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Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz delivered a troubling picture of missteps taken during the FBI’s investigation into Trump campaign associates on Wednesday, saying his findings should not be viewed as a vindication of the bureau. 

Horowitz, testifying for more than five hours before the Senate Judiciary Committee, outlined the findings of his 20-month investigation into the bureau’s probe, saying he found “basic, fundamental and serious errors” as part of the FBI’s process. 

“We are deeply concerned that so many basic and fundamental errors were made by three separate, hand-picked investigative teams, on one of the most sensitive FBI investigations, after the matter had been briefed to the highest levels within the FBI,” Horowitz told lawmakers. 

Horowitz’s testimony came two days after he released his 434-page report on his findings. Horowitz’s report found that there was no evidence of political bias in the decision to open the investigation and that the bureau had an “authorized purpose” for the probe. 

But Horowitz also found 17 “significant inaccuracies and omissions” throughout the FBI’s investigation. The bulk of his testimony on Wednesday was focused on issues he found within the probe, particularly in the follow up requests for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants tied to Trump campaign aide Carter Page. 

Pressed by Sen. Patrick LeahyPatrick Joseph LeahyPelosi gets standing ovation at Kennedy Center Honors Trump brings pardoned soldiers on stage at Florida fundraiser: report ICE emerges as stumbling block in government funding talks MORE (D-Vt.) that he found “no evidence that the investigation was motivated by anti-Trump or political bias,” Horowitz stopped short. 

“We found no evidence that the initiation of the investigation was motivated by political bias. It gets murkier — the question gets more challenging, senator — when you get to the FISA. When you get to the attorney’s actions, for example, in connection with that FISA,” Horowitz added.

Horowitz appeared to be referring to Kevin Clinesmith, a front-line lawyer. Clinesmith, according to the inspector general report, altered an email related to the warrant renewal application.

Horowitz also declined to say if he thought the FISA warrant applications on Page would have been accepted if the court knew all of the information that he found during his investigation. He also specifically said he personally would not have submitted the subsequent FISA warrant applications as they were originally drafted and submitted by the FBI. 

“It had no business going in,” Horowitz said.

Pressed by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey GrahamLindsey Olin GrahamRepublicans consider skipping witnesses in Trump impeachment trial Bombshell Afghanistan report bolsters calls for end to ‘forever wars’ Hillicon Valley: Apple, Facebook defend encryption during Senate grilling | Tech legal shield makes it into trade deal | Impeachment controversy over phone records heats up | TikTok chief cancels Capitol Hill meetings MORE (R-S.C.) if the FBI was lying to the FISA court during the warrant application process, Horowitz said “it was misleading to the court.”

Pressed later by Graham if the handling of the subsequent FISA warrant applications was “off-the-charts bad,” Horowitz replied: “It’s pretty bad.” 

Horowitz also specifically broke with former FBI Director James ComeyJames Brien ComeyMisfired ‘Hurricane’: Comey’s team abused Carter Page and the FBI Trump rebukes FBI chief Wray over inspector general’s Russia inquiry The Hill’s Morning Report – Sponsored by AdvaMed – Democrats to release articles of impeachment today MORE, who wrote in The Washington Post that the report disproved declarations from Trump and his allies that the FBI “spied” on the Trump campaign and engaged in wrongdoing.

“I think the activities we found don’t vindicate anybody who touched this,” Horowitz said.

Horowitz’s comments fed the narrative from Republican senators that the FBI went “off the rails” during its investigation into Trump campaign associates. Trump appeared to declare victory before the hearing was over, tweeting, “They spied on my campaign!”

Graham, in particular, teed off repeatedly on the FBI’s probe, including in a roughly 40-minute opening statement where he said the behavior described in the report “was as if J. Edgar Hoover came back to life.” 

“[It] becomes a massive criminal conspiracy over time to defraud the FISA court, to illegally surveil an American citizen, and to keep an operation against a sitting president of the United States violating every norm known to the rule of law,” Graham said.

Sen. John KennedyJohn Neely KennedyMORE (R-La.) said the report “made me want to heave” and that at one point, “I thought I had dropped acid, it’s surreal.”  

When Kennedy argued that someone needed to be “fired,” Horowitz didn’t counter him.

“Agree completely,” Horowitz said. “There’s got to be a change in the culture also.” 

Democrats did manage to score several political points during the hearing, including getting Horowitz to back up former special counsel Robert MuellerRobert (Bob) Swan MuellerTrump says he’ll release financial records before election, knocks Dems’ efforts House impeachment hearings: The witch hunt continues Speier says impeachment inquiry shows ‘very strong case of bribery’ by Trump MORE’s report and putting a spotlight on the break within the Justice Department over Horowitz’s findings. 

Under questioning by both Sens. Amy KlobucharAmy Jean KlobucharTrump trade deal likely to sow division in Democratic presidential field Biden narrowly ahead in Iowa as Sanders surges, Warren drops: poll Overnight Defense: Dems unveil impeachment articles against Trump | Saudi military flight students grounded after shooting | Defense bill takes heat from progressives | Pentagon watchdog to probe use of personnel on border MORE (D-Minn.) and Mazie HironoMazie Keiko HironoDemocrats rip Barr over IG statement: ‘Mouthpiece’ for Trump Supreme Court poised to hear first major gun case in a decade Overnight Defense — Presented by Boeing — Senate eyes sending stopgap spending bill back to House | Sondland delivers bombshell impeachment testimony | Pentagon deputy says he didn’t try to block official’s testimony MORE (D-Hawaii), Horowitz said his findings did not take issue with any aspect of Mueller’s findings on Russia’s systemic interference during the 2016 election. 

“We don’t take issue with any part of the special counsel’s report,” Horowitz said.

Horowitz also told lawmakers that he is investigating potential leaks between the FBI’s New York field office and Rudy GiulianiRudy GiulianiHillicon Valley: Apple, Facebook defend encryption during Senate grilling | Tech legal shield makes it into trade deal | Impeachment controversy over phone records heats up | TikTok chief cancels Capitol Hill meetings Giuliani: Trump asked me to brief Justice Department, GOP lawmakers on Ukraine trip The Hill’s Morning Report – Sponsored by AdvaMed – Democrats to release articles of impeachment today MORE, Trump’s personal attorney. 

“We are investigating those contacts. We’ve issued a couple of public summaries so far about people we’ve found violated FBI policy. We have other investigations ongoing,” Horowitz said.

Horowitz poked holes in several conservative conspiracy theories, including saying that he found no evidence that former President Obama ordered the investigation into Trump campaign associates and that there was no evidence that anyone besides Page had been wiretapped by the FBI. 

And in a break with the White House over whistleblowers, he said individuals have the right to remain anonymous. Trump and his allies have called for a whistleblower at the center of the House impeachment inquiry to be unmasked. 

“Whistleblowers have a right to expect complete, full confidentiality in all circumstances,” Horowitz said, adding that it was a “very important provision.” 

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Se le examinará con lupa de principio a fin. Será protagonista indiscutible de la final de la Supercopa de Europa. Iker Casillas sabe lo que le espera en Cardiff. Desde que Mourinho le sentara en el banquillo de La Rosaleda, nada ha sido igual en su vida. El club considera que lo más aconsejable es que inicie una nueva etapa en otro club, pero darle la libertad es demasiado elevada para las arcas del Real Madrid…

Según ha sabido este periódico, el finiquito de Iker Casillas está valorado en 43 millones de euros, impuestos incluidos, un dato que ha provocado que el Real Madrid, por el momento, dé por hecho que el guardameta internacional continuará vistiendo blanco esta temporada. No hay otra solución.

No hay ninguna novedad sobre esta cuestión. Todo sigue igual y se espera a qué acontece durante los próximos días, sobre todo en la final de la Supercopa. Si finalmente las dos partes deciden que lo mejor es la salida del guardameta, tocaría sentarse a negociar. Esos 43 millones son demasiados para la entidad madridista, que buscaría un acuerdo más económico. 

Con el mercado todavía abierto, no se puede descartar a día de hoy cualquier movimiento. Tras levantar la Décima, Casillas manifestó en plena fiesta madridista que seguiría esta campaña vestido de blanco, expresando su deseo de levantar en 2015 el trofeo de una nueva Champions League. Sin embargo, no se puede garantizar que Iker continúe de blanco más allá del 31 de agosto.

El Real Madrid no realizará ningún movimiento que perjudique a Casillas. La entidad es perfectamente consciente de que no se trata de un futbolista más y sí de un símbolo del madridismo. Por ello, cualquier decisión que se tome será consensuada con el protagonista, que en lo que va de pretemporada no ha abierto la boca para expresar sus pensamientos.

El Real Madrid decidió prescindir de los servicios de Diego López porque económicamente era lo más aconsejable para los intereses del club. El guardameta gallego tuvo que ceder finalmente y poner rumbo al Milan, que pagará 3 millones de euros por el traspaso. Eso sí, tras la mala actuación de Casillas ante el Manchester United en Michigan, Diego pensó que lo mejor era quedarse porque estaba seguro que podía disputar la titularidad, tanto al capitán como a Keylor Navas.

Por todo ello, la final de la Supercopa ante el Sevilla no es un partido más. Casillas sabe que cualquier detalle será examinado con lupa. Una buena actuación ayudaría a calmar el debate abierto, pero si repite errores parecidos a los que cometió en la final de la Champions, el Mundial o el amistoso de Michigan, las críticas se recrudecerían.

Los que conviven con el portero madridista a diario hablan de un Casillas distante. Apenas mantiene relación con sus compañeros. No vive su mejor momento, pero por el momento mantiene su postura, que no es otra que continuar en el Real Madrid. Su sueño era salir gratis, pero el club tasó en 20 millones de euros su libertad, lo que ha provocado que cualquier club interesado dé marcha atrás.

Carlo Ancelotti desveló hace días que Casillas defendería la portería del Real Madrid en Cardiff, pero subrayó que más adelante ya se vería… Aunque Diego López emprende viaje a Milán, la titularidad de Iker está en cuestión. Ya no es un jugador intocable y lo sabe desde hace tiempo. El club blanco ha apostado con fuerza por Keylor Navas y el costarricense, en espléndido estado desde hace mucho tiempo, se presenta como un competidor muy fuerte para Casillas.

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““They may try, but they’re not going to f—ing succeed,” Milley told associates, according to the book. “You can’t do this without the military. You can’t do this without the CIA and the FBI. We’re the guys with the guns.”

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The Doha agreement called for a gradual drawdown of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, with a total withdrawal set to be completed by May 1 of this year. One of the deal’s conditions was that the Taliban would halt attacks on American and coalition forces in the meantime.

But Biden has repeatedly said that maintaining a U.S. troop presence in Afghanistan beyond the Doha agreement’s May 1 deadline would have necessitated the deployment of additional American forces to stave off inevitable conflict with the Taliban.

“Less than two months after I was elected to office — I was sworn in — all of a sudden, I have a May 1 deadline. I have a May 1 deadline,” Biden told ABC. “I have one of two choices. Do I say we’re staying? And do you think we would not have to put a hell of a lot more troops [in Afghanistan]?”

Biden put forth the same line of reasoning in a White House address Monday defending his decision on Afghanistan. “The choice I had to make, as your President, was either to follow through on that agreement or be prepared to go back to fighting the Taliban in the middle of the spring fighting season,” he said.

But Biden’s latest statement that he would have pursued a pullout of U.S. troops regardless of Trump’s negotiations with the Taliban complicates the current administration’s argument for its own withdrawal order.

Biden has come under intense scrutiny for the execution of the American departure from Afghanistan. Bipartisan criticism has ramped up significantly over the past several days — amid scenes of chaos at the international airport in Kabul — as both Democrats and Republicans contend the administration was unprepared to safely evacuate American citizens and Afghan allies out of the country, which is now under Taliban control.

Biden and administration officials conceded this week that they were surprised by the speed of the Taliban’s rapid offensive across Afghanistan, which culminated in the toppling of its capital city and the collapse of the Western-backed Afghan government.

But Biden asserted to ABC that there was no scenario in which an American withdrawal from Afghanistan would not have resulted in significant disorder after two decades of a U.S. troop presence there.

“No, I don’t think it could have been handled in a way that — we’re going to go back in hindsight and look, but the idea that somehow there’s a way to have gotten out without chaos ensuing, I don’t know how that happens,” Biden said.

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La Gran Época le presenta un resumen de las últimas noticias del mundo para que se mantenga siempre actualizado. En primer lugar, Corea del Norte podría llevar a cabo una prueba nuclear, según advertencias de su país vecino. Por otro lado, el presidente electo Donald Trump –según sus últimas declaraciones- estaría avalando una carrera armamentística. En México podría tener hasta una pena de tres años de prisión el hecho de interactuar por mensaje de voz o texto con el teléfono móvil. La situación actual de Venezuela está siendo tema de debate en sesiones de la Unión Europea y –por último- desaparecen un centenar de inmigrantes tras naufragio en Mediterráneo.

Corea del Norte podría llevar a cabo una prueba en cualquier momento, advierte Seúl

Corea del Norte es capaz de llevar a cabo una nueva prueba nuclear en cualquier momento, según dijo este viernes el jefe del Servicio de Inteligencia Nacional (NIS, por sus siglas en inglés) citando actividades en el lugar donde el Norte realiza sus pruebas nucleares, informó Yonhap.

“Corea del Norte solo está sopesando cuándo realizar otra provocación dependiendo de la situación política en Corea del Sur y Estados Unidos”, dijo Lee Byoung-ho, director del NIS .

Lee también dijo que el régimen de Kim Jong-Un llevó a cabo, anteriormente en este mes, una prueba de eyección de un misil balístico de lanzamiento submarino (SLBM) en su astillero de Sinpo.

De acuerdo a la agencia surcoreana Yonhap, Lee También declaró que el líder norcoreano Kim Jong-un amenazó con convertir la Oficina del Presidente de Corea del Sur, en Seúl, en un “mar de fuego” durante su reciente inspección de un ejercicio militar.

(Foto: AFP/Getty Images)

Trump alienta una carrera armamentística

El presidente electo de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, sostuvo hoy una conversación con MSNBC acerca de sus anteriores manifestaciones sobre el desarrollo nuclear de su país: “Que haya una carrera armamentista. Los superaremos en cada paso y los sobreviviremos a todos”, dijo Trump, según comentó Mika Brzezinski, reportera del canal estadounidense.

El medio americano se comunicó con Trump por el tweet que escribió ayer acerca del desarrollo nuclear de Estados Unidos. El magnate había señalado que su país debería fortalecer y expandir “enormemente” su capacidad nuclear hasta que “el mundo entre en razón” con respecto a las armas nucleares.

El anuncio sorprendió a analistas, políticos y público en general, que comenzaron a especular sobre qué había querido manifestar el magnate.

México: “Textear” podría convertirse en motivo de cárcel

Una pena de hasta tres años de cárcel propuso el diputado mexicano Juan Manuel Cavazos Balderas para las personas que por mandar mensajes de texto o hablar por celular se involucren en un accidente automovilístico.

El legislador presentó la iniciativa que fue turnada a comisiones para su análisis y dictaminación, a fin de que sea votada en febrero próximo, una vez que inicie el periodo ordinario de sesiones en la Cámara de Diputados.

En entrevista, precisó que la reforma será al Código Penal Federal, y considera como “agravante de delito a nivel nacional la distracción por el uso del celular al manejar cuando se causen lesiones o la muerte de una persona en un accidente automovilístico”.

(Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

La situación en Venezuela centra un debate en el Parlamento Europeo

En nombre de la Comisión Europea, Christos Stylianides, comisario de Ayuda Humanitaria y Gestión de Crisis, señaló que los últimos acontecimientos en Venezuela son “absolutamente inaceptables”. Es importante que la UE y la comunidad internacional apoyen el proceso democrático del país.

Además opinó que los encarcelamientos son “deplorables”, antes de lamentar los continuos actos de violencia que vive el país. “Es preocupante que la reconciliación tan esperada no haya avanzado”, señaló el comisario, quien prometió “seguir muy de cerca la situación” de los políticos y estudiantes detenidos.

Asimismo el Parlamento Europeo manifestó este jueves su confianza en que la nueva junta directiva de la Asamblea Nacional, encabezada por el diputado Julio Borges, pueda llevar “buen puerto el enorme reto de la reinstitucionalización del país”.

Un hombre muestra un billete de 100 bolívares en Venezuela. El domingo 11 de diciembre el presidente Nicolás Maduro ordenó que esos billetes no circularían más ya que denunció maniobras mafiosas detrás de su uso. ( GEORGE CASTELLANOS/AFP/Getty Images)

Desaparecen un centenar de inmigrantes tras naufragio en Mediterráneo

Al menos cien inmigrantes desaparecieron el jueves al naufragar cuando navegaban por el Mediterráneo, según denunció hoy Carlotta Sami, la portavoz de la agencia de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR) en el sur de Europa.

“Al menos otros 100 muertos en las últimas horas”, declaró en Twitter la portavoz, quien agregó que con este suceso las víctimas mortales en lo que va de año en el Mediterráneo ascienden a más de cinco mil personas.


ACNUR basa este temor en el testimonio de algunos inmigrantes salvados en la jornada de ayer por la Guardia Costera italiana y que refieren que dos lanchas neumáticas cargadas de personas se hundieron, haciendo que muchos de sus pasajeros cayeran al mar.

De acuerdo a los testimonios, en la primera embarcación viajaban entre 120 y 140 personas, muchas de ellas mujeres y niños, y de ellos únicamente sobrevivieron 63. En la segunda embarcación se encontraban alrededor de 120 personas, de las cuales 80 fueron salvadas por la Guardia Costera italiana.


La Gran Época le recomienda el siguiente artículo: Algunos lugares en China vacilan en la persecución a Falun Gong

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Actualizado a las 11:00

Mientras la Policía les pide que se retiren, varios manifestantes intentan reagruparse frente al Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) en Quito, luego del desalojo durante esta madrugada.

A la voz de “por la democracia y la libertad, únete pueblo”, los manifestantes volvieron a reagruparse desde las 08:00 de este martes.

Ante el pedido de los uniformados para que se retiren de la protesta, los ciudadanos decían: “su lema es servir y proteger”.

La vigilia de los simpatizantes de CREO en las afueras del CNE que había durado nueve días fue levantada durante la madrugada de este martes, cuando los manifestantes fueron desalojados, informaron quienes lograron quedarse en el lugar.

Esta mañana, la avenida 6 de Diciembre, donde se desarrollaban las protestas, ya fue abierta al tráfico vehicular. El transporte público también volvió a circular por el sitio.

La Policía retiró las vallas de seguridad con las que había rodeado al CNE.

Varias personas que estuvieron en la madrugada trataron de reagruparse en sitios aledaños, como el parque La Carolina. (I)

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Democrats just lost their lifeline.

Former Vice President Joe Biden, who was expected to rescue the party from the clutches of the progressive left, has emerged as Creepy Uncle Joe once again. This time, in our #MeToo era, serious damage has been done.

Lucy Flores, one-time member of the Nevada Legislature, wrote in a piece published Friday in New York Magazine’s The Cut about a disturbing 2014 encounter with Biden. Her article is headlined: “An Awkward Kiss Changed How I Saw Joe Biden.”

Biden had come Nevada to boost Flores’ run for lieutenant governor at a campaign rally, but as they waited to go on stage, she says he put his hands on her shoulders, breathed in the scent of her hair, and then planted a “big, slow kiss” on her head.


Yes, that was creepy.

“Why is the vice-president of the United States touching me?” Flores writes she wondered at the time.

For whatever reason, Flores’ story has made waves, creating a serious problem for those centrist Democrats who consider Biden their ace in the hole, their bulwark against the crazies like Sens. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Sanders.

Flores, then 35 and struggling in a competitive race that she later lost, was mortified. She writes: “Biden was the second-most powerful man in the country and, arguably, one of the most powerful men in the world. He was there to promote me as the right person for the lieutenant governor job. Instead, he made me feel uneasy, gross, and confused.”

Like so many women, Flores was in equal parts embarrassed and angry; like so many others, she kept the encounter secret, until now.

She says that as she contemplated the possibility of Biden becoming president, she had to speak out. She knew that others had told of similar encounters with the former vice president; knowing he might ascend to the Oval Office, she could not stay silent.

New York Magazine approached Biden’s office about the story; the office declined to comment.

In a statement to Fox News, Biden spokesman Bill Russo said the former vice president “was pleased to support” Flores’s 2014 campaign “and to speak on her behalf” at the rally.

“Neither then, nor in the years since, did he or the staff with him at the time have an inkling that Ms. Flores had been at any time uncomfortable, nor do they recall what she describes,” the statement said. “But Vice President Biden believes that Ms. Flores has every right to share her own recollection and reflections, and that it is a change for better in our society that she has the opportunity to do so. He respects Ms. Flores as a strong and independent voice in our politics and wishes her only the best.”

What a nice pat on the head.

Flores’ story is a serious blow to Democrats. She is one of their own, not a Republican. True, she was a supporter of Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016. Some are already describing her claim about Biden as politically motivated.

But Flores’ credibility is enhanced (as she noted on Twitter) by the sheer volume of similar stories that have surfaced over the years. Biden has often been photographed getting overly cozy with women as he shares confidences and caresses their shoulders.

An especially awkward 2015 moment was caught on camera when Biden, holding her arm, leaned in to whisper in the ear of 13-year old Margaret Coons at her father Chris Coons’ swearing-in ceremony as a U.S. senator from Delaware; she visibly recoils when he plants a kiss on the side of her forehead.

Over the years, Biden has been given a pass on these uncomfortable moments; the press has cheerily portrayed them as “Joe being Joe,” in much the same vein as someone being excused for wearing loud plaids. Joe is folksy, cute, the guy you want to have a beer with. He is, after all, just being friendly.

No more. It’s highly likely that the Lucy Flores piece will invite other women to come forward with similar reminiscences. It’s also highly likely that this time, the inappropriate sexual gestures will not be tolerated or ignored.

Why will the liberal media take these stories seriously now? Some may speculate that progressive Democrats have decided that this is their moment, and they’ll be damned if they’ll let “moderate” Joe Biden interfere.

Or it may be simply timing. This year, as liberals pine for a female candidate who can finally break that final glass ceiling, nominating an overly affectionate white guy just seems so very, very wrong.

For whatever reason, Flores’ story has made waves, creating a serious problem for those centrist Democrats who consider Biden their ace in the hole, their bulwark against the crazies like Sens. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Sanders.

As their party is pushed hard left by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and others, many Democrats fear they are leaving mainstream voters behind. They know the country is not ready for the Green New Deal, full-term abortions and open borders.

Though Biden recently described himself as the “most progressive candidate in the race” – before remembering that he had not yet entered the race – he is viewed as more moderate than most of those officially running.

To many, that makes Uncle Joe the candidate best able to beat President Trump. Polling shows that electability is a top consideration for Democratic primary voters.

Biden’s appeal stems from his popularity in the Rust Belt. The 2016 election outcome can be traced to blue-collar workers in states like Michigan and Wisconsin who traditionally voted Democratic but who defected to Trump.

Conventional wisdom has it that to regain the Oval Office, Democrats need to win back those workers and that Biden is the best candidate to reel them in.

Polling has Biden leading the field. A Quinnipiac Poll of Democrats and voters leaning Democratic Thursday shows Biden at 29 percent, with Sanders in second place at 19 percent support.

Democrats face an awkward choice. If they continue to back Biden, they forego the appealing prospect of hounding Donald Trump about past charges of sexual misconduct. A Biden candidacy would weaken their grip on women voters, who were critical to Democrats’ midterm victories.


On the other hand, ditching Biden could leave them with a more progressive and polarizing candidate like Sanders.

Biden faces a choice as well. He could, in the wake of this embarrassment, choose not to run.


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Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., formally launched her run for the Democratic presidential nomination Sunday with a full-fledged embrace of big government programs, including “Medicare for All” and universal pre-kindergarten education — and taking multiple shots at President Trump’s policies.

“I’m running to fight for an America where the economy works for working people,” Harris told a cheering crowd outside City Hall in her hometown of Oakland. ” … I am running to declare, once and for all, that health care is a fundamental right, and to deliver that right with ‘Medicare for All.’ To declare education is a fundamental right, and we will guarantee that right with universal pre-K and debt-free college.”

Harris slammed President Trump’s planned border wall as “a medieval vanity project” and criticized the administration for its hardline immigration policy.

“When we have children in cages, crying for their mothers and fathers, don’t you dare call that border security, that’s human rights abuse,” Harris said.

Harris also pledged to reverse the administration’s tax cuts, which she described as a “giveaway to the top big corporations and the top one percent,” to pay for what she promised would be “the largest working and middle-class tax cut in a generation, up to $500 a month to help America’s families make ends meet.”

Harris cast the United States as being at “an inflection point” in its history and claimed, “the American Dream and our American democracy are under attack and on the line like never before.”


“We are here at this moment in time because we must answer a fundamental question,” Harris said. “Who are we? Who are we as Americans? So, let’s answer that question to the world and each other, right here and right now.

“America, we are better than this.”

“People in power are trying to convince us that the villain in our American story is each other,” she added. “But that is not our story. That is not who we are. That’s not our America. You see, our United States of America is not about us versus them. It’s about ‘We the People.'”

Harris, the daughter of immigrants from Jamaica and India, started her political career in 2003 when she was elected San Francisco district attorney. She was voted attorney general of California seven years later and was elected to the Senate in 2016.

“My whole life, I’ve only had one client: the people,” Harris said in an echo of her campaign slogan “For the People.” She also defended her record as a prosecutor, which has come under scrutiny from some progressives.


“‘For the People’ meant fighting for a more fair criminal justice system. At a time when prevention and redemption were not in the vocabulary or mindset of most district attorneys, we created an initiative to give skills and job training stead of jail time for young people arrested for drugs,” said Harris, who added that American’s criminal justice system “needs massive reform.”

“It’s fitting that Harris chose the most liberal district in deep-blue California to launch her campaign,” Republican National Committee spokesman Michael Ahrens said in response to her remarks. “Government-run health care, weaker borders and higher taxes might be popular there, but her liberal policies are totally out-of-step with most Americans. President Trump has led this country to record economic highs and strengthened our national security, and it’s why he’s going to be re-elected in 2020.”

Harris is among the first major Democrats to jump into what is expected to be a crowded 2020 presidential contest. Sens. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Kirsten Gillibrand of New York have announced exploratory committees. Former Maryland Rep. John Delaney and Julian Castro, federal housing chief under President Barack Obama and a former San Antonio mayor, already are in the race.


Sens. Cory Booker of New Jersey, Sherrod Brown of Ohio, Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and Bernie Sanders of Vermont have signaled they may also run.

Harris was scheduled to make her first trip to Iowa as a presidential candidate following the rally. She traveled to the leadoff caucus state in the weeks before this past November’s midterm elections to campaign on behalf of Democrats. She has also visited other early-voting states, including South Carolina this past Friday.

Fox News’ Patrick Ward and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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La furia de CFK: la enojan la performance de su delfín Scioli en las encuestas y los papelones de campaña como el de Tucumán y el viaje a Italia en plena inundación. Por qué cree que es un “inútil”. La única buena noticia: Florencia la hizo abuela.

Crimen del country: cinco millones de pesos fueron el principal motivo por el que el empresario Fernando Farré matara a su esposa, Claudia Schaefer. La verdadera trama de esta relación tortuosa. Antecedentes de violencia laboral y familiar de un asesino que fue calificado como de “bajo riesgo”.


Tendencias a la moda: lugares, actores y actitudes que pisan fuerte y marcarán los estilos en las temporadas por venir.

Eva De Dominici: la actriz teen habla de su ascendente carrera de actriz, sus miedos, sus escenas osadas y sus proyectos.

Niños malcriados: según estudios, la sobreprotección paterna genera adultos sin poder de decisión y con dificultades para adaptarse al mercado de trabajo.

A la carrera: el grupo TMX International Business organiza competencias de trail running o eventos off road acompañando la tendencia deportiva de salir a correr.

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Viernes, 16 de Enero 2015  |  7:38 am

Créditos: EFE

Un sujeto asegura tener secuestradas a tres personas en una oficina de correos en la capital francesa.

Un hombre ha llamado a la Policía francesa, asegurando que tiene secuestradas a tres personas en una oficina de correos en Colombes (París).

Tras la comunicación, la Policía se ha desplegado al lugar, organizado un fuerte dispositivo que ya rodea la oficina.

El sujeto estaría armado con explosivos, kalashnikov y una pistola, según informa RTL.

Se informó que la Policía conocería su identidad, ya que habría sido detenido previamente por pequeños delitos.



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WASHINGTON (NewsNation Now) — Americans will see the first direct deposits from President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package hit their bank accounts this weekend, Treasury and Internal Revenue Service officials said on Friday.

The first batch of $1,400 stimulus payments was processed Friday, with additional large batches of payments to be sent via direct deposits or through the mail as checks or debit cards in coming weeks, the officials said. NewsNation confirms some Americans received the direct deposit stimulus payment as of late Friday evening.

“Even though the tax season is in full swing, IRS employees again worked around the clock to quickly deliver help to millions of Americans struggling to cope with this historic pandemic,” IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig said in a statement. “The payments will be delivered automatically to taxpayers even as the IRS continues delivering regular tax refunds.”

That means a family of four earning up to $150,000 will receive $5,600. Unlike the first two payments, which were limited to children under 17, this round of checks will also go to all qualifying dependents, including college students, adults with disabilities, parents and grandparents, the officials said.

They stressed that no action was required by taxpayers to receive the payments, which will be based on 2019 or 2020 tax returns, depending on which was the latest filed, or data supplied to the IRS last year by non-filers.

It is estimated that 85% of Americans will be eligible for the payments and the goal is to have millions of the payments disbursed in the next few weeks.

The IRS will also automatically send payments to those who typically do not file tax returns, but received Social Security and Railroad Retirement Board benefits, Supplemental Security Income or Veteran benefits in 2020, they said.

Starting Monday, taxpayers can log onto the Get My Payment tool on the IRS website to check the status of these payments.

Officials urged people to file their tax returns electronically to ease the process, noting they could also qualify for other relief, including child tax credits.

The Biden administration said stimulus payments and other measures will boost economic growth and help Americans hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, which is continuing to claim 1,400 lives in the United States each day.

Nearly 160 million U.S. households will receive some $400 billion in direct payments of $1,400 per person, helping individuals earning up to $75,000 annually and couples up to $150,000. Those earning more, but less than $80,000 per individual or $160,000 per couple, will receive reduced amounts. Those earning more than $80,000 individually or $160,000 per couple are not eligible for this round of stimulus payments.

The American Rescue Plan, which passed on party-line votes in both the House and Senate, contains the third round of economic-impact payments. The first round passed last spring provided up to $1,200 per individual, and a second round of payments in December provided up to $600 per individual.

Officials said they were coordinating with the Social Security Administration, other government agencies and financial institutions to avoid problems seen during the last round of stimulus payments, when checks went out to thousands of people who were deceased.

Reuters and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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June 11 at 5:35 PM

President Trump has threatened to take legal action if Democrats try to impeach him, musing that he’ll “sue.” He has peppered confidants and advisers with questions about how an impeachment inquiry might unfold. And he has coined his own cheeky term — “the I-word” — to refer to the legal and political morass that threatens to overshadow his presidency as he heads into his 2020 reelection campaign.

As Democrats struggle with how to handle calls from their liberal flank to impeach the president, Trump himself is eager to avoid such proceedings — while also fixated on his belief that Democrats can’t impeach him because he has done nothing wrong, according to interviews with 15 White House aides, outside advisers, Republican lawmakers and friends, many of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity to share candid conversations.

The president is intrigued by the notion of impeachment but wary of its practical dangers, one outside adviser said. Trump remembers how Republican impeachment proceedings in the late 1990s against President Bill Clinton seemed to boost Clinton’s approval ratings, and Trump is at his best when battling a perceived foe, several advisers added.

Yet he also views impeachment in deeply personal terms. He is less concerned about the potential historical stain on his legacy — Clinton and Andrew Johnson are the only presidents to have been impeached — and more about what he sees as yet another Democratic attack on the legitimacy of his presidency, according to an outside adviser and a White House aide.

The focus on impeachment comes as Democrats on Tuesday escalated their fight with Trump over congressional oversight, voting to go to court in an attempt to force Attorney General William P. Barr and former White House counsel Donald McGahn to comply with subpoenas. Both are being sought for testimony related to special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s report, which many Democrats believe provides a road map for how to proceed in impeaching Trump for as many as 10 potential instances of obstruction of justice.

Those close to Trump are offering him advice on impeachment that one outside adviser close to the president described as “truly binary.” 

On one side are those loyalists, mainly outside the White House, who are telling the president that impeachment could be a political blessing for him and his party — that one road to reelection runs through impeachment. 

On the other is a larger contingent warning that impeachment, even under the rosiest scenarios, would be a grueling gantlet that would leave him politically bruised, with an asterisk forever marring his presidency. 

Many Trump allies also agree that while impeachment might ultimately prove beneficial for the president — allowing him to cast Democrats as overzealous sore losers — the actual process would plunge the White House and the nation into chaos. There is no broad strategy within the White House to encourage Democrats to pursue articles of impeachment against Trump, two senior administration officials said.

“Even though it would be politically advantageous to the president and likely guarantee his reelection, it’s terrible for the country, and I’d be saying the same thing even if the shoe was on the other foot and Republicans were talking about impeaching a Democratic president,” said Jason Miller, a senior adviser to Trump’s 2016 campaign. 

The topic is so sensitive that Trump often refers to impeachment as “the I-word,” though one senior White House official said he is being playful. Aides have heard him use the phrase privately in meetings, and he has also used it publicly. 

Last month, Trump scrapped a planned infrastructure meeting with Democrats at the last minute after learning that House Democrats had recently met to discuss impeachment — calling an impromptu news conference in the Rose Garden to blast them for entertaining “the big ‘I-word,’ ” as he put it.

“All of a sudden, I hear last night, they’re going to have a meeting, right before this meeting, to talk about the ‘I-word,’ ” Trump said. “The ‘I-word.’ Can you imagine?”

Just over a week later, speaking to reporters on the White House South Lawn, Trump was similarly outraged by the mere mention of impeachment. “To me, it’s a dirty word — the word ‘impeach,’ ” he said. “It’s a dirty, filthy, disgusting word.” 

Trump has also griped privately that if Democrats tried to impeach him, he would simply sue — a sentiment he has also occasionally expressed publicly. 

In April, Trump wrote on Twitter, “I DID NOTHING WRONG” and warned, “If the partisan Dems ever tried to Impeach, I would first head to the U.S. Supreme Court.”

And in late May, asked by a reporter whether he thought the Democrats were going to move forward with impeachment, Trump also invoked the legal system. “I don’t see how they can,” the president said. “Because they’re possibly allowed, although I can’t imagine the courts allowing it.”

Trump’s assertions that he would sue to prevent impeachment have prompted some criticism in the legal community, with Laurence Tribe, a constitutional law professor at Harvard who has called for Trump’s impeachment, describing the idea as “idiocy” in a tweet. “Not even a SCOTUS filled with Trump appointees would get in the way of the House or Senate,” Tribe wrote.

But Alan Dershowitz, an emeritus professor at Harvard Law School and a frequent Trump ally, says the Supreme Court could intervene to avoid a constitutional crisis if it thought Congress had acted unconstitutionally in impeaching the president. 

The process starts in the House, which can impeach a president with a simple majority vote. The president can be removed from office, however, only if the Senate then votes by a two-thirds majority to convict. 

Dershowitz said in an interview that the status quo — Democrats pushing an impeachment message without actually moving ahead with proceedings — could be optimal for the president. 

“The best-case scenario for the president both politically and legally is for the Democrats to continue impeachment talk, for 60 or 70 Democratic congressmen to demand impeachment and for, in the end, there to be no impeachment by the House,” Dershowitz said. “In that way, he gets the political benefit without the stigma. It’s a win-win.”

Some who argue the benefits of impeachment still ultimately oppose it. Senior policy adviser Stephen Miller, for instance, has expressed his belief to the president that Democrats would be viewed as leftist extremists if they proceeded down that path and would be punished by voters, a senior White House official said. 

Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale has publicly said that impeachment talk has not hurt the president’s polling numbers, an assessment that he has also conveyed to Trump in private briefings, one person familiar with their conversations said.

“The more they beat that drum for impeachment, the more this emboldens our campaign,” Parscale told CBS in a recent interview. 

According to recent polling, more than half of Americans do not support impeaching the president, and those sentiments are more pronounced among the Republicans and independents Trump will have to hold on to to win reelection. A recent CNN poll found that, overall, 54 percent of Americans opposed impeachment, including 59 percent of independents and 93 percent of Republicans. 

Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), chairman of the conservative House Freedom Caucus and a Trump ally, said that “any impeachment effort would probably cause a tremendous backlash among undecided voters.”

“Impeachment, I think, is widely viewed as being harmful to our democratic process — that’s on Capitol Hill and at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,” Meadows said. “It’s widely shared that impeachment, regardless of an acquittal, is not something that would be good for America.” 

Nonetheless, questions of impeachment — both existential and shouted — continue to dog the president. On Monday, while greeting the champions of the Indianapolis 500 at the White House, Trump was asked again whether an impeachment inquiry might help his reelection prospects.

He acknowledged the theory (“I hear that, too”) before promptly dismissing the premise of the question (“You can’t impeach somebody when there has never been anything done wrong”).

Then, referring to President Richard M. Nixon, who resigned rather than face likely impeachment, Trump struck a defiant note. 

“He left. I don’t leave,” Trump said. “There’s a big difference. I don’t leave.” 

Source Article from–but-he-is-fascinated-by-the-i-word/2019/06/11/1a230480-8b95-11e9-b162-8f6f41ec3c04_story.html

A suspect wanted by police in connection with seven homicides in northern Sumner County on Saturday has been taken into custody, according to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI).

Authorities located six homicide victims at a home in the 1100-block of Charles Brown Road near Westmoreland and one victim at a home in the 1500-block of Luby Brown Road, according to the TBI.

During the course of the investigation, authorities identified 25-year-old Michael Cummins as a suspect in both cases.

A coordinated search by law enforcement agencies from across the region eventually located Cummins in a creek bed approximately one mile from the first crime scene.

When Sumner County SWAT team members arrived, the situation escalated and resulted in at least one officer shooting Cummins in the leg, according to a TBI spokesman. Cummins was transported to a local hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. No one else was injured during the arrest.

Investigators are still working to determine Cummins’ relationships with the victims, according to the TBI.

No additional details about the homicides, including the identities of the victims, have been released.

Source Article from

São Paulo – The Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce has opened registration for companies interested in exhibiting at the Big 5, a construction fair due from November 17th to 20th in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The participation is promoted by the Arab Chamber alongside the Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) and companies may register until the end of August.

Isaura Daniel/ANBA

Alaby (center) gave an overview of the Big 5

This Tuesday (22nd), the Arab Chamber’s CEO, Michel Alaby, presented the fair and its opportunities to housing and building industry delegates attending a meeting the with Apex, in São Paulo, to outline promotional actions for the industry. Attendees were thrilled with the location of the Brazilian stand in this edition of the Big 5, as the stand will be near the main entrance in the area of ornamental stones and rocks.

“It is a privileged location,” Alaby told representatives of organizations such as Anfacer, of ceramics and ceramic tiles, Abimovel, of the real estate sector, Abilux, which is comprised of lighting industry companies, Asbea, of architecture firms, National Plastics Institute and other organizations. Overall, around 20 people attended the meeting.

The Brazilian space can fit ten stands and seven are already sold. There are still three places/slots/openings, each with nine square meters. Prices to occupy a stand are US$ 3,320 (or R$ 7,400) for members of the Arab Chamber and US$ 4,742 (or R$ 10,571) for non-members. The value concerns only the participation in the fair and does not include travel and accommodation expenses.

The Big 5 is held in Dubai, but is a landmark for the entire region, and besides attracting importers from the Gulf Cooperation Council itself, it is attended by buyers from other parts of the world, such as Europe and the United States. Last year, Gulf countries imported US$ 20.4 billion in construction materials. Saudi Arabia alone, one of the main markets in the region, has US$ 1 trillion in ongoing or planned construction projects. The Emirates have US$ 727 billion.

Saudi Arabia is the main target of Brazilian construction material exports to the Gulf, according to Alaby, accounting for 23.3% of the total, followed by the Emirates. Last year, Arab countries imported US$ 3.7 billion worth of ornamental stones alone, and Brazil’s Big 5 stand will be located exactly in the ornamental stone area. The main suppliers to the Arabs in this segment are the Chinese, followed by the Italians and the Turkish.

Arab Chamber marketing analyst Daniela Yuri Tiba and Apex-Brasil project manager Rafael Gratão have also attended the meeting this Tuesday.

Big 5 fair
November 17th to 20th, 2014
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Registration is open until the end of August at (in Portuguese)
For further information contact Apex-Brasil by phone (+5561) 3426-0202 or email, or the Arab Chamber Commercial Department at
(+5511) 3147-4066 or
Big 5 website: (in English)

*Translated by Rodrigo Mendonça

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