urnas desde 1983).
Tanto, que entre el desconcierto y la indignación, algunos argentinos prefieren tomarse esta pelea presidencial con humor.
En las últimas horas, un video del actor Martín Bossi parodiando la charla telefónica entre Macri y Fernández se ha vuelto viral.
Mira el video aquí.
“En la Quinta de Olivos… ¿hay WIFI? ¿Y usted sería tan amable de dejarme la clave?”, le cuestiona un atemorizado Macri a la presidenta, que contesta cortante: “La clave es mía hasta el 10”.
A man has been arrested in the case of his missing 7-year-old daughter, authorities in New Hampshire said Wednesday, the latest twist in the case of Harmony Montgomery’s disappearance, which remains unsolved.
And new details in the investigation were made public Wednesday as Adam Montgomery, a 31 year-old from Manchester, was in court after his arrest Tuesday
Montgomery was arrested on a warrant charging him with felony second-degree assault arising form 2019 conduct against Harmony, as well as one misdemeanor charge of interference with custody and two misdemeanor charges of endangering the welfare of a child pertaining to Harmony, the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office said.
Adam Montgomery was arraigned around noon in Hillsborough County Superior Court North Wednesday, but he did not appear in court after his arraignment and bail conditions were agreed to by lawyers.
Previously, Montgomery was sentenced to 18 months in prison after shooting a man in the head in Haverhill, Massachusetts. The Essex County District Attorney’s Office said Montgomery shot the victim while trying to rob him in 2014. He pleaded guilty to charges of assault and battery with a deadly weapon, larceny from a person, carrying a gun without a license and firing a gun within 500 feet of a building.
As the Eagle Tribune reported at the time, before his guilty plea, Montgomery had been charged with armed assault to murder.
According to court documents, it was Harmony’s mother who first notified police in November of 2021 that her daughter was missing, but police were unable to find Adam Montgomery, who had legal custody.
“She said, ‘As a mother, I have a gut feeling that something is not right,'” Kevin Montgomery, Adam’s uncle, told NBC10 Boston.
Last week, the state’s Division for Children, Youth and Families contacted police saying they couldn’t find the girl either.
“The loss of any little girl is tragic,” said Jesse O’Neill, an assistant attorney general for New Hampshire. “A 7-year-old missing for two years, she’s a daughter, she’s a sister.”
Harmony’s mom had lost custody to Adam Montgomery because of substance abuse issues, according to court documents. But when she regained sobriety, she started looking for Harmony — her father allegedly blocked all contact.
The mother had been trying for months to find the child, even calling different schools. After hearing from DCYF last week, Manchester police eventually found him living in a car. He told police he gave Harmony to his mother around Thanksgiving 2019.
But police found his story inconsistent, and Montgomery eventually stopped cooperating.
Kevin Montgomery said he told police he observed Harmony with a black eye in the summer of 2019.
“I walked in the house, and Harmony had a black eye, like you see in a boxing match between two men,” Kevin Montgomery said.
He was visiting the Manchester home and asked about the injury.
“He bashed her around the apartment, were his exact words,” said Kevin Montgomery. “I might have it off a little bit, but that’s pretty much what he said.”
He also told investigators, according to court documents, he observed other forms of abusive discipline, including Harmony forced to stand in the corner for hours, and told to scrub the toilet with her toothbrush.
Kevin Montgomery says family members made multiple reports to New Hampshire’s Division of Children, Youth and Families.
“I don’t know how they missed it,” he told NBC10 Boston.
Police said at a news conference Friday that they were only notified of Harmony’s disappearance last week when they received a call from DCYF. She had not been seen since late 2019.
Police had not said who Harmony was supposed to be living with over the last two years.
“The circumstances surrounding this prolonged absence are very concerning and are being thoroughly investigated,” the department said in a statement Friday.
Detectives have been investigating “non-stop” since becoming aware that Harmony was missing, the department added. They are working in conjunction with DCYF and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. The FBI has also joined the investigation.
“At this time I have dedicated all available resources and personnel to locating Harmony. I encourage anyone to contact the Manchester Police Department with any relevant information which will help us in locating Harmony,” Police Chief Allen Aldenberg said Friday.
The last time Harmony was seen, Aldenberg said, was during a Manchester police call for service in October of 2019 at a residence in the city. He said it’s possible she was seen somewhere outside of the city since that time, however.
“For us to have a two year delay, that is extremely concerning. That’s not something that happens to us on a regular basis,” he said. “It doesn’t happen every day.”
Aldenberg said investigators have spoken with “many family members,” but wouldn’t reveal whether that included her parents or who it was that reported her as missing. He said the last time she was enrolled in school was in Massachusetts.
No Amber Alert has been issued, he said, because investigators have not met the threshhold for issuing one, given that there is no specific information about who Harmony might be with or a vehicle she might be in.
“It’s very rare that a child would not be accountable for two years,” said Moira O’Neill, the child advocate for New Hampshire, an independent oversight agency that monitors all children’s services provided by the state.
She can’t go into specifics about Harmony’s case, but said her office typically investigates whenever a report of a missing child comes in.
In a statement Tuesday, the Department of Health and Human Services said, “State and federal law requires us to protect the confidentiality of children and families served by and individuals engaged with the Division of Children, Youth and Families.”
Aldenberg has said he would like to know why it took so long for Harmony to be reported missing, but for now, he’s focused on trying to find her.
“We have to operate under the assumption that she’s alive and well somewhere. And somebody knows something,” he said.
Harmony is described as 4 feet tall, weighing about 50 pounds, with blond hair, blue eyes and glasses.
Anyone with information on her whereabouts is asked to call Manchester police at (603) 668-8711 or lead investigator Detective Jack Dunleavy at (603) 792-5561. Anonymous tips can also be called in to the Manchester Crimeline (603) 624-4040.
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Shakira no faltó a la fiesta de clausura del Mundial Brasil 2014 y con su voz y sus movimientos de cadera “calentó” la previa de la esperada final que protagonizaron las selecciones de Argentina y Alemania.
Sin embargo la realidad fue otra. Para muchos cibernautas la puesta en escena de la cantante colombiana no tuvo el brillo que logró en sus dos anteriores presentaciones mundialistas.
La ceremonia de clausura del Mundial tuvo fuerte rechazo en las redes sociales y fue creciendo ante las dudas de un posible playback en el tema “La, la, la“.
Shakiratambién fue blanco de las críticas por sus kilos de más, lo que conllevó a generar fuertes rumores sobre un embarazo.
Tras la aparición de la colombiana hicieron su ingreso tres artistas que también dijeron presente a la fiesta en el mítico estadio Maracaná.
Ellos fueron el guitarrista Carlos Santana, el rapero Wyclef Jean y el cantautor brasileño Alexander Pírez, quienes pusieron su cuota de ritmo entonando “Dar Um Jeito”.
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Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz delivered a troubling picture of missteps taken during the FBI’s investigation into Trump campaign associates on Wednesday, saying his findings should not be viewed as a vindication of the bureau.
Horowitz, testifying for more than five hours before the Senate Judiciary Committee, outlined the findings of his 20-month investigation into the bureau’s probe, saying he found “basic, fundamental and serious errors” as part of the FBI’s process.
“We are deeply concerned that so many basic and fundamental errors were made by three separate, hand-picked investigative teams, on one of the most sensitive FBI investigations, after the matter had been briefed to the highest levels within the FBI,” Horowitz told lawmakers.
Horowitz’s testimony came two days after he released his 434-page report on his findings. Horowitz’s report found that there was no evidence of political bias in the decision to open the investigation and that the bureau had an “authorized purpose” for the probe.
But Horowitz also found 17 “significant inaccuracies and omissions” throughout the FBI’s investigation. The bulk of his testimony on Wednesday was focused on issues he found within the probe, particularly in the follow up requests for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants tied to Trump campaign aide Carter Page.
“We found no evidence that the initiation of the investigation was motivated by political bias. It gets murkier — the question gets more challenging, senator — when you get to the FISA. When you get to the attorney’s actions, for example, in connection with that FISA,” Horowitz added.
Horowitz appeared to be referring to Kevin Clinesmith, a front-line lawyer. Clinesmith, according to the inspector general report, altered an email related to the warrant renewal application.
Horowitz also declined to say if he thought the FISA warrant applications on Page would have been accepted if the court knew all of the information that he found during his investigation. He also specifically said he personally would not have submitted the subsequent FISA warrant applications as they were originally drafted and submitted by the FBI.
“I think the activities we found don’t vindicate anybody who touched this,” Horowitz said.
Horowitz’s comments fed the narrative from Republican senators that the FBI went “off the rails” during its investigation into Trump campaign associates. Trump appeared to declare victory before the hearing was over, tweeting, “They spied on my campaign!”
Graham, in particular, teed off repeatedly on the FBI’s probe, including in a roughly 40-minute opening statement where he said the behavior described in the report “was as if J. Edgar Hoover came back to life.”
“[It] becomes a massive criminal conspiracy over time to defraud the FISA court, to illegally surveil an American citizen, and to keep an operation against a sitting president of the United States violating every norm known to the rule of law,” Graham said.
Sen. John KennedyJohn Neely KennedyMORE (R-La.) said the report “made me want to heave” and that at one point, “I thought I had dropped acid, it’s surreal.”
When Kennedy argued that someone needed to be “fired,” Horowitz didn’t counter him.
“Agree completely,” Horowitz said. “There’s got to be a change in the culture also.”
“We are investigating those contacts. We’ve issued a couple of public summaries so far about people we’ve found violated FBI policy. We have other investigations ongoing,” Horowitz said.
Horowitz poked holes in several conservative conspiracy theories, including saying that he found no evidence that former President Obama ordered the investigation into Trump campaign associates and that there was no evidence that anyone besides Page had been wiretapped by the FBI.
And in a break with the White House over whistleblowers, he said individuals have the right to remain anonymous. Trump and his allies have called for a whistleblower at the center of the House impeachment inquiry to be unmasked.
“Whistleblowers have a right to expect complete, full confidentiality in all circumstances,” Horowitz said, adding that it was a “very important provision.”
““They may try, but they’re not going to f—ing succeed,” Milley told associates, according to the book. “You can’t do this without the military. You can’t do this without the CIA and the FBI. We’re the guys with the guns.”
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