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To hear Gov. Gavin Newsom tell it, the question of whether you’re eligible for a COVID-19 booster shot in California is an easy one.

“If it’s been 6 months since you received Pfizer/Moderna or 2 months since [Johnson & Johnson], you can get your shot,” he tweeted Tuesday morning. “It’s that simple.”

However, a quick scan of the replies to his message shows that, for some, things still aren’t that cut and dried. Eligibility questions have still thwarted people when trying to snag an appointment at major pharmacy chains. Others say the state’s own online platform is telling them they can’t get the shots.

As one user put it: “I tried to make an appointment last night and the site told me I wasn’t qualified. There’s no way around it but to lie …”

But do you really have to fib to get the jab?

The stumbling block is the criteria listed to qualify for a booster shot when trying to book an appointment. Some have said they don’t qualify for any of the categories.

For instance, on the state’s vaccine scheduling website, the site asks:

Are you in one of the following eligible groups?

  • Resident of a long-term care facility (for example nursing home or assisted living for seniors)
  • At high risk for COVID-19 complications
  • At high risk for COVID-19 exposure due to occupation or institutional setting
  • At increased risk of social inequities (Learn more)

If you say “no,” the website says you’re not eligible for the booster at this time.

But there is, in fact, one category for which virtually all adults qualify, according to a permissive interpretation articulated recently by health officials across California and in New York City.

With winter coming, health officials in California and other areas are pushing harder for COVID-19 booster shots.

Under this interpretation, essentially all adults qualify because essentially all are “at high risk for COVID-19 exposure due to occupation or institutional setting.”

This confusing language on California’s vaccination website is shorthand from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which sets official recommendations on who is eligible for the vaccine.

All recipients of the Johnson & Johnson shot have been recommended to get a booster two months after their initial vaccination.

But for weeks, the CDC website has said that, among people who got the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna shots, those eligible for a booster include adults “who work or live in high-risk settings.” They can be workers in settings such as schools, hospitals, grocery stores, factories and jails.

But the CDC also pointedly allows vaccinated adults to use their own judgment in determining whether they think they’re “at increased risk of being exposed to COVID-19.”

It’s this loose interpretation that a number of states and local governments are zeroing in on as they urge all fully vaccinated adults to get a booster shot as soon as possible.

Federal health officials aren’t giving any specific recommendations, but there are options for COVID-19 boosters, and it’s OK if you mix vaccines.

California’s health officer and director of public health, Dr. Tomás Aragón, said in a letter to vaccine providers that adults can decide to get a booster shot if they feel they’re at higher risk of exposure to the coronavirus simply by living in an area heavily affected by COVID-19 — a criteria that could essentially describe anyone worldwide.

The letter directed vaccine providers: “Do not turn a patient away who is requesting a booster,” as long as enough time has passed since the person has received an initial vaccination series.

Updates to California’s scheduling site may emerge in days. On Tuesday morning, the MyTurn site was updated: “Announcement: Booster doses are now available to people age 18+. Find a walk-in clinic now or schedule an appointment on My Turn starting 11/18.”

However, the older eligibility question is still listed when trying to book an appointment.

California health officials sought to clarify things further Tuesday, releasing new guidance that all adults at least six months removed from their last dose of Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna, or two months clear from their single J&J shot, can get a booster.

Some counties late last week stopped asking confusing eligibility questions. By Thursday evening, Santa Clara County — Northern California’s most populous — no longer asked whether those seeking booster appointments were members of the CDC’s four eligibility groups.

San Francisco officials issued a news release Friday evening offering advice on how to fill out forms. While local city-affiliated clinics “are ready to turn no one away, health systems and pharmacies may need time to respond to the booster expansion. For example, patients may still see screening tools used during appointment bookings asking them to attest to a narrower set of eligibility criteria. As the systems are updated, people should choose the least restrictive of the criteria that applies to them. Many work and residential settings pose the risk of exposure to COVID.”

Not only have California and New York City made the case for this interpretation, but so has Colorado, which has said that “because COVID-19 is spreading quickly throughout the state, Colorado is a high-risk place to live and work,” and thus all adults are eligible for the booster.

New Mexico made the same interpretation, with a top statewide health official stating that, with high case rates and hospitals beyond capacity, the state is now in a “high-risk setting.”

As a result, there are many health officials who say you can, in good conscience, declare that you are eligible for the booster because you’re “at high risk for COVID-19 exposure due to occupation or institutional setting.”

Approving COVID-19 booster shots seemed like a slam dunk, but two influential advisory boards raised a host of complicated questions.

What’s the reason for this confusing situation?

A lot of it has to do with a September debate by an advisory committee of scientists to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration who opposed recommending all adults get a booster.

In August, members of President Biden’s COVID-19 task force signaled that the federal government would be ready to offer all vaccinated adults booster shots by late September if the FDA and CDC’s independent review of the situation resulted in such a recommendation.

While there was widespread consensus that seniors 65 and over and others at high risk of severe illness from COVID-19 should get the booster, there was plenty of debate whether the available data pointed to recommending that younger, healthier adults also should.

But new federal recommendations might come out soon. The FDA is currently evaluating a new request by Pfizer/BioNTech to make its vaccine available as a booster to all adults.

A number of health officials and experts have weighed in about the broad importance of boosters to the pandemic response.

“We’re starting to see waning immunity against infection,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, Biden’s chief medical advisor for the COVID-19 pandemic, told “The Daily” podcast recently.

“And if you look at Israel — which has always been a month to a month and a half ahead of us in the dynamics of the outbreak in their vaccine response and in every other element of the outbreak — they are seeing a waning of immunity, not only against infection, but against hospitalizations, and to some extent death, which is starting to now involve all age groups. It isn’t just the elderly,” Fauci said.

Eventually, it may become clear that the booster shot will be determined to be “an essential part of the primary [vaccination] regimen that people should have,” Fauci said. “The boosting is going to be an absolutely essential component of our response. Not a bonus, not a luxury, but an absolute essential part of the program.”

Health officials are urging the vast majority of adults to get a booster shot as soon as possible.

Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a former head of the FDA and a member of Pfizer’s board, said on the CBS News program “Face the Nation” that the confusing message about boosters may end up being “one of the biggest missed opportunities in this pandemic.”

“We now see very clear evidence of declining vaccine effectiveness over time. There’s different reasons why that may be the case, but the trend is unmistakable,” he said. “Anyone who’s eligible for a booster — and most Americans probably are eligible for a booster at this point — should be going out and seeking it. And this is the fastest way that we can increase the total immunity in the population,”

People who have been vaccinated long ago “may only have 50% of its effectiveness left,” Gottlieb said, but getting a booster can restore effectiveness to 95% “based on the data that we’ve seen — within a matter of days.”

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Mick Mulvaney, the director of the Office of Management and Budget and until three days ago also the director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, is adding acting White House chief of staff to his plate.

Mulvaney, one of the few establishment fiscal wonks of the Trump administration, has been in high demand in a White House bleeding mainstream political operatives. The selection of Mulvaney for a job that no one really wants is wise, insofar as the former congressman has demonstrated political skill.

In practice, it’ll probably be a disaster.

For one thing, when the relationship between Trump and Mulvaney blows up (which it inevitably will, as it would with any chief of staff pick), the White House will lose one of its few truly competent fiscal conservatives. Second, placing Mulvaney front and center will render his entire strategy to manage his relationship with Trump impossible.

At the OMB, Mulvaney’s been responsible, perhaps more than anyone else in the administration, for conservative rollbacks of Obama’s regulatory state. Consider this exchange from a Politico magazine piece last year:

“Look, this is my idea on how to reform Social Security,” the former South Carolina congressman began.

“No!” the president replied. “I told people we wouldn’t do that. What’s next?”

“Well, here are some Medicare reforms,” Mulvaney said.

“No!” Trump repeated. “I’m not doing that.”

“OK, disability insurance.”

“Tell me about that,” Trump replied.

“It’s welfare,” Mulvaney said.

“OK, we can fix welfare,” Trump declared.

Sure enough, the Trump budget plan that Mulvaney unveiled a few weeks later would cut about $70 billion in disability benefits over a decade, mostly through unspecified efforts to get recipients back to work.

Mulvaney is an economic wonk, an attorney with a focus in anti-trust law. The self-described “right-wing nutjob” has excelled in both of his posts during this presidency, mainly because of his ability to circumvent Trump on policy minutiae while maintaining an excellent rapport with him. Trump thinks himself a warrior, and Mulvaney is certainly a happy one.

But managing Trump as a person and as his personnel is a different story. If it ends badly with Mulvaney leaving the administration altogether, Trump will have lost a true and increasingly rare talent.

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(CNN)For the first time “No Religion” has topped a survey of Americans’ religious identity, according to a new analysis by a political scientist. The non-religious edged out Catholics and evangelicals in the long-running General Social Survey.

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    Fourteen days. That’s how long Attorney General William Barr has withheld the Mueller report from Congress and the public.

    It’s hard to imagine a legitimate reason for his foot-dragging, and disturbing leaks should deepen the urgency for members of Congress who are seeking to pry the full document out of his hands.

    Special counsel Robert Mueller spent nearly two years investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election and potential obstruction of justice by President Trump. He finished his work two weeks ago and sent a nearly 400-page confidential report to Barr. Two days later, Barr furnished Congress with a four-page letter laying out what he said were its main findings.

    According to Barr, Mueller didn’t conclude whether or not Trump obstructed justice — but that in Barr’s view, the evidence Mueller gathered against Trump didn’t add up to obstruction.

    It’s become clearer with each passing day, though, that the letter wasn’t a thorough legal analysis. Instead, it was a spin job — an effort by a GOP political appointee to put the best possible gloss on the findings and hope that Mueller’s purported “exoneration” of the president becomes the accepted narrative.

    But according to reports in The New York Times and The Washington Post, the actual contents of the Mueller report are a good deal more damaging than Barr’s summary implied, and lay out a serious case that the president obstructed justice. Obstruction of justice is an impeachable offense under modern precedent.

    There’s ample grounds to be wary of Barr, considering his past. In his previous stint as attorney general, under President George H.W. Bush, Barr recommended pardons for key players in the Iran-Contra scandal just as an independent counsel investigation was focusing on Bush, related to his role in the illegal selling of arms to Iran and funneling the funds from those sales to the Contras in Nicaragua.

    Bush handed out the pardons on Christmas Eve in 1992, which had the effect of pulling the rug out from under the investigation and preventing a full accounting of what Bush and president Ronald Reagan knew about Iran-Contra.

    Fast forward to 2018, when Barr sent an unsolicited memo to the Justice Department making clear that he thought questioning the president over obstruction allegations would be inappropriate, a move that should raise concerns about whether Barr approached the obstruction section of the Mueller report with an open mind.

    Regardless of whether he spun the report, the fact is that only Congress, not Barr, gets to decide whether whatever actions Mueller uncovered constituted obstruction of justice by a sitting president. And they can only do that when they have the complete document. Rightly, House Democrats voted this week to subpoena the report.

    It shouldn’t come to that. If the recent reports are wrong, and Barr’s characterization of the Mueller report was an accurate account of the special counsel’s findings, then the attorney general should release the full report for his own sake. But if the news accounts are right, and the public’s understanding of the Mueller report is incomplete and politically skewed, then Barr must release it for the country’s sake.

    Until then, this editorial page will feature a daily reminder of how many days it has been since Barr has received the Mueller report without releasing the full document to Congress. Fourteen days and counting.

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    Mrs May has been criticised by some Conservatives for reaching out to Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn

    Prime Minister Theresa May has insisted she had to reach out to Labour in a bid to deliver Brexit or risk letting it “slip through our fingers”.

    In a statement on Saturday night, Mrs May said there was a “stark choice” of either leaving the European Union with a deal or not leaving at all.

    Some Conservatives have criticised her for seeking Labour’s help after MPs rejected her Brexit plan three times.

    Three days of talks between the parties ended without agreement on Friday.

    Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said he was “waiting to see the red lines move” and had not “noticed any great change in the government’s position”.

    He is coming under pressure from his MPs to demand a referendum on any deal he reaches with the government, with 80 signing a letter saying a public vote should be the “bottom line” in the negotiations.

    In the statement, Mrs May said that after doing “everything in my power” to persuade her own party – and their backers in Northern Ireland’s DUP – to approve the deal she agreed with the EU last year, she “had to take a new approach”.

    “We have no choice but to reach out across the House of Commons,” the prime minister said.

    “The referendum was not fought along party lines and people I speak to on the doorstep tell me they expect their politicians to work together when the national interest demands it.”

    Getting a majority of MPs to back a Brexit deal was the only way for the UK to leave the EU, Mrs May said.

    “The longer this takes, the greater the risk of the UK never leaving at all.”

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    Shadow home secretary Diane Abbott highlighted Labour’s concerns over the political declaration

    The UK is due to leave the EU on 12 April and, as yet, no withdrawal deal has been approved by the House of Commons.

    Shadow home secretary Diane Abbott told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme Labour had engaged in talks “in good faith” and wanted them to continue.

    However, she said there was concern the government has made “no movement” on her party’s demand for changes to the political declaration – the section of Mrs May’s Brexit deal which outlines the basis for future UK-EU relations.

    The document declares mutual ambitions in areas such as trade, regulations, security and fishing rights – but does not legally commit either party.

    Downing Street has indicated it was “prepared to pursue changes” in order to secure a deal, and Chancellor Philip Hammond said on Saturday that he was “optimistic” the talks could reach “some form of agreement”.

    ‘Open revolt’

    However, Tory Brexiteers have reacted angrily to the prospect of Mrs May accepting Labour’s demands, particularly for a customs union with the EU which would allow tariff-free trade between members but bar them striking their own trade deals.

    Leaving the EU’s customs union was a Conservative manifesto commitment, and former party whip Michael Fabricant predicted “open revolt” among Tories and Leave voters if MPs agreed to it.

    Former Brexit minister Steve Baker hit out at efforts to recruit MPs to sign a “toxic” letter endorsing the PM’s cross-party efforts, which he said had party members “recoiling in horror”.

    And the Sunday Telegraph reported some activists were refusing to campaign for the party, while donations had “dried up”.

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    Mrs May has written to European Council President Donald Tusk to request an extension to the Brexit process until 30 June but says if MPs agree a deal, the UK should be able to leave before European parliamentary elections are held on 23 May.

    She says the UK would prepare to field candidates in May’s European Parliament elections if MPs failed to back a deal.

    But Education Minister Nadhim Zahawi told the Today programme it would be “a suicide note of the Conservative Party if we had to fight the European elections”.

    Labour is also split over its Brexit approach.

    The letter organised by the Love Socialism Hate Brexit campaign contains the signatures of four shadow ministers and argues that any compromise deal agreed by Parliament will have “no legitimacy if it is not confirmed by the public”.

    As the political declaration is not legally binding, and with Mrs May having promised to stand down once a Brexit deal is passed, the letter points out that “any future Tory prime minister could simply rip up” assurances given to Labour over future relations with the EU.

    However, a letter signed by 25 Labour MPs on Thursday argued against another public vote.

    They warned it would “divide the country further and add uncertainty for business” and could be “exploited by the far-right, damage the trust of many core Labour voters and reduce our chances of winning a general election”.

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    La Gran Época le presenta un resumen de las últimas noticias del país azteca. En primer lugar, rescatan a un secuestrado hallado en un campamento del municipio de Zitlala donde, también se encontraron cuatro cabezas humanas y se exhumaron siete cuerpos de fosas clandestinas. Por otro lado,  asaltan las oficinas de Carmen Aristegui, tomando su computadora y dos teléfonos celulares. la Procuraduría General de la República ofrece recompensa de hasta 15 mdp por información que lleve a la captura de Tomás Yarrington, acusado de facilitar las operaciones del cártel del Golfo y Los Zetas y –por último- los alumnos de la Licenciatura en Seguridad Ciudadana de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (UAEM) realizan un proyecto enfocado en “la cultura de hacer las cosas bien” donde se propone realizar una sanción informal aquellas personas que cometen actos cívicos erróneos.

    Liberan a un secuestrado y hallan fosas clandestinas en Zitlala

    Elementos de la Base de Operaciones Mixtas (BOM), destacamentados en Chilapa, rescataron a una persona secuestrada en el campamento del municipio de Zitlala, se exhumaron siete cuerpos de fosas clandestinas y se encontraron también cuatro cabezas humanas, las cuales pueden pertenecer a los cuerpos hallados en Tixtla.

    El vocero de seguridad, Roberto Álvarez Heredia informó que en el lugar de los hechos se hallaron cuatro cabezas humanas, así como tres vehículos y varios cargadores para armas de fuego. Por otro lado, los reportes de la Fiscalía General del Estado indican que el hallazgo fue en la comunidad de Tenanchintlán, perteneciente al municipio de Zitlala y se informó que las cabezas encontradas  podrían corresponder a algunos de los cuerpos que fueron hallados la noche del domingo en bolsas que se localizaron en el libramiento de Tixtla, por lo tanto miembros de la Base de Operaciones Mixtas recibieron una denuncia notificando que en “Cerro Boludo” había gente plagiada y, al acudir para verificar los hechos, localizaron a una persona que había sido secuestrada y siete  espacios que fueron utilizados como fosas clandestinas, recuperando, así mismo, los siete cuerpos.

     Asaltan las oficinas de Carmen Aristegui y le roban su computadora

    La reconocida reportera Carmen Aristegui, fue víctima de robo el pasado 13 de noviembre, esto sucedió dentro de sus  oficinas de la ciudad de México, se dice que cinco personas ingresaron y sustrajeron una computadora y dos teléfonos celulares. Se informa que el apoderado legal de la reportera presentó una denuncia el lunes 14 de noviembre, por un robo ocurrido un día antes, alrededor de las 14:00 horas. La denuncia fue hecha a nombre de “Saio Servicios”, empresa propiedad de Carmen y su hermana, María Áurea Aristegui y se dice que el vigilante atendió a dos mujeres vendiendo productos “naturistas”, estas le dieron una bebida que lo mareo y así fue como tres sujetos aprovecharon para ingresar a las instalaciones, dejando dañado cerraduras, vidrios, puertas, además, se llevaron una computadora propiedad de Aristegui donde contiene información importante y confidencial

    Por el momento  el portal web no ha confirmado y según la información proporcionada por fuentes cercanas al caso, los daños ascienden hasta los 120 mil pesos.

    La PGR ofrece 15 mdp por Yarrington

    La Procuraduría General de la República (PGR) ofrece hasta 15 millones de pesos a quien de información para localizar al ex gobernador de Tamaulipas, Tomás Yarrington Ruvalcaba, acusado por facilitar las operaciones del cártel del Golfo y Los Zetas.  Yarrington ha sido buscado en los 190 países que integran la Interpol desde 2012, tras emitirse una ficha roja para su captura. El juez segundo de distrito de procesos penales federales, con residencia en Tamaulipas, libró la orden de aprehensión contra el ex mandatario por delitos contra la salud en su modalidad de fomento y por haber adquirido de forma ilícita propiedades por medio de prestanombres en Texas, según el Departamento  de Justicia estadounidense.

    Los estadounidenses  presumen que Yarrington facilitó el tráfico de drogas de los cáteles y según las declaraciones de Antonio Peña Argüelles, detenido en San Antonio Texas, éste era su intermediario con los líderes de las organizaciones criminales.

    Jóvenes, promueven la mejoría de la ciudad de Cuernavaca

    Los alumnos de la Licenciatura en Seguridad Ciudadana de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (UAEM) y estudiantes de telesecundaria presentaron su proyecto  “la cultura de hacer las cosas bien” los cuales impulsan la cultura de la legalidad. El secretario de Desarrollo Social municipal, Demetrio Chavira de la Torre, destaco el impulso de los jóvenes para mejorar la ciudad.

    El objetivo es realizar una sanción informal a personas que cometen actos cívicos erróneos, como tirar basura, no respetar lugares de estacionamiento para discapacitados o conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol, entre otros. El proyecto consiste en  mostrar tarjetas informativas con mensajes de reflexión y concientización, mientras se está disfrazado de algún personaje representativo de alguna figura de autoridad para tener un mejor impacto social.

    Por su parte, los alumnos de la telesecundaria “Lázaro Cárdenas” presentaron el proyecto “Una cancha para todos”, donde se buscan desarrollar actividades de convivencia y participación juvenil en áreas comunes de la colonia Chipitlán. Chavira de la Torre comento que la idea de este tipo de programas es abrir espacios a través del Instituto de la Juventud, para busca la sinergia de trabajo hacia el bienestar de Cuernavaca y tener una mejor participación social desde el Ayuntamiento.

    La Gran Época le recomienda el siguiente artículo: Argentina: especialistas cuestionan los derechos humanos en China

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    Eñigio Rojas.- Por órdenes de la ministra Iris Varela, los tres pranes que el año pasado lideraron el motín dentro de la Penitenciaria General de Venezuela (PGV) fueron recluidos en área de máxima seguridad del Centro Penitenciario de Formación del Hombre Nuevo “El Libertador”, ubicado en Tocuyito (Car). “Estamos ubicándolos en un solo sitio para tenerlos a la orden de las investigaciones; no habrá impunidad con estos crímenes”, dijo Varela a Últimas Noticias.

    Los sujetos son Jean Manuel Montilla (El Chimaras), Nelson Barreto (El Ratón) y Franklin Hernández Quezada (Franklin Masacre), quienes estaban presos en el Centro para Procesados “26 de Julio” desde el 28 de octubre de 2016, día en que se entregaron a las autoridades para dar paso al plan de pacificación en la PGV.

    Pero tras el desenterramiento de 14 cadáveres que estaban en una fosa común de la PGV, Varela ordenó sacarlos de la “26 de Julio”, que queda en San Juan de los Morros (Guá), y recluirlos en Tocuyito (Car). Sospechan que el trío de pranes son los autores de la fosa común.

    Al parecer allí enterraban a los presos que morían torturados por “Franklin Masacre”, quien no toleraba que los reos se atrasaran con el pago de las causas, una especie de “impuesto por vivir” que rondaba los Bs 2.500 cada semana.

    El Grupo de Respuesta Inmediata del Ministerio Penitenciario y obreros que trabajaban en la refacción de la PGV dieron con los restos humanos. El Ministerio Público envió un equipo de expertos para la investigación penal abierta, según boletín de prensa.

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    – El principal agregador de noticias descubre cómo seguimos, compartimos y usamos las noticias.  

    SAN FRANCISCO, 17 de julio de 2014 /PRNewswire/ — News Republic, una aplicación de noticias que agrega noticias globales para smartphones, tabletas y dispositivos portátiles, ha anunciado hoy los resultados de una encuesta global anual sobre cómo y por qué las personas consumen noticias. News Republic recogió casi 14.000 respuestas de personas en países como EE. UU., Francia, Alemania, Reino Unido, Italia y España.  

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    “La prensa parece ser el tejido conector de la humanidad”, dijo Gilles Raymond,consejero delegado y fundador de News Republic. “En cada país encuestado, ‘Sentirse conectado con el mundo’ es el principal motive para seguir las noticias”.

    El análisis de la encuesta aporta luz sobre las similitudes y diferencias de cómo las nacionalidades se implican con las noticias. Además, los resultados ofrecen perspectivas interesantes sobre el papel del género en la implicación con las noticias.  

    Similitudes en el consumo de noticias globalmente

    • 1 de cada 2 lectores en cada país encuestado comparte las noticias para mostrar apoyo por un tema.   
    • Aunque las noticias nacionales son las más importantes para cada lector en cada país, la mayoría de los lectores (60 %) también está interesado en las noticias internacionales. Y todo el mundo está más interesado en las noticias tecnológicas que en las empresariales.
    • 7 de cada 10 altos ejecutivos en los países encuestados revisan las noticias en aplicaciones móviles cada día. 1 de cada 3 le dedican entre 30 y 60 minutos al día.
    • Los resultados son similares para estudiantes de todos los países: el 70 % de ellos utilizan una aplicación de noticias móvil cada día. Y el 30 % de ellos dedican casi una hora a la prensa cada día.  
    • Los franceses, alemanes y estadounidenses están de acuerdo en una cosa: 7 de cada 10 en estos tres países están de acuerdo en que seguir las noticias les ayuda a tener conversaciones más interesantes.  

    Y algunas diferencias

    • 1 de cada 2 estadounidenses que lee noticias se siente más inteligente frente a 1 de cada 50 españoles.  
    • Más de 3 de cada 4 lectores franceses y británicos no están interesados en las noticias económicas. Los alemanes, estadunidenses e italianos, sí.  
    • 6 de cada 10 americanos dicen que seguir las noticias les ayuda a tomar mejores decisiones frente a 2 de cada 10 españoles.
    • Los franceses (43 %) son los más propensos a compartir las noticias para mostrar desprecio por un tema, los británicos (40 %) para divertirse y los estadounidenses (33 %) para inspirarse.
    • El mundo se divide en utilizar dispositivos portátiles para seguir las noticias. La mitad, a favor. La mitad, en contra. Los sentimientos más fuertes están en España y Francia: 7 de cada 10 españoles dijo: “Sí”, pero 7 de cada 10 franceses fijo: “No”.  

    Además, la encuesta explora cómo y por qué los lectores consumen y comparten noticias:

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    Lake Charles, LA (KPLC) – Locally our weather will remain very summer like through Saturday. Tonight, will be warm and muggy with lows only reaching the mid to upper 70s under partly cloudy skies. The next several days we will see highs reach the low 90s, but with the humidity the heat index will range from 100 to 105! Rain chances will be 40% through Saturday, and most likely in the afternoon hours.

    Beyond Saturday our forecast is still somewhat uncertain due to Tropical Storm Ida which is currently located southeast of the Cayman Islands. It is expected to continue moving northwestward until landfall sometime late Sunday or early Monday.

    Unfortunately, any hope of this missing the United States appears to be gone, and it is growing very likely that someone along the upper Gulf coast may see a major hurricane make landfall! And because it is already farther north landfall will likely occur sooner too.

    First Alert Forecast(KPLC)

    There is still a fair amount of uncertainty regarding the track, even though today the models have grown very consistent on a landfall over Louisiana or Mississippi. I expect this variability to decrease Friday morning when additional data gets put into the computer models. Right now, the forecast cone includes the entire coast of Louisiana and thus everyone should prepare for a possible hurricane. Though I expect some areas will be removed from said cone as landfall grows near.

    First Alert Forecast(KPLC)

    As of 10 p.m. Thursday a Hurricane Watch is in effect from Cameron to the Mississippi/Alabama border; this means portions of Cameron parish are included in this watch. That means hurricane force winds are possible within the next 48 hours. Also a Storm Surge Watch has been issued from Sabine Pass to the Florida border; this means a storm surge is possible in these areas. But the greatest surge would be east of the center at landfall. If the eastward trends continue the watch could be trimmed down, but we likely won’t see that until the landfall location becomes more certain.

    First Alert Forecast(KPLC)

    It is too early to talk any specific impacts to SWLA because of the uncertainty on the track. But for now it would be best to plan for gusty winds and higher seas. So, pick up or secure any loose items you may outside your home, if it could blow away then secure it so it does not. Also make sure you know what your next step is if there is a change in the track toward our area. You need to think about where you would go if you were evacuating; and keep in mind other areas may be in the path too. That call may never come for that depending on the track, and I think we will know that more Friday.

    First Alert Forecast(KPLC)

    So here is the bottom-line: SWLA is in the forecast cone of a potential major hurricane, and we should be preparing for that now. However model trends have been going in a positive direction for us with tracks farther east. Unfortunately, that is not set in stone just yet, hopefully we get more clarity on that Friday. It looks very likely that someone from Louisiana to Mississippi will see major hurricane as soon as Sunday!

    Be sure to stay tuned to KPLC for updates and be very careful about other information you may find on social media. I have seen a lot of disinformation and downright incorrect information posted and then shared. We here at KPLC do not believe in hyping things up and will always tell it to you straight; if we see a problem ahead, we will let you know. Stay calm and we will get through whatever hopefully does not come our way…

    Chief Meteorologist Wade Hampton

    Copyright 2021 KPLC. All rights reserved.

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    On Thursday, a social media video showed protesters outside the home of a white man who was captured on video aggressively pushing and harassing a Black man on a sidewalk Monday in a South Carolina neighborhood.

    The alleged aggressor is reported to be U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Captain Jonathan Pentland, whose social media accounts showed Pentland has been stationed as a drill sergeant at Fort Jackson since 2019, according to the Associated Press.

    According to multiple reports, Pentland has been arrested and charged with third-degree assault.

    In the video, a Black female masked protester outside of what believed to be Pentland’s home, shouts, “We just want to talk, we want to understand some things, that’s it. What you gonna do? You gonna stay in here every day?”

    “No justice, no peace!” another protester can be heard shouting in the background.

    The three-minute video was first posted to Facebook on Monday by Shirrell Johnson and had been shared around 17,000 times. It also has been shared widely on Twitter and it does not capture what prompted the altercation.

    On Facebook, Johnson identified the Black man as “Deandre,” and said that the incident occurred in the Summit, a housing development near the city of Columbia, South Carolina, where Johnson said the man lives.

    Initially, the video shows the man, reportedly Pentland, asking Deandre what he is doing in the neighborhood before repeatedly telling him to “go away.”

    Deandre tells him to call the police, and a woman who is identified by the aggressor as his wife says that they have already been called.

    Then, the man is seen shoving Deandre.

    “Walk away!” he screams. “I need you to walk away, or I’m going to carry your a** out of here.”

    Afterward, Deandre, who remains calm throughout the video, says, “You better not touch me,” which prompts the aggressor to ask, “Or what? What are you going to do?”

    “You’re in the wrong neighborhood m*****f*****,” he said before adding that Deandre was harassing the neighborhood while continuing to threaten him to leave.

    According to the Associated Press, Johnson did not respond to a request for additional details about the video.

    Johnson wrote on Facebook that a young lady recorded the video for Deandre’s safety and authorized Johnson to post it. She mentioned a second instance of assault not captured on video in which the man believed to be Pentland slapped Deandre’s phone out of his hand and shattered it.

    When an officer arrived on the scene and was informed by Johnson and the woman who recorded the video that Deandre was assaulted, the officer said that the man could only be charged with malicious injury to property and not assault, according to Johnson.

    “The only thing he did was be black while walking!!!,” Johnson wrote, concluding her post.

    After @Angry_Staffer tweeted on Tuesday, “Hey @fortjackson / @fortjacksoncg, do you condone this behavior from Staff Sergeant Pentland?,” Fort Jackson and its Commanding Brig. Gen. Milford H. Beagle Jr. issued a reaction.

    “This type of behavior is not consistent with our Army Values and will not be condoned,” the account for Fort Jackson said on Twitter and Facebook on Wednesday, noting that they are aware of the video.

    “We will get to the bottom of this ASAP,” Beagle responded to @Angry_Staffer on Tuesday.

    This is by no means condoned by any service member. We will get to the bottom of this ASAP.

    — Fort Jackson Commanding General (@fortjacksoncg) April 14, 2021

    Fort Jackson is the largest U.S. Army basic training base.

    Newsweek has reached out to Fort Jackson for comment but did not hear back in time for publication.

    A person holds a ‘no justice no peace’ sign at the Rally Held On Birthday Of Trans Activist Marsha P. Johnson in Washington Square Park on August 24, 2020 in New York City. “No justice, no peace,” was shouted on Thursday by a protester outside of a home of a man who was captured on video harassing a Black man in a South Carolina neighborhood on Monday.
    Alexi Rosenfeld/Getty Images

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    Mexican-American journalist Jorge Ramos talks to the media after his crew’s release

    US broadcaster Univision says its team was briefly detained in the Venezuelan presidential palace where they had been interviewing President Nicolás Maduro.

    The incident happened after award-winning journalist Jorge Ramos showed Mr Maduro images of Venezuelans eating from a bin lorry, the network says.

    Their equipment was confiscated.

    Venezuela’s Information Minister Jorge Rodríguez said the government had welcomed hundreds of journalists but it did not support “cheap shows”.

    Univision, the leading Spanish-language TV network in the US, said the six-member crew had been released after almost three hours but that their recording and personal belongings had not been returned.

    Speaking on Univision, Mr Ramos said Mr Maduro “had not liked” some of the questions about “the lack of democracy in Venezuela, torture, political prisoners and the humanitarian crisis”.

    “He got up after I showed him videos of young people eating out of a bin lorry,” he said of the interview at the Miraflores palace in the capital, Caracas.

    “What I told Nicolás Maduro is that millions of Venezuelans and many governments around the world don’t consider him a legitimate president but a dictator.”

    During their detention, Mr Ramos and Univision Vice President María Martínez were kept for “a few minutes” in a separate room where the lights were turned off, the broadcaster said.

    The Univision crew will be deported on Tuesday, Reuters news agency reports.

    Mr Ramos, a veteran Mexican-born American journalist, is known for his confrontational style of questioning. In 2015, he was thrown out of a news conference of then-presidential candidate Donald Trump.

    Media captionThe moment Venezuelan troops crashed through border into Colombia

    Natalie Southwick, Central and South America programme co-ordinator of the Committee to Protect Journalists, said: “By shutting down an interview and censoring one of Latin America’s most high-profile reporters, Nicolás Maduro has demonstrated his fundamental disregard for the press.”

    Last month, several local and foreign journalists were briefly detained while working in Caracas. Some ended up being deported.

    On Twitter, Mr Rodríguez added: “Hundreds of journalists have come through Miraflores who have received decent treatment that we always give to those who do journalistic work.”

    Earlier, a group of Latin American countries and Canada said Mr Maduro was a threat to peace and security in the region and called for his immediate exit, a democratic transition and free elections.

    Meeting in the Colombian capital, Bogotá, the Lima group urged the International Criminal Court to consider whether Venezuela was guilty of crimes against humanity for refusing to allow aid into the country.

    At least two people died in Saturday’s clashes between civilians and troops loyal to Mr Maduro that blocked the entrance of foreign aid organised by opposition leader and self-declared interim President Juan Guaidó.

    Mr Maduro says the aid efforts are part of a US-orchestrated coup.

    In other developments:

    • More than 100 soldiers are said to have defected since the weekend. Speaking to the BBC, some of them say they fear for the safety of their families
    • The US has announced new sanctions against four Venezuelan state governors allied with Mr Maduro
    • The UN Security Council is due to meet later on Tuesday to discuss the crisis

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    President Donald Trump spoke for more than an hour and 20 minutes last night, but the moment that may be remembered best from his State of the Union address had no words at all. 

    It was when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) stood and applauded a line from Trump’s speech in a way that seemed rife with sarcasm to many observers. 

    The moment came after an eyebrow-raising call for unity from Trump that seemed at direct odds with his own long history of Twitter insults, especially coming on the heels of a pre-speech luncheon in which he reportedly insulted multiple political rivals.   

    “We must reject the politics of revenge, resistance and retribution, and embrace the boundless potential of cooperation, compromise and the common good,” Trump said in his State of the Union address.

    U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat from California, right, and U.S. Vice President Mike Pence, left, applaud U.S. President Donald Trump as he arrives to deliver a State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2019. Trump will speak to a House chamber full of Democrats jostling to challenge his re-election, with many female lawmakers planning to dress in suffragette white and his chief antagonist Nancy Pelosi seated at the dais behind him. Photographer: Al Drago/Bloomberg via Getty Images

    Pelosi then stood and clapped, aiming her applause at Trump, which rapidly turned into a meme: 

    • This article originally appeared on HuffPost.

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    Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker says that he will revise executive orders to sync up with new CDC guidelines on mask wearing by vaccinated individuals in indoor and outdoor spaces.

    The new guidelines, released Thursday, say that masks are no longer recommended for individuals who are fully vaccinated against coronavirus, paving the way for a return to normalcy as summer nears.

    “I firmly believe in following the science, and will revise my executive orders in line with CDC guidelines lifting additional mitigations for vaccinated people,” Pritzker said. “The scientists’ message is clear: if you are vaccinated, you can safely do much more.”

    The CDC revised its guidelines on Thursday, saying that vaccinated individuals should not be required to wear masks in indoor and outdoor settings, with some exceptions.

    The guidance still advises individuals to wear masks in crowded indoor settings like buses, planes, hospitals, prisons and homeless shelters.

    Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the director of the CDC, cited evidence and the efficacy of the COVID vaccine, along with decreasing COVID case numbers, as main reasons for the change.

    “If you are fully vaccinated, you can start doing the things that you had stopped doing because of the pandemic,” she said.

    Individuals with compromised immune systems should consult with physicians before removing their masks, and individuals may be required to continue wearing them in certain instances, including at private businesses.

    Pritzker’s administration has said it would continue to follow CDC guidance on mask-wearing, even as the state prepares to move into a so-called “Bridge Phase” in its COVID reopening plans. In that phase, capacity at outdoor events will increase dramatically, with Cubs and White Sox games now permitting up to 60% capacity.

    If numbers continue to decline, Pritzker says the state could move to Phase Five, a full removal of all remaining COVID mitigations, by June 11.

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    An old tweet from White House press secretary Jen Psaki is coming back to haunt her amid reports of the controversial July phone call between President Biden and then-Afghan President Ashraf Ghani as the administration pursued the military withdrawal from Afghanistan

    According to a transcript of the July 23 presidential call reviewed by Reuters, Biden didn’t anticipate the Taliban’s rapid advance across Afghanistan, which ended when its fighters stormed Kabul on Aug. 15 and Ghani fled the presidential palace. Instead, Biden focused much of the 14-minute call on the Afghan government’s “perception” problem, Reuters reported.

    “I need not tell you the perception around the world and in parts of Afghanistan, I believe, is that things are not going well in terms of the fight against the Taliban,” Biden said. “And there is a need, whether it is true or not, there is a need to project a different picture.”


    That exchange has fueled accusations that Biden misled the nation about Afghanistan’s stability in order to follow through with the military withdrawal despite the underlining threat from the Taliban. 

    However, a 2019 tweet from the then-CNN contributor called for transparency in the early weeks of then-President Donald Trump’s Ukraine scandal that ultimately resulted in his impeachment. It chiefly involved a phone call Trump had with counterpart Volodymyr Zelenskyy about investigating Biden and his son Hunter.

    “It is not just the call transcript. The whistleblower complaint would likely have more details. We need both. And not just the call,” Psaki wrote at the time.

    Some critics appeared to hail Psaki’s call for transparency while others called out her apparent double standard. 

    “100% Agree,” Spectator contributor Stephen Miller reacted, adding “Will be weird if journos decide to just ignore this one.”


    “But now you refuse to answer questions on Biden’s call with Ghani? What happened to the promise that this administration will be about ‘truth and transparency?’” political strategist VF Castro told Psaki. 

    Psaki did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment. 

    At the White House press briefing on Wednesday, Psaki dodged questions about Biden’s phone call with Ghani. 

    “Well, I’m not going to get into private, diplomatic conversations or leaked transcripts of phone calls,” Psaki said. “But what I can reiterate for you is that we have stated many times that no one anticipated … that the Taliban would be able to take over the country as quickly as they did or that the Afghan National Security Forces would fold as quickly as they did.” 


    “So even the content of the reporting is consistent with what we’ve said many times publicly,” she continued. “I’ll also note something the president said in his press conference around the same time of this reported phone call: The Afghan government and leadership has to come together. They clearly have the capacity to sustain the government in place. The question is, will they generate the kind of cohesion to do it.”

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    Patrons in Grand Central Market in Los Angeles wore masks on Tuesday. California’s Department of Public Health recommended on Wednesday that people wear masks indoors regardless of vaccination status.Credit…Alex Welsh for The New York Times

    The new guidance about mask-wearing that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued on Tuesday is not legally binding, leaving it up to state and local officials to decide whether and how to implement it. And that in turn depends greatly on local politics.

    The C.D.C.’s recommendation that all adults in areas where the coronavirus is spreading rapidly go back to wearing masks indoors, even if they are fully vaccinated, was met with a sharp backlash in some areas, especially from political leaders in Republican-leaning states where mask mandates have been banned.

    Officials in some states took the new guidance and swiftly ran with it. Others decided to take a wait-and-see approach.

    In New Jersey, where eight of 21 counties meet the C.D.C.’s threshold, Gov. Philip D. Murphy, a Democrat, “strongly recommended” that all residents wear masks in indoor settings where the risk of spread may be high. In California, the public health department recommended residents wear masks in indoor public spaces, regardless of vaccination status. The moves came a day after the officials in Illinois joined the C.D.C. in recommending face coverings, and after Nevada issued a mask mandate.

    Dr. Ngozi Ezike, director of the Illinois Department of Public Health, said that even though current vaccines are effective, including the highly contagious Delta variant, “we are still seeing the virus rapidly spread among the unvaccinated,” increasing the risk for everyone.

    Gov. Steve Sisolak, a Democrat of Nevada, went further, reinstating a mask mandate set to take effect on Friday for all residents in indoor public spaces in counties with high rates of transmission, including Clark County, home to Las Vegas.

    In Washington State, Gov. Jay Inslee urged all residents on Wednesday to follow the C.D.C.’s new mask guidance, but did not issue a mandate.

    Other jurisdictions, including Delaware, the District of Columbia, and New York, were among the jurisdictions saying that said they would review the C.D.C.’s guidance before making any decisions. While all of New York City currently exceeds the coronavirus transmission threshold that the C.D.C. set to determine where indoor masking is needed, Mayor Bill de Blasio said at a news conference on Wednesday that the city was still evaluating the guidance and the research and data that underpinned it.

    And several Republican governors just said no, including Greg Abbott of Texas, Doug Ducey of Arizona, Pete Ricketts of Nebraska, Kim Reynolds of Iowa, and Brian Kemp of Georgia. Conservatives in those states have often cast public health measures as an attack on freedom.

    “I’m concerned that this guidance will be used as a vehicle to mandate masks in states and schools across the country, something I do not support,” Ms. Reynolds said in a statement.

    Mr. Abbott, who signed an executive order in May preventing local governments from requiring masks, said that wearing a face covering was a matter of personal responsibility.

    “Every Texan has the right to choose whether they will wear a mask or have their children wear masks,” Mr. Abbott wrote in a tweet.

    Meanwhile, Apple said it will start requiring employees and customers to wear masks regardless of their vaccination status in certain stores across the country in accordance with the new C.D.C. guidelines.

    C.D.C. officials also called on Tuesday for universal masking for teachers, staff, students and visitors in schools, regardless of vaccination status and transmission rates of the virus. Some school districts in Alabama and Georgia did not wait for state governments to weigh in, and immediately instituted their own mask requirements. Mr. Inslee of Washington said his state would retain its school mask mandate for students and staff.

    In Florida, where new case reports have surged nearly tenfold over the last month to an average of more than 10,000 a day, Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, a Republican, issued a statement encouraging parents in his state to decide what’s best for their children when it comes to masking.

    The governor did not address the new guidance about vaccinated adults at a news conference in Milton, Fla., on Wednesday. Florida never had a statewide mask mandate.

    Mayor Daniella Levine Cava of Miami-Dade County, Fla., said at a news conference on Wednesday that masks would be required for employees and visitors at all indoor county facilities.

    “I have pledged from the beginning that if we see a spike in the positivity rates that we would take all the necessary steps to protect the community, including making updated recommendations,” she said.

    Other jurisdictions, like Los Angeles County and St. Louis County, Mo., had reinstated mask mandates even before the C.D.C.’s announcement.

    But in a sign of the political challenges some local officials face, the St. Louis County Council voted on Tuesday evening to repeal the order. The move came a day after Attorney General Eric Schmitt of Missouri, a Republican, filed a lawsuit seeking to halt implementation of the county mandate, which is still in effect in the city of St. Louis.

    On Wednesday, Mr. Schmitt wrote on Twitter that he plans to sue Kansas City, Mo., as well, following an announcement by Mayor Quinton Lucas that he would reimpose a mask mandate.

    In Georgia, Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms of Atlanta on Wednesday issued a mask mandate in indoor public spaces, even after Gov. Kemp said he opposed them.

    “Georgia is not moving backwards,” he said on Twitter.

    The Biden administration asked White House staffers on Tuesday to wear masks indoors, and the Office of Management and Budget detailed new mask rules for federal agencies. In an email obtained by The New York Times, the agency said, “In areas of substantial or high community transmission, agencies must require all federal employees, on-site contractors, and visitors, regardless of vaccination status, to wear a mask inside of federal buildings.”

    Alan Rappeport and Michael Gold contributed reporting.

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    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced Tuesday it will extend the federal eviction moratorium through October 3, 2021 after the ban lapsed over the weekend.

    The announcement comes after pressure from House Democrats including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., and Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo. The White House previously said Biden did not have the authority extend the ban, given a June Supreme Court ruling that said only Congress can enact a such a ban. Congressional Democrats did not appear to have enough votes to do so, and the House is currently in recess.

    Now, the CDC will instead issue a ban in counties “experiencing substantial and high levels of community transmission levels” of in Covid-19, which will cover an estimated 90% of renters, according to Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.

    The White House is also calling on state and local governments to do everything they can to get out the $46 billion in emergency rental relief Congress has allocated. So far, only an estimated $3 billion has been disbursed.

    The extended moratorium should give states the time they need to get the money out, says Diane Yentel, president and CEO of the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC).

    “This is a tremendous relief for millions of people who were on the cusp of losing their homes and, with them, their ability to stay safe during the pandemic,” Yentel says.

    An estimated 11 million adults are currently behind on their rental payments. Since the moratorium expired on Saturday, housing attorneys said there had already been an uptick in eviction filings.

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    El entrenador del Real Madrid, Carlo Ancelotti, ha asegurado este viernes que si Iker Casillas es el portero elegido para formar este sábado ante el Villarreal en El Madrigal es que es “el mejor”, y ha negado que tenga la idea de alinear a un guardameta en los partidos en el Santiago Bernabéu y a otro en los duelos fuera de casa.

    En el mismo orden de cosas, reconoció que Casillas y Navas “se llevan bien”. “No sé si van a comer juntos, se respetan como profesionales y compañeros”, dijo antes de negar que el centroamericano haya calificado de “arcaicos” los métodos de Villiam Vecchi. “No tiene sentido. Vecchi es el mejor entrenador de porteros del mundo. Son mentiras, una locura”, aseveró.

    “Tengo muy buenos delanteros y muy buenos porteros. Tengo cariño a todos los jugadores, tengo que elegir una alineación. No me parece justo hacer una tabla de mejores. Si Iker juega es que en mi opinión es el mejor”, señaló en la rueda de prensa previa, en la que desveló que tanto Pepe como Coentrao no están disponibles para viajar a Villarreal.

    Además, Carlo descartó que el delantero portugués Cristiano Ronaldo vaya a abandonar el club blanco. “Son discursos sin sentido, Cristiano está bien aquí, muy motivado, y el madridismo encantado con Cristiano. Son cosas sin sentido”, afirmó. “En este momento es el mejor jugador del mundo sin duda. Marcar al mejor jugador del mundo no es fácil. Es un gran profesional, un líder, tenemos que disfrutarlo y hacer lo máximo para tenerlo en una condición física y mental para que nos ayude a ganar títulos”, profundizó.

    Por otra parte, aseguró que el francés Karim Benzema no debe estar preocupado por la racha goleadora del resto de delanteros del equipo. “No tiene que estar preocupado si un compañero marca, tiene que estar contento por la capacidad del equipo para marcar goles. No tiene presión, tiene que trabajar para que el equipo juegue mejor”, apuntó Ancelotti.

    En este sentido, el preparador madridista afirmó que la competencia dentro de la plantilla “es buena”. “Permite entrenar al máximo para jugar. Es necesaria porque hay muchos partidos y no podemos pensar en once jugadores para todas las competiciones. El único problema sería un jugador que no respetase la decisión del entrenador, pero no tengo ese problema”, subrayó.

    También destacó la mejoría del galés Gareth Bale. “Tiene una experiencia que el año pasado no tenía. Conoce nuestro juego y nuestra filosofía, es un jugador muy importante. Lo que hizo el año pasado lo puede mejorar este año”, indicó.

    Sobre si el equipo se siente más cómodo con tres hombres arriba -con Benzema- o sin una referencia, Ancelotti señaló que lo importante es controlar el balón. “No he hablado de esto. Se encuentran bien cuando tenemos el control del balón y no estamos tan cómodos cuando el balón lo tiene el equipo contrario. Estamos intentando mejorar esto”, aseveró.

    El italiano analizó también a su rival del sábado, el Villarreal. “El año pasado no lo pasamos muy bien. Es un equipo bueno, rápido, dinámico, con buena organización del juego. Estamos preparados para un partido complicado. Será importante el principio del partido, debemos salir con intensidad y agresividad como contra el Deportivo”, ahondó.

    Por último, sobre si prefiere superar el récord goleador del Real Madrid de Mourinho o ser el equipo menos goleado, Ancelotti fue claro. “Creo que al final los equipos que tienen más posibilidades de ganar títulos son los que tienen más solidez. Si no encajas muchos goles tienes más posibilidades. Marcar goles para este equipo nunca será un problema. Buscar solidez defensiva es una gran ventaja”, concluyó.

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    The announcement on Monday stems from a separate dispute that began in 2004 related to government subsidies that Europe provides to Airbus, which is a rival to America’s Boeing.

    Last May, the World Trade Organization found that Airbus had received illegal funding for several of its models. The United States requested the authority to impose retaliatory tariffs of $11.2 billion per year, and the two sides are awaiting a decision on the level of tariffs that America will be authorized to levy on the European Union.

    In preparation for that decision, which is expected this summer, the United States announced Monday night that it was beginning to identify a list of European products to tax, so it could impose the duties as soon as the organization makes a ruling. The initial list of American levies would cover $11 billion of trade in products including airplanes, cheese, fish, wine, clothing, nails, pipes and clocks — the same dollar amount of harm that the United States Trade Representative estimates European subsidies cause each year.

    “This case has been in litigation for 14 years, and the time has come for action,” Robert Lighthizer, the United States Trade Representative, said in a statement.

    “Our ultimate goal is to reach an agreement with the E.U. to end all W.T.O.-inconsistent subsidies to large civil aircraft,” Mr. Lighthizer said. “When the E.U. ends these harmful subsidies, the additional U.S. duties imposed in response can be lifted.”

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