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En rueda de prensa el jefe de campaña del Comando Zamora 200, Jorge Rodríguez, condenó el doble rasero internacional hacia Venezuela en torno a los hechos violentos sucedidos durante la elección de la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente.

“El pueblo ayer mandó un mensaje al mundo entero y el mundo entero tiene que escuchar ese mensaje, si no lo escuchan estarían cometiendo una profunda irresponsabilidad”, dijo el representante político.

>> “Constituyente en Venezuela es un triunfo de la patria”


En sus declaraciones, Rodríguez condenó la actuación de los medios internacionales que reseñaron los actos de violencia y no la participación del pueblo venezolano en el proceso comicial que “con el  97 por ciento de las actas transmitidas más de ocho millones de votantes hicieron un llamado a la paz y a la vida”, indicó.

El chavismo recuperó su votación histórica, aseguró Rodríguez en el encuentro con medios de comunicación.

Asimismo, denunció los actos de la oposición para impedir la voluntad del pueblo venezolano.

Ante el desconocimiento de los resultados por parte de los sectores opositores, el dirigente político dijo: “La derecha tiene la costumbre de no reconocer los resultados electorales cuando pierden, sólo ellos reconocen cuando ganan, así es fácil ser demócrata”, aseveró.

Rodríguez dijo que se habilitaron centros en varios de los municipios y zonas donde la oposición tiene mayoría “en esos centros votaron cientos de personas”.

>> ¿Qué viene ahora con la elección de la Constituyente en Venezuela?

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El reputado vidente local Jucelino Nóbrega da Luz acudió a una notaría de Sao Paulo para registrar una de sus visiones.

Según él, el vuelo JJ3720 de las 8:30, del miércoles 26 de noviembre ruta Sao Paulo-Brasilia presentaría un problema en las turbinas y se estrellaría contra un edificio en la avenida Paulista, tras despegar del aeropuerto de Congonhas.

Ante, ello, TAM modificó sólo para ese día el número de vuelo, que renombró JJ4732.

“TAM reitera que la seguridad es un valor imprescindible en todas sus operaciones. En razón de eso, la compañía informa que consideró la alerta y permanecerá atenta a las operaciones en el período citado”, dijo la aerolínea en una nota enviada a la AFP.

“Agregamos que la red de rutas aéreas es dinámica y los cambios pueden ocurrir para cualquier adecuación necesaria y de forma puntual”, agregó.

Pese a la visión, de acuerdo con el portal de noticias G1, el Servicio Regional de Protección a Vuelos de Sao Paulo, así como pilotos, explicaron que los aviones no pasan por encima de la avenida Paulista, tras despegar de Congonhas.

El aviso también provocó que el administrador de un edificio cerca de donde ocurriría el accidente pidiera una copia de la declaración del vidente ante la notaría y la difundiera entre los vecinos para que tomen sus precauciones.

Según ha contado el vidente a la prensa, tuvo esta visión en un sueño de 2005.

“Hechos naturales no tenemos cómo alterarlos, como terremoto, huracán. Pero un hecho mecánico como este, sí. No es como en las películas, que la muerte va a seguir a la gente. Si no pasa nada en ese día, no va a suceder más”, aseguró.

Nóbrega da Luz asegura que, a lo largo de su trayectoria, predijo muertes como las de la princesa Diana, Ayrton Senna e incluso la del candidato presidencial Eduardo Campos, fallecido en un accidente aéreo en agosto pasado.

Sin embargo también previó que en el 2006, Geraldo Alckmin sería elegido presidente de Brasil, cuando fue reeligido Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, y que en el 2008 se descubriría la vacuna contra el sida.

En 2005, pidió a Estados Unidos el pago de una recompensa porque, según él, les informó el paradero exacto de Sadam Husein en Irak.

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Mr. Barr began a review of the Russia investigation this year with the stated goal of determining whether law enforcement or intelligence officials acted inappropriately in their decision during the height of the 2016 presidential campaign to begin investigating whether the Trump campaign was conspiring with Russia’s election interference. But the president has made no secret he sees a larger purpose: to validate his victory and to settle scores with his perceived “deep state” enemies.

The Justice Department said last week that it is exploring the extent to which other countries, including Ukraine, “played a role in the counterintelligence investigation directed at the Trump campaign.” At the very least, Mr. Barr has made it clear that he sees his work treading into sensitive territory: how the law enforcement and intelligence agencies of the United States’ closest allies share information with American officials.

Mr. Mueller’s investigation confirmed that Australia played a central role in the origins of the original F.B.I. investigation, even if his final report does not mention the country by name. It said that information from a “foreign government” prompted the F.B.I. to “open an investigation into whether individuals associated with the Trump campaign were coordinating with the Russian government in its interference activities.”

But like so much about the pre-election period, the episode has been the subject of a counternarrative marbled with conspiracy: that the Obama administration had dispatched the Australian official, Alexander Downer, to spy on the Trump campaign as part of a broader effort to help Mrs. Clinton get elected.

There is no evidence to support this, but the conspiracy has been advanced by some of the president’s allies in Congress, by some Fox News commentators, and in frequent tweets by Mr. Papadopoulos, who was sentenced last year to two weeks in prison for lying to F.B.I. agents in the Russia inquiry who questioned him about any contacts between the Trump campaign and Russian intermediaries.

Mr. Morrison, the Australian prime minister, met Mr. Trump in Washington this month for official meetings and a state dinner at the White House. Mr. Barr attended the dinner.

The attorney general sparked a controversy in April when he said during congressional testimony that “spying” on the Trump campaign had taken place as part of the Russia investigation, and that there was a “failure among a group of leaders at the upper echelons” of the intelligence community. He later announced that he was reviewing the origins of the Russia investigation, and President Trump said, “I am so proud of our attorney general that he is looking into it.”

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Wilbur Scoville ganhou um Doodle do Google com direito a um jogo que simula o ‘teste da escala quente’ de pimentas. Hoje, o Google celebra o nascimento do químico há 151 anos (1865-1942). Scoville, além de receber a homenagem desta sexta-feira (22), é conhecido por ter inventado um método de avaliação do nível de ardência de vários tipos de pimenta, a famosa Escala de Scoville, disponível abaixo em app. 

Escala Scoville; app salva de pimenta ‘muito quente’

O Doodle do Google, além de animado, é interativo. No jogo, os usuários devem fazer com que um sorvete acerte a pimenta para acabar com a ardência na boca de Scoville, após o químico prová-la. O leite, muito presente no sorvete, é um dos principais componentes neutralizadores do ardor da pimenta.

Doodle de Wilbur Scoville brinca com jogo que usa ‘teste da pimenta’ (Foto: (Foto: Reprodução/Google))

A cada degustação que Wilbur Scoville prova, uma pimenta diferente e as suas propriedades e curiosidades também são reveladas. Após terminar as “lutas”, que você pode ganhar (e aí desbloquear “novas pimentas” para enfrentar) ou perder (e fazer com que Scoville caia no chão com a boca “pelando”), um sistema de compartilhamento dos resultados do jogo nas redes sociais é exibido.

Ralador de pimenta bloqueia Wi-Fi e deixa todo mundo ’em família

O Doodle foi produzido pela artista e doodler do Google Olivia Huynh. Para a designer, a melhor parte do trabalho foi desenhar as pimentas e as reações de Scoville. “O conceito de picante é universal, cômico, e foi o que tentei usar para criar esse jogo de luta”, explica Huynh, em post do Google.

“Fiz storyboards de como poderia ser, rascunhos e testamos um protótipo. Depois vieram os cenários e animações. Desenhar as pimentas e as reações de Scoville foram minhas partes favoritas”, conta. 

Doodle também é informativo, detalhando tipos de pimentas  (Foto: Reprodução/Google)

Escala de Scoville

Wilbur Lincoln Scoville nasceu em Bridgeport, nos Estados Unidos, em 22 de janeiro de 1865 e morreu em 10 de março de 1942. O trabalho do americano como farmacêutico é reconhecido mundialmente: criou o Teste Organoléptico de Scoville, que gerou a já conhecida Escala de Scoville.

Com este método, Wilbur Lincoln Scoville definiu o grau de pungência de vários tipos de pimenta, através da detecção da concentração de capsaicina, substância responsável pela ardência da pimenta.

Qual é o melhor Doodle do Google? Comente no Fórum do TechTudo. 

O teste é um Procedimento de Diluição e Prova. Scoville misturava as pimentas puras com uma solução de água com açúcar, e quanto mais solução fosse necessária para diluir a pimenta, mais alta seria sua picância. Depois disso, o método foi melhorado e foram criadas as unidades de calor Scoville (Scoville Heat Units, ou SHU).

Doodle Wilbur Scoville (Foto: Reprodução/Google)

Uma xícara de pimenta que equivale a 1.000 xícaras de água é uma unidade na escala de Scoville. A substância Capsaicina, que gera a ardência nas pimentas, equivale a 15 milhões de unidades Scoville.

A pimenta mexicana Habanero chega a 300 mil, uma “Red Savina Habanero”, modificada, tem 577 mil, e a Tezpur indiana, 877 mil.

Entretanto, este não foi o único trabalho de Scoville. “The Art of Compounding” (A Arte dos Compostos), de 1895, é um de seus livros, que foi usado como referência na farmacologia até os anos 60.

Scoville também publicou um livro com centenas de fórmulas de perfumes e outras essências, que foi chamado de “Extract and Perfumes” (Extratos e perfumes).

Em 1922, Scoville recebeu o Prêmio Ebert, e em 1929 ganhou a sua Medalha de Honra Remington e o título de Doutor honoris causa em Ciências pela Universidade de Columbia. O pesquisador morreu no dia 10 de março de 1942, deixando mulher e dois filhos.

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Curtiu o Doodle? Veja a história dos Doodles do Google; vídeo

Via Google Doodles

*Colaborou Roberto Caligari

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Broadsided by floods and powerful tornadoes, the Philadelphia region was stunned by Ida’s deadly intensity.

But to scientists, clues were abundant Ida might prove formidable when it made landfall near Port Fourchon, La., as a Category 4 hurricane on Aug. 29. The scene was set 1,100 miles away for it to make history here three days later. The Philadelphia region was already pumped full of water and primed by heat to make whatever remnant tracked its way even worse — a signature of climate change.

» READ MORE: A timeline of Ida’s Philly destruction

Consider that as Ida was forming in the tropics in late August, Philly’s weather had been much hotter and wetter than normal all month. The average temperature was 79.2 degrees — 2.3 degrees above normal. And 6.18 inches of rain had fallen, 144% over the average for the last 20 years.

Climate experts and a growing chorus of political leaders agree climate change can make the impact of storms far more dramatic and even deadly.

”Ida fed on an extreme level of heat content in the Gulf of Mexico,” Michael Mann, a Penn State climate scientist and director of the school’s Earth System Science Center, said in an email. “That record heat is tied directly to human-caused warming. That heat favored the dramatic, rapid intensification of Ida. So in short, yeah — this is climate change.”

» READ MORE: Philly’s summer temps have risen 3 degrees since 1970 — and nights have gotten even warmer

Jessica Spaccio, a climatologist at the Northeast Regional Climate Center at Cornell, says there’s little doubt climate change contributed to Ida’s power.

“To what degree is a harder question to answer,” Spaccio said. “But that it played a role is not a question. We are in a warming world. These storms are just so devastating. We definitely need to take climate change seriously and adapt.”

“Some people say Ida would not have happened if not for climate change. Well, that’s not true,” said Sean Sublette, a meteorologist with Climate Central, a nonprofit comprising scientists and journalists. “But climate change was unquestionably a factor.”

Sublette estimates that Philly likely got 10% more rain than it would have had if it weren’t for climate change. Warmer, wetter conditions do more than increase rainfall; they might be enough to push a hurricane’s wind speeds from a Category 3 to a much more destructive 4.

“When we try to quantify how much rain came down as a result of climate change it is exceedingly difficult,” Sublette said. “It might have rained like hell anyway. But instead of a near-record flood, you got a record flood. So instead of getting an inch or two of flooding on the Vine Street Expressway, you get enough for people to jump in and float.”

» READ MORE: Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York had more tornadoes than Kansas in 2020

Scientists also agree that events like Ida are not freak occurrences.

“We’ve shown that these extreme floods are becoming more common in the past several decades,” said Dartmouth earth sciences researcher Evan Dethier, who lived in Philadelphia for several years. “There’s not really any reason for us right now to believe that they won’t continue to do so.”

Weather is defined as a single meteorological event, perhaps spanning days or weeks. Climate spans decades or longer. So it’s overly simplistic to blame every bad day on climate change. What scientists look for are patterns.

Scientists say the connection between warming and climate change is well understood. A warmer, moister atmosphere generates more energy for storms to feed on. Based on an Inquirer analysis of moisture in the air, as measured by the dew points, 2021 was likely the muggiest summer since 1995.

Looking at data from the last 50 years, Augusts in Philadelphia are getting hotter, leading to a 1.8-degree increase in average temperatures. And more days are cresting 90 degrees.

So, a rainstorm that might have dumped 5 inches without a changed climate might dump 6 inches. While that might not seem like much, it translates to millions of gallons of additional water flowing into regional waterways.

» READ MORE: Protecting New Jersey’s back bays from climate change-fueled storms could cost $16 billion, federal report finds

Precisely how climate change could contribute to tornadoes is trickier to establish, Sublette said. Cornell’s Spaccio said more research is needed.

Though the United States has not experienced an increase in days of tornado outbreaks, on days when there are outbreaks, more tornadoes are spawned than in the past.

That’s what happened here. On Wednesday evening, seven tornadoes struck the Philly region. Tornado ratings are based on the EF scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest winds. The tornado that struck Gloucester County was an EF-3 with peak winds of 150 mph and carved a 12-mile path, well over a typical path of 1.5 miles. Though EF-3s are rare in the region, consider that one struck Bensalem Township on July 29.

But even before Wednesday, tornadoes already were accelerating in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

As big as Ida may seem, consider it was only little more than a year ago that remnants of Hurricane Isaias dumped 9 inches of rain in some local areas, caused the Schuylkill to overflow, flooded Boathouse Row, ruined homes in the city’s Eastwick neighborhood, and even trapped a dredge barge at the I-676 ramp to I-76 in Center City, forcing the road to close.

During Ida, the Schuylkill at 30th Street Station in Philadelphia rose to 16.28 feet. Flood stage is nine feet, and 14 feet is considered a major flood. The average flow at the location is 1,460 cubic feet per second. It reached a flow of 125,000 cubic feet per second on Thursday.

Dozens of sewage and storm-water pipes overflowed, emptying untreated water directly into Philadelphia’s major waterways. So if you saw pictures on social media of people diving into the water and paddling around for fun, they were almost assuredly swimming in diluted sewage.

During big storms, 60% of the city’s aging sewage lines are designed to bypass at-capacity water treatment plants and flow directly into the Delaware River and the Schuylkill, as well as creeks such as the Tacony.

Philadelphia is not alone in its aging storm-water system. As climate change makes storms heavier, officials from around the region fear their systems won’t be able to keep up.

The damage from more intense storms gets even more expensive because of development near waterways. Water runs over paved surfaces directly into streams and rivers instead of being absorbed into the ground. Aging storm systems were not designed to handle such heavy loads.

Like other scientists, Dethier said he can’t “explicitly connect” the size of Ida to climate change. But the storm is part of the “dominant signal” researchers are seeing, given the sogginess of the Northeast this summer.

“It’s sort of like the precursor to having a big event like this,” Dethier said. “Because if you get eight inches of rain, but it’s been really dry, you might be able to absorb it and it might result in a minor flood. But in this case, it’s sort of like the system was primed to have a big event. We had the rain from Ida that just pushed it over the top.”

» READ MORE: Ida’s costs could reach $95 billion. On top of COVID-19, ‘it’s one more painful thing.’

Another point of universal agreement: Preparing for more Idas will cost billions in infrastructure improvements. AccuWeather estimates Ida caused $95 billion in damage.

As Gov. Phil Murphy toured an area of Gloucester County devastated by a tornado spawned during Ida, he said he hopes Congress approves the Biden administration’s infrastructure bill to pay for roads, bridges, and utility systems that can handle ever-bigger storms.

“The world is changing,” Murphy said. “These storms are coming in more frequently, they’re coming in with more intensity. … We have got to get a leap forward and get out ahead of this.”

Sen. Bob Casey, who also toured flood damage, agreed.

”I don’t think anyone should have any doubts in the aftermath of this storm about the gravity of the threat that we face from climate change,” Casey said.

Staff writer Laura McCrystal contributed to this article.

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ST. LOUIS, Mo. – — A huge swath of the U.S. braced Tuesday for a major winter storm that was expected to dump heavy snow in the Rockies, ice highways, disrupt travel across the Midwest, and plunge temperatures below freezing in Texas.

Airlines had canceled more than 800 flights in the U.S. scheduled for Wednesday, the flight-tracking service showed, including many in St. Louis and Chicago.

Many St. Louis area schools have already canceled classes for Wednesday and Thursday. Others have decided to go remote and hold virtual classes this week. MoDOT held a press conference today urging employers to have workers do their jobs remotely, if possible.

See the full list of St. Louis area school closings here

Winter storm watches and warnings covered a wide swath of the country from El Paso, Texas, through the Midwest and parts of the Northeast to Burlington, Vermont. The storm follows a vicious nor’easter that brought blizzard conditions to many parts of the East Coast.

Canceled flights began to mount Tuesday, with St. Louis leading the list with more than 60% of its scheduled departures for Wednesday canceled. Chicago O’Hare International Airport canceled about 90 of its departing flights, and airports in Kansas City and Detroit were also canceling more flights than usual.

During the multiday storm this week, some areas may see a mix of rain and freezing rain before it changes to snow.

“It will be a very messy system and will make travel very difficult,” said Marty Rausch, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in College Park, Maryland.

Illinois lawmakers canceled their three scheduled days of session this week as the central part of the state prepares for heavy snow, ice and high wind gusts in the region.

The National Weather Service said 6 to 12 inches of snow was expected by Thursday morning in parts of the Rockies and Midwest, while heavy ice is likely from Texas through the Ohio Valley.

On Wednesday and Thursday, the weather service said 8 to 14 inches (20 to 36 centimeters) of snow was possible in parts of Michigan, including Detroit. From Wednesday through Friday morning, 9 to 14 inches (23 to 36 centimeters) of snow was forecast in northwestern Ohio.

In Tulsa, Oklahoma, where up to 7 inches of snow and sleet are forecast but little ice, emergency management director Joe Kralicek said the event is not expected to cause large-scale power outages based on an ice index used by the National Weather Service.

“We could see some power outages, however, it’s also suggesting that they be limited in scope and nature and very short term in duration,” Kralicek said.

Becky Gligo, director of the nonprofit Housing Solutions in Tulsa said teams are working to move homeless people into shelters ahead of overnight lows that are expected to drop into single digits by Friday night.

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Embattled Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said he was willing to negotiate on Wednesday in an interview with a Russian television program. “I am ready to sit at the negotiating table with the opposition,” Maduro said on RIA Novosti, “so that we can talk for the good of Venezuela, for peace and its future.”

His words, however, were not all forward-looking and optimistic. Indeed, in the same interview, he accused President Trump of plotting to have him killed, although he gave no evidence to support the claim.

Russia also took advantage of its ties to Caracas to push back on what it likely sees as heavy-handed U.S. influence in negotiations with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov demanding that preconditions for talks be dropped: “We call on the opposition to refuse ultimatums and to work together independently, guided only by the interest of the Venezuelan people.”

China, which like Russia has investments tied up in Venezuela, also has criticized U.S. involvement. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang warned, “We believe that Venezuela’s affairs must and can only be chosen and determined by its own people, and we oppose unilateral sanctions.” He added, “China will continue to advance across-the-board cooperation with Venezuela to deliver more benefits to the people in both countries.”

In the United States, President Trump made clear that U.S. support for opposition leader Juan Guaido wasn’t going away. On Wednesday he spoke with Guaido and offered additional public support after imposing new sanctions against Maduro on Monday, tweeting:

Those split alliances, with Russia and China siding with Maduro and the United States and its allies backing Guaido, form the subtext for Maduro’s calls for international mediation. Any successful talks would require cooperation from both sides and their international backers.

Should those negotiations be successful, paving the way for new elections, a peaceful transition, and setting Venezuela on the path of recovery, that would be a tremendous victory for diplomacy and demonstrate that the world is not yet so polarized that world powers cannot work together to solve regional crises.

The other possibility, of course, is that entrenched differences and escalating tensions between Washington and Beijing and Moscow make negotiations impossible, leading to an ongoing standoff in Venezuela — or something worse. Given the billions of dollars at stake in lost investments, competing interests in Venezuela’s vast oil reserves, and the lure of a foothold in Latin America for Russia and China, that’s not an unlikely outcome.

However the negotiations on Venezuela’s future play out, the international interests at play make the conflict a key indicator of global stability and the reality of renewed Cold War-style tensions. It’s surely a fight to watch with broad implications for future conflicts.

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It’s Election Day. Do you know who and what is is on your ballot?

If not, there is still time to review the candidates and ballot proposals up for a decision in your part of Michigan. Across the state, voters will weigh in on municipal elections, tax proposals and more.

Voters can check their voter registration status and find other information about voting online at

Find your area in the list below to learn more about what is on local ballots, as Michigan voters head out to cast their ballots Tuesday, Nov. 2:

Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday. Absentee ballots, too, will be accepted until 8 p.m. Tuesday at your local clerk’s office or a local ballot drop box.

First-time voters or anyone who has recently changed addresses can register in person at their local clerk’s office until 8 p.m. Tuesday. Click here for details from the Michigan Secretary of State.

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15 ejected from Spartan Stadium during UM-MSU game, police say

Two employees get prison for stealing $777K from Native American addiction center

Stimulus update: Deadline today that could impact payments

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COPYRIGHT © 2017 EL TIEMPO Casa Editorial. Prohibida su reproducción total o parcial, así como su traducción a cualquier idioma sin autorización escrita de su titular. todas las noticias principales de Colombia y el Mundo

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São Paulo – The countries in the Middle East and North Africa should grow less than expected in 2014 and 2015, and so should the world economy. The same holds true of developing countries such as Brazil and South Africa, but not of advanced economies. So says the latest World Economic Outlook (WEO) released this Tuesday (8th) by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

The Fund believes the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will be up 3.6% this year and 3.9% in 2015; both rates are down 0.1% from the WEO revision issued in January. The GDP of Middle East and North Africa countries should be up 3.2% on average this year (down 0.1% from January) and 4.5% in 2015. The prior forecast for 2015 was 4.8%.

In a statement released alongside the WEO, IMF chief economist Olivier Blanchard said the beginning of the world economic recovery in October last year is not only “strong,” but also “broader.” Still, old risks and new challenges continue to threaten the world’s recovery from the 2008 crisis. The hazards listed by the IMF include high rates of indebtedness, high unemployment and concerns over emerging markets. New challenges include the risk of deflation in advanced economies and geopolitical tensions.

The document notes that advanced economies such as the United States, Japan, China and the Eurozone are driving global growth, but the challenge for emerging countries lies in growing despite domestic adjustments and scarcer credit.

“Many (emerging) economies need a new round of structural reforms that include investment in infrastructure, removal of barriers to entry in product and services markets, and in China, rebalancing growth away from investment toward consumption,” said Blanchard.

Arab growth

As per the report, oil output in Arab countries has declined, partly due to political instability in Libya, low growth in private investment and higher government spending stemming from conflicts and political transitions. Nevertheless, Arab economies are expected to grow this year, driven by higher exports and investment.

Concerning investment in the region, the WEO cites Qatar’s investment plan for hosting the 2022 World Cup, and the United Arab Emirates’ for hosting the 2020 World Expo, in Dubai. Still, the WEO posits that Arab countries, especially non-oil exporting ones, are plagued by high unemployment, high indebtedness and low competitiveness. The WEO’s calculations include the economies of Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan, which are located in the Middle East but are not Arab countries.

The IMF forecasts growth of 4.1% in 2014 and 4.2% in 2015 for Saudi Arabia; 4.3% in 2014 and 4.1% in 2015 for Algeria; 4.4% and 4.2% for the United Arab Emirates; 5.9% and 7.1% for Qatar; 2.6% and 3% for Kuwait; 5.9% and 6.7% for Iraq; 2.3% and 4.1% for Egypt; 3.9% and 4.9% for Morocco; 3% and 4.5% for Tunisia; 2.7% and 4.6% for Sudan; 1% and 2.5% for Lebanon; and 3.5% and 4% for Jordan.

Slower growth in Brazil

The WEO has revised down its Brazilian economic growth forecast. The document names low private investment, low competitiveness and restricted domestic supplies as the reasons for 1.8% growth this year and 2.7% in 2015. The prior forecast was 2.3% in 2014 and 2.9% in 2015. The growth expectancy for Brazil is lower than the global rate and the estimate for emerging countries, which is 4.9% this year and 5.3% in 2015. The WEO forecast for China has been maintained at 7.5% this year and 7.3% in 2015.

*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum

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Maputo — The European Union election observation mission, which observed the 16 October general elections in Mozambique, has accused the publicly owned television channel TVM, and the pro-government daily “Noticias” of serious bias in their coverage.

The final report from the EU mission carries an analysis of press coverage of the election campaign, concluding that TVM’s reporting on the campaign was “clearly tendentious” in favour of the presidential candidate of the ruling Frelimo Party, Filipe Nyusi. 64 per cent of TVM’s presidential campaign coverage was devoted to Nyusi, 19 per cent to Daviz Simango, candidate of the Mozambique Democratic Movement (MDM), and 17 per cent to Afonso Dhlakama, leader of the former rebel movement Renamo.

The TVM coverage of the political parties was also unbalanced – 56 per cent of the time went to Frelimo, 22 per cent to Renamo, 17 per cent to the MDM and five per cent to minor parties.

The imbalance was truly startling when it came to TVM panel discussions – overwhelmingly the guests TVM chose to invite were pro-Frelimo, and hostile to both opposition parties. The EU Mission report divided the tone used in these talk shows into positive, negative and neutral. It found that all the mentions of Nyusi were positive, while nothing positive was said about the other two candidates.

80 per cent of the mentions of Dhlakama in these programmes were negative and 20 per cent neutral. For Simango, the TVM panels were unrelentingly hostile, with 100 per cent negative mentions.

As for “Noticias”, the EU report found that 60 per cent of its presidential coverage went to Nyusi, 23 per cent to Dhlakama and 17 per cent to Simango. For the parties, 60 per cent of the coverage went to Frelimo, 14 per cent to the MDM, 12 per cent to Renamo and an astounding 14 per cent to the gaggle of 27 minor parties most of whom ran no campaign at all.

The report found Radio Mozambique and the main independent media group, SOICO, much fairer in their coverage. Thus in the presidential campaign, 39 per cent of the Radio’s coverage went to Nyusi, 33 per cent to Dhlakama and 28 per cent to Simango. But Nyusi was always the first candidate mentioned in the radio newscasts.

The EU mission thought that the radio’s coverage of the parties was also “reasonably balanced” – although Frelimo took 47 per cent of the time, compared with 23 per cent each for Renamo and the MDM and seven per cent for others.

The SOICO television channel, STV, was clearly making a serious attempt at balance.

The Report found that 41 per cent of its presidential campaign coverage went to Nyusi, 32 per cent to Simango and 27 per cent to Dhlakama. As for the parties, STV gave 37 per cent of the time to Frelimo, 33 per cent to Renamo, 28 per cent to the MDM and two per cent to the minor parties.

The coverage by the SOICO daily paper, “O Pais”, came close to equality between the three presidential candidates: Simango received somewhat more coverage than either of his opponents, with 37 per cent, compared to 33 per cent for Nyusi and 30 per cent for Dhlakama.

As for the parties, “O Pais” gave 39 per cent to Renamo, 38 per cent to Frelimo, 16 per cent to the MDM, and seven per cent to the most serious of the minor parties, the PDD (Party for Peace, Democracy and Development).

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Detenta Michele Rangel foi eleita a Garota TB, do presídio Talavera Bruce (Foto: Marcelo Elizardo/ G1)

A Secretaria de Administração Penitenciária (Seap) realizou, nesta terça-feira (24), o concurso de beleza Garota TB, que premia detentas do presídio feminino Talavera Bruce, em Bangu, na Zona Oeste do Rio. Dez mulheres foram preparadas por uma modelo brasileira e concorreram ao prêmio. O evento foi promovido pela Seap em parceria com a Rede Globo.

O evento foi apresentado pela modelo Carol Nakamura e teve a presença do secretário de administração penitenciária, coronel Erir Ribeiro. A grande vencedora foi Michele Rangel. Ela recebeu a faixa de campeã da vencedora do concurso do ano anterior.

“Quando entrei (no concurso) eu falei: não sou melhor do que ninguém. Mas vou entrar pra ganhar. Falaram que a Garota TB precisava ser bonita, simpática, carismática. E eu sou tudo isso”, disse a vencedora, arrancando risos da plateia.

As candidatas finalistas desfilaram com trajes de verão e gala e foram julgadas nos quesitos: beleza, elegância, desenvoltura nos trajes e perspectiva para o futuro, com notas de 5 a 10.

Michele foi eleita por 10 jurados em presídio no Rio (Foto: Marcelo Elizardo/ G1)

Familiares e outras detentas puderam assistir ao concurso, que teve show do MC Leozinho. Foi uma oportunidade de reencontros, como no caso da detenta Ana Claudia Gomes, de apenas 20 anos, condenada por roubo e sequestro. Sua filha, de 5 aninhos, torceu por ela na plateia.

“Meu sonho é dar um futuro melhor pra ela. Ela quer sei bailarina. Quando eu sair quero ser modelo”, disse Ana Claudia, que mostrou talento na passarela.

O concurso foi julgado por 10 jurados convidados pela Seap. Durante os desfiles, Carol Nakamura foi a responsável por animar as torcidas.

“Eu não estou aqui para julgar ninguém. As pessoas erram, cumprem penas. Esse concurso é bom pra ajudar a mudar a cabeça dessas pessoas. Para que quando elas voltarem a conviver em sociedade estejam recuperadas”, disse a apresentadora do Faustão.

Esta foi a décima-primeira edição do concurso, que tem como objetivo valorizar a beleza da mulher, incentivar a auto-estima, combater o ócio e promover a integração entre as mulheres presidiárias.

Mc Leozinho foi a atração musical do concurso Garota Talavera Bruce (Foto: Marcelo Elizardo/ G1)
Carol Nakamura foi a apresentadora do concurso (Foto: Marcelo Elizardo/ G1)
Detentas desfilaram para familiares em presídio no Rio (Foto: Marcelo Elizardo/ G1)
Ana Cláudia foi condenada por roubo e sequestro (Foto: Marcelo Elizardo/ G1)
Detenta Ana Cláudia Gomes reencontrou filha de 5 anos em concurso (Foto: Marcelo Elizardo/ G1)
Detentas desfilaram para familiares em presídio no Rio (Foto: Marcelo Elizardo/ G1)

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Tourists who have just disembarked from a cruise liner tour Havana, Cuba, on Tuesday. The Trump administration has imposed major new travel restrictions on visits to the island by U.S. citizens.


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Tourists who have just disembarked from a cruise liner tour Havana, Cuba, on Tuesday. The Trump administration has imposed major new travel restrictions on visits to the island by U.S. citizens.


The Trump administration is ending a nearly two-decade-old program that had become the most popular way for Americans to legally visit Cuba, banning all trips by cruise ships and other recreational vessels in the process.

The changes are intended to further squeeze the Cuban economy while keeping U.S. dollars “out of the hands” of the communist government. It goes into effect June 5.

“This administration has made a strategic decision to reverse the loosening of sanctions and other restrictions on the Cuban regime. These actions will help to keep U.S. dollars out of the hands of Cuban military, intelligence, and security services,” Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in a statement.

Mnuchin, who joined Trump on his first state visit to the United Kingdom this week, added that Cuba, with a population of less than 12 million people, “continues to play a destabilizing role in the Western Hemisphere, providing a communist foothold in the region and propping up U.S. adversaries in places like Venezuela and Nicaragua.”

U.S. law bars travel to Cuba for tourist activities but Americans have been allowed to go there under 12 authorized categories, including individual and group “people-to-people” travel — a subcategory of the education provision that permitted visits to the socialist country for cultural and educational purposes.

The expanded definition of these types of tour groups was first established under President Bill Clinton. It was later restricted by President George W. Bush during his first term, then loosened considerably under President Barack Obama in 2011.

In 2014, the Obama administration went even further, after re-establishing diplomatic relations with Cuba. Two years later, he moved to reduce licensing and paperwork requirements for tour operators, cruise lines and commercial air travel to the Caribbean island. Since then, “more than 2,203,490 passengers have traveled to the Republic of Cuba aboard more than 13,479 flights,” U.S.-Cuba Trade and Economic Council reported, citing statistics from the U.S. Department of Transportation. And the Associated Press reported cruise travel “has become the most popular form of U.S. leisure travel to the island, bringing 142,721 people in the first four months of the year, a more than 300% increase over the same period last year.”

Apparently, commercial flights will continue to be permitted and “travel for university groups, academic research, journalism and professional meetings will continue to be allowed,” according to the wire service.

“Cuba remains communist, and the United States, under the previous administration, made too many concessions to one of our historically most aggressive adversaries,” Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said in a statement.

Ross added that the administration “is acting to limit commercial activity that provides revenue for the Cuban regime. Holding other countries accountable remains a focus for this Administration and we will remain vigilant.”

Norwegian Cruise Lines responded to the announcement from the White House in an emailed statement saying, the company is closely monitoring these recent developments and any resulting impact to cruise travel to Cuba.”

“We will communicate to our guests and travel partners as additional information becomes available,” the company added.

Collin Laverty, who runs an organization called Cuba Educational Travel, expects the new restrictions will hurt budding Cuban businesses.

“It’s very clear that American are getting off the beaten track,” Laverty, who was speaking about tourists who arrive via cruise ships, told NPR. “They’re eating at private restaurants, they’re taking private taxis, staying at bed and breakfasts and really empowering the Cuban people.”

He acknowledged the Cuban government ultimately benefits from such transactions, but so do millions of Cuban households, he argued. “And they’re the ones who are going to suffer from these changes.”

According to the State Department, those with travel plans in-hand will be “grandfathered” in. And other categories allowing travel are still available, including faith-group trips, humanitarian projects and the nebulous “support of the Cuban people.”

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The National Weather Service (NWS) has issued its first ever flash flood warning for the city of New York, as the remnants of Hurricane Ida brought heavy rain that flooded subway lines and streets in the Manhattan, Brooklyn and New Jersey.

Amid the downpour, the service said on Twitter, “this particular warning for NYC is the second time we’ve ever issued a Flash Flood Emergency (It’s the first one for NYC). The first time we’ve issued a Flash Flood Emergency was for Northeast New Jersey an hour ago.”

The storm killed one person in New Jersey, according to the Washington Post.

New York mayor Bill de Blasio declared a state of emergency shortly before midnight on Wednesday, saying “We’re enduring an historic weather event tonight with record breaking rain across the city, brutal flooding and dangerous conditions on our roads.”

De Blasio declared a state of emergency at about 11:30pm and said thousands of New Yorkers had lost power.

The NWS recorded 3.15 inches of rain in Central Park in one hour, far surpassing the 1.94 inches that fell in one hour during Tropical Storm Henri on the night of 22 August, which was believed at the time to be the most ever recorded in the park.

Heavy winds, drenching rains and at least one tornado also battered Pennsylvania and New Jersey, collapsing the roof of a US Postal Service building and threatening to overrun a dam on the way.

The NWS confirmed at least one tornado and social media posts showed homes reduced to rubble in Mullica Hill, a southern New Jersey county just outside Philadelphia.

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which operates Newark Liberty International Airport, tweeted at 10:30pm that all flights were suspended and all parking lots were closed due to severe flooding. All train service to the airport also was suspended.

Video showed parts of the airport flooded with water.

Governor Phil Murphy declared a state of emergency in all of New Jersey’s 21 counties, urging people to stay off the flooded roads.

The Metropolitan Train Authority announced that services would be “extremely limited tonight because of heavy rainfall and flooding across the region” and “strongly” recommended that commuters avoid travel if possible.

With Associated Press

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Wilbur Scoville ganhou um Doodle do Google com direito a um jogo que simula o ‘teste da escala quente’ de pimentas. Hoje, o Google celebra o nascimento do químico há 151 anos (1865-1942). Scoville, além de receber a homenagem desta sexta-feira (22), é conhecido por ter inventado um método de avaliação do nível de ardência de vários tipos de pimenta, a famosa Escala de Scoville, disponível abaixo em app. 

Escala Scoville; app salva de pimenta ‘muito quente’

O Doodle do Google, além de animado, é interativo. No jogo, os usuários devem fazer com que um sorvete acerte a pimenta para acabar com a ardência na boca de Scoville, após o químico prová-la. O leite, muito presente no sorvete, é um dos principais componentes neutralizadores do ardor da pimenta.

Doodle de Wilbur Scoville brinca com jogo que usa ‘teste da pimenta’ (Foto: (Foto: Reprodução/Google))

A cada degustação que Wilbur Scoville prova, uma pimenta diferente e as suas propriedades e curiosidades também são reveladas. Após terminar as “lutas”, que você pode ganhar (e aí desbloquear “novas pimentas” para enfrentar) ou perder (e fazer com que Scoville caia no chão com a boca “pelando”), um sistema de compartilhamento dos resultados do jogo nas redes sociais é exibido.

Ralador de pimenta bloqueia Wi-Fi e deixa todo mundo ’em família

O Doodle foi produzido pela artista e doodler do Google Olivia Huynh. Para a designer, a melhor parte do trabalho foi desenhar as pimentas e as reações de Scoville. “O conceito de picante é universal, cômico, e foi o que tentei usar para criar esse jogo de luta”, explica Huynh, em post do Google.

“Fiz storyboards de como poderia ser, rascunhos e testamos um protótipo. Depois vieram os cenários e animações. Desenhar as pimentas e as reações de Scoville foram minhas partes favoritas”, conta. 

Doodle também é informativo, detalhando tipos de pimentas  (Foto: Reprodução/Google)

Escala de Scoville

Wilbur Lincoln Scoville nasceu em Bridgeport, nos Estados Unidos, em 22 de janeiro de 1865 e morreu em 10 de março de 1942. O trabalho do americano como farmacêutico é reconhecido mundialmente: criou o Teste Organoléptico de Scoville, que gerou a já conhecida Escala de Scoville.

Com este método, Wilbur Lincoln Scoville definiu o grau de pungência de vários tipos de pimenta, através da detecção da concentração de capsaicina, substância responsável pela ardência da pimenta.

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O teste é um Procedimento de Diluição e Prova. Scoville misturava as pimentas puras com uma solução de água com açúcar, e quanto mais solução fosse necessária para diluir a pimenta, mais alta seria sua picância. Depois disso, o método foi melhorado e foram criadas as unidades de calor Scoville (Scoville Heat Units, ou SHU).

Doodle Wilbur Scoville (Foto: Reprodução/Google)

Uma xícara de pimenta que equivale a 1.000 xícaras de água é uma unidade na escala de Scoville. A substância Capsaicina, que gera a ardência nas pimentas, equivale a 15 milhões de unidades Scoville.

A pimenta mexicana Habanero chega a 300 mil, uma “Red Savina Habanero”, modificada, tem 577 mil, e a Tezpur indiana, 877 mil.

Entretanto, este não foi o único trabalho de Scoville. “The Art of Compounding” (A Arte dos Compostos), de 1895, é um de seus livros, que foi usado como referência na farmacologia até os anos 60.

Scoville também publicou um livro com centenas de fórmulas de perfumes e outras essências, que foi chamado de “Extract and Perfumes” (Extratos e perfumes).

Em 1922, Scoville recebeu o Prêmio Ebert, e em 1929 ganhou a sua Medalha de Honra Remington e o título de Doutor honoris causa em Ciências pela Universidade de Columbia. O pesquisador morreu no dia 10 de março de 1942, deixando mulher e dois filhos.

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Curtiu o Doodle? Veja a história dos Doodles do Google; vídeo

Via Google Doodles

*Colaborou Roberto Caligari

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Se cree que el satélite pudo haber sufrido una fuga de gas o una explosión de batería.

Decenas de ingenieros y científicos japoneses están luchando por salvar un satélite -y más de US$250 millones de inversión- que creen está fuera de control en el espacio.

El Hitomi, que significa pupila en japonés, fue lanzado el pasado mes de febrero.

Fue diseñado para estudiar fuentes de energía en el espacio, como agujeros negros gigantes, estrellas de neutrones y cúmulos de galaxias, observando la longitud de onda de rayos como los X y los gamma.

Pero el tiempo para salvar la misión se acaba.

¿Cuándo se perdió?

El sábado 26 de marzo, el Centro de Operaciones Espaciales Conjuntas de Estados Unidos (JSpOC, por sus siglas en inglés), que monitorea desperdicios espaciales, detectó cinco pequeños objetos alrededor del satélite.

Después de esto, desde tierra se logró un breve contacto con la nave, pero luego se perdió por completo.

El satélite también pareció mostrar un repentino cambio de dirección y los observadores en la Tierra lo vieron como destellando, lo que indica que puede estar girando descontrolado.

Desde entonces, su ubicación no se conoce con exactitud.

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El profesor Goh, de la Universidad Nacional de Singapur, dijo que en general, es raro perder un satélite, pero no imposible, por lo que algunas agencias compran seguros, por si acaso ocurra.

Al día siguiente, el domingo, JSpOC se refirió al evento como una “desintegración”, aunque los expertos han aclarado que Hitomi bien puede estar intacto.

¿Qué le ha pasado al satélite?

La agencia espacial japonesa, Jaxa, dijo a la BBC que no sabía aún qué le había sucedido y que todavía estaba tratando de reestablecer la comunicación con Hitomi.

Jonathan McDowell, un astrónomo del Centro Smithsonian de Astrofísica de Harvard, explicó a Associated Press que había dos posibilidades.

La primera, que la nave haya sufrido una explosión de batería, y la segunda, que haya ocurrido una fuga de gas, que lo sacó de control.

“Saber que han tenido esta mala suerte es muy triste. El espacio no perdona”, dijo.

Pero el profesor Goh Cher Hiang, director de proyecto del Programa de Satélite de la Universidad Nacional de Singapur, dijo a la BBC que gracias al monitoreo y a sistemas de apoyo, las explosiones de batería eran muy raras.

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Los desechos espaciales alrededor de la Tierra son un peligro para los satélites, pero algunos son muy pequeños para ser detectados por un radar.

Reconoció que si bien una fuga en los tanques de combustible presurizado podría haber causado el problema, cree que “el diseñador puede dar una pista sobre este tema”.

Goh agregó que el problema del satélite podría deberse también a factores externos.

Podría haber chocado con algo en el espacio, ya sea de ahí mismo u otro objeto fabricado por el hombre”, detalló.

¿Hay esperanza de recuperarlo?

El hecho de que la agencia haya tenido contacto con Hitomi por un momento después de que los desperdicios fueran captados, es visto por algunos como una señal de esperanza, ya que podría indicar que no está críticamente dañado.

Si el satélite está fuera de control, como se piensa, podría no ser capaz de captar suficiente energía solar para funcionar hasta que se encuentre una solución.

El profesor Goh dice que se necesitan tres cosas para recuperar el satélite: comunicación, energía y controlar su computadora.

Si lo logran, Jaxa tiene una posibilidad de descubrir qué ha fallado y cómo arreglarlo.

Si lo pierden, sería un evento especialmente desafortunado para aquellos que esperan estudiar los agujeros negros, sobre todo, después de la noticia de que se habían detectado ondas gravitacionales originadas por el choque de dos agujeros negros.

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The U.S. has learned Venezuela’s disputed president, Nicolas Maduro, was “ready” to leave the country amid protest violence and calls for his ouster — until Russia convinced him to stay, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told Fox News on Tuesday night.

“He was ready to go,” Pompeo said on “Special Report.” “He was diverted by the Russians.”

He did not give any further specifics on when this apparently took place. Pompeo also noted he wanted Maduro, whom he called a “thug,” to get back on that plane.

The U.S. and about 50 other nations have taken the position that Maduro’s re-election last year was marred by fraud and that he is not the legitimate president of Venezuela, a once prosperous nation that has the world’s largest proven oil reserves.

The U.S. government said about 20,000 Cuban troops and agents have been working in Venezuela to prop up Maduro’s government, a figure disputed by Cuba.

Pompeo said the Cubans and Russians have been in direct opposition of Venezuela’s duly elected leader, Juan Guaido.

He noted that the 14 countries supporting Maduro were on the wrong side of history, and that rule of law and democracy must be restored.

“It’s time for Maduro to leave … and rebuild this once great economy,” Pompeo told Bret Brier.

The Trump administration declared quick and enthusiastic support Tuesday for the Venezuelan opposition effort to spark a military uprising against embattled Maduro, hoping for decisive action in the political crisis that has engulfed the South American nation.

In January, the administration took the unusual step of recognizing Guaido, the opposition leader of the National Assembly, as interim president. It also imposed punishing sanctions on the country’s oil sector, deepening the country’s economic crisis.

Despite these and other measures, Maduro, the hand-picked successor to President Hugo Chavez, has retained his hold on the country and the support of the security services.


That support had seemed to crack Tuesday with the launch of what the opposition was calling “Operation Freedom,” which began with the early-morning release of a short video of Guaido alongside a few dozen national guardsmen urging people to “take to the streets.”


Pompeo said the U.S. was anticipating this day sooner or later.

“We have planned out lots of options,” Pompeo said about how the U.S. would perhaps intervene, but he refused to go into detail.

Fox News’ Bret Baier and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Tras seis días de búsqueda, la estudiante Karen Rebeca Esquivel Espinosa de los Monteros, de 19 años, fue localizada sin vida dentro de una maleta en el municipio de Naucalpan, Estado de México.

De acuerdo con Reforma, la joven fue vista por última vez en la farmacia San Pablo, que se localiza en la avenida Lomas Verdes y López Mateos, aproximadamente a las 15:30 horas del pasado 22 de septiembre.

Su madre Becky Espinosa de los Monteros inició junto con varios amigos una campaña en redes sociales para tratar de ubicar a la joven. Se difundió que llevaba una blusa color coral con tirantes, jeans negros y tenis.

El domingo 25, autoridades municipales hallaron los cuerpos de dos mujeres dentro de maletas en una vivienda ubicada en la calle Presa Necaxa, colonia El Tecojote. En una de las maletas se encontraba el cuerpo de Karen; de la otra víctima, no se difundió información.

La joven a quien conocían como “La China”, por su cabellera, era estudiante de la Universidad Tecnológica de México (Unitec).

Dicha institución educativa expresó su consternación por el fallecimiento de Karen y exigió a las autoridades del Estado de México castigar a los responsables.

“La Universidad Tecnológica de México expresa su consternación por el fallecimiento de Karen Rebeca Esquivel de los Monteros alumna de esta institución, y hace un enérgico llamado a las autoridades del Estado de México para que realicen una investigación exhaustiva que dé con los responsables de su muerte. Acompañamos a sus familia y amigos en este momento de profundo dolor”, expresó la institución en un comunicado.

Campaña en redes sociales

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Google Noticias tiene nuevo diseño.


Google ha rediseñado su sitio Google Noticias — también conocido como Google News. La empresa ha dado a conocer a través de su blog que la nueva apariencia tiene el objetivo de resaltar la atención en las cosas que importan al momento de acceder a una historia desde este servicio.

“Para hacer las noticias más accesibles y fáciles de navegar, hemos rediseñado nuestro sitio para computadoras con el foco puesto en los hechos, las diversas perspectivas y más control para los usuarios”, explicó la empresa.

El nuevo Google Noticias permitirá ver de un solo vistazo las historias más importantes, las etiquetas de los temas más buscados y los temas relacionados.

Este diseño hace uso de las populares tarjetas de Android para mostrar de forma más sencilla los contenidos relacionados y otras noticias que podrían tener algún interés con la que estabas leyendo en ese momento.

Algo que también es nuevo e interesante es que en la parte superior podrás ver una especie de menú que te mostraría diferentes apartados: Titulares, Local y Para Ti, así como un selector de edición para que cambies de país con facilidad.

A la izquierda se mantienen las secciones de interés como si de un periódico se trata, y que van desde “Top Stories” hasta Salud, Ciencia o Tecnología.

A esto se suma la señal de Fact Check, que permite conocer qué historias han sido confirmadas por organizaciones no gubernamentales y que en el nuevo diseño tendrá una prominencia mayor a la que hasta ahora tenía en los países en los que está presente.  

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