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Días de intensas lluvias habían preparado el terreno. Y la zona, vulnerable, no aguantó más.

Sobre las 21:30 (hora local) del jueves el deslizamiento de tierra se hizo inevitable. Parte de un cerro de unos 100 metros de altura colapsó y arrasó con la humilde localidad de Santa Catarina Pinula, 15 kilómetros al sur de Ciudad de Guatemala.

A casi 24 horas de la tragedia el saldo, ni el panorama, son alentadores.

Lea también: Deslave deja al menos 33 muertos y 450 desaparecidos

En el segundo día de operaciones, los equipos de rescate trabajan contrarreloj para dar con los desaparecidos: 350, de acuerdo con el último informe de la Coordinadora Nacional para la Reducción de Desastres (Conred).

El Ministerio Público informó este sábado que habían trasladado 55 cadáveres hasta una morgue provisional.

La portavoz del Ministerio Público, Julia Barrera, indicó a periodistas que sólo 24 de las víctimas mortales han sido identificadas, mientras que de las restantes solo se han recuperado partes.

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Los equipos de rescate trabajan contrarreloj.

Las autoridades ya aseguraron que la cantidad de muertos sólo irá en ascenso.

“El número de fallecidos, desafortunadamente, creemos que será mayor”, advirtió en conferencia de prensa el encargado de Conred, Alejandro Maldonado.

El alud dejó también 34 heridos, otras 48 personas se encuentran en albergues y 125 viviendas sufrieron un daño severo en el caserío de El Cambray II en Santa Catarina Pinula.

Bomberos, militares, socorristas y voluntarios, unas 1.200 personas en total, participan de las tareas de rescate.

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Solo pocos han podido ser rescatados con vida.

Máquinas excavadoras, palas y perros son parte del equipo que tiene la tarea de encontrar lo antes posible a sobrevivientes de la tragedia.

<span >Este sábado también fue rescatado Noé Arévalo, un bombero voluntario que quedó soterrado durante la noche, cuando trabajaba en la vivienda en donde se localizarón los últimos dos cadáveres.

Según David Cajas, oficial de los Bomberos Voluntarios, Arévalo acababa de sacar tres cuerpos de entre los escombros cuando un montículo de tierra le cayó encima y quedó atrapado.

La cantidad de personas que se encontraba en la zona en el momento del deslizamiento no está clara y las autoridades explicaron que había viviendas en condición irregular por lo que es difícil conocer con exactitud el número de residentes en el área.

El presidente de Guatemala, Alejandro Maldonado -padre del titular de Conred- se hizo presente en el lugar.

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“Ahí están tíos, primos, sobrinos, toda mi familia, son seis casas en total de mis familiares que quedó bajó el cerro”, le dijo Marleni Pu, de 25 años, a la agencia The Associated Press.

En silla de ruedas, tras una operación de rodilla, lamentó el “suceso desafortunado” y pidió cooperación ante “esta emergencia”.

Testimonios del drama

“Mi esposo está ahorita allí con una pala sacando tierra para encontrar a nuestro hijo”, le contó Marta Guitz a una periodista de la agencia Reuters.

“Cuando llegamos”, explicó, “encontramos cerrado el paso y nuestra casa soterrada. Adentro estaba solo mi hijo Dany David González, de 17 años, que nos esperaba para cenar”.

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Empleados municipales en el lugar dieron cuenta de que hay personas que recibieron mensajes de texto de familiares que se encuentran enterrados.

“Ahí están tíos, primos, sobrinos, toda mi familia, son seis casas en total de mis familiares que quedó bajó el cerro”, le dijo Marleni Pu, de 25 años, a la agencia The Associated Press.

“Mis papás lograron salir, ellos escucharon ruidos y sintieron temblores previo al derrumbe”, explicó.

Testigos del desastre natural contaron haber escuchado un gran estruendo, seguido de una inmensa nube de polvo.

El diario El Periódico, en tanto, reporta que empleados municipales en el lugar dieron cuenta de que hay personas que recibieron mensajes de texto de familiares que se encuentran enterrados.

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El deslave cortó en dos a la localidad de Santa Catarina Pinula.

“Esta es la brigada de ayuda humanitaria, si alguien escucha responda”, dicen los rescatistas en el lugar al escarbar en medio del lodo y los escombros, informa el diario Prensa Libre.

Zona de riesgo

Las autoridades aseguraron que ya en 2008 habían advertido a los residentes de esta zona que se trataba de un área de riesgo y habían dado el último aviso a fines del año pasado.

Ese informe de la dependencia, solicitado por las autoridades de la localidad, daba cuenta de la inestabilidad del terreno debido a la erosión que afectaba a las laderas del cerro.

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Las autoridades temen lo peor: que sean cientos los muertos.

Con el tiempo, las crecidas del río Pinula, que corre por el fondo del cerro, había hecho que el área sufriera de “socavación y erosión en terrenos y viviendas”, de acuerdo a ese reporte oficial.

Pero nada cambió. Menos de un año después, la tierra dijo basta.

La intensa temporada de lluvias, que comenzó en mayo y ha dejado casi medio millón de damnificados, terminó de desencadenar el horror.

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La cantidad de personas que se encontraba en la zona en el momento del deslizamiento no está clara.

“Esta es una de las tantas tragedias que pasan en Guatemala (…) somos muy vulnerables a este tipo de catástrofes y se han producido por todas partes”, aseguró el titular de Conred.

El funcionario aseguró que el alud se dio por una “combinación de factores”, entre los que mencionó la erosión y drenajes “ilegales”.

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Voluntarios y bomberos escarban donde sea para intentar dar con viviendas sepultadas por el deslave.

Y el temor de que vuelva a ocurrir algo similar está presente.

Se calcula que hasta 300.000 personas en el área metropolitana de la capital residen en condiciones similares a las de la localidad de Santa Catarina Pinula.

Son más 230 los asentamientos considerados “de riesgo”, ubicados en barrancos o laderas de tierra inestable.

El año pasado la temporada de lluvias, de mayo a noviembre, se cobró la vida de 29 personas y afectó casi 10.000 hogares.

La de este año ya es más mortífera. Y el saldo será aún más trágico.

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Esta es la imagen satelital de la zona del desplazamiento que divulgó la Coordinadora Nacional para la Reducción de Desastres.

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Incredible GoPro footage takes you inside the gunfire-heavy raid that ended drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman’s six months on the run.

The video, obtained from Mexican authorities, looks as if it’s from an action movie. The camera follows the armed men as they storm the house, unleash grenades and bullets, and search room to room.

The Friday raid was called “Operation Black Swan,” according to the Mexican show “Primero Noticias.” Authorities decided to launch the raid Thursday after they got a tip about where Guzman was sleeping, the show reported.

Seventeen elite unit Mexican Marines launched their assault on the house in the city of Los Mochis at 4:40 a.m., “Primero Noticias” said.

They were met by about one dozen well-armed guards inside who were prepared for a fight, the show said.

The Marines moved from room to room, clearing the house. Upstairs they found two men in one room and found two women on the floor of a bathroom. All were captured, “Primero Noticias” said.

After 15 minutes, the Marines controlled the entire house, according to “Primero Noticias.”

In the end, five guards were killed and two men and two women were detained. One of the women was the same cook Guzman had with him when he was detained a couple years ago, according to “Primero Noticias.”

Eventually the marines determined that the only bedroom on the first floor was Guzman’s and they began pounding on the walls and moving furniture, finding hidden doors, the show said.

His room had a king-sized bed, bags from fashionable clothing stores, bread and cookie wrappers, and medicine including injectable testosterone, syringes, antibiotics and cough syrups, the show said. The two-story house had four bedrooms and five bathrooms. There were flat-screen TVs and Internet connection throughout the house, according to “Primero Noticias.”

The Marines eventually found a hidden passageway behind a mirror, with a handle hidden in the light fixture. The handle opened a secret door, leading down into the escape tunnel, the show explained.

The escape tunnel was fully lit and led to an access door for the city sewage system, “Primero Noticias” said, adding that Guzman had at least a 20-minute head start on the Marines.

The address where Guzman was captured had been monitored for a month, Mexican Attorney General Arely Gomez has said. According to Gomez, Guzman and his lieutenant escaped through that drainage system.

“Primero Noticias” said it obtained surveillance footage showing Guzman and his lieutenant emerging from the manhole cover, where they then stole two cars to flee, the show said.

Guzman was finally caught when he and the lieutenant were stopped on a highway by Mexican Federal Police, the show said.

Authorities took them to a motel to wait for reinforcement. The men were then taken to Los Mochis airport and transfered to Mexico City.

Rebecca Blackwell/AP PHOTO
Mexican drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman is escorted by soldiers and marines to a waiting helicopter, at a federal hangar in Mexico City, Jan. 8, 2016.

Guzman is now back in prison as his lawyers fight his extradition to the U.S.

The drug kingpin escaped from the Altiplano prison near Mexico City on July 11, launching an active manhunt. When guards realized that he was missing from his cell, they found a ventilated tunnel and exit had been constructed in the bathtub inside Guzman’s cell. The tunnel extended for about a mile underground and featured an adapted motorcycle on rails that officials believe was used to transport the tools used to create the tunnel, Monte Alejandro Rubido, the head of the Mexican national security commission, said in July.

Guzman had been sent there after he was arrested in February 2014. He spent more than 10 years on the run after escaping from a different prison in 2001. It’s unclear exactly how he had escaped, but he did receive help from prison guards who were prosecuted and convicted.

Guzman, the leader of the Sinaloa cartel, was once described by the U.S. Treasury as “the most powerful drug trafficker in the world.” The Sinaloa cartel allegedly uses elaborate tunnels for drug trafficking and has been estimated to be responsible for 25 percent of all illegal drugs that enter the U.S. through Mexico.

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Nearly 30,000 Haitian migrants have already made their way over the U.S.-Mexico border in recent weeks, but Panama’s foreign minister says far more are on their way – and she has been sounding the alarm for months.

In a new interview with Axios, Foreign Minister Erika Mouynes said that since the beginning of 2021 more than 85,000 Haitians have crossed through Panama and that she believes “they all are heading toward the U.S.”


“We’ve engaged with every single authority that we can think of, that we can come across, to say, ‘Please, let’s pay attention to this,'” Mouynes told the outlet.

The Haitians have been coming from Colombia, traveling through the dangerous Darién Gap jungles into Panama before making their way northward through Central American and Mexico to to the U.S. Mouynes said senior officials from South American countries, Mexico, Canada and the U.S. met in August to address the issue, and she thought it was “shocking” that this had not happened sooner.

Mouynes said she also met with members of Congress and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas earlier this week.

In this Sept. 20, 2021, file photo, migrants, many from Haiti, board a bus after they were processed and released after spending time at a makeshift camp near the International Bridge in Del Rio, Texas. (AP Photo/Eric Gay, File)
(AP Photo/Eric Gay, File)

Fox News reached out to the Department of Homeland Security for comment but it did not immediately respond.


Mouynes told Axios she wants to see additional meetings between the U.S. and other countries in which they can work out plans to better control the volume of people coming through their respective borders. She said Haiti needs to be involved as well in order to get to the root of the problem.

“We all have a role to play in this issue, and the regional approach is the correct approach,”  she said. “It is impossible for Panama to solve it on its own.”

In addition to the 85,000 people that have already made their may to Panama and beyond, Mouynes said another 30,000 are waiting in Colombia while Panama is unable to take them.


“When we receive them on the Panamanian side, they’re malnourished. The children are in terrible condition, so even getting them up to a healthy state takes time,” she said.

Mayorkas told Fox News on Sunday that the vast majority of the migrants who had entered the country had been released into the U.S. At the time, he said as many as 12,000 had been released until their court date, with 3,000 in detention and 5,000 still awaiting the processing of their cases.

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Prosecutors have 1 million pages of evidence against Jeffrey Epstein, his lawyer revealed in court Monday — without shedding any new light on the jailhouse incident that left the convicted pedophile with bruises on his neck.

No marks were visible on Epstein’s neck, and he never appeared to be in pain during the 15-minute hearing in Manhattan federal court.

The judge overseeing the case tentatively scheduled Epstein’s trial for June 2020 after a prosecutor said the child sex-trafficking charges against him should be resolved as “swiftly as possible.”

“We don’t think any delay in this is in the public interest,” Manhattan Assistant US Attorney Alison Moe said.

Epstein’s trial is expected to last four to six weeks, and the defense will have all the prosecution’s evidence against the multimillionaire financier by Oct. 31, she said.

Defense lawyer Martin Weinberg objected to starting the trial before September 2020, saying, “We need time to review a million pages of discovery.”

But Judge Richard Berman said he was blocking out time in June 2020 on the presumption that the defense would be ready by then.

Weinberg didn’t make any mention of the July 23 incident in which law enforcement sources have said Epstein, 66, was found sprawled on the floor of his cell in the Metropolitan Correctional Center, where he’s being held without bail.

Weinberg declined to answer questions about the incident outside court.

Epstein, who wore dark blue jail scrubs over a brown T-shirt, didn’t speak during the hearing.

He’s pleaded not guilty to accusations he sexually abused dozens of underage girls — some as young as 14 — in his Upper East Side townhouse and his waterfront mansion in Palm Beach, Florida, between 2002 and 2005.

Berman set a Sept. 13 deadline for defense motions in the case, and Weinberg said he planned to seek dismissal of a conspiracy charge on grounds of double jeopardy tied to allegations that underpinned a non-prosecution agreement that Epstein struck in 2008 with then-Miami US Attorney Alex Acosta.

That deal was exposed last year in an award-winning series of stories by the Miami Herald, and controversy that erupted following Epstein’s July 6 arrest forced Acosta to resign as President Trump’s labor secretary.

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Mediante un comunicado, la cartera de Economía precisó que el titular, Axel Kicillof, “ante esta posible estafa millonaria, ha notificado a la Comisión Nacional de Valores (CNV) esta situación y ha solicitado que inicie una exhaustiva investigación que determine si este juicio no es en realidad la fachada de una maniobra especulativa en favor de los fondos buitre” para que “ganen por los bonos en default que compraron a precio vil, pero también por los derivados financieros que se cobran”.

Además, el ministro criticó que “una vez más el juez llamó a una audiencia para no resolver absolutamente nada en relación a los fondos de terceros que mantiene inmovilizados” y subrayó que al impedir el cobro a algunos de los bonistas del canje, el magistrado neoyorquino “pretende someter a Argentina a una verdadera extorsión para que pague a los fondos buitre”.

El comunicado agrega que el mediador Pollack “ha demostrado a través de su último comunicado una manifiesta parcialidad en favor de los fondos buitre”, además de que “se ha excedido absolutamente en sus incumbencias y atribuciones al calificar de ‘default’ al impedimento de cobro que el mismo juzgado de Griesa impuso a algunos bonistas”.

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“¿Qué tal, amigos? Ustedes transformaron a Telenoche en una gran marca. Y también las grandes marcas se renuevan. Por eso queremos compartir con ustedes el nuevo Telenoche“. Con esas palabras, Daniel Castro comenzó el lunes a las 19 horas una nueva edición del informativo central de Monte Carlo TV presentando cambios en el programa, tanto estéticos como de fondo.

El nombre Centro Monte Carlo de Noticias -un sello que el canal impuso para su noticiero hace décadas tomando como base el viejo formato CNN con la redacción al fondo de la escenografía- dejó de existir.

El estudio donde se ubicaba fue completamente remodelado, desde el piso hasta el techo y las luces, para dejar una escenografía de más de 200 metros cuadrados con una mesa central, una segunda mesa a la izquierda y una pantalla gigante a la derecha. El decorado incluye 18 pantallas y el uso del acrílico como material predominante, sin abandonar el color rojo, característico de la marca.

En el desmontaje y posterior armado del nuevo estudio trabajaron unos 60 profesionales uruguayos, destacaron fuentes del canal a El Observador.

La mesa principal abandonó el concepto tradicional de la pareja conductora para dar lugar a cuatro personas en ese sitio: los presentadores habituales, Daniel Castro y Karina Dalmás, a los que se sumarán dos periodistas cada noche, que rotarán en función de la información del día y dialogarán sobre las noticias. En la primera emisión fueron Marcelo Irachet y Roberto Hernández.

También incluyeron periodistas que aparecen parados con la pantalla gigante detrás.

De esta forma, Monte Carlo TV da un paso que ya habían dado los informativos de los otros canales privados (Telemundo, Subrayado, VTV Noticias) de volver menos rígido el programa e interactuar más en el estudio con periodistas o entrevistados.

A eso se agregan los móviles en vivo. Según contaron desde el canal, el objetivo es tener siempre tres o cuatro móviles en la calle en simultáneo, con la idea además de imprimirles un “mayor ritmo y dinámica”. Con ello buscarán potenciar el eslogan del informativo: “La noticia en vivo”.

El nuevo Telenoche tratará, por un lado, de tener más historias, y por otro fortalecerá dos áreas que no tenían tanto peso en la emisión: economía y espectáculos. Para esto último incorporarán nuevas figuras, que aún no fueron definidas.

La encuestadora Opción Consultores, que ya había comenzado a difundir sus estudios en Monte Carlo TV, continuará con tres presentaciones al mes.

Otra de las modificaciones fue la denominación de dos de los noticieros del canal. Telebuendía (7 de la mañana) pasó a llamarse Teledía Primera Hora, mientras que Telenoche Segunda Edición (0.30 horas) ahora es Telenoche Segunda Hora.

La renovación de este informativos desató una batalla entre canales. Subrayado publicó este martes en su web que, a pesar del lanzamiento, fue vencido por ellos en términos de audiencia. “Subrayado lideró el duelo de informativos en la jornada de estreno de Telenoche” fue el título de la noticia, que destacó que el noticiero de Canal 10 midió 8,5 puntos de rating frente a los 5 puntos de Telemundo y los 4,5 de Telenoche.


El debut del lunes presentó una de las grandes novedades del informativo: la vuelta a Telenoche de Jorge “Toto” Da Silveira. Junto con Federico Paz y Eduardo Rivas estarán los lunes y los viernes en la segunda mesa del estudio para debatir sobre la fecha del campeonato uruguayo de fútbol y de ese deporte en general.

La incorporación del veterano periodista, que hasta el año pasado trabajaba en Fox Sports, tuvo como consecuencia la salida de Mario Bardanca, quien renunció y el lunes dejó de trabajar en el canal.

En la primera emisión, los integrantes de la mesa hicieron referencia a la ida de Bardanca y afirmaron que tiene las puertas abiertas del canal para volver.

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The U.S. said Thursday that it has seized a North Korean cargo ship that was used to violate international sanctions, a first-of-its kind enforcement action that comes amid a tense moment in relations between the two countries. The “Wise Honest,” North Korea’s second largest cargo ship, was detained in April 2018 as it traveled toward Indonesia and is in the process of being moved to American Samoa, Justice Department officials said.

Officials made the announcement hours after the North Korea fired two suspected short-range missiles toward the sea, a second weapons launch in five days and a possible signal that stalled talks over its nuclear weapons program are in trouble. The public disclosure that the vessel is now in U.S. custody may further inflame tensions, though U.S. officials said the timing of their complaint was not a response to the missile launch.

Payments for maintenance and operation of the vessel were channeled, unwittingly, through three U.S. banks in violation of American law, U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman of the Southern District of New York said in a conference call with reporters. The case for confiscating the ship was filed in a civil forfeiture complaint in New York, CBS News’ Pamela Falk reported. 

“This sanctions-busting ship is now out of service,” said Assistant Attorney General John Demers, the Justice Department’s top national security official.

The 581-foot Wise Honest was used to transport North Korean coal to China, Russia and other countries, generating badly needed revenue to a country that is under U.N. sanctions because of its nuclear weapons program. It also delivered heavy machinery to North Korea. The coal trade itself is also believed to fund the isolated country’s nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs.

The vessel was owned by a subsidiary of a North Korean shipping company that is controlled by the country’s military and is on a Treasury Department sanctions list.

This undated photo released by the U.S. Justice Dept, Thursday, May 9, 2019, shows the North Korean cargo ship Wise Honest.


North Korea sought to disguise the ship’s operations by listing various other countries for its nationality and the origin of its cargo, according to the complaint. The ship, in what U.S. officials say was a clear act of concealment, also turned off an automatic signal system intended to alert other ships of its course and location.

Indonesian authorities intercepted and seized the Wise Honest in the East China Sea a month after it was photographed at the port of Nampo, North Korea, where it took on a load of coal. The captain of the ship was charged in Indonesia with violating that country’s maritime laws and convicted, the complaint says. It was not immediately clear what happened to the crew.

The U.S. has prosecuted people and businesses for violating sanctions but has never before seized a North Korean ship. The country will have an opportunity to contest the seizure in court. If the U.S. prevails, it will be able to sell the vessel.

“When nations who have stated an intent to do harm to the United States evade international sanctions, Americans become less safe,” said Geoffrey Berman, the United States attorney for the Southern District of New York.

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un have held two summits focused on the North’s nuclear program but have made no discernible progress toward a deal that would eliminate its weapons.

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According to PBSO, the victims include an adult man, adult woman and a child.

READ MORE: Miami Arrest Made After Men Drugged, Pricey Watches Stolen

PBSO has identified the suspect, who is one of the deceased, as 55-year-old Timothy J. Wall from Royal Palm Beach.

At this time, the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office said there’s “no known motive or relationship between the gunman and the victims.”

Investigators have identified the woman and child killed, but have not released their names.

The sheriff’s office said the youngest victim would have turned 2 years old at the end of the month.

“I heard, ‘Shooting, shooting, shooting. Run, shooting,’” said one man, who was in the deli and heard the gunfire.

The Publix shoppers who frequent this plaza at Royal Palm Beach Boulevard and Okeechobee Boulevard are in disbelief.

“This is such a terrible thing to have happened and its always peaceful and nice, people are very friendly,” said Jeri Galavage.

Publix released the following statement shortly after the shooting:

“We can confirm that there was an incident at our Publix store located at 1180 Royal Palm Beach Blvd. earlier today. Our thoughts are with those who are impacted by this tragedy. We are cooperating with the local law enforcement.”

MORE NEWS: Lauderhill Hit And Run Sends One Person To The Hospital

This is a developing news story and will be updated as information is made available.

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“One of the biggest ways climate change is affecting us is by loading the weather dice against us. Extreme weather events occur naturally; but on a warmer planet many of these events are getting bigger, stronger, and more damaging,” Katharine Hayhoe, a climate scientist at Texas Tech University and the Nature Conservancy, said in an emailed statement. “They’re affecting our health, the safety of our homes, the economy, and more.”

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“We have law firms, we have project developers, the guys who are putting clean technology on the ground around the world, they’re also members of our association as well,” says Alessandro Vitelli, an IETA spokesman.

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via press release:



Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval present the Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production

Miami – July 31, 2014 – Telemundo presents “Muriendo por Cruzar”, a documentary that investigates why increasing numbers of immigrants are dying while trying to cross the US-Mexican border near the city of Falfurrias, Texas, this Sunday, August 3 at 6PM/5 C.  The Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production, presented by Noticias Telemundo journalists Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval, reveals the obstacles immigrants face once they cross into US territory, including extreme weather conditions, as they try to evade the border patrol.  “Muriendo por Cruzar” is part of Noticias Telemundo’s special coverage of the crisis on the border and immigration reform.


“‘Muriendo por Cruzar’” dares to ask questions that reveal the actual conditions undocumented immigrants face as they try to start a new life in the United States,” said Alina Falcón, Telemundo’s Executive Vice President for News and Alternative Programming.  “Our collaboration with The Weather Channel was very productive. They have a unique expertise in covering the impact of weather on people’s lives, as we do in covering immigration reform and the border crisis. The result is a compelling documentary that exposes a harrowing reality.”

“Muriendo por Cruzar” is the first co-production by Telemundo and The Weather Channel.  Both networks are part of NBCUniversal.

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Opposition leader Juan Guaidó has declared himself interim president, and the US is backing him.

President Nicolás Maduro, who retains some other nations’ support, broke off relations with the US in response.

So who’s really in charge? The BBC’s diplomatic correspondent Paul Adams explains.

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Over the past few decades, the American public has become more socially liberal on most issues. It has reversed its opposition to gay marriage and marijuana legalization and grown unsupportive of the death penalty. But there’s one issue that’s effectively stagnated, evenly dividing the electorate, with no signs of budging: abortion.

Twenty years ago, 56 percent of the country favored legal abortion. Today, that number is 57 percent, with minimal fluctuation over the past two decades.

But the binary of pro-choice vs. pro-life doesn’t tell the whole story.

Today’s Democratic Party would have you believe that the future is female and demands abortion on demand at any time in a pregnancy. But the average American’s view on the matter can pretty much be summed up with “safe, legal, and rare,” the standard that Democrats abandoned long ago.

While the majority of Americans favor legal abortion in the first three months of pregnancy, just one quarter believe in allowing it in the second trimester. That figure plummets to 13 percent when Americans are asked about legal abortion for the final trimester of pregnancy. These numbers have remained constant for two decades.

These figures grow even more complicated when Americans judge the rationale behind an abortion. The overwhelming majority of the public favors a woman’s ability to abort a pregnancy conceived through rape, but only 45 percent of Americans believe a woman should be allowed to get an abortion solely for personal reasons, even in the first trimester.

Compared to the nation’s new, popular support for gay marriage and legal pot, our abortion polling demonstrates that social liberalism is now social libertarianism. Letting people live their lives without the imposition of the government is broadly supported, but abortion imposes a level of cognitive dissonance in the American psyche. If the stagnancy and breakdown of our abortion polling numbers indicate anything, it’s that Americans don’t want to abolish the practice outright but remain extremely uncomfortable with the Left’s fetishization of it.

Rather than treat abortion as a necessary evil, as most Americans seem to, the new Democratic Party has heralded abortion as a positive good, a personal undertaking to celebrate as an act of feminist independence. The execrable “ShoutYourAbortion” campaign repeatedly trends on social media, and the ardent pro-choice crowd has vilified Republican lawmakers for attempting to deregulate and increase access to birth control pill as well as commonsense pushes to reduce the incidence of unintended pregnancies.

Now, New York and Virginia have made concerted efforts to legalize abortion not just past the point of fetal viability but right up until the time of birth. Democrats in those two states have turned their backs on all meaningful attempts to define the beginning of life as, say, the point at which a fetus can feel pain or the moment of quickening (the European Medieval understanding). Instead, they’ve abandoned any pretense of ethics and accepted that some humans simply have less moral value than other humans.

Democrats have relied on the most sympathetic presentation of women seeking abortions, invoking teen pregnancies and poor, single women to win over Americans skeptical of abortion. But now the Left is gambling that the country will accept abortions up to birth, motivated by pure selfishness, as a positive good. This may just detonate the tenuous coalition that’s kept the pro-choice movement a national majority.

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Los Medias Rojas de Boston tuvieron al amanecer del sábado una mala noticia al darse a conocer que un MRI que se le practicó al receptor boricua Christian Vázquez en el codo de su brazo de lanzar “encontró algo” que el propio Vázquez no quiso o no pudo explicar.

El dirigente de la novena, John Farrell, dijo que aún no ha descartado a Vázquez para el inicio de campaña, pero dijo que ve muy difícil que pueda estar listo para el día inaugural.

“Hubo algunos hallazgos en el MRI”, dijo Farrell al diario Providence Journal. “Cuan serios son, eso no se ha determinado al momento. Aún estamos en la etapa de buscar y descubrir los detalles”.

A Farrell se le preguntó si el MRI mostraba daño de ligamentos, lo que traería a escena la posibilidad de una cirugía, pero este le contestó a ESPN que  los médicos y el personal médico no le explicaron específicamente lo que habían encontrado.

Vázquez, por su parte, admitió sentirse nervioso con lo que puedan implicar los exámenes.

“Encontraron algo. Voy a buscar una segunda opinión sobre lo que pudo haber sucedido”, le dijo el bayamonés de 24 años al Boston Globe. “Todavía no sé qué fue lo que sucedió, pero los médicos están revisando el MRI. Pero para respuestas voy a buscar una segunda opinión”.

Vázquez no había recibido desde el pasado 13 de marzo y se mantuvo bateando con un equipo de liga menor debido a las molestias que sintió en el codo luego de realizar un tiro para fusilar a un corredor.

El viernes le recibió a Joe Kelly en un partido de liga menor  en el que solo se le permitió lanzar la pelota de vuelta al lanzador.

El sábado, fuentes de diversos medios sugirieron que el puertorriqueño necesitaría una cirugía ‘Tommy John’. Diversos medios ya han comenzado a especular que la posición de principal receptor de los Medias Rojas sería ocupada por Ryan Hanigan durante la ausencia de Vázquez.

También se especula que Humberto Quintero, quien se encuentra en los entrenamientos primaverales, podría servirle de sustituto y que los Medias Rojas podrían además evaluar la idea de promover al prospecto número uno de la organización Blake Swihart, aunque este ha jugado muy poco sobre el nivel AA.

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Following the second night of debates for the second round of 2020 Democratic hopefuls, Hollywood stars once again took to social media to voice both their positive and negative feelings about the candidates’ performance.

The 10 candidates taking the stage to battle it out this time were Joe Biden, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, Andrew Yang, Tulsi Gabbard, Jay Inslee, Bill de Blasio, Julian Castro, Kirsten Gillibrand and Michael Bennet. However, after the first night of debates left show business’ most outspoken political voices feeling let down by the messy drama, they seemed to zero in on the former vice president and Harris going into night 2.

While Biden was jabbed far and wide for being out of touch and invoking former President Obama too often, Harris was taken to task for her record.


“Avengers: Endgame” star Don Cheadle got the ball rolling when he responded to a tweet criticizing Biden for refusing to apologize for his past words.

“he sees it as weakness. almost all politicians do. it’s extremely unfortunate …” Cheadle wrote.

“Ol’ Man Biden just said “malarkey” on the talking radio!” wrote comedian Michael Ian Black.

Comedian Sarah Silverman noted that Obama may not endorse his former VP in the election.

“DYING to know who Obama will endorse. Could be AWKWAAARD #DemDebate2,” she wrote.

“Biden turns & faces you like a battle rapper waiting his turn. #DemDebates,” wrote actor Roy Wood Jr. over a video of Booker tearing into Biden.

Michael Rapaport shared a similar video of Harris’ record being torn down by Gabbard, writing: “And they haven’t even mentioned Willie Brown yet. #KamalaHarrisDestroyed.”


The line is a reference to a past relationship Harris allegedly had with the former San Francisco mayor.

Actress Jackee Harry posted a Harris gif to mock her treatment of Biden at the debate.

“Dana: Senator Harris, would you like to respond to Senator Gillibrand?
Kamala: Nah, let me get back to this Biden fella. #DemDebate,” she wrote.

“Strong close by @KamalaHarris,” wrote actor Bradley Whitford.

Meanwhile, others just discussed the debate in more general terms. Many were quick to deride the candidates for the general tone that the debate struck.

“For a party who’s biggest star, savior and hero is Obama they sure were quick to dump Obamacare,” wrote comedian Bill Maher.

“Watching this debate without Marianne Williamson is like watching #GameOfThrones without Melisandre. #DemDebate2,” wrote Jimmy Kimmel.

“I think after a moderator has said for the third time “your time is up” the Oscar music they play when a speech has gone on too far should be played,” wrote actor Josh Charles.

“Who is ready to hear Warren and Sanders on the same stage as Biden and Harris? With e.g. Booker, Castro and Buttigieg there to keep us focused on our better natures? Let’s watch that,” a bored George Takei noted.

“If you support Trump

-using taxpayer $ to build a wall he promised Mexico would pay for

-bailing out farmers hurt by tariffs w/28 bil of taxpayer $

-$885 mill in family biz tax breaks

-millions of taxpayer $ for 7/4 parade

…don’t call anyone at  #DemDebate2 ‘Socialist,'” John Fugelsang tweeted.

“#demdebate so inspirational to have leaders who care about us, care about the environment, care about the rule of law, care about human rights, care about lgbtq, care about people of color and women’s equal pay, care about health care and taxing the rich!!” John Leguizamo noted.

“I don’t think the old guard politicians are capable of the work that is going to be necessary if 


“These debates really are Twitter: Too many voices, limited space to communicate, and moderators who’ve been thrust into a regulatory position they’re ill-equipped to manage,” said “Family Guy” creator Seth MacFarlane.

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El periódico ‘Hurriyet‘ ha difundido la información de que el Partido de los Trabajadores del Kurdistán (PKK) ha puesto en libertad a tres reporteros de la agencia de noticias turca Anadolu después de mantenerlos retenidos durante 48 horas en el distrito de Nusaybin de la provincia de Mardin, en el sureste de Turquía.

El diario escribe que los reporteros liberados fueron identificados como el corresponsal de guerra Rauf Maltas, el reportero gráfico Onur Coban y el camarógrafo Kenan Yesilyurt.

El partido PKK, fundado en 1978, ha estado luchando contra el Gobierno turco desde 1984. Es considerado una organización terrorista por Turquía, EE.UU. y la OTAN.

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