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Clothes and other debris could be seen outside the venue on Sunday morning

Four men have been injured, two critically, in a shooting outside a nightclub in the Australian city of Melbourne.

The incident at the Love Machine venue is not thought to be terror related.

Australian newspaper The Age said investigators are likely to examine links to a motorcycle gang.

Mass shootings in Australia are rare. The country overhauled its gun laws after 35 people were shot dead in Port Arthur, Tasmania in 1996.

The country saw its worst incident since then last year after seven members of the same family died in a murder-suicide.

Police say two men, aged 29 and 50, were hospitalised with non-life threatening injuries in the shooting at Love Machine.

One of those in a serious condition is aged 28, but no details about the fourth victim has been released.

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Russian President Vladimir Putin told his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump in a New Year letter on Sunday that Moscow was ready for dialog on a “wide-ranging agenda,” the Kremlin said following a series of failed attempts to hold a new summit.

At the end of November, Trump abruptly canceled a planned meeting with Putin on the sidelines of a G20 summit in Argentina, citing tensions about Russian forces opening fire on Ukrainian navy boats and then seizing them.

Trump and Putin also failed to hold a full-fledged meeting in Paris on the sidelines of the centenary commemoration of the Armistice. The two leaders held their one and only summit in Helsinki in July.

“Vladimir Putin stressed that the (Russia – United States) relations are the most important factor for providing strategic stability and international security,” a Kremlin statement said.

“He confirmed that Russia is open for dialog with the USA on the most wide-ranging agenda.”

Moscow has said one of the key issues it wanted to discuss with the United States is Washington’s plans to withdraw from a Cold War era nuclear arms pact.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was quoted as saying that now it was up to the United States whether to hold a new meeting in 2019.

“The issue should be addressed to Washington. Both our president and his representatives have said that we are ready for the talks when Washington is ready for it,” TASS news agency quoted Lavrov as saying in televised remarks.

In a separate letter to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Putin pledged continuation of aid to the Syrian government and people in the “fight against terrorism, in defense of state sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

Putin also sent New Year greetings to other world leaders including prime ministers Theresa May of Britain and Shinzo Abe of Japan, as well as Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Putin wished “well-being and prosperity to the British people,” the Kremlin said.

RELATED: President Trump meets with Vladimir Putin in Finland

Russia’s embassy in London said on Friday Moscow and London had agreed to return some staff to their respective embassies after they expelled dozens of diplomats early this year.

Britain expelled 23 Russian diplomats over accusations the Kremlin was behind a nerve toxin attack in March on former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter in the English city of Salisbury.

Russia, which denies any involvement in the poisoning, sent home the same number of British embassy workers in retaliation. (Reporting by Vladimir Soldatkin, Editing by William Maclean and David Stamp)

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Washington (CNN)Trump campaign officials, led by Rudy Giuliani, oversaw efforts in December 2020 to put forward illegitimate electors from seven states that Trump lost, according to three sources with direct knowledge of the scheme.

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        Listen to Meshawn Maddock describe the Trump campaign’s involvement in the fake elector plot at a recent speech in Michigan

        “[Matt Maddock] fought for investigations into every part of the election we could. He fought for a team of people to come and testify in front of the committee. We fought to seat the electors. Um, the Trump campaign asked us to do that — under a lot of scrutiny for that today. My husband has, he’s suffered for that a little bit in Lansing because it’s not very popular, but you know when you represent the whole state of Michigan and that’s what I see it now. I realize that even though you’re going to vote for somebody to be your next state representative, your next state senator, the truth is, this body of people, they represent all of us.

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    The officers’ initial report said Garner, who has dementia, was not injured. Her lawyer, Sarah Schielke, said the officers dislocated Garner’s shoulder, broke a bone in her arm and sprained her wrist. Garner has now filed a federal lawsuit against the Loveland Police Department (LPD).

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    Las lluvias intensas que se desataron entre las 08:30 y que se prolongaron por 45 minutos dejaron varias viviendas anegadas por las aguas y muchos vehículos atascados en medio de calles inundadas. Bomberos y Policías debieron asistir a los llamados de emergencias a socorrer a personas que quedaron atrapadas en sus vehículos, principalmente en Avda. Barbieri y Luis Alberto de Herrera.

    Las condiciones meteorológicas continúan inestables. El Río Uruguay en un nivel cercano a los 10 metros frente al Puerto de Salto y salido de cauce en algunos sitios interrumpe el tránsito vehicular.

    En Salto rige una alerta meteorológica por lluvias y tormentas hasta las 18 horas.

    Se aguarda por un nuevo informe de la Comisión Técnica Mixta de Salto Grande en cuanto al comportamiento del caudal del embalse de la represa sobre cómo va a afectar las lluvias que se registran en el Norte. Hasta hoy se preveía una marca de 10.30.

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    Our nation is made great by the many immigrants who have come here and made themselves part of the American story. We will need more immigrants if the federal government is to avoid bankruptcy.

    But good government demands an understanding of who lives here and what lives they lead. Correspondingly, the Trump administration is correct to include the question on the 2020 census: “Are you a citizen of the United States?” That inclusion of that question will soon be ruled upon by the Supreme Court. Until then, and perhaps afterward, Democrats will remain upset.

    Some of their concerns are more justified than others. Take the analysis from left-wing news site Vox. Senior Correspondent Dara Lind notes that Democrats in blue states are “worried [the question’s inclusion] will make their residents less likely to return their census forms — and thus hurt their apportionment in Congress after the 2020 census results are tallied.”

    If the best reason not to do this is that Democrats rely on non-voter illegal immigrants to artificially boost their apportionment of seats in the post-2020 House of Representatives — well, do they really want to admit to that?

    Other excuses against the citizenship question seem more justified. It is more reasonable, for example, to believe that longtime illegal residents of the U.S. might not complete the census form in fear of being identified and deported. That would negatively affect the development of good policy and also risk inaccurate social science analysis.

    Still, the basic point here is whether it is appropriate to ask residents of America whether they are citizens. I believe it is.

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    Ten new pro-gun laws will take effect in Texas in four weeks, less than a month after 22 people died in a mass shooting at a Walmart in El Paso.

    Gov. Greg Abbott signed the measures after they were passed in a 2019 legislative session that the National Rifle Association, or NRA, called “highly successful” at the time, celebrating that the measures “will further loosen Texas’ permissive gun laws” and would send the “gun control crowd home empty-handed.”

    Texas is home to almost 1.4 million holders of active firearm licenses, and five of the 20 deadliest mass shootings in the United States since 1900 have occurred in the state. Among them is the rampage in El Paso, where authorities said Monday that the number of deaths had risen to 22.

    The NRA said its “deepest sympathies are with the families and victims” of the shootings in El Paso and in Dayton, Ohio, where nine people were killed Sunday. The organization said it wouldn’t “participate in the politicizing of these tragedies.”

    The NRA did heavily influence the political process in Texas, however, lobbying for all 10 of the new bills, some of which will make it easier to store or carry guns in foster homes and on church and public school grounds:

    • Foster homes: A bill that was cleared May 21 and signed by Abbott weakens state laws on safe storage of firearms in foster homes.

    Texas had previously permitted approved foster parents to keep licensed firearms in their homes, but only if weapons and ammunition were stored in separate locked locations. The new law allows guns and ammunition to be stored together in the same locked location — a protocol that is discouraged by the pro-gun National Shooting Sports Foundation.

    When the law was passed, the NRA’s lobbying group, the Institute for Legislative Action, or NRA-ILA, called it “just the first step toward restoring the Second Amendment rights of foster parents and their families.”

    • Churches: A new law removes “the premises of a church, synagogue or other established place of religious worship” from the list of locations where carrying a licensed handgun is a misdemeanor. Beginning Sept. 1, gun owners will be allowed to carry properly licensed handguns into a church unless the church explicitly declares that it bans weapons on its grounds.

    “Places of worship are not crime-free zones, as Texans sadly know,” the NRA-ILA said in backing the measure, apparently referring to the killings of 26 worshipers at First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs in November 2017. “And current law, as written, only serves to confuse and potentially disarm law-abiding citizens.”

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    via press release:



    Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval present the Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production

    Miami – July 31, 2014 – Telemundo presents “Muriendo por Cruzar”, a documentary that investigates why increasing numbers of immigrants are dying while trying to cross the US-Mexican border near the city of Falfurrias, Texas, this Sunday, August 3 at 6PM/5 C.  The Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production, presented by Noticias Telemundo journalists Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval, reveals the obstacles immigrants face once they cross into US territory, including extreme weather conditions, as they try to evade the border patrol.  “Muriendo por Cruzar” is part of Noticias Telemundo’s special coverage of the crisis on the border and immigration reform.


    “‘Muriendo por Cruzar’” dares to ask questions that reveal the actual conditions undocumented immigrants face as they try to start a new life in the United States,” said Alina Falcón, Telemundo’s Executive Vice President for News and Alternative Programming.  “Our collaboration with The Weather Channel was very productive. They have a unique expertise in covering the impact of weather on people’s lives, as we do in covering immigration reform and the border crisis. The result is a compelling documentary that exposes a harrowing reality.”

    “Muriendo por Cruzar” is the first co-production by Telemundo and The Weather Channel.  Both networks are part of NBCUniversal.

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    Hurricane Dorian strengthened and shifted slightly early Saturday, setting it on course to potentially miss a direct hit with Florida and make landfall in the Carolinas.

    But Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is warning residents to remain vigilant, warning that the Category 4 storm could still change course again and that even if does not make landfall in the state it could bring dangerous storm surges and flooding.

    “As you’re looking at these forecasts, a bump in one direction or the other could have really significant ramifications in terms of impact,” DeSantis said at a Saturday morning news conference. If it bumps just a little west, then you’re looking at really, really significant impacts.”

    Download the NBC News app for news alerts about Hurricane Dorian

    Broward County has issued a mandatory evacuation order starting Sunday, DeSantis said, while Martin County issued a partial evacuation. A number of areas, including Glades, St. Lucie and Osceola counties, have issued voluntary evacuation orders, according to DeSantis.

    The National Hurricane Center announced Saturday morning that “there’s been a notable change overnight to the forecast of Dorian after Tuesday,” but it stressed that the shift does not rule out the possibility of the storm making landfall on the Florida coast.

    Dorian became a potentially devastating Category 4 storm Friday evening as it continued to churn in the Atlantic Ocean on its course to the southeastern United States early next week.

    “It’s important to stress that this doesn’t paint Florida as out of the woods yet,” said Kathryn Prociv, a meteorologist for NBC News.

    “Florida is still very much in the red zone,” she added.

    Full coverage: Latest stories and video on Hurricane Dorian

    Dorian will continue westward through the weekend but is then forecast to turn northward as it approaches the east coast of Florida early next week, the center said. It will bring “risks of life-threatening storm surge, devastating hurricane-force winds, heavy rainfall and flooding along its path.”

    As of the NHC’s 8 a.m. ET advisory Saturday, the storm was located 280 miles east of the northwestern Bahamas and 445 miles east of West Palm Beach.

    The latest forecast track has narrowed the “Cone of Concern,” as Miami-Dade County no longer faces the threat of the center of the hurricane. Parts of Broward County, including Fort Lauderdale, remain in the possible path of a Dorian landfall, according to the NHC.

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    New York (CNN Business)American reporters asked President Trump about Michael Cohen’s testimony during a photo opportunity between Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un on Wednesday.

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      Washington (CNN)Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team has expressed interest in the Trump campaign’s relationship with the National Rifle Association during the 2016 campaign.

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