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Nadie pareció imaginar que este martes 8 de julio Brasil lloraría una derrota futbolística comparable al Maracanazo de 1950, o tal vez peor. Y sin embargo, eso fue lo que ocurrió.

En las calles de Río de Janeiro hubo personas que sufrieron en silencio frente a pantallas de TV, uno a uno, los goles con que Alemania eliminó a Brasil en la semifinal del Mundial 2014, que acabó 7-1.

También hubo brasileños que descargaron su bronca con insultos a voz en cuello, cuando los alemanes convirtieron su quinto gol en la primera media hora de juego en Belo Horizonte.

“¡Cabronada!”, gritaba uno en el bar “Mi Río” del barrio de Flamengo, donde los vecinos suelen seguir en clima de fiesta los partidos del Mundial. “¡Carajo!”, protestaba otro a su lado.

Apoyado al mostrador había un hombre mayor con una camiseta estampada con banderas de Brasil, su rostro apagado. “No sé ni qué pensar”, repetía.

Para los brasileños se acabó la fiesta.

Una mujer lloraba en el entretiempo, mucho antes de que lo hicieran futbolistas brasileños como David Luiz al final del partido, cuando se retiraba del estadio Mineirão pidiendo disculpas.

“Sólo quería darle una alegría a mi pueblo”, dijo frente a las cámaras el melenudo zaguero de 27 años.

Pero más allá de la mezcla de emociones, los brasileños parecen coincidir en que esta ha sido la peor derrota futbolística de su país, el temible pentacampeón del mundo.

“Es una vergüenza. Todo el mundo esperaba una cosa diferente, una presentación diferente. Pero ocurrió esto”, sostuvo Adriana Pinheiro, una brasileña de 44 años. “Entonces nos cabe lamentar y sufrir ahora: pasar por esta vergüenza”.

“Vejación histórica”

En Brasil ya existen varios adjetivos para definir la paliza alemana, pero en su mayoría ellos encierran la idea de que dejará una cicatriz imborrable en generaciones.

La prensa refleja el sentir del pueblo brasileño.

“Vejación histórica”, tituló en grandes caracteres tras el partido el diario Folha de S.Paulo en su edición digital. “Humillación histórica”, destacó el portal de O Estado de S.Paulo.

No se trata sólo de que esta sea la mayor goleada que Brasil ha recibido en una Copa del Mundo, ni la mayor registrada en una semifinal mundialista. Tampoco se trata sólo de que Brasil haya perdido en su casa, la primera vez que esto ocurre en un partido oficial en 38 años.

Lo que agrava las cosas para este país acostumbrado a ganar es la forma en que fue derrotado, sin mostrar siquiera una reacción anímica frente los goles alemanes que comenzaron a caer en serie tras la apertura de Thomas Müller a los 11 minutos.

A los 22 llegó el de Miroslav Klose, que para colmo de males para los anfitriones era su 16º gol mundialista y superaba así el récord del brasileño Ronaldo como máximo goleador en la historia de este torneo. Después vinieron dos de Toni Kroos, uno de Sami Khedira y dos más de André Schürrle.

El gol de la honra para Brasil llegó recién al minuto 90 del partido, cuando miles de sus hinchas ya se habían retirado del Mineirão y otros abucheaban a sus futbolistas.

“Parecería una selección sub-20 jugando frente a un campeón del mundo”, decía asombrado un comentarista de la red Globo.

El arquero Júlio César cargó con la responsabilidad de los siete goles en contra, pero todo el equipo brasileño jugó mal.

“Muy triste”

Brasil entero sigue sin entender por qué le ocurrió una cosa así, y tal vez nunca lo consiga. “Explicar lo inexplicable es muy complicado”, sostuvo al final del partido el arquero Júlio César.

Cuando el país sufrió la derrota de 1950 ante Uruguay por 2-1 en la final del primer Mundial que organizó, la búsqueda de motivos fue larga e incluyó hasta cuestionamientos a la calidad y hombría de los futbolistas brasileños.

Pero muchas de esas teorías quedaron enterradas con la maravillosa serie de victorias que Brasil cosechó en los últimos 64 años, que lo volvieron la mayor potencia futbolística del planeta.

Ahora muchos señalarán la ausencia de dos futbolistas clave de este plantel brasileño, el lesionado goleador Neymar y el suspendido capitán Thiago Silva, como parte de la explicación.

“Porque salió Neymar debe haber ocurrido esto”, reflexionó Alex Barbasa, un hincha brasileño de 25 años.

¿Cuál será el destino de Luiz Felipe Scolari después de esta debacle?

Pero el propio director técnico de La Canarinha, Luiz Felipe Scolari, aseguró tras el partido que con la estrella Neymar en el campo la historia habría sido similar, en lo que calificó como el peor día de su vida.

“El responsable soy yo. La elección de la parte táctica es mía”, dijo Scolari a la prensa. También comentó que sus futbolistas entraron “un poco en pánico” tras el primer gol alemán.

La reacción de los hinchas de Brasil: “Mejor perder por cinco con Alemania que por uno con Argentina”


Los brasileños lamentaron la catastrófica derrota de su equipo frente a Alemania en las semifinales de la Copa del Mundo Brasil 2014. BBC Mundo salió a la calle para recoger algunas reacciones.


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El entrenador es uno de los blancos de críticas de los hinchas cariocas como Henrique Costa, de 54 años. “No era sólo Neymar que iba a ganar la Copa, tenía que haber puesto a más gente a trabajar”, sostuvo. “Los brasileños no esperábamos un 5-0 en el primer tiempo. Fue horrible”.

Una duda es cómo reaccionarán ahora los brasileños, que parecían haberse unido detrás de su selección, dejando de lado las críticas a los gastos millonarios en estadios del Mundial que contribuyeron a desatar protestas masivas el año pasado.

La propia presidenta brasileña Dilma Rousseff, que buscará su reelección este año, admitió su desazón tras el partido. “Estoy muy, muy triste con la derrota”, indicó en su cuenta de Twitter. “Pero no nos vamos a dejar quebrar”, agregó.

Los medios brasileños reportaron incidentes aislados tras el partido, incluidos varios ómnibus incendiados y un comercio saqueado en São Paulo, pero se desconoce si tienen relación con la derrota.

En las calles de Río también hubo quienes buscaron consuelo. “Hoy está siendo el Alemanazo”, comentó Luiz Henrique Medeiros, un carioca de 45 años. “Sólo que es mejor perder por (seis) con Alemania que por uno con Argentina. Es menos malo, por lo menos”.

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“I believe this is very important, but I see apathy and fear in people,” said one of the protesters, Mary Galaviz, 69. “We should not be afraid. In war there is death, but goals are achieved.”

Miriam Segovia, 52, another protester near the base, said she hoped that the armed forces would “put themselves on the side of the Constitution, so we can escape this misery, this hunger and lack of medication.”

Battered by mismanagement, American sanctions and corruption, the Venezuelan economy has been in steep decline since 2014. Millions of people have emigrated, and the roughly 30 million who remain are plagued by hyperinflation and shortages of medicines, food, electricity and jobs.

Mr. Maduro, who has been office since 2013, won re-election last year in a contest that was widely seen as fraudulent. In January, the National Assembly, controlled by the opposition and led by Mr. Guaidó, declared the election and the government illegitimate, leading Mr. Guaidó to claim to be the rightful, transitional leader.

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July 31 at 7:32 AM

Marianne Williamson got just under nine minutes of speaking time at Tuesday’s second Democratic presidential debate, held in Detroit — roughly half the airtime claimed by rivals Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.

But not unlike her appearance at June’s Miami debate, the self-help guru and onetime spiritual adviser to Oprah Winfrey used her limited time on the microphone to maximum effect, attracting attention for meaningful answers on race and Democratic ideology. She was the top-searched candidate of the night, according to Google Trends, besting Sanders and Warren.

Williamson drew cheers when she wondered aloud why some of her rivals “seem to think there’s something wrong about using the instruments of government to help people.” And she invoked language unusual for a political candidate when, referring to the legacy of slavery and racism, she vibrated her hands in the air and warned of “an injustice that continues to form a toxicity underneath the surface, an emotional turbulence that only reparations will heal.”

Here are seven facts about the Democratic primary’s most untraditional candidate:

Once described as the “high priestess of pop religion,” Williamson, 67, rose to fame in the 1980s when she began writing and delivering spiritual lectures in Los Angeles and New York. Her 1992 self-help book “A Return to Love” attracted the attention of Winfrey, who said she had never been more personally moved by a book and invited Williamson on her show. She has since published more than a dozen self-help books, including seven New York Times bestsellers.

Williamson has one of the smallest campaign footprints in the race, with less than a dozen staffers, many of whom are new to political campaigns. Since formally entering the 2020 race in January, she has raised just over $3 million, far less than many of her rivals. But she is hoping her celebrity will boost her campaign. She has 2.7 million Twitter followers — more than rivals such as Beto O’Rourke and Pete Buttigieg — and regularly attracts thousands of devoted fans to her spiritual workshops in California. Williamson has spent most of her campaign in early states such as Iowa, South Carolina and New Hampshire, appearing before small audiences already familiar with her spiritual teachings. While she regularly polls at 1 percent or less, Williamson is so committed to the race that she moved to Des Moines last spring.

Williamson isn’t a political novice. She ran for and lost a Los Angeles-area congressional seat in 2014, winning endorsements from boldface names such as Kim Kardashian, Deepak Chopra, Katy Perry and Alanis Morissette, who wrote a campaign song for the spiritual guru. In 2016, Williamson was a vocal supporter of Bernie Sanders, campaigning on his behalf in Iowa. Three years later, Williamson argues what America needs in the era of Donald Trump isn’t a traditional politician, but someone who can help lead the country beyond unprecedented anger and division. And who better than her, she says, pointing to her long experience as a spiritual counselor. “Just tweaking things on the outside will not be enough to repair this country,” Williamson says in her stump speech. “It’s not enough to water the leaves. We have to water the roots of our democracy.”

This spring, Williamson became the first Democratic contender to endorse the idea of reparations, arguing much of the nation’s spiritual wounds can be traced to slavery. She has proposed paying out $100 billion over 10 years to descendants of slaves, with the funds distributed by a commission of black leaders across various fields. She’s less clear on how that fund would be paid for. She has also been vocal about racial disparity in society. On Tuesday, she drew applause when asked about the water crisis in Flint, Mich., suggesting what had happened there was “just the tip of the iceberg.” She said communities of color all over the country were often overlooked and neglected. “I lived in Grosse Pointe,” Williamson said, referring to a wealthy suburb of Detroit. “What happened in Flint would not have happened in Grosse Pointe. This is part of the dark underbelly of American society. The racism, the bigotry and the entire conversation that we’re having here tonight, if you think any of this wonkiness is going to deal with this dark psychic force of the collectivized hatred that this president is bringing up in this country, then I’m afraid that the Democrats are going to see some very dark days.”

During a campaign event in June in New Hampshire, Williamson called vaccines “Orwellian” and that, to her, mandated vaccinations are “no different than the abortion debate.” “The U.S. government doesn’t tell any citizen, in my book, what they have to do with their body or their child,” she said, according to NBC. Williamson later clarified her remarks, insisting that while she remains skeptical of “Big Pharma,” she did not mean to “question the validity of lifesaving vaccines.”

Williamson may be a long shot to win the Democratic nomination, but she’s already etched her name in pop culture history. Williamson famously officiated Elizabeth Taylor’s eighth and final wedding at Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch. She used to be roommates with actress Laura Dern and is close friends with actress Frances Fisher, who traveled with Williamson to the Detroit debate. Aerosmith singer Steven Tyler has credited Williamson for helping him get sober. In addition to Winfrey, she has offered spiritual counseling to a litany of boldface names, including Cher, Brooke Shields, and even Bill and Hillary Clinton, who hosted her at Camp David in 1994.

To make the next debate stage in September, candidates must meet the combined threshold of a 2 percent showing in four polls and 130,000 unique donors, with at least 400 donors in 20 states. Williamson is working to meet the donor requirement — hitting up her followers on social media to contribute at least $1 to keep her campaign going. But in spite of the attention she has gotten at the debates, Williamson has barely cracked 1 percent in most polls, though she still has until Aug. 28 to turn things around. She has not said whether she will quit the race if she fails to qualify for the debates or if she would consider a third-party bid.

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El prolífico delantero del Leicester, Jamie Vardy, no disputará el próximo partido ante el Manchester United, que podría otorgar el título a su club en caso de victoria, después de que la Federación inglesa (FA) decidiese este martes prolongar un partido más su suspensión por “conducta inapropiada”.

“Jamie Vardy recibe una suspensión de un partido con efecto inmediato, una multa de 10.000 libras (cerca de 13.000 euros) y fue advertido respecto a su conducta futura”, declaró la FA en un comunicado.


“El delantero del Leicester aceptó la sanción de la FA debida a una conducta inapropiada tras su expulsión durante el segundo tiempo del partido ante el West Ham el domingo 17 de abril”, prosigue el organismo del fútbol inglés.

El internacional inglés había sido expulsado tras una segunda tarjeta amarilla por simulación ante los ‘Hammers’ (2-2), pero en un arrebato de ira se encaró con el árbitro, apuntando con su dedo índice al colegiado a pocos centímetros de su rostro.

Vardy ya se perdió el partido ante el Swansea (4-0), y tampoco viajará a Manchester el domingo donde su equipo se enfrenta al Manchester United, donde el Leicester se proclamaría campeón en caso de victoria.

El argentino Leonardo Ulloa sustituyó con garantías a Vardy, anotando un doblete el sábado ante el Swansea, y se postula de nuevo como la referencia ofensiva de los ‘Foxes’.

El Leicester cuenta con siete puntos de ventaja sobre su inmediato perseguidor, el Tottenham, y sólo necesita una victoria para certificar a tres fechas del final un título histórico.

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I’ve received a number of emails from Britons who disagree with my rejection last week of the “traitor” label for British Prime Minister Theresa May. These emails offer insight into what motivates those who oppose May’s Brexit deal and her ongoing negotiations to get Brexit effected. The emailers want Brexit carried out without any associated framework deal.

First up is Jeff Wyatt, the gentleman who provoked my original article by calling May a traitor while live on Sky News. Wyatt, a member of the U.K. Independence Party, suggested that May’s mandate to effect Brexit has evaporated with her failure to effect Brexit on time. As he put it to me, “Our intransigent stubborn and deaf Prime Minister has had not one, not two but three huge defeats in the Commons and still she won’t do the honorable thing and simply leave the EU as our law permits nay instructs and go join the rest of the world as a free nation uncoupled by the failing economic and political project that is the EU.”

Yes, May’s mastery of the House of Commons has been less than ideal. Wyatt also pointed to one legal analysis that suggests May’s deal is inconsistent with Brexit referendum voter intent. But I am not alone in disagreeing with that analysis.

Another emailer, A.J. Clark, told me that “Brexit has also impinged on free speech with the British police advising people to tone down the Brexit rhetoric on social media.” Clark is correct in arguing that British speech laws are increasingly authoritarian.

Alexandra told me that Theresa May is “not working for the best interests of the UK but of Brussels as Brussels wants to keep the UK in the EU as it is to their trading and financial advantage.” I accept the contention that Brussels seeks Britain’s retained EU membership, but I believe Alexandra ignores those Brexit voters who wanted restored parliamentary sovereignty but not necessarily an end to preferential British trade access to the European single market.

The above emails were all interesting to read and consider. Still, other emails I received suggest that other hard-Brexit supporters prefer emotion to argument. One, from Nick, began, “Hey Mister, May is a traitor and has committed treason. What a fool you really are.”

Another, the ironically named Richard Braine, told me, “The crimes of William Joyce against the British people were less than those of Theresa May. Joyce was only a treasonous broadcaster, not a treasonous Prime Minister. He was executed.”

Joyce was a Nazi sympathizer who conspired to see his nation destroyed. May is a democratically mandated leader who is trying to manage the political interests of her country. Implying that May deserves to be tried and executed is just dumb. Indeed, it is sick. Braine also used his father as a proxy for his argument. “My 94-year-old father,” Braine told me, “risked his life for several years as a naval officer during WWII, including at D-day. He was fighting for Britain’s survival as an independent country. He voted Leave.”

That reference speaks to the ultimate issue here. Namely, that Brexit is tied up in deep questions of honor and national identity. And while I respect the right of individuals to say what they think — and should have made that clearer in my original article — I remain unconvinced that the Brexit vote was a mandate for a hard Brexit. I have no doubt that Braine’s father, like my Royal Air Force veteran grandfather, is a great Briton. But neither his service nor Braine’s viewpoint gives him the right to dictate the measure of Brexit.

Instead, the referendum and May’s office gives her the responsibility to see Brexit carried out. Assuming that the Brexit deal finally enacted restores parliamentary supremacy, I believe May deserves support. And seeing as the current Parliament cannot bind future Parliaments, that basic arrangement would ensure a future government could alter the terms of trade and free movement with Europe. If, that is, Britons voted to elect that government.

In short, Brexit is very open to interpretation.

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De acuerdo a un decreto oficial, conocido en la madrugada griega, el feriado bancario puede modificarse por decisión del Ministerio de Finanzas. A pesar de la medida se podrán realizar pagos con tarjetas en el interior del país, así como transacciones internas a través de los servicios web de los bancos. Por otra parte, se permiten los desembolsos a través de tarjetas de prepago, con el límite que tenían antes de la puesta en marcha de estas restricciones.

En cuanto al movimiento turístico, de importante volumen en el país heleno, se especificó que estas medidas no los alcanzan, y los visitantes podrán realizar transacciones y retiros de dinero en los cajeros automáticos utilizando las tarjetas de crédito o débito emitidas en sus países de origen. Las transacciones con el extranjero se limitan a operaciones de primer necesidad, como la compra de medicinas o el pago de gastos médicos.

Paralelamente, los usuarios podrán utilizar el transporte urbano en forma gratuita durante la duración de la medida, según anunció el viceministro de Transporte, Jristos Spirtzis. En un comunicado, el funcionario explicó que la decisión se tomó para facilitar la actividad de los ciudadanos, y alcanza a ómnibus, tranvías y subterráneos, pero no incluye a las líneas suburbanas. Tampoco rige en Salónica y otras ciudades de provincia, donde el transporte urbano está en manos de entidades privadas.

En la medianoche de ayer, en un mensaje televisado, Tsipras acusó al Eurogrupo de haber precipitado esta situación al haber negado a Grecia una prórroga del rescate y anunció que había urgido a los líderes de la eurozona y de las instituciones que la componen replantearse esta negativa.

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President Donald Trump has been briefed on a plan that would use the Army Corps of Engineers and a portion of $13.9 billion of Army Corps funding to build 315 miles of barrier along the U.S.-Mexico border, according to three U.S. officials familiar with the briefing.

The money was set aside to fund projects all over the country including storm-damaged areas of Puerto Rico through fiscal year 2020, but the checks have not been written yet and, under an emergency declaration, the president could take the money from these civil works projects and use it to build the border wall, said officials familiar with the briefing and two congressional sources.

The plan could be implemented if Trump declares a national emergency in order to build the wall and would use more money and build more miles than the administration has requested from Congress. The president had requested $5.7 billion for a wall stretching 234 miles.

Under the proposal, the officials said, Trump could dip into the $2.4 billion allocated to projects in California, including flood prevention and protection projects along the Yuba River Basin and the Folsom Dam, as well as the $2.5 billion set aside for reconstruction projects in Puerto Rico, which is still recovering from Hurricane Maria.

Senior Defense Department officials discussed the proposal with Trump during his Thursday flight to the southern border, according to officials familiar with the briefing.

Trump was informed that the Army Corps could build 315 miles of border wall in about 18 months, according to officials familiar with the planning. The barrier would be a 30-foot bollard-style wall with a feature designed to prevent climbing, the officials said.

The Corps would focus first on the heavily trafficked border areas along the Rio Grande Valley in Texas, in San Diego and El Centro in California, as well as Yuma, Arizona.

The White House did not immediately return a request for comment.

A source on Capitol Hill said if the president moves to pull money from Corps of Engineers civil works projects, Democrats in Congress are likely to submit legislation to block the money from being reallocated.

Asked about the proposal, a Democratic staffer warned that taking money from civil works projects in the U.S. will put American lives at risk.

“Hundreds of thousands of people will be at risk if there is a strong or wet winter in these flood areas and the protection projects haven’t been completed,” the staffer said.

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New York state Attorney General Letitia James has begun an investigation into the National Rifle Association’s finances, her spokeswoman said Saturday.

“The Office of New York State Attorney General Letitia James has launched an investigation related to the National Rifle Association (NRA),” spokeswoman Kelly Donnelly said in an email to the Associated Press. “As part of this investigation, the Attorney General has issued subpoenas.”

William A. Brewer, the NRA‘s outside lawyer, said the gun lobby group “will fully cooperate with any inquiry into its finances.”


New York state Attorney General Letitia James has begun an investigation into the National Rifle Association. A spokeswoman for James said Saturday that her office has issued subpoenas as part of the probe. (Associated Press)

James, a Democrat, vowed during her campaign last year to investigate the NRA’s not-for-profit status if elected.

“I will use the constitutional power as an attorney general to regulate charities, that includes the NRA, to investigate their legitimacy,” she said at a July 12 rally.

The news comes as the gun rights group grapples with infighting that erupted during its annual convention in Indianapolis this weekend. Oliver North announced Saturday that he would step down from his role as president. The move follows his failed attempt to remove NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre.


National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre speaks at the NRA Annual Meeting of Members in Indianapolis on Saturday. (Associated Press)

The rift within the NRA was fueled in part by the threatened New York investigation. The group began a review of all its contractors last summer after James promised to investigate.

The review led the NRA to sue its longtime public relations firm, Oklahoma-based Ackerman McQueen, which some NRA officials complained was refusing to turn over financial records. North had taken the firm’s side in the legal battle, which led to accusations he had a conflict of interest because Ackerman had paid him.


The NRA has clashed repeatedly with New York elected officials aiming to curb the organization’s political influence.

The group filed a lawsuit last year against Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo and other state officials after New York fined insurance broker Lockton Cos. LLC $7 million for underwriting an NRA-branded insurance program called Carry Guard.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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El 19 de Junio de 1976 los diarios reprodujeron un cable de la Agencia de Noticias Telam difundiendo un comunicado del jefe del Tercer Cuerpo del Ejército, Luciano Benjamín Menéndez. Algunos de los títulos fueron: “ABATIERON EN MENDOZA A UN DELINCUENTE SUBVERSIVO Usó como escudo a un niño. Planeaban atacar a una comisaría.” y “DELINCUENTE SUBVERSIVO FUE ABATIDO EN MENDOZA Con otros extremistas intentaba copar una comisaría. Abandonaron un bebé”.

Luciano Benjamín Menéndez, genocida multicondenado.

40 años más tarde, y con los hechos juzgados, sabemos que estos titulares hacían referencia al operativo en que resultaron asesinado Paco Urondo y secuestradas Alicia Raboy con su pequeña hija Ángela.

Esta práctica discursiva no fue una excepción, sino que formaba parte de la lógica de disciplinamiento social del estado terrorista. El comunicado difundido concluía diciendo:

“…en el vehículo fue dejado abandonado un niño de aproximadamente un año de edad. Este proceder de utilizar niños como escudo para llevar a cabo sus intentos asesinos, exponiéndolos a ser heridos o muertos durante la acción y abandonándolos a su suerte ante el menor fracaso, habla claramente de la poca moral y desviados sentimientos que animan a estos delincuentes subversivos.”

Cuando la libertad de expresión es cercenada la población queda inerme frente a las operaciones de control social. Frases como “Por algo será” o “Algo habrán hecho” fueron resultado de esta forma de operaciones psicológicas.

El objetivo de las mismas apuntaba a la criminalización y estigmatización de las víctimas, el blanqueo de los operativos y la naturalización del horror.

Este tipo de acción sobre la prensa comenzó el mismo día del golpe de Estado. El 24 de Marzo de 1976, la Junta militar dio a conocer una serie de comunicados dirigidos a la población. Comunicado número 19 de la junta militar:

“Se comunica a la población que la Junta de Comandantes Generales ha resuelto que sea reprimido con la pena de reclusión por tiempo indeterminado el que por cualquier medio difundiere, divulgare o propagare comunicados o imágenes provenientes o atribuidas a asociaciones ilícitas o personas o grupos notoriamente dedicados a actividades subversivas o al terrorismo. Será reprimido con reclusión de hasta diez años el que por cualquier medio difundiere, divulgare o propagare noticias, comunicados o imágenes, con el propósito de perturbar, perjudicar o desprestigiar las actividades de las Fuerzas Armadas, de Seguridad o Policiales”.

A este modo de disciplinamiento se sumó la acción de una oficina en la Casa Rosada dedicada al control de las publicaciones, que se denominó “Servicio Gratuito de Lectura Previa”. Poco tiempo después dejó de funcionar, ya que la prensa incorporó rápidamente los criterios de lo decible.

En ese contexto, el mencionado cable de TELAM no puede ser leído como una nota periodística, sino como parte de la acción psicológica llevada adelante por el terrorismo de Estado.

A pesar del tiempo transcurrido y de contar con una condena ratificada en segunda instancia, el daño de esta publicación, sumado a otras acciones psicológicas complementarias, sigue teniendo una enorme incidencia social.

La información falsa o errónea, no ha sido rectificada ni corregida.

Alicia Raboy permanece desaparecida.

La única verdad es la realidad.

Texto de Ángela Urondo Raboy (Hija de Alicia Raboy y Francisco “Paco” Urondo)

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President Joe Biden will visit Louisiana today, stopping in Lake Charles first and then heading to New Orleans. The trip is part of his promotion of an infrastructure plan.

Biden is expected to touchdown in Lake Charles at 12:15 p.m. and in New Orleans at 3:20 p.m.

Officials declined to release any details about traffic measures and planned road closures. During previous presidential visits in New Orleans, authorities have done rolling closures on the interstate 30 minutes to an hour before the presidential motorcade is on the move.

As part of his promotion of the $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan, President Joe Biden is making a couple of stops in Louisiana on Thursday to…

Drivers should also plan for closures on the surface streets near Biden’s destinations in Lake Charles and New Orleans.

Biden’s schedule 

Here’s his public schedule from the White House (all in Central time):

9:10 a.m.: Biden departs the White House en route to Joint Base Andrews 

9:30 a.m.: Biden departs Joint Base Andrews en route to Lake Charles

12:15 p.m.: Biden arrives in Lake Charles at Chennault International Airport

1:25 p.m.: Biden delivers remarks near Calcasieu River Bridge

2:30 p.m.: Biden departs Lake Charles en route to New Orleans

3:20 p.m.: Biden arrives in New Orleans at Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport

4:20 p.m.: Biden tours Carrollton Water Plant

President Joe Biden has argued his wide-ranging, $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan is a solution to decades of underinvestment in roads, pipes…

5:40 p.m.: Biden departs New Orleans via MSY 

7:45 p.m.: Biden arrives at Joint Base Andrews

8:05 p.m.: Biden arrives at the White House 

Live updates from Louisiana

The Times-Picayune and The Advocate have reporters covering Biden’s appearances in Lake Charles and New Orleans. Follow their updates below.

Can’t see live updates? Click here.

Staff writer Katelyn Umholtz contributed to this story.

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Hurricane Dorian continues to build in strength as it hurtles across the Atlantic with an eye on the east coast of Florida.

Reliable tracking models suggest the storm may shift northward before hitting the Sunshine State, but local officials are taking no chances.

Even a glancing blow would bring heavy rain and storms surges along the east coast and could mean a direct hit on Georgia and the Carolinas. Meanwhile, the Bahamas is under immediate threat as the storm, with near 150 mph winds, slows as it approaches the archipelago on its westward journey. 

Where is Hurricane Dorian?

At 11 a.m. EDT, Dorian was 415 miles east of Florida, slowing from 12 mph to 8 mph as it moved westward. The hurricane center says the core of Dorian is expected to be near or over the northwestern Bahamas on Sunday and near the Florida east coast late Monday. 

How Strong is it?

Dorian, already a major Category 4 storm early Saturday, strengthened again on Saturday, jumping from near 145 mph to near 150 mph. The National Hurricane Center says while some fluctuations in intensity are possible, Dorian is expected to remain a powerful hurricane over the next few days.

Where is the most immediate danger from Dorian?

The Bahamas. The island group is expected to get tropical storm winds Saturday night, with the full force of the storm hitting the archipelago on Sunday. The NHC warns of life-threatening surges that could be 15 feet above normal tide level accompanied by “large and destructive waves.”

In the northwestern Bahamas, some of the most reliable computer models have the storm stalling and dumping as much as 50 inches.

Tracking:: Dorian, packing near 150 mph winds, bears down on The Bahamas

When and where is it likely to make landfall in the U.S.? 

Dorian continues on course for Florida, with possible landfall between West Palm Beach and Cape Canaveral early next week.

New projections, however, suggest that it may shift northward in the next two days, hugging the Florida coast en route to landfall in Georgia or the Carolinas. Some forecast tracks even see Dorian missing the U.S. coast altogether and swinging eastward back into the open Atlantic. But forecasters caution there are still many variables.

Does a shift in the track mean Florida is off the hook?

No. In fact, the National Hurricane Service and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis warn that the variations in the forecast tracks could shift again and that Florida residents should continue preparations for a direct hit.

Even with all the latest shifts in tracking, the entire peninsula still falls well within the “cone of uncertainly” as to where it will hit. “Looking at these forecasts, a bump in one direction or the other could have really significant ramifications in terms of impact,” DeSantis said Saturday. “If it bumps further east, that obviously is positive. If it bumps just a little west, than you’re looking at really, really significant impacts.”

What is the biggest threat to the east coast as the hurricane gets closer? 

Life-threatening storm surge and devastating hurricane-force winds are still possible along portions of the Florida east coast by the early to middle part of next week, but since Dorian is forecast to slow down and turn north near the coast, it is too soon to determine when or where the highest surge and winds will occur.

How is Florida preparing? 

Some counties announced mandatory evacuations ahead of time on Friday.

Brevard County and Martin County officials said residents of barrier islands, mobile homes and low-lying areas would be under a mandatory evacuation order beginning Sunday morning – though they could change.

The Brevard County order includes the Kennedy Space Center. Emergency Operations Centers along coast are not yet fully activated ahead of Hurricane Dorian, but Martin and Indian River counties expect to begin evacuation on Sunday, officials said Friday.

Contributing: Associated Press

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Gov. Gavin Newsom and Democratic legislative leaders will announce an agreement Monday to give school districts $2 billion to open schools for students in transitional kindergarten through second grade by April 1, focusing on California’s youngest children after almost a year of distance learning.

The negotiations wrapped up over the weekend, according to sources close to both the governor and the Legislature who confirmed its basic components.

The plan, sources said, provides financial incentives to school districts that offer in-person instruction in counties with fewer than 25 new daily confirmed coronavirus cases per 100,000 residents, a threshold almost all California counties currently meet as the winter’s rapid spread of the virus had slowed.

School districts seeking funds from counties in the state’s red tier, with seven or fewer cases per 100,000 residents, would be required to extend classroom learning to all elementary school students and at least one grade of middle or high school.

But the proposal, expected to receive a vote in both houses of the Legislature this week, stops short of mandating that schools across the state must reopen. Instead, it leaves the final decision up to local education officials and, in some areas, subject to agreements between districts and the unions representing school employees.

The deal marks the completion of weeks of negotiations at the state Capitol and merges current public health guidelines with earlier school reopening proposals introduced by the governor and lawmakers. For Newsom, the proposal envisions students back on campus a full two months later than he had promised in the plan he offered in late December. Lawmakers objected to his original effort’s requirement for schools to submit lengthy applications for the money and balked at some of the early details over community public health standards.

But the fiercest debate over reopening more school classrooms centered on whether to promise COVID-19 vaccinations to educators. Newsom, who initially balked at new guarantees, relented last month and set aside 10% of the state’s weekly vaccine doses for teachers and school staff beginning this week.

Public health officials said Monday the state is on course to surpass Newsom’s initial estimate of providing at least 75,000 weekly vaccine doses. And Los Angeles Unified School district officials have announced they expect enough vaccinations to reopen campuses by April 9 — a week later than the new statewide plan for opening classrooms.

The L.A. school district will get the COVID-19 vaccines by the end of the week, with a target of mid-April to reopen some campuses.

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The legislation says vaccinating teachers and staff is not a precondition for a district to return to in-person learning, a mandate demanded by the California Teachers Assn.

Union leaders also failed to block Newsom’s push to broadly reopen schools in the state’s most restrictive purple tier of cases in counties. State officials are expected to update the tiers Tuesday. As of last week, all but two California counties had case rates that would allow TK-second grade students to return to their classrooms.

The plan relies on financial incentives to get more campuses to open in the spring. School districts in counties that meet the virus threshold and do not open by April 1 would lose 1% of their share of the $2 billion in reopening funds for each school day that distance learning is the only option that’s offered. Schools that are currently open or have plans to reopen before the end of March would be allowed to go forward with their respective reopening and still qualify for the funding.

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Procter & Gamble Co., la empresa con mayores gastos en publicidad en el mundo, ha anunciado sus planes de recortar la difusión de anuncios en Facebook dirigidos a audiencias específicas, ya que según sus conclusiones “esta práctica tiene una eficacia limitada”, informa ‘The Wall Street Journal‘.

El medio estadounidense informa que Facebook Inc. ha desarrollado durante años “su capacidad para concentrarse en los consumidores en base a datos demográficos, hábitos de compra e hitos de la vida”. Y aunque al principio el gigante P&G aprovechó la oportunidad para dirigirse directamente a subgrupos de audiencia, ahora se ha dado cuenta de que la estrategia ha ido demasiado lejos.

“Hemos ‘targetizado’ demasiado y hemos sido demasiado estrechos”, reconoció Marc Pritchard, director de mercadeo de P&G. El ejecutivo ha precisado que ahora mismo la compañía está pensando en cómo “lograr el mayor alcance pero con una correcta precisión”. Al mismo tiempo, desde P&G han comentado que la firma no abandonará completamente este tipo de anuncios, pero que los empleará solo “donde tenga sentido”, como es el caso de los anuncios de pañales, publicidad orientada a las mujeres embarazadas.

P&G podría inspirar a otros grandes anunciantes

De acuerdo con el columnista ruso Sergúei Manukov, que escribe para Expert Online, esta “minirevolución” en P&G es “una noticia poco favorable para Facebook”, que se especializa en la publicidad orientada. Los cambios en la política de la empresa pueden ser un “presagio” de cambios similares en otros grandes anunciantes. Y es que la publicidad orientada a audiencias específicas, con la que se gana mucho dinero, es uno de los pilares del negocio publicitario de Facebook. En el negocio de la publicidad se cree que cuanto más preciso es el público, más caro sale el anuncio.

‘The Wall Street Journal’ agrega que el cambio de P&G pone de relieve “los límites de tal ‘targeting’ para las grandes marcas”. En los últimos años, algunos vendedores han descubierto que necesitan publicidad en medios sociales como Facebook, dirigida a un público más amplio. O sea, llegar a una parte más significativa de la audiencia general podría aumentar las ventas.

Por ejemplo, hace dos años P&G trató de promover su ambientador Febreze con una publicidad dirigida a los dueños de mascotas y hogares con familias numerosas. Durante esa estrategia las ventas del producto se estancaron, pero aumentaron cuando la compañía amplió el anuncio incluyendo a cualquier persona mayor de 18 años.

Lo mismo opinan los analistas. Entre un anuncio con el que se podría llegar a un millón de personas y un anuncio dirigido específicamente a 5.000 personas, “hay que obtener beneficios bastante impresionantes de esas 5.000 personas para que valga la pena”, comenta Peter Daboll, director de la empresa Ace Metrix, que prueba la efectividad de los anuncios.

Por su parte, el analista Brian Weiser, de Pivotal Research, también asegura que “cuanto más grande sea la marca, mayor es la necesidad de un alcance más amplio” de la publicidad.

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Vietnam’s health minister said Saturday that the country has detected a “very dangerous” new coronavirus variant that appears to be a combination of strains first detected in India and the U.K.

Health Minister Nguyen Thanh Long said scientists discovered the new variant while examining the genetic makeup of a COVID-19 virus that had recently infected patients across the country. Long said the new variant appears to be highly transmissible and may spread more easily than other strains.

“Vietnam has uncovered a new COVID-19 variant combining characteristics of the two existing variants first found in India and the U.K.,” Long said Saturday, according to Reuters.

“That the new one is an Indian variant with mutations that originally belong to the U.K. variant is very dangerous,” he told a government meeting, a recording of which was obtained by the news outlet.

Laboratory studies of the new variant showed the virus was able to replicate itself very quickly. Long said that could possibly explain why Vietnam has experienced a recent surge of outbreaks across 30 of the nation’s 63 municipalities and provinces, the Associated Press reported.

Though small genetic changes to the COVID-19 virus are common, the World Health Organization (WHO) has flagged four virus variants that remain of international concern. Among those include B117, or the variant first detected in the U.K., along with B16172, the variant first found in India. The other two strains were first identified in South Africa and Brazil.

Scientists have found that both the U.K. and Indian variants could be up to 50 percent more transmissible than other strains of COVID-19.

On Saturday, a WHO official told Newsweek that the organization has not yet made an assessment regarding the new Vietnam variant.

“We expect that more variants will continue to be detected as the virus circulates and evolves and as sequencing capacities are enhanced worldwide,” said Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO technical lead for COVID-19.

Van Kerkhove said that each variant identified needs to first be properly assessed by the agency.

“Our country office is working with the Ministry of Health in Vietnam and we expect more information soon. From what we understand, the variant they detected is the B.1.617.2 variant possibly with an additional mutation, however we will provide more information as soon as we receive it,” Van Kerkhove added.

A health worker wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) conducts a Covid-19 coronavirus swab test on a student at the Vinschool private school in Hanoi, Vietnam, on May 22, 2021.

Vietnam has so far detected at least seven strains of COVID-19, according to Reuters. Though the country has maintained relatively high success in battling the pandemic – with just 35 deaths reported at the beginning of May – the nation has seen more than 3,500 new virus cases in recent weeks.

The Southeast Asian country has moved forward with a nationwide ban on all religious events after at least 85 people tested positive for the virus at a Protestant church in one city, according the AP. Across major metropolitan areas, authorities have banned large gatherings, closed public parks, and halted in-person activity at restaurants, bars, clubs and spas.

The nation has so far administered 2.9 million doses of COVID-19 vaccinations, and is currently in talks with Moderna to receive enough shots to fully vaccine 80 percent of the population.

By Saturday, Vietnam has recorded a total of 6,396 cases and 47 deaths since the start of the pandemic, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

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Así respondió el hijo del tuitero Ignacio Barcena una prueba de matemáticas. (Twittter: @Nachobbb)

Es posible que el niño no comprendiera la pregunta. Pero son muchos los que dicen que fue el profesor el que no entendió la respuesta.

Con apenas 7 años, un escolar puso esta semana a discutir a miles de personas e incluso ocasionó que la RAE se pronuncie.

Escribe con cifras los siguientes números“, le pidieron al niño en un ejercicio escolar. Y sus respuestas fueron estas:

  • Diez: 11
  • Noventa y ocho: 99
  • Ochenta y uno: 82
  • Sesenta y seis: 67
  • Treinta: 31

Es decir que el niño interpretó “los siguientes números” como las cifras sucesivas inmediatas, en vez de las cantidades exactas que aparecían escritas con letras.

El profesor, por consiguiente, trazó una enorme “X” sobre las respuestas del estudiante con un bolígrafo rojo.

Este sencillo ejercicio y su corrección dieron lugar a una extensa controversia.

¿Quién no entendió bien?

Todo comenzó cuando el padre del menor publicó en Twitter el ejercicio matemático reprobado por su hijo.

“Aquí va un ejercicio de mates de mi hijo (7 años). Yo creo que quien no lo ha entendido bien es el profe”, escribió Ignacio Bárcena el martes.

En menos de 48 horas, el tuit logró más de 4.000 respuestas y fue compartido 46.000 veces.

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Ejercicios como el que realizó el niño de siete años son muy comunes en el mundo.

La polémica se instaló en torno a la interpretación que hizo el niño del enunciado escrito por su profesor.

La enorme “X” que estampó el educador no deja dudas de que, para él, la respuesta era equivocada. Pero una importante cantidad de personas que se sumaron al debate consideran que lo que hizo el pequeño, cuando menos, no puede considerarse incorrecto.

Varios alegaron que un escolar de 7 años desconoce muchas reglas gramaticales y no consigue diferenciar adjetivos explicativos de demostrativos o interpretar en contexto.

“El niño lo entendió de forma literal, pero yo creo que tiene aptitudes matemáticas y ese horrible tachón rojo se las puede frustrar. El profesor es el que no las tiene pedagógicas. Qué pena”, escribió una usuaria en Twitter.

Campanella y la RAE toman partido

La polémica creció a tal punto que llamó la atención de Juan José Campanella, director argentino ganador del Oscar por “El secreto de sus ojos” (2009).

El cineasta salió en defensa del pequeño.

Es un genio tu hijo. Escribió literalmente los números ‘siguientes’“, publicó Campanella en Twitter en respuesta al tuit de Bárcena.

Otros tuiteros, en cambio, insinuaron que la intención del estudiante y su papá era burlarse del profesor o provocar un escarnio contra él en redes sociales.

Alguno incluso llegó a decir que el menor tenía problemas de comprensión.

Y, por su puesto, no faltaron los usuarios que convocaron a la Real Academia Española (RAE) para intervenir en el debate.

La entidad consagrada al buen uso y unidad de la lengua española no se hizo esperar.

“Tal como está redactado el ejerc., la interpretación natural es que se escriban en cifra los núms. que se citan a continuación”, sentenció la RAE, aclarando que su posición fue tomada “desde la perspectiva puramente lingüística”.

Pero la controversia sólo acrecentó, pues aparecieron usuarios pidiendo “más empatía” a la Real Academia Española.

Después de todo, decían, el chico apenas tiene 7 años y es muy posible que no tenga idea de qué es la “perspectiva puramente lingüistica”.

Con algo de humor (y empatía) un usuario comparó el episodio vivido por el niño con una experiencia vivida recientemente.

Qué injusto, me recuerda mi examen de conducir“, escribió el tuitero antes de colocar lo siguiente:

– Me dijeron: Arranca el coche y sal despacio.

– Arranqué, abrí la puerta y me fui despacio.

“El principito” y los adultos

En medio de la discusión, algunos tuiteros se sorprendieron por la lógica de la respuesta del niño.

Me ha costado entenderlo. Brutal el pensamiento tan divergente que tiene“, escribió uno de los que inicialmente no entendía la controversia.

Entre las miles de reacciones, la anécdota del estudiante de siete años recordó a un usuario al dibujo infantil de un elefante devorado por una boa al que todos los adultos veían como un sombrero.

Ese es el célebre inicio de “El principito”, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

El relato de una persona que dejó de dibujar muy joven porque los adultos no entendían sus obras y un niño que “tiene cabellos de oro y nunca responde a sus preguntas”.

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Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., told Fox News Radio Tuesday that it is unlikely President Trump was briefed on intelligence that Russia secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing American troops in Afghanistan due to the information’s unverified nature.

“I don’t think the president was briefed,” Kinzinger told “The Brian Kilmeade Show.” “The briefer made the decision when he — keep in mind this is when the coronavirus pandemic is kicking off as well — skipped over that issue to wait for more information.”


The New York Times report on the intelligence sent shockwaves throughout Washington over the weekend. A senior U.S. official told Fox News Monday that the National Security Council recently met to come up with a “menu of responses” to Russian action in Afghanistan. However, a White House official said the president was not briefed on the matter until “after the NY Times reported on unverified intelligence” Friday.

“What I do know is that whether or not the president was briefed, frankly, is irrelevant because the intelligence agencies could not yet agree on this,” explained Kinzinger, a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee who attended a White House briefing on the subject. “If this is something, you need to have large agreement or at least [agreement] to a point of significant confidence to be able to take action.

“Otherwise, in theory, if it’s not true and you’re reacting against the Russians, think of the damage of that.”


Kinzinger added that the intelligence leak to the Times is more than likely going to “dry up any trails we have been pursuing to get more information on this,” but urged lawmakers to resist politicizing the issue as they wait for more information.

“I think where we’re at now, unfortunately, this has become a political issue,” he said. “Republicans and Democrats should both agree that if Russia is doing this, there has to be harsh consequences. Instead, a lot of people have taken this as a moment to do politics with it and embarrass the president.”

Fox News’ Jennifer Griffin and Kristin Fisher contributed to this report.

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Fox News host Sean Hannity ripped Dr. Anthony Fauci’s pushback against the possibility that COVID-19 leaked from a virology lab in Wuhan, China on “Hannity” Thursday, claiming that “any idiot” could’ve discerned in January 2020 “that a Wuhan lab leak was plausible and possibly responsible for the pandemic.”

HANNITY: Now, Fauci and the entire world knew that the Wuhan facility was experimenting with gain of function with coronaviruses. Logically, any idiot could have realized on January 31, 2020, that a Wuhan lab leak was plausible and possibly responsible for the pandemic. If you brought the question up you are a conspiracy theorist. You’re talking about debunked conspiracy theories. Not so debunked anymore, are they? Emails now prove that Dr. Fauci knew that everything was happening in the lab and he was showing great concern that, in fact, NIH money that he was in charge of was being used to do all of this. 

We may have actually paid for this and for months in public Fauci treated the lab leak hypothesis as a Fox News conspiracy theory. He said there was no scientific evidence the coronavirus was made in a Chinese lab, even though he got that note on January 31, 2020. He strongly implied that all signs pointed to the virus originating in nature, just the opposite of what he was told. So why did he do this? What did Fauci know and when did Fauci know it …

Even today, Fauci is still urging Americans don’t be too accusatory of China because they’re working hard to get to the bottom of what really happened. It’s in their best interest to tell the truth. He has emails that he got saying that they were covering up the number of people that were killed and then, in fact, their travel ban prohibited people from leaving Wuhan province and traveling anywhere within China or going to Wuhan Province. You’ve got to be kidding.


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“Buenas tardes… ¡vaya un día para empezar!”, saludaba Lorenzo Milá el 7 de noviembre de 1994. Así nacía La 2 Noticias, que cumple dos décadas de vida. Para celebrarlo, este jueves emite un programa especial. Será una edición llena de sorpresas presentada por Mara Torres.

El programa repasará la historia de La 2 Noticias a través de algunos de sus protagonistas, desde los pioneros (Fran Llorente, Lorenzo Milá o Fernando Navarrete), hasta el equipo actual liderado por José Luis Regalado.

Varios reportajes analizarán cómo La 2 Noticias ha cambiado la forma de contar la actualidad en televisión. El formato, caracterizado por un estilo más cercano, supuso una innovación en el género informativo que ha influido en muchos programas posteriores.

Además, el especial 20º aniversario recordará la apuesta de La 2 Noticias por las historias que, normalmente, no tenían cabida en los informativos: las noticias relacionadas con los derechos humanos, que buscaban dar voz a las minorías, o los reportajes sobre ecología, que hicieron que muchos conocieran a La 2 Noticias como el “programa de las ballenas”. 

Junto a ello, el especial de La 2 Noticias repasará las imágenes más insólitas que han emitido a lo largo de estos veinte años. Anécdotas, curiosidades y momentos “frikis” que también son marca de la casa y que el equipo del programa quiere compartir con todos sus seguidores.

Además, la presentadora de La 2 Noticias, Mara Torres, ha charlado con los internautas en un ‘tuitencuentro’. Los fans del programa pueden felicitar al equipo con la etiqueta #La2N20años.

‘Torres y Hurtado’ en Saber y ganar

Saber y ganar también se suma a la celebración del 20º aniversario de La 2 Noticias con un Duelo especial. El veterano concurso, presentado por Jordi Hurtado, ha rendido homenaje al informativo de la cadena este jueves.

Mara Torres ha acompañado a los concursantes de Saber y ganar para repasar los momentos más destacados de La 2 Noticias. Los concursantes, por su parte, han demostrado sus conocimientos sobre el informativo y sus presentadores históricos.

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People who tuned in to the Democratic presidential debate on Tuesday night could have been forgiven for thinking they accidentally turned the channel to Fox News.

At times during the debate, CNN hosts framed policy questions around Republican talking points. The first instance of this came during the very first question of the debate, when host Jake Tapper’s question to Sen. Bernie Sanders about Medicare-for-all was framed around concerns that President Donald Trump will make it a 2020 campaign issue.

“You support Medicare-for-all, which would eventually take private health insurance away from more than 150 million Americans in exchange for government-sponsored health care for everyone,” Tapper said. “Congressman [John] Delaney just referred to it as bad policy, and previously he’s called the idea political suicide that will just get President Trump reelected. What do you say to Congressman Delaney?”

A short time later, Tapper asked Sen. Elizabeth Warren if she’s “with Bernie on Medicare-for-all,” even though the middle class would pay more in taxes. Warren responded not by discussing the policy in terms of taxes (a frame the GOP has frequently deployed), but by talking about the total cost American families pay now for their health coverage, through both taxes and the cost of health insurance. Sanders was even more direct — he accused Tapper of invoking a “Republican talking point.”

“Any by the way, the health care industry will be advertising tonight on this program,” he added, as Tapper tried to move on quickly — another common occurrence that was widely criticized by debate observers.

The conversation about immigration was also framed around talking points Republicans regularly invoke, such as Democrats incentivizing unauthorized immigration by being soft at the border and providing health insurance to unauthorized immigrants.

On numerous occasions, moderators’ questions seemed to lead candidates to attack some of the field’s more progressive ideas.

Though no Republicans were physically onstage on Tuesday night in Detroit, it too often seemed they were living rent-free inside the moderators’ heads. But candidates mostly handled it well, and occasionally — as in the case of the health care discussion — it helped lay out the spectrum along which the 10 candidates fell, with Sanders and Warren supporting Medicare-for-all while more moderate candidate like Delaney attacked it.

Even so, the debate sometimes felt like it was more about attacking progressive policy proposals or responding to Republican talking points than it was substantively exploring the differences between the candidates.

The news moves fast. To stay updated, follow Aaron Rupar on Twitter, and read more of Vox’s policy and politics coverage.

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