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Former FBI Director James Comey on Wednesday said it didn’t “ring a bell” when asked whether he received an investigative referral on Hillary Clinton purportedly approving “a plan” attempting to tie President Donald Trump to Russia and distract from her email scandal before the 2016 election.

During his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, Chairman Lindsey Graham asked Comey about the newly declassified information released Tuesday by Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe.


According to the declassified information, in September 2016, U.S. intelligence officials forwarded an investigative referral on Clinton purportedly approving “a plan concerning U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russian hackers hampering U.S. elections” in order to distract the public from her email scandal. That referral was sent to Comey and Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence Peter Strzok.

“You don’t remember getting an investigatory lead from the intelligence community? Sept. 7, 2016, U.S. intelligence officials forwarded an investigative referral to James Comey and Strzok regarding Clinton’s approval of a plan [about] Trump…as a means of distraction?” Graham asked Comey Wednesday.

“That doesn’t ring any bells with me,” Comey replied.

“That’s a pretty stunning thing that it doesn’t ring a bell,” Graham fired back. “You get this inquiry from the intelligence community to look at the Clinton campaign trying to create a distraction, accusing Trump of being a Russian agent or a Russian stooge.”

Graham questioned “how far-fetched is that,” citing the fact that Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, through law firm Perkins Coie, hired Fusion GPS and ex-British intelligence officer Christopher Steele to author and compile information for the controversial and unverified anti-Trump dossier.

The dossier contains claims about alleged ties between Donald Trump and Russia that served as the basis for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants obtained against former Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

“A bunch of crap to be used against an American citizen,” Graham said. “You don’t recall this?”

Comey replied: “It doesn’t sound familiar.”

Asked later, by Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., on the matter, Comey said: “I don’t know what the director is doing.”

Graham’s line of questioning came after Ratcliffe informed the committee Tuesday that the Obama administration obtained Russian intelligence in July 2016 with allegations against Clinton, but cautioned that the intelligence community “does not know the accuracy of this allegation or the text to which the Russian intelligence analysis may reflect exaggeration or fabrication.”

Ratcliffe, in the letter sent to the committee, did not offer specifics on the intelligence, but did reveal that former CIA Director John Brennan’s handwritten notes show that he briefed former President Obama on the information.

According to Ratcliffe’s letter, the intelligence included the “alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016 of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services.”


Nick Merrill, Clinton’s spokesperson, called the allegations “baseless b———t.”

“This is Russian disinformation,” tweeted Rachel Cohen, spokeswoman for Senate Intelligence Committee Vice Chairman Mark Warner, D-Va., adding that it was “laundered by the Director Of National Intelligence and Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.”

“This is extraordinary,” she tweeted.

But Ratcliffe, in a statement released after the information was made public, pushed back on the idea he was advancing “Russian disinformation.”

“To be clear, this is not Russian disinformation and has not been assessed as such by the Intelligence Community,” Ratcliffe said in a statement to Fox News. “I’ll be briefing Congress on the sensitive sources and methods by which it was obtained in the coming days.”

Graham, of South Carolina, said he would review the information, noting that Ratcliffe would make it available in a classified setting.

“This latest information provided by DNI Ratcliffe shows there may have been a double standard by the FBI regarding allegations against the Clinton campaign and Russia,” Graham said.

The new information will likely add to criticisms from Republicans and those close to the president about the Russia investigation.

Attorney General Barr last year appointed U.S. Attorney of Connecticut John Durham to investigate the origins of the FBI’s Russia probe shortly after special counsel Robert Mueller completed his years-long investigation into whether the campaign colluded with the Russians to influence the 2016 presidential election.

It is unclear whether this information will be considered part of Durham’s investigation.

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Aunque la muerte del león se produjo a principios de mes, la noticia se conoció el pasado fin de semana.

En unos días, Walter Palmer, dentista y cazador aficionado, se convirtió en uno de los hombres más odiados de Estados Unidos. Y también en uno de los más buscados.

Palmer, que a principios de mes mató en una cacería a Cecil, el león más popular de Zimbabue, cerró su consulta en Mineapolis, canceló sus cuentas en redes sociales y desapareció.

Lea: Los cuestionados beneficios de la caza de especies amenazadas

No se sabe nada de él desde el martes. Y ya lo buscan las autoridades de su país, que investigan si puede ser llevado a juicio por lo que hizo.

En concreto, el Servicio Estadounidense de Pesca y Vida Silvestre (USFWS, por sus siglas en inglés) anunció este jueves que está investigando si la muerte del león Cecil fue parte de una conspiración para violar la ley de EE.UU. contra el tráfico ilegal de fauna.

Además, se puso en marcha una iniciativa ciudadana para pedir a la Casa Blanca que Palmer sea extraditado a Zimbabue.

En pocas horas, la petición consiguió superar ampliamente el umbral de las 100.000 firmas que obligan a que el gobierno dé una respuesta.

La acción del dentista Palmer, aficionado desde hace años a la caza mayor, ha generado indignación internacional.

¿Será procesado Walter Palmer por lo que hizo?

Lea: El estadounidense que mató al león Cecil de Zimbabue dice que lamenta lo ocurrido

¿Violación de la Ley Lacey?

La investigación abierta en Estados Unidos se centra en averiguar si el caso se puede abordar como una posible violación de la Ley Lacey, que prohíbe el comercio de pesca, flora o fauna que haya sido muerta, transportada o vendida de forma ilegal.

Al momento de ser aprobada en 1900, fue la primera ley federal que protegía la vida salvaje en EE.UU. La ley impone sanciones civiles y penales por el comercio ilegal de animales y plantas.

Actualmente, regula también la importación de cualquier especie protegida por la legislación internacional o nacional, e intenta evitar la expansión de especies invasoras o no nativas.

Dan Ashe, director del USFWS, escribió en la red social Twitter que la muerte del león es trágica y que su agencia “irá donde le lleven los hechos” en la investigación.

Theo Bronkhorst es cazador profesional y Honest Ndlovu, un terrateniente. Ambos participaron en la cacería que acabó con la vida de Cecil.

El organismo informó que no ha podido establecer contacto con Palmer, de quien no se sabe nada desde que el pasado martes emitió un comunicado en el que lamentaba lo ocurrido y decía que no sabía que la caza de Cecil fue ilegal.

Asimismo, Palmer se mostraba abierto a hablar con los investigadores y cooperar.

Edward Grace, subdirector de seguridad del USFWS, instó al dentista a ponerse en contacto con ellos inmediatamente.

Proceso en Zimbabue

Por el momento, el proceso judicial por la muerte del león ya se inició en Zimbabue.

Los fiscales imputaron al cazador profesional que supervisó el viaje de Palmer, Theo Bronkhorst, por matar a un león sin contar con la autorización necesaria para hacerlo.

Bronkhorst compareció ante la corte el mércoles y salió bajo fianza de US$1.000.

Si es hallado culpable, el cazador zimbabuense se enfrenta a una pena de hasta 15 años de cárcel.

La fiscalía está pendiente de imputar cargos contra un segundo sospechoso, Honest Ndlovu, propietario del terreno donde se produjo la muerte de Cecil y que se presentó ante el tribunal también este miércoles.

“Todavía estamos esperando a que el Estado lo impute ya que aún no hay cargos formales contra mi cliente”, declaró el abogado de Ndlovu, Tonderai Mukuku.

Leones en África


población máxima aproximada de leones


población máxima de leones en el sur de África

  • 665 número aproximado de leones “trofeo” muertos al año para ser exportados desde África

  • 49 leones “trofeo” fueron exportados desde Zimbabue en 2013

  • 0,29% contribución de la denominada “caza de trofeos” al PIB de Zimbabue

  • 17% del terreno de Zimbabue se destina a la “caza de trofeos”

Según la oficina de Conservación de Zimbabue, durante la caza nocturna ambos ataron un animal muerto en la parte trasera de su auto para atraer al león fuera del Parque Nacional de Hwange donde estaba protegido.

La asociación de operadores de safaris de Zimbabue, a la que pertenecía Bronkhorst, le retiró la licencia.

Lea también: Cecil el león y los beneficios de la caza de especies amenazadas

Extradición de Palmer

Pero hay quienes consideran que Walter Palmer también debe responder ante la justicia y en Zimbabue.

Al menos, así lo piensan las más de 159.000 personas que, hasta media noche del jueves, firmaron la petición a la Casa Blanca para que el cazador sea extraditado al país africano.

El portavoz de la Casa Blanca, Josh Earnest, declaró este jueves que, dado que la petición superó las 100.000 firmas necesarias para que sea tomada en consideración por el gobierno, habrá una respuesta oficial.

Se han organizado diversas protestas frente a la clínica dental de Palmer, cerrada desde el pasado lunes.

“Lo que quiero aclarar como asunto general -añadió Earnest- es que las decisiones sobre la acusación y la extradición las toma el Departamento de Justicia”.

Las condiciones legales para la entrega de Palmer están dadas: Estados Unidos y Zimbabue tienen un acuerdo de extradición desde abril de 2000.

El tratado aplica a todo aquel que sea imputado o condenado por “una ofensa extraditable” que se define “como un hecho punible según las leyes de los dos estados signatarios”.

Por ahora, Palmer no ha sido imputado ni en Zimbabue ni en Estados Unidos.

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El gobierno mexicano canceló los incentivos fiscales que se otorgaban a las producciones extranjeras que grababan en México, mientras que en el primer cuatrimestre del año, el dinero destinado al pago de intereses por el endeudamiento del gobierno federal, el pago de pensiones y las participaciones que se entregaron a estados y municipios casi representaron la mitad del gasto neto pagado del sector público. En la Ciudad de México se anunció la cancelación de la construcción de la línea 7 del Metrobús que correría por Paseo de la Reforma y la comunidad LGBT marchará para celebrar la inclusión, la diversidad y el respeto como cada último sábado de junio.

1. Cancela México apoyo a películas extranjeras

El Gobierno de México canceló el Programa de Apoyo a la Industria Cinematográfica y 
Audiovisual de Alto Impacto con el cual se otorgaban estímulos fiscales a productores de cine extranjeros que filmaran en nuestro país y consistía en la devolución de hasta 17.5 % del costo de producción.
Según un documento en poder de El Economista, la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público decidió cancelar el ProAv e instruyó a “proceder de manera inmediata a la suspensión de aportaciones, extinción y terminación de contratos relacionados”.

2. El pago de intereses, pensiones y participaciones estrangula al gasto

En los primeros cuatro meses del año, los recursos que se destinaron al pago de intereses por el endeudamiento del gobierno federal, el pago de pensiones y las participaciones que se entregaron a estados y municipios absorbieron 40% del gasto neto pagado del sector público.
De acuerdo con información de la SHCP, esta proporción ha venido en aumento, ya que en el mismo periodo del año pasado significó 35.3% del gasto neto del sector público y para el 2015 la relación era de 31.9 por ciento.
Entre los tres compromisos se destinaron 627,452.6 millones de pesos, un incremento de 11% real, respecto de lo que se gastó en los primeros cuatro meses del 2016.

3. ¿Por qué marcha la comunidad LGBTTTI?

Ya son más de 30 años de aquel decisivo encuentro en donde un puñado de activistas mexicanos, cansados de la intolerancia y la humillación, decidieron formar el Frente Homosexual de Acción Revolucionaria (FHAR), un grupo de homosexuales y lesbianas con un puntual objetivo, hacerle frente a los crímenes y abusos de los que eran víctimas.
Carteles, en lugar de armas; colores, en lugar de sangre; ellos salieron a las calles a unirse para erradicar el hostigamiento en el cual estaban inmersos en aquellos tiempos, cuando decir que eras delincuente era más aceptable que confesar que eras maricón.

4. México y Alemania sellan alianza pro libre comercio

Luego de la visita de la canciller federal de Alemania, Angela Merkel, y su comitiva de empresarios a México, el presidente Enrique Peña Nieto afirmó que el viaje es una muestra de la relación positiva que existe entre ambas naciones y la confianza como socios comerciales.
Peña Nieto puntualizó que México continuará promoviendo el libre comercio como guía para todas las negociaciones comerciales incluyendo las que se están realizando con la Unión Europea y con América del Norte, además de proteger las inversiones nacionales y extranjeras y proteger a los inversionistas que han confiado en México.

5. Juez suspende construcción de la Línea 7 del Metrobús

Un juez federal ordenó este lunes el cese total de la construcción de la Línea 7 del sistema de transporte público Metrobús, después de que el Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH) informó que la avenida Paseo de la Reforma está catalogada como monumento histórico.
El juez octavo de Distrito en Materia Administrativa, ordenó suspender la construcción de la Línea del Metrobús sobre Paseo de la Reforma, hasta determinar si el gobierno capitalino puede o no realizar obras en zonas tangenciales a los monumentos históricos.


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Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) said Friday night that she would sleep outside the US Capitol in an effort to persuade Congress to extend the nationwide moratorium on evictions set to expire Saturday.

“Many of my Democratic colleagues chose to go on vacation early today rather than staying to vote to keep people in their homes,” Bush tweeted. “I’ll be sleeping outside the Capitol tonight. We’ve still got work to do.”

Bush, 45, who experienced a period of homelessness nearly two decades ago, sent a letter to her colleagues earlier Friday calling on them to stay in Washington DC a little longer before starting their August recess to pass an extension to the moratorium.

“I’m urging you to please hear me out on this issue because as a formerly unhoused Congresswoman, I have been evicted three times myself,” she wrote. “I know what it’s like to be forced to live in my car with my two children. Now that I am a member of Congress, I refuse to stand by while millions of people are vulnerable to experiencing that same trauma that I did.”

In a separate letter later Friday, Bush invited her colleagues to join her “in solidarity” outside the Capitol.

“[W]e must reconvene to protect people from violent evictions during an deadly pandemic …,” she said. “We need to get this done, and we must not let up.”

While some supporters praised Bush for the campout on Twitter, others called the congresswoman out for what they saw as a publicity stunt.

Rep. Cori Bush invited colleagues to sleep outside of the US Capitol to persuade Congress into extending the nationwide moratorium on evictions.

The eviction moratorium, meant to prevent Americans from being forced out of their homes during the pandemic, was initially put in place by the CARES Act enacted in March 2020, at the height of the outbreak. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention imposed a similar ban that September after the initial moratorium expired. Congress initially extended the CDC’s order by 30 days before the agency unilaterally extended it twice more.

Last month, the Biden administration extended the moratorium through the end of July. The Supreme Court voted 5-4 to turn aside a challenge to the latest extension from a group of landlords. However, Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who voted to deny the landlords’ petition, wrote in a concurring opinion that extending the moratorium beyond July 31 would require “clear and specific congressional authorization.”

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement Thursday that the administration’s hands were tied by the Supreme Court ruling and called on Congress to “extend the eviction moratorium to protect such vulnerable renters and their families without delay.”

With the clock ticking Friday, President Biden called on state and local governments to speed up the distribution of the remainder of nearly $47 billion in emergency rental assistance funding. Lawmakers have said that only around $3 billion has been spent.

“[T]here can be no excuse for any state or locality not accelerating funds to landlords and tenants that have been hurt during this pandemic. Every state and local government must get these funds out to ensure we prevent every eviction we can,” said Biden, who added that “State and local governments should also be aware that there is no legal barrier to moratorium at the state and local level.”

On Capitol Hill, House Democrats failed to find enough support to extend the moratorium. An attempt to approve an extension by unanimous consent, without a formal vote, was objected to by House Republicans.

On the Senate side, aides to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, (D-NY) and Sen. Sherrod Brown, (D-Ohio) the chair of the Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, said the two were working on legislation to extend the moratorium and were asking Republicans not to block it.

By the end of March, 6.4 million American households were behind on their rent, according to the Department of Housing and Urban Development. As of July 5, roughly 3.6 million people in the U.S. said they faced eviction in the next two months, according to the US Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey.

With Post Wires

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The trial for Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer charged in George Floyd’s death, will resume Wednesday with the testimony of a Minneapolis firefighter who voiced frustration to the court that she had been prevented from using her EMS training to assist Floyd as he was placed under arrest last May. 

As she first testified Tuesday, Genevieve Hansen, one of several bystanders seen and heard shouting at Chauvin as he pinned Floyd facedown outside of Cup Foods on May 25, 2020, cried as she recounted how she was unable to come to Floyd’s aid or tell police what to do, such as administering chest compressions.

Prosecutors argue that Chauvin, who pressed his knee into the 46-year-old handcuffed Black man’s neck for 9 minutes, 29 seconds, is responsible for killing him. But the defense team has made the case that levels of fentanyl and methamphetamine in Floyd’s system, as well as underlying health conditions, contributed to his death and Chauvin did what he was trained to do while placing Floyd under arrest.


“There was a man being killed,” Hansen, who testified in her dress uniform and detailed her emergency medical technician training, said in court Tuesday. “I would have been able to provide medical attention to the best of my abilities. And this human was denied that right.”

Hansen was among several onlookers to testify Tuesday to what they saw outside Cup Foods.

Chauvin continued to kneel on Floyd while fellow Officer Tou Thao held the crowd of about 15 back, even when Hansen identified herself as a firefighter and pleaded repeatedly to check Floyd’s pulse, according to witnesses and bystander video. Floyd grew listless while under Chauvin’s restraint and was eventually carried on a stretcher into an ambulance. He was pronounced dead later that same day.

Witnesses who testified Tuesday included 18-year-old Darnella Frazier, who recorded the bystander video on her cellphone that later went viral and evoked sometimes violent demonstrations worldwide, as well as a national reckoning on race relations and police brutality. Another witness was an MMA fighter named Donald Williams, who claimed Chauvin had Floyd in a “blood choke.”

Chauvin’s defense attorney, Eric Nelson, on Tuesday illustrated to the court how Williams was captured on video repeatedly yelling expletives at the officers at the scene, bolstering the argument police were faced with a hostile crowd.  

Fox News will present coverage surrounding the historic trial throughout the week. In addition to programming on the Fox News Channel, Fox News Digital will provide livestreams of the proceeding at

Follow below for more updates on the trial. Mobile users click here

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Two days after President Donald Trump took part in a departure ceremony for the USNS Comfort at Naval Station Norfolk on March 28, the massive hospital ship sailed into New York Harbor to provide much needed medical help to a city overwhelmed with rising numbers of coronavirus cases. 

The USNS Comfort’s sister ship, the USNS Mercy, has already been deployed and moored in Los Angeles where it has been serving patients since Sunday.

As positive COVID-19 cases continue to rise, New York City has already converted the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center into a temporary hospital and is setting up another field hospital in Central Park to help relieve the strain. The USNS Comfort will focus on providing medical services to those not afflicted by the coronavirus as hospitals continue to struggle to treat patients with the virus. 

There are certain photos that stand out to mark pinnacle moments in our history. Images that encompass the emotions, struggles and determination to meet the challenges of our time. The following photos of the USNS Comfort’s arrival into New York City have undoubtedly captured one of these moments, providing a city and country with a sense of hope in the fight against this pandemic. 

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Over the past three years, radical Islamic cleric Zahran Hashim, alternately known as Mohammed Zahran, has amassed an online following of thousands for his hate-filled online sermons – sometimes delivered before a banner depicting the Twin Towers – that are composed of impassioned calls for “all non-Muslims be eliminated.”

But despite reportedly being known to authorities, Hashim’s videos – which have since been removed for violating YouTube terms – were seemingly left unchecked, according to The Telegraph.

Now, unconfirmed reports are not only pointing the finger at him for being one of the suicide bombers to strike the Shangri La hotel but pegging him as the mastermind of the coordinated attacks which have left more than 320 people dead and over 500 wounded.


Over the past three years, radical Islamic cleric Zahran Hashim, alternately known as Mohammed Zahran, amassed an online following of thousands for hate-filled online sermons – sometimes delivered before a banner depicting the enkindled Twin Towers – and composed of impassioned calls for “all non-Muslims be eliminated.”

Sri Lanka government spokesperson Rajitha Senaratne said Monday that authorities believe a small extremist group known as the National Thowfeek Jamaath (NTJ) – despite having generated little cause for concern with the exception of slashing Buddha statues in 2017 –  were the orchestrators.

Moreover, one of NJT’s leaders Hashim may have had additional terrorist ties.

A Sri Lankan Police officer inspects a blast spot at the Shangri-la hotel in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

ISIS – which was officially run out of its self-designated “caliphate” in Syria just weeks ago – also capitalized on the chance to insert itself into the narrative. According to the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), an ISIS media activist used the encrypted messenger app Telegram this week to publish photographs of three armed Sri Lankan men posing in front of the trademark black ISIS flag, claiming that the men – now all dead – carried out the bombings.

“Pictures of some of the brothers who carried out the attacks in Sri Lanka, may Allah accept them,” the photo caption declared.

One of the featured individuals is believed to be Hashim, who is described as a “well-known preacher who has expressed ISIS sympathies in the past.”


“The ISIS claim of responsibility lends credence to the veracity of the assertion that the men depicted in the photographs were indeed among the perpetrators,” MEMRI stated in its threat report, highlighting that the ISIS media wing Amaq also claimed responsibility. More than 30 members of Sri Lanka’s minority Muslim population were documented to have fled abroad to fight with ISIS in Iraq and Syria in recent years, according to officials.

A relative of a blast victim grieves outside a morgue in Colombo, Sri Lanka, Sunday, April 21, 2019. More than hundred were killed and hundreds more hospitalized with injuries from eight blasts that rocked churches and hotels in and just outside of Sri Lanka’s capital on Easter Sunday, officials said, the worst violence to hit the South Asian country since its civil war ended a decade ago. (AP Photo/Eranga Jayawardena)

Sri Lankan authorities suspect that there are “international terror groups which are behind the local terrorists,” and are said to be investigating funding sources. Officials also said Tuesday that they believe the onslaught was “in retaliation” to the New Zealand mosque terror attack that claimed the lives of fifty people in Christchurch last month.

Nonetheless, Hashim had developed a reputation as a preacher who “copied” ISIS propaganda videos with his animated and vehement postings who has long espoused vocal support for the world’s most dangerous terrorist brand. The pro-ISIS “Al-Ghuraba” media channel in Sri Lanka, which operated across Facebook and YouTube as its primary platforms, reportedly featured his inflammatory videos. The videos often advocated the notion that only Muslims are acceptable rulers and he routinely railed against Christians, Buddhists, and Hindus.

Unconfirmed local reports have since indicated he once studied in neighboring India; but became a controversial figure within the Muslim community and he prompted clashed with other students before dropping out.


Yet what also remains unanswered is why a warning issued by Sri Lanka’s police chief on April 11 –who raised the alarm after receiving information from a foreign intelligence agency, allegedly India, with the caution that NTJ was concocting attacks – was ultimately ignored.

The Associated Press contributed to this report

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Washington, 15 mar.- El presidente Donald Trump atacó hoy en Twitter al periodista David Cay Johnston, que obtuvo parte de la declaración de impuestos del mandatario de 2005 y la divulgó este martes en un programa de nuestra cadena hermana MSNBC


“¿Alguien cree realmente que un periodista, del que nadie había oído hablar nunca, ‘fue a su buzón de correo’ y encontró mis declaraciones de impuestos?”, se cuestionó Trump en su cuenta personal de Twitter.






A continuación, acusó de publicar noticias falsas a la cadena NBC, a la que pertenece el canal MSNBC.


(Clinton acusó a Trump de no pagar impuestos mientras que los indocumentados sí lo hacen)


Cuando MSNBC informó de que iba a dar a conocer los documentos obtenidos por Johnston, la Casa Blanca se adelantó y reveló que Trump pagó 38 millones de dólares en impuestos sobre unos ingresos superiores a los 150 millones en su declaración fiscal del año 2005, lo que equivale a una tasa del 25 %.



Clinton deplora que Trump no pague impuestos y los indocumentados sí lo hagan



“Sabes que estás desesperado por las audiencias cuando estás dispuesto a quebrantar la ley para impulsar un tema sobre dos páginas de una declaración de impuestos de hace más de una década”, dijo la Casa Blanca, en referencia a MSNBC, en un comunicado.


David Cay Johnston, un periodista de investigación ganador en 2001 de un Pulitzer, dirige una página web llamada


Johnston contó que la copia de la declaración le llegó a su buzón de correo de forma anónima y abrió la posibilidad de haya sido el propio círculo de Trump el responsable de la filtración en beneficio de sus propios intereses.


Hoy, en declaraciones a la cadena ABC, Johnston subrayó que los documentos que recibió no muestran las fuentes de ingresos de Trump ni con quién hacía negocios el magnate en esa época.


“No creo que él (Trump) quiera que tengamos conocimiento de todas las personas con las que ha hecho negocios, tanto aquellas con las que está en deuda como de las que recibe ingresos”, comentó el periodista.


Trump rompió durante la pasada campaña electoral la tradición, cumplida por todos los candidatos a la Casa Blanca en las últimas cuatro décadas, de publicar las declaraciones de impuestos como muestra de transparencia hacia el electorado.


El entonces candidato republicano fue posponiendo la publicación de sus declaraciones con la excusa de que le estaban auditando y finalmente nunca las divulgó.


Semanas antes de las elecciones, el diario The New York Times publicó una declaración fiscal de 1995 de Trump y reveló que es posible que el ahora presidente eludiera el pago de impuestos federales durante dos décadas tras presentar 916 millones de dólares en pérdidas.


En su comunicado, la Casa Blanca defendió anoche que, antes de ser presidente, Trump “fue uno de los empresarios más exitosos del mundo” que trató de “no pagar más impuestos que los legalmente requeridos”.


La Casa Blanca recordó que en 2005 la construcción, el principal negocio de Trump, sufrió una “depreciación a gran escala” y justificó de este modo que la tasa impositiva del presidente fuese del 25 %, inferior a la correspondiente por sus ingresos. EFEUSA

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SAN JOSE (CBS SF) — An armed suspect who held a UPS driver hostage Thursday after stealing his truck and leading police on a chase through San Jose was shot dead just yards from a KPIX crew.

The suspect, who was identified by police sources as Mark Morasky, was shot once by law enforcement in a parking lot as he ran from the UPS truck holding a firearm.

The standoff began as a car chase at Chynoweth and Pear Avenues just before 5:30 p.m. A Santa Clara County Sheriff’s spokesperson did not say why they were trying to pull over the suspect and his female passenger in the first place.

Investigators said the two suspects fired shots at deputies — hitting a patrol car — then ran out of the black SUV they in and carjacked a UPS truck, taking the driver hostage and speeding off through the streets of San Jose.

Deputies deployed spike strips at Highway 87 and Taylor but the truck continued to move for miles until it came to a stop at the busy intersection on Trimble and First. The area is surrounded by businesses and restaurants which were all put on lockdown as the standoff unfolded. VTA service was also affected.

“We were just told to hunker down until the time came,” said Marilyn Jansen, who works in the area, but was holed up inside a Starbucks across from where the UPS was parked.

Sakid Ahmed, who was working across the street from the incident, said officers told workers to stay indoors.

“They said there was a hostage situation, stay in the building, be safe,” he said.

For nearly 90 minutes, the suspect could be seen inside the UPS truck making hand signals, looking out the window and talking on the phone. He also could be seen holding a rifle and at times pointing it toward his head.

At one point the suspect drove the truck a couple feet forward but he was surrounded by a barricade of law enforcement who had their guns drawn.

The female suspect surrendered and was taken into custody and, soon afterward, the UPS driver was released. He appeared in good condition.

Morasky refused to surrender. KPIX has learned he was arrested in 2012 for an alleged carjacking and two armed robberies.

Moments before a KPIX live shot, Morasky jumped out of the truck with his rifle as law enforcement zeroed in on him with their vehicles. Morasky ran into an adjacent parking lot where he was shot dead.

“And then you could see him run out with he was carrying something ran across the street and then we heard a pop,” said witness Jacinto Laney.

“Shocking and very unfortunate,” Ahmed said.

Mike Glish, who works across the street from the incident, was among many who were not allowed to get to their cars when the standoff turned fatal.

“It’s terrible when somebody would do something like that,” he said.

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Vaccines are working against Covid-19, including the highly contagious delta variant — but the challenge is in getting enough people inoculated, according to a professor of preventive medicine at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

“Leaving it in the refrigerator doesn’t help, that won’t prevent disease. You have got to move that vaccine into arms,” William Schaffner said on CNBC’s “Squawk Box Asia” on Monday.

Data collated by online scientific publication, Our World In Data, showed around 22.6% of the world’s population have received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine — but most of them are in high-income, wealthy countries in North America and Western Europe.

Less than 1% of people in low-income countries have received at least one dose.

Covid booster shots

It remains unclear if those vaccinated against Covid-19 would require booster shots down the line.

A group of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention scientists recently said there isn’t enough data at the moment to support recommending booster shots to the general population but that more vulnerable groups, such as elderly people or transplant recipients, may need an extra dose.

Schaffner said the need for booster shots would depend on two things.

“The duration of protection of our current vaccines, still to be determined but so far so good, and the other is, whether new variants develop that can evade the protection of our current vaccines,” he said, adding that such variants have yet to appear. “We just have to get (Covid vaccines) more accepted in the population.”

The coronavirus has mutated many times since the pandemic started last year.

One variant that experts say pose a major threat to eliminating Covid-19 is delta — a virulent strain that was first detected in India and has since swept across the globe to over 90 countries. Delta is becoming the dominant variant of the disease globally and has been declared a “variant of concern” by the World Health Organization.

Vaccine hesitancy

Schaffner said that while the U.S. is in a “somewhat better position” to tackle the new variant, it is far from ideal. He explained that in some areas, the vaccination level achieved is between mid-20% to mid-30%, whereas the ideal range to stop the delta variant from spreading is around 70% to 80%. Many people who are being hospitalized due to Covid-19 are either unvaccinated or partially vaccinated, according to Schaffner.

“The more transmission that occurs, the more new people that are infected, the more opportunities the virus has to multiply. When it multiplies, it mutates. And when it mutates, it has the opportunity to create new variants,” he said.

“We are at risk of new variants that can evade the protection of our vaccine the more the virus spreads. Not only here in the United States, but anywhere around the world,” Schaffner added.

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15 personas resultaron heridas después de que un vehículo Ford-350, placas EBA-274 rodara por un abismo, en el sector de la Tablada de Sánchez, parroquia Santa Rita, a 27 kilómetros del centro de Chone.

“Gracias a Dios estamos con vida”, decía Ena Narcisa Molina Mejía (51), quien viajaba en el balde del vehículo, junto a otras 15 personas más, a las 11:00 de este lunes. 

“Cuando nos subimos al carro, el chofer ya venía a exceso de velocidad”, manifesó Jorge Molina de 63 años, quien también viajaba en el carro que se volcó. Además comentó que para evitar chocarse de frente con otro carro que venía subiendo la loma, el conductor frenó bruscamente provocando que el carro perdiera pista y cayera loma abajo. 

“Recuerdo que como iba en la parte de atrás, al empezar a dar vueltas de campana salí volando y me quedé botado junto con otros viajeros”, manifestó Molina. 

Media hora después comenzaron a llegar las ambulancias, bomberos y policías para trasladar los heridos a Chone, al hospital del IESS, Hospital Civil Napoleón Dávila Córdova y al Centro de Salud tipo C.  13 personas fueron atendidas de emergencia, según lo informó el COE cantonal. 

Según los informes, los pacientes atendidos presentan laceraciones y golpes en varias partes del cuerpo, pero todos se encuentran estables y fuera de peligro. (I)


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A police oversight agency on Thursday released video of a Chicago police officer fatally shooting 13-year-old Adam Toledo last month. Mayor Lori Lightfoot called for calm as the city braces for protests throughout the night.

Video shows an officer exiting his vehicle and chasing Toledo, who is running down an alley. When the officer catches up to the teen, he orders him to raise his hands and yells, “Drop it, drop it.” The officer fires a single shot to Toledo’s chest as the teen raises his hands.

The teen drops to the ground and the officer rushes to administer aid and calls for backup. Police have said a semi-automatic pistol was recovered a few feet away. Lightfoot on Thursday said there was “no evidence” the teen fired the weapon before he was shot.

The March 29 incident began around 2:30 a.m. when gunshots were picked up by a police audio scanner. Less than a minute later, police encountered Toledo and 21-year-old Ruben Roman, who was tackled by police and taken into custody. 

An attorney for the officer accused of shooting Toledo claimed Toledo was armed and that the officer was “faced with a life threatening and deadly force situation” and “was left with no other option.”  

The attorney representing the teen’s family said Toledo was not holding the weapon when the officer opened fire. “Those videos speak for themselves,” attorney Adeena Weiss Ortiz said Thursday. “Adam, for the last second of his life, did not have a gun.”

Protesters marching in Chicago on April 14, 2021.

Shafkat Anowar / AP

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The FBI confirmed that partial human remains were found inside the Myakkahatchee Creek Environmental Park on Wednesday near where a backpack and notebook believed to have been Brian Laundrie’s were found earlier in the day. Mr Laundrie’s parents visited the park to examine the items. The Sarasota medical examiner has been called to the scene, as have human remains detecting dogs.

Shortly after an FBI press conference announcing the findings protesters began chanting “Justice for Gabby.”

A large tent has been erected at the park where the clothes were found. The clothes were found shortly after Mr Laundrie’s parents joined law enforcement to search the park on Wednesday morning.

The attorney representing Mr Laundrie’s parents has said that Mr Laundrie’s parents are being “tortured” by protesters “in their own home.”

“They are being tortured in their own home by these protesters outside,” Steven Bertolino, was quoted as saying by the Insider.

Gabby Petito’s parents said they want a face to face meeting with Mr Laundrie’s parents so they can ask them why they are continuing to protect their son in the face of mounting evidence that he may have been involved with the woman’s murder.

Meanwhile, Mr Laundrie’s father, Chris, received court summons for tearing up a protester’s sign. The sign read “What if it was Cassie?” and had been placed on the family’s front lawn.

It appears that police may be permanently scaling back their search for Mr Laundrie at the Carlton Reserve. However, that has not stopped the overall search for Mr Laundrie, including a number of false alarms.

Earlier, a man resembling Mr Laundrie found himself handcuffed by US Marshals. The man looked so similar to Mr Laundrie that he adopted the trial name “Not Brian” to ward off the comparison.


What would happen if Brian Laundrie is never found?

With human remains found at a campsite believed to belong to Brian Laundrie, The Independent’s Graig Graziosi asks what would happen if the prime suspect is Gabby Petito’s murder is not found alive. Can his parents be charged with a crime? Can he be tried in absentia?

“In the meantime, former FBI agents have warned that the agency cannot indefinitely task agents to hunting Mr Laundrie, and that at some point – likely soon – the agency will have to shift focus back to its primary mission. Even Dog the Bounty Hunter – who sustained an ankle injury – has left Florida to return to Colorado, vowing he would rejoin the search if a “solid lead” surfaces.”

What would happen if Brian Laundrie is never found?

Can Mr Laundrie be tried even if he is never found?


Family and friends of murdered radio personality Gaby Ramos hold candlelight vigil

Activist Martha Black remembers Gaby Ramos as a “marvellous woman” whose “light has not been dulled and voice has not been turned off… she was positive, she was happy, she was sunshine,” writes The Independent’s Enrique Limón.

“Calling on the Gabby Petito case, Ms Black asked the media present to continue sharing Ms Ramos’ story and image after the initial wave of interest quiets down.”

Family and friends of murdered radio personality Gaby Ramos hold candlelight vigil

Authorities have issued an arrest warrant for homicide against the 38-year-old’s ex fiancé, who fled the scene


Brian Laundrie parents respond to remains found at campsite

Chris and Roberta Laundrie, through their attorney Steven Bertolino, confirmed they directed authorities to the campsite where the remains were found but said they would wait for forensic identification before saying more.

Read the full statement below, via News Nation Now reporter Brain Entin:

“Chris and Roberta Laundrie were at the reserve earlier today when human remains and some of Brian’s possessions were located in an area where they had initially advised law enforcement that Brian may be. Chris and Roberta will wait for the forensic identification of the human remains before making any additional comments.”


FBI calls Gabby Petito death ‘murder’ for first time after human remains found in Brian Laundrie search

Investigators are now calling the death of Gabby Petito “murder” following the discovery of human remains believed to belong to suspect Brian Laundrie.

At a press conference announcing the discovery at a campsite in Myakkahatchee Creek Environmental Park, FBI special agent in charge of the bureau’s Tampa office, Michael McPherson, said it would take some time to confirm whether the remains belong to Mr Laundrie.

“A person of interest in the murder of Gabby Petito,” Mr McPherson said.

The case has been ruled a homicide by the Teton County Coroner, and this is believed to be the first time her death has been described as murder by a law enforcement official.

The difference between homicide and murder is a significant legal distinction, as homicide is a broad term that includes both the legal and illegal killing of one person by another person. A murder, however, is when that killing is illegal and done with some form of malice or intent. All murders are homicide, but not all homicides are murders.


Watch FBI announcement that items belonging to Brian Laundrie and partial human remains found at park near Carlton Reserve

The FBI announced that a backpack and notebook believed to have belonged to Brian Laundrie as well as partial human remains were found at a park near the Carlton Reserve.

Watch the announcement below…


FBI confirms human remains and items believed to have belonged to Brian Laundrie found at park near Carlton Reserve

FBI special agent Michael McPherson confirmed that human remains and personal items were found today. The items are believed to have belonged to Brian Laundrie in an area that was previously underwater.

“Earlier today, we found what appears to be human remains along with personal items including a backpack and a notebook which appeared to belong to Mr Laundrie,” Mr McPherson said.

Mr McPherson said teams will likely be on site for several days investigating the findings. He also referred to Gabby Petito’s death as a “murder.”

Portions of the Carlton Reserve and a connecting park will remain closed to the public. The investigation is still considered active as the FBI continues to investigating the findings.

Protesters began chanting “Justice for Gabby” immediately after the press conference ended.

The Independent’s Bevan Hurley has more on the announcement below…

Protesters chant as FBI reveal remains found next to Brian Laundrie’s notebook

FBI press conference reveals new details about human remains located in Myakkahatchee Creek Environmental Park


Watch the FBI update on Carlton Reserve discoveries live

The FBI is holding a press briefing today at 4:30pm EST to discuss items found at a park connected to the Carlton Reserve today that are believed to have belonged to Brian Laundrie.

Human remains were also reportedly found, but it those claims have not been confirmed by law enforcement.

Watch the update below…

Watch live as FBI hold press conference after remains found in search for Brian Laundrie

The FBI are holding a press conference after human remains were found at Myakkahatchee Creek Environmental Park on Wednesday.Remains were discovered by police close to where belongings believed to have been Brian Laundrie’s were found earlier in the day.A senior law enforcement official told NBC they are located in the vast, alligator-infested swampland in a location that had previously been underwater.There has not yet been any official confirmation that the remains belong to Mr Laundrie, who is a “person of interest” in Gabby Petito’s death.Sign up to our breaking news email alerts here.


Who are Brian Laundrie’s parents, Chris and Roberta?

Brian Laundrie’s parents have become the focus of countless hours of press and social media attention in the wake of Gabby Petito’s death and their son’s disappearance.

Who are they and why have they received so much attention over the course of the case?

The Independent’s Bevan Hurley has those answers in the story below…

What would happen if Brian Laundrie is never found?

Can Mr Laundrie be tried even if he is never found?


Temporary flight restriction issued over Carlton Reserve

The FAA has issued a temporary flight restriction over the Carlton Reserve where police are examining items that were found they believe may have belonged to Brian Laundrie.

Partial human remains were also reportedly found at the park connected to the reserve. Law enforcement has not confirmed that remains have been found.

The FBI is holding a press conference at 4:30pm EST to give an update on today’s findings.


What if Brian Laundrie is never found?

Partial human remains have been discovered at the Myakkahatchee Creek Environmental Park near Carlton Reserve. The remains were found near items that are believed to have belonged to Brian Laundrie.

What happens if the remains belong to Mr Laundrie? What happens if he’s never found? What would that mean for the Gabby Petito case?

The Independent’s Graig Graziosi has more on the story below…

What would happen if Brian Laundrie is never found?

Can Mr Laundrie be tried even if he is never found?

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MARIUPOL/LVIV, Ukraine, March 26 (Reuters) – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy pushed for further talks with Russia as Moscow signalled it was scaling back its ambitions to focus on territory claimed by Russian-backed separatists in the east after attacks elsewhere stalled.

In an announcement on Friday appearing to indicate more limited goals, the Russian Defence Ministry said a first phase of its operation was mostly complete and it would now focus on the Donbas region bordering Russia, which has pro-Moscow separatist enclaves. read more

“The combat potential of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has been considerably reduced, which … makes it possible to focus our core efforts on achieving the main goal, the liberation of Donbas,” said Sergei Rudskoi, head of the Russian General Staff’s Main Operational Directorate.

Breakaway Russian-backed forces have been fighting Ukrainian forces in Donbas and the adjoining Luhansk region since 2014. They declared independence with Moscow’s blessing – but not recognised by the West – soon before the Feb. 24 invasion.

Reframing Russia’s goals may make it easier for President Vladimir Putin to claim a face-saving victory, military analysts said. read more

Moscow had said the goals for what it calls its “special operation” include demilitarising and “denazifying” its neighbour. Western officials say the invasion is unjustified and illegal, aimed at toppling Zelenskiy’s pro-NATO government.

Weeks of on-and-off peace talks have failed to make significant progress. In a video address late Friday, Zelenskiy said his troops’ resistance had dealt Russia “powerful blows”.

“Our defenders are leading the Russian leadership to a simple and logical idea: we must talk, talk meaningfully, urgently and fairly,” Zelenskiy said.

In what officials billed as a major address in Poland U.S. President Joe Biden on Saturday “will deliver remarks on the united efforts of the free world to support the people of Ukraine, hold Russia accountable for its brutal war, and defend a future that is rooted in democratic principles,” the White House said in a statement. read more

The United Nations has confirmed 1,081 civilian deaths and 1,707 injuries in Ukraine since the invasion but says the real toll is likely higher.

Some 136 children have been killed so far been during the invasion, Ukraine’s prosecutor general office said on Saturday. read more

Russia’s defence ministry said 1,351 Russian soldiers had been killed and 3,825 wounded, the Interfax news agency reported. Ukraine says 15,000 Russian soldiers have died. Reuters could not independently verify the claims.


Despite the carnage, Russian troops have failed to capture and hold any major city in the month since invading Ukraine. Instead, they have bombarded cities, laid waste to urban areas and driven a quarter of Ukraine’s 44 million people from their homes.

More than 3.7 million of them have fled abroad, half to neighbouring Poland in the west, where Biden on Friday met soldiers from the U.S. Army’s 82nd Airborne Division bolstering the NATO alliance’s eastern flank. read more

“Hundreds of thousands of people are being cut off from help by Russian forces and are besieged in places like Mariupol,” Biden said. “It’s like something out of a science fiction movie.”

Footage from the southeastern port, home to 400,000 before the war, showed destroyed buildings, burnt out vehicles and shell-shocked survivors venturing out for water and provisions. Residents have buried victims in makeshift graves as the ground thaws.

Local officials, citing witness accounts, said they estimated 300 people were killed in the bombing of a theatre in Mariupol on March 16.

The city council had not previously provided a toll and made clear it was not possible to determine an exact figure after the incident. Russia has denied bombing the theatre or targeting civilians. read more


Battle lines near Kyiv have been frozen for weeks with two main Russian armoured columns stuck northwest and east of the capital. A British intelligence report described a Ukrainian counteroffensive that had pushed Russians back in the east.

“Ukrainian counterattacks, and Russian forces falling back on overextended supply lines, have allowed Ukraine to reoccupy towns and defensive positions up to 35 km (22 miles) east of Kyiv,” the report said.

Volodymyr Borysenko, mayor of Boryspol, an eastern suburb where Kyiv’s main airport is located, said 20,000 civilians had evacuated the area, answering a call to clear out so Ukrainian troops could counterattack.

On the other main front outside Kyiv, to the capital’s northwest, Ukrainian forces have been trying to encircle Russian troops in the suburbs of Irpin, Bucha and Hostomel, reduced to ruins by heavy fighting.

The cities of Chernihiv, Kharkiv and Sumy north and east of Kyiv have also endured devastating bombardment. Chernihiv was effectively surrounded by Russian forces, its governor said.

Britain said it would fund 2 million pounds ($2.6 million) worth of food supplies for areas encircled by Russian forces, following a request from the Ukrainian government. read more

Thousands of miles from Ukraine, Russia was conducting military drills on islands claimed by Tokyo, Japanese media said on Saturday, days after Moscow halted peace talks with Japan because of its sanctions over the invasion of Ukraine. read more

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

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Querétaro confirmó, a través de su dueño, que el astro brasileño Ronaldinho se ha convertido en nuevo jugador de los Gallos Blancos.

Aunque será este lunes cuando sea presentado ante los medios de comunicación, el contrato de la ex figura del Barcelona sería por los próximos dos años.

El delantero de 34 años brilló en Europa con el club Barcelona, fue catalogado por la FIFA como ‘El Mejor Jugador del Mundo’ en 2004 y 2005; además, fue logró coronarse Campeón del Mundo con la selección brasileña en el Mundial de Corea-Japón 2002.

Tras su paso por el Barcelona, el jugador bajó su rendimiento y era frecuentemente captado en fiestas y trasnochando, lo que lo llevó a deambular por el AC Milán, Flamengo y Atlético de Mineiro.

Mira toda la información de esta contratación bomba en las diversas ediciones de Central FOX, el mejor noticiario deportivo de América Latina y que disfrutas en FOX Play.

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