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Querétaro confirmó, a través de su dueño, que el astro brasileño Ronaldinho se ha convertido en nuevo jugador de los Gallos Blancos.

Aunque será este lunes cuando sea presentado ante los medios de comunicación, el contrato de la ex figura del Barcelona sería por los próximos dos años.

El delantero de 34 años brilló en Europa con el club Barcelona, fue catalogado por la FIFA como ‘El Mejor Jugador del Mundo’ en 2004 y 2005; además, fue logró coronarse Campeón del Mundo con la selección brasileña en el Mundial de Corea-Japón 2002.

Tras su paso por el Barcelona, el jugador bajó su rendimiento y era frecuentemente captado en fiestas y trasnochando, lo que lo llevó a deambular por el AC Milán, Flamengo y Atlético de Mineiro.

Mira toda la información de esta contratación bomba en las diversas ediciones de Central FOX, el mejor noticiario deportivo de América Latina y que disfrutas en FOX Play.

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The full scale of the ecological damage from the Huntington Beach oil spill will take some time to become clear, with birds and marine mammals hardest hit in the short term.

That’s the view of experts with experience of other incidents as they consider a suspected underwater pipe leak that spilled roughly 126,000 gallons of crude oil just miles off the southern Californian coast.

“The recovery is going to be very uneven,” Steve Murawski, a fisheries biologist and marine ecologist at the University of South Florida, said.

Dead birds and fish reportedly washed up along the miles of black-splotched shore as rescue workers rushed to recover oiled animals. Seven birds have been saved from the scene and another, a pelican, had to be euthanized. So far, there are no official reports tallying fatalities of animals or invertebrates.

Environmental crews work to clean up a major oil spill at Huntington Beach, California Tuesday. Photograph: Allen J Schaben/Los Angeles Times/Rex/Shutterstock

Murawski has spent years studying the effects of the Deepwater Horizon spill – the largest offshore spill in US history, which dumped 134m gallons into the Gulf of Mexico over 87 days in 2010, contaminating 1,300 miles across five states. Thousands of animals perished in that spill and the effects can still be seen and felt today, more than a decade later.

The situation unfolding in Huntington Beach is not on the same scale as the Deepwater Horizon disaster but there are still important takeaways and lessons learned, Murawski said.

He said birds and marine mammals will be harmed, especially those that congregate along southern California’s offshore islands or pass through its coastal wetlands. Smaller creatures like plankton could take a hit, but their fast lifecycle will likely ensure they bounce back quickly. “The longer alive and the slower growing things, like abalone and other things that can’t get out of the way,” he said, “that might be more problematic.”

The effects could be felt long after the sand is cleared of the black sludge, especially in the affected marshes and wetlands – critical habitats for migratory and shorebirds and several endangered species.

Researchers have found that oil deposits don’t always float. Tar balls can find their way into underwater sediment or collect against sand banks where the waves crest near the shore, complicating cleanup efforts. Winter storms may continue to drudge up contamination long after the spill is contained.

“You will have to go through a number of rounds of beach cleanup and every time you have a storm you are going to see those tar balls back up on the beach,” Murawski said, noting that British Petroleum, the company responsible for Deepwater Horizon, was pulling up huge nets of tar and sand for years after the disaster. “I would imagine that that’s going to be a persistent headache for the people who are supposed to clean the beach up.”

Clearing oil from the sand and surface waters is a somewhat straightforward process, but it gets far more complex in the delicate marshes and wetlands. These areas, which arehome to a diverse array of species including migratory birds and endangered plants and animals, might be permanently affected by the oil spill.

“Once the oil is in the marsh and it gets down below the level of the sediments,” Murawski said, “it is there pretty much forever.”

Oil has already seeped into three marshes operated by the Huntington Beach Wetlands Conservancy, a local nonprofit that restored them to the refuges they are now. “It is heartbreaking,” said John Villa, the executive director, lamenting the efforts he and others have gone through to keep their 127 acres of preserves pristine.

After hearing reports of the spill on Saturday, he jumped into action, trying to stop the spread of the sheen at the shoreline. He and Orange county public works officials created a berm out of sand to block the contaminated water from entering the marshes – but it was too late. “Some of the oil still came in and it is still seeping in,” he said, adding that they are working to clean the water to the best of their ability.

The Huntington Beach Wetlands Conservancy, which includes the Talbert, Brookhurst, Magnolia and Newland marshes, cultivates a rich biodiversity. Between 85 and 90 species of birds call the wetlands home or stop there along their migratory routes, 10% of which are on the endangered or threatened species list, according to Villa. The organization also created a space where endangered plant species can thrive.

But over the weekend, the sheen could be seen in the shallows. Eelgrass, once growing in the water, was dead and floating to the sides. Villa is unsure about what the impact will be going forward, as more birds make their way into the area. Thousands of birds migrate through or overwinter in the area, including brown pelicans, Pacific loons, ospreys, and federally endangered western snowy plovers, who breed on the beaches, according to Audubon California.

Along with cleanup, there are concerns about how long the inlet can stay blocked before fish and plants in the marsh start to become starved of oxygen brought in salt water flows from the ocean. “Do we open up the inlet, which means we could get more contaminated salt water in there?” he said. “That’s a careful dance.”

Birds compete to eat a dead fish in the surf after an oil spill in Huntington Beach, California on Monday. Photograph: Patrick T Fallon/AFP/Getty Images

Tiny exposures, deadly impacts

It only takes a tiny amount of exposure for a seabird to succumb, according to researchers. In a 2020 report on the effects on the Refugio Beach Oil Spill – which occurred in 2015 after a pipeline ruptured and poured more than 100,000 gallons of crude near Santa Barbara – researchers found that all it takes is an amount the size of a nickel to kill some species that forage in the water.

“Like a hole in a wetsuit, the oil destroys the feathers’ ability to insulate the bird, thus allowing cold ocean water to spread against the bird’s skin,” the report said. “Birds that contact oil typically die of hypothermia and starvation.” Because many birds preen, using their beaks to clean their feathers, they are also at higher risk of ingesting the toxins. Others may be rendered immobile if their feathers are smothered in sticky substance.

Researchers documented close to 560 bird deaths in the aftermath of the Refugio Beach Oil spill, spanning 28 different species. The actual toll is believed to be even higher.

Some populations of birds were affected not by deaths but by births. The western snowy plovers – tiny, rotund, endangered dune-dwellers – were exposed on the beach or when foraging in contaminated shallows or around washed-up kelp. In the first breeding season after the spill, scientists noted their egg infertility rate quadrupled and close to 10% of eggs were unviable.

Hundreds of invertebrates – from hermit crabs to sea stars – perished in that spill as well.

The extent of the ecological damage from the 2015 spill has only recently begun to come into focus and researchers expect the impact from this new spill may also take years to understand.

“It is really impossible to effectively clean up an oil spill,” said Miyoko Sakashita, director of the the advocacy organization Center for Biological Diversity’s oceans program, adding that she was devastated to see the oil reach sensitive habitats. “Birds migrate through there and use it for nesting and resting,” she said. “It is going to have longstanding impacts on a lot of the animals – we are going to see oil damaging beaches and ecosystems for many years to come.”

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“I didn’t take it and I’m not going to take it,” he said, adding that city workers should be able to decide for themselves whether they want to get vaccinated, and the prospect of weekly testing would not change his mind.

“I’ll take a test every day if I have to,” he said.

Leaders of the city’s largest municipal union, District Council 37, had insisted on Monday that the new rules had to be part of collective bargaining negotiations, emphasizing that New York was still a “union town.”

But after District Council 37’s executive director, Henry Garrido, met with Dean Fuleihan, Mr. de Blasio’s deputy mayor, on Monday, the union leader said he believed they could figure out the details.

“We’re in support of vaccines — we’re in support of testing,” Mr. Garrido said in an interview on Tuesday. “We simply feel that we need to negotiate the impact.”

Officials still need to sort out details like how to handle scheduling for people who work in the field and need to get tested or who work alone and cannot leave their post unattended, and how to accommodate workers who are allergic to vaccines, Mr. Garrido said.

Gregory Floyd, the president of a major union that represents public housing workers, said he supports a vaccine requirement for city workers, but he was frustrated by Mr. de Blasio’s hasty announcement, and his members had concerns about the details.

“The mayor is doing a responsible thing by telling us all we have to get vaccinated or get tested every week, but he can’t do a responsible thing in a rational or reasonable way,” Mr. Floyd said. “He could have had meetings with all of the unions, set the policy, set the tone, answered questions and rolled this out in a cohesive way.”

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El fallecimiento del doctor Godfrey George, supervisor médico del hospital gubernamental de Kambia, en el norte de Sierra Leona, asesta un revés a los esfuerzos para impedir los contagios entre el personal médico que tanta falta hace en un país azotado por el mortal virus.

El sistema de salud de Sierra Leona acusaba fragilidad antes de la epidemia del Ébola debido a un conflicto militar reciente y la falta de recursos.

El país tenía dos médicos por cada 100.000 personas en 2010, en comparación con 240 en Estados Unidos, según la Organización Mundial de la Salud.

La muerte fue anunciada por el doctor Brima Kargbo, director de Salud Pública de Sierra Leona. George fue trasladado a la capital, Freetown, después de informar que no se sentía bien.

Los médicos y las enfermeras han estado particularmente expuestos al ébola ya que la enfermedad se contagia mediante el contacto con fluidos corporales.

El brote en Sierra Leona ha registrado recientemente un cambio: las infecciones en la región este del país, las primeras afectadas, han bajado, mientras que los casos han aumentado dentro y en los alrededores de la capital.

El lunes, el gobierno informó de 51 casos nuevos confirmados en los dos distritos del oeste del país, entre los que figura Freetown, y sólo de uno en dos distritos del este que solían ser los más afectados.

Para combatir la enfermedad es necesario que la comunidad internacional aumente la asistencia, pero la gente también necesita cambiar su conducta, dijo Anthony Banbury, jefe de la misión de Naciones Unidas sobre el Ébola.

Las autoridades de salud han advertido reiteradamente que para frenar los contagios la gente no debe tocar a los enfermos ni a los muertos.

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El matemático John Nash, premio Nobel en 1994 y que inspiró la película A Beautiful Mind (Una mente maravillosa), falleció junto a su mujer el sábado en Nueva Jersey (EE.UU.) al estrellarse el taxi en el que viajaban, informaron hoy medios locales.

Según los primeros detalles, el conductor del automóvil perdió el control al tratar de adelantar a otro vehículo y en el choque murieron Nash, de 86 años, y su esposa, Alicia, de 82.

La pareja salió despedida del taxi a causa del impacto, por lo que parece que no llevaban puestos sus cinturones de seguridad, explicó al portal local de noticias el sargento de la Policía estatal Gregory Williams.

El conductor del taxi fue rescatado del vehículo y trasladado con heridas que no amenazaban su vida al hospital universitario Robert Wood, en la localidad de New Brunswick, según este mismo medio.

El matemático recibió el Nobel de Economía por su “Teoría de los Juegos” y su carrera y su lucha contra la esquizofrenia fueron inmortalizadas en Una mente maravillosa, protagonizada por Russell Crowe y que en 2002 se hizo con cuatro Oscar.

==> Sigue a La Prensa en Facebook

“Aturdido… mi corazón está con John y Alicia y la familia. Un matrimonio asombroso. Mentes maravillosas, corazones maravillosos”, reaccionó a la noticia a través de Twitter el actor.

Nash desarrolló su carrera en la Universidad de Princeton y el Instituto de Tecnología de Massachusetts (MIT) y obtuvo el Nobel por sus revolucionarias teorías matemáticas aplicadas a la solución de incógnitas económicas.

Con problemas mentales desde su juventud, Nash se vio involucrado a lo largo de su vida en varias polémicas, con acusaciones de antisemitismo incluidas, que negó cuando salieron a la luz a raíz de la película sobre su figura.

Junto a su mujer, de origen salvadoreño, ha hecho campaña durante años para sensibilizar sobre las enfermedades mentales.

Este año, Nash, junto a Louis Nirenberg, fue distinguido con el premio Abel, considerado el “Nobel” de las matemáticas”, por sus estudios en el área de la teoría de ecuaciones diferenciales no lineales parciales.



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Dog The Bounty Hunter has shared a video of himself continuing to search for Brian Laundrie by wading through waist-deep swamp water in Florida.

In his most recent post on Instagram, shared on Sunday morning, Duane ‘Dog’ Chapman, shared a clip of him and his team wading through a swamp, as followers praised his commitment to finding Laundrie.  

In the video, Chapman can be seen holding onto a boat before venturing into the swamp with waist-deep waters along with four other men.

‘The search has continued throughout the weekend on the islands off the west coast of Florida,’ Duane ‘Dog’ Chapman captioned a clip of him and his team wading through a Florida swamp searching for Laudnrie 

Dog The Bounty Hunters vowed to find Laundrie and help bring justice to Gabby Petito’s death. He said he could empathize with Petito’s family pain because he lost a daughter of similar age to Petito’s 

‘The search has continued throughout the weekend on the islands off the west coast of Florida,’ he captioned the video.

The former reality TV star joined the search for Laundrie last weekend, more than a week after law enforcement started their own manhunt for Laundrie, whose parents said was last seen on September 14. 

Police was made aware that Laundrie whereabouts were unknown on September 17, and two days later Petito’s body was found near Grand Teton National Park.

Chapman has vowed to help bring justice to Petito’s death and find Laundrie. He said he could empathize with Petito’s family because he also lost one of his daughters when she was a similar age to Petito’s. 

He said that he is receiving sighting tips like ‘crazy,’ with around 2,000 people calling the hotline he set up for tips on Laundrie on a daily basis.

Chapman’s daughter, Lisa Chapman, said that she is in charge of the logistics of the search online and is actively receiving and thoroughly following leads. 

Chapman said he is receiving sighting tips like ‘crazy,’ with around 2,000 people calling the hotline he set up for tips on Laundrie on a daily basis

 Chapman joined the search for Brian Laundrie last weekend. He said today that he is searching on islands off Florida’s West Coast 

‘Update: Dads is physically following up on leads today, and I am digitally following up on leads. Keep the info coming !! Persistence is key to getting #justiceforgabbypetito & #BrainLaundrie behind bars,’ she tweeted.

Social media has been a pivotal tool in the investigation into Petito’s disappearance  and the finding of her body, as it becomes evident that it will also be fundamental in the search for Laundrie. 

Chapman’s social media updates come a day after Petito’s mother, Nichole Schmidt, also took social media to demand Laundrie turn himself in. 

‘Mama bear is getting angry!’ Schmidt posted on Twitter using her account for the first time. ‘Turn yourself in! @josephpetito agrees.#justiceforgabby #americasdaughter.’

Within the first two hours, the tweet gathered 7.4K likes and 1.1K retweets.

She then retweeted a photo of Gabby and her stepmother, Tara Petito, shared by Joseph Petito, Gabby’s father, and a photo of Gabby as a child shared by Jim Schmidt, Gabby’s stepfather. 

Gabby Petito’s family revealed last week that they got new tattoos in her honor, including one she had on her forearm saying ‘Let it be’

Laundrie’s parents called 911 on Chapman last week, after he showed up knocking on their door and asking for information about their son’s whereabouts.  

Chapman has said that it is ‘a shame,’ the Laundries are not cooperating to find their son.  

‘The police said we were welcome to knock on the door so we did,’ he told FOX. ‘I wanted to tell the Laundries that our goal is to find Brian and bring him in alive.’ 

Chapman has focused his attention on the coastline and creeks surrounding Fort De Soto Park. The TV reality star used boats and K9 units top search the area last Wednesday. 

Chapman believes it is probable that Laundrie is hiding somewhere in the 1,136 acre Fort De Soto Park area — which is made up of five interconnected islands.

During Wednesday’s search, the team did not find solid evidence suggesting that Laundrie is in the woods on Egmont Key

A map shows the Fort de Soto Park campsite’s location, the Laundrie family home and the Carlton Reserve where authorities have focused their search and Laundrie’s parents say he was headed  

‘This would be and could be a perfect spot for him to hide, not too many people out here, but there’s a lot of environmental things that we’re gonna fight,’ he said in a video posted to Twitter.

Both police and Chapman are fighting against time to find Laundrie, as chances to collect evidence in order to build a case against him decrease by the hour.

Meanwhile, the investigation was thrown a curveball by an alleged sighting in North Carolina on Saturday.

A hiker in the Appalachian Trail said ‘there is no doubt in [his] mind’ that he had a nighttime encounter with Brian Laundrie on Saturday morning after Lisa Chapman sent him an audio recording of Laundrie’s voice and he recognized the voice as that of the man who asked him for help.

Dennis Davis said he encountered Petito’s boyfriend on a deserted road close to the trail close to the Tennessee border – 700 miles away from where the 23-year-old was last seen near his home in North Port, Florida. 

Dennis Davis, pictured, says he say Brian Laundrie on a deserted trail along the Appalachian Trail in North Carolina on Saturday 

A hiker near the Appalachian Trail in North Carolina claims he had a nighttime encounter with Brian Laundrie on Saturday morning, weeks after the fugitive boyfriend of slain Gabby Petito was last seen in Florida

Gabrielle Petito, 22, from her Instagram page, is seen with boyfriend Brian Laundrie, now the sole person of interest in her murder 

Davis, 53, who is an engineer from Florida, says he spoke to a man who waved down his car on Waterville Road, near the Appalachian Trail and close to the border of North Carolina and Tennessee.

He says the man pulled up alongside Davis and made a bizarre request for help as he asked for directions in order to drive west to California using only back roads.

Davis, a dad-of-four, suggested he simply take Interstate 40 which runs east to west across the country from North Carolina all the way to California.

‘There is no doubt in my mind I spoke to Brian Laundrie — none whatsoever,’ Davis told the New York Post.

‘Dog the Bounty Hunter’s daughter sent me an audio file of Brian’s voice and the voice was the same I heard.’ 

Davis was hiking the Appalachian Trail himself and noted the man he believed to be Laundrie acted nervously.

‘He said ‘Man, I’m lost.’ I said ‘What are you trying to find?’ and he said ‘Me and my girlfriend got in a fight but she called me, told me she loves me, and I have to get to California to see her.”

‘I said ‘Well, I-40 is right there and you could take it west to California’ and he said, ‘I’m just going to take this road into California’.

‘He was worried and not making sense,’ Davis added.

He did not immediately recognize him as Laundrie but is certain it was him.

Despite lighting being poor because of the night, he believes there was enough lighting from the car’s headlights to make a positive identification.  

Davis told Laundrie his best way to head to California would be to take Interstate 40 which runs for more than 2,500 miles from North Carolina

Brian Laundrie, 23, who was reported missing last week, remains a person of interest in the disappearance and death of fiancée Gabby Petito

Petito and Laundrie had been travelling on a cross-country trip together since July 2, when they left New York. Petito was reported missing on September 11

The man he believed to be Laundrie was driving a light-colored pickup and was wearing a bandana on his head.

It wasn’t until later, with Davis having looked up photos of the man on his cellphone that he realized whom he had just spoken with.

Davis claims to have made several calls to the FBI and to 911 in the hours after the encounter but frustratingly nobody has yet called him back.

‘Law enforcement is probably getting millions of leads on this guy, but I am not some goofball out there doing drugs in the middle of the night, I am a highly educated professional. ‘And I know that was the guy. There is no doubt about it.

‘We have this lead but no one’s doing anything, not even a phone call.

‘Obviously, as a father with a daughter, I want to do whatever I can to help the family find closure and get this guy off the streets,’ Davis said. 

Laundrie’s whereabouts are unknown since September 14, when his parents said he left the family home in North Port, Florida. The Laundries said that their son was heading to a nearby nature reserve and only had his backpack.

Petito and Laundrie went on a cross-country trip in their van in August, but Petito never returned home.

The pair drew national attention after Petito was reported missing on September 11, ten days after Laundrie returned to Florida on their van without Petito and refused to answer her parents about what had happened to her.

Petito’s body was found in Wyoming’s Bridger-Teton National Forest and her death was declared a homicide.

Timeline of missing Gabby Petito’s case

July 1: Gabby Petito and her boyfriend, Brian Laundrie left Blue Point, New York for a cross-country road trip

August 12: Police in Moab, Utah respond to a domestic incident involving the couple

Aug. 21: Petito’s father, Joseph Petito, has his last FaceTime video call with his daughter who was in Salt Lake City, Utah 

Aug. 24: Petito is last seen at a hotel in Salt Lake City with Laundrie

Aug. 25: Petito makes final call to her mother, Nicole Schmidt, saying she was in Grand Teton National Park

Aug. 25 or 26: The couple chats with the owner of a shop called ‘Rustic Row’ in Victor, Utah for about 20 minutes 

Aug. 27: Video of Petito’s van was taken by blogger Jenn Bethune, of Red White & Bethune, around 6.30 pm at the Spread Creek Campground

Aug. 29: The day that Wisconsin TikToker Miranda Baker claimed that she and her boyfriend were approached by Laundrie at Grand Teton National Park and asked them for a ride at 5.30pm; Schmidt says she is not entertaining this claim and believes it possibly factual

Aug. 30: Schmidt receives the last text from Petito: ‘No service in Yosemite’

Sept. 1: Laundrie returns to his parents’ home in North Port, Florida in a van without Petito

Sept. 6-7: Laundrie and his parents visit Fort De Soto campsite in Florida

Sept. 11: Schmidt reports Petito missing to authorities in New York; Petito and Laundrie’s van was impounded by police in Florida that same day

Sept. 12: Grand Teton National Park rangers search for Petito

Sept. 14: Laundrie issues a statement about Petito’s disappearance through his lawyer; Also on this day, Laundrie allegedly left his parents’ home for a hike

Sept. 15: Laundrie is officially named a person of interest in Petito’s case

Sept. 17: Laundrie family attorney confirms his whereabouts are unknown

Sept. 18: North Port police and the FBI start searching the Carlton Reserve in Sarasota County for missing Brian Laundrie

Sept. 19: Bethune realizes she has video of Petito’s van around 12am and submits the FBI with the footage 10 minutes later; Officials announce a body was found near Grand Teton National Park that matched Petito’s description in the afternoon

Sept. 21: Coroner confirms remains found in Grand Tetons belong to Petito. Her death is ruled a homicide but her cause of death is still under invesetigation

Sept. 20 – 22: FBI and North Port police continue search for Laundrie in Carton Reserve 

Sept. 22: Neighbors say they saw the Laudrie family pack up their detached camper on the day Gabby was reported missing. photos show the camper was back in the driveway two days later, on September 13 

Sept. 23: FBI issues an arrest warrant for Laundrie for ‘use of unauthorized access device’ for fraudulently using a Capitol One Bank debit card that was not his between August 30 and September 1 to spend $1,000; A probe is launched into the police handling of the Utah police incident on Aug. 12; Laundrie’s parents visit their attorney in Orlando 

Sept. 25: Dog the Bounty Hunter joins the search for Laundrie 

Sept. 26: A funeral is held for Petito in Holbrook, New York, and her family launch a charity to help parents find missing children 

Sept. 27: Manhunt for Laundrie in the Carlton Reserve is scaled back after 10 day search doesn’t find him. Dog the Bounty Hunter says Laundrie and his parents stayed at Fort De Soto Park from September 1-3 and September 6-8 – and that on the latter visit only the parents left 

Sept. 28: Laundrie’s mom is accused of using a burner phone to contact her son Sept. 29: Documents reveal Laundrie’s mom canceled a reservation for the Fort De Soto Park campsite for two from September 1 to 3 and booked for three from September 6 to 8; FBI seizes surveillance footage from site; FBI investigates lead Laundrie bought a burner phone on September 14; Dog the Bounty Hunter searches the area near Fort De Soto finding a recently drunk can of Monster Energy at a makeshift campsite deep in the woods 

Sept. 30: Bodycam footage from a second officer at the August 12 incident is released showing a distressed Petito admitting Laundrie hit her; FBI agents collect more evidence from the Laundrie home 

Oct. 1: It emerges Laundrie’s sister had contact with him after she said she did  

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Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval present the Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production

Miami – July 31, 2014 – Telemundo presents “Muriendo por Cruzar”, a documentary that investigates why increasing numbers of immigrants are dying while trying to cross the US-Mexican border near the city of Falfurrias, Texas, this Sunday, August 3 at 6PM/5 C.  The Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production, presented by Noticias Telemundo journalists Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval, reveals the obstacles immigrants face once they cross into US territory, including extreme weather conditions, as they try to evade the border patrol.  “Muriendo por Cruzar” is part of Noticias Telemundo’s special coverage of the crisis on the border and immigration reform.


“‘Muriendo por Cruzar’” dares to ask questions that reveal the actual conditions undocumented immigrants face as they try to start a new life in the United States,” said Alina Falcón, Telemundo’s Executive Vice President for News and Alternative Programming.  “Our collaboration with The Weather Channel was very productive. They have a unique expertise in covering the impact of weather on people’s lives, as we do in covering immigration reform and the border crisis. The result is a compelling documentary that exposes a harrowing reality.”

“Muriendo por Cruzar” is the first co-production by Telemundo and The Weather Channel.  Both networks are part of NBCUniversal.

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Hasta el momento, es el único noticiario que no ha seguido la tendencia de acortar su duración a 60 minutos. CHV noticias no ha querido sumarse todavía a lo que primero hizo, hace casi un mes, Tele 13 (Canal 13), luego 24 horas central (TVN) y, hace un par de días, Ahora noticias (Mega). 

Y a pesar de continuar con un formato de una hora y media, el espacio que conducen Macarena Pizarro e Iván Núñez sigue estando entre lo más visto del día, y se mantiene como el segundo informativo con más audiencia en lo que va de este año, detrás de 24 horas central, el que lidera con 15,1 puntos de rating, según cifras de TVN.

“Hace un tiempo, se hizo una encuesta por este tema y la gente apoyó ampliamente el horario largo. No hay cambios por ahora”, dice Pizarro. Al interior del canal, informan que el tema se evaluará.   

A la fecha, Chilevisión noticias registra un promedio de 12,6 puntos, superando a Ahora noticias y Tele 13, los que se mantienen empatados con 10,7 puntos durante el 2014. Pero su mérito consiste en atraer audiencia por sí solo. Esto, porque a diferencia del canal estatal, no cuenta con una exitosa teleserie que lo anteceda, como El amor lo manejo yo, la producción dramática líder de las tardes, ni con productos en prime que actualmente lideren las noches. 

De lunes a viernes, Chv noticias recibe un piso cercano a los seis puntos de rating, de la mano de Las 2 Carolinas. Sin embargo, a los pocos minutos de estar en pantalla, CHV noticias empieza a subir los números. “Tenemos un público fiel con el que logramos recuperar rating y marcar peak de audiencias más altos que el de la competencia. No importa el entorno desfavorable, la gente nos prefiere”, comenta Pizarro, y agrega.     

Uno de los nombres clave de estos buenos números es el de Patricio Caldichoury, el director de prensa de CHV. Desde el 2008 que está en el cargo y bajo su mandato el noticiario central, marcado por una línea editorial que privilegia las noticias de crónica roja, ha estado en lo más alto del rating.

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BuzzFeed abrirá oficinas en Berlín, Ciudad de México, Tokio y Bombay.

El sitio de noticias y entretenimiento estadounidense BuzzFeed empezará a producir películas en un futuro próximo, según informó este lunes la prensa local.

La incursión en el mundo del cine de BuzzFeed se producirá después de que la compañía haya recibido una inversión de US$50 millones del fondo de capital de Silicon Valley Andreessen Horowitz.

Según destaca desde Los Ángeles el periodista de BBC Mundo Jaime González, los responsables de BuzzFeed anunciaron también que abrirán oficinas en Berlín, Ciudad de México, Tokio y Bombay.

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Tim Robinson



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“El mundo siempre ha sido un desastre”, declaró Obama en 2014 después de una serie de terribles sucesos noticiosos. “Apenas nos estamos dando cuenta gracias a las redes sociales”.

Ante la reciente ola de videos sobre violencia policiaca en contra de personas negras en Estados Unidos, varias personas han comentado que esos episodios han sucedido desde hace tiempo pero solo últimamente los teléfonos inteligentes han facilitado que se documenten visualmente.

Las redes sociales también han comenzado a desempeñar un papel predominante en la transmisión de tragedias. La aplicació, por ejemplo, ha divulgado contenido espeluznante como la violación de una adolescente de Ohio y un suicidio en Francia.

El efecto en la audiencia puede ser traumático. Históricamente los medios de comunicación tradicionales han mostrado imágenes gráficas y videos horribles, como algunos ataques terroristas o la golpiza propinada a Rodney King en 1991.

Sin embargo, hay varias razones para sospechar que el impacto emocional de tales imágenes en las redes sociales o de las noticias provenientes de internet es distinto, y quizá más duradero, que el de las anteriores fuentes de comunicación.

El contacto con la violencia a través de cualquier medio puede conducir ocasionar lo que se conoce como trauma vicario y puede ser, para ciertas personas, más sobrecogedor que una experiencia inmediata.

En un estudio publicado en 2013 en la revista PNAS, se compararon los síntomas de estrés agudo de quienes tuvieron una “exposición directa” al ataque en el Maratón de Boston de ese año (ya fuera que hubieran estado presentes en el lugar o en el área de Boston, o que conocieran a alguien que vivió eso) con los de aquellos que solo estuvieron expuestos a través de los medios. Las personas expuestas a seis o más horas diarias de noticias relacionadas con el ataque desarrollaron niveles más altos de estrés agudo que quienes estuvieron expuestos directamente.

“A diferencia de la exposición directa a un trauma colectivo, que puede terminar cuando la fase álgida del evento pasa, la exposición mediática mantiene activo el estrés agudo y lo revive en la mente de las personas”, concluyó el estudio. “La exposición mediática repetida puede contribuir al desarrollo de trastornos relacionados con el trauma y prolonga o exacerba los síntomas agudos”.

Estos hallazgos no distinguían entre los tipos de medios de comunicación. En un estudio presentado en la conferencia anual de 2015 de la Sociedad Británica de Psicología, Pam Ramsden, una conferencista de la Universidad de Bradford, encontró que casi un cuarto de los participantes que vieron imágenes y videos de sucesos noticiosos inquietantes en las redes sociales, incluyendo los del 11 de septiembre, tiroteos en escuelas y ataques suicidas con bombas, reportaron síntomas que coinciden clínicamente con los del trastorno de estrés postraumático.

Ramsden señaló en su presentación que la principal diferencia entre las noticias tradicionales y las de las redes sociales, es que las últimas “han permitido que el público vea historias violentas e imágenes gráficas con terribles detalles que no fueron editados”.

Mientras las generaciones más jóvenes evitan la televisión y los medios impresos, su única exposición a las noticias puede ser internet, a menudo a través de las que aparecen en las redes sociales. No obstante, mientras que las emisiones en las noticias tradicionales seguramente presentan un aviso de precaución antes de transmitir las imágenes gráficas o deciden censurar el contenido más ofensivo, tales medidas se ignoran con frecuencia en internet, en especial cuando las transmiten individuos y emisoras no muy establecidas.

Facebook cuenta con un ejército de moderadores de contenidos, pero no pueden lograr que no se cuele ni una sola imagen o video aterradores. Esta red social también tiene una política ambigua cuando se trata de videos violentos, que los permite (ahora con un aviso de precaución que impide su reproducción automática) siempre y cuando los usuarios los “condenen” en lugar de “celebrarlos” (dos verbos altamente subjetivos).

Una distinción clave entre consumir noticias en internet y hacerlo en medios impresos o la televisión es el acceso constante y la capacidad de quedar sumido en un pantano en el primer caso, como demuestra el estudio sobre el Maratón de Boston.

Ni siquiera las cadenas noticiosas que trabajan las 24 horas son un paralelo del flujo casi infinito de internet donde incontables fuentes, con o sin acreditación, proporcionan a los obsesos un abastecimiento infinito de material, y la tecnología moderna entrega terabytes de datos crudos de primera mano. Si el asesinato de Kennedy sucediera hoy, no estaríamos examinando la grabación única y de baja definición de Zapruder, sino que tendríamos una gran cantidad de videos tomados en teléfonos inteligentes desde todos los ángulos, y miles de tuits escritos por testigos oculares.

Además, la yuxtaposición entre el contenido estándar en las redes sociales y las imágenes violentas es profundamente discordante. Si entramos a Facebook para ver videos de gatos y fotos de bebés, pero encontramos una imagen perturbadora, no estamos emocionalmente preparados para ello y su aparición en medio del contenido frívolo y alegre puede ser trastornador, como un recordatorio sombrío de que la misma especie que rutinariamente produce niñitos adorables también es responsable del Estado Islámico.

Aunque es cierto que se requiere cierto grado de voluntad para encender la televisión y mirarla, y aún más para abrir una publicación noticiosa impresa y leerla, hasta cierto punto nuestro libre albedrío como consumidor estaba limitado a los medios tradicionales de las épocas pasadas. Las noticias se presentaban en momento específicos, como la mañana y la noche, semanal o mensualmente, y tenían una duración limitada, suficiente para llenar un periódico, revista o una emisión de 30 minutos. Lo más seguro es que nos quedemos con las publicaciones a las que nos suscribimos y los noticieros que vemos normalmente, y que recibamos sus imágenes de manera pasiva.

En cambio, en internet seguimos de manera activa a redes con vínculos más complejos por lo que, a menudo terminamos en sitios sensacionalistas que nunca antes habíamos visitado. La fotografía de un civil muerto en la primera plana de un periódico impreso no puede evitarse si estamos suscritos a ese periódico, y verla no implica que queramos buscar una imagen de muerte.

Por el contrario, buscar deliberadamente o darle clic a un vínculo que sabemos que nos enviará a la misma imagen sí lo implica (en especial si hay un aviso de precaución). En cierto nivel, es posible que nos enfermen nuestros propios deseos repugnantes tanto como la inhumanidad desplegada. El aforismo 146 de Más allá del bien y del mal, de Nietzsche, reza: “Quien con monstruos lucha cuide de no convertirse a su vez en monstruo. Cuando miras largo tiempo a un abismo, también éste mira dentro de ti”.

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La Gran Época le presenta un resumen de las últimas noticias de Venezuela destacadas de hoy. En primer lugar, el presidente Maduro informó que a partir de hoy la gasolina en la frontera colombo-venezolana se podrá adquirir solo en pesos y no en bolívares. Por otro lado, Lilian Tintori, esposa del encarcelado Leopoldo López, informó en Twitter que logró ingresar a la cárcel junto a sus hijos a saludar a su esposo. Manuel Rosales, uno de los considerados “presos políticos” de Venezuela, fue liberado el fin de semana junto a otros 6 opositores más. Jesús Torrealba dijo que en cuestión de horas habrá “importantes anuncios”  y –por último- en Estados Unidos aumentaron significativamente los pedidos de asilo por parte de ciudadanos venezolanos.

A partir de hoy en la frontera se expenderá gasolina en moneda extranjera

A partir de hoy 2 de enero, las estaciones de servicio de la estatal Petróleos de Venezuela (Pdvsa) comenzarán a expender gasolina en la frontera colombo-venezolana en moneda extranjera.

El presidente de la República, Nicolás Maduro informó que este plan piloto se desarrollará en las localidades fronterizas de Paraguachón, estado Zulia y Ureña, estado Táchira, en donde los usuarios podrán adquirir el combustible en pesos colombianos.

“Vamos a empezar a vender gasolina, en bombas de Pdvsa en la frontera, en moneda extranjera. Con sus respectivos controles, su respectiva identidad, vamos a vender gasolina para golpear a las mafias y además para avanzar hacia una frontera sana, de intercambio comercial sano, de intercambio productivo sano, de nuevas actividades comerciales que sustituyen a las mafias en todos los sentidos”, expresó el jefe de Estado transmisión conjunta de radio y televisión, el pasado 29 de diciembre (video).

Lilian Tintori e hijos visitaron a Leopoldo López en la cárcel

La esposa de López, Lilian Tintori publicó un video a través de la red social Twitter, en el que le desean feliz año a sus seguidores junto con sus hijos, Manuela y Leopoldo con el mensaje: “Hoy, primer día del año vinimos a Ramo Verde a ver a Leopoldo, para abrazarlo y decirle que lo amamos”.

López fue sentenciado a más de 13 años de prisión por presuntamente ocasionar actos violentos en las protestas de febrero de 2014.

Liberan al preso político Manuel Rosales y a 6 más

Las autoridades venezolanas concedieron la libertad al excandidato presidencial venezolano Manuel Rosales, encarcelado desde el 15 de octubre de 2015 por presunto enriquecimiento ilícito mientras fue gobernador del occidental estado Zulia.

“Le informo al pueblo de Venezuela, que he sido puesto en libertad junto a otros presos políticos”, anunció Rosales a través de la red social Twitter.

Eveling Trejo, esposa de Rosales y alcaldesa del municipio Maracaibo (Zulia), también escribió un mensaje en Twitter: “Se ha cumplido la justicia divina de nuestro señor ¡Gracias Dios y mi Chinita por entregarle la libertad a mi esposo @manuelrosalesg!”

Además de Rosales, las autoridades también liberaron a  Nixon Leal, Ángel Contreras, Yeimi Varela, Gerardo Carrero, Scarli Duarte y Leocenis García.

Jesús Torrealba: En horas se harán importantes anuncios

En declaraciones recogidas este lunes por Unión Radio, el secretario de la Mesa de Unidad Democrática (Mud) Jesús “Chuo” Torrealba, dijo que “en cuestión de horas” se harán importantes anuncios respecto a restructuración de la coalición opositora, informó El Universal.

Al respecto recordó que que la redefinición debe ser colectiva dentro de la organización debido a que no existe una normativa interna clara.

Sobre el llamado G4 explicó que no se trata de una instancia formal, sino los cuatro partidos con mayor peso y responsabilidad dentro de la MUD por representar el 90% de los votos en las últimas elecciones (Acción Democrática, Primero Justicia, Voluntad Popular y Un Nuevo Tiempo), los cuales enfatizó son quienes “arman juego” pero no conducen del todo pues “la oposición venezolana es múltiple, es diversa”.

Jesús Torrealba (Foto: FEDERICO PARRA/AFP/Getty Images)

Peticiones de asilo de venezolanos aumentan en EE.UU

Las peticiones de asilo de venezolanos en EE.UU. aumentaron significativamente, al pasar de 7.226 en 2015 a 11.928 en los primeros nueve meses del 2016.

Los ciudadanos de Venezuela huyen de la crisis, según divulgó el grupo de Derechos Humanos Venezuela Awareness.

Patricia Andrade, directora del grupo, alertó que en 2017 esas cifras se pueden incrementar aún más, lo mismo que el empeoramiento de las condiciones de unos cien “presos políticos” en el país.

Por la grave crisis que vive Venezuela, miles de venezolanos han tomado el camino del “exilio” aumentando las peticiones de asilo de venezolanos, señaló la organización en un comunicado.

La Gran Época le recomienda el siguiente artículo: Miss Mundo Canadá: “Mi voz no era escuchada”

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Noticias Telemundo’s “Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” (Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community) Town Hall broadcast on Sunday, February 12 at 7PM/6 C, ranked # 1 in Spanish-language TV in primetime across all key demographics, averaging 1.57 million total viewers, 708,000 adults 18 to 49 and 325,000 adults 18 to 34, according to Nielsen. The news special moderated by Noticias Telemundo News Anchor José Díaz-Balart also positioned Telemundo as the #1 Spanish-language network during the entire primetime on Sunday, across all key demos.

“Noticias Telemundo is empowering millions of Latinos with reliable and TRANSPARENT information at a time of change,” said José Díaz-Balart. “Viewers trust us because they know our only commitment is to present the facts the way they are, with professionalism and a total commitment to our community.”

“Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community” also reached 1.6 million viewers on Facebook, generating 23,000 global actions on the social network.

The Town Hall answered viewers’ questions about the impact of President Trump’s immigration policy on the Hispanic community. The news special featured a panel of experts, including immigration lawyer and Telemundo contributor Alma Rosa Nieto; Telemundo conservative political analyst Ana Navarro; the Deputy Vice President of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), Clarissa Martínez, and CHIRLA’s Executive Director, Angélica Salas. In addition, “El Poder en Ti”, Telemundo’s robust community initiative, launched an Internet site for Hispanics looking for information, tools and resources on immigration in parallel to the Town Hall.

“Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” is part of a series of Noticias Telemundo specials, including “Trump en la Casa Blanca,” produced the day after the elections, and “Trump y los Latinos,” which aired on Inauguration Day. All of these programs share an emphasis on allowing audiences to express their views and empower them by giving them access to trustworthy, rigorous and relevant information presented under Noticias Telemundo’s banner “Telling It Like It Is” (“Las Cosas Como Son” in Spanish).

Noticias Telemundo is the information unit of Telemundo Network and a leader provider in news serving the US Hispanics across all broadcast and digital platforms. Its award-winning television news broadcasts include the daily newscast “Noticias Telemundo,” the Sunday current affairs show “Enfoque con José Díaz-Balart” and the daily news and entertainment magazine “Al Rojo Vivo con María Celeste.” The rapidly-growing “Noticias Telemundo Digital Team” provides continuous content to US Hispanics wherever they are, whenever they want it. Noticias Telemundo also produces award winning news specials, documentaries and news event such as political debates, forums and town halls.

Source: Nielsen L+SD IMP, 2/12/17. TEL #1 SLTV (vs UNI, UMA, AZA, ETV). Shareablee, 2/6/17-2/12/17.

Image courtesy of Telemundo.

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Pete Buttigieg slammed both President Trump and Joe Biden in one comment at a gay pride event in Iowa on Saturday.

“Don’t listen to anybody in either party who says we can just go back to what we were doing,” Buttigieg told the Des Moines crowd, according to the Washington Examiner. “We in the LGBT community know that when we hear phrases like ‘Make America Great Again,’ that that American past was never quite as great as advertised.”

It’s a usual refrain for Buttigieg to criticize Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan, but by including “both parties” he seemed to reference Biden — who is running on his decades-long political career and on Democrats’ nostalgia for the Barack Obama presidency.


In fact, Biden posted a tweet Saturday, reminding his followers of his close association with his former boss.

But Biden has recently come under scrutiny over issues like his reversal on the Hyde Amendment on abortion funding and the 1994 crime bill, according to the Examiner.

The former vice president has consistently led the pack of 2020 Democratic contenders, and his rivals have struggled to tread the fine line between standing out from Biden and avoiding alienating his supporters.

Despite the dig, Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Ind., balked at the idea that he should see the other candidates as the enemy.

“I don’t even view us as having opponents so much as competitors. You would be surprised how often we are in dialogue with each other,” he said. “We might as well carpool,” he joked about the large number of candidates in Iowa over the weekend.


A new poll of likely Democratic caucus goers in Iowa that came out Saturday shows Biden’s support in the first caucus state has gone down by nearly a third since last fall and Buttigieg is now in a statistical tie for second place with Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.

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UPDATE: Los Angeles County has moved up Sunday’s countywide curfew from 8PM to 6PM.


PREVIOUS: The city of Santa Monica will shut down for a second night of curfew starting at 4 PM today through 5:30 AM on Monday morning.

The city’s official Twitter account made the announcement. All Interstate 10 freeway ramps into the city will be shuttered, as will Pacific Coast Highway off-ramps. The tweet also warned, “Stay out of downtown Santa Monica” and referred readers to the official city website.

The move by the beach community comes as Los Angeles continues its curfew starting at 8 PM tonight. West Hollywood is also under a curfew.

Earlier, Santa Monica officials said there was quiet in its community on Saturday night as protests roiled communities to its East.

“Our community remained largely peaceful and safe throughout the evening,” a city statement said early Sunday. “With the initiation of the curfew last night, our Santa Monica Police Department was present across all areas of our city. The Department responded immediately to one commercial burglary and to one broken window at a business. No arrests were made for violations of the curfew order.”

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Mr. Barr began a review of the Russia investigation this year with the stated goal of determining whether law enforcement or intelligence officials acted inappropriately in their decision during the height of the 2016 presidential campaign to begin investigating whether the Trump campaign was conspiring with Russia’s election interference. But the president has made no secret he sees a larger purpose: to validate his victory and to settle scores with his perceived “deep state” enemies.

The Justice Department said last week that it is exploring the extent to which other countries, including Ukraine, “played a role in the counterintelligence investigation directed at the Trump campaign.” At the very least, Mr. Barr has made it clear that he sees his work treading into sensitive territory: how the law enforcement and intelligence agencies of the United States’ closest allies share information with American officials.

Mr. Mueller’s investigation confirmed that Australia played a central role in the origins of the original F.B.I. investigation, even if his final report does not mention the country by name. It said that information from a “foreign government” prompted the F.B.I. to “open an investigation into whether individuals associated with the Trump campaign were coordinating with the Russian government in its interference activities.”

But like so much about the pre-election period, the episode has been the subject of a counternarrative marbled with conspiracy: that the Obama administration had dispatched the Australian official, Alexander Downer, to spy on the Trump campaign as part of a broader effort to help Mrs. Clinton get elected.

There is no evidence to support this, but the conspiracy has been advanced by some of the president’s allies in Congress, by some Fox News commentators, and in frequent tweets by Mr. Papadopoulos, who was sentenced last year to two weeks in prison for lying to F.B.I. agents in the Russia inquiry who questioned him about any contacts between the Trump campaign and Russian intermediaries.

Mr. Morrison, the Australian prime minister, met Mr. Trump in Washington this month for official meetings and a state dinner at the White House. Mr. Barr attended the dinner.

The attorney general sparked a controversy in April when he said during congressional testimony that “spying” on the Trump campaign had taken place as part of the Russia investigation, and that there was a “failure among a group of leaders at the upper echelons” of the intelligence community. He later announced that he was reviewing the origins of the Russia investigation, and President Trump said, “I am so proud of our attorney general that he is looking into it.”

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Broadsided by floods and powerful tornadoes, the Philadelphia region was stunned by Ida’s deadly intensity.

But to scientists, clues were abundant Ida might prove formidable when it made landfall near Port Fourchon, La., as a Category 4 hurricane on Aug. 29. The scene was set 1,100 miles away for it to make history here three days later. The Philadelphia region was already pumped full of water and primed by heat to make whatever remnant tracked its way even worse — a signature of climate change.

» READ MORE: A timeline of Ida’s Philly destruction

Consider that as Ida was forming in the tropics in late August, Philly’s weather had been much hotter and wetter than normal all month. The average temperature was 79.2 degrees — 2.3 degrees above normal. And 6.18 inches of rain had fallen, 144% over the average for the last 20 years.

Climate experts and a growing chorus of political leaders agree climate change can make the impact of storms far more dramatic and even deadly.

”Ida fed on an extreme level of heat content in the Gulf of Mexico,” Michael Mann, a Penn State climate scientist and director of the school’s Earth System Science Center, said in an email. “That record heat is tied directly to human-caused warming. That heat favored the dramatic, rapid intensification of Ida. So in short, yeah — this is climate change.”

» READ MORE: Philly’s summer temps have risen 3 degrees since 1970 — and nights have gotten even warmer

Jessica Spaccio, a climatologist at the Northeast Regional Climate Center at Cornell, says there’s little doubt climate change contributed to Ida’s power.

“To what degree is a harder question to answer,” Spaccio said. “But that it played a role is not a question. We are in a warming world. These storms are just so devastating. We definitely need to take climate change seriously and adapt.”

“Some people say Ida would not have happened if not for climate change. Well, that’s not true,” said Sean Sublette, a meteorologist with Climate Central, a nonprofit comprising scientists and journalists. “But climate change was unquestionably a factor.”

Sublette estimates that Philly likely got 10% more rain than it would have had if it weren’t for climate change. Warmer, wetter conditions do more than increase rainfall; they might be enough to push a hurricane’s wind speeds from a Category 3 to a much more destructive 4.

“When we try to quantify how much rain came down as a result of climate change it is exceedingly difficult,” Sublette said. “It might have rained like hell anyway. But instead of a near-record flood, you got a record flood. So instead of getting an inch or two of flooding on the Vine Street Expressway, you get enough for people to jump in and float.”

» READ MORE: Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York had more tornadoes than Kansas in 2020

Scientists also agree that events like Ida are not freak occurrences.

“We’ve shown that these extreme floods are becoming more common in the past several decades,” said Dartmouth earth sciences researcher Evan Dethier, who lived in Philadelphia for several years. “There’s not really any reason for us right now to believe that they won’t continue to do so.”

Weather is defined as a single meteorological event, perhaps spanning days or weeks. Climate spans decades or longer. So it’s overly simplistic to blame every bad day on climate change. What scientists look for are patterns.

Scientists say the connection between warming and climate change is well understood. A warmer, moister atmosphere generates more energy for storms to feed on. Based on an Inquirer analysis of moisture in the air, as measured by the dew points, 2021 was likely the muggiest summer since 1995.

Looking at data from the last 50 years, Augusts in Philadelphia are getting hotter, leading to a 1.8-degree increase in average temperatures. And more days are cresting 90 degrees.

So, a rainstorm that might have dumped 5 inches without a changed climate might dump 6 inches. While that might not seem like much, it translates to millions of gallons of additional water flowing into regional waterways.

» READ MORE: Protecting New Jersey’s back bays from climate change-fueled storms could cost $16 billion, federal report finds

Precisely how climate change could contribute to tornadoes is trickier to establish, Sublette said. Cornell’s Spaccio said more research is needed.

Though the United States has not experienced an increase in days of tornado outbreaks, on days when there are outbreaks, more tornadoes are spawned than in the past.

That’s what happened here. On Wednesday evening, seven tornadoes struck the Philly region. Tornado ratings are based on the EF scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest winds. The tornado that struck Gloucester County was an EF-3 with peak winds of 150 mph and carved a 12-mile path, well over a typical path of 1.5 miles. Though EF-3s are rare in the region, consider that one struck Bensalem Township on July 29.

But even before Wednesday, tornadoes already were accelerating in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

As big as Ida may seem, consider it was only little more than a year ago that remnants of Hurricane Isaias dumped 9 inches of rain in some local areas, caused the Schuylkill to overflow, flooded Boathouse Row, ruined homes in the city’s Eastwick neighborhood, and even trapped a dredge barge at the I-676 ramp to I-76 in Center City, forcing the road to close.

During Ida, the Schuylkill at 30th Street Station in Philadelphia rose to 16.28 feet. Flood stage is nine feet, and 14 feet is considered a major flood. The average flow at the location is 1,460 cubic feet per second. It reached a flow of 125,000 cubic feet per second on Thursday.

Dozens of sewage and storm-water pipes overflowed, emptying untreated water directly into Philadelphia’s major waterways. So if you saw pictures on social media of people diving into the water and paddling around for fun, they were almost assuredly swimming in diluted sewage.

During big storms, 60% of the city’s aging sewage lines are designed to bypass at-capacity water treatment plants and flow directly into the Delaware River and the Schuylkill, as well as creeks such as the Tacony.

Philadelphia is not alone in its aging storm-water system. As climate change makes storms heavier, officials from around the region fear their systems won’t be able to keep up.

The damage from more intense storms gets even more expensive because of development near waterways. Water runs over paved surfaces directly into streams and rivers instead of being absorbed into the ground. Aging storm systems were not designed to handle such heavy loads.

Like other scientists, Dethier said he can’t “explicitly connect” the size of Ida to climate change. But the storm is part of the “dominant signal” researchers are seeing, given the sogginess of the Northeast this summer.

“It’s sort of like the precursor to having a big event like this,” Dethier said. “Because if you get eight inches of rain, but it’s been really dry, you might be able to absorb it and it might result in a minor flood. But in this case, it’s sort of like the system was primed to have a big event. We had the rain from Ida that just pushed it over the top.”

» READ MORE: Ida’s costs could reach $95 billion. On top of COVID-19, ‘it’s one more painful thing.’

Another point of universal agreement: Preparing for more Idas will cost billions in infrastructure improvements. AccuWeather estimates Ida caused $95 billion in damage.

As Gov. Phil Murphy toured an area of Gloucester County devastated by a tornado spawned during Ida, he said he hopes Congress approves the Biden administration’s infrastructure bill to pay for roads, bridges, and utility systems that can handle ever-bigger storms.

“The world is changing,” Murphy said. “These storms are coming in more frequently, they’re coming in with more intensity. … We have got to get a leap forward and get out ahead of this.”

Sen. Bob Casey, who also toured flood damage, agreed.

”I don’t think anyone should have any doubts in the aftermath of this storm about the gravity of the threat that we face from climate change,” Casey said.

Staff writer Laura McCrystal contributed to this article.

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Presidential candidate Marianne Williamson warned fellow Democrats at Tuesday night’s debate in Detroit about the “dark psychic force” of the Trump administration.

The self-help author cautioned the other candidates that “wonkiness” would not stop the “collectivized hatred” of the president and would lead to “very dark days” for Democrats. The line and others of hers drew uproarious applause from the debate audience.


“It’s bigger than [the] Flint [water crisis],” Williamson continued. “It’s particularly people of color. It’s particularly people who do not have the money to fight back, and if the Democrats don’t start saying it, why would those people feel they’re there for us?”

After the debate, “dark psychic force” was trending on Google and Twitter.

Williamson, who was relatively unknown before the first debate in June, caught viewers by surprise when she said she would “harness the power of love” to beat Donald Trump.


In her closing statement last month she said her first call as president would be to New Zealand’s prime minister to tell her, “Girlfriend, you are so on,” regarding which country treats children better.

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