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Concepción “China” Zorrilla de San Martín falleció hoy a las 11:30 horas a los 92 años por problemas respiratorios. 

Mañana de 9:00 a 12:30 el gobierno hará un velatorio oficial a la actriz uruguaya en el Salón de Los Pasos Perdidos del Palacio Legislativo, confirmó a El País Hugo Achugar, director de Cultura del Ministerio de Educación. El ingreso será por la puerta principal del Edificio (Av. del Libertador Brigadier General Juan Antonio Lavalleja). En el Palacio se le hará Honras de Estado como Personalidad de la Cultura del país.

Del Palacio Legislativo trasladarán los restos de la actriz al Teatro Solís y seguirán hacia el Cementerio Central. Hoy el velatorio será en la empresa Martinelli a las 18 horas, Canelones 1450, en la Sala Preferencial Ámbar, primer piso. 

El gobierno decretó duelo oficial para mañana. El presidente de la República, José Mujica, recordó a la actriz en declaraciones brindadas a la Secretaría de Comunicación de Presidencia.

“Hay algunos pajaritos criollos como el zorzal o el hornero que con mucha ternura y oficio antes de cada primavera construyen su nido, palito a palito. Sin darse cuenta, o dándose cuenta, China Zorrilla ha contribuido a construir cultura para el Uruguay y para el Río de la Plata, a lo largo de décadas y décadas, sumando como esos pajaritos, palito a palito con ternura”, reflexionó.

El jefe de Estado dijo que Uruguay le dará la despedida merecida. “Tendrá un tono de tristeza y un tono de alegría por la magnitud de esa vida”.

Por decretarse duelo nacional, la bandera nacional permanecerá a media asta durante esa jornada en todos los edificios públicos, embajadas de la República en el exterior, cuarteles, fortalezas, bases aéreas y buques de guerra.


El director técnico de la Asociación Española, Eduardo Grandal, confirmó la hora del fallecimiento y dijo en radio Monte Carlo que el deceso se dio “pese a los esfuerzos, tratamientos con antibióticos (…) lamentablemente la evolución fue hacia la insuficiencia respiratoria, que en definitiva fue la causa del deceso”.

El domingo pasado había sido internada por una infección aguda; Grandal dijo que falleció “después de haber estado padeciendo una larga enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica que evidentemente tuvo ahora una exacerbación, una infección aguda, que fue lo que motivó su ingreso” al sanatorio.

Si bien había tenido una leve recuperación, ayer tuvo una recaída. De todas formas no era el primer tropiezo de salud desde que había cumplido los 90 años. Cuando aún vivía en Buenos Aires tuvo un período en que su físico apareció afectado por enfermedades que la llevó a volver a emigrar a Montevideo al auxilio de una hermana y varios sobrinos.

Nacida en Montevideo en 1922, “China” perteneció a una familia patricia de artistas, en la que destacó su abuelo, el poeta Juan Zorrilla de San Martín y su padre, el escultor José Luis Zorrilla de San Martín.

Su vida artística como actriz y directora se inició con el grupo de teatro Ars Pulcra, debutando con la obra La anunciación de María, de Paul Claudel. Entre 1946 y 1948 permaneció becada en Londres y estudió en la Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. De regreso se incorporó al elenco de la Comedia Nacional, donde permaneció hasta 1958 actuando en decenas de obras, dirigidas por artistas del prestigio de Margarita Xirgu, Armando Discépolo y Orestes Caviglia.

En 1960 se sumó a la fundación del Teatro de la Ciudad de Montevideo, compañía a la que hizo valiosos aportes, hasta que se radicó durante cinco años en Nueva York. Allí presentó junto a Carlos Perciavalle Canciones para mirar, sobre la obra de María Elena Walsh, con la que ofrecieron al público de Broadway un espectáculo original y netamente rioplatense.

Entre sus múltiples áreas de acción sobresalieron, por esos tiempos, sus trabajos para la televisión uruguaya, con programas de difusión del teatro y la cultura en general.

Pero en 1971 se instaló en Buenos Aires para rodar Un guapo del 900, con dirección de Lautaro Murúa, a la que siguieron otros trabajos cinematográficos y escénicos.

Tras el inicio en 1973 de la dictadura en Uruguay fue proscrita como actriz. Radicada en Buenos Aires, desplegó gran actividad en teatro, cine y televisión.

En cine participó en más de 50 películas de una amplia variedad de géneros, desde Esperando la carroza, comedia costumbrista dirigida por Alejandro Doria, hasta la historia romántica Elsa y Fred, con dirección de Marcos Carnevale. Leopoldo Torre Nilson, Oscar Barney Finn, Fernando Ayala, Sergio Renán fueron algunos de los directores que trabajaron con ella, mientras Alfredo Alcón, Federico Luppi y Héctor Alterio se encuentran en la larga lista de actores que la tuvieron como compañera de reparto.

Tras la restauración democrática en 1985 volvió a actuar en Montevideo, con la obra Emily (de William Luce, sobre la poeta estadounidense Emily Dickinson), a la que siguieron muchos espectáculos ofrecidos en la capital y el interior, entre ellos algunos muy taquilleros, como la divertida pieza El diario privado de Adán y Eva (junto a Perciavalle), hasta el drama Camino a La Meca.

Más allá del teatro de texto, desplegó sus dotes histriónicas y su naturalidad escénica en espectáculos de carácter autobiográfico, en los que –a través de un entretenido anecdotario– repasaba los episodios más significativos de su vida artística.

Considerada una leyenda del teatro uruguayo, su proyección artística trasciende la escena: fue una figura de referencia en la vida pública tanto de Uruguay como de Argentina.

Entre otros galardones recibió la condecoración de la Legión de Honor en el Grado de Caballero de las Artes y las Letras, que el gobierno de Francia le otorgó en 2008.

El 14 de marzo de 2012, China quiso festejar su cumpleaños número 90 haciendo lo que mejor sabe hacer: subida al escenario de la sala María Guerrero del Teatro Nacional Cervantes, en Buenos Aires, diciendo textos para la admiración de una platea que aquel día tenía un auditorio muy especial con varias figuras de su carrera. Una tradicional torta de cumpleaños y un rosario de anécdotas siguieron a la representación teatral, aunque China se retiró de inmediato del lugar, seguramente como forma de reservarse ante semejante alud emocional.

Hoy el escenario mayor de la Alianza Cultural Uruguay-Estados Unidos lleva su nombre.

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If recent history is any indication, and of course it is, Michael Cohen’s testimony this week in front of Congress is about to make any lunatic ramblings by Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., look like the musings of a wise sage.

Cohen, President Trump’s former gofer, will on Tuesday deliver what is expected to be three days of testimony implicating his ex-boss in a series of crimes Cohen has already pleaded guilty to, including campaign finance violations (Zzz…), lying to Congress, and lying to the FBI.

Cohen has admitted that he lied about the timeline of a real estate venture that the Trump Organization has pursued for decades, including into the 2016 election. Cohen also claimed that he acted on behalf of Trump during the election when he paid hush money to women who claimed they had separate affairs with Trump years before.

[Read more: Here’s what Congress wants to hear from Michael Cohen this week]

A federal judge sentenced Cohen to three years in prison for those crimes, which have some relation to Trump, and others, which don’t, including Cohen’s extensive history of tax evasion and bank fraud.

So far, there is no strong evidence that Trump himself was engaged in any legal wrongdoing. The president denies he ever told Cohen to lie about the pursuit of a Trump Tower in Moscow, a project Trump has dreamed about since the 1980s, and he denies that the payments to his alleged mistresses from roughly 12 years ago were made to influence the 2016 election.

And there’s no reason why Cohen’s testimony should carry any weight. He most recently embarrassed himself in a nationally televised interview by insisting over and over again that he was “taking responsibility” for his crimes.

Cohen is “taking responsibility” by going to prison the same way a deadbeat drunk is “taking responsibility” for being unemployed. When you’re fired from your job, “taking responsibility” is your only option.

There has never been a time that Cohen didn’t look like a delusional mess.

On Election Day 2016, after it was clear that Trump had won the presidency, Cohen reportedly told a group of friends, “Nobody’s going to be able to fuck with us. I think I’m going to run for mayor.”

I imagine Cohen’s grandmother nearby offering an encouraging, “Some day you will, baby! You will!”

In March of last year, Cohen referred to himself as Trump’s “Ray Donovan,” a TV character who made the problems of celebrities go away. If that was Cohen’s paid responsibility for Trump as a “fixer,” the president should ask for a full refund.

But classic Cohen is his interview in 2015 with the Daily Beast, which sought comment from him for a story on Trump’s divorce from Ivana. Apparently unaware that Ray Donovan is not real, Cohen nonetheless channeled his fictional persona, telling the reporter, “So I’m warning you, tread very fucking lightly, because what I’m going to do to you is going to be fucking disgusting. You understand me?”

Now that Cohen’s going to prison, though, he’s supposedly gone from Ray Donovan to repentant deacon.

No one took him seriously before, and they shouldn’t take him seriously now.

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The city engineer who gunned down 12 people at a municipal building in Virginia Beach told a supervisor that he planned on quitting his job for “personal reasons,” according to his resignation letter released Monday.

The gunman, DeWayne Craddock, 40, submitted the letter Friday — the same day he opened fire at the Virginia Beach Municipal Center.

In an email, Craddock — who had worked at the city’s public utilities department for 15 years — said he would leave his job in two weeks.

“It has been a pleasure to serve the City, but due to personal reasons I must relieve my position,” he wrote.

In a reply, the supervisor, whose name was redacted, confirmed Craddock’s resignation date and wished him well in resolving his issues.

After Craddock thanked the supervisor, the email thread ended, offering scant insight into the gunman’s possible motives.

Virginia Beach City Manager Dave Hansen told reporters Sunday that Craddock had not been forced to resign, nor did he quit because he’d unsuccessfully pursued another job within the department.

At the same news conference, the city’s police chief, James Cervera, said that investigators had not yet determined what may have motivated the rampage.

Four people who were wounded in the shooting remained in critical condition Monday, according to Sentara Healthcare.

Eleven of the victims were city employees. Another was a contractor who’d gone to the municipal center seeking a permit.

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Ollanta Humala respondió a Alan García, quien ayer pidió que no lo metan “en la pandilla de los expresidentes”. | Fuente: RPP

El expresidente Ollanta Humala dijo este viernes que no pertenece “al club de los presidentes prófugos”, en respuesta a las declaraciones del también exmandatario Alan García, quien ayer a través de RPP Noticias pidió que no lo metan “en la pandilla de los expresidentes”.

A su salida de la sede del Ministerio Público, el líder del Partido Nacionalista defendió su gestión, descartó irregularidades en la concesión del Gasoducto Sur y rechazó estar involucrado en el tema de sobornos de la empresa brasileña Odebrecht. “Yo resido en el país, trabajo en el país, tengo mi actividad política, tengo arraigo y yo no me he ido del país en ningún momento. Estoy permanentemente a disposición de las autoridades y acato las normas del Ministerio Público y el Poder Judicial”, dijo Huamala a la prensa, que lo esperaba en la calle.

Contraataque nacionalista. “Yo le aseguro que nadie quisiera estar en el mismo saco con el señor (Alan) García”, dijo sobre el expresidente aprista. “Más bien me alegra que esta vez sí haya venido al llamado de las autoridades y, obviamente, yo no pertenezco a ese club de presidentes prófugos o que se van fuera del país a vivir”.

Humala Tasso se presentó esta mañana a la sede del Ministerio Público, para acudir a la citación del fiscal anticorrupción Reynaldo Abia, que investiga las irregularidades detectadas en la concesión del Gasoducto Sur Peruano a Odebrecht. Sin embargo, por cuestiones administrativas (problemas de notificación, trascendió) no se llevó a cabo la diligencia y se reprogramará para una próxima fecha.

El caso. La Segunda Fiscalía Provincial Especializada en Delitos de Corrupción investiga la presunta intromisión política a favor Odebrecht en la licitación del Gasoducto Sur Peruano.Por este mismo caso, Mauricio Cruz Lopes, presidente de Odebrecht en el Perú, no acudió a rendir su declaración. El fiscal Abia levantó un acta de inconcurrencia y dispuso la reprogramación de la diligencia para una próxima fecha.

Cabe mencionar que hoy también llegó al Ministerio Público la militante aprista Ángela Valdés Rivera, para brindar su testimonio, en calidad testigo, ante el fiscal José Antonio Castellanos Jara en la investigación preliminar abierta a Alan García y a la ex primera dama Pilar Nores por presunto lavado de activos.

Humala Tasso se presentó esta mañana en el despacho del fiscal Reynaldo Abia, pero la diligencia no se pudo llevar a cabo por temas administrativo. | Fuente: RPP
El exmandatario era esperado por su abogado Julio Cesar Espinoza, con quien ingresó al despacho del fiscal Abia para comenzar con el interrogatorio. | Fuente: RPP

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Fury over the Oregon father who concluded his family’s call with President Biden by saying “Let’s go, Brandon” is being mocked online, with critics pointing out there was little outrage when profane insults were aimed at former President Trump.

“OMG a guy was disrespectful to the president of the United States in one of the most euphemistic ways possible after four years of the entire legacy media celebrating pussyhats, middle fingers, and f*** yous directed at the president of the United States, everybody freak out,” conservative commentator Ben Shapiro said on Twitter Monday.

President Biden
(Scott Olson/Getty Images)


Shapiro was referring to a viral Christmas Eve moment that saw Jared Schmeck, a 35-year-old father of four from Oregon, conclude his call with Biden by saying “Let’s go, Brandon,” a phrase that has become a stand-in for the more vulgar “F*** Joe Biden” chants that at one point were spreading across the country.

The moment caused immediate backlash for Schmeck, who said he has received threats since video of his conversation went viral. The incident was also not well-received by much of the media, with NBC News referring to the exchange as a “right-wing slur” while ABC News called it a “vulgar insult.”

The Atlantic senior editor Ron Brownstein took things a step further during a Friday appearance on CNN, saying that the exchange was “about insurrection.”

President Biden and first lady Jill Biden speak with the NORAD Tracks Santa Operations Center on Peterson Air Force Base, Colo., via teleconference in the South Court Auditorium on the White House campus in Washington, Friday, Dec. 24, 2021. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
(AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

“Look, it’s ungracious. It’s juvenile. It’s reprehensible by the father, but I don’t think it’s fundamentally about incivility. It’s about insurrection,” Brownstein said. “I don’t know the individual, but the whole Let’s Go Brandon kind of motif is a reflection of the view of two-thirds of the Republican base, driven by Trump’s claims, false claims, and the Big Lie, that Biden is an illegitimate president.”

But critics such as Shapiro pointed out there was much less outrage in cases where vulgar insults were directed at Trump, including when Virginia woman Juli Briskman was photographed flipping the then-president a middle finger as his motorcade passed her riding a bicycle in 2017.

Briskman was soon fired from her job with a government contractor after the photo went viral, prompting many to come to her defense.

“It should be illegal to fire the cyclist who gave Trump the finger,” declared a headline in the Washington Post shortly after Briskman’s firing. 

Briskman used her newfound notoriety and sympathetic media coverage to launch a bid for and win a race to represent her area on the Loudoun County, Virginia Board of Supervisors in 2019, prompting even more kind news coverage.

“Take that, Mr. President: Woman who gave the finger to Trump’s car wins election,” read an NBC News headline after Briskman’s election victory.

Former President Donald Trump. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File)

Conservative Commentator Stephen L. Miller also alluded to the differences in reaction between Schmeck’s comment to Biden and Briskman’s middle finger, reposting an image of the viral photo as debate of the Schmeck incident raged on Twitter.

“Trump was very easy to make fun of, and people should have made fun of him. It’s a wonderful thing that we have a country where we can get away with it,” Miller said in a subsequent tweet.

As the controversy rages, Schmeck said that he considered his use of the line a “joke” but has now been “attacked” for the exchange.


“And now I am being attacked for utilizing my freedom of speech,” Schmeck told The Oregonian newspaper Saturday.

“He seems like he’s a cordial guy,” Schmeck continued, referring to the president. “There’s no animosity or anything like that. It was merely just an innocent jest to also express my God-given right to express my frustrations in a joking manner. … I love him just like I love any brother or sister.”

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Bernie Sanders took the stage at a fiery Fox News town hall in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania on Monday, and sparks flew almost immediately, as Sanders defiantly refused to explain why he would not voluntarily pay the massive new 52-percent “wealth tax” that he advocated imposing on the nation’s richest individuals.

“We’ll get through this together,” Sanders said at one point, as tensions flared.

Sanders later admitted outright that “you’re going to pay more in taxes” if he became president. Just minutes before the town hall began, Sanders released ten years of his tax returns, which he acknowledged showed that he had been “fortunate” even as he pushed for a more progressive tax system.

According to the returns, Sanders and his wife paid a 26 percent effective tax rate on $561,293 in income, and made more than $1 million in both 2016 and 2017.

But pressed by anchors Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum as to why he was holding onto his wealth rather than refusing deductions or writing a check to the Treasury Department, Sanders began laughing dismissively and, in an apparent non sequitur, asked why MacCallum didn’t donate her salary. (“I didn’t suggest a wealth tax,” MacCallum responded.)

“Pfft, come on. I paid the taxes that I owe,” Sanders shot back. “And by the way, why don’t you get Donald Trump up here and ask him how much he pays in taxes? President Trump watches your network a little bit, right? Hey President Trump, my wife and I just released 10 years. Please do the same.”

Asked whether Sanders’ success — and subsequent decision to hold onto his cash — wasn’t an implicit endorsement of the capitalist system he has repeatedly called dysfunctonal, Sanders rejected the notion out of hand.

“When you wrote the book and made the money, isn’t that the definition of capitalism and the American dream?” Baier asked, referring to Sanders’ bestselling 2016 memoir “Our Revolution.”

“No,” Sanders replied flatly, after a pregnant pause. “What we want is a country in which everyone has an opportunity. … A lot of people don’t have a college degree. A lot of people are not United States senators.”


Sanders doubled down on his previous defenses of his wealth, which even some progressives have called hypocritical.

“This year, we had $560,000 in income,” Sanders said. “In my and my wife’s case, I wrote a pretty good book. It was a bestseller, sold all over the world, and we made money. If anyone thinks I should apologize for writing a bestselling book, I’m sorry, I’m not gonna do it.”

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders addressing a rally in North Charleston, S.C., in March. (AP Photo/Meg Kinnard, File)

On whether he supported abortions that occur up to the moment of birth, Sanders retorted, “I think that happens very, very rarely, and I think this is being made into a political issue. At the end of the day, I thnk the decision over abortion belongs to a woman and her physcian, and not the government.”

Sanders also said felons, including rapists and murderers, should be able to vote from prison. But he insisted he was not simply courting more potential Democrat voters.


The Tax Day town hall took place as Sanders emerged as the fundraising front-runner among Democrats, and sought to further distinguish himself from a crowded field of liberal candidates who have largely embraced his progressive proposals, from a sweeping ‘Medicare for All’ overhaul to a higher minimum wage and free public college education.

“I think Trump is a dangerous president, but if all we do is focus on him, we lose,” Sanders said at the town hall.

Separately, Sanders acknowledged that his proposed Medicare for All health care overhaul — which has also been embraced by other 2020 Democrat hopefuls, including Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren — would mean that many Americans would “pay more in taxes.”

Some estimates put the total costs for the plan over 10 years at more than $32 trillion, and say it would necessitate historic tax hikes.

Sanders began by deflecting when asked by Baier whether he was concerned about the rising national debt, saying it was “ironic” that Republicans weren’t instead attacking the president.

“You’re talking to the wrong guy,” Sanders said. “We pay for what we’re proposing, unlike the President of the United States.”

Sanders more substantively discussed a plan to impose a “speculaton tax” on Wall Street.

“I am concerned about the debt. That’s a legitimate concern,” Sanders said. “But we pay for what we are proposing. In terms of Medicare for All, we are paying for that by eliminating as I said before, deductibles and premiums. We are going to save the average American family money.”

When Baier polled the audience at the town hall — which was clearly supportive of Sanders throughout — most indicated they would support Sanders’ health care plan, despite currently having private insurance they would lose.

Sanders also warned that climate change poses an existential threat, citing a recent United Nations report claiming that only 12 years remain to make significant changes in global carbon emissions to avert a climate catastrophe. The United Nations made the same prediction in 1989, falsely warning that the world then faced a 10-year deadline that has come and gone.

On immigration, Sanders said we “don’t need to demonize immigrants” and proposed “building proper facilities right on the border” and enacting “comprehensive immigration reform.” But he said it was “not a real question” when MacCallum asked about the merits of Trump’s proposal to send illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities.

The 77-year-old self-proclaimed ‘democratic socialist’ — the longest-serving Independent member of Congress in history — has also faced criticisms that he mght be too old to serve as president.


At the town hall, Sanders acknowledged it was a “fair question,” but said to applause there is “too much focus on individuals and not enough focus on the American people and what their needs are.”

Over the weekend, Sanders sparred with progressive activist groups that pointed out that he has since largely dropped his criticisms of “millionaires and billionaires,” opting instead to single out “billionaires” only.

Earlier Monday afternoon, Sanders previewed some of his messaging by asserting that President Trump’s “tax policies” will “raise taxes on millions of people.”

In an article entitled “Face it: You (Probably) Got a Tax Cut,” the New York Times credited liberal messaging with confusing large swaths of the electorate into thinking that their taxes went up, when in fact most saw significant tax savings under Trump’s 2017 tax law.

The town hall marked the Vermont senator’s first appearance on Fox News Channel since he agreed to be a guest on Baier’s show in December 2018. He also participated in a Fox News Channel town hall back in 2016 alongside his then-competitor Hillary Clinton.

Sanders ended the town hall by thanking Fox News for providing him the opportunity.

DNC Chair Tom Perez in April 2017. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images, File)

“Not everybody thought I should come on this show,” Sanders said at one point. “Your network does not have a great deal of respect in my world, but I thought it was important to be here.”


Democratic National Committee (DNC) chair Tom Perez has excluded Fox News from hosting a Democrat primary debate. Some congressional Democrats have called that decision inappropriate and unhelpful, and DNC leadership later said it had no objection to Sanders appearing at a Fox News town hall.

Asked whether he felt that the DNC would seek to tip the scales against Sanders — as leaked emails showed it did in 2016 — Sanders was optimistic.

“I think we have come a long way since then. We speak to the DNC every week,” Sanders told Baier and MacCallum. “And I think the process will be fair.”

Since announcing his presidential bid in February, Sanders has hauled in a whopping $18.2 million in the first 41 days of his campaign. But, although Sanders had a fundraising edge over his rivals, Democrats generally haven’t raised as much cash as they’d hoped by this point. Many donors have been sitting on the sidelines to see how the contest unfolds, signaling a drawn-out primary battle ahead.

The campaign among Democrats has come into greater focus as declared White House hopefuls reported their first-quarter fundraising totals. Early glimpses provided by nine of the declared candidates showed that Democrats were raising less money than they had in previous cycles and were coming up short against the campaign bank account Trump has been building.


Democrats collectively raised about $68 million since January, according to the candidates who have already released their fundraising totals. That’s less than the $81 million Democrats raised during the same period in 2007, the last time the party had an open primary, according to data from the Federal Election Commission. And, it paled in comparison with the $30 million Trump raised during the first quarter.

“There is no question that the numbers are not at the level that they were with Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in 2008 by a long shot,” said Tom Nides, a Clinton adviser and longtime fundraiser. “Am I worried? No, I’m not worried. But I’m a little bit concerned.”

Fox News’ Paulina Dedaj and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Los ‘Spanish Bulls’ de Pau Gasol y Nikola Mirotic comenzaron rodar con el tradicional ‘Media Day’ (día de puertas abiertas para la prensa).

Como no podía ser de otra manera Pau, el fichaje estrella de Chicago de cara a la temporada 2014-2015, fue uno de los jugadores más solicitados y que más expectación levantó.

“Me siento rejuvenecido, con mucha energía”, confesó el nuevo jugador de los Bulls
Uno de los puntos que más interés generó en Chicago fueron los motivos de su decisión de firmar por los Bulls teniendo ofertas de Knicks, Spurs o Heat. Pau fue claro: “Los Bulls tienen el potencial para conseguir algo grande. Tienen jugadores muy jóvenes hambrientos de éxitos, y yo quería formar parte de eso”.

Gasol desveló que que tuvo que decir “no” a Kobe Bryant, “fue una decisión muy dura”, que quería que siguiese en los Lakers para retirarse juntos. “Kobe fue uno de los primeros a los que conté mi decisión de fichar pos los Bulls”, declaró.

También contó que Phil Jackson le mandó un mensaje diciendo que le gustaría Chicago, tras decidirse por los Bulls y plantar a los Knicks.

“Haremos lo que tengamos que hacer para tratar de dominar los juegos interiores de la NBA”, dijo Pau Gasol, del que se espera mucho en Chicago en la pintura formando pareja con Joakim Noah.

“Cre que va a ser increíble. Estoy muy motivado de trabajar con alguien con el talento y la experiencia de Pau Gasol. Es uno de los mejores jugadores altos de la NBA”, declaró Noah.

Derrick Rose, el jugador franquicia de los Bulls si las lesiones se lo permiten, fue contundente a la hora de hablar del fichaje de Pau: “Cuando se ficha a alguien como Pau seguro que es para hacer un mejor equipo, y le doy las gracias a los Bulls por Gasol”.

El que también se rinde al talento de Pau Gasol es Tim Thibodeau, entrenador de los Bulls: “Uno puede ver las habilidades sobre la pista, pero también su inteligencia y capacidad de trabajo. Estamos ansiosos de ponernos ya a entrenar”.

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Three people, including a four-year-old girl, were shot in New York City’s Times Square following gunfire that broke out after a dispute. The city’s police officials said that the victims were not involved in the dispute that led to the gunfire. The three victims were innocent bystanders, according to New York’s Mayor Bill de Blasio. In addition, Police Commissioner Dermot Shea, stated a family from Brooklyn was visiting Times Square with the child to buy toys. 

“It appears that all three are innocent bystanders,” Shea said.

Meanwhile, the New York mayor has also informed that the suspects are being tracked down and has assured that the NYPD will bring them to justice. Moreover, Bill de Blasio also acknowledged the presence of illegal arms in the city and stated that it must stop.

Shooting at Aventura Mall, Florida

Meanwhile, another shooting incident was reported from Florida’s Aventura Mall. According to reports, Aventura Police have confirmed that three people were injured in the shooting that took place on Saturday afternoon at the mall. In addition, Aventura police have stated that several suspects are in custody and are being questioned by the detectives. 

“We have several suspects involved in custody and being question[ed] by Detectives. We have 3 victims who have sustained NON- life-threatening injuries and out being treated at local hospitals,” Aventura Police said on Twitter.

The Aventura Police spokesman, Michael Bentolila remarked that the shooting occurred due to an argument between two groups of people. Bentolila further added that the shooting took place in front of the Hugo Boss store at Aventura Mall. He remarked that an individual from one of the groups pulled out a gun thereby promoting another person from the other group to do the same following which the firing took place. After the incident, the mall has been closed for Saturday and will completely reopen on Sunday.  

(With agency inputs)

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São Paulo – Itallian Hairtech, a hair product company from São Paulo, will start to export to five Arab countries: Egypt, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Deals were closed during trade fair Beautyworld Middle East, which was held in Dubai, in the Emirates, from May 27th to 29th.

Press release

Company has 260 products in its line

“The fair was a success for us,” pointed out Luiz Carlos Costa, export manager of the company. The deals closed with Middle Eastern clients during the event amount to US$ 2 million and also include sales with Iran, which is not an Arab client.

Among the items which are to be shipped are hair dyes, products of the regeneration line and of the hydration and cauterization lines. “We try to work with raw-materials which can give hair smoothness, such as nanoparticles and French perfumes,” said the businessman.

The company is new to exports. Founded in 1995, it was only in the beginning of this year that Itallian Hairtech entered foreign markets. “We prepared the company to be able to answer [the foreign demand]. Today we have promotional material in English and Spanish and also the website [is in both languages]. We are very well prepared,” stresses Costa.

First foreign sales were to Latin and North American countries, such as Peru, Cuba, Colombia and the United States. The company even opened its own office with stockpiles in Orlando, in the USA, to supply the local market. Arab clients came soon after, as Dubai’s fair was the first international event in which the company participated as an exhibitor.

The company will also take part in Cosmoprof North America, to be held this week in Las Vegas, and they will go to a cosmetic sector exhibition in Hong Kong.

Overall, Itallian Hairtech has 260 products in its production line. The factory, in Atibaia, São Paulo’s countryside, produces 60 tonnes of products per month, but has the capacity to produce up to120 tonnes per month. “The goal for 2014 is to grow by 12% in our dollar earnings,” said Costa, who did not disclose figures of the current annual revenue.

According to the businessman, the Arab market has potential to be a large buyer of the company’s products. “We believed it would take a bit longer, but they liked our products so much,” said Costa, in reference to how fast they closed deals in Dubai’s fair. “We have plans to also do business in Sudan, Algeria and Iraq,” he added.

Itallian Hairtech has 70 employees. Though their factory is in the countryside, the company’s headquarter is in the city of São Paulo.


Itallian Hairtech
Phone.: (+5511) 2095-8888 / (+5511) 99981-4692
Website: (in English and Spanish)

*Translated by Rodrigo Mendonça

Source Article from

EL DORADO COUNTY (CBS13/AP) — The latest on the Caldor Fire burning in El Dorado County:

9:12 p.m.

Firefighters have still not gained any containment in the now 90,107-acre Caldor Fire.

As of Saturday night, more than 13,000 structures remain threatened by the flames, which jumped to the north side of Highway 50 near Kyburz. The fire has completely destroyed 270 structures while another 15 were damaged.

4:53 p.m.

The Caldor Fire has jumped Highway 50 near Kyburz. Firefighters say the community of most concern right now is Kyburz.

A 40-mile stretch of the highway remains fully closed between Pollock Pines and Meyers.

4:30 p.m.

Evacuation orders were extended to include areas south of Farnham Ridge Road and east of Bridgeport School Road to the Amador County line.

All other evacuation orders and warnings remain in place.

7:02 a.m.

Crews are digging in and burning out fire lines amid fears that another round of high winds will bring renewed fury to the Caldor Fire.

It has destroyed dozens of homes and on Friday authorities closed down a 46-mile stretch of Interstate 50, the main route between Sacramento and Lake Tahoe. They’re concerned about forecasts of winds Saturday up to 40 mph.

Overnight, it grew by close to 7,000 acres, according to Saturday morning’s update.

The fire has now burned 82,444 acres and destroyed 245 homes.

El Dorado County Sheriff, in collaboration with Cal Fire, has released a map displaying properties that have been inspected for any damage or any that have been destroyed. View it here:

Previous day’s updates below:

7:52 p.m.

The Caldor Fire has grown to burn 75,845 acres as of Friday evening. There was still no containment of the blaze, while approximately 15,000 structures remained threatened, according to Cal Fire.

The number of structures destroyed grew to 164 and another 8 were reported as damaged.

4:55 p.m.

A closure of Highway 50 was being implemented as of 4:30 p.m. due to safety concerns with the Caldor Fire. The closure will be from Sly Park Road in Pollock Pines to Meyers.

Additionally, Cal Fire added more evacuation orders Friday afternoon. Mandatory evacuations are now in place for:

  • Silver Fork Road in Kyburz east to Twin Bridges
  • North and south in a line extending from Twin Bridges to the Placer County line and south to the Amador County line.

Anyone in Kyburz or east of Kyburz who is under mandatory evacuation orders is advised to head east on Highway 50 toward Lake Tahoe.

Evacuation warnings are in place for:

  • The mandatory evacuation order line in Twin Bridges to the Echo Summit area and from Highway 50 south to the Amador and Alpine County lines and north to the Placer County line.
  • Dry Lakes Section, north of Wentworth Springs Road up to the Placer line and the remaining area of El Dorado County south of Placer County to Loon Lake

9:55 a.m.

Highway 50 remains open but the on-/off-ramps at Sly Park Road and Ridgeway Drive in El Dorado County remain closed. There are elevated fire concerns this weekend due to increased winds.

7:22 a.m.

The Caldor Fire is 73,415 acres in size and is 0 percent contained. It has destroyed 104 structures and is threatening 6,905 homes.

Latest Coverage: Caldor Fire Evacuees Adjusting To Living In Shelters

Previous day’s updates below: 

9:22 p.m.

The Caldor Fire has grown to burn 68,630 as of Thursday evening with zero containment.

According to Cal Fire, more than 100 structures have been destroyed in the fire, while nearly 7,000 more remain threatened. It is unclear how many of those are homes.

At least two civilian injuries have been reported so far.

2:02 p.m.

A community meeting about the fire is scheduled for 5 p.m. tonight. It’ll be live here and on the Cal Fire Amador-El Dorado Unit Facebook page.

10:27 a.m.

Visibility is improved today on the Highway 50 corridor in El Dorado County but the on-/off-ramps at Sly Park Road and Ridgeway Drive remain closed.

9:18 a.m.

Cal OES is reporting that 23,000 people in El Dorado County have been evacuated due to the Caldor Fire. That’s 10,000 more than all of the other fire-related evacuations statewide.

9:14 a.m.

The Red Cross has opened up another shelter in El Dorado County. This one is at District Church, which is at 7000 Rossmore Lane.

8:41 a.m.

The Eldorado National Forest remains closed for the safety of the public and firefighters. Those who are found on National Forest lands, roads, or trails could be fined up to $5,000 as an individual or up to $10,000 as a group, the Forest Service warns.

6:57 a.m.

Cal Fire AEU has issued a new incident update on the Caldor Fire.

At last check, the official acreage of the fire stands at 65,474.

The fire growth was moderate overnight, due to increased humidity. Spot fires remain hidden due to dense timber stands and limited road access. Authorities expect fire behavior to increase in the afternoon as the inversion layer lifts.

Multiple spot fires are expected to pop up in the north and northeast areas of the incident, causing potential fire growth. The red flag warning expires at 11 a.m.

The number of structures threatened now stands at 6,905. The number of structures destroyed is still undetermined.

Previous day’s updates below: 

9:06 p.m.

The Caldor Fire is now 62,586 acres in size. It’s 0% contained and is threatening 5,897 structures. Full containment is estimated to happen by August 31, 2021.

5:50 p.m.

With the threat of the Caldor Fire, the Red Cross has announced two temporary evacuation points in Amador County.

  1. Amador Fairgrounds: 18621 Sherwood Street, in Plymouth
  2. Evelyn Bishop Hall: 701 CA 124, in Ione

They also urge residents to park their car in the direction of their evacuation route if they need to quickly escape.

5:25 p.m.

5:23 p.m.

Evacuation Warnings have been issued for the following areas south of the El Dorado-Amador County line from:

  • Shenandoah Road at the Amador County line west through the River Pines community, continuing west on Shenandoah Road to Ostrom Road.
  • South on Ostrom Road to Jibboom Street, west on Jibboom Street to Fiddletown Road.
  • East on Fiddletown Road to Hale Road.
  • South on Hale Road to Shake Ridge Road.
  • East on Shake Ridge Road to Charleston Road.
  • South on Charleston Road to the intersection of Charleston Road and Rams Horn Grade.
  • Due east to Highway 88 at Tiger Creek Road.
  • Tiger Creek Road east to Salt Springs Reservoir Road.
  • East on Salt Springs Reservoir Road to the east end of the Salt Springs Reservoir.
  • Due north from the east end of Salt Springs reservoir to Highway 88. From this location.Amador County Sheriff’s Office is urging people to sign up for their CodeRED community notification system. Click here:

5:17 p.m.

Cal Fire Press Conference:

  • The fire stands at 53,772 acres and is 0% contained.
  • It will take time until residents are allowed back home.
  • Inversion conditions today helped to slow the spread of the fire, although the fire is still growing.
  • The fire is heading towards Highway 50 and away from populated areas.
  • It’s burning in “challenging terrain.”
  • Sheriff’s deputies are well-staffed and patrolling the evacuated areas. They are stopping and making contact with all people they encounter.
  • Evacuation warning areas: Ok to be in. Be prepared to leave as needed.
  • Evacuation order areas: Not open to be in.
  • Multiple damage inspection teams are out and will have some information in about a week or so.
  • The fire has not crossed Highway 50. It’s a few hundred yards away from the Highway at Ice House.
  • Amador County is now under an evacuation warning in the Caldor Fire. The Office of Emergency Services said authorities are evacuating people sooner, which they credit with no loss of life. A warning means, get ready to evacuate and leave now if you need extra time.
  • Amador County Sheriff’s Office is urging people to sign up for their CodeRED community notification system. Click here:

1:32 p.m.

While plumes are less defined after the Caldor Fire exploded yesterday, smoke still fills the air in El Dorado County.

Down in the valley, smoke has pulled air quality down to unhealthy levels.

10:18 a.m.

The Red Flag Warning for the Sacramento Valley and western Sierra has been extended until Thursday night.

According to the National Weather Service, the strongest winds are still expected Wednesday night.

9:01 a.m.

The Eldorado National Forest is now under an emergency closure through September due to the Caldor Fire.

This means that people are now prohibited from going into or being on National Forest System lands in the Eldorado National Forest. Further, people are also prohibited from being on a National Forest System road or trail.

People face a fine of $5,000 per person to $10,000 for an organization, or 6 months in prison, for violating the order.

8:45 a.m.

Stop lights through Placerville are now back to normal operations after being changed to give Caldor Fire evacuees priority.

The signals at Canal Street, Spring Street, and Bedford Avenue are now back to normal and cross traffic is again accessible.

7:42 a.m.

Cal Fire reports that the Caldor Fire has grown to a total of 53,772 acres as of Wednesday morning, more than doubling its size since Tuesday evening.

No containment has been reported at this point.

Extremely dry fuels coupled with southwest winds caused Tuesday’s explosive growth, firefighters say. A Red Flag Warning remains in effect for the area through Wednesday night.

7:10 a.m.

The American Red Cross’ evacuation center at Cameron Park Community Center is now full, officials say.

At the moment, officials say there is some availability at the Green Valley Community Church along 3500 Missouri Flat Road in Placerville.

6:16 a.m.

Several new evacuation orders have been issued for the Caldor Fire early Wednesday morning.

The following areas have been ordered to evacuate immediately:

South of Highway 50 from Ice House Road to Silver Fork Road, including the community of Kyburz.

North of Highway 50 from Ice House Road to Silver Fork Road, including Ice House Reservoir, Union Valley Reservoir, and Loon Lake.

Further, due to fire evacuations, the following schools will be closed on Wednesday:

Gold Oak Union School District: Gold Oak Elementary School & Pleasant Valley Middle School

Pioneer Union School District: Walt Tyler Elementary, Pioneer Elementary, Mountain Creek Middle School

District officials say it appears that Walt Tyler Elementary School campus in Grizzly Flats is a total loss.

Previous day’s updates below: 

9:56 p.m.

The El Dorado County Sheriff’s Office says the evacuation centers in Diamond Springs and Cameron Park are at capacity. They urge residents to use the evacuation center at Green Valley Church, which is at 3500 Missouri Flat Road, Placerville.

Also, California has secured federal assistance to support the response to the Caldor Fire.

9:15 p.m.

The El Dorado County Sheriff’s Office has issued evacuation orders for all areas between Mormon Emigrant Trail and Highway 88.

8:03 p.m.

For the first time today, there are mandatory evacuations in effect north of Highway 50.

Mandatory Evacuations (source: Eldorado NF):

  • South side of Highway 50 north of Sly Park to extend west to Shows Road.
  • North side of Highway 50 from Larsen Drive to the west and Ice House to the east.

Evacuation Warnings:

  • Crystal Basin north of Highway 50 to include the area of Loon Lake Ice House, and Union Valley Reservoir.
  • Area south of Highway 50 from Ice House Road to Kyburz, extending south of Highway 88.

CALFIRE says resources are coming from downstate for the Caldor Fire.

“We have continuously brought in additional resources overnight and throughout the day from Southern California and other areas that have not yet been affected and are not currently predicting significant winds”

Watch: CBS13 toured part of Grizzly Flats to show residents what was standing.

6:47 p.m.

The Red Cross is opening up an evacuation shelter at Green Valley Community Church, which is at 3500 Missouri Flat Road in Placerville.

6:35 p.m.

CBS13 reporters shared these updates Monday:

6:18 p.m.

All hotels in the Placerville area are completely booked. Management at Best Western there tells CBS13 they’ve turned 100-plus evacuees away after booking their last room early this morning. They also say all hotels down to Folsom are full.

5:48 p.m.

Cal Fire held a meeting Tuesday night to discuss the latest developments in the Caldor Fire. Here are the main points of the meeting:

  • 30,000 acres burned (yesterday acres burned were 1,400); zero containment.
  • Roughly 242 crew members are battling the fire.
  • Officials are considering a full forest-wide closure.
  • The fire has crossed Mormon Emigrant Trail
  • Crews expect continual south/southwest flow of wind tonight, which will keep the fire flowing in a northerly direction.
  • In light of rumors of looters in the area, 30-40 sheriff’s deputies in the area of fire in security teams to protect homes.
  • There was no answer as to whether or not water sources will be impacted.
  • Crews are asking the public for patience as they fight the fire.
  • There’s no word on a timeline of when people could possibly head back home and assess damages.

5:05 p.m.

Cal Fire says the fire has burned 30,000 acres and is 0% percent contained.

Watch the latest live update here:

4:25 p.m.

The following areas are currently under mandatory evacuation orders:

  • Pollock Pines
  • East of Sly Park Road
  • South of Highway 50 up to Ice House Road, including north of Mormon Immigrant Trail and Jenkinson Lake
  • Grizzly Flats/Somerset east of Mt. Aukum Road
  • Happy Valley

Governor Newsom has proclaimed a state of emergency in El Dorado County due to the fire.

4:12 p.m.

Other news outlets are reporting a number of structures damaged; however, there is no official assessment of damage at this time, says a fire spokesperson.

3:53 p.m.

Cal Fire reports that the Caldor Fire has burned 6,500 acres and is 0% contained.

(This is a reduction in the total acreage Cal Fire reported earlier of 8,000 acres.)

3:50 p.m.

Placerville Police warn that WB Highway 50 will be congested as people from the Pollock Pines leave their homes. Manual traffic control will be implemented and officers will not allow cross traffic during these times.

3:44 p.m.

The Diamond Springs evacuation center has been closed and has moved to Cameron Park. Here are the evacuation centers currently open:

  • Cameron Park (CSD, 2502 Country Club Drive, Cameron Park)
  • Large Animal Shelter (Amador County Fairgrounds, 18621 Sherwood St., Plymouth, (Empire Street Gate)
  • Small Animal Shelter: (530) 621-5795

3:30 p.m.

Highway 50 from Meyers to Ice House Road may be closed in the next couple of hours due to the Caldor Fire, the CHP says. They urge people leaving South Lake Tahoe to do so as soon as possible and use alternate routes such as SR-89 to I-80 or US-50 to I-395.

2:49 p.m.

The Diamond Springs Fire Hall evacuation center is now full, Cal Fire says.

Evacuees are being urged to go to the Cameron Park CSD at 2502 Country Club Drive.

People with large animals can head to the Amador County Fairgrounds at 18621 Sherwood Street in Plymouth.

A map with the latest details on evacuation orders can be found here:

1:15 p.m.

Mandatory evacuation orders are now in effect for parts of Pollock Pines.

According to the El Dorado County Sheriff’s, the following areas are now under evacuation orders:

  • East of Sly Park Road.
  • South of Hwy 50 up to Ice House Road.
  • North of Mormon Emigrant Trail (including Jenkinson’s/Sly Park Lake).

Evacuation warnings are also in effect for the following areas:

  • South of Hwy 50 to Pleasant Valley Road.
  • From Sly Park Road, west to Snows Road and Newtown Road, including the community of Rancho Del Sol.

12:55 p.m.

Tuesday’s Red Flag Warning has now been extended through 8 p.m. Wednesday.

Gusty winds are predicted for the mountains and portions of the Sacramento Valley starting early Tuesday afternoon. Coupled with the extremely dry conditions, the fire danger level is critical.

11:46 a.m.

Placerville authorities say they are closely monitoring the Caldor Fire burning nearby, but say there is no indication at this point that it’s moving towards the city. 

People are being urged to sign up for El Dorado County’s CodeRED notification system to know if and when evacuation orders have been given out. 

10:15 a.m.

Evacuation orders have now been issued for the Sly Park area due to the Caldor Fire, authorities say. 

An evacuation warning has also been given to the Pollock Pines area. 

9:48 a.m.

As the Caldor Fire grows, its path of destruction is also becoming more clear.

No exact number of homes destroyed or damaged has been released at this point, but it’s clear that many houses have been lost.

The unpredictable nature of the Caldor Fire has also forced our own news crew to be escorted out of possible danger.

7:25 a.m.

New evacuation orders have been issued early Tuesday morning for the Caldor Fire.

The following areas are affected:

Grizzly Flats/Somerset
• All roads off of Grizzly Flat Rd., east of Mt. Aukum Rd. in Somerset (Known as Four Corners) into Grizzly Flats Proper
Happy Valley
• All roads off of Happy Valley Road, east of Mt. Aukum Rd. in Somerset to Sciaroni

The new evacuation orders came after more residents were ordered to leave very early Tuesday morning. These areas included:

Grizzly Flats
• Henry Diggins off Caldor Rd
• Areas of Grizzly Flats from Grizzly Flats Rd & Arctic Lane, east to include:
o Consumnes Mine Rd o String Canyon Rd
o Sciaroni Road o Capps Crossing east to North South Rd
o North to String Canyon Road

Happy Valley
• Happy Valley Rd from Sweeneys Crossing to Sciaroni Rd

As of Tuesday morning, the Caldor Fire has grown to 6,500 acres.

Previous day’s updates below:

11:45 p.m.

Due to rapidly expanding fire Monday night, the El Dorado County Sheriff’s Office has issued mandatory evacuations notices for the Grizzly Flats.

7:34 p.m.

11:14 a.m.

The evacuation notice for the Leoni Meadows and Big Mountain areas have now been upgraded to Mandatory Evacuation Orders, authorities say.

According to the El Dorado National Forest, the sheriff’s office notified homeowners in those areas of the evacuation orders on Monday morning.

8:30 a.m.

The Caldor Fire has now grown to 754 acres as of Monday morning, the forest service reports. 

No containment is reported at this point. 

Yesterday, smoky conditions grounded fixed-wing aircraft that could have helped battle the fire. Helicopters are still helping in the firefight, however. 

Firefighters will be continuing to build lines where possible. 

High temperatures coupled with gusty winds are giving firefighters cause for concern on Monday. 

Previous day’s updates below:

Mandatory evacuations are in place for a new vegetation fire near Grizzly Flats in El Dorado County.

The Caldor Fire was reported Saturday at approximately 7 p.m. and is estimated at 400 acres with zero containment, as of Sunday afternoon, according to the ElDorado National Forest Service.

It is located about one mile east of Omo Ranch, burning in the area of Middle Fork Cosumnes River.

Firefighters report that challenging terrain and darkness made accessing the fire difficult and it burned actively throughout the night.

There are currently 90 personnel assigned to the fire, with additional resources en route.

An evacuation center has been set up at the Diamond Springs Fire Hall at 501 Pleasant Valley Road.

The cause of the fire is under investigation.

(© Copyright 2021 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Associated Press contributed to this report.)

Source Article from

An unusual and mostly forgotten pledge Chinese President Xi Jinping signed eight years ago that China would protect Ukraine in the event of a nuclear attack is getting fresh attention following Russia’s invasion of its Eastern European neighbor.

China’s 2013 promise to Ukraine of unspecified security guarantees echoed the kind of commitment nuclear-armed states—including China—have long made to nonnuclear ones, assurances that the U.S., U.K. and Russia had earlier also extended directly to Ukraine for relinquishing Soviet-era weapons. Yet Beijing appeared to be promising more than it had in past commitments, and why it singled out Ukraine for such an arrangement has confounded nuclear experts ever since.

Source Article from

Diecisiete personas murieron y 20 seguían desaparecidas por el inusual temporal que azotó en la semana el árido norte chileno, donde también quedaron afectados cuatro mineros del grupo de los 33 que habían sido espectacularmente rescatados en 2010.

De acuerdo a un último reporte oficial entregado la noche del domingo, dos nuevos cadáveres fueron encontrados en Atacama, una región a unos 800 km al norte de Santiago que ha sido la más afectada por el intenso temporal que azotó a esta zona el pasado miércoles y jueves.
En tanto, los damnificados sumaban unos 11.000 y el número de desaparecidos alcanzaba a las 20 personas, precisó el reporte de la Oficina Nacional de Emergencias (Onemi).

Tres mineros del grupo de los 33 que se hicieron famosos al haber sido rescatados tras permanecer más de dos meses encerrados en lo profundo de una mina no han sido ubicados después de los temporales.
Luis Urzúa, líder de los 33 mineros de Atacama, dijo este domingo que, después de los temporales, no tenían noticias de Ariel Ticona, Esteban Rojas y Víctor Segovia.

Ticona y Rojas vivían en la localidad de Paipote, cerca de la ciudad de Copiapó y una de las más golpeadas por los temporales.
“En este momento hay dos de los compañeros que no hemos podido tener contacto con ellos por vía telefónica ni hemos podido llegar a donde ellos”, dijo Urzúa, entrevistado por radio Cooperativa.

“Esperemos que estén bien dentro de todo lo anormal que está en el sector de Paipote”, agregó Urzúa, el último minero en haber sido rescatado en una impecable operación que puso fin a 69 días de encierro a más de 600 metros de profundidad, el 13 de octubre de 2010, y que fue transmitido en vivo internacionalmente.

Más adelante en la conversación con Cooperativa, Urzúa dijo que tampoco habían logrado comunicarse con Víctor Segovia.

Ariel Ticona era el único del grupo de nacionalidad boliviana. Esteban Rojas se casó por iglesia con su compañera, Jessica Yáñez, a quien había propuesto matrimonio desde el interior de la mina. Víctor Segovia, en tanto, era el encargado de llevar una bitácora al interior de la mina.

La Onemi dijo a la AFP que no disponía de un listado de desaparecidos, por lo que no podía confirmar si los mineros formaban parte de las 20 personas que se reportaban hasta ahora como oficialmente desaparecidas producto de la tragedia.

El temporal afectó también a otro miembro del grupo de los 33, el minero Víctor Zamora, cuya casa fue arrasada en el pequeño poblado minero de Tierra Amarilla, a unos 15 km de Copiapó.

“Esta es otra tragedia; lo perdimos todo”, dijo Zamora el viernes a la AFP.
“Estábamos durmiendo. Fue como a las tres de la madrugada. Alcanzamos a arrancar sólo con lo puesto”, relató.

Los 33 mineros de Atacama quedaron atrapados tras un derrumbe que ocurrió el 5 de agosto de 2010 en la mina San José. Los primeros 17 días no se tuvo noticias de ellos y se pensaba que podrían haber muerto, pero a través de un pequeño agujero hicieron llegar a la superficie un mensaje de vida.

Desde ese día, se desató una carrera contra reloj para poder rescatarlos sanos y salvos.

Source Article from

Kirsten Gillibrand will finish out her Senate term as promised. That’s because she will never be president.

Well, OK — there’s one scenario that could actually give her a minute but tangible shot.

Gillibrand’s positions have flip-flopped on everything from gun rights advocacy (she once had a 100 percent rating from the NRA) to immigration. She now supports single-payer healthcare and tries to posture herself as a champion of the people all while waiting on Wall Street on bended knee for campaign cash. The former proud moderate has the single most anti-Trump voting record in the Senate, “evolving” into a #Resistance hero, coincidentally just in time to run for president!

[Read: Kirsten Gillibrand launches 2020 bid for the White House]

Gillibrand’s electoral issue, however, is less about her blatant political opportunism and more about the current landscape of the Democratic Party. The socialists and hard-leftists don’t trust her coziness with Wall Street, and she hasn’t exactly positioned herself well to claim the mantle of centrism or Rust Belt friendliness. She’s a white woman running in a primary race where as many as half of the voters have heard of “intersectionality” and think it actually matters. Although she doesn’t suffer from the same obvious unlikability factor plaguing Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Gillibrand hardly oozes charisma.

Plus, an entire coalition of Clinton and Al Franken acolytes already have their knives out for her. Gillibrand, recall, spearheaded the push to oust Franken from office for his sexual predations, and she also denounced Bill Clinton’s treatment of women.

But this is where a target on her back can become an asset.

There’s just one issue that Gillibrand has been earnestly consistent on, and that’s advocating for sexual assault victims. Although her push to oust serial predator and former Sen. Al Franken from office earned her left-wing ire, it was probably one of the most honest and genuine things she’s done in a very opportunistic political career. We cannot know her motive, and it’s fully possible that she turned on Franken out of political expediency. But given the continued grudge held by Franken fans and donors levied against Gillibrand, it seems unlikely that she did so out of sheer political calculus. Her advocacy for sexual assault victims has spanned from those in the military to college campuses over her entire career in national politics. If Gillibrand has one “passion” that doesn’t seem to have come from a public opinion poll or campaign strategist, it’s justice for women.

Gillibrand doesn’t have a real constituency or base yet. Her biggest selling point at the moment is that she’s not as insane as many of her peers and has actual experience with a legislative record to speak of, unlike (ahem) a very popular failed Senate candidate from Texas. But what if Gillibrand could turn the Franken and Clinton outrage in on itself, making lemons into lemonade?

It would be bold and extremely risky for Gillibrand to open fire on hypocritical liberals who were more than happy to destroy Brett Kavanaugh’s life without a shred of evidence, but proudly defend Al Franken and Bill Clinton to this day. But it would be a masterful relitigation of 2016 and a stunning rebuke of President Trump at the same time. If executed correctly, it could even could have bipartisan appeal. If Gillibrand went kamikaze on her own party, forcing Democrats to take sides on #MeToo, either to expose themselves as hypocrites or stand with her, then she could buy herself time to build a base.

Then, if she did secure the nomination, she would have an easy pitch to suburban voters in the general election: I’m a non-insane Democrat who stands with women instead of groping them.

This isn’t a likely scenario, but it’s the only one where Gillibrand emerges with her image empowered instead of corrupted and her career doesn’t fade into irrelevance.

Source Article from

La orden de excarcelación alcanza a los integrantes de la banda Patricio Fontanet, Juan Alberto Carbone, Cristian Torrejón, Maximiliano Djerfy y Elio Delgado. También será liberado el manager Diego Argañaraz y se dejará sin efecto la prisión domiciliaria del escenógrafo Daniel Horacio Cardell. En tanto, el exbaterista Eduardo Vásquez seguirá detenido “a exclusiva disposición del Tribunal Oral en lo Criminal N°20 de la Capital Federal”, en el marco de la causa por el homicidio de su esposa, Wanda Taddei.

Raúl Villareal, exmano derecha del gerenciador del boliche Cromañón, Omar Chaban, es otro de los beneficiados de la resolución del TOC 24, al igual que los tres funcionarios procesados. Abandonarán la cárcel la exsubsecretaria de Control Comunal porteña, Fabiana Fiszbin, y el exdirector general de Fiscalización y Control porteño, Gustavo Torres. Ana María Fernández, exdirectora adjunta de Fiscalización y Control porteña, estaba con prisión domiciliaria, la cual fue dejada sin efecto.

El tribunal sostuvo que en función de lo resuelto por la Corte Suprema “la ejecutoriedad de la sentencia condenatoria dispuesta por la Sala III de la CFCP ha perdido vigencia (…) hasta tanto sea revisada por otra sala de ese mismo tribunal de casación”.

En un fallo emitido ayer, pero que se difundió hoy, la Corte aceptó los recursos presentadas por las defensas, por lo que ordenó que el expediente vuelva a la Cámara Federal de Casación Penal y que se dicte una nueva sentencia para la mayoría de los acusados. Oscar Marcelo Brito, abogado de Fontanet, explicó que el Máximo Tribunal “decidió que en virtud de una disposición de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (los músicos) deben tener una revisión de la sentencia y una nueva condena”.

En el juicio oral, los músicos de Cromañón habían sido absueltos, pero en 2012, la sala III de Casación, integrada por Liliana Catucci, Eduardo Riggi y Mariano Borinsky, los condenó y dispuso el inmediato cumplimiento en prisión de las penas impuestas. Fontanet fue condenado a siete años, el exbaterista Eduardo Vázquez, que cumple prisión perpetua por el crimen de su esposa Wanda Taddei, a seis años, mientras que el saxofonista Juan Alberto Carbone, los guitarristas Maximiliano Djerfy y Elio Delgado, Torrejón y el ex manager Diego Argañaraz, a cinco años. En tanto, el escenógrafo Cardell, fue sentenciado a tres años.

También fueron condenados el exgerenciador del boliche Omar Chabán (diez años de cárcel), el exsubcomisario Carlos Díaz (ocho años), la ex “mano derecha” de Chabán, Raúl Villarreal (seis años), los ex funcionarios porteños Fabiana Fizbin (cuatro años), Ana María Fernández (tres y medio) y Gustavo Torres (tres y nueve meses). Las condenas a Chabán y Villareal se mantuvieron firmes en ambas instancias, por lo que son los únicos que seguirán en la cárcel.

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Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval present the Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production

Miami – July 31, 2014 – Telemundo presents “Muriendo por Cruzar”, a documentary that investigates why increasing numbers of immigrants are dying while trying to cross the US-Mexican border near the city of Falfurrias, Texas, this Sunday, August 3 at 6PM/5 C.  The Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production, presented by Noticias Telemundo journalists Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval, reveals the obstacles immigrants face once they cross into US territory, including extreme weather conditions, as they try to evade the border patrol.  “Muriendo por Cruzar” is part of Noticias Telemundo’s special coverage of the crisis on the border and immigration reform.


“‘Muriendo por Cruzar’” dares to ask questions that reveal the actual conditions undocumented immigrants face as they try to start a new life in the United States,” said Alina Falcón, Telemundo’s Executive Vice President for News and Alternative Programming.  “Our collaboration with The Weather Channel was very productive. They have a unique expertise in covering the impact of weather on people’s lives, as we do in covering immigration reform and the border crisis. The result is a compelling documentary that exposes a harrowing reality.”

“Muriendo por Cruzar” is the first co-production by Telemundo and The Weather Channel.  Both networks are part of NBCUniversal.

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“There was a scenario a week ago where you could have seen him walking out of here with a bag of delegates that would have made anyone say … ‘I don’t know how I can overcome that,” said Ace Smith, a top strategist on Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign who ran California for Hillary Clinton in 2008. “It’s looking increasingly like he’s not going to get that. If there are two people who emerge with more than 15 percent, it’s going to be a victory with a small ‘v.’”

The difference between a blowout victory for Sanders and a closer result in which one or two of his opponents cross the threshold to secure statewide delegates will prove immensely important to whether he racks up enough delegates around the country to put the race out of reach for anyone else.

Four years ago, Sanders lost California to Clinton on an emotional night for his campaign that came one day after media superdelegate-counters called the Democratic nomination for Clinton.

But he wasn’t going to let that happen again this year. Sanders has established a long presence here that far surpasses his rivals, deploying hundreds of organizers and thousands of volunteers to the far corners of the state. He lent his outsize name to progressive candidates and causes. His advisers view their aggressive outreach to Latinos and independents as a major boon for their bid.

Sanders’ rivals, intent on pushing the race toward a contested convention, are trying to slash into his edge in California — but also in Texas and across the South and Northeast. Biden is counting on the consolidation of moderates from his big win Saturday, and favorable data showing that many Californians have hung on to their vote-by-mail ballots, to see how the race shakes out.

Complicating the calculus, a super PAC for Elizabeth Warren is spending in major media markets to boost her vote in congressional districts and statewide. And Mike Bloomberg, the billionaire self-funder making his primary debut, has spent more than $120 million on TV and digital ads across California and Texas.

Sanders has long viewed California as a welcoming state for him based on its demographics and politics. Ben Tulchin, Sanders’ San Francisco-based pollster, said the campaign early last year began to see his potential with Latino voters if they were able to communicate his core message of being the son of an immigrant who came to the U.S. for a better opportunity and spending much of his life trying to take on a rigged economy propped up by a corrupt political system.

“We found that economic message particularly resonated with Latinos and we saw in Nevada that play out very well,” Tulchin said.

Sanders’ considerable advantages here follow years of intense focus: He has been eyeing California’s massive delegate share — 415 pledged delegates, plus 79 superdelegates — since he lost the state to Clinton by 6 percentage points, with more than 360,000 votes separating them.

For Sanders’ supporters, there is added motivation in pushing him over the top this time. Less than 24 hours before the June 2016 primary, The Associated Press called the nomination for Clinton based on a survey of superdelegates, rendering the votes of more than 2 million Sanders backers functionally meaningless.

“Now, it’s almost like he had a bad date in 2016 and he’s back,” said Paul Mitchell, vice president of Political Data Inc. in Sacramento, who is tracking ballot returns in real time. “He’s brought the roses, he’s done his hair and brushed his teeth and now he’s ready to go. He’s been given a second chance to make an impression.”

At weekend rallies in San Jose and Los Angeles, Sanders nodded to California’s importance to his campaign while aides urged the nearly 25,000 attendees to follow state election rules that allow independent voters to request — and cast — a ballot in the Democratic primary. Sanders’ campaign has spent unprecedented time and money courting independents, running digital ads, sending thousands of calls, texts and customized mailers and putting the candidate out as part of a string of news conferences to familiarize them with the rules.

“NPP & INDEPENDENTS,” one ad on Spotify reads, “REQUEST YOUR PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY BALLOT.” A mailer from the Sanders campaign spells out the specific process, step by step, to request a Democratic presidential ballot and includes the vote-by-mail ballot application itself.

Chuck Rocha, a senior Sanders adviser and architect of his Latino outreach effort, refers to the play as his “secret strategy to win California by a big number.” “There are 6 million [no-party preference] voters. Three million are going to get a ballot in the mail that does not include the presidential ballot,” Rocha explained in an interview. “And these people are overwhelmingly Latino and young. Guess who young Latinos love?”

Rocha said he targeted so-called NPP voters by calling them and literally patching them though to their county election officials to request a ballot in real time. It’s a process Rocha has used before to help put constituent pressure on members of Congress on policy issues — but never on the Sanders campaign. “We used that technology, which is something nobody has done before.”

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LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — KWHY-TV Noticias 22, the MundoFOX Los Angeles television network affiliate’s award-winning newscast, Noticias 22, “La voz de Tu Ciudad,” “The voice of your city”, scored as the fastest growing late Spanish language newscast in Nielsen’s recently completed July 2015 Sweeps for Los Angeles, the city with the largest Hispanic market in the nation.

“Our growth is a strong statement of relevance and support to our news team and editorial direction,” stated Palmira Perez, Noticias 22 MundoFOX News Anchor. “Noticias 22 continues to produce the most engaging, compelling news and information daily for our community, and as part of Meruelo Media, together we’re committed to journalistic excellence,” added Otto Padron, President of Meruelo Media.

KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX Los Angeles July 2015 Sweeps Highlights:

  • KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. posted significant “year-to-year” growth in average ratings among the key demographic Adults 18-49, up 35% from the July 2014 Sweeps.
    • All the other Spanish-language late local newscasts were down, including those on KRCA/Estrella (-22%), KVEA/Telemundo (-1%) and KMEX/Univision (-2%). (Based on Monday to Friday average ratings.)
  • Among Adults 25-54, ratings for KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX at 10:00 p.m. were up 34% from the July 2014 Sweeps, more than the late newscast on KMEX/Univision (+15%) and KVEA/Telemundo (+7%), with KRCA/Estrella falling 19%.

Source: Los Angeles NSI Ratings, July 2015

For more information on KWHY-TV Noticias 22 MundoFOX, please visit

About Meruelo Media

Meruelo Media (MM) is the media division of The Meruelo Group.  MM currently operates two Southern California Legendary media platforms; the classic hip-hop and R&B radio station, 93.5 KDAY and one of Los Angeles’ oldest Hispanic TV stations, KWHY-TV Canal 22, which is currently the flagship of MundoFOX Television Network.  MM also owns the first and only US Hispanic Super Station, Super 22, airing on its KWHY-TV second digital stream and reaching over 6 Million Homes over various multiple video delivery providers.  MM also broadcasts in Houston and Santa Barbara.  The Meruelo Group is a minority owned, privately-held management company serving a diversified portfolio of affiliated entities with interests in banking and financial services; food services, manufacturing, distribution and restaurant operations; construction and engineering; hospitality and gaming; real estate management; media, public and private equity investing. For more information please visit

Rebekah Salgado 




SOURCE Meruelo Group / Meruelo Media


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A 47-year-old man was hospitalized after an argument turned violent outside Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, police said. Christel Reyna said her husband, Rafael Reyna, sustained a skull fracture and is on life support following the encounter in a parking lot Friday evening.

Police said a male suspect punched Rafael Reyna, who fell to the ground following the game against the Arizona Diamondbacks. Police are investigating the encounter as an assault. No arrests have been made.

The suspect may have driven off in a white SUV, possibly a Toyota 4Runner, according to investigators. The Dodgers released a statement saying the team was cooperating with police.

Christel Reyna said she was on the phone with her husband, a father of four, as he was leaving the stadium. She said she heard a woman and a man arguing with him.

“The next thing I heard was like a bat sound. Now I know that was him hitting the ground,” Reyna told CBS Los Angeles. “Why does everything have to turn to violence?”

In 2011, a fight at Dodger Stadium left a San Francisco Giants fan with permanent brain injuries. Two men pleaded guilty to the attack and were sentenced to federal prison. They were also ordered to pay a share of the $18 million judgment against the Dodgers. The attack drew national attention and led to increased security at the stadium.

Reyna questioned why the stadium is still unsafe after the 2011 attack. “We’re a huge Dodgers fan family. Is this how they treat their fans?”

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Una nueva avalancha ocurrida el martes en una popular zona de montañismo situada al norte de Nepal, dejó a unas 250 personas desaparecidas, anunció el gobernador Uddhav Bhattarai.

Turistas extranjeros podrían estar entre los desaparecidos por la avalancha en la aldea de Ghodatabela, por lo que de inmediato comenzaron las labores de rescate, sin embargo el mal clima y la lluvia han obstaculizado los esfuerzos.

Desde el terremoto de 7.8 grados en la escala de Richter, el sábado pasado, Nepal ha sido sacudido por decenas de réplicas, generando numerosos deslizamientos de nieve en la nación de los Himalayas.

El devastador terremoto y sus réplicas provocaron avalanchas en el Monte Everest dejando al menos 22 muertos y casi 220 desaparecidos en un campamento base de la montaña más alta del mundo, de ocho mil 848 metros sobre el nivel del mar.

En tanto, la cifra de muertos por el terremoto de Nepal podría alcanzar los 10 mil, declaró hoy el primer ministro Sushil Koirala, al tiempo que ordenó la intensificación en los esfuerzos de rescate y solicitó el envío desde el extranjero de tiendas de campaña y medicinas.

Según el Ministerio del Interior de Nepal, la cifra de muertos por el sismo aumentó este martes a cinco mil 057 y la de heridos a 10 mil 915, sin embargo el primer ministro Sushil Koirala teme que el número de fallecidos alcance los 10 mil.


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